Title: | Planning and Analyzing Dose Finding Experiments |
Description: | The DoseFinding package provides functions for the design and analysis of dose-finding experiments (with focus on pharmaceutical Phase II clinical trials). It provides functions for: multiple contrast tests, fitting non-linear dose-response models (using Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation), calculating optimal designs and an implementation of the MCPMod methodology (Pinheiro et al. (2014) <doi:10.1002/sim.6052>). |
Authors: | Bjoern Bornkamp [aut]
Maintainer: | Marius Thomas <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.3-1 |
Built: | 2025-03-11 17:24:23 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
For ‘type = "Bayes"’, MCMC sampling from the posterior distribution of
the dose-response model is done. The function assumes a multivariate
normal distribution for resp
with covariance matrix S
and this is taken as likelihood function and combined with the prior
distributions specified in prior to form the posterior distribution.
For ‘type = "bootstrap"’, a multivariate normal distribution for
with covariance matrix S
is assumed, and a large
number of samples is drawn from this distribution. For each draw the
fitMod function with ‘type = "general"’ is used to fit the draws
from the multivariate normal distribution.
bFitMod(dose, resp, model, S, placAdj = FALSE, type = c("Bayes", "bootstrap"), start = NULL, prior = NULL, nSim = 1000, MCMCcontrol = list(), control = NULL, bnds, addArgs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'bFitMod' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'bFitMod' predict(object, predType = c("full-model", "effect-curve"), summaryFct = function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)), doseSeq = NULL, lenSeq = 101, ...) ## S3 method for class 'bFitMod' plot(x, plotType = c("dr-curve", "effect-curve"), quant = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "none"), level = 0.95, lenDose = 201, ...)
bFitMod(dose, resp, model, S, placAdj = FALSE, type = c("Bayes", "bootstrap"), start = NULL, prior = NULL, nSim = 1000, MCMCcontrol = list(), control = NULL, bnds, addArgs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'bFitMod' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'bFitMod' predict(object, predType = c("full-model", "effect-curve"), summaryFct = function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)), doseSeq = NULL, lenSeq = 101, ...) ## S3 method for class 'bFitMod' plot(x, plotType = c("dr-curve", "effect-curve"), quant = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "none"), level = 0.95, lenDose = 201, ...)
dose |
Numeric specifying the dose variable. |
resp |
Numeric specifying the response estimate
corresponding to the doses in |
S |
Covariance matrix associated with the dose-response
estimate specified via |
model |
Dose-response model to fit, possible models are
"linlog", "linear", "quadratic", "emax", "exponential",
"sigEmax", "betaMod" and "logistic", see |
placAdj |
Whether or not estimates in "placAdj" are placebo-adjusted (note that the linear in log and the logistic model cannot be fitted for placebo-adjusted data) |
type |
Character with allowed values "Bayes" and "bootstrap", Determining whether samples are drawn from the posterior, or the bootstrap distribution. |
start |
Optional starting values for the dose-response parameters in the MCMC algorithm. |
prior |
List containing the information regarding the prior distributions
for ‘type = "Bayes"’.
The list needs to have as many entries as there are model
parameters. The ordering of the list entries should be the same as
in the arguments list of the model see (see For each list entry the user has the choice to choose from 4 possible distributions:
nSim |
Desired number of samples to produce with the algorithm |
MCMCcontrol |
List of control parameters for the MCMC algorithm
control |
Same as the control argument in |
bnds |
Bounds for non-linear parameters, in case ‘type =
"bootstrap"’. If missing the the default bounds from
addArgs |
List containing two entries named "scal" and "off" for the "betaMod" and "linlog" model. When addArgs is NULL the following defaults are used ‘list(scal = 1.2*max(doses), off = 0.01*max(doses))’ |
x , object
A bFitMod object |
predType , summaryFct , doseSeq , lenSeq
Arguments for the predict method. ‘predType’: predType determines whether predictions are returned for the dose-response curve or the effect curve (difference to placebo). ‘summaryFct’: If equal to NULL predictions are calculated for each sampled parameter value. Otherwise a summary function is applied to the dose-response predictions for each parameter value. The default is to calculate 0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975 quantiles of the predictions for each dose. ‘doseSeq’: Where to calculate predictions. If not specified predictions are calculated on a grid of length ‘lenSeq’ between minimum and maximum dose. ‘lenSeq’: Length of the default grid where to calculate predictions. |
plotType , quant , plotData , level , lenDose
Arguments for plot method. ‘plotType’: Determining whether the dose-response curve or the effect curve should be plotted. ‘quant’: Vector of quantiles to display in plot ‘plotData’: Determines how the original data are plotted: Either as means or as means with CI or not. The level of the CI is determined by the argument ‘level’. ‘level’: Level for CI, when plotData is equal to ‘meansCI’. ‘lenDose’: Number of grid values to use for display. |
... |
Additional arguments are ignored. |
Componentwise univariate slice samplers are implemented (see Neal, 2003) to sample from the posterior distribution.
An object of class bFitMod, which is a list containing the matrix of posterior simulations plus some additional information on the fitted model.
Bjoern Bornkamp
Neal, R. M. (2003), Slice sampling, Annals of Statistics, 31, 705-767
data(biom) ## produce first stage fit (using dose as factor) anMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)-1, data=biom) drFit <- coef(anMod) S <- vcov(anMod) dose <- sort(unique(biom$dose)) ## define prior list ## normal prior for E0 (mean=0 and sdev=10) ## normal prior for Emax (mean=0 and sdev=100) ## beta prior for ED50: bounds: [0,1.5] parameters shape1=0.45, shape2=1.7 prior <- list(norm = c(0, 10), norm = c(0,100), beta=c(0,1.5,0.45,1.7)) ## now fit an emax model gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, S, model = "emax", start = c(0, 1, 0.1), nSim = 1000, prior = prior) ## summary information gsample ## samples are stored in head(gsample$samples) ## predict 0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975 Quantile at 0, 0.5 and 1 predict(gsample, doseSeq = c(0, 0.5, 1)) ## simple plot function plot(gsample) ## now look at bootstrap distribution gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, S, model = "emax", type = "bootstrap", nSim = 100, bnds = defBnds(1)$emax) plot(gsample) ## now fit linear interpolation prior <- list(norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,100)) gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, S, model = "linInt", start = rep(1,5), nSim = 1000, prior = prior) gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, S, model = "linInt", type = "bootstrap", nSim = 100) ## data fitted on placebo adjusted scale data(IBScovars) anovaMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)+gender, data=IBScovars) drFit <- coef(anovaMod)[2:5] # placebo adjusted estimates at doses vCov <- vcov(anovaMod)[2:5,2:5] dose <- sort(unique(IBScovars$dose))[-1] prior <- list(norm = c(0,100), beta=c(0,6,0.45,1.7)) ## Bayes fit gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, vCov, model = "emax", placAdj=TRUE, start = c(1, 0.1), nSim = 1000, prior = prior) ## bootstrap fit gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, vCov, model = "emax", placAdj=TRUE, type = "bootstrap", start = c(1, 0.1), nSim = 100, prior = prior, bnds = c(0.01,6)) ## calculate target dose estimate TD(gsample, Delta = 0.2) ## now fit linear interpolation prior <- list(norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,100)) gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, vCov, model = "linInt", placAdj=TRUE, start = rep(1,4), nSim = 1000, prior = prior) gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, vCov, model = "linInt", type = "bootstrap", placAdj = TRUE, nSim = 100)
data(biom) ## produce first stage fit (using dose as factor) anMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)-1, data=biom) drFit <- coef(anMod) S <- vcov(anMod) dose <- sort(unique(biom$dose)) ## define prior list ## normal prior for E0 (mean=0 and sdev=10) ## normal prior for Emax (mean=0 and sdev=100) ## beta prior for ED50: bounds: [0,1.5] parameters shape1=0.45, shape2=1.7 prior <- list(norm = c(0, 10), norm = c(0,100), beta=c(0,1.5,0.45,1.7)) ## now fit an emax model gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, S, model = "emax", start = c(0, 1, 0.1), nSim = 1000, prior = prior) ## summary information gsample ## samples are stored in head(gsample$samples) ## predict 0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975 Quantile at 0, 0.5 and 1 predict(gsample, doseSeq = c(0, 0.5, 1)) ## simple plot function plot(gsample) ## now look at bootstrap distribution gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, S, model = "emax", type = "bootstrap", nSim = 100, bnds = defBnds(1)$emax) plot(gsample) ## now fit linear interpolation prior <- list(norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,100)) gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, S, model = "linInt", start = rep(1,5), nSim = 1000, prior = prior) gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, S, model = "linInt", type = "bootstrap", nSim = 100) ## data fitted on placebo adjusted scale data(IBScovars) anovaMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)+gender, data=IBScovars) drFit <- coef(anovaMod)[2:5] # placebo adjusted estimates at doses vCov <- vcov(anovaMod)[2:5,2:5] dose <- sort(unique(IBScovars$dose))[-1] prior <- list(norm = c(0,100), beta=c(0,6,0.45,1.7)) ## Bayes fit gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, vCov, model = "emax", placAdj=TRUE, start = c(1, 0.1), nSim = 1000, prior = prior) ## bootstrap fit gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, vCov, model = "emax", placAdj=TRUE, type = "bootstrap", start = c(1, 0.1), nSim = 100, prior = prior, bnds = c(0.01,6)) ## calculate target dose estimate TD(gsample, Delta = 0.2) ## now fit linear interpolation prior <- list(norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,1000), norm = c(0,100)) gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, vCov, model = "linInt", placAdj=TRUE, start = rep(1,4), nSim = 1000, prior = prior) gsample <- bFitMod(dose, drFit, vCov, model = "linInt", type = "bootstrap", placAdj = TRUE, nSim = 100)
An example data set for dose response studies. This data set was used in Bretz et al. (2005) to illustrate the MCPMod methodology.
A data frame with 100 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector containing the response values
a numeric vector containing the dose values
Bretz, F., Pinheiro, J. C., and Branson, M. (2005), Combining multiple comparisons and modeling techniques in dose-response studies, Biometrics, 61, 738–748
This function performs a Bayesian multiple contrast test using normal mixture priors for the response on each dose,
as proposed in Fleischer et al. (2022). For a general description of the multiple contrast test see
bMCTtest( dose, resp, data = NULL, models, S = NULL, type = c("normal", "general"), prior, alpha = 0.025, na.action = na.fail, mvtcontrol = mvtnorm.control(), contMat = NULL, critV = NULL )
bMCTtest( dose, resp, data = NULL, models, S = NULL, type = c("normal", "general"), prior, alpha = 0.025, na.action = na.fail, mvtcontrol = mvtnorm.control(), contMat = NULL, critV = NULL )
dose , resp
Either vectors of equal length specifying dose and response values, or names of variables in the data frame specified in ‘data’. |
data |
Data frame containing the variables referenced in dose and resp if ‘data’ is not specified it is assumed that ‘dose’ and ‘resp’ are variables referenced from data (and no vectors) |
models |
An object of class ‘Mods’, see |
S |
The covariance matrix of ‘resp’ when ‘type = "general"’, see Description. |
type |
Determines whether inference is based on an ANCOVA model under a homoscedastic normality assumption (when
‘type = "normal"’), or estimates at the doses and their covariance matrix and degrees of freedom are specified
directly in ‘resp’, ‘S’ and ‘df’. See also |
prior |
List of length equal to the number of doses with the prior for each arm. Each element needs to be of class ‘normMix’ (See ‘RBesT’ package documentation). It is assumed that the i-th component of the prior list corresponds to the i-th largest dose. For example the first entry in the list is the prior for the placebo group, the second entry the prior for the second lowest dose and so on. Internally the priors across the different arms are combined (densities multiplied) assuming independence. The resulting multivariate normal mixture prior will have as many components as the product of the number of components of the individual mixture priors. The posterior mixture is part of the result object under "posterior". |
alpha |
Significance level for the frequentist multiple contrast test. If no critical values are supplied via ‘critV’ this is used to derive critical values for Bayesian decision rule. |
na.action |
A function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. |
mvtcontrol |
A list specifying additional control parameters for the ‘qmvt’ and ‘pmvt’ calls in the
code, see also |
contMat |
Contrast matrix to apply to the posterior dose-response estimates. The contrasts need to be in the
columns of the matrix (i.e. the column sums need to be 0). If not specified optimal contrasts are calculated using
critV |
Supply a critical value for the maximum posterior probability of the contrasts being greater than zero that needs to be surpassed to establish a non-flat dose-response. If this argument is NULL, this will be derived from critical values for frequentist MCP-Mod using the provided ‘alpha’. |
If ‘type = "normal"’, an ANCOVA model based on a homoscedastic normality assumption is fitted and posteriors for dose-response and contrast vectors are obtained assuming a known variance.
For ‘type = "general"’ it is assumed multivariate normally distributed estimates are specified in ‘resp’ with covariance given by ‘S’, which define the likelihood. Posteriors for dose-response and contrast vectors are then obtained assuming a known covariance matrix S
The multiple contrast test decision is based on the maximum posterior probability of a contrast being greater than zero. Thresholds for the posterior probability can either be supplied or will be derived from frequentist critical values. In the latter case the Bayesian test will give approximately the same results as the frequentist multiple contrast test if uninformative priors are used.
For the default calculation of optimal contrasts the prior information is ignored (i.e. contrasts are calculated in
the same way as in MCTtest
). Fleischer et al. (2022) discuss using contrasts that take the prior
effective sample sizes into account, which can be slightly more favourable for the Bayesian MCT test. Such
alternative contrasts can be directly handed over via the ‘contMat’ argument.
For analysis with covariate adjustment, covariate-adjusted ‘resp’ and ‘S’ can be supplied together with using ‘type = "general"’. See 'vignette("binary_data")' vignette "Design and analysis template MCP-Mod for binary data" for an example on how to obtain covariate adjusted estimates.
An object of class bMCTtest, a list containing the output.
Marius Thomas
Fleischer, F., Bossert, S., Deng, Q., Loley, C. and Gierse, J. (2022). Bayesian MCP-Mod, Pharmaceutical Statistics, 21, 654–670
if (require("RBesT")) { ############################### ## Normal outcome ############################### data(biom) ## define shapes for which to calculate optimal contrasts doses <- c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1) modlist <- Mods(emax = 0.05, linear = NULL, logistic = c(0.5, 0.1), linInt = c(0, 1, 1, 1), doses = doses) ## specify an informative prior for placebo, weakly informative for other arms plc_prior <- mixnorm(inf = c(0.8, 0.4, 0.1), rob = c(0.2, 0.4, 10)) vague_prior <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 10)) ## i-th component of the prior list corresponds to the i-th largest dose ## (e.g. 1st component -> placebo prior; last component prior for top dose) prior <- list(plc_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior) m1 <- bMCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist, prior = prior) ## now supply a critical value (= threshold for maxmimum posterior probability) m2 <- bMCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist, prior = prior, critV = 0.99) #################################### ## Binary outcome with covariates #################################### ## Not run: ## generate data logit <- function(p) log(p / (1 - p)) inv_logit <- function(y) 1 / (1 + exp(-y)) doses <- c(0, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 4) ## set seed and ensure reproducibility across R versions set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", sample.kind = "Rejection", normal.kind = "Inversion") group_size <- 100 dose_vector <- rep(doses, each = group_size) N <- length(dose_vector) ## generate covariates x1 <- rnorm(N, 0, 1) x2 <- factor(sample(c("A", "B"), N, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.6, 0.4))) ## assume approximately logit(10%) placebo and logit(35%) asymptotic response with ED50=0.5 prob <- inv_logit(emax(dose_vector, -2.2, 1.6, 0.5) + 0.3 * x1 + 0.3 * (x2 == "B")) dat <- data.frame(y = rbinom(N, 1, prob), dose = dose_vector, x1 = x1, x2 = x2) ## specify an informative prior for placebo (on logit scale), weakly informative for other arms plc_prior <- mixnorm(inf = c(0.8, -2, 0.5), rob = c(0.2, -2, 10)) vague_prior <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 10)) prior <- list(plc_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior) ## candidate models mods <- Mods(emax = c(0.25, 1), sigEmax = rbind(c(1, 3), c(2.5, 4)), betaMod = c(1.1, 1.1), placEff = logit(0.1), maxEff = logit(0.35)-logit(0.1), doses = doses) fit_cov <- glm(y~factor(dose) + 0 + x1 + x2, data = dat, family = binomial) covariate_adjusted_estimates <- function(mu_hat, S_hat, formula_rhs, doses, other_covariates, n_sim) { ## predict every patient under *every* dose oc_rep <- as.data.frame(lapply(other_covariates, function(col) rep(col, times = length(doses)))) d_rep <- rep(doses, each = nrow(other_covariates)) pdat <- cbind(oc_rep, dose = d_rep) X <- model.matrix(formula_rhs, pdat) ## average on probability scale then backtransform to logit scale mu_star <- logit(tapply(inv_logit(X %*% mu_hat), pdat$dose, mean)) ## estimate covariance matrix of mu_star pred <- replicate(n_sim, logit(tapply(inv_logit(X %*% drop(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, mu_hat, S_hat))), pdat$dose, mean))) return(list(mu_star = as.numeric(mu_star), S_star = cov(t(pred)))) } ca <- covariate_adjusted_estimates(coef(fit_cov), vcov(fit_cov), ~factor(dose)+0+x1+x2, doses, dat[, c("x1", "x2")], 1000) bMCTtest(doses, ca$mu_star, S = ca$S_star, type = "general", models = mods, prior = prior) ## End(Not run) ################################################ ## example with contrasts handed over ################################################ data(biom) ## define shapes for which to calculate optimal contrasts doses <- c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1) modlist <- Mods(emax = 0.05, linear = NULL, sigEmax = c(0.5, 5), linInt = c(0, 1, 1, 1), doses = doses) ## specify an informative prior for placebo, weakly informative for other arms plc_prior <- mixnorm(inf = c(0.8, 0.4, 0.1), rob = c(0.2, 0.4, 10), sigma = 0.7) vague_prior <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 10), sigma = 0.7) prior <- list(plc_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior) ## use prior effective sample sizes to calculate optimal contrasts prior_ess <- unlist(lapply(prior, ess)) n_grp <- as.numeric(table(biom$dose)) weights <- n_grp + prior_ess cmat <- optContr(modlist, w = weights) bMCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist, prior = prior, contMat = cmat) }
if (require("RBesT")) { ############################### ## Normal outcome ############################### data(biom) ## define shapes for which to calculate optimal contrasts doses <- c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1) modlist <- Mods(emax = 0.05, linear = NULL, logistic = c(0.5, 0.1), linInt = c(0, 1, 1, 1), doses = doses) ## specify an informative prior for placebo, weakly informative for other arms plc_prior <- mixnorm(inf = c(0.8, 0.4, 0.1), rob = c(0.2, 0.4, 10)) vague_prior <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 10)) ## i-th component of the prior list corresponds to the i-th largest dose ## (e.g. 1st component -> placebo prior; last component prior for top dose) prior <- list(plc_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior) m1 <- bMCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist, prior = prior) ## now supply a critical value (= threshold for maxmimum posterior probability) m2 <- bMCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist, prior = prior, critV = 0.99) #################################### ## Binary outcome with covariates #################################### ## Not run: ## generate data logit <- function(p) log(p / (1 - p)) inv_logit <- function(y) 1 / (1 + exp(-y)) doses <- c(0, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 4) ## set seed and ensure reproducibility across R versions set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", sample.kind = "Rejection", normal.kind = "Inversion") group_size <- 100 dose_vector <- rep(doses, each = group_size) N <- length(dose_vector) ## generate covariates x1 <- rnorm(N, 0, 1) x2 <- factor(sample(c("A", "B"), N, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.6, 0.4))) ## assume approximately logit(10%) placebo and logit(35%) asymptotic response with ED50=0.5 prob <- inv_logit(emax(dose_vector, -2.2, 1.6, 0.5) + 0.3 * x1 + 0.3 * (x2 == "B")) dat <- data.frame(y = rbinom(N, 1, prob), dose = dose_vector, x1 = x1, x2 = x2) ## specify an informative prior for placebo (on logit scale), weakly informative for other arms plc_prior <- mixnorm(inf = c(0.8, -2, 0.5), rob = c(0.2, -2, 10)) vague_prior <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 10)) prior <- list(plc_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior) ## candidate models mods <- Mods(emax = c(0.25, 1), sigEmax = rbind(c(1, 3), c(2.5, 4)), betaMod = c(1.1, 1.1), placEff = logit(0.1), maxEff = logit(0.35)-logit(0.1), doses = doses) fit_cov <- glm(y~factor(dose) + 0 + x1 + x2, data = dat, family = binomial) covariate_adjusted_estimates <- function(mu_hat, S_hat, formula_rhs, doses, other_covariates, n_sim) { ## predict every patient under *every* dose oc_rep <- as.data.frame(lapply(other_covariates, function(col) rep(col, times = length(doses)))) d_rep <- rep(doses, each = nrow(other_covariates)) pdat <- cbind(oc_rep, dose = d_rep) X <- model.matrix(formula_rhs, pdat) ## average on probability scale then backtransform to logit scale mu_star <- logit(tapply(inv_logit(X %*% mu_hat), pdat$dose, mean)) ## estimate covariance matrix of mu_star pred <- replicate(n_sim, logit(tapply(inv_logit(X %*% drop(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, mu_hat, S_hat))), pdat$dose, mean))) return(list(mu_star = as.numeric(mu_star), S_star = cov(t(pred)))) } ca <- covariate_adjusted_estimates(coef(fit_cov), vcov(fit_cov), ~factor(dose)+0+x1+x2, doses, dat[, c("x1", "x2")], 1000) bMCTtest(doses, ca$mu_star, S = ca$S_star, type = "general", models = mods, prior = prior) ## End(Not run) ################################################ ## example with contrasts handed over ################################################ data(biom) ## define shapes for which to calculate optimal contrasts doses <- c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1) modlist <- Mods(emax = 0.05, linear = NULL, sigEmax = c(0.5, 5), linInt = c(0, 1, 1, 1), doses = doses) ## specify an informative prior for placebo, weakly informative for other arms plc_prior <- mixnorm(inf = c(0.8, 0.4, 0.1), rob = c(0.2, 0.4, 10), sigma = 0.7) vague_prior <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 10), sigma = 0.7) prior <- list(plc_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior, vague_prior) ## use prior effective sample sizes to calculate optimal contrasts prior_ess <- unlist(lapply(prior, ess)) n_grp <- as.numeric(table(biom$dose)) weights <- n_grp + prior_ess cmat <- optContr(modlist, w = weights) bMCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist, prior = prior, contMat = cmat) }
Calculation of the critical value for a maximum contrast test. This is based on the equicoordinate quantile function
of the multivariate normal or t distribution as implemented in the qmvt
function from the mvtnorm package.
critVal( corMat, alpha = 0.025, df = NULL, alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"), control = mvtnorm.control() )
critVal( corMat, alpha = 0.025, df = NULL, alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"), control = mvtnorm.control() )
corMat |
Correlation matrix of contrasts |
alpha |
Significance level for the multiple contrast test |
df |
Specify the degrees of freedom to use, if this argument is missing ‘df = Inf’ is used (which corresponds to the multivariate normal distribution). |
alternative |
Character determining the alternative for the multiple contrast trend test. |
control |
A list specifying additional control parameters for the ‘qmvt’ and ‘pmvt’ calls in the code,
see also |
Bjoern Bornkamp
R <- matrix(c(1,0.5,0.5,1), nrow=2) critVal(R, alpha = 0.05, df = 1) critVal(R, alpha = 0.05, df = 20) critVal(R, alpha = 0.05, df = Inf)
R <- matrix(c(1,0.5,0.5,1), nrow=2) critVal(R, alpha = 0.05, df = 1) critVal(R, alpha = 0.05, df = 20) critVal(R, alpha = 0.05, df = Inf)
Calculates reasonable bounds for non-linear parameters for the built-in non-linear regression model based on the dose range under investigation.
For the logistic model the first row corresponds to the ED50 parameter and the
second row to the delta parameter. For the sigmoid Emax model the
first row corresponds to the ED50 parameter and the second row to the
h parameter, while for the beta model first and second row correspond
to the delta1 and delta2 parameters. See logistic
and betaMod
for details.
defBnds(mD, emax = c(0.001, 1.5)*mD, exponential = c(0.1, 2)*mD, logistic = matrix(c(0.001, 0.01, 1.5, 1/2)*mD, 2), sigEmax = matrix(c(0.001*mD, 0.5, 1.5*mD, 10), 2), betaMod = matrix(c(0.05,0.05,4,4), 2))
defBnds(mD, emax = c(0.001, 1.5)*mD, exponential = c(0.1, 2)*mD, logistic = matrix(c(0.001, 0.01, 1.5, 1/2)*mD, 2), sigEmax = matrix(c(0.001*mD, 0.5, 1.5*mD, 10), 2), betaMod = matrix(c(0.05,0.05,4,4), 2))
mD |
Maximum dose in the study. |
emax , exponential , logistic , sigEmax , betaMod
values for the nonlinear parameters for these model-functions |
List containing bounds for the model parameters.
Bjoern Bornkamp
defBnds(mD = 1) defBnds(mD = 200)
defBnds(mD = 1) defBnds(mD = 200)
This function starts the externally hosted DesignMCPMod Shiny App in a browser window. The app was developed by Sophie Sun [aut, cre], Danyi Xiong [aut], Bjoern Bornkamp [ctb], Frank Bretz [ctb], Ardalan Mirshani [ctb]. This app performs power and sample size calculations for a multiple contrast test for normal, binary and negative binomial outcomes. The app uses the DoseFinding package as calculation backend and the R code underlying the calculations in the app can be extracted from the app.
Dose-response model functions and gradients.
Below are the definitions of the model functions:
Emax model
Sigmoid Emax Model
Exponential Model
Beta model
and is a fixed dose scaling parameter.
Linear Model
Linear in log Model
here is a fixed offset parameter.
Logistic Model
Quadratic Model
standardized model equation for the quadratic model is , with
Linear Interpolation model
The linInt model provides linear
interpolation at the values defined by the nodes vector. In virtually all
situations the nodes vector is equal to the doses used in the analysis. For
example the Mods
and the fitMod
automatically use the doses that are used in the context of the function
call as nodes. The guesstimates specified in the Mods
need to be the treatment effects at the active doses standardized to the
interval [0,1] (see the examples in the Mods
emax(dose, e0, eMax, ed50) emaxGrad(dose, eMax, ed50, ...) sigEmax(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, h) sigEmaxGrad(dose, eMax, ed50, h, ...) exponential(dose, e0, e1, delta) exponentialGrad(dose, e1, delta, ...) quadratic(dose, e0, b1, b2) quadraticGrad(dose, ...) betaMod(dose, e0, eMax, delta1, delta2, scal) betaModGrad(dose, eMax, delta1, delta2, scal, ...) linear(dose, e0, delta) linearGrad(dose, ...) linlog(dose, e0, delta, off = 1) linlogGrad(dose, off, ...) logistic(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, delta) logisticGrad(dose, eMax, ed50, delta, ...) linInt(dose, resp, nodes) linIntGrad(dose, resp, nodes, ...)
emax(dose, e0, eMax, ed50) emaxGrad(dose, eMax, ed50, ...) sigEmax(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, h) sigEmaxGrad(dose, eMax, ed50, h, ...) exponential(dose, e0, e1, delta) exponentialGrad(dose, e1, delta, ...) quadratic(dose, e0, b1, b2) quadraticGrad(dose, ...) betaMod(dose, e0, eMax, delta1, delta2, scal) betaModGrad(dose, eMax, delta1, delta2, scal, ...) linear(dose, e0, delta) linearGrad(dose, ...) linlog(dose, e0, delta, off = 1) linlogGrad(dose, off, ...) logistic(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, delta) logisticGrad(dose, eMax, ed50, delta, ...) linInt(dose, resp, nodes) linIntGrad(dose, resp, nodes, ...)
dose |
Dose variable |
e0 |
For most models placebo effect. For logistic model left-asymptote parameter, corresponding to a basal effect level (not the placebo effect) |
eMax |
Beta Model: Maximum effect within dose-range |
ed50 |
Dose giving half of the asymptotic maximum effect |
... |
Just included for convenience in the gradient functions, so that
for example |
h |
Hill parameter, determining the steepness of the model at the ED50 |
e1 |
Slope parameter for exponential model |
delta |
Exponential model: Parameter, controlling the convexity of the
model. |
b1 |
first parameter of quadratic model |
b2 |
second parameter of quadratic model (controls, whether model is convex or concave) |
delta1 |
delta1 parameter for beta model |
delta2 |
delta2 parameter for beta model |
scal |
Scale parameter (treated as a fixed value, not estimated) |
off |
Offset value to avoid problems with dose=0 (treated as a fixed value, not estimated) |
resp |
Response values at the nodes for the linInt model |
nodes |
Interpolation nodes for the linear interpolation for the linInt model (treated as a fixed value, not estimated) |
The Emax model is used to represent monotone, concave dose-response shapes. To distinguish it from the more general sigmoid emax model it is sometimes also called hyperbolic emax model.
The sigmoid Emax model is an extension of the (hyperbolic) Emax model by introducing an additional parameter h, that determines the steepness of the curve at the ed50 value. The sigmoid Emax model describes monotonic, sigmoid dose-response relationships. In the toxicology literature this model is also called four-parameter log-logistic (4pLL) model.
The quadratic model is intended to capture a possible non-monotonic dose-response relationship.
The exponential model is intended to capture a possible sub-linear or a convex dose-response relationship.
The beta model is intended to capture non-monotone dose-response relationships and is more flexible than the quadratic model. The kernel of the beta model function consists of the kernel of the density function of a beta distribution on the interval [0,scal]. The parameter scal is not estimated but needs to be set to a value larger than the maximum dose. It can be set in most functions (‘fitMod’, ‘Mods’) via the ‘addArgs’ argument, when omitted a value of ‘1.2*(maximum dose)’ is used as default, where the maximum dose is inferred from other input to the respective function.
The linear in log-dose model is intended to capture concave shapes.
The parameter off
is not estimated in the code but set to a
pre-specified value. It can be set in most functions (‘fitMod’,
‘Mods’) via the ‘addArgs’ argument, when omitted a value of
‘0.01*(maximum dose)’ is used as default, where the maximum dose is
inferred from other input to the respective function.
The logistic model is intended to capture general monotone, sigmoid dose-response relationships. The logistic model and the sigmoid Emax model are closely related: The sigmoid Emax model is a logistic model in log(dose).
The linInt model provids linear interpolation of the means at the doses. This can be used as a "nonparametric" estimate of the dose-response curve, but is probably most interesting for specifying a "nonparametric" truth during planning and assess how well parametric models work under a nonparametric truth. For the function ‘Mods’ and ‘fitMod’ the interpolation ‘nodes’ are selected equal to the dose-levels specified.
Response value for model functions or matrix containing the gradient evaluations.
MacDougall, J. (2006). Analysis of dose-response studies - Emax model,in N. Ting (ed.), Dose Finding in Drug Development, Springer, New York, pp. 127–145
Pinheiro, J. C., Bretz, F. and Branson, M. (2006). Analysis of dose-response studies - modeling approaches, in N. Ting (ed.). Dose Finding in Drug Development, Springer, New York, pp. 146–171
## some quadratic example shapes quadModList <- Mods(quadratic = c(-0.5, -0.75, -0.85, -1), doses = c(0,1)) plotMods(quadModList) ## some emax example shapes emaxModList <- Mods(emax = c(0.02,0.1,0.5,1), doses = c(0,1)) plotMods(emaxModList) ## example for gradient emaxGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, eMax = 1, ed50 = 0.5) ## some sigmoid emax example shapes sigEmaxModList <- Mods(sigEmax = rbind(c(0.05,1), c(0.15,3), c(0.4,8), c(0.7,8)), doses = c(0,1)) plotMods(sigEmaxModList) sigEmaxGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, eMax = 1, ed50 = 0.5, h = 8) ## some exponential example shapes expoModList <- Mods(exponential = c(0.1,0.25,0.5,2), doses=c(0,1)) plotMods(expoModList) exponentialGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, e1 = 1, delta = 2) ## some beta model example shapes betaModList <- Mods(betaMod = rbind(c(1,1), c(1.5,0.75), c(0.8,2.5), c(0.4,0.9)), doses=c(0,1), addArgs=list(scal = 1.2)) plotMods(betaModList) betaModGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, eMax = 1, delta1 = 1, delta2 = 1, scal = 5) ## some logistic model example shapes logistModList <- Mods(logistic = rbind(c(0.5,0.05), c(0.5,0.15), c(0.2,0.05), c(0.2,0.15)), doses=c(0,1)) plotMods(logistModList) logisticGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, eMax = 1, ed50 = 0.5, delta = 0.05) ## some linInt shapes genModList <- Mods(linInt = rbind(c(0.5,1,1), c(0,1,1), c(0,0,1)), doses=c(0,0.5,1,1.5)) plotMods(genModList) linIntGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, resp=c(0,0.5,1,1,1), nodes=(0:4)/4)
## some quadratic example shapes quadModList <- Mods(quadratic = c(-0.5, -0.75, -0.85, -1), doses = c(0,1)) plotMods(quadModList) ## some emax example shapes emaxModList <- Mods(emax = c(0.02,0.1,0.5,1), doses = c(0,1)) plotMods(emaxModList) ## example for gradient emaxGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, eMax = 1, ed50 = 0.5) ## some sigmoid emax example shapes sigEmaxModList <- Mods(sigEmax = rbind(c(0.05,1), c(0.15,3), c(0.4,8), c(0.7,8)), doses = c(0,1)) plotMods(sigEmaxModList) sigEmaxGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, eMax = 1, ed50 = 0.5, h = 8) ## some exponential example shapes expoModList <- Mods(exponential = c(0.1,0.25,0.5,2), doses=c(0,1)) plotMods(expoModList) exponentialGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, e1 = 1, delta = 2) ## some beta model example shapes betaModList <- Mods(betaMod = rbind(c(1,1), c(1.5,0.75), c(0.8,2.5), c(0.4,0.9)), doses=c(0,1), addArgs=list(scal = 1.2)) plotMods(betaModList) betaModGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, eMax = 1, delta1 = 1, delta2 = 1, scal = 5) ## some logistic model example shapes logistModList <- Mods(logistic = rbind(c(0.5,0.05), c(0.5,0.15), c(0.2,0.05), c(0.2,0.15)), doses=c(0,1)) plotMods(logistModList) logisticGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, eMax = 1, ed50 = 0.5, delta = 0.05) ## some linInt shapes genModList <- Mods(linInt = rbind(c(0.5,1,1), c(0,1,1), c(0,0,1)), doses=c(0,0.5,1,1.5)) plotMods(genModList) linIntGrad(dose = (0:4)/4, resp=c(0,0.5,1,1,1), nodes=(0:4)/4)
Fits a dose-response model. Built-in dose-response models are "linlog", "linear", "quadratic", "emax", "exponential",
"sigEmax", "betaMod" and "logistic" (see drmodels
fitMod( dose, resp, data = NULL, model = NULL, S = NULL, type = c("normal", "general"), addCovars = ~1, placAdj = FALSE, bnds, df = NULL, start = NULL, na.action = na.fail, control = NULL, addArgs = NULL ) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' coef(object, sep = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' vcov(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' predict( object, predType = c("full-model", "ls-means", "effect-curve"), newdata = NULL, doseSeq = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' plot( x, CI = FALSE, level = 0.95, plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "raw", "none"), plotGrid = TRUE, colMn = 1, colFit = 1, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' logLik(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' AIC(object, ..., k = 2) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' gAIC(object, ..., k = 2)
fitMod( dose, resp, data = NULL, model = NULL, S = NULL, type = c("normal", "general"), addCovars = ~1, placAdj = FALSE, bnds, df = NULL, start = NULL, na.action = na.fail, control = NULL, addArgs = NULL ) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' coef(object, sep = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' vcov(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' predict( object, predType = c("full-model", "ls-means", "effect-curve"), newdata = NULL, doseSeq = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' plot( x, CI = FALSE, level = 0.95, plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "raw", "none"), plotGrid = TRUE, colMn = 1, colFit = 1, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' logLik(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' AIC(object, ..., k = 2) ## S3 method for class 'DRMod' gAIC(object, ..., k = 2)
dose , resp
Either vectors of equal length specifying dose and response values, or names of variables in the data frame specified in ‘data’. |
data |
Data frame containing the variables referenced in dose and resp if ‘data’ is not specified it is assumed that ‘dose’ and ‘resp’ are variables referenced from data (and no vectors) |
model |
The dose-response model to be used for fitting the data. Built-in models are "linlog", "linear", "quadratic", "emax", "exponential", "sigEmax", "betaMod" and "logistic" (see drmodels). |
S |
The inverse weighting matrix used in case, when ‘type = "general"’, see Description. For later inference statements (vcov or predict methods) it is assumed this is the estimated covariance of the estimates in the first stage fit. |
type |
Determines whether inference is based on an ANCOVA model under a homoscedastic normality assumption (when ‘type = "normal"’), or estimates at the doses and their covariance matrix and degrees of freedom are specified directly in ‘resp’, ‘S’ and ‘df’. See also the Description above and Pinheiro et al. (2014). |
addCovars |
Formula specifying additional additive linear covariates (only for ‘type = "normal"’) |
placAdj |
Logical, if true, it is assumed that placebo-adjusted estimates are specified in ‘resp’ (only possible for ‘type = "general"’). |
bnds |
Bounds for non-linear parameters. If missing the the default bounds from When the dose-response model has only one non-linear parameter (for example Emax or exponential model), ‘bnds’
needs to be a vector containing upper and lower bound. For models with two non-linear parameters ‘bnds’ needs
to be a matrix containing the bounds in the rows, see the Description section of |
df |
Degrees of freedom to use in case of ‘type = "general"’. If this argument is missing ‘df = Inf’ is used. For ‘type = "normal"’ this argument is ignored as the exact degrees of freedom can be deduced from the model. |
start |
Vector of starting values for the nonlinear parameters (ignored for linear models). When equal to NULL, a grid optimization is performed and the best value is used as starting value for the local optimizer. |
na.action |
A function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. |
control |
A list with entries: "nlminbcontrol", "optimizetol" and "gridSize". The entry nlminbcontrol needs to be a list and it is passed directly to control argument in the nlminb function, that is used internally for models with 2 nonlinear parameters. The entry optimizetol is passed directly to the tol argument of the optimize function, which is used for models with 1 nonlinear parameters. The entry gridSize needs to be a list with entries dim1 and dim2 giving the size of the grid for the gridsearch in 1d or 2d models. |
addArgs |
List containing two entries named "scal" and "off" for the "betaMod" and "linlog" model. When addArgs is NULL the following defaults is used ‘list(scal = 1.2*max(doses), off = 0.01*max(doses))’. |
object , x
DRMod object |
sep |
Logical determining whether all coefficients should be returned in one numeric or separated in a list. |
... |
Additional arguments for plotting for the plot method. For all other cases additional arguments are ignored. |
predType , newdata , doseSeq , se.fit
predType determines whether predictions are returned for the full model (including potential covariates), the ls-means (SAS type) or the effect curve (difference to placebo). newdata gives the covariates to use in producing the predictions (for predType = "full-model"), if missing the covariates used for fitting are used. doseSeq dose-sequence on where to produce predictions (for predType = "effect-curve" and predType = "ls-means"). If missing the doses used for fitting are used. se.fit: logical determining, whether the standard error should be calculated. |
CI , level , plotData , plotGrid , colMn , colFit
Arguments for plot method: ‘CI’ determines whether confidence intervals should be plotted. ‘level’ determines the level of the confidence intervals. ‘plotData’ determines how the data are plotted: Either as means or as means with CI, raw data or none. In case of ‘type = "normal"’ and covariates the ls-means are displayed, when ‘type = "general"’ the option "raw" is not available. ‘colMn’ and ‘colFit’ determine the colors of fitted model and the raw means. |
k |
Penalty to use for model-selection criterion (AIC uses 2, BIC uses log(n)). |
When ‘type = "normal"’ ordinary least squares is used and additional additive covariates can be specified in ‘addCovars’. The underlying assumption is hence normally distributed data and homoscedastic variance.
For ‘type = "general"’ a generalized least squares criterion is used
and an inverse weighting matrix is specified in ‘S’, ‘type = "general"’ is primarily of interest, when fitting a model to AN(C)OVA type estimates obtained in a first stage fit, then ‘resp’ contains the estimates and ‘S’ is the estimated covariance matrix for the estimates in ‘resp’. Statistical inference (e.g. confidence intervals) rely on asymptotic normality of the first stage estimates, which makes this method of interest only for sufficiently large sample size for the first stage fit. A modified model-selection criterion can be applied to these model fits (see also Pinheiro et al. 2014 for details).
For details on the implemented numerical optimizer see the Details section below.
Details on numerical optimizer for model-fitting:
For linear models fitting is done using numerical linear algebra
based on the QR decomposition. For nonlinear models numerical optimization is performed only in the nonlinear
parameters in the model and optimizing over the linear parameters in each iteration (similar as the Golub-Pereyra
implemented in nls
). For models with 1 nonlinear parameter the optimize
function is used
for 2 nonlinear parameters the nlminb
function is used. The starting value is generated using a
grid-search (with the grid size specified via ‘control$gridSize’), or can directly be handed over via
For details on the asymptotic approximation used for ‘type = "normal"’, see Seber and Wild (2003, chapter 5). For details on the asymptotic approximation used for ‘type = "general"’, and the gAIC, see Pinheiro et al. (2014).
An object of class DRMod. Essentially a list containing information about the fitted model coefficients, the residual sum of squares (or generalized residual sum of squares),
Bjoern Bornkamp
Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., Glimm, E. and Bretz, F. (2014) Model-based dose finding under model uncertainty using general parametric models, Statistics in Medicine, 33, 1646–1661
Seber, G.A.F. and Wild, C.J. (2003). Nonlinear Regression, Wiley.
## Fit the emax model to the IBScovars data set data(IBScovars) fitemax <- fitMod(dose, resp, data=IBScovars, model="emax", bnds = c(0.01, 4)) ## methods for DRMod objects summary(fitemax) ## extracting coefficients coef(fitemax) ## (asymptotic) covariance matrix of estimates vcov(fitemax) ## predicting newdat <- data.frame(dose = c(0,0.5,1), gender=factor(1)) predict(fitemax, newdata=newdat, predType = "full-model", se.fit = TRUE) ## plotting plot(fitemax, plotData = "meansCI", CI=TRUE) ## now include (additive) covariate gender fitemax2 <- fitMod(dose, resp, data=IBScovars, model="emax", addCovars = ~gender, bnds = c(0.01, 4)) vcov(fitemax2) plot(fitemax2) ## fitted log-likelihood logLik(fitemax2) ## extracting AIC (or BIC) AIC(fitemax2) ## Illustrating the "general" approach for a binary regression ## produce first stage fit (using dose as factor) data(migraine) PFrate <- migraine$painfree/migraine$ntrt doseVec <- migraine$dose doseVecFac <- as.factor(migraine$dose) ## fit logistic regression with dose as factor fitBin <- glm(PFrate~doseVecFac-1, family = binomial, weights = migraine$ntrt) drEst <- coef(fitBin) vCov <- vcov(fitBin) ## now fit an Emax model (on logit scale) gfit <- fitMod(doseVec, drEst, S=vCov, model = "emax", bnds = c(0,100), type = "general") ## model fit on logit scale plot(gfit, plotData = "meansCI", CI = TRUE) ## model on probability scale logitPred <- predict(gfit, predType ="ls-means", doseSeq = 0:200, se.fit=TRUE) plot(0:200, 1/(1+exp(-logitPred$fit)), type = "l", ylim = c(0, 0.5), ylab = "Probability of being painfree", xlab = "Dose") LB <- logitPred$fit-qnorm(0.975)*logitPred$se.fit UB <- logitPred$fit+qnorm(0.975)*logitPred$se.fit lines(0:200, 1/(1+exp(-LB))) lines(0:200, 1/(1+exp(-UB))) ## now illustrate "general" approach for placebo-adjusted data (on ## IBScovars) note that the estimates are identical to fitemax2 above) anovaMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)+gender, data=IBScovars) drFit <- coef(anovaMod)[2:5] # placebo adjusted estimates at doses vCov <- vcov(anovaMod)[2:5,2:5] dose <- sort(unique(IBScovars$dose))[-1] ## now fit an emax model to these estimates gfit2 <- fitMod(dose, drFit, S=vCov, model = "emax", type = "general", placAdj = TRUE, bnds = c(0.01, 2)) ## some outputs summary(gfit2) coef(gfit2) vcov(gfit2) predict(gfit2, se.fit = TRUE, doseSeq = c(1,2,3,4), predType = "effect-curve") plot(gfit2, CI=TRUE, plotData = "meansCI") gAIC(gfit2)
## Fit the emax model to the IBScovars data set data(IBScovars) fitemax <- fitMod(dose, resp, data=IBScovars, model="emax", bnds = c(0.01, 4)) ## methods for DRMod objects summary(fitemax) ## extracting coefficients coef(fitemax) ## (asymptotic) covariance matrix of estimates vcov(fitemax) ## predicting newdat <- data.frame(dose = c(0,0.5,1), gender=factor(1)) predict(fitemax, newdata=newdat, predType = "full-model", se.fit = TRUE) ## plotting plot(fitemax, plotData = "meansCI", CI=TRUE) ## now include (additive) covariate gender fitemax2 <- fitMod(dose, resp, data=IBScovars, model="emax", addCovars = ~gender, bnds = c(0.01, 4)) vcov(fitemax2) plot(fitemax2) ## fitted log-likelihood logLik(fitemax2) ## extracting AIC (or BIC) AIC(fitemax2) ## Illustrating the "general" approach for a binary regression ## produce first stage fit (using dose as factor) data(migraine) PFrate <- migraine$painfree/migraine$ntrt doseVec <- migraine$dose doseVecFac <- as.factor(migraine$dose) ## fit logistic regression with dose as factor fitBin <- glm(PFrate~doseVecFac-1, family = binomial, weights = migraine$ntrt) drEst <- coef(fitBin) vCov <- vcov(fitBin) ## now fit an Emax model (on logit scale) gfit <- fitMod(doseVec, drEst, S=vCov, model = "emax", bnds = c(0,100), type = "general") ## model fit on logit scale plot(gfit, plotData = "meansCI", CI = TRUE) ## model on probability scale logitPred <- predict(gfit, predType ="ls-means", doseSeq = 0:200, se.fit=TRUE) plot(0:200, 1/(1+exp(-logitPred$fit)), type = "l", ylim = c(0, 0.5), ylab = "Probability of being painfree", xlab = "Dose") LB <- logitPred$fit-qnorm(0.975)*logitPred$se.fit UB <- logitPred$fit+qnorm(0.975)*logitPred$se.fit lines(0:200, 1/(1+exp(-LB))) lines(0:200, 1/(1+exp(-UB))) ## now illustrate "general" approach for placebo-adjusted data (on ## IBScovars) note that the estimates are identical to fitemax2 above) anovaMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)+gender, data=IBScovars) drFit <- coef(anovaMod)[2:5] # placebo adjusted estimates at doses vCov <- vcov(anovaMod)[2:5,2:5] dose <- sort(unique(IBScovars$dose))[-1] ## now fit an emax model to these estimates gfit2 <- fitMod(dose, drFit, S=vCov, model = "emax", type = "general", placAdj = TRUE, bnds = c(0.01, 2)) ## some outputs summary(gfit2) coef(gfit2) vcov(gfit2) predict(gfit2, se.fit = TRUE, doseSeq = c(1,2,3,4), predType = "effect-curve") plot(gfit2, CI=TRUE, plotData = "meansCI") gAIC(gfit2)
Data from a clinical study evaluating Efficacy and Safety of Four Doses of Glycopyrronium Bromide in Patients With Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This data set was obtained from clinicaltrials.gov (NCT00501852). The study design was a 4 period incomplete cross-over design. The primary endpoint is the trough forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) following 7 days of Treatment.
A data frame with 5 summary estimates (one per dose). Variables: A data frame with 5 summary estimates (one per dose). Variables:
a numeric vector containing the dose values
a numeric vector containing the least square mean per dose
a numeric vector containing the standard errors of the least square means per dose
Number of participants analyzed per treatment group
The data given here are summary estimates (least-square means) for each dose.
## simulate a full data set with given means and sdv (here we ignore ## the original study was a cross-over design, and simulate a parallel ## group design) simData <- function(mn, sd, n, doses, fixed = TRUE){ ## simulate data with means (mns) and standard deviations (sd), for ## fixed = TRUE, the data set will have observed means and standard ## deviations as given in mns and sd resp <- numeric(sum(n)) uppind <- cumsum(n) lowind <- c(0,uppind)+1 for(i in 1:length(n)){ rv <- rnorm(n[i]) if(fixed) rv <- scale(rv) resp[lowind[i]:uppind[i]] <- mn[i] + sd[i]*rv } data.frame(doses=rep(doses, n), resp=resp) } data(glycobrom) fullDat <- simData(glycobrom$fev1, glycobrom$sdev, glycobrom$n, glycobrom$dose)
## simulate a full data set with given means and sdv (here we ignore ## the original study was a cross-over design, and simulate a parallel ## group design) simData <- function(mn, sd, n, doses, fixed = TRUE){ ## simulate data with means (mns) and standard deviations (sd), for ## fixed = TRUE, the data set will have observed means and standard ## deviations as given in mns and sd resp <- numeric(sum(n)) uppind <- cumsum(n) lowind <- c(0,uppind)+1 for(i in 1:length(n)){ rv <- rnorm(n[i]) if(fixed) rv <- scale(rv) resp[lowind[i]:uppind[i]] <- mn[i] + sd[i]*rv } data.frame(doses=rep(doses, n), resp=resp) } data(glycobrom) fullDat <- simData(glycobrom$fev1, glycobrom$sdev, glycobrom$n, glycobrom$dose)
Calculates guesstimates for standardized model parameter(s) using the general approach described in Pinheiro et al. (2006).
guesst( d, p, model = c("emax", "exponential", "logistic", "quadratic", "betaMod", "sigEmax"), less = TRUE, local = FALSE, dMax, Maxd, scal )
guesst( d, p, model = c("emax", "exponential", "logistic", "quadratic", "betaMod", "sigEmax"), less = TRUE, local = FALSE, dMax, Maxd, scal )
d |
Vector containing dose value(s). |
p |
Vector of expected percentages of the maximum effect achieved at d. |
model |
Character string. Should be one of "emax", "exponential", "quadratic", "betaMod", "sigEmax", "logistic". |
less |
Logical, only needed in case of quadratic model. Determines if d is smaller (‘less=TRUE’) or larger (‘less=FALSE’) than dopt (see Pinheiro et al. (2006) for details). |
local |
Logical indicating whether local or asymptotic version of guesstimate should be derived (defaults to ‘FALSE’). Only needed for emax, logistic and sigEmax model. When ‘local=TRUE’ the maximum dose must be provided via ‘Maxd’. |
dMax |
Dose at which maximum effect occurs, only needed for the beta model |
Maxd |
Maximum dose to be administered in the trial |
scal |
Scale parameter, only needed for the beta model |
Calculates guesstimates for the parameters of the standardized model function based on the
prior expected percentage of the maximum effect at certain dose levels. Note that this function should be used
together with the
function to ensure that the guesstimates are reflecting the prior beliefs.
For the logistic and sigmoid emax models at least two pairs (d,p) need to be specified.
For the beta model the dose at which the maximum effect occurs (dMax) has to be specified in addition to the (d,p) pair.
For the exponential model the maximum dose administered (Maxd) needs to be specified in addition to the (d,p) pair.
For the quadratic model one (d,p) pair is needed. It is advisable to specify the location of the maximum within the dose range with this pair.
For the emax, sigmoid Emax and logistic model one can choose between a local and an asymptotic version. In the local version one explicitly forces the standardized model function to pass through the specified points (d,p). For the asymptotic version it assumed that the standardized model function is equal to 1 at the largest dose (this is the approach described in Pinheiro et al. (2006)). If the local version is used, convergence problems with the underlying nonlinear optimization can occur.
Returns a numeric vector containing the guesstimates.
Bornkamp B., Pinheiro J. C., and Bretz, F. (2009). MCPMod: An R Package for the Design and Analysis of Dose-Finding Studies, Journal of Statistical Software, 29(7), 1–23
Pinheiro, J. C., Bretz, F., and Branson, M. (2006). Analysis of dose-response studies - modeling approaches, in N. Ting (ed.), Dose Finding in Drug Development, Springer, New York, pp. 146–171
, logistic
, betaMod
, sigEmax
, exponential
, plot.Mods
## Emax model ## Expected percentage of maximum effect: 0.8 is associated with ## dose 0.3 (d,p)=(0.3, 0.8), dose range [0,1] emx1 <- guesst(d=0.3, p=0.8, model="emax") emax(0.3,0,1,emx1) ## local approach emx2 <- guesst(d=0.3, p=0.8, model="emax", local = TRUE, Maxd = 1) emax(0.3,0,1,emx2)/emax(1,0,1,emx2) ## plot models models <- Mods(emax=c(emx1, emx2), doses=c(0,1)) plot(models) ## Logistic model ## Select two (d,p) pairs (0.2, 0.6) and (0.2, 0.95) lgc1 <- guesst(d = c(0.2, 0.6), p = c(0.2, 0.95), "logistic") logistic(c(0.2,0.6), 0, 1, lgc1[1], lgc1[2]) ## local approach lgc2 <- guesst(d = c(0.2, 0.6), p = c(0.2, 0.95), "logistic", local = TRUE, Maxd = 1) r0 <- logistic(0, 0, 1, lgc2[1], lgc2[2]) r1 <- logistic(1, 0, 1, lgc2[1], lgc2[2]) (logistic(c(0.2,0.6), 0, 1, lgc2[1], lgc2[2])-r0)/(r1-r0) ## plot models models <- Mods(logistic = rbind(lgc1, lgc2), doses=c(0,1)) plot(models) ## Beta Model ## Select one pair (d,p): (0.4,0.8) ## dose, where maximum occurs: 0.8 bta <- guesst(d=0.4, p=0.8, model="betaMod", dMax=0.8, scal=1.2, Maxd=1) ## plot models <- Mods(betaMod = bta, doses=c(0,1), addArgs = list(scal = 1.2)) plot(models) ## Sigmoid Emax model ## Select two (d,p) pairs (0.2, 0.6) and (0.2, 0.95) sgE1 <- guesst(d = c(0.2, 0.6), p = c(0.2, 0.95), "sigEmax") sigEmax(c(0.2,0.6), 0, 1, sgE1[1], sgE1[2]) ## local approach sgE2 <- guesst(d = c(0.2, 0.6), p = c(0.2, 0.95), "sigEmax", local = TRUE, Maxd = 1) sigEmax(c(0.2,0.6), 0, 1, sgE2[1], sgE2[2])/sigEmax(1, 0, 1, sgE2[1], sgE2[2]) models <- Mods(sigEmax = rbind(sgE1, sgE2), doses=c(0,1)) plot(models) ## Quadratic model ## For the quadratic model it is assumed that the maximum effect occurs at ## dose 0.7 quad <- guesst(d = 0.7, p = 1, "quadratic") models <- Mods(quadratic = quad, doses=c(0,1)) plot(models) ## exponential model ## (d,p) = (0.8,0.5) expo <- guesst(d = 0.8, p = 0.5, "exponential", Maxd=1) models <- Mods(exponential = expo, doses=c(0,1)) plot(models)
## Emax model ## Expected percentage of maximum effect: 0.8 is associated with ## dose 0.3 (d,p)=(0.3, 0.8), dose range [0,1] emx1 <- guesst(d=0.3, p=0.8, model="emax") emax(0.3,0,1,emx1) ## local approach emx2 <- guesst(d=0.3, p=0.8, model="emax", local = TRUE, Maxd = 1) emax(0.3,0,1,emx2)/emax(1,0,1,emx2) ## plot models models <- Mods(emax=c(emx1, emx2), doses=c(0,1)) plot(models) ## Logistic model ## Select two (d,p) pairs (0.2, 0.6) and (0.2, 0.95) lgc1 <- guesst(d = c(0.2, 0.6), p = c(0.2, 0.95), "logistic") logistic(c(0.2,0.6), 0, 1, lgc1[1], lgc1[2]) ## local approach lgc2 <- guesst(d = c(0.2, 0.6), p = c(0.2, 0.95), "logistic", local = TRUE, Maxd = 1) r0 <- logistic(0, 0, 1, lgc2[1], lgc2[2]) r1 <- logistic(1, 0, 1, lgc2[1], lgc2[2]) (logistic(c(0.2,0.6), 0, 1, lgc2[1], lgc2[2])-r0)/(r1-r0) ## plot models models <- Mods(logistic = rbind(lgc1, lgc2), doses=c(0,1)) plot(models) ## Beta Model ## Select one pair (d,p): (0.4,0.8) ## dose, where maximum occurs: 0.8 bta <- guesst(d=0.4, p=0.8, model="betaMod", dMax=0.8, scal=1.2, Maxd=1) ## plot models <- Mods(betaMod = bta, doses=c(0,1), addArgs = list(scal = 1.2)) plot(models) ## Sigmoid Emax model ## Select two (d,p) pairs (0.2, 0.6) and (0.2, 0.95) sgE1 <- guesst(d = c(0.2, 0.6), p = c(0.2, 0.95), "sigEmax") sigEmax(c(0.2,0.6), 0, 1, sgE1[1], sgE1[2]) ## local approach sgE2 <- guesst(d = c(0.2, 0.6), p = c(0.2, 0.95), "sigEmax", local = TRUE, Maxd = 1) sigEmax(c(0.2,0.6), 0, 1, sgE2[1], sgE2[2])/sigEmax(1, 0, 1, sgE2[1], sgE2[2]) models <- Mods(sigEmax = rbind(sgE1, sgE2), doses=c(0,1)) plot(models) ## Quadratic model ## For the quadratic model it is assumed that the maximum effect occurs at ## dose 0.7 quad <- guesst(d = 0.7, p = 1, "quadratic") models <- Mods(quadratic = quad, doses=c(0,1)) plot(models) ## exponential model ## (d,p) = (0.8,0.5) expo <- guesst(d = 0.8, p = 0.5, "exponential", Maxd=1) models <- Mods(exponential = expo, doses=c(0,1)) plot(models)
A subset of the data used by (Biesheuvel and Hothorn, 2002). The data are part of a dose ranging trial on a compound for the treatment of the irritable bowel syndrome with four active treatment arms, corresponding to doses 1,2,3,4 and placebo. Note that the original dose levels have been blinded in this data set for confidentiality. The primary endpoint was a baseline adjusted abdominal pain score with larger values corresponding to a better treatment effect. In total 369 patients completed the study, with nearly balanced allocation across the doses.
A data frame with 369 observations on the following 2 variables.
a factor specifying the gender
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
Biesheuvel, E. and Hothorn, L. A. (2002). Many-to-one comparisons in stratified designs, Biometrical Journal, 44, 101–116
This function fits dose-response models in a bootstrap model averaging approach motivated by the bagging procedure (Breiman 1996). Given summary estimates for the outcome at each dose, the function samples summary data from the multivariate normal distribution. For each sample dose-response models are fit to these summary estimates and the best model according to the gAIC is selected.
maFitMod(dose, resp, S, models, nSim = 1000, control, bnds, addArgs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'maFit' predict( object, summaryFct = function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)), doseSeq = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'maFit' plot( x, plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "none"), xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Response", title = NULL, level = 0.95, trafo = function(x) x, lenDose = 201, ... )
maFitMod(dose, resp, S, models, nSim = 1000, control, bnds, addArgs = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'maFit' predict( object, summaryFct = function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)), doseSeq = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'maFit' plot( x, plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "none"), xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Response", title = NULL, level = 0.95, trafo = function(x) x, lenDose = 201, ... )
dose |
Numeric specifying the dose variable. |
resp |
Numeric specifying the response estimate corresponding
to the doses in |
S |
Covariance matrix associated with the dose-response
estimate specified via |
models |
dose-response models to fit |
nSim |
Number of bootstrap simulations |
control |
Same as the control argument in
bnds |
Bounds for non-linear parameters. This needs to be a
list with list entries corresponding to the selected bounds. The
names of the list entries need to correspond to the model
names. The |
addArgs |
List containing two entries named "scal" and "off" for the "betaMod" and "linlog" model. When addArgs is NULL the following defaults are used ‘list(scal = 1.2*max(doses), off = 0.01*max(doses))’ |
object |
Object of class maFit |
summaryFct |
If equal to NULL predictions are calculated for each sampled parameter value. Otherwise a summary function is applied to the dose-response predictions for each parameter value. The default is to calculate 0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975 quantiles of the predictions for each dose. |
doseSeq |
Where to calculate predictions. |
... |
Additional parametes (unused) |
x |
object of class maFit |
plotData |
Determines how the original data are plotted: Either as means or as means with CI or not at all. The level of the CI is determined by the argument ‘level’. |
xlab |
x-axis label |
ylab |
y-axis label |
title |
plot title |
level |
Level for CI, when plotData is equal to ‘meansCI’. |
trafo |
Plot the fitted models on a transformed scale (e.g. probability scale if models have been fitted on log-odds scale). The default for ‘trafo’ is the identity function. |
lenDose |
Number of grid values to use for display. |
An object of class ‘maFit’, which contains the fitted dose-response models ‘DRMod’ objects, information on which model was selected in each bootstrap and basic input parameters.
Bjoern Bornkamp
Breiman, L. (1996). Bagging predictors. Machine learning, 24, 123-140.
data(biom) ## produce first stage fit (using dose as factor) anMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)-1, data=biom) drFit <- coef(anMod) S <- vcov(anMod) dose <- sort(unique(biom$dose)) ## fit an emax and sigEmax model (increase nSim for real use) mFit <- maFitMod(dose, drFit, S, model = c("emax", "sigEmax"), nSim = 10) mFit plot(mFit, plotData = "meansCI") ED(mFit, direction = "increasing", p = 0.9)
data(biom) ## produce first stage fit (using dose as factor) anMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)-1, data=biom) drFit <- coef(anMod) S <- vcov(anMod) dose <- sort(unique(biom$dose)) ## fit an emax and sigEmax model (increase nSim for real use) mFit <- maFitMod(dose, drFit, S, model = c("emax", "sigEmax"), nSim = 10) mFit plot(mFit, plotData = "meansCI") ED(mFit, direction = "increasing", p = 0.9)
Tests for a dose-response effect using a model-based multiple contrast
test (see MCTtest
), selects one (or several) model(s)
from the significant shapes, fits them using fitMod
For details on the method see Bretz et al. (2005).
MCPMod(dose, resp, data, models, S = NULL, type = c("normal", "general"), addCovars = ~1, placAdj = FALSE, selModel = c("AIC", "maxT", "aveAIC"), alpha = 0.025, df = NULL, critV = NULL, doseType = c("TD", "ED"), Delta, p, pVal = TRUE, alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"), na.action = na.fail, mvtcontrol = mvtnorm.control(), bnds, control = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'MCPMod' predict(object, predType = c("full-model", "ls-means", "effect-curve"), newdata = NULL, doseSeq = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MCPMod' plot(x, CI = FALSE, level = 0.95, plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "raw", "none"), plotGrid = TRUE, colMn = 1, colFit = 1, ...)
MCPMod(dose, resp, data, models, S = NULL, type = c("normal", "general"), addCovars = ~1, placAdj = FALSE, selModel = c("AIC", "maxT", "aveAIC"), alpha = 0.025, df = NULL, critV = NULL, doseType = c("TD", "ED"), Delta, p, pVal = TRUE, alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"), na.action = na.fail, mvtcontrol = mvtnorm.control(), bnds, control = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'MCPMod' predict(object, predType = c("full-model", "ls-means", "effect-curve"), newdata = NULL, doseSeq = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'MCPMod' plot(x, CI = FALSE, level = 0.95, plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "raw", "none"), plotGrid = TRUE, colMn = 1, colFit = 1, ...)
dose , resp
Either vectors of equal length specifying dose and response values, or names of variables in the data frame specified in ‘data’. |
data |
Data frame containing the variables referenced in dose and resp if ‘data’ is not specified it is assumed that ‘dose’ and ‘resp’ are variables referenced from data (and no vectors) |
models |
An object of class ‘"Mods"’, see |
S |
The covariance matrix of ‘resp’ when ‘type = "general"’, see Description. |
type |
Determines whether inference is based on an ANCOVA model under a
homoscedastic normality assumption (when ‘type = "normal"’), or
estimates at the doses and their covariance matrix and degrees of
freedom are specified directly in ‘resp’, ‘S’ and
‘df’. See also |
addCovars |
Formula specifying additive linear covariates (for ‘type = "normal"’) |
placAdj |
Logical, if true, it is assumed that placebo-adjusted estimates are specified in ‘resp’ (only possible for ‘type = "general"’). |
selModel |
Optional character vector specifying the model selection criterion for dose estimation. Possible values are
For ‘type = "general"’ the "gAIC" is used. |
alpha |
Significance level for the multiple contrast test |
df |
Specify the degrees of freedom to use in case ‘type = "general"’,
for the call to |
critV |
Supply a pre-calculated critical value. If this argument is NULL, no critical value will be calculated and the test decision is based on the p-values. If ‘critV = TRUE’ the critical value will be calculated. |
doseType , Delta , p
‘doseType’ determines the dose to estimate, ED or TD (see also
pVal |
Logical determining, whether p-values should be calculated. |
alternative |
Character determining the alternative for the multiple contrast trend test. |
na.action |
A function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. |
mvtcontrol |
A list specifying additional control parameters for the ‘qmvt’
and ‘pmvt’ calls in the code, see also |
bnds |
Bounds for non-linear parameters. This needs to be a list with list
entries corresponding to the selected bounds. The names of the list
entries need to correspond to the model names. The
control |
Control list for the optimization. The entry nlminbcontrol needs to be a list and is passed directly to control argument in the nlminb function, that is used internally for models with 2 nonlinear parameters (e.g. sigmoid Emax or beta model). The entry optimizetol is passed directly to the tol argument of the optimize function, which is used for models with 1 nonlinear parameters (e.g. Emax or exponential model). The entry gridSize needs to be a list with entries dim1 and dim2 giving the size of the grid for the gridsearch in 1d or 2d models. |
object , x
MCPMod object |
predType , newdata , doseSeq , se.fit , ...
predType determines whether predictions are returned for the full model (including potential covariates), the ls-means (SAS type) or the effect curve (difference to placebo). newdata gives the covariates to use in producing the predictions (for ‘predType = "full-model"’), if missing the covariates used for fitting are used. doseSeq dose-sequence on where to produce predictions (for ‘predType = "effect-curve"’ and ‘predType = "ls-means"’). If missing the doses used for fitting are used. se.fit: logical determining, whether the standard error should be calculated. ...: Additional arguments, for plot.MCPMod these are passed to plot.DRMod. |
CI , level , plotData , plotGrid , colMn , colFit
Arguments for plot method: ‘CI’ determines whether confidence intervals should be plotted. ‘level’ determines the level of the confidence intervals. ‘plotData’ determines how the data are plotted: Either as means or as means with CI, raw data or none. In case of ‘type = "normal"’ and covariates the ls-means are displayed, when ‘type = "general"’ the option "raw" is not available. ‘colMn’ and ‘colFit’ determine the colors of fitted model and the raw means. |
An object of class ‘MCPMod’, which contains the fitted ‘MCTtest’ object as well as the ‘DRMod’ objects and additional information (model selection criteria, dose estimates, selected models).
Bjoern Bornkamp
Bretz, F., Pinheiro, J. C., and Branson, M. (2005), Combining multiple comparisons and modeling techniques in dose-response studies, Biometrics, 61, 738–748
Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., and Bretz, F. (2006). Design and analysis of dose finding studies combining multiple comparisons and modeling procedures, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 16, 639–656
Pinheiro, J. C., Bretz, F., and Branson, M. (2006). Analysis of dose-response studies - modeling approaches, in N. Ting (ed.). Dose Finding in Drug Development, Springer, New York, pp. 146–171
Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., Glimm, E. and Bretz, F. (2014) Model-based dose finding under model uncertainty using general parametric models, Statistics in Medicine, 33, 1646–1661
Schorning, K., Bornkamp, B., Bretz, F., & Dette, H. (2016). Model selection versus model averaging in dose finding studies. Statistics in Medicine, 35, 4021–4040
Xun, X. and Bretz, F. (2017) The MCP-Mod methodology: Practical Considerations and The DoseFinding R package, in O'Quigley, J., Iasonos, A. and Bornkamp, B. (eds) Handbook of methods for designing, monitoring, and analyzing dose-finding trials, CRC press
Buckland, S. T., Burnham, K. P. and Augustin, N. H. (1997). Model selection an integral part of inference, Biometrics, 53, 603–618
Seber, G.A.F. and Wild, C.J. (2003). Nonlinear Regression, Wiley.
data(biom) ## first define candidate model set (only need "standardized" models) models <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax=c(0.05,0.2), linInt=c(1, 1, 1, 1), doses=c(0,0.05,0.2,0.6,1)) plot(models) ## perform MCPMod procedure MM <- MCPMod(dose, resp, biom, models, Delta=0.5) ## a number of things can be done with an MCPMod object MM # print method provides basic information summary(MM) # more information ## predict all significant dose-response models predict(MM, se.fit=TRUE, doseSeq=c(0,0.2,0.4, 0.9, 1), predType="ls-means") ## display all model functions plot(MM, plotData="meansCI", CI=TRUE) ## now perform model-averaging MM2 <- MCPMod(dose, resp, biom, models, Delta=0.5, selModel = "aveAIC") sq <- seq(0,1,length=11) pred <- predict(MM, doseSeq=sq, predType="ls-means") modWeights <- MM2$selMod ## model averaged predictions pred <- do.call("cbind", pred)%*%modWeights ## model averaged dose-estimate TDEst <- MM2$doseEst%*%modWeights ## now an example using a general fit and fitting based on placebo ## adjusted first-stage estimates data(IBScovars) ## ANCOVA fit model including covariates anovaMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)+gender, data=IBScovars) drFit <- coef(anovaMod)[2:5] # placebo adjusted estimates at doses vCov <- vcov(anovaMod)[2:5,2:5] dose <- sort(unique(IBScovars$dose))[-1] # no estimate for placebo ## candidate models models <- Mods(emax = c(0.5, 1), betaMod=c(1,1), doses=c(0,4)) plot(models) ## hand over placebo-adjusted estimates drFit to MCPMod MM3 <- MCPMod(dose, drFit, S=vCov, models = models, type = "general", placAdj = TRUE, Delta=0.2) plot(MM3, plotData="meansCI") ## The first example, but with critical value handed over ## this is useful, e.g. in simulation studies MM4 <- MCPMod(dose, resp, biom, models, Delta=0.5, critV = 2.31)
data(biom) ## first define candidate model set (only need "standardized" models) models <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax=c(0.05,0.2), linInt=c(1, 1, 1, 1), doses=c(0,0.05,0.2,0.6,1)) plot(models) ## perform MCPMod procedure MM <- MCPMod(dose, resp, biom, models, Delta=0.5) ## a number of things can be done with an MCPMod object MM # print method provides basic information summary(MM) # more information ## predict all significant dose-response models predict(MM, se.fit=TRUE, doseSeq=c(0,0.2,0.4, 0.9, 1), predType="ls-means") ## display all model functions plot(MM, plotData="meansCI", CI=TRUE) ## now perform model-averaging MM2 <- MCPMod(dose, resp, biom, models, Delta=0.5, selModel = "aveAIC") sq <- seq(0,1,length=11) pred <- predict(MM, doseSeq=sq, predType="ls-means") modWeights <- MM2$selMod ## model averaged predictions pred <- do.call("cbind", pred)%*%modWeights ## model averaged dose-estimate TDEst <- MM2$doseEst%*%modWeights ## now an example using a general fit and fitting based on placebo ## adjusted first-stage estimates data(IBScovars) ## ANCOVA fit model including covariates anovaMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)+gender, data=IBScovars) drFit <- coef(anovaMod)[2:5] # placebo adjusted estimates at doses vCov <- vcov(anovaMod)[2:5,2:5] dose <- sort(unique(IBScovars$dose))[-1] # no estimate for placebo ## candidate models models <- Mods(emax = c(0.5, 1), betaMod=c(1,1), doses=c(0,4)) plot(models) ## hand over placebo-adjusted estimates drFit to MCPMod MM3 <- MCPMod(dose, drFit, S=vCov, models = models, type = "general", placAdj = TRUE, Delta=0.2) plot(MM3, plotData="meansCI") ## The first example, but with critical value handed over ## this is useful, e.g. in simulation studies MM4 <- MCPMod(dose, resp, biom, models, Delta=0.5, critV = 2.31)
Calculate multiplicity adjusted p-values for a maximum contrast test corresponding to a set of contrasts and given a
set of observed test statistics. This function is exported as it may be a useful building block and used in more
complex testing situations that are not covered by MCTtest
. Most users probably don't need to use this
MCTpval( contMat, corMat, df, tStat, alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"), control = mvtnorm.control() )
MCTpval( contMat, corMat, df, tStat, alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"), control = mvtnorm.control() )
contMat |
Contrast matrix to use. The individual contrasts should be saved in the columns of the matrix |
corMat |
Correlation matrix of contrasts |
df |
Degrees of freedom to use for calculation. |
tStat |
Vector of contrast test statistics |
alternative |
Character determining the alternative for the multiple contrast trend test. |
control |
A list specifying additional control parameters for the ‘qmvt’ and ‘pmvt’ calls in the code,
see also |
Numeric containing the calculated p-values.
Bjoern Bornkamp
Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., and Bretz, F. (2006). Design and analysis of dose finding studies combining multiple comparisons and modeling procedures, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 16, 639–656
data(biom) ## define shapes for which to calculate optimal contrasts modlist <- Mods(emax = 0.05, linear = NULL, logistic = c(0.5, 0.1), linInt = c(0, 1, 1, 1), doses = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1)) contMat <- optContr(modlist, w=1)$contMat ## calculate inputs needed for MCTpval fit <- lm(resp~factor(dose)-1, data=biom) est <- coef(fit) vc <- vcov(fit) ct <- as.vector(est %*% contMat) covMat <- t(contMat) %*% vc %*% contMat den <- sqrt(diag(covMat)) tStat <- ct/den corMat <- cov2cor(t(contMat) %*% vc %*% contMat) MCTpval(contMat, corMat, df=100-5, tStat) ## compare to test <- MCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist) attr(test$tStat, "pVal")
data(biom) ## define shapes for which to calculate optimal contrasts modlist <- Mods(emax = 0.05, linear = NULL, logistic = c(0.5, 0.1), linInt = c(0, 1, 1, 1), doses = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1)) contMat <- optContr(modlist, w=1)$contMat ## calculate inputs needed for MCTpval fit <- lm(resp~factor(dose)-1, data=biom) est <- coef(fit) vc <- vcov(fit) ct <- as.vector(est %*% contMat) covMat <- t(contMat) %*% vc %*% contMat den <- sqrt(diag(covMat)) tStat <- ct/den corMat <- cov2cor(t(contMat) %*% vc %*% contMat) MCTpval(contMat, corMat, df=100-5, tStat) ## compare to test <- MCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist) attr(test$tStat, "pVal")
This function performs a multiple contrast test. The contrasts are
either directly specified in ‘contMat’ or optimal contrasts
derived from the ‘models’ argument. The directionality of the
data (i.e. whether an increase or decrease in the response variable is
beneficial is inferred from the ‘models’ object, see
For ‘type = "normal"’ an ANCOVA model based on a homoscedastic normality assumption (with additive covariates specified in ‘addCovars’) is fitted.
For ‘type = "general"’ it is assumed multivariate normally distributed estimates are specified in ‘resp’ with covariance given by ‘S’, and the contrast test statistic is calculated based on this assumption. Degrees of freedom specified in ‘df’.
MCTtest(dose, resp, data = NULL, models, S = NULL, type = c("normal", "general"), addCovars = ~1, placAdj = FALSE, alpha = 0.025, df = NULL, critV = NULL, pVal = TRUE, alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"), na.action = na.fail, mvtcontrol = mvtnorm.control(), contMat = NULL)
MCTtest(dose, resp, data = NULL, models, S = NULL, type = c("normal", "general"), addCovars = ~1, placAdj = FALSE, alpha = 0.025, df = NULL, critV = NULL, pVal = TRUE, alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"), na.action = na.fail, mvtcontrol = mvtnorm.control(), contMat = NULL)
dose , resp
Either vectors of equal length specifying dose and response values, or names of variables in the data frame specified in ‘data’. |
data |
Data frame containing the variables referenced in dose and resp if ‘data’ is not specified it is assumed that ‘dose’ and ‘resp’ are variables referenced from data (and no vectors) |
models |
An object of class ‘Mods’, see |
S |
The covariance matrix of ‘resp’ when ‘type = "general"’, see Description. |
type |
Determines whether inference is based on an ANCOVA model under a
homoscedastic normality assumption (when ‘type = "normal"’), or
estimates at the doses and their covariance matrix and degrees of
freedom are specified directly in ‘resp’, ‘S’ and
‘df’. See also |
addCovars |
Formula specifying additive linear covariates (for ‘type = "normal"’) |
placAdj |
Logical, if true, it is assumed that placebo-adjusted estimates are specified in ‘resp’ (only possible for ‘type = "general"’). |
alpha |
Significance level for the multiple contrast test |
df |
Specify the degrees of freedom to use in case ‘type = "general"’. If this argument is missing ‘df = Inf’ is used (which corresponds to the multivariate normal distribution). For type = "normal" the degrees of freedom deduced from the AN(C)OVA fit are used and this argument is ignored. |
critV |
Supply a pre-calculated critical value. If this argument is NULL, no critical value will be calculated and the test decision is based on the p-values. If ‘critV = TRUE’ the critical value will be calculated. |
pVal |
Logical determining, whether p-values should be calculated. |
alternative |
Character determining the alternative for the multiple contrast trend test. |
na.action |
A function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. |
mvtcontrol |
A list specifying additional control parameters for the ‘qmvt’
and ‘pmvt’ calls in the code, see also |
contMat |
Contrast matrix to apply to the ANCOVA dose-response estimates. The contrasts need to be in the columns of the matrix (i.e. the column sums need to be 0). |
Integrals over the multivariate t and multivariate normal distribution are calculated using the ‘mvtnorm’ package.
An object of class MCTtest, a list containing the output.
Bjoern Bornkamp
Hothorn, T., Bretz, F., and Westfall, P. (2008). Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models, Biometrical Journal, 50, 346–363
Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., Glimm, E. and Bretz, F. (2014) Model-based dose finding under model uncertainty using general parametric models, Statistics in Medicine, 33, 1646–1661
## example without covariates data(biom) ## define shapes for which to calculate optimal contrasts modlist <- Mods(emax = 0.05, linear = NULL, logistic = c(0.5, 0.1), linInt = c(0, 1, 1, 1), doses = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1)) m1 <- MCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist) ## now calculate critical value (but not p-values) m2 <- MCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist, critV = TRUE, pVal = FALSE) ## now hand over critical value m3 <- MCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist, critV = 2.24) ## example with covariates data(IBScovars) modlist <- Mods(emax = 0.05, linear = NULL, logistic = c(0.5, 0.1), linInt = c(0, 1, 1, 1), doses = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)) MCTtest(dose, resp, IBScovars, models = modlist, addCovars = ~gender) ## example using general approach (fitted on placebo-adjusted scale) ancMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)+gender, data=IBScovars) ## extract estimates and information to feed into MCTtest drEst <- coef(ancMod)[2:5] vc <- vcov(ancMod)[2:5, 2:5] doses <- 1:4 MCTtest(doses, drEst, S = vc, models = modlist, placAdj = TRUE, type = "general", df = Inf) ## example with general alternatives handed over data(biom) ## calculate contrast matrix for the step-contrasts ## represent them as linInt models models <- Mods(linInt=rbind(c(1,1,1,1), c(0,1,1,1), c(0,0,1,1), c(0,0,0,1)), doses=c(0,0.05,0.2,0.6,1)) plot(models) ## now calculate optimal contrasts for these means ## use weights from actual sample sizes weights <- as.numeric(table(biom$dose)) contMat <- optContr(models, w = weights) ## plot contrasts plot(contMat) ## perform multiple contrast test MCTtest(dose, resp, data=biom, contMat = contMat) ## example for using the Dunnett contrasts ## Dunnett contrasts doses <- sort(unique(biom$dose)) contMat <- rbind(-1, diag(4)) rownames(contMat) <- doses colnames(contMat) <- paste("D", doses[-1], sep="") MCTtest(dose, resp, data=biom, contMat = contMat)
## example without covariates data(biom) ## define shapes for which to calculate optimal contrasts modlist <- Mods(emax = 0.05, linear = NULL, logistic = c(0.5, 0.1), linInt = c(0, 1, 1, 1), doses = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1)) m1 <- MCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist) ## now calculate critical value (but not p-values) m2 <- MCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist, critV = TRUE, pVal = FALSE) ## now hand over critical value m3 <- MCTtest(dose, resp, biom, models=modlist, critV = 2.24) ## example with covariates data(IBScovars) modlist <- Mods(emax = 0.05, linear = NULL, logistic = c(0.5, 0.1), linInt = c(0, 1, 1, 1), doses = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)) MCTtest(dose, resp, IBScovars, models = modlist, addCovars = ~gender) ## example using general approach (fitted on placebo-adjusted scale) ancMod <- lm(resp~factor(dose)+gender, data=IBScovars) ## extract estimates and information to feed into MCTtest drEst <- coef(ancMod)[2:5] vc <- vcov(ancMod)[2:5, 2:5] doses <- 1:4 MCTtest(doses, drEst, S = vc, models = modlist, placAdj = TRUE, type = "general", df = Inf) ## example with general alternatives handed over data(biom) ## calculate contrast matrix for the step-contrasts ## represent them as linInt models models <- Mods(linInt=rbind(c(1,1,1,1), c(0,1,1,1), c(0,0,1,1), c(0,0,0,1)), doses=c(0,0.05,0.2,0.6,1)) plot(models) ## now calculate optimal contrasts for these means ## use weights from actual sample sizes weights <- as.numeric(table(biom$dose)) contMat <- optContr(models, w = weights) ## plot contrasts plot(contMat) ## perform multiple contrast test MCTtest(dose, resp, data=biom, contMat = contMat) ## example for using the Dunnett contrasts ## Dunnett contrasts doses <- sort(unique(biom$dose)) contMat <- rbind(-1, diag(4)) rownames(contMat) <- doses colnames(contMat) <- paste("D", doses[-1], sep="") MCTtest(dose, resp, data=biom, contMat = contMat)
Data set obtained from clinicaltrials.gov (NCT00712725). This was randomized placebo controlled dose-response trial for treatment of acute migraine. The primary endpoint was "pain freedom at 2 hours postdose" (a binary measurement).
A data frame with 517 columns corresponding to the patients that completed the trial
a numeric vector containing the dose values
number of treatment responders
number of subject per treatment group
The Mods functions allows to define a set of dose-response models. The function is used as input object for a number of other different functions.
Mods( ..., doses, placEff = 0, maxEff, direction = c("increasing", "decreasing"), addArgs = NULL, fullMod = FALSE ) getResp(fmodels, doses) plotMods( ModsObj, nPoints = 200, superpose = FALSE, xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Model means", modNams = NULL, trafo = function(x) x ) ## S3 method for class 'Mods' plot( x, nPoints = 200, superpose = FALSE, xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Model means", modNams = NULL, plotTD = FALSE, Delta, ... )
Mods( ..., doses, placEff = 0, maxEff, direction = c("increasing", "decreasing"), addArgs = NULL, fullMod = FALSE ) getResp(fmodels, doses) plotMods( ModsObj, nPoints = 200, superpose = FALSE, xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Model means", modNams = NULL, trafo = function(x) x ) ## S3 method for class 'Mods' plot( x, nPoints = 200, superpose = FALSE, xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Model means", modNams = NULL, plotTD = FALSE, Delta, ... )
... |
In function Mods: |
doses |
Dose levels to be used, this needs to include placebo. |
placEff , maxEff
Specify used placebo effect and the maximum effect over placebo. Either a numeric vector of
the same size as the number of candidate models or of length one. |
direction |
Character determining whether the beneficial direction is ‘increasing’ or ‘decreasing’ with increasing dose levels. This argument is ignored if ‘maxEff’ is specified. |
addArgs |
List containing two entries named "scal" and "off" for the "betaMod" and "linlog". When addArgs is NULL the following defaults are used ‘list(scal = 1.2*max(doses), off = 0.01*max(doses), nodes = doses)’. |
fullMod |
Logical determining, whether the model parameters specified in the Mods function (via the ... argument) should be interpreted as standardized or the full model parameters. |
fmodels |
An object of class Mods |
ModsObj |
For function ‘plotMods’ the ‘ModsObj’ should contain an object of class ‘Mods’. |
nPoints |
Number of points for plotting |
superpose |
Logical determining, whether model plots should be superposed |
xlab , ylab
Label for y-axis and x-axis. |
modNams |
When ‘modNams == NULL’, the names for the panels are determined by the underlying model functions, otherwise the contents of ‘modNams’ are used. |
trafo |
For function ‘plotMods’ there is the option to plot the candidate model set on a transformed scale (e.g. probability scale if the candidate models are formulated on log-odds scale). The default for ‘trafo’ is the identity function. |
x |
Object of class Mods with type Mods |
plotTD |
‘plotTD’ is a logical determining, whether the TD should be plotted. ‘Delta’ is the target effect to estimate for the TD. |
Delta |
Delta: The target effect size use for the target dose (TD) (Delta should be > 0). |
The dose-response models used in this package (see drmodels
for details) are of form
where the parameter is the only non-linear parameter and can be one- or two-dimensional,
depending on the used model.
One needs to hand over the effect at placebo and the maximum effect in the dose range, from which
are then back-calculated, the output object is of class ‘"Mods"’. This
object can form the input for other functions to extract the mean response (‘getResp’) or target doses
and ED
) corresponding to the models. It is also needed as input to the functions
, optDesign
Some models, for example the beta model (‘scal’) and the linlog model (‘off’) have parameters that are not estimated from the data, they need to be specified via the ‘addArgs’ argument.
The default plot method for ‘Mods’ objects is based on a plot using the ‘lattice’ package for backward compatibility. The function ‘plotMods’ function implements a plot using the ‘ggplot2’ package.
NOTE: If a decreasing effect is beneficial for the considered response variable it needs to specified here, either by using ‘direction = "decreasing"’ or by specifying a negative "maxEff" argument.
Returns an object of class ‘"Mods"’. The object contains the specified model parameter values and the derived linear parameters (based on ‘"placEff"’ and ‘"maxEff"’) in a list.
Bjoern Bornkamp
Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., and Bretz, F. (2006). Design and analysis of dose finding studies combining multiple comparisons and modeling procedures, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 16, 639–656
, drmodels
, optDesign
, powMCT
## Example on how to specify candidate models ## Suppose one would like to use the following models with the specified ## guesstimates for theta2, in a situation where the doses to be used are ## 0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1 ## Model guesstimate(s) for theta2 parameter(s) (name) ## linear - ## linear in log - ## Emax 0.05 (ED50) ## Emax 0.3 (ED50) ## exponential 0.7 (delta) ## quadratic -0.85 (delta) ## logistic 0.4 0.09 (ED50, delta) ## logistic 0.3 0.1 (ED50, delta) ## betaMod 0.3 1.3 (delta1, delta2) ## sigmoid Emax 0.5 2 (ED50, h) ## linInt 0.5 0.75 1 1 (perc of max-effect at doses) ## linInt 0.5 1 0.7 0.5 (perc of max-effect at doses) ## for the linInt model one specifies the effect over placebo for ## each active dose. ## The fixed "scal" parameter of the betaMod is set to 1.2 ## The fixed "off" parameter of the linlog is set to 0.1 ## These (standardized) candidate models can be specified as follows models <- Mods(linear = NULL, linlog = NULL, emax = c(0.05, 0.3), exponential = 0.7, quadratic = -0.85, logistic = rbind(c(0.4, 0.09), c(0.3, 0.1)), betaMod = c(0.3, 1.3), sigEmax = c(0.5, 2), linInt = rbind(c(0.5, 0.75, 1, 1), c(0.5, 1, 0.7, 0.5)), doses = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1), addArgs = list(scal=1.2, off=0.1)) ## "models" now contains the candidate model set, as placEff, maxEff and ## direction were not specified a placebo effect of 0 and an effect of 1 ## is assumed ## display of specified candidate set using default plot (based on lattice) plot(models) ## display using ggplot2 plotMods(models) ## example for creating a candidate set with decreasing response doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150) fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = 85, betaMod = rbind(c(0.33, 2.31), c(1.39, 1.39)), linInt = rbind(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1), c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.8)), doses=doses, placEff = 0.5, maxEff = -0.4, addArgs=list(scal=200)) plot(fmodels) plotMods(fmodels) ## some customizations (different model names, symbols, line-width) plot(fmodels, lwd = 3, pch = 3, cex=1.2, col="red", modNams = paste("mod", 1:8, sep="-")) ## for a full-model object one can calculate the responses ## in a matrix getResp(fmodels, doses=c(0, 20, 100, 150)) ## calculate doses giving an improvement of 0.3 over placebo TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3, direction = "decreasing") ## discrete version TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3, TDtype = "discrete", doses=doses, direction = "decreasing") ## doses giving 50% of the maximum effect ED(fmodels, p=0.5) ED(fmodels, p=0.5, EDtype = "discrete", doses=doses) plot(fmodels, plotTD = TRUE, Delta = 0.3) ## example for specifying all model parameters (fullMod=TRUE) fmods <- Mods(emax = c(0, 1, 0.1), linear = cbind(c(-0.4,0), c(0.2,0.1)), sigEmax = c(0, 1.1, 0.5, 3), doses = 0:4, fullMod = TRUE) getResp(fmods, doses=seq(0,4,length=11)) ## calculate doses giving an improvement of 0.3 over placebo TD(fmods, Delta=0.3) ## discrete version TD(fmods, Delta=0.3, TDtype = "discrete", doses=0:4) ## doses giving 50% of the maximum effect ED(fmods, p=0.5) ED(fmods, p=0.5, EDtype = "discrete", doses=0:4) plot(fmods)
## Example on how to specify candidate models ## Suppose one would like to use the following models with the specified ## guesstimates for theta2, in a situation where the doses to be used are ## 0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1 ## Model guesstimate(s) for theta2 parameter(s) (name) ## linear - ## linear in log - ## Emax 0.05 (ED50) ## Emax 0.3 (ED50) ## exponential 0.7 (delta) ## quadratic -0.85 (delta) ## logistic 0.4 0.09 (ED50, delta) ## logistic 0.3 0.1 (ED50, delta) ## betaMod 0.3 1.3 (delta1, delta2) ## sigmoid Emax 0.5 2 (ED50, h) ## linInt 0.5 0.75 1 1 (perc of max-effect at doses) ## linInt 0.5 1 0.7 0.5 (perc of max-effect at doses) ## for the linInt model one specifies the effect over placebo for ## each active dose. ## The fixed "scal" parameter of the betaMod is set to 1.2 ## The fixed "off" parameter of the linlog is set to 0.1 ## These (standardized) candidate models can be specified as follows models <- Mods(linear = NULL, linlog = NULL, emax = c(0.05, 0.3), exponential = 0.7, quadratic = -0.85, logistic = rbind(c(0.4, 0.09), c(0.3, 0.1)), betaMod = c(0.3, 1.3), sigEmax = c(0.5, 2), linInt = rbind(c(0.5, 0.75, 1, 1), c(0.5, 1, 0.7, 0.5)), doses = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 1), addArgs = list(scal=1.2, off=0.1)) ## "models" now contains the candidate model set, as placEff, maxEff and ## direction were not specified a placebo effect of 0 and an effect of 1 ## is assumed ## display of specified candidate set using default plot (based on lattice) plot(models) ## display using ggplot2 plotMods(models) ## example for creating a candidate set with decreasing response doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150) fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = 85, betaMod = rbind(c(0.33, 2.31), c(1.39, 1.39)), linInt = rbind(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1), c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.8)), doses=doses, placEff = 0.5, maxEff = -0.4, addArgs=list(scal=200)) plot(fmodels) plotMods(fmodels) ## some customizations (different model names, symbols, line-width) plot(fmodels, lwd = 3, pch = 3, cex=1.2, col="red", modNams = paste("mod", 1:8, sep="-")) ## for a full-model object one can calculate the responses ## in a matrix getResp(fmodels, doses=c(0, 20, 100, 150)) ## calculate doses giving an improvement of 0.3 over placebo TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3, direction = "decreasing") ## discrete version TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3, TDtype = "discrete", doses=doses, direction = "decreasing") ## doses giving 50% of the maximum effect ED(fmodels, p=0.5) ED(fmodels, p=0.5, EDtype = "discrete", doses=doses) plot(fmodels, plotTD = TRUE, Delta = 0.3) ## example for specifying all model parameters (fullMod=TRUE) fmods <- Mods(emax = c(0, 1, 0.1), linear = cbind(c(-0.4,0), c(0.2,0.1)), sigEmax = c(0, 1.1, 0.5, 3), doses = 0:4, fullMod = TRUE) getResp(fmods, doses=seq(0,4,length=11)) ## calculate doses giving an improvement of 0.3 over placebo TD(fmods, Delta=0.3) ## discrete version TD(fmods, Delta=0.3, TDtype = "discrete", doses=0:4) ## doses giving 50% of the maximum effect ED(fmods, p=0.5) ED(fmods, p=0.5, EDtype = "discrete", doses=0:4) plot(fmods)
Calculate conjugate posterior mixture of multivariate normals with known covariance matrix
mvpostmix(priormix, mu_hat, S_hat)
mvpostmix(priormix, mu_hat, S_hat)
priormix |
Prior multivariate normal mixture given as a list of length 3. The first list entry contains the mixture weights, the second component the mean vectors and the third component of the list the covariance matrices. |
mu_hat |
estimated mean response for each dose |
S_hat |
estimated covariance matrix |
Returns a posterior multivariate normal mixture as a list of length 3, containing mixture weights, mean vectors and covariance matrices.
Marius Thomas
Bernardo, J. M., and Smith, A. F. (1994). Bayesian theory. John Wiley & Sons.
Returns a list (an object of class "GenzBretz") with control parameters for the ‘pmvt’ and ‘qmvt’ functions from the ‘mvtnorm’ package. Note that the DoseFinding package always uses "GenzBretz" algorithm. See the mvtnorm documentation for more information.
mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0, interval = NULL)
mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0, interval = NULL)
maxpts |
Maximum number of function values as integer. |
abseps |
Absolute error tolerance as double. |
releps |
Relative error tolerance as double. |
interval |
Interval to be searched, when the quantile is calculated. |
This simulated data set is motivated by a real Phase 2 clinical study of a new drug for a neurodegenerative disease. The state of the disease is measured through a functional scale, with smaller values corresponding to more severe neurodeterioration. The goal of the drug is to reduce the rate of disease progression, which is measured by the linear slope of the functional scale over time.
A data frame with 100 observations on the following 2 variables.
a numeric vector containing the response values
a numeric vector containing the dose values
Patient ID
time of measurement
The trial design includes placebo and four doses: 1, 3, 10, and 30 mg, with balanced allocation of 50 patients per arm. Patients are followed up for one year, with measurements of the functional scale being taken at baseline and then every three months.
The functional scale response is assumed to be normally distributed and, based on historical data, it is believed that the longitudinal progression of the functional scale over the one year of follow up can be modeled a simple linear trend. See the example below on how to analyse this type of data.
This data set was used in Pinheiro et al. (2014) to illustrate the generalized MCPMod methodology.
Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., Glimm, E. and Bretz, F. (2014) Model-based dose finding under model uncertainty using general parametric models, Statistics in Medicine, 33, 1646–1661
## Not run: ## reproduce analysis from Pinheiro et al. (2014) data(neurodeg) ## first fit the linear mixed effect model library(nlme) fm <- lme(resp ~ as.factor(dose):time, neurodeg, ~time|id, method = "ML") muH <- fixef(fm)[-1] # extract estimates covH <- vcov(fm)[-1,-1] ## derive optimal contrasts for candidate shapes doses <- c(0, 1, 3, 10, 30) mod <- Mods(emax = 1.11, quadratic= -0.022, exponential = 8.867, linear = NULL, doses = doses) # contMat <- optContr(mod, S=covH) # calculate optimal contrasts ## multiple contrast test MCTtest(doses, muH, S=covH, type = "general", critV = TRUE, contMat=contMat) ## fit the emax model fitMod(doses, muH, S=covH, model="emax", type = "general", bnds=c(0.1, 10)) ## alternatively one can also fit the model using nlme nlme(resp ~ b0 + (e0 + eM * dose/(ed50 + dose))*time, neurodeg, fixed = b0 + e0 + eM + ed50 ~ 1, random = b0 + e0 ~ 1 | id, start = c(200, -4.6, 1.6, 3.2)) ## both approaches lead to rather similar results ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## reproduce analysis from Pinheiro et al. (2014) data(neurodeg) ## first fit the linear mixed effect model library(nlme) fm <- lme(resp ~ as.factor(dose):time, neurodeg, ~time|id, method = "ML") muH <- fixef(fm)[-1] # extract estimates covH <- vcov(fm)[-1,-1] ## derive optimal contrasts for candidate shapes doses <- c(0, 1, 3, 10, 30) mod <- Mods(emax = 1.11, quadratic= -0.022, exponential = 8.867, linear = NULL, doses = doses) # contMat <- optContr(mod, S=covH) # calculate optimal contrasts ## multiple contrast test MCTtest(doses, muH, S=covH, type = "general", critV = TRUE, contMat=contMat) ## fit the emax model fitMod(doses, muH, S=covH, model="emax", type = "general", bnds=c(0.1, 10)) ## alternatively one can also fit the model using nlme nlme(resp ~ b0 + (e0 + eM * dose/(ed50 + dose))*time, neurodeg, fixed = b0 + e0 + eM + ed50 ~ 1, random = b0 + e0 ~ 1 | id, start = c(200, -4.6, 1.6, 3.2)) ## both approaches lead to rather similar results ## End(Not run)
This function calculates a contrast vectors that are optimal for detecting certain alternatives. The contrast is optimal in the sense of maximizing the non-centrality parameter of the underlying contrast test statistic:
Here is the
mean vector under the alternative and
the covariance matrix
associated with the estimate of
. The optimal contrast is
given by
see Pinheiro et al. (2014).
optContr( models, doses, w, S, placAdj = FALSE, type = c("unconstrained", "constrained") ) ## S3 method for class 'optContr' plot( x, superpose = TRUE, xlab = "Dose", ylab = NULL, plotType = c("contrasts", "means"), ... ) plotContr(optContrObj, xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Contrast coefficients")
optContr( models, doses, w, S, placAdj = FALSE, type = c("unconstrained", "constrained") ) ## S3 method for class 'optContr' plot( x, superpose = TRUE, xlab = "Dose", ylab = NULL, plotType = c("contrasts", "means"), ... ) plotContr(optContrObj, xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Contrast coefficients")
models |
An object of class ‘Mods’ defining the dose-response shapes for which to calculate optimal contrasts. |
doses |
Optional argument. If this argument is missing the doses attribute in the ‘Mods’ object specified in ‘models’ is used. |
w , S
Arguments determining the matrix S used in the formula for the
optimal contrasts. Exactly one of ‘w’ and ‘S’ has to be specified.
Note that ‘w’ and ‘S’ only have to be specified up to
placAdj |
Logical determining, whether the contrasts should be applied to placebo-adjusted estimates. If yes the returned coefficients are no longer contrasts (i.e. do not sum to 0). However, the result of multiplying of this "contrast" matrix with the placebo adjusted estimates, will give the same results as multiplying the original contrast matrix to the unadjusted estimates. |
type |
For ‘type = "constrained"’ the contrast coefficients of the zero dose group are constrained to be different from the coefficients of the active treatment groups. So that a weighted sum of the active treatments is compared against the zero dose group. For an increasing trend the coefficient of the zero dose group is negative and all other coefficients have to be positive (for a decreasing trend the other way round). |
x , superpose , xlab , ylab , plotType
Arguments for the plot method for optContr objects. plotType determines, whether the contrasts or the underlying (standardized) mean matrix should be plotted. |
... |
Additional arguments for plot method |
optContrObj |
For function ‘plotContr’ the ‘optContrObj’ should contain an object of class ‘optContr’. |
Note that the directionality (i.e. whether in "increase" in the response
variable is beneficial or a "decrease", is inferred from the specified
‘models’ object, see Mods
for details).
Constrained contrasts (type = "constrained") add the additional constraint in the optimization that the sign of the contrast coefficient for control and active treatments need to be different. The quadratic programming algorithm from the quadprog package is used to calculate the contrasts.
Object of class ‘optContr’. A list containing entries contMat and muMat (i.e. contrast, mean and correlation matrix).
Bjoern Bornkamp
Bretz, F., Pinheiro, J. C., and Branson, M. (2005), Combining multiple comparisons and modeling techniques in dose-response studies, Biometrics, 61, 738–748
Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., Glimm, E. and Bretz, F. (2014) Model-based dose finding under model uncertainty using general parametric models, Statistics in Medicine, 33, 1646–1661
doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150) models <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential= 85, betaMod=rbind(c(0.33,2.31), c(1.39,1.39)), doses = doses, addArgs = list(scal = 200)) contMat <- optContr(models, w = rep(50,6)) plot(contMat) plotContr(contMat) # display contrasts using ggplot2 ## now we would like the "contrasts" for placebo adjusted estimates dosPlac <- doses[-1] ## matrix proportional to cov-matrix of plac. adj. estimates for balanced data S <- diag(5)+matrix(1, 5,5) ## note that we explicitly hand over the doses here contMat0 <- optContr(models, doses=dosPlac, S = S, placAdj = TRUE) ## -> contMat0 is no longer a contrast matrix (columns do not sum to 0) colSums(contMat0$contMat) ## calculate contrast matrix for unadjusted estimates from this matrix ## (should be same as above) aux <- rbind(-colSums(contMat0$contMat), contMat0$contMat) t(t(aux)/sqrt(colSums(aux^2))) ## compare to contMat$contMat ## now calculate constrained contrasts if(requireNamespace("quadprog", quietly = TRUE)){ optContr(models, w = rep(50,6), type = "constrained") optContr(models, doses=dosPlac, S = S, placAdj = TRUE, type = "constrained") }
doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150) models <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential= 85, betaMod=rbind(c(0.33,2.31), c(1.39,1.39)), doses = doses, addArgs = list(scal = 200)) contMat <- optContr(models, w = rep(50,6)) plot(contMat) plotContr(contMat) # display contrasts using ggplot2 ## now we would like the "contrasts" for placebo adjusted estimates dosPlac <- doses[-1] ## matrix proportional to cov-matrix of plac. adj. estimates for balanced data S <- diag(5)+matrix(1, 5,5) ## note that we explicitly hand over the doses here contMat0 <- optContr(models, doses=dosPlac, S = S, placAdj = TRUE) ## -> contMat0 is no longer a contrast matrix (columns do not sum to 0) colSums(contMat0$contMat) ## calculate contrast matrix for unadjusted estimates from this matrix ## (should be same as above) aux <- rbind(-colSums(contMat0$contMat), contMat0$contMat) t(t(aux)/sqrt(colSums(aux^2))) ## compare to contMat$contMat ## now calculate constrained contrasts if(requireNamespace("quadprog", quietly = TRUE)){ optContr(models, w = rep(50,6), type = "constrained") optContr(models, doses=dosPlac, S = S, placAdj = TRUE, type = "constrained") }
Given a set of models (with full parameter values and model probabilities) the ‘optDesign’ function calculates the optimal design for estimating the dose-response model parameters (D-optimal) or the design for estimating the target dose (TD-optimal design) (see Dette, Bretz, Pepelyshev and Pinheiro (2008)), or a mixture of these two criteria. The design can be plotted (together with the candidate models) using ‘plot.design’. ‘calcCrit’ calculates the design criterion for a discrete set of design(s). ‘rndDesign’ provides efficient rounding for the calculated continous design to a finite sample size.
optDesign( models, probs, doses, designCrit = c("Dopt", "TD", "Dopt&TD", "userCrit"), Delta, standDopt = TRUE, weights, nold = rep(0, length(doses)), n, control = list(), optimizer = c("solnp", "Nelder-Mead", "nlminb", "exact"), lowbnd = rep(0, length(doses)), uppbnd = rep(1, length(doses)), userCrit, ... ) calcCrit( design, models, probs, doses, designCrit = c("Dopt", "TD", "Dopt&TD"), Delta, standDopt = TRUE, weights, nold = rep(0, length(doses)), n ) rndDesign(design, n, eps = 1e-04) ## S3 method for class 'DRdesign' plot(x, models, lwdDes = 10, colDes = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.3), ...)
optDesign( models, probs, doses, designCrit = c("Dopt", "TD", "Dopt&TD", "userCrit"), Delta, standDopt = TRUE, weights, nold = rep(0, length(doses)), n, control = list(), optimizer = c("solnp", "Nelder-Mead", "nlminb", "exact"), lowbnd = rep(0, length(doses)), uppbnd = rep(1, length(doses)), userCrit, ... ) calcCrit( design, models, probs, doses, designCrit = c("Dopt", "TD", "Dopt&TD"), Delta, standDopt = TRUE, weights, nold = rep(0, length(doses)), n ) rndDesign(design, n, eps = 1e-04) ## S3 method for class 'DRdesign' plot(x, models, lwdDes = 10, colDes = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.3), ...)
models |
An object of class ‘c(Mods, fullMod)’, see the |
probs |
Vector of model probabilities for the models specified in ‘models’, assumed in the same order as specified in models |
doses |
Optional argument. If this argument is missing the doses attribute in the ‘c(Mods, fullMod)’ object specified in ‘models’ is used. |
designCrit |
Determines which type of design to calculate. "TD&Dopt" uses both optimality criteria with equal weight. |
Delta |
Target effect needed for calculating "TD" and "TD&Dopt" type designs. |
standDopt |
Logical determining, whether the D-optimality criterion (specifically the log-determinant) should be standardized by the number of parameters in the model or not (only of interest if type = "Dopt" or type = "TD&Dopt"). This is of interest, when there is more than one model class in the candidate model set (traditionally standardization this is done in the optimal design literature). |
weights |
Vector of weights associated with the response at the doses. Needs to be of the same length as the ‘doses’. This can be used to calculate designs for heteroscedastic or for generalized linear model situations. |
nold , n
When calculating an optimal design at an interim analysis, ‘nold’ specifies the vector of sample sizes already allocated to the different doses, and ‘n’ gives sample size for the next cohort. For ‘optimizer = "exact"’ one always needs to specify the total sample size via ‘n’. |
control |
List containing control parameters passed down to numerical optimization algorithms
( For ‘type = "exact"’ this should be a list with possible entries ‘maxvls1’ and ‘maxvls2’, determining the maximum number of designs allowed for passing to the criterion function (default ‘maxvls2=1e5’) and for creating the initial unrestricted matrix of designs (default ‘maxvls1=1e6’). In addition there can be an entry ‘groupSize’ in case the patients are allocated a minimum group size is required. |
optimizer |
Algorithm used for calculating the optimal design. Options "Nelder-Mead" and "nlminb" use the
Option "solnp" uses the solnp function from the Rsolnp package, which implements an optimizer for non-linear optimization under general constraints. Option "exact" tries all given combinations of ‘n’ patients to the given dose groups (subject to the bounds specified via ‘lowbnd’ and ‘uppbnd’) and reports the best design. When patients are only allowed to be allocated in groups of a certain ‘groupSize’, this can be adjusted via the control argument. ‘n/groupSize’ and ‘length(doses)’ should be rather small for this approach to be feasible. When the number of doses is small (<8) usually ‘"Nelder-Mead"’ and ‘"nlminb"’ are best suited (‘"nlminb"’ is usually a bit faster but less stable than ‘"Nelder-Mead"’). For a larger number of doses ‘"solnp"’ is the most reliable option (but also slowest) (‘"Nelder-Mead"’ and ‘"nlminb"’ often fail). When the sample size is small ‘"exact"’ provides the optimal solution rather quickly. |
lowbnd , uppbnd
Vectors of the same length as dose vector specifying upper and lower limits for the allocation weights. This option is only available when using the "solnp" and "exact" optimizers. |
userCrit |
User defined design criterion, should be a function that given a vector of allocation weights and the doses returns the criterion function. When specified ‘models’ does not need to be handed over. The first argument of ‘userCrit’ should be the vector of design weights, while the second argument should be the ‘doses’ argument (see example below). Additional arguments to ‘userCrit’ can be passed via ... |
... |
For function ‘optDesign’ these are additional arguments passed to ‘userCrit’. |
design |
Argument for ‘rndDesign’ and ‘calcCrit’ functions: Numeric vector (or matrix) of allocation
weights for the different doses. The rows of the matrices need to sum to 1. Alternatively also an object of class
"DRdesign" can be used for ‘rndDesign’. Note that there should be at least as many design points available as
there are parameters in the dose-response models selected in |
eps |
Argument for ‘rndDesign’ function: Value under which elements of w will be regarded as 0. |
x |
Object of class ‘DRdesign’ (for ‘plot.design’) |
lwdDes , colDes
Line width and color of the lines plotted for the design (in ‘plot.design’) |
Let denote the Fisher information matrix under model m (up to
is given by
, where
the allocation weight to dose i,
the weight for dose i specified via ‘weights’ and
the gradient vector of model m evaluated at dose i.
For ‘designCrit = "Dopt"’ the code minimizes the design criterion
where is the probability for
model m and
is the number of parameters for model m. When ‘standDopt = FALSE’ the
are all assumed to be equal to one.
For ‘designCrit = "TD"’ the code minimizes the design criterion
where is the probability for model m and
is proportional to the asymptotic
variance of the TD estimate and given by
(see Dette et al. (2008), p. 1227 for details).
For ‘designCrit = "Dopt&TD"’ the code minimizes the design criterion
Again, for ‘standDopt = FALSE’ the are all assumed to be equal to one.
For details on the ‘rndDesign’ function, see Pukelsheim (1993), Chapter 12.
In some cases (particularly when the number of doses is large, e.g. 7 or larger) it might be necessary to allow a larger number of iterations in the algorithm (via the argument ‘control’), particularly for the Nelder-Mead algorithm. Alternatively one can use the solnp optimizer that is usually the most reliable, but not fastest option.
Bjoern Bornkamp
Atkinson, A.C., Donev, A.N. and Tobias, R.D. (2007). Optimum Experimental Designs, with SAS, Oxford University Press
Dette, H., Bretz, F., Pepelyshev, A. and Pinheiro, J. C. (2008). Optimal Designs for Dose Finding Studies, Journal of the American Statisical Association, 103, 1225–1237
Pinheiro, J.C., Bornkamp, B. (2017) Designing Phase II Dose-Finding Studies: Sample Size, Doses and Dose Allocation Weights, in O'Quigley, J., Iasonos, A. and Bornkamp, B. (eds) Handbook of methods for designing, monitoring, and analyzing dose-finding trials, CRC press
Pukelsheim, F. (1993). Optimal Design of Experiments, Wiley
## calculate designs for Emax model doses <- c(0, 10, 100) emodel <- Mods(emax = 15, doses=doses, placEff = 0, maxEff = 1) optDesign(emodel, probs = 1) ## TD-optimal design optDesign(emodel, probs = 1, designCrit = "TD", Delta=0.5) ## 50-50 mixture of Dopt and TD optDesign(emodel, probs = 1, designCrit = "Dopt&TD", Delta=0.5) ## use dose levels different from the ones specified in emodel object des <- optDesign(emodel, probs = 1, doses = c(0, 5, 20, 100)) ## plot models overlaid by design plot(des, emodel) ## round des to a sample size of exactly 90 patients rndDesign(des, n=90) ## using the round function would lead to 91 patients ## illustrating different optimizers (see Note above for more comparison) optDesign(emodel, probs=1, optimizer="Nelder-Mead") optDesign(emodel, probs=1, optimizer="nlminb") ## optimizer solnp (the default) can deal with lower and upper bounds: optDesign(emodel, probs=1, designCrit = "TD", Delta=0.5, optimizer="solnp", lowbnd = rep(0.2,3)) ## exact design using enumeration of all possibilites optDesign(emodel, probs=1, optimizer="exact", n = 30) ## also allows to fix minimum groupSize optDesign(emodel, probs=1, designCrit = "TD", Delta=0.5, optimizer="exact", n = 30, control = list(groupSize=5)) ## optimal design at interim analysis ## assume there are already 10 patients on each dose and there are 30 ## left to randomize, this calculates the optimal increment design optDesign(emodel, 1, designCrit = "TD", Delta=0.5, nold = c(10, 10, 10), n=30) ## use a larger candidate model set doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150) fmods <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, exponential = 85, linlog = NULL, logistic = c(50, 10.8811), doses = doses, addArgs=list(off=1), placEff=0, maxEff=0.4) probs <- rep(1/5, 5) # assume uniform prior desDopt <- optDesign(fmods, probs, optimizer = "nlminb") desTD <- optDesign(fmods, probs, designCrit = "TD", Delta = 0.2, optimizer = "nlminb") desMix <- optDesign(fmods, probs, designCrit = "Dopt&TD", Delta = 0.2) ## plot design and truth plot(desMix, fmods) ## illustrate calcCrit function ## calculate optimal design for beta model doses <- c(0, 0.49, 25.2, 108.07, 150) models <- Mods(betaMod = c(0.33, 2.31), doses=doses, addArgs=list(scal=200), placEff=0, maxEff=0.4) probs <- 1 deswgts <- optDesign(models, probs, designCrit = "Dopt", control=list(maxit=1000)) ## now compare this design to equal allocations on ## 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150 doses2 <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150) design2 <- c(1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6) crit2 <- calcCrit(design2, models, probs, doses2, designCrit = "Dopt") ## ratio of determinants (returned criterion value is on log scale) exp(deswgts$crit-crit2) ## example for calculating an optimal design for logistic regression doses <- c(0, 0.35, 0.5, 0.65, 1) fMod <- Mods(linear = NULL, doses=doses, placEff=-5, maxEff = 10) ## now calculate weights to use in the covariance matrix mu <- as.numeric(getResp(fMod, doses=doses)) mu <- 1/(1+exp(-mu)) weights <- mu*(1-mu) des <- optDesign(fMod, 1, doses, weights = weights) ## one can also specify a user defined criterion function ## here D-optimality for cubic polynomial CubeCrit <- function(w, doses){ X <- cbind(1, doses, doses^2, doses^3) CVinv <- crossprod(X*w) -log(det(CVinv)) } optDesign(doses = c(0,0.05,0.2,0.6,1), designCrit = "userCrit", userCrit = CubeCrit, optimizer = "nlminb")
## calculate designs for Emax model doses <- c(0, 10, 100) emodel <- Mods(emax = 15, doses=doses, placEff = 0, maxEff = 1) optDesign(emodel, probs = 1) ## TD-optimal design optDesign(emodel, probs = 1, designCrit = "TD", Delta=0.5) ## 50-50 mixture of Dopt and TD optDesign(emodel, probs = 1, designCrit = "Dopt&TD", Delta=0.5) ## use dose levels different from the ones specified in emodel object des <- optDesign(emodel, probs = 1, doses = c(0, 5, 20, 100)) ## plot models overlaid by design plot(des, emodel) ## round des to a sample size of exactly 90 patients rndDesign(des, n=90) ## using the round function would lead to 91 patients ## illustrating different optimizers (see Note above for more comparison) optDesign(emodel, probs=1, optimizer="Nelder-Mead") optDesign(emodel, probs=1, optimizer="nlminb") ## optimizer solnp (the default) can deal with lower and upper bounds: optDesign(emodel, probs=1, designCrit = "TD", Delta=0.5, optimizer="solnp", lowbnd = rep(0.2,3)) ## exact design using enumeration of all possibilites optDesign(emodel, probs=1, optimizer="exact", n = 30) ## also allows to fix minimum groupSize optDesign(emodel, probs=1, designCrit = "TD", Delta=0.5, optimizer="exact", n = 30, control = list(groupSize=5)) ## optimal design at interim analysis ## assume there are already 10 patients on each dose and there are 30 ## left to randomize, this calculates the optimal increment design optDesign(emodel, 1, designCrit = "TD", Delta=0.5, nold = c(10, 10, 10), n=30) ## use a larger candidate model set doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150) fmods <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, exponential = 85, linlog = NULL, logistic = c(50, 10.8811), doses = doses, addArgs=list(off=1), placEff=0, maxEff=0.4) probs <- rep(1/5, 5) # assume uniform prior desDopt <- optDesign(fmods, probs, optimizer = "nlminb") desTD <- optDesign(fmods, probs, designCrit = "TD", Delta = 0.2, optimizer = "nlminb") desMix <- optDesign(fmods, probs, designCrit = "Dopt&TD", Delta = 0.2) ## plot design and truth plot(desMix, fmods) ## illustrate calcCrit function ## calculate optimal design for beta model doses <- c(0, 0.49, 25.2, 108.07, 150) models <- Mods(betaMod = c(0.33, 2.31), doses=doses, addArgs=list(scal=200), placEff=0, maxEff=0.4) probs <- 1 deswgts <- optDesign(models, probs, designCrit = "Dopt", control=list(maxit=1000)) ## now compare this design to equal allocations on ## 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150 doses2 <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150) design2 <- c(1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6) crit2 <- calcCrit(design2, models, probs, doses2, designCrit = "Dopt") ## ratio of determinants (returned criterion value is on log scale) exp(deswgts$crit-crit2) ## example for calculating an optimal design for logistic regression doses <- c(0, 0.35, 0.5, 0.65, 1) fMod <- Mods(linear = NULL, doses=doses, placEff=-5, maxEff = 10) ## now calculate weights to use in the covariance matrix mu <- as.numeric(getResp(fMod, doses=doses)) mu <- 1/(1+exp(-mu)) weights <- mu*(1-mu) des <- optDesign(fMod, 1, doses, weights = weights) ## one can also specify a user defined criterion function ## here D-optimality for cubic polynomial CubeCrit <- function(w, doses){ X <- cbind(1, doses, doses^2, doses^3) CVinv <- crossprod(X*w) -log(det(CVinv)) } optDesign(doses = c(0,0.05,0.2,0.6,1), designCrit = "userCrit", userCrit = CubeCrit, optimizer = "nlminb")
This function evaluates, the performance metrics for fitting dose-response models (using asymptotic approximations or simulations). Note that some metrics are available via the print method and others only via the summary method applied to planMod objects. The implemented metrics are
Root of the mean-squared error to estimate the placebo-adjusted
dose-response averaged over the used dose-levels, i.e. a rather discrete set
). Available via the print method of planMod objects.
Root of the mean-squared error to estimate the placebo-adjusted
dose-response (cRMSE
) averaged over fine (almost continuous) grid at
101 equally spaced values between placebo and the maximum dose. NOTE:
Available via the summary method applied to planMod objects.
Ratio of
the placebo-adjusted mean-squared error (at the observed doses) of
model-based vs ANOVA approach (Eff-vs-ANOVA
). This can be interpreted
on the sample size scale. NOTE: Available via the summary method applied to
planMod objects.
Power that the (unadjusted) one-sided ‘1-alpha’
confidence interval comparing the dose with maximum effect vs placebo is
larger than ‘tau’. By default ‘alpha = 0.025’ and ‘tau = 0’
). Available via the print method of planMod objects.
Probability that the EDp estimate is within the true [EDpLB, EDpUB]
(by default ‘p=0.5’, ‘pLB=0.25’ and ‘pUB=0.75’). This metric
gives an idea on the ability to characterize the increasing part of the
dose-response curve (P(EDp)
). Available via the print method of
planMod objects.
Length of the quantile range for a target dose (TD
or EDp). This is calculated by taking the difference of the dUB and dLB
quantile of the empirical distribution of the dose estimates.
and lengthEDpCI
). It is NOT calculated by
calculating confidence interval lengths in each simulated data-set and
taking the mean. NOTE: Available via the summary method of planMod objects.
planMod( model, altModels, n, sigma, S, doses, asyApprox = TRUE, simulation = FALSE, alpha = 0.025, tau = 0, p = 0.5, pLB = 0.25, pUB = 0.75, nSim = 100, cores = 1, showSimProgress = TRUE, bnds, addArgs = NULL ) ## S3 method for class 'planMod' summary( object, digits = 3, len = 101, Delta = NULL, p = NULL, dLB = 0.05, dUB = 0.95, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'planMod' plot( x, type = c("dose-response", "ED", "TD"), p, Delta, placAdj = FALSE, xlab = "Dose", ylab = "", ... )
planMod( model, altModels, n, sigma, S, doses, asyApprox = TRUE, simulation = FALSE, alpha = 0.025, tau = 0, p = 0.5, pLB = 0.25, pUB = 0.75, nSim = 100, cores = 1, showSimProgress = TRUE, bnds, addArgs = NULL ) ## S3 method for class 'planMod' summary( object, digits = 3, len = 101, Delta = NULL, p = NULL, dLB = 0.05, dUB = 0.95, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'planMod' plot( x, type = c("dose-response", "ED", "TD"), p, Delta, placAdj = FALSE, xlab = "Dose", ylab = "", ... )
model |
Character vector determining the dose-response model(s) to be used for fitting the data. When more than one dose-response model is provided the best fitting model is chosen using the AIC. Built-in models are "linlog", "linear", "quadratic", "emax", "exponential", "sigEmax", "betaMod" and "logistic" (see drmodels). |
altModels |
An object of class ‘Mods’, defining the true mean vectors under which operating characteristics should be calculated. |
n , sigma , S
Either a vector ‘n’ and ‘sigma’ or ‘S’ need to be specified. When ‘n’ and
‘sigma’ are specified it is assumed computations are made for a normal homoscedastic ANOVA model with group
sample sizes given by ‘n’ and residual standard deviation ‘sigma’, i.e. the covariance matrix used for
the estimates is thus When ‘S’ is specified this will be used as covariance matrix for the estimates. |
doses |
Doses to use |
asyApprox , simulation
Logicals determining, whether asymptotic approximations or simulations should be calculated. If multiple models are specified in ‘model’ asymptotic approximations are not available. |
alpha , tau
Significance level for the one-sided confidence interval for model-based contrast of best dose vs placebo. Tau is the threshold to compare the confidence interval limit to. CI(MaxDCont) gives the percentage that the bound of the confidence interval was larger than tau. |
p , pLB , pUB
p determines the type of EDp to estimate. pLB and pUB define the bounds for the EDp estimate. The performance metric Pr(Id-ED) gives the percentage that the estimated EDp was within the true EDpLB and EDpUB. |
nSim |
Number of simulations |
cores |
Number of cores to use for simulations. By default 1 cores is used, note that cores > 1 will have no effect Windows, as the mclapply function is used internally. |
showSimProgress |
In case of simulations show the progress using a progress-bar. |
bnds |
Bounds for non-linear parameters. This needs to be a list with list entries corresponding to the selected
bounds. The names of the list entries need to correspond to the model names. The |
addArgs |
See the corresponding argument in function |
object , digits
object: A planMod object. digits: Digits in summary output |
len |
Number of equally spaced points to determine the mean-squared error on a grid (cRMSE). |
Delta |
Additional arguments determining what dose estimate to plot, when ‘type = "ED"’ or ‘type = "TD"’ |
dLB , dUB
Which quantiles to use for calculation of |
... |
Additional arguments (currently ignored) |
x |
An object of class planMod |
type |
Type of plot to produce |
placAdj |
When ‘type = "dose-response"’, this determines whether dose-response estimates are shown on placebo-adjusted or original scale |
xlab , ylab
Labels for the plot (ylab only applies for ‘type = "dose-response"’) |
A plot method exists to summarize dose-response and dose estimations graphically.
Bjoern Bornkamp
## Not run: doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150) fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential= 85, betaMod=rbind(c(0.33,2.31),c(1.39,1.39)), doses = doses, addArgs=list(scal = 200), placEff = 0, maxEff = 0.4) sigma <- 1 n <- rep(62, 6)*2 model <- "quadratic" pObj <- planMod(model, fmodels, n, sigma, doses=doses, simulation = TRUE, alpha = 0.025, nSim = 200, p = 0.5, pLB = 0.25, pUB = 0.75) print(pObj) ## to get additional metrics (e.g. Eff-vs-ANOVA, cRMSE, lengthTDCI, ...) summary(pObj, p = 0.5, Delta = 0.3) plot(pObj) plot(pObj, type = "TD", Delta=0.3) plot(pObj, type = "ED", p = 0.5) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150) fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential= 85, betaMod=rbind(c(0.33,2.31),c(1.39,1.39)), doses = doses, addArgs=list(scal = 200), placEff = 0, maxEff = 0.4) sigma <- 1 n <- rep(62, 6)*2 model <- "quadratic" pObj <- planMod(model, fmodels, n, sigma, doses=doses, simulation = TRUE, alpha = 0.025, nSim = 200, p = 0.5, pLB = 0.25, pUB = 0.75) print(pObj) ## to get additional metrics (e.g. Eff-vs-ANOVA, cRMSE, lengthTDCI, ...) summary(pObj, p = 0.5, Delta = 0.3) plot(pObj) plot(pObj, type = "TD", Delta=0.3) plot(pObj, type = "ED", p = 0.5) ## End(Not run)
Calculate power for a multiple contrast test for a set of specified alternatives.
powMCT( contMat, alpha = 0.025, altModels, n, sigma, S, placAdj = FALSE, alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"), df, critV = TRUE, control = mvtnorm.control() )
powMCT( contMat, alpha = 0.025, altModels, n, sigma, S, placAdj = FALSE, alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"), df, critV = TRUE, control = mvtnorm.control() )
contMat |
Contrast matrix to use. The individual contrasts should be saved in the columns of the matrix |
alpha |
Significance level to use |
altModels |
An object of class ‘Mods’, defining the mean vectors under which the power should be calculated |
n , sigma , S
Either a vector ‘n’ and ‘sigma’ or ‘S’ need
to be specified. When ‘n’ and ‘sigma’ are specified it is assumed
computations are made for a normal homoscedastic ANOVA model with group
sample sizes given by ‘n’ and residual standard deviation ‘sigma’,
i.e. the covariance matrix used for the estimates is thus
When ‘S’ is specified this will be used as covariance matrix for the estimates. |
placAdj |
Logical, if true, it is assumed that the standard deviation
or variance matrix of the placebo-adjusted estimates are specified in
‘sigma’ or ‘S’, respectively. The contrast matrix has to be
produced on placebo-adjusted scale, see |
alternative |
Character determining the alternative for the multiple contrast trend test. |
df |
Degrees of freedom to assume in case ‘S’ (a general covariance matrix) is specified. When ‘n’ and ‘sigma’ are specified the ones from the corresponding ANOVA model are calculated. |
critV |
Critical value, if equal to ‘TRUE’ the critical value will be calculated. Otherwise one can directly specify the critical value here. |
control |
A list specifying additional control parameters for the ‘qmvt’ and ‘pmvt’ calls in the code, see also ‘mvtnorm.control’ for details. |
Numeric containing the calculated power values
Bjoern Bornkamp
Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., and Bretz, F. (2006). Design and analysis of dose finding studies combining multiple comparisons and modeling procedures, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 16, 639–656
, sampSizeMCT
, optContr
, Mods
## look at power under some dose-response alternatives ## first the candidate models used for the contrasts doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150) ## define models to use as alternative fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential= 85, betaMod=rbind(c(0.33,2.31),c(1.39,1.39)), doses = doses, addArgs=list(scal = 200), placEff = 0, maxEff = 0.4) ## plot alternatives plot(fmodels) ## power for to detect a trend contMat <- optContr(fmodels, w = 1) powMCT(contMat, altModels = fmodels, n = 50, alpha = 0.05, sigma = 1) ## Not run: ## power under the Dunnett test ## contrast matrix for Dunnett test with informative names contMatD <- rbind(-1, diag(5)) rownames(contMatD) <- doses colnames(contMatD) <- paste("D", doses[-1], sep="") powMCT(contMatD, altModels = fmodels, n = 50, alpha = 0.05, sigma = 1) ## now investigate power of the contrasts in contMat under "general" alternatives altFmods <- Mods(linInt = rbind(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1), c(0.5, 1, 1, 1, 0.5)), doses=doses, placEff=0, maxEff=0.5) plot(altFmods) powMCT(contMat, altModels = altFmods, n = 50, alpha = 0.05, sigma = 1) ## now the first example but assume information only on the ## placebo-adjusted scale ## for balanced allocations and 50 patients with sigma = 1 one obtains ## the following covariance matrix S <- 1^2/50*diag(6) ## now calculate variance of placebo adjusted estimates CC <- cbind(-1,diag(5)) V <- (CC)%*%S%*%t(CC) linMat <- optContr(fmodels, doses = c(10,25,50,100,150), S = V, placAdj = TRUE) powMCT(linMat, altModels = fmodels, placAdj=TRUE, alpha = 0.05, S = V, df=6*50-6) # match df with the df above ## End(Not run)
## look at power under some dose-response alternatives ## first the candidate models used for the contrasts doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150) ## define models to use as alternative fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential= 85, betaMod=rbind(c(0.33,2.31),c(1.39,1.39)), doses = doses, addArgs=list(scal = 200), placEff = 0, maxEff = 0.4) ## plot alternatives plot(fmodels) ## power for to detect a trend contMat <- optContr(fmodels, w = 1) powMCT(contMat, altModels = fmodels, n = 50, alpha = 0.05, sigma = 1) ## Not run: ## power under the Dunnett test ## contrast matrix for Dunnett test with informative names contMatD <- rbind(-1, diag(5)) rownames(contMatD) <- doses colnames(contMatD) <- paste("D", doses[-1], sep="") powMCT(contMatD, altModels = fmodels, n = 50, alpha = 0.05, sigma = 1) ## now investigate power of the contrasts in contMat under "general" alternatives altFmods <- Mods(linInt = rbind(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1), c(0.5, 1, 1, 1, 0.5)), doses=doses, placEff=0, maxEff=0.5) plot(altFmods) powMCT(contMat, altModels = altFmods, n = 50, alpha = 0.05, sigma = 1) ## now the first example but assume information only on the ## placebo-adjusted scale ## for balanced allocations and 50 patients with sigma = 1 one obtains ## the following covariance matrix S <- 1^2/50*diag(6) ## now calculate variance of placebo adjusted estimates CC <- cbind(-1,diag(5)) V <- (CC)%*%S%*%t(CC) linMat <- optContr(fmodels, doses = c(10,25,50,100,150), S = V, placAdj = TRUE) powMCT(linMat, altModels = fmodels, placAdj=TRUE, alpha = 0.05, S = V, df=6*50-6) # match df with the df above ## End(Not run)
The ‘sampSize’ function implements a bisection search algorithm for sample size calculation. The user can hand over a general target function (via ‘targFunc’) that is then iterated so that a certain ‘target’ is achieved. The ‘sampSizeMCT’ is a convenience wrapper of ‘sampSize’ for multiple contrast tests using the power as target function.
sampSize( upperN, lowerN = floor(upperN/2), targFunc, target, tol = 0.001, alRatio, Ntype = c("arm", "total"), verbose = FALSE ) sampSizeMCT( upperN, lowerN = floor(upperN/2), ..., power, sumFct = mean, tol = 0.001, alRatio, Ntype = c("arm", "total"), verbose = FALSE ) targN( upperN, lowerN, step, targFunc, alRatio, Ntype = c("arm", "total"), sumFct = c("min", "mean", "max") ) powN( upperN, lowerN, step, ..., alRatio, Ntype = c("arm", "total"), sumFct = c("min", "mean", "max") ) ## S3 method for class 'targN' plot(x, superpose = TRUE, line.at = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...)
sampSize( upperN, lowerN = floor(upperN/2), targFunc, target, tol = 0.001, alRatio, Ntype = c("arm", "total"), verbose = FALSE ) sampSizeMCT( upperN, lowerN = floor(upperN/2), ..., power, sumFct = mean, tol = 0.001, alRatio, Ntype = c("arm", "total"), verbose = FALSE ) targN( upperN, lowerN, step, targFunc, alRatio, Ntype = c("arm", "total"), sumFct = c("min", "mean", "max") ) powN( upperN, lowerN, step, ..., alRatio, Ntype = c("arm", "total"), sumFct = c("min", "mean", "max") ) ## S3 method for class 'targN' plot(x, superpose = TRUE, line.at = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...)
upperN , lowerN
Upper and lower bound for the target sample size. |
targFunc , target
The target function needs to take as an input the vector of sample sizes in the different dose
groups. For ‘sampSize’ it needs to return a univariate number. For function ‘targN’ it should return a
numerical vector. |
tol |
A positive numeric value specifying the tolerance level for the bisection search algorithm. Bisection is stopped if the ‘targFunc’ value is within ‘tol’ of ‘target’. |
alRatio |
Vector describing the relative patient allocations to the dose groups up to proportionality, e.g. ‘rep(1, length(doses))’ corresponds to balanced allocations. |
Ntype |
One of "arm" or "total". Determines, whether the sample size in the smallest arm or the total sample size is iterated in bisection search algorithm. |
verbose |
Logical value indicating if a trace of the iteration progress of the bisection search algorithm should be displayed. |
... |
Arguments directly passed to the |
power , sumFct
power is a numeric defining the desired summary power to achieve (in ‘sampSizeMCT’). |
step |
Only needed for functions ‘targN’ and ‘powN’. Stepsize for the sample size at which the target
function is calculated. The steps are calculated via |
x , superpose , line.at , xlab , ylab
arguments for the plot method of ‘targN’ and ‘powN’, additional arguments are passed down to the low-level lattice plotting routines. |
The ‘targN’ functions calculates a general target function for different given sample sizes. The ‘powN’ function is a convenience wrapper of ‘targN’ for multiple contrast tests using the power as target function.
Jose Pinheiro, Bjoern Bornkamp
Pinheiro, J. C., Bornkamp, B., and Bretz, F. (2006). Design and analysis of dose finding studies combining multiple comparisons and modeling procedures, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 16, 639–656
Pinheiro, J.C., Bornkamp, B. (2017) Designing Phase II Dose-Finding Studies: Sample Size, Doses and Dose Allocation Weights, in O'Quigley, J., Iasonos, A. and Bornkamp, B. (eds) Handbook of methods for designing, monitoring, and analyzing dose-finding trials, CRC press
## sampSize examples ## first define the target function ## first calculate the power to detect all of the models in the candidate set fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = c(25), logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential=c(85), betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2), doses = c(0,10,25,50,100,150), placEff=0, maxEff=0.4, addArgs = list(scal=200)) ## contrast matrix to use contMat <- optContr(fmodels, w=1) ## this function calculates the power under each model and then returns ## the average power under all models tFunc <- function(n){ powVals <- powMCT(contMat, altModels=fmodels, n=n, sigma = 1, alpha=0.05) mean(powVals) } ## assume we want to achieve 80% average power over the selected shapes ## and want to use a balanced allocations ## Not run: sSize <- sampSize(upperN = 80, targFunc = tFunc, target=0.8, alRatio = rep(1,6), verbose = TRUE) sSize ## Now the same using the convenience sampSizeMCT function sampSizeMCT(upperN=80, contMat = contMat, sigma = 1, altModels=fmodels, power = 0.8, alRatio = rep(1, 6), alpha = 0.05) ## Alternatively one can also specify an S matrix ## covariance matrix in one observation (6 total observation result in a ## variance of 1 in each group) S <- 6*diag(6) ## this uses df = Inf, hence a slightly smaller sample size results sampSizeMCT(upperN=500, contMat = contMat, S=S, altModels=fmodels, power = 0.8, alRatio = rep(1, 6), alpha = 0.05, Ntype = "total") ## targN examples ## first calculate the power to detect all of the models in the candidate set fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = c(25), logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential=c(85), betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2), doses = c(0,10,25,50,100,150), placEff=0, maxEff=0.4, addArgs = list(scal=200)) ## corresponding contrast matrix contMat <- optContr(fmodels, w=1) ## define target function tFunc <- function(n){ powMCT(contMat, altModels=fmodels, n=n, sigma = 1, alpha=0.05) } powVsN <- targN(upperN = 100, lowerN = 10, step = 10, tFunc, alRatio = rep(1, 6)) plot(powVsN) ## the same can be achieved using the convenience powN function ## without the need to specify a target function powN(upperN = 100, lowerN=10, step = 10, contMat = contMat, sigma = 1, altModels = fmodels, alpha = 0.05, alRatio = rep(1, 6)) ## End(Not run)
## sampSize examples ## first define the target function ## first calculate the power to detect all of the models in the candidate set fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = c(25), logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential=c(85), betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2), doses = c(0,10,25,50,100,150), placEff=0, maxEff=0.4, addArgs = list(scal=200)) ## contrast matrix to use contMat <- optContr(fmodels, w=1) ## this function calculates the power under each model and then returns ## the average power under all models tFunc <- function(n){ powVals <- powMCT(contMat, altModels=fmodels, n=n, sigma = 1, alpha=0.05) mean(powVals) } ## assume we want to achieve 80% average power over the selected shapes ## and want to use a balanced allocations ## Not run: sSize <- sampSize(upperN = 80, targFunc = tFunc, target=0.8, alRatio = rep(1,6), verbose = TRUE) sSize ## Now the same using the convenience sampSizeMCT function sampSizeMCT(upperN=80, contMat = contMat, sigma = 1, altModels=fmodels, power = 0.8, alRatio = rep(1, 6), alpha = 0.05) ## Alternatively one can also specify an S matrix ## covariance matrix in one observation (6 total observation result in a ## variance of 1 in each group) S <- 6*diag(6) ## this uses df = Inf, hence a slightly smaller sample size results sampSizeMCT(upperN=500, contMat = contMat, S=S, altModels=fmodels, power = 0.8, alRatio = rep(1, 6), alpha = 0.05, Ntype = "total") ## targN examples ## first calculate the power to detect all of the models in the candidate set fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = c(25), logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential=c(85), betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2), doses = c(0,10,25,50,100,150), placEff=0, maxEff=0.4, addArgs = list(scal=200)) ## corresponding contrast matrix contMat <- optContr(fmodels, w=1) ## define target function tFunc <- function(n){ powMCT(contMat, altModels=fmodels, n=n, sigma = 1, alpha=0.05) } powVsN <- targN(upperN = 100, lowerN = 10, step = 10, tFunc, alRatio = rep(1, 6)) plot(powVsN) ## the same can be achieved using the convenience powN function ## without the need to specify a target function powN(upperN = 100, lowerN=10, step = 10, contMat = contMat, sigma = 1, altModels = fmodels, alpha = 0.05, alRatio = rep(1, 6)) ## End(Not run)
, bFitMod
or maFitMod
) or a Mods
objectThe TD (target dose) is defined as the dose that achieves a target effect of Delta over placebo (if there are multiple such doses, the smallest is chosen):
If a decreasing trend is beneficial the definition of the TD is
When is the clinical relevance threshold, then the TD is similar to the usual definition of the
minimum effective dose (MED).
The ED (effective dose) is defined as the dose that achieves a certain percentage p of the full effect size (within the observed dose-range!) over placebo (if there are multiple such doses, the smallest is chosen).
Note that this definition of the EDp is different from traditional definition based on the Emax model, where the EDp is defined relative to the asymptotic maximum effect (rather than the maximum effect in the observed dose-range).
ED or TD calculation for bootstrap model averaging (maFit) objects is based on first calculating the pointwise median dose-response curve estimate. Then calculating the dose estimate based on this curve.
TD( object, Delta, TDtype = c("continuous", "discrete"), direction = c("increasing", "decreasing"), doses = NULL ) ED( object, p, EDtype = c("continuous", "discrete"), direction = c("increasing", "decreasing"), doses = NULL )
TD( object, Delta, TDtype = c("continuous", "discrete"), direction = c("increasing", "decreasing"), doses = NULL ) ED( object, p, EDtype = c("continuous", "discrete"), direction = c("increasing", "decreasing"), doses = NULL )
object |
An object of class c(Mods, fullMod), DRMod, bFitMod or maFit |
Delta , p
Delta: The target effect size use for the target dose (TD) (Delta should be > 0). p: The percentage of the dose to use for the effective dose. |
TDtype , EDtype
character that determines, whether the dose should be treated as a continuous variable when calculating the TD/ED or whether the TD/ED should be calculated based on a grid of doses specified in ‘doses’ |
direction |
Direction to be used in defining the TD. This depends on whether an increasing or decreasing of the response variable is beneficial. In case of ED calculation only needed for maFit objects. |
doses |
Dose levels to be used if ‘TDtype’ or ‘EDtype’ are equal to ‘"discrete"’. Needs to include placebo, and may not exceed the dose range of the model(s) provided in ‘object’. |
Returns the dose estimate
Bjoern Bornkamp
, drmodels
, bFitMod
## example for creating a "full-model" candidate set placebo response ## and maxEff already fixed in Mods call doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150) fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = 85, betaMod = rbind(c(0.33, 2.31), c(1.39, 1.39)), linInt = rbind(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1), c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.8)), doses=doses, placEff = 0, maxEff = 0.4, addArgs=list(scal=200)) ## calculate doses giving an improvement of 0.3 over placebo TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3) ## discrete version TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3, TDtype = "discrete", doses=doses) ## doses giving 50% of the maximum effect ED(fmodels, p=0.5) ED(fmodels, p=0.5, EDtype = "discrete", doses=doses) plot(fmodels, plotTD = TRUE, Delta = 0.3)
## example for creating a "full-model" candidate set placebo response ## and maxEff already fixed in Mods call doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150) fmodels <- Mods(linear = NULL, emax = 25, logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = 85, betaMod = rbind(c(0.33, 2.31), c(1.39, 1.39)), linInt = rbind(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1), c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.8)), doses=doses, placEff = 0, maxEff = 0.4, addArgs=list(scal=200)) ## calculate doses giving an improvement of 0.3 over placebo TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3) ## discrete version TD(fmodels, Delta=0.3, TDtype = "discrete", doses=doses) ## doses giving 50% of the maximum effect ED(fmodels, p=0.5) ED(fmodels, p=0.5, EDtype = "discrete", doses=doses) plot(fmodels, plotTD = TRUE, Delta = 0.3)