Package 'DoE.base'

Title: Full Factorials, Orthogonal Arrays and Base Utilities for DoE Packages
Description: Creates full factorial experimental designs and designs based on orthogonal arrays for (industrial) experiments. Provides diverse quality criteria. Provides utility functions for the class design, which is also used by other packages for designed experiments.
Authors: Ulrike Groemping [aut, cre], Boyko Amarov [ctb], Hongquan Xu [ctb]
Maintainer: Ulrike Groemping <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.2-4
Built: 2025-02-07 07:10:38 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Full factorials, orthogonal arrays and base utilities for DoE packages


This package creates full factorial designs and designs from orthogonal arrays. In addition, it provides some basic utilities like an exporting function for the DoE packages FrF2, DoE.wrapper and RcmdrPlugin.DoE, and some diagnostics for general orthogonal arrays (generalized word length calculations).


The package is still in under development phase. Details about combining designs are particularly likely to be changed in the future (, Please contact me, if you have suggestions.

This package designs full factorial experiments (function and experiments based on orthogonal arrays ( Some aspects of functions and have been modeled after the functions of the same name given in Chambers and Hastie (1993) (e.g. for the option factor.names or for outputting a data frame with attributes). However, S compatibility has not been considered in devising this package.

The orthogonal arrays underlying function are mainly taken from Kuhfeld (2009). While the arrays generally guarantee estimability of main effects in case there are no (or negligible) active interactions, some of them can also be used for designs for which some interactions are to be estimated, if only few of the design columns are used for experimentation. Optimization for such purposes and check of fitness for such purposes is supported, cf. generalized.word.length.

The package provides class design for use also by packages FrF2, DoE.wrapper and RcmdrPlugin.DoE. Furthermore, it provides utilities for printing, plotting, summarizing, exporting and combining experimental designs. Package FrF2 relies on function for full factorials in 2-level factors.


Thanks are due to Peter Theodor Wilrich for various useful suggestions in the early phase of this project!


Ulrike Groemping

Maintainer: Ulrike Groemping <[email protected]>


Chambers, J.M. and Hastie, T.J. (1993). Statistical Models in S, Chapman and Hall, London.

Groemping, U. (2018). R Package DoE.base for Factorial Designs. Journal of Statistical Software 85(5), 1–41.

Hedayat, A.S., Sloane, N.J.A. and Stufken, J. (1999) Orthogonal Arrays: Theory and Applications, Springer, New York.

Kuhfeld, W. (2009). Orthogonal arrays. Website courtesy of SAS Institute and references therein.

See Also

Functions, for generating designs, and various functions (generalized.word.length) for optimizing and checking a designs properties,
class design which is utilized also by packages FrF2 and DoE.wrapper.
Furthermore, there are various utility functions like or add.response and functions or for combining designs.
Finally, several methods for class design objects are provided, especially also functions and for automatic generation of linear models (but beware: these are convenience functions that provide a quick first look but NOT necessarily the best statistical approach to analysis!).

Function to add response values to an experimental design


This function allows to add numeric response variables to an experimental plan of class design. The responses are added both to the data frame and to its desnum attribute; the response.names element of the attribute is updated - the function is still experimental.


add.response(design, response, rdapath=NULL, replace = FALSE, 
    InDec=options("OutDec")[[1]], tol = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, ...)



a character string that gives the name of a class design object, to which responses are to be added



a numeric vector, numeric matrix or data frame with at least one numeric variable (the treatment of these is explained in the details section)


a character string indicating a csv file that contains the typed-in response values; after reading the csv file with the csv version indicated in the InDec argument, numeric variables from response will be added to the design as responses


a character string indicating the path to a stored rda file that contains the design


logical: TRUE implies that existing variables are overwritten in design; cf. also the details section


decimal separator in the external csv file; defaults to the OutDec option (viewable under options("OutDec"), and also governs whether the csv-file is read with read.csv or with read.csv: separator semicolon goes with decimal comma and triggers use of read.csv2, separator comma goes with decimal point and trigggers use of read.csv. )


tolerance for comparing numerical values;
useful for designs with numeric factors and for partial replacement of response values; the value is used in comparisons of design and response via all.equal; errors from peculiar rounding behavior of spreadsheet programs can be prevented by allowing a larger tol


further arguments; currently not used


If response is a data frame or a matrix, responses are assumed to be all the numeric variables that are neither factor names or block names in design (i.e. names of the factor.names element of the attribute or the element of that same attribute) nor column names of the run.order attribute, nor name or Name.

If design already contains columns for the response(s), NA entries of these are overwritten, if all non-NA entries coincide between design and response.

The idea behind this function is as follows: After using for storing an R work space with the design object and either a csv or html file externally, Excel or some other external software is used to type in experimental information. The thus-obtained data sheet is saved as a csv-file and imported into R again (name provided in argument response, and the design object with all attached information is linked to the typed in response values using function add.response.

Alternatively, it is possible to simply type in experimental results in R, both using the R commander plugin (RcmdrPlugin.DoE) or simply function fix. Copy-pasting into R from Excel is per default NOT possible, which has been the reason for programming this routine.


The value is a modified version of the argument object design, which remains an object of class design with the following modifications:

  • Response columns are added to the data frame

  • the same response columns are added to the desnum attribute

  • the response.names element of the attribute is added or modified


Ulrike Groemping

See Also

See also


plan <-,3,2,4))
       result <- rnorm(2*3*2*4)
       ## direct use of rnorm() is also possible, but looks better with 48 
   ## Not run:  "c:/projectA/experiments",plan)
       ## open exported file c:/projectA/experiments/plan.html
       ##        with Excel
       ## carry out the experiment, input data in Excel or elsewhere
       ##        store as csv file with the same name (or a different one, just use 
       ##        the correct storage name later in R), after deleting 
       ##        the legend portion to the right of the data area
       ##        (alternatively, input data by typing them in in R (function fix or R-commander)
       ## plan is the name of the design in the workspace stored in rdapath
       ## assuming only responses were typed in
       ## should work on your computer regardless of system, 
       ##         if you adapt the path names accordingly
## End(Not run)

Catalogues for blocking full factorial 2-level and 3-level designs, and lists of generating columns for regular 2- and 3-level designs.


The block data frames hold Yates matrix column numbers for blocking full factorials with 2-level (up to 256 runs) and 3-level factors (up to 243 runs). The Yates lists translate these column numbers into effects.




The constants documented here are used for blocking full factorial designs with function; Yates and block.catlg are internal here, as they have long been part of package FrF2-package.

The block data frames hold Yates matrix column numbers for blocking full factorials with 2-level (up to 256 runs) and 3-level factors (up to 243 runs). The Yates lists translate these column numbers into effects (see below).

Data frame block.catlg comes from Sun, Wu and Chen (1997). Data frame block.catlg3 comes from Cheng and Wu (2002, up to 81 runs) and has been derived from Hinkelmann and Kempthorne (2005, Table 10.6) for 243 runs. The blocking schemes from the papers are optimal; this has not been proven for the blocking scheme for 243 runs.

Yates is a user-visible constant that is useful in design construction:

Yates is a list of design column generators in Yates order (for 4096 runs), e.g. Yates[1:8] is identical to


Yates3 is a constant for 3-level designs, for which there are coefficients rather than generating factor numbers in the list.


Ulrike Groemping


Cheng, S.W. and Wu, C.F.J. (2002). Choice of Optimal Blocking Schemes in Two-Level and Three-Level Designs. Technometrics 44, 269-277.

Hinkelmann, K. and Kempthorne, O. (2005). Design and analysis of experiments, Vol.2. Wiley, New York.

Sun, D.X., Wu, C.F.J. and Chen, Y.Y. (1997). Optimal blocking schemes for 2n2^n and 2np2^{n-p} designs. Technometrics 39, 298-307.

Class design and its accessor functions


Convenience functions to quickly access and modify attributes of data frames of the class design; methods for the class are described in a separate help topic


redesign(design, undesigned)
desnum(design) <- value
run.order(design) <- value <- value
factor.names(design, contr.modify = TRUE, levordold = FALSE) <- value
response.names(design, remove=FALSE) <- value
col.remove(design, colnames)
ord(matrix, decreasing=FALSE)



data frame of S3 class design. For the structures of design objects, refer to the details section and to the value sections of the functions that create them.


an object that is currently not a design but could be (e.g. obtained by applying function undesign


an appropriate replacement value:
a numeric version of the design matrix for function desnum (usage not encouraged for non-experts!)
a run order data frame for function run.order (usage not encouraged for non-experts!)
a list with appropriate design information for function (usage not encouraged for non-experts!)
for function `factor.names<-` a character vector of new factor names (levels remain unchanged) or a named list of level combinations for the factors, like factor.names in function
for function `response.names<-` a character vector of response names referring to variables which are already available in design


logical to indicate whether contrasts are to be modified to match the new levels; relevant for R factors only, not for numeric design variables;
if TRUE, factors with 2 levels get -1/+1 contrasts, factors with more than two quantitative levels get polynomial contrasts with scores identical to the factor levels, and factors with more than two character levels get treatment contrasts; if FALSE, the contrasts remain unchanged from their previous state.
If solely the contrasts are to be changed, function change.contr is preferrable.


logical to indicate whether the level ordering should follow the old function behavior;
the new behavior (from version 0.27) is more plausible, in that the level ordering in the new factor.names corresponds to the factor.names entry of the attribute; previously, the automatic level ordering of factor levels deviated from that order which even led to a changed level order when reassigning exactly the factor.names element of the attribute


logical to indicate whether responses not indicated in value are to be removed from the design altogether.
If TRUE, the respective columns are deleted from the design. Otherwise, the columns remain in the data frame but loose their status as a response variable.


character vector of names of columns to be removed from the design; design factors or the block factor cannot be removed; with non-numeric variables, the desnum attribute of the design may have to be manually modified for removing the respective columns in some cases.


matrix, data frame or also object of class design that is to be ordered column by column


logical, indicates whether decreasing order or not (increasing is default)


Items of class design are data frames with attributes. They are generated by various functions that create experimental designs (cf. see also section), and by various utility functions for designs like the above extractor function for class design.

The data frame itself always contains the design in uncoded form. For many design generation functions, these are factors. For designs for quantitative factors (bbd, ccd, lhs, 2-level designs with center points), the design variables are numeric. This is always indicated by the element quantitative, for which all components are TRUE in that case.

Generally, its attributes are desnum, run.order, and
Attribute desnum contains a numeric coded version of the design. For factor design variables, the content of desnum depends on the contrast information of the factors (cf. change.contr for modifying this).
Attribute run.order is a data frame with run order information (standard order, randomized order, order with replication info),
and the details of partly depend on the type of design. generally is a list with first element type, further info on the design, and some options of the design call regarding randomization and replication. For almost all design types, elements include


number of runs (not adjusted for replications)


number of factors


named list, as can be handed to function


the integer number of replications (1=unreplicated)


logical indicating whether replications are only repeat runs but not truly replicated


logical indicating whether the experiment was randomized


integer seed for the random number generator
note that the randomization behavior has changed with R version 3.6.0;
section "Warning" provides information on reproducing randomized designs.


in the presence of response data only; the character vector identifying response columns in the data frame


contains the call or the list of menu settings within package RcmdrPlugin.DoE that led to creation of the design.
Note that the randomization behavior has changed with R version 3.6.0;
section "Warning" provides information on reproducing randomized designs.

For some design types, notably designs of types starting with “FrF2” and designs that have been created by combining other designs, there can be substantial additional information available from the attribute in specialized situations. Detailed information on the structure of the attribute can be found in the value sections of the respective functions. A tabular overview of the available elements is given on the authors homepage.

Function undesign removes all design-related attributes from a class design object; this may be necessary for making some independent code work on design objects. (For example, function reshape from package stats does not work on a class design object, presumably because of the specific extractor method for class design.) Occasionally, one may also want to reconnect a processed undesigned object to its design properties. This is the purpose of function redesign.

The functions desnum, run.order, and extract the respective attribute, i.e. e.g. function extracts the design information for the design. The corresponding assignment functions should only be used by very experienced users, as they may mess up things badly if they are used naively .

The functions factor.names and response.names extract the respective elements of the attribute. The corresponding assignment functions allow to change factor names and/or factor codes and to exclude or include a numeric variable from the list of responses that are recognized as such by analysis procedures. Note that the response.names function can (on request, not by default) remove response variables from the data frame design. However, it is not directly able to add new responses from outside the data frame design. This is what the function add.response is for.

Function col.remove removes columns from the design and returns the design without these columns and an intact class design structure.



returns a numeric matrix, the corresponding replacement function modifies a class design object


returns a 3-column data frame with standard and actual run order as well as a run order with replication identifiers attached; the corresponding replacement function modifies a class design object

returns the attribute of the design; the corresponding replacement function modifies a class design object


returns a named list the names of which are the names of the treatment factors of the design while the list elements are the vectors of levels for each factor


returns a class design object with modified factor names information (renamed factors and/or changed factor levels);


returns a character vector of response names that (names of numeric variables within the data frame design that are to be treated as response variables ) ; the corresponding replacement function modifies the design


returns a class design object with modified response names information (add or remove numeric columns of the design to or from set of response variables), and potentially response columns removed from the design.


returns a class design object with some columns removed from both the design itself and the desnum attribute. Response columns may be removed, but factor or block columns may not.


returns an index vector that orders the matrix or data frame; for example, design[ord(design),] orders the design in increasing order with respect to the first, then the second etc. factor.


Function sample is used for the randomization functionality of this package. With R version 3.6.0, the behavior of this function has changed. Since the R version is not stored with a class design object, please check carefully if a design you want to reproduce based on a given creator or seed element of the attribute has the expected randomization order.

The randomization order of a design that was created with the default settings under R version 3.6.0 or newer can only be reproduced with such a new R version.
If an R version 3.6.0 or newer is used for reproducing the randomization order of a randomized design that was created with an R version before 3.6.0, the RNGkind setting has to be modified:
activates the old behavior,
switches back to the recommended new behavior.
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


Note that R contains a few functions that generate or work with an S class design, which is cursorily documented in Appendix B of the white book (Chambers and Hastie 1993) to consist of a data frame of R factors which will later be extended by numeric response columns. Most class design objects as defined in packages DoE.base and FrF2 are also compatible with this older class design; they are not, however, as soon as quantitative factors are involved, like for designs with center points in package FrF2 or for most designs in package DoE.wrapper (not yet on CRAN). If feasible with reasonable effort and useful, functions for the class design documented here incorporate the functions for the S class design (notably function

This package is still under development; suggestions and bug reports are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Chambers, J.M. and Hastie, T.J. (1993). Statistical Models in S, Chapman and Hall, London.

See Also

See also the following functions known to produce objects of class design: FrF2, pb,,,,, ccd.augment,, as well as,, and utility functions in this package for reshaping designs.
There are also special methods for class design ([.design,,,


oa12 <-,2,6))

#### Examples for factor.names and response.names
  ## rename factors
  factor.names(oa12) <- c("First.Factor", "Second.Factor", "Third.Factor")
  ## rename factors and relabel levels of first two factors
  namen <- c(rep(list(c("current","new")),2),list(""))
  names(namen) <- c("First.Factor", "Second.Factor", "Third.Factor")
  factor.names(oa12) <- namen

  ## add a few variables to oa12
  responses <- cbind(temp=sample(23:34),y1=rexp(12),y2=runif(12))
  oa12 <- add.response(oa12, responses)
  ## temp (for temperature) is not meant to be a response 
  ## --> drop it from responselist but not from data
  response.names(oa12) <- c("y1","y2")

## looking at attributes of the design

## undesign and redesign
  u.oa12 <- undesign(oa12)
  u.oa12$new <- rnorm(12)
  r.oa12 <- redesign(oa12, u.oa12)
## make known that new is also a response
  response.names(r.oa12) <- c(response.names(r.oa12), "new") 
## look at design-specific summary
## look at data frame style summary instead

Contrasts for orthogonal Fractional Factorial 2-level designs


Contrasts for orthogonal Fractional Factorial 2-level designs


contr.FrF2(n, contrasts=TRUE)



power of 2; number of levels of the factor for which contrasts are to be generated


must always be TRUE; option needed for function model.matrix to work properly


This function mainly supports -1/+1 contrasts for 2-level factors. It does also work if the number of levels is a power of 2. For more than four levels, the levels of the factor must be in an appropriate order in order to guarantee that the columns of the model matrix for an FrF2-derived structure are orthogonal.


The function returns orthogonal contrasts for factors with number of levels a power of 2. All contrast columns consist of -1 and +1 entries (half of each). If factors in orthogonal arrays with 2-level factors are assigned these contrasts, the columns of the model matrix for the main effects model are orthogonal to each other and to the column for the intercept.


This package is currently under intensive development. Substantial changes are to be expected in the near future.


Ulrike Groemping

See Also

See Also contrasts, FrF2,,, pb


## assign contr.FrF2 contrasts to a factor
status <- as.factor(rep(c("current","new"),4))
contrasts(status) <- contr.FrF2(2)

Function to Visualize Correlations Between Model Matrix Columns for an Experimental Design


Function corrplot plots absolute or squared values of correlations between model matrix columns of main effects up to three-factor interactions for factorial designs.


corrPlot(design, scale = "corr", recode = TRUE, cor.out = TRUE, mm.out=FALSE,  
    main.only = TRUE, three = FALSE, run.order=FALSE,
    frml=as.formula(ifelse(three, ifelse(run.order, "~ + .^3", "~ .^3"), 
                                   ifelse(run.order, "~ + .^2", "~ .^2"))),
    pal = NULL, col.grid = "black", col.small = "grey", lwd.grid = 1.5, lwd.small = 0.5, 
    lty.grid = 1, lty.small = 3, cex.y = 1, cex.x = 0.7, x.grid = NULL,
    main = ifelse(scale == "corr", "Plot of absolute correlations", ifelse(scale == "R2",
         "Plot of squared correlations", 
         "Plot of absolute correlations of coefficient estimates")), 
    split = 0, ask = (split > 0), ...)



a class design object, or an object that can be made into that class by function data2design


"corr" for absolute correlation of model matrix columns (default),
"R2" for squared correlation of model matrix columns,
"corr.est" for absolute correlation of coefficient estimates;
"corr.est" works for model matrices with full column rank only


logical indicating whether or not to recode each column into normalized orthogonal coding with function contr.XuWu


logical; if TRUE (default), the correlation matrix is invisibly returned


logical; if TRUE (default: FALSE), the correlation matrix is invisibly returned, with the model matrix attached to it as an attribute


logical; if TRUE (default), only correlations with main effects columns are visualized, otherwise also those with two-factor interactions


logical; if FALSE (default), only two-factor interactions are included, otherwise also three-factor interactions


logical; if TRUE, the linear run order effect is included into the plot, and main effects are shown on the horizontal axis;
used in conjunction with function, this option can help to find a suitable random order with reasonably low correlation to the effects of interest.


the model formula; useful, if absolute correlation for the coefficient estimates are desired in a situation where a full model has a rank deficiency; for requirements on the formula, see the Details section.


NULL (default), or a color palette. If NULL, the color palette depends on whether or not package RColorBrewer is available: if so, the Blues palette with nine shades is used; otherwise, a 10 level palette of heat colors augmented with white is used. The number of colors in pal determines the number of bins for plotting.


color of the main grid lines


color of the small grid lines


width of the main grid lines


with of the small grid lines


line type of the main grid lines


line type of the small grid lines


size of tick mark labels on vertical axis


size of tick mark labels on horizontal axis


vector of numerical positions for thicker vertical grid lines (default: NULL for none)




an integer number (default: 0, no split) of columns after which to split the horizontal axis; if this number is nonzero and smaller than the number of columns to display, several plots are created; note: the color legend needs attention, since it may differ between the different plots, depending on the plot's range of values


logical; if yes (default in case of splitting, otherwise not), the user is asked to confirm creation of each new plot


additional arguments to function levelplot


The function can be used for visualizing confounding within an experimental design. It is strongly recommended to apply it to designs with columns coded in normalized orthogonal coding (contr.XuWu, contr.XuWuPoly, if applicable also contr.FrF2). Nevertheless, for factors with more than two levels, the picture shown depends on the choice of normalized orthogonal coding (see examples). Option recode=FALSE is there to allow to keep a suitably-chosen normalized orthogonal coding for each factor.

The function shows the absolute correlation or squared correlation between model matrix columns, or, on request and if possible, the absolute correlation between estimated coefficients (other than the intercept). In case the latter cannot be obtained for the full model, a model formula can be specified with option frml. Note that it is implicitly assumed that all main effects are included in the model formula, and for main.only=FALSE also all two-factor interactions.

For resolution III and higher designs, the vertical axis shows the main effects (and, if main.only=FALSE, also the two-factor interactions), the horizontal axis shows the two-factor interactions (and, if three=TRUE, also the three-factor interactions). For resolution II designs, the horizontal axis additionally shows the main effect columns (since they are correlated with other main effect columns). For resolution VI and higher designs, the function stops with an error. For resolution V designs, the function shows correlations between two-factor interactions on the vertical axis and three-factor interactions on the horizontal axis, if both are activated. The most interesting cases are designs of resolution up to IV.

The diagonal of the correlation matrix is set to NA before plotting, in order to be able to better see differences in case there are only relatively low correlations.

With scale="R2", and using normalized orthogonal coding, some sums of matrix entries coincide with contributions to generalized word counts (resolution II: main effects with main effects; resolution III: main effects with two-factor interactions; resolution IV: main effects with three-factor interactions; see Groemping and Xu (2014) for the background of this result and Groemping (2017).


The entire matrix of absolute correlations is output invisibly.


Ulrike Groemping, Berliner Hochschule fuer Technik


Groemping, U. (2017). Frequency Tables for the coding invariant quality assessment of factorial designs. IISE Transactions 49(5), 505–517.

Groemping, U. and Xu, H. (2014). Generalized resolution for orthogonal arrays. The Annals of Statistics 42, 918–939.

The function works similarly to colormap in package daewr (but offers significantly more choices). That package accompanies the following book:

Lawson, J. (2013). Design and Analysis of Experiments with R. CRC, Boca Raton.

See Also

See Also as levelplot, ~~~


## this is with the default contr.XuWu recoding
mat <- corrPlot(VSGFS)
round(mat, 2)

## NOT RECOMMENDED: force-keep non-normalized coding
corrPlot(VSGFS, recode=FALSE)  # not useful!

## custom normalized orthogonal coding
## that has correlations more concentrated on fewer columns
plan <- change.contr(VSGFS, "contr.XuWuPoly")
contrasts(plan$CDs) <- contr.FrF2(4)
corrPlot(plan, recode=FALSE)  # that is the purpose of recode=FALSE

corrPlot(VSGFS, main.only=FALSE, three=TRUE, cex.x=0.5, cex.y=0.5, split=100)

Function to cross several designs


This function generates cartesian products of two or more experimental designs.

Usage, design2, ..., randomize = TRUE, seed=NULL)



a data frame of class design that restricted by certain criteria (cf. details)

if design1 is not of class design, crossing will nevertheless work, but the output object will be a data frame only without any design information; there is no guaranteed support for this usage


a data frame of class design with the same restrictions for design type as for design1;
can also be a vector if ... is not used;
cf. details for what is allowed regarding replications


optional further data frames that are to be crossed; they must be of class design with the above-mentioned restrictions for design types; the last element can also be a vector


logical indicating whether randomization should take place after crossing the designs


integer seed for the random number generator
In R version 3.6.0 and later, the default behavior of function sample has changed. If you work in a new (i.e., >= 3.6.-0) R version and want to reproduce a randomized design from an earlier R version (before 3.6.0), you have to change the RNGkind setting by
before running function
It is recommended to change the setting back to the new recommended way afterwards:
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


Crossing is carried out recursively, following the direct.sum approach from package All but the last designs must fulfill various criteria (cf. below). The last design to be crossed can also be a vector.

Designs to be crossed must not be a blocked, nor splitplot, nor crossed, folded or Taguchi parameter design, nor designs in wide format. Furthermore, designs must not contain responses (checked via the response.names element of

If replications are desired, it is recommended to accomodate them in the last design. Only the last design may have repeat.only replications. If the last design has repeat.only replications and there are also proper replications in earlier designs, a warning is thrown, but the repeat.only replications are nevertheless accomodated; this is experimental and may not yield the expected results under all circumstances.


Function returns a simple data frame without design information, if design1 is not of class design.

Otherwise, the value is a data frame of class design with type “crossed” and the following extraordinary elements:


vector of run numbers of individual designs


vector of numbers of factors of individual designs


vector of types of individual designs


vector of logicals (randomized or not) of individual desigs


vector of seeds of individual designs


vector of numbers of replications of individual designs


vector of logicals (repeat.only or not) of individual designs

list with the map vectors for component designs of type FrF2.estimable


NULL (if no oa type design) or list of column vectors for each design


list with the nlevels vectors for those component designs that have them

The standard elements are as usual, with randomize and seed referring to the randomization within function itself (previous randomizations are shown under cross.randomize and cross.seed).

The nlevels element of is available only if it is available for all designs that have been crossed (otherwise refer to the element cross.nlevels.

The creator element of the attribute consists is a 2-element list containing
the list original of all the original creators and
the element modify that contains the call to

If present, the clear, ncube, ncenter, residual.df, origin, comment, generating.oa elements of are vector-valued.

If present, the generators element of is a list of character vectors.

If present, the aliased and catlg.entry elements of are lists of lists.


Since R version 3.6.0, the behavior of function sample has changed (correction of a biased previous behavior that should not be relevant for the randomization of designs). For reproducing a randomized design that was produced with an earlier R version, please follow the steps described with the argument seed.


This function is still experimental.


Ulrike Groemping

See Also

See Also


## creating a Taguchi-style inner-outer array design
   ## with proper randomization
   ##   function would generate such a design with all outer array runs 
   ##     for each inner array run conducted in sequence
   ##   alternatively, a split-plot approach can also handle control and noise factor 
   ##     designs without necessarily crossing two separate designs
   des.control <-
   des.noise <-,nlevels=2,factor.names=c("N1","N2","N3"))
   crossed <-, des.noise)

Expansive replacement for two orthogonal arrays


Expansive replacement for two orthogonal arrays


expansive.replace(array1, array2, fac1 = NULL, all = FALSE)



an orthogonal array, must be a matrix;
the levels of column fac1 of this array are replaced by the corresponding runs of array2; they must be numbered with integers starting with 1


an orthogonal array, must be a matrix
this array is replaced for a column in array1


if NULL, the first suitable column of array1 is replaced with array2;
alternatively, a suitable column number for array1 can be specified


logical; TRUE is permitted, if array2 is a full factorial in two factors; if TRUE, a list of permutations of the replacement array array2 is used for creating all potentially combinatorially different outcomes, instead of a single expansive replacement based on the order of array2 as stated (see Details section)


This function mainly is meant for combining two orthogonal arrays via what Kuhfeld (2009) calls expansive replacement.

If array2 is a full factorial in two factors, argument all = TRUE creates a list of expanded arrays obtained by permuting the second array in all ways that may lead to combinatorially different end results. With s1s_1 and s2s_2 the numbers of levels of the factors in array2, this is the number of partitions of the runs of array2 into s1s_1 equally-sized groups, multiplied with s2!s11s_2!^{s_1-1} for the possibilities of permuting the levels of the second factor within all but the first level of the first factor. This functionality is primarily meant for the creation of strength 3 arrays in combination with arrays listed in the catalogue oacat3 (see an example on expanding the 6-level factor in L96.


The function returns an object of classes oa and matrix, which can be used in function, or a list of such arrays, in case all = TRUE.

Whether or not the object is an orthogonal array depends on the choice of suitable input arrays by the user. The properties of the resulting array(s) can e.g. be inspected with functions GWLP or GRind.


This package is still under development. Bug reports and feature requests are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Kuhfeld, W. (2009). Orthogonal arrays. Website courtesy of SAS Institute and references therein.

See Also

See Also oacat, oacat3


myL24. <- expansive.replace(L24., L12.

L96. <- expansive.replace(L96., 
      cbind(U=rep(c(1,2),each=3), V=rep(1:3,2)), all=TRUE)
## the list of 60 resolution IV arrays can be used for design creation, 
## e.g. as follows:
## Not run: 
     ## resolution IV designs obtained from the 60 different arrays
     deslist <- lapply(L96., 
         function(aa), nlevels=c(2,2,2,2,3,4,4), columns="min34"))
     table(A4s <- sapply(deslist, length4))  ## a single best design exists
     best <- deslist[[which(A4s < 2)]]

## End(Not run)

Function for exporting a design object


Function for exporting a design object

Usage, response.names = NULL, 
       path = ".", filename = NULL, legend = NULL, type = "html", 
       OutDec = options("OutDec")$OutDec, replace = FALSE, version = 2, ...)
html(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
html(object, file = paste(first.word(deparse(substitute(object))),
    "html", sep = "."), append = FALSE, link = NULL, linkCol = 1, bgs.col = NULL,
          OutDec=options("OutDec")$OutDec, linkType = c("href", "name"), ...)



A data frame of class design; it must be stored in the global environment and referred to by its name, i.e. it cannot be created “on the fly”.


if not NULL (default), this must be a character vector of response names; the exported file contains a column for each entry; it is NOT necessary to include responses that are already present in the design object!


the path to the directory where the export files are to be stored; the default corresponds to the R working directory that can (on some systems) be looked at using getwd()


character string that gives the file name (without extension) for the files to be exported; if NULL, it is the name of the design object


data frame containing legend information; if NULL, the legend is automatically generated from the factor.names element of


one of "rda", "html", "csv", or "all". An R workspace with just the design object is always stored as an "rda" object. If one of the other types is specified, the design is additionally exported to "html" or "csv" or both. The "csv" file contains the design itself only, with formatting depending on the OutDec option. The "html" file contains some additional legend information and row color formatting.


decimal separator for the output file; one of "." or ","; the default is the option setting in the R options; this option also directs whether write.csv or write.csv2 is used and is very important for usability of the exported files e.g. with Excel


logical indicating whether an existing file should be replaced; if FALSE (default), the routine aborts without any action if one of the files to be created exists; checking is not case-sensitive in order to protect users on case-insensitive platforms from inadvertent replacing of files (i.e. you cannot have TEST.html and test.html, even if it were allowed on your platform)


the save version for the rda file; starting with R 3.6.0, the default save version is 3; that version cannot be read by R versions before 3.5.0. Therefore, the default of this package is still 2, but can be overwritten by users who are certain to use the file only on new R versions.


object to be exported to html


file to export the object to


append data frame to existing file ?


not used, unchanged from package Hmisc


not used, unchanged from package Hmisc


background colors for data frame rows, default white and grey


not used, unchanged from package Hmisc


further arguments to function html, usable e.g. for modifying row coloring


Function always stores an R workspace that contains just the design (with attached attributes, cf. class design). This file is stored with ending rda.
If requested by options type="csv", type="html", or type="all", additionally creates an exported version of the design that is usable outside of R. This is achieved via functions write.csv, write.csv2 or html. The csv-file contains the data frame itself only, the html file contains the data frame followed by the legend to the right of the data frame. The html file uses row coloring in order to prevent mistakes in recording of experimental results by mix-ups of rows. If the OutDec option is correct for the current computer, the csv and html files can be opened in Excel, and decimal numbers are correctly interpreted.

Generation of the html-file is particularly important for Taguchi inner/outer array designs in wide format, because it provides the legend to the suffix numbers of response columns in terms of outer array experimental setups!

The function html and its data frame method are internal.


The functions are used for their side effects and do not generate a result.


This package is currently under intensive development. Substantial changes are to be expected in the near future.


Ulrike Groemping; the html functions have been adapted from package Hmisc


Hedayat, A.S., Sloane, N.J.A. and Stufken, J. (1999) Orthogonal Arrays: Theory and Applications, Springer, New York.

See Also

See also FrF2-package, DoE.wrapper-package


## six 2-level factors
  test <-,3,3,3))
  ## export an html file with legend and two responses
  ## files test.rda and test.html will be written to the current working directory, 
  ##     if they do not exist yet
  ## Not run:, response.names=c("pressure", "temperature"))
## End(Not run)

Function for full factorial designs


Function for creating full factorial designs with arbitrary numbers of levels, and potentially with blocking

Usage, nfactors=NULL, factor.names = NULL, 
        replications=1, repeat.only = FALSE, randomize=TRUE, seed=NULL, 
        blocks=1, block.gen=NULL,"Blocks", bbreps=replications, 
        wbreps=1, block.old.behavior=FALSE)



number(s) of levels, vector with nfactors entries or single number; can be omitted, if obvious from factor.names


number of factors, can be omitted if obvious from entries nlevels or factor.names


if nlevels is given, factor.names can be a character vector of factor names. In this case, default factor levels are the numbers from 1 to the number of levels for each factor.
Otherwise it must be a list of vectors with factor levels. If the list is named, list names represent factor names, otherwise default factor names are used. Default factor names are the first elements of the character vector Letters, or the factors position numbers preceded by capital F in case of more than 50 factors. If both nlevels and factor.names are given, they must be compatible.


positive integer number. Default 1 (i.e. each row just once). If larger, each design run is executed replication times. If repeat.only, repeated measurements are carried out directly in sequence, i.e. no true replication takes place, and all the repeat runs are conducted together. It is likely that the error variation generated by such a procedure will be too small, so that average values should be analyzed for an unreplicated design.

Otherwise (default), the full experiment is first carried out once, then for the second replication and so forth. In case of randomization, each such blocks is randomized separately. In this case, replication variance is more likely suitable for usage as error variance (unless e.g. the same parts are used for replication runs although build variation is important).


logical, relevant only if replications > 1. If TRUE, replications of each run are grouped together (repeated measurement rather than true replication). The default is repeat.only=FALSE, i.e. the complete experiment is conducted in replications blocks, and each run occurs in each block.


logical. If TRUE, the design is randomized. This is the default. In case of replications, the nature of randomization depends on the setting of option repeat.only.


integer seed for the random number generator
In R version 3.6.0 and later, the default behavior of function sample has changed. If you work in a new (i.e., >= 3.6.-0) R version and want to reproduce a randomized design from an earlier R version (before 3.6.0), you have to change the RNGkind setting by
before running function
It is recommended to change the setting back to the new recommended way afterwards:
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


is the number of blocks into which the experiment is to be subdivided;
it must be a prime or a product of prime numbers which occur as common divisors of the numbers of levels of several factors (cf. Details section).

If the experiment is randomized, randomization happens within blocks.


provides block generating information.
Only specify block.gen, if blocks>1.
If blocks is a prime or a power of 2 (up to 2^8) or 3 (up to 3^5) or a product of powers of 2, 3, and an individual other prime, block.gen is not needed (but can be optionally specified).
If given, block.gen can be
a numeric vector of integer numbers that will be treated as a one-row matrix
OR a numeric matrix with integer elements.

There must be a row for each prime number into which blocks factorizes, and a column for each (pseudo)factor into which the experimental design factors can be partitioned (cf. Details and Examples sections and function factorize).

Rows for a p-level contributor to the block factor (p a prime) consist of entries 0 to p-1 only.

name of the block factor, default “Blocks”


between block replications; these are always taken as genuine replications, not repeat runs; default: equal to replications; CAUTION: you should not modify bbreps if you do not work with blocks, because the program code uses it instead of replications in some places


within block replications; whether or not these are taken as genuine replications depends on the setting of repeat.only


logical that can be used to activate the old (prior to version 0.27) behavior of blocking full factorial designs; the new behavior is the default, as it often creates designs with less severe confounding

Details creates full factorial designs, i.e. the number of runs is the product of all numbers of levels.

It is possible to subdivide the design into blocks (one hierarchy level only) by specifying an appropriate number of blocks. The method used is a generalization of the one implemented in function for symmetric factorials (i.e. factorials with all factors at the same prime number of levels) and related to the method described in Collings (1984, 1989); function conf.set from package is used for checking the confounding consequences of blocking.

Note that the number of blocks must be compatible with the factor levels; it must factor into primes that occur with high enough frequency among the pseudo-factors of the design. This statement is now explained by an example: Consider a design with five factors at 2, 2, 3, 3, 6 levels. The 6-level factor can be thought of as consisting of two pseudo-factors, a 2-level and a 3-level pseudo-factor, according to the factorization of the number 6 into the two primes 2 and 3. It is possible
to obtain two blocks by confounding the two-factor interaction of the two 2-level factors and the 2-level pseudo-factor of the 6-level factor,
or to obtain three blocks by confounding the blocking factor with the three-factor interaction of the two three-level factors and the three-level pseudo-factor of the 6-level factor,
or to get six blocks, by doing both simultaneously.
It is also possible to obtain 4 or 9 or even 36 blocks, if one is happy to confound two-factor interactions with blocks. The 36 blocks are the product of the 4 blocks from the 2-level portion with the nine blocks from the 3-level portion. For each portion separately, there is a lookup-table for blocking possibilities (block.catlg), for up to 128 blocks in 256 runs, or up to 81 blocks in 243 runs.

5 blocks cannot be done for the above example design. Even if there were one additional factor at 5 levels, it would still not be possible to do a number of blocks with divisor 5, because this would confound the main effect of a factor with blocks and would thus generate an error.

For any primes apart from 2 or 3, only one at a time can be handled automatically. For example, if a design has three 5-level factors, it can be automatically subdivided into 5 blocks by the option blocks=5. It is also possible to run the design in 25 blocks; however, as 25=5*5, this cannot be done automatically but has to be requested by specifying the block.gen option in addition to the blocks option (in this case, block.gen=rbind(c(1,0,1),c(1,1,0)) would do the job).

Value returns a data frame of S3 class design with attributes attached.

The experimental factors are all stored as R factors.
For factors with 2 levels, contr.FrF2 contrasts (-1 / +1) are used.
For factors with more than 2 numerical levels, polynomial contrasts are used (i.e. analyses will per default use orthogonal polynomials).
For factors with more than 2 categorical levels, the default contrasts are used.

For changing the contrasts, use function change.contr.

The attribute of the data frame has the following elements:


character string “full factorial” or “full factorial.blocked”


number of runs (replications are not counted)


number of factors


vector with number of levels for each factor


list named with (treatment) factor names and containing as entries vectors with coded factor levels


for designs of type full factorial.blocked only;
number of blocks


for designs of type full factorial.blocked only;
matrix the rows of which are the coefficients of the linear combinations that create block columns from of pseudo factors


for designs of type full factorial.blocked only;
size of each block (without consideration of wbreps)


option setting in call to FrF2


option setting in call to FrF2


for designs of type FrF2.blocked only; number of between block replications


for designs of type FrF2.blocked only; number of within block replications;
repeat.only indicates whether these are replications or repetitions only


option setting in call to FrF2


option setting in call to FrF2


call to function FrF2 (or stored menu settings, if the function has been called via the R commander plugin RcmdrPlugin.DoE)


Since R version 3.6.0, the behavior of function sample has changed (correction of a biased previous behavior that should not be relevant for the randomization of designs). For reproducing a randomized design that was produced with an earlier R version, please follow the steps described with the argument seed.


This package is still under development. Suggestions and bug reports are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Collings, B.J. (1984). Generating the intrablock and interblock subgroups for confounding in general factorial experiments. Annals of Statistics 12, 1500–1509.

Collings, B.J. (1989). Quick confounding. Technometrics 31, 107–110.

See Also

See also FrF2,, pb, conf.set, block.catlg


## only specify level combination,3,3,2))
  ## design requested via factor.names"a","b","c"), two=c(125,275), 
     three=c("old","new"), four=c(-1,1), five=c("min","medium","max")))
  ## design requested via character factor.names and nlevels 
  ##    (with a little German lesson for one two three)"eins","zwei","drei"),nlevels=c(2,3,2))
  ### blocking designs,2,3,3,6), blocks=6, seed=12345)
  ## the same design, now unnecessarily constructed via option block.gen
  ## preparation: look at the numbers of levels of pseudo factors
  ## (in this order)
  ## or, for more annotation, factorize the unblocked design
  ## positions 1 2 5 are 2-level pseudo factors
  ## positions 3 4 6 are 4-level pseudo factors
  ## blocking with highest possible interactions
  G <- rbind(two=c(1,1,0,0,1,0),three=c(0,0,1,1,0,1))
  plan.6blocks <-,2,3,3,6), blocks=6, block.gen=G, seed=12345)
  ## two blocks, default design, but unnecessarily constructed via block.gen,2,3,3,6), blocks=2, block.gen=c(1,1,0,0,1,0), seed=12345)
  ## three blocks, default design, but unnecessarily constructed via block.gen,2,3,3,6), blocks=3, block.gen=c(0,0,1,1,0,1), seed=12345)
  ## nine blocks
  ## confounding two-factor interactions cannot be avoided
  ## there are warnings to that effect
  G <- rbind(CD=c(0,0,1,1,0,0),CE2=c(0,0,1,0,0,1))
  plan.9blocks <-,2,3,3,6), blocks=9, block.gen=G, seed=12345)

  ## further automatic designs, not run for shortening run time 
  ## Not run:,2,3,3,6), blocks=4, seed=12345),2,3,3,6), blocks=9, seed=12345),2,3,3,6), blocks=36, seed=12345),5,6,10), blocks=15, seed=12345)
## End(Not run)
  ## independently check aliasing
  ## model with block main effects and all two-factor interactions
  ## 6 factors: not aliased
  ## 9 factors: aliased

Factorize integer numbers and factors


Methods to factorize integer numbers into primes or factors into pseudo factors with integer numbers of levels


## S3 method for class 'factor'
factorize(x, name = deparse(substitute(x)), extension = letters,
    drop = FALSE, sep = "", ...)
## S3 method for class 'design'
factorize(x, extension = letters, sep = ".", long=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
factorize(x, extension = letters, sep = ".", long=FALSE, ...)



OR data frame of class design OR data frame


name to use for prefixing the pseudo factors


extensions to use for postfixing the pseudo factors


TRUE: have a vector only in case of just one pseudo factor


separation between name and postfix for pseudo factors


TRUE: create a complete matrix of pseudofactors; FALSE: only create the named numbers of levels


currently not used


These functions are used for blocking full factorials. The method for class factors is a modification of the analogous method from package, the other two are convenience versions for designs and data frames.


All three methods return a matrix of pseudo factors (in case long=TRUE) or a named numeric vector of numbers of levels of the pseudo factors (for the default long=FALSE).


There may be conflicts with functions from packages or sfsmisc.


Ulrike Groemping; Bill Venables authored the original of factorize.factor.

See Also

The function factorize from package,
the function factorize from package sfsmisc (no link provided, in order to avoid having to include sfsmisc in Suggests).



Function to change the default formula for a data frame of class design to involve the correct factors with the desired effects and responses


This function provides a reasonable default formula for linear model analyses of class design objects with response(s). Per default, the resulting formula refers to the first response in the design and is of design-type specific nature.


## S3 method for class 'design'
formula(x, ..., response=NULL, degree=NULL, FUN=NULL,,, use.dummies=FALSE)



an object of class design


further arguments to function formula


character string giving the name of the response variable (must be among the numeric columns from x)
integer number giving the position of the response in element response.names of attribute


degree of the model (1=main effects only, 2=with 2-factor interactions and quadratic effects, 3=with 3-factor interactions and up to cubic effects, ...


function for the method; this must be an unquoted function name or NULL;
This option is relevant for repeated measurement designs and parameter designs in long format only

NULL or logical indicating whether center points are to be used + in the analysis;
if NULL, the default is FALSE for pb and FrF2 designs with center points and TRUE for ccd designs; the option is irrelevant for all other design types.

NULL or logical indicating whether the star portion of a CCD design is to be used in the analysis (ignored for all other types of designs).


logical indicating whether the error dummies of a Plackett Burman design are to be used in the formula (ignored for all other types of designs).


Function formula creates an appropriate formula for many kinds of objects, e.g. for data frames (try e.g. formula(swiss)). Function as.formula uses function formula, but cannot take any additional arguments.

The method for class design objects modifies the way a data frame would normally be treated by the formula function. This also carries through to default linear models.

Without the additional arguments, the function creates the formula with the first response from the response.names element of the attribute. The default degree depends on the type of design: it is

  • 1 for oa and pb

  • 2 for all other design types

degree does not have an effect for response surface designs (types bbd, bbd.blocked and ccd) and latin hypercube designs (type lhs), where the function always creates the formula for a full second order model including quadratic effects.

Where degree does have an effect, it is the exponent of the sum of all experimental factors, i.e. it refers to the degree of interactions, not to powers of the variables themselves (e.g. (A+B+C)^2 for degree 2).

For designs with a block variable (types FrF2.blocked, bbd.blocked and ccd) the block variable enters the formula as a main effect factor without any interactions.

For 2-level designs with center points (types or, the formula contains an indicator variable center for the center points that can is used for checking whether quadratic effects are needed.

For designs with repeated measurements (repeat.only and parameter designs, the default is to analyse aggregated responses. For more detail, see the documentation of

For optimal designs, the formula is the model formula used in optimizing the design.


a formula


Ulrike Groemping

See Also

See also formula and


## indirect usage via function is much more interesting
  ## cf help for lm design!

   my.L18 <-, 
       factor.names = c("one","two","three","four","five","six","seven"), 
   y <- rnorm(18)
   my.L18 <- add.response(my.L18, y)

Internal utility functions to support automatic creation of child arrays from entries of the data frame oacat


The functions are used internally for creating the child arrays listed in data frame oacat from the parent arrays that come with DoE.base (or using full factorials).


getArray(nbRuns, descr)
symb2oa(nbRuns, descr)



a row from data frame oacat


the output from function parseArrayLine


the number of runs of the array to be received


a character string containing the description of the array to be retrieved, of the form
nl1~fl1;nl2~fl2; ..., where nl stands for the number of levels and fl for their respective frequency; the string may (but need not) contain a trailing semicolon


name of an array according to the naming conventions in oacat


Function parseArrayLine transforms information from a row of oacat into a list format digestible by function genChild.

Function genChild creates a child array from the appropriate information provided by function parseArrayLine.

Function getArray retrieves a stored orthogonal array based on the list information it receives.

Functions symb2oa and oa2symb can be used for switching between design names from data frame oacat and list type information used by functions internally. Note that the result from oa2symb is not sufficient to get back to the oa representation, but needs the number of runs in addition.


parseArrayLine returns a list with design and lineage description in symbolic form.

genChild and getArray return an array matrix of class oa.

symb2oa and oa2symb return a character string.


Boyko Amarov and Ulrike Groemping

See Also

See also oacat, oa

Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array


Functions length2, length3, length4 and length5 calculate the numbers of generalized words of lengths 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively, lengths calculates them all. Functions P3.3 and P4.4 calculate projection frequency tables, functions oa.min3, oa.min4, oa.min34, oa.maxGR (deprecated), oa.minRelProjAberr, oa.max3 and oa.max4 determine column allocations with minimum or maximum aliasing. Function nchoosek is an auxiliary function for calculating all subsets without replacement.


length2(design, with.blocks = FALSE, J = FALSE)
length3(design, with.blocks = FALSE, J = FALSE, rela = FALSE)
length4(design, with.blocks = FALSE, separate = FALSE, J = FALSE, rela = FALSE)
length5(design, with.blocks = FALSE, J = FALSE, rela = FALSE)
lengths(design, ...)
## Default S3 method:
lengths(design, ...)
## S3 method for class 'design'
lengths(design, ...)
## S3 method for class 'matrix'
lengths(design, ...)
contr.XuWu(n, contrasts=TRUE)
contr.XuWuPoly(n, contrasts=TRUE)
oa.min3(ID, nlevels, all, rela = FALSE, variants = NULL, crit = "total")
oa.min4(ID, nlevels, all, rela = FALSE, variants = NULL, crit = "total")
oa.min34(ID, nlevels, variants = NULL, min3=NULL, all = FALSE, rela = FALSE)
oa.max3(ID, nlevels, rela = FALSE)
oa.max4(ID, nlevels, rela = FALSE)
oa.maxGR(ID, nlevels, variants = NULL)
oa.minRelProjAberr(ID, nlevels, maxGR = NULL)
P2.2(ID, digits = 4, rela=FALSE, parft=FALSE, parftdf=FALSE, detailed=FALSE)
P3.3(ID, digits = 4, rela=FALSE, parft=FALSE, parftdf=FALSE, detailed=FALSE)
P4.4(ID, digits = 4, rela=FALSE, parft=FALSE, parftdf=FALSE, detailed=FALSE)
nchoosek(n, k)
tupleSel(design, type="complete", selprop=0.25, ...)
## S3 method for class 'design'
tupleSel(design, type="complete", selprop=0.25, ...)
## Default S3 method:
tupleSel(design, type="complete", selprop=0.25, ...)



an experimental design. This can either be a matrix or a data frame in which all columns are experimental factors, or a special data frame of class design, which may also include response data.
In any case, the design should be a factorial design; the functions are not useful for quantitative designs (like e.g. latin hypercube samples).


a logical, indicating whether or not an existing block factor is to be included into word counting. This option is ignored if design is not of class design.
Per default, an existing block factor is ignored.
For designs without a block factor, the option does not have an effect.
If the design is blocked, and with.blocks is TRUE, the block factor is treated like any other factor in terms of word counting.


a logical, indicating whether or not a vector of contributions from individual degrees of freedom is produced. If TRUE, the entries of the vector are absolute normalized J-characteristics from all 3- or 4-factor products respectively, based on normalized Helmert contrasts (cf. Ai and Zhang 2004).
This is not expected to be useful for practical purposes.
J cannot be TRUE simultaneously with separate or rela.


logical indicating whether the word lengths are to be calculated in absolute terms (as usual) or relative to the maximum possible word length in case of complete aliasing; if TRUE, each word length is divided by the worst case word length (that corresponds to a completely aliased set of factors) derived in Groemping (2011).
rela=TRUE is only permitted for the shortest possible word length, i.e. length3 or P3.3 for resolution III designs, length4 or P4.4 for resolution IV designs, or length5 for resolution V designs.
rela cannot be TRUE simultaneously with parft, parftdf, J or separate.


a logical, indicating whether or not separate (and overlapping) sums are requested for each two-factor interaction; the idea is to be able to identify clear two-factor interactions; this may be useful for a design for which length3 returns zero, in analogy to clear 2fis for regular fractional factorials, implemented in function FrF2; this is currently experimental and may be removed again if it does not prove useful.
separate cannot be TRUE simultaneously with J.


for functions contr.XuWu and contr.XuWuPoly: number of levels of the factor for which to determine contrasts
for function nchoosek: number of elements to choose from


must always be TRUE; option needed for function model.matrix to work properly


an orthogonal array, either a matrix or a data frame; need not be of class oa; can also be a character string containing the name of an array listed in data frame oacat


a vector of requested level informations (vector with an entry for each factor)


logical; if FALSE, the search stops whenever a design with 0 generalized words of highest requested length is found; otherwise, the function always determines all best designs


matrix of integer column number entries; each row gives the column numbers for one variant to be compared; the matrix columns must correspond to the entries of the nlevels option


character string that requests "total" or "worst" triple optimization; "total" corresponds to the previous version that optimizes the overall number of length 3 words; "worst" minimizes the aliasing of the worst triple.


the outcome of a call to oa.min3 with crit="total", which is to be used for a call to oa.min34


the outcome of a call to oa.min3 with crit="worst" and rela=TRUE (or the outcome of a call to oa.maxGR), which is to be used for a call to oa.minRelProjAberr


number of decimal points to which to round the result


logical indicating whether to tabulate projection averaged R2R^2 values (see Groemping 2013) instead of word lengths; if TRUE, the table shows projection averaged R2R^2 values as detailed in Groemping (2013, 2017).
parft=TRUE is only permitted for the shortest possible word length, i.e. length3 or P3.3 for resolution III designs, length4 or P4.4 for resolution IV designs.
parft cannot be TRUE simultaneously with rela or parftdf.


logical indicating whether to tabulate averaged R2R^2 values, where averaging is over individual degrees of freedom; this variant is not explicitly described in Groemping (2013, 2017) and usually yields very similar results as parft, except for some situations where there are factors with very unequal numbers of levels (e.g. 2-level and 8-level factors).
parftdf=TRUE is only permitted for the shortest possible word length, i.e. length3 or P3.3 for resolution III designs, length4 or P4.4 for resolution IV designs.
parftdf cannot be TRUE simultaneously with rela or parft.


logical indicating whether the vector of all (relative) tuple word lengths is to become an attribute of the output object (attribute detail);
intended for supporting other functions (can be a very long vector!)


number of elements to be chosen, integer from 0 to n


character string with type of worst case to consider;
"complete", "worst" and "worst.rel" are available.
For a resolution R design, tuples of R factors are considered (works for R=3 and R=4 only). "complete" selects all tuples with complete aliasing of at least one factor, "worst" selects all tuples whose number of words is larger than the 1-selprop quantile of the word length distribution of R-tuples, "worst.rel" does the same with relative words (i.e. increases the weight for tuples whose minimum number of levels is small), "worst.parft" and "worst.parftdf" do the same with the different versions of projection average R2R^2 values.


(approximate) proportion of worst case tuples to be selected (see type)


further arguments; for the design method of function lengths, the defaults with.blocks = FALSE, J = FALSE can be changed here; for function tupleSel, ... is currently not used


These functions work for factors only and are not intended for quantitative variables. Nevertheless it is possible to apply them to class design plans with quantitative variables in them in some situations.

The generalized word length pattern as introduced in Xu and Wu (2001) is the basis for the functions described here. Consult their article or Groemping (2011) for rigorous mathematical detail of this concept. A brief explanation is also given here, before explaining the details for the functions: Assume a design with qualitative factors, for which all factors are coded with specially normalized Helmert contrasts (which orthogonalizes the model matrix columns to the intercept column). Functions contr.XuWu and contr.XuWuPoly provide such contrasts based on Helmert contrasts or orthogonal polynomial contrasts, normalized according to the prescription by Xu and Wu (2001) which implies that all model matrix columns have Euclidean norm sqrt(n), provided that each individual factor is balanced.
Then, the number of generalized words of length 3 is determined by taking the sum of squares of the column averages of all three-factor interaction columns (from a model matrix with all three-factor interactions included).
Likewise, the number of generalized words of length 4 is determined by taking the sum of squares of the column averages of all four-factor interaction columns (from a model matrix with all four-factor interactions included), and so on.
A certain plausibility can be found in these numbers by noting that they provide the more well-known word length pattern for regular fractional factorial 2-level designs, implying that they are exactly zero for resolution IV or resolution V fractional factorial 2-level designs, respectively. Furthermore, Groemping and Xu (2014) provided an interpretation in terms of R2R^2-values from linear models for the number of shortest words.

Function lengths calculates the generalized word length pattern (numbers of generalized words of lengths 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively), functions length2, length3, length4 and length5 calculate each length separately. For designs with few rows and many columns, the newer function GWLP is much faster; therefore it will be a better choice than lengths for most applications. On the other hand, for designs with many rows, lengths can be much faster. Furthermore, lengths and the compoment functions length2 to length5 can calculate additional detail not available from GWLP.

The most important component length functions are length3 and length4; length2 should yield zero for all orthogonal arrays, and length5 will in most cases not be of interest either. The number of shortest possible words, e.g. length 4 for resolution IV designs, can be calculated in relative terms, if interest is in the extent of complete aliasing (cf. Groemping 2011).
The length functions are fast for small numbers of factors but can take a long time if the number of factors is large. Note that an orthogonal array based design is called resolution III if the result of function length3 is non-zero, resolution IV, if the result of function length3 is zero and the result of function length4 is non-zero, and resolution V+ (at least V), if the result of both functions length3 and length4 are zero.

Functions P3.3 and P4.4 calculate the pattern of generalized words of length 3 for all three-factor projections of an array and of generalized words of length 3 or 4 for all four-factor projections of an array. Calculation of such projection frequency tables has been proposed by Xu, Cheng and Wu (2004). The relative version for P3.3 and P4.4 has been introduced by Groemping (2011) for better assessment of the projective properties of a design. It divides each absolute number of words by the maximum possible number in case one factor is completely determined by the combinations of the other two factors. For P4.4, the relative version is valid only for resolution IV designs. NOTE: For mixed-level designs, it is meanwhile recommended to use ARFTs (Groemping 2013, 2017) instead of relative P3.3 and P4.4; these can be obtained by functions GRind or SCFTs and have relevant advantages over the projection frequency tables from P3.3 and P4.4 for mixed level designs. SCFTs (also treated in Groemping 2013, 2017) provide more detail than ARFTs and are interesting for assessing the suitability of a design for screening purposes.

The functions can be used in selecting among different possibilities to accomodate factors within a given orthogonal array (cf. examples). For general purposes, it is recommended to use designs with as small an outcome of length3 as possible (either absolute or relative, either total or worst case), and within the same result for length3 (particularly 0), with as small a result for length4 as possible. This corresponds to (a step towards) generalized minimum aberration. It can also be useful to consider the patterns, particularly P3.3, or for mixed levels the aforementioned ARFTs or SCFTs obtainable with functions GRind or SCFTs. Note that some overall information on a design's behavior is available in the catalogue data frames oacat and oacat3 and can be queried with function show.oas; this helps for selecting a suitable array from which to start optimization efforts (see below).

Functions oa.min3, oa.min4, oa.min34 optimize column allocation for a given array for which a certain factor combination must be accomodated: They return designs that allocate columns such that the number of generalized words of length 3 is minimized (oa.min3; with a choice between minimizing the total number or minimizing the number for the worst-case triple of factors), or the number of generalized words of length 4 is minimized within all designs for which the number of generalized words of length 3 is minimal (oa.min34, total number only); oa.min4 does the same as oa.min3, but for designs of resolution IV, either entirely (e.g. designs from oacat3) or through the selection of suitable column variants. Option rela allows to switch from the default consideration of absolute numbers of words to relative numbers of words according to Groemping (2011). This relative number corresponds to concentrating on the worst-case ARFT entry for each set of R factors (R the resolution).

Function oa.maxGR maximizes generalized resolution according to Deng and Tang (1999) as generalized by Groemping (2011). **Note that function oa.maxGR can be replaced by the much faster function oa.min3 with options crit="worst" and rela=TRUE, whenever GR<=4. Only for designs with GR > 4, the extra effort with function oa.maxGR is useful.**

Function oa.minRelProjAberr conducts minimum relative projection aberration according to Groemping (2011), with the four steps
(a) maximize GR (using function oa.min3 with options crit="worst" and rela=TRUE),
(b) minimize rA3 or rA4 (depending on resolution),
(c) optimize RPFT (as obtained by P3.3 or P4.4) and
(d) minimize absolute words of lengths 4 etc. (only carried through to length 4 by the function).

Functions oa.max3 and oa.max4 do the opposite: they search for the worst design in terms of the number of generalized words of lengths 3 or 4. Such a design can e.g. be used for demonstrating the benefit of optimizing the number of words, or for exemplifying theoretical properties. Occasionally, it may also be useful, if there are severe restrictions on possible combinations. (oa.max4 should only be used for resolution IV designs.)

Function tupleSel selects worst case tuples of R factors for resolution R designs. Depending on the type requested, all completely aliased tuples are selected, or the worst case tuples that exceed the 1-selprop quantile of the numbers of absolute or relative words are selected.


The functions length3 and length4 (currently) per default return the number of generalized words.
If option J=TRUE is set, their value is a named vector of normalized absolute J-characteristics (cf. Ai and Zhang 2004) for the respective length, based on normalized Helmert contrasts, with names indicating factor indices. (For blocked designs with the with.blocks=TRUE option, the block factor has index 1.)

Functions P3.3 and P4.4 return a matrix with the numbers of generalized words of length 3 (4) that do occur for 3 (4) factor projections (column length3 or length4 resp.) and their frequencies. If option rela=TRUE is set, the numbers of generalized words are normalized by dividing them by the number of words that corresponds to perfect aliasing among the factors for each projection. For P4.4, the relative version is only reasonable for resolution IV designs. The matrix of projection frequencies has the overall number of generalized words of the respective length as an attribute; in the case rela=TRUE it also has the generalized resolution and the overall absolute number of generalized words of the respective length as an attribute.

The functions oa.min3, oa.min34, oa.max3 and oa.max4 (currently) return a list with elements GWP (the number(s) of generalized words of length 3 (lengths 3 and 4)) column.variants (the columns to be used for design creation, ordered with ascending nlevels) and complete (logical indicating whether or not the list is guaranteed to be complete). oa.min3, the name of the first element is either GWP3 (crit="total"), worst.a3 (rela=FALSE, crit="worst") or GR (rela=FALSE, crit="worst"). The function oa.maxGR returns a list with elements GR, column.variants and complete, the function oa.minRelProjAberr returns a list with elements GR, GWP, column.variants and complete.

The function nchoosek returns a matrix with k rows and choose(n, k) columns, each of which contains a different subset of k elements.

The function tupleSel returns a sorted list of worst case tuples, beginning with the worst case. In case of types "worst" or "worst.rel", attributes provide the (relative) projection frequency tables and the sorted vector of the worst case projection values corresponding to the listed tuples.


The functions have been checked on the types of designs for which they are intended (especially orthogonal arrays produced with and on 2-level fractional factorial designs produced with package FrF2. They may produce meaningless results for some other types of designs.

Furthermore, all optimizing functions work for relatively small problems only and will break down for larger problems because of storage space requirements (size depends on the number of possible selections among columns; for example, selecting 9 out of 31 columns is not doable on my computer because of storage space issues, while selecting 29 out of 31 columns is doable within the available storage space). Programming of a less storage-intensive algorithm is underway.


Function nchoosek has been taken from Bioconductor package vsn.
Function GWLP is much faster (but also more inaccurate) than function lengths and may be a better choice for designs with many factors.


Ulrike Groemping


Ai, M.-Y. and Zhang, R.-C. (2004). Projection justification of generalized minimum aberration for asymmetrical fractional factorial designs. Metrika 60, 279–285.

Groemping, U. (2011). Relative projection frequency tables for orthogonal arrays. Report 1/2011, Reports in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Department II, Berliner Hochschule fuer Technik (formerly Beuth University of Applied Sciences), Berlin.

Groemping, U. (2013). Frequency tables for the coding invariant ranking of orthogonal arrays. Report 2/2013, Reports in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Department II, Berliner Hochschule fuer Technik (formerly Beuth University of Applied Sciences), Berlin.

Groemping, U. (2017). Frequency tables for the coding invariant quality assessment of factorial designs. IISE Transactions 49(5), 505-517. doi:10.1080/0740817X.2016.1241458.

Xu, H.-Q. and Wu, C.F.J. (2001). Generalized minimum aberration for asymmetrical fractional factorial designs. The Annals of Statistics 29, 1066–1077.

Xu, H., Cheng, S., and Wu, C.F.J. (2004). Optimal projective three-level designs for factor screening and interaction detection. Technometrics 46, 280–292.

See Also

See also GWLP for a version of lengths that is much faster for designs with not so many runs, and GRind for another set of quality criteria for orthogonal arrays.
Package DoE.MIParray can create arrays for smallish situations for which the catalogued arrays do not provide satisfactory results; this package requires at least one of the commercial softwares Mosek or Gurobi to be installed (both provide free academic licenses).


## check a small design
   oa12 <-,2,6))
   ## length4 is of course 0, because there are only 3 factors

   ## the results need not be an integer
   oa12 <-,columns=1:6)
   P3.3(oa12)  ## all projections have the same pattern
             ## which is known to be true for the complete L12.2.11 as well
   P3.3(L18)   ## this is the pattern of the Taguchi L18
             ## also published by Schoen 2009
   P3.3(L18[,-2])  ## without the 2nd column (= the 1st 3-level column)
   P3.3(L18[,-2], rela=TRUE)  ## relative pattern, divided by theoretical upper
                              ## bound for each 3-factor projection

   ## choosing among different assignment possibilities
   ## for two 2-level factors and one 3- and 4-level factor each
   ## default allocation: first two columns for the 2-level factors
   oa24.bad <-, columns=c(1,2,14,15))
   ## much better: columns 3 and 10
   oa24.good <-, columns=c(3,10,14,15))
   length4(oa24.good)  ## there are several variants,
                       ## which produce the same pattern for lengths 3 and 4

   ## the difference matters
   plot(oa24.bad, select=c(2,3,4))
   plot(oa24.good, select=c(2,3,4))

   ## generalized resolution differs as well (resolution is III in both cases)

   ## and analogously also GRind and ARFT and SCFT

   ## GR and GRind can be different
   GRind(L18[, c(1:4,6:8)], arft=FALSE, scft=FALSE)

   ## choices for columns can be explored with functions oa.min3, oa.min34 or oa.max3
   oa.min3(L24., nlevels=c(2,2,3,4))
   oa.min34(L24., nlevels=c(2,2,3,4))
   ## columns for designs with maximum generalized resolution
   ##    (can take very long, if all designs have worst-case aliasing)
      ## then optimize these for overall relative number of words of length 3
      ##     and in addition absolute number of words of length 4
   mGR <- oa.maxGR(L18, c(2,3,3,3,3,3,3))
   oa.minRelProjAberr(L18, c(2,3,3,3,3,3,3), maxGR=mGR)

   oa.max3(L24., nlevels=c(2,2,3,4))    ## this is not for finding
                                                    ## a good design!!!

   ## Not run: 
   ## play with selection of optimum design
   ## somewhat experimental at present
   oa.min3(L32., nlevels=c(2,2,2,4,4,4,4,4))
   best3 <- oa.min3(L32., nlevels=c(2,2,2,4,4,4,4,4), rela=TRUE)
   oa.min34(L32., nlevels=c(2,2,2,4,4,4,4,4))
   oa.min34(L32., nlevels=c(2,2,2,4,4,4,4,4), min3=best3)

   ## generalized resolution according to Groemping 2011, manually
   best3GR <- oa.min3(L36., c(rep(2,3),rep(3,3)), rela=TRUE, crit="worst")
      ## optimum GR is 3.59
   ## subsequent optimization w.r.t. rA3
   best3reltot.GR <- oa.min3(L36., c(rep(2,3),rep(3,3)), rela=TRUE,
      ## optimum rA3 is 0.5069
   ## (note: different from first optimizing rA3 (0.3611) and then GR (3.5))
   ## remaining nine designs: optimize RPFTs
   L36 <-, randomize=FALSE)
   lapply(1:9, function(obj) P3.3(L36[,best3reltot.GR$column.variants[obj,]]))
      ## all identical
   oa.min34(L36, nlevels=c(rep(2,3),rep(3,3)), min3=best3reltot.GR)
      ## still all identical
## End(Not run)

   ## select among column variants with projection frequencies
   ## here, all variants have identical projection frequencies
   ## for larger problems, this may sometimes be relevant
   variants <- oa.min34(L24., nlevels=c(2,2,3,4))
   for (i in 1:nrow(variants$column.variants)){
      cat("variant ", i, "\n")
      print(P3.3(, columns=variants$column.variants[i,])))

   ## automatic optimization is possible, but can be time-consuming
   ## (cf. help for
   plan <-, nlevels=c(2,2,3,4), columns="min3")
   plan <-, nlevels=c(2,2,3,4), columns="min34")

   ## Not run: 
   ## blocked design from FrF2
   ## the design is of resolution IV
   ## there is one (generalized) 4-letter word that does not involve the block factor
   ## there are four more 4-letter words involving the block factor
   ## all this and more can also be learnt from
   plan <- FrF2(32,6,blocks=4)
   length3(plan, with.blocks=TRUE)
   length4(plan, with.blocks=TRUE)
## End(Not run)

Functions to extract a block factor from a class design object or to rerandomize a class design object


Function getblock creates block factors for designs with replications, repeated measurements or split plot designs. Function rerandomizes an experimental design.


getblock(design, combine=FALSE, ...), seed=NULL, block=NULL, ...)



an object of class design, which is a design with replications or repeated measurements or a split plot design


logical with default FALSE. It has an effect for replicated blocked and splitplot designs only: If TRUE, all blocking information is combined into a single factor. Otherwise, a data frame with separate identifiers is returned.


integer number for initialization of the random number generator (needed for repeatable rerandomization)
In R version 3.6.0 and later, the default behavior of function sample has changed. If you work in a new (i.e., >= 3.6.-0) R version and want to reproduce a rerandomization from an earlier R version (before 3.6.0), you have to change the RNGkind setting by
before running function
It is recommended to change the setting back to the new recommended way afterwards:
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


character string giving the name of a block factor (only for unreplicated designs that do not have any prior blocking or split plot structure; meant for block randomization of designs created with function


currently not used


The purpose of function getblock is to support users in doing their own analyses accomodating randomization restrictions like blocking and split plotting with R modeling functions.

The reason for including designs with proper replications is that these are randomized in blocks by packages DoE.base and FrF2 and partly by DoE.wrapper. While the package author does not consider it generally necessary to analyze these with a block factor, function getblock makes it easy for users with a different opinion (or for situations for which time turns out to be important in spite of not having explicitly blocked for time) to run an analysis with a block factor for the replication.

For unreplicated split plot designs, a whole plot identifier is returned; the design itself contains the plot information via the settings of the whole plot factors only. Thus, it may be useful to be able to create the plot identifier.

For replicated block or split plot designs, there is a randomization hierarchy that will depend on how the experiment was actually conducted. Therefore, a dataframe is generated the columns of which can be used in the appropriate way by a statistically literate user.

Function rerandomizes a design. This can be useful if the user wants to obtain unblocked replications (packages DoE.base and FrF2 usually randomize in blocks on time) or wants to freely randomize the center point position over the whole range of the experiment (or a block, respectively), or if the user wants to also randomize the blocks (rather than randomizing the block units to the experimental blocks outside of the design), or if the user wants to do block randomization on a block factor specified with the block option for a design created with function or pb (which do not offer explicit specification of blocking).
It can also be useful for ensuring a randomization that has little correlation between run order and model matrix columns; this correlation can e.g. be checked with the help of function corrPlot, using the option run.order=TRUE.


Function getblock returns
a single factor with block information (for split plot designs without replication or replicated designs without randomization restrictions)
or a data frame with several blocking factors (for designs with randomization restrictions and replication).

Function returns a class design object; note that it will not be possible to add center points after re-randomization, i.e. if required, center points have to be added before using the function.


Since R version 3.6.0, the behavior of function sample has changed (correction of a biased previous behavior that should not be relevant for the randomization of designs). For reproducing a re-randomization that was produced with an earlier R version, please follow the steps described with the argument seed.


Ulrike Groemping


## a blocked full factorial design
   ff <-,2,2,3,3,3), blocks=6, bbrep=2, wbrep=2, repeat.only=FALSE)
   getblock(ff, combine=TRUE)
   ff <-,2,2,3,3,3), replications=2, repeat.only=FALSE)
   ff <-,2,2,3,3,3), replications=2, repeat.only=FALSE)
   ## a design created with
   small <-,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,8)), block="J")

Functions for calculating generalized resolution, average R-squared values and squared canonical correlations, and for checking design regularity


Function GR calculates generalized resolution, function GRind calculates more detailed generalized resolution values, squared canonical correlations and average R-squared values, the print method for class GRind appropriately prints the detailed GRind values. Function SCFTs calculates squared canonical correlations for factorial designs. SCFTs includes more projections than GRind (all full resolution projections or even all projections) and decides on regularity of the design, based on a conjecture.


GR(ID, digits=2)
GRind(design, digits=3, arft=TRUE, scft=TRUE, cancors=FALSE, with.blocks=FALSE)
SCFTs(design, digits = 3, all = TRUE, resk.only = TRUE, kmin = NULL, kmax = ncol(design),
   regcheck = FALSE, arft = TRUE, cancors = FALSE, with.blocks = FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'GRind'
print(x, quote=FALSE,  ...)



an orthogonal array, either a matrix or a data frame; need not be of class oa; can also be a character string containing the name of an array listed in data frame oacat


number of decimal points to which to round the result


a factorial design. This can either be a matrix or a data frame in which all columns are experimental factors, or a special data frame of class design, which may also include response data.
In any case, the design should be a factorial design; the functions are not useful for quantitative designs (like e.g. latin hypercube samples).


logical indicating whether or not the average R2R^2 frequency table (ARFT, see Groemping 2013) is to be returned


logical indicating whether the squared canonical correlation frequency table (SCFT, see Groemping 2013) is to be returned


logical indicating whether individual canonical correlations are to be returned (see Groemping 2013). These will not be needed for normal use of the package.


a logical, indicating whether or not an existing block factor is to be included into word counting. This option is ignored if design is not of class design.
Per default, an existing block factor is ignored.
For designs without a block factor, the option does not have an effect.
If the design is blocked, and with.blocks is TRUE, the block factor is treated like any other factor in terms of word counting.


logical; decides whether or not to consider projections of more than R~factors, where R denotes the design resolution


logical; if all is TRUE, should only full resolution projections be considered? Choosing FALSE may cause very long run times.


integer; purpose is to continue an earlier run with additional larger projections


integer; limit on projection sizes to consider


logical; is the purpose a regularity check? If TRUE, the function stops after the first projection size that included squared canonical correlation different from 0 or 1.


a list of class GRind, as created by function GRind


a logical indicating whether character values are quoted


further arguments to function print


Functions GR, GRind, and SCFTs work for factors only and are not intended for quantitative variables. Nevertheless it is possible to apply them to class design plans with quantitative variables in them in some situations.

Function GR calculates the generalized resolution according to Deng and Tang (1999) for 2-level designs or a generalization thereof according to Groemping (2011) and Groemping and Xu (2014) for general orthogonal arrays. It returns a value between 3 and 5, where the numeric value 5 stands for “at least 5”. Roughly, generalized resolution measures the closeness of a design to the next higher resolution (worst-case based, e.g. one completely aliased triple of factors implies resolution 3).

Function GRind (newer than GR, and recommended) calculates the generalized resolution, together with factor wise generalized resolution values, squared canonical correlations and average R-squared values, as mentioned in Groemping and Xu (2014) and further developed in Groemping (2013, 2017). The print method for class Grind objects prints the individual factor components of GRind.i such that they do not mislead: Because of the shortest word approach for GR, SCFT and ARFT, a GRind.i component can be at most one larger than the resolution. For example, if GR is 3.5 so that the resolution is 3, the largest possible numeric value of a GRind.i component is 4, but it means ">=4".

Function SCFTs does more extensive SCFT and ARFT calculations than function GRind: in particular, the function allows to do such calculations for more projection sizes, either restricting attention to full resolution projections or going for ALL projections with non-zero word lengths. These capabilities have been introduced in relation to regularity checking based on SCFTs (see Groemping and Bailey 2016): Defining a factorial design as regular if all main effects are orthogonal in some sense to effects including other factors of any order, it is conjectured that a regularity check on full resolution projections only will suffice for identifying non-regularity (work in progress). However, this is a conjecture only; as long as it is not proven, a definite check for this type of regularity requires checking ALL projections, i.e. setting resk.only to FALSE. With this setting, the function may run for a very long time (depends in particular on the number of factors)!


Function GR returns a list with elements GR (the generalized resolution of the array, a not necessarily integer number between 3 and 5) and RPFT (the relative projection frequency table). GR values smaller than 5 are exact, while the number five stands for “at least 5”. The resolution itself is the integer portion of GR. The RPFT element is the relative projection frequency table for 4-factor projections for GR=5. For unconfounded three- and four-column designs, GR takes the value Inf (used to be 5 for package versions up to 0.23-4).

Function GRind works on designs with resolution at least 3 and returns a list with elements
GRs (the two versions of generalized resolution described in Groemping and Xu 2014),
the matrix GR.i with rows GRtot.i and GRind.i for the factor wise generalized resolutions (also in Groemping and Xu 2014),
and optionally
the ARFT (Groemping 2013, 2017),
the SCFT (Groemping 2013, 2017),
and/or the canonical correlations.
The latter are held in an
nfac x choose(nfac-1, R-1) x max(nlev)-1 array
and are supplemented with 0es, if there are fewer of them than the respective dfi.

The factor wise generalized resolutions are in the closed interval between resolution and resolution + 1. In the latter case, their meaning is "at least resolution + 1". (The print method ensures that they are printed accordingly, but the list elements themselves are just the numbers.)

Function SCFTs returns a list of lists with a component for each projection size considered. Each such component contains the following entries:


Squared canonical correlation table for the projection size


Average R2R^2 frequency table for the projection size (if requested)


canonical correlations (if requested)


The functions have been checked on the types of designs for which they are intended (especially orthogonal arrays produced with and on 2-level fractional factorial designs produced with package FrF2. They may produce meaningless results for some other types of designs.


Ulrike Groemping


Groemping, U. (2011). Relative projection frequency tables for orthogonal arrays. Report 1/2011, Reports in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Department II, Berliner Hochschule fuer Technik (formerly Beuth University of Applied Sciences), Berlin.

Groemping, U. (2013). Frequency tables for the coding invariant ranking of orthogonal arrays. Report 2/2013, Reports in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Department II, Berliner Hochschule fuer Technik (formerly Beuth University of Applied Sciences), Berlin.

Groemping, U. (2017). Frequency tables for the coding invariant quality assessment of factorial designs. IISE Transactions 49, 505-517. doi:10.1080/0740817X.2016.1241458.

Groemping, U. and Bailey, R.A. (2016). Regular fractions of factorial arrays. In: mODa 11 – Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis. New York: Springer.

Groemping, U. and Xu, H. (2014). Generalized resolution for orthogonal arrays. The Annals of Statistics 42, 918–939.

See Also

See also GWLP and generalized.word.length


oa24.bad <-, columns=c(1,2,14,15))
   oa24.good <-, columns=c(3,10,14,15))
   ## generalized resolution differs (resolution is III in both cases)

   ## and analogously also GRind and ARFT and SCFT

   ## SCFTs
   ## Not run: plan <- L24.[,c(1:5,13)]
   GRind(plan)  ## looks regular (0/1 SCFT only)
   SCFTs(plan, resk.only=FALSE)
## End(Not run)

Function for fast calculation of GWLP


Calculates GWLP using the formulae from Xu and Wu (2001)


GWLP(design, ...)
## S3 method for class 'design'
     attrib.out=FALSE, with.blocks = FALSE, digits = NULL, ...)
## Default S3 method:
GWLP(design, kmax=ncol(design), attrib.out=FALSE, digits = NULL, ...)



a design, not necessarily of class design; class design properties are exploited by using only factor columns (or factor and block columns, if with.blocks is TRUE)


the maximum word length requested


the detail added to the output (see Value section)


if TRUE, the block column contributes to the GWLP, otherwise it does not


the number of decimals to round to; NULL prevents rounding


further arguments to generic GWLP; not used in the methods


Function GWLP is much faster but also more inaccurate than the function lengths, which calculates numbers of words for lengths 2 to 5 only. Note, however, that function lengths can be faster for designs with very many rows.
If a design factor contains only some of the intended levels, design must be a data frame, and the factor must be an R factor with the complete set of levels specified, in order to make function GWLP aware of the missing levels.


The GWLP methods output a named vector with the numbers of generalized words of lengths zero to kmax. If attrib.out is TRUE, this vector comes with the attributes B and, the latter documenting the level situation of the design, the former the distance distribution B (Xu and Wu 2001).


Hongquan Xu, Ulrike Groemping


Xu, H.-Q. and Wu, C.F.J. (2001). Generalized minimum aberration for asymmetrical fractional factorial designs. Annals of Statistics 29, 1066–1077.

See Also

See Also lengths


GWLP(L18, attrib.out=TRUE)

Creation of half normal effects plots and numeric methods for significance assessment


Generic function and methods for creating half normal effects plots


halfnormal(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
halfnormal(x, labs=names(x), codes = NULL, pch = 1, cex.text = 1,
   alpha = 0.05, xlab = "absolute effects", large.omit = 0, plot=TRUE, 
   crit=NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'lm'
halfnormal(x, labs = NULL, code = FALSE, pch = NULL, cex.text = 1, 
   alpha = 0.05, xlab = "absolute coefficients", large.omit = 0, plot=TRUE, 
   keep.colons = !code, ME.partial = FALSE, = NULL, = FALSE, = "contr.poly", 
   pch.set = c(1, 16, 8), scl = NULL, method="Lenth", 
   legend=code, err.points=TRUE, err.line=TRUE, linecol="darkgray", linelwd=2, 
## S3 method for class 'design'
halfnormal(x, response = NULL, labs = NULL, code = FALSE, pch = NULL, 
   cex.text = 1, 
   alpha = 0.05, xlab = "absolute coefficients", large.omit = 0, plot=TRUE, 
   keep.colons = !code, ME.partial = FALSE, = NULL, = FALSE, = "contr.poly", 
   pch.set = c(1, 16, 8), scl = NULL, method="Lenth", 
   legend=code, err.points=TRUE, err.line=TRUE, linecol="darkgray", linelwd=2, 

ME.Lenth(b, simulated=TRUE, alpha=NULL)
CME.LW98(b, sterr, dfe, simulated=TRUE, alpha=NULL)
CME.EM08(b, sterr, dfe, simulated=TRUE, weight0=5, alpha=NULL)



a numeric vector of effects, a linear model from experimental data, or an experimental design of class design


effect labels;
default labels: for the default method, names of the vector x, or b1, b2, ... for unnamed vectors; for classes design or lm taken from the linear model


a vector with a code for each effect; the default NULL uses the labs values


a logical; TRUE implies that factor letters are used instead of factor codes, and that the default for default for keep.colons is changed to FALSE


plot symbol; NULL, a number or a vector of plot symbol numbers or the same length as the effects in x;
in the default method, a single number (default 1) implies that the given plotting symbol is used for for all points;
for the other methods, the default NULL or a single number implies that pch.set is employed for lack of fit or pure error contrast points;
for the non-default methods, a vector-valued pch will only rarely be useful (see Details section)


factor to hand to cex argument for point labeling with function text and margin annotations with function mtext; for mtext, it is multiplied with par("cex"), in order to obtain the same size for point labels and the margin annotations.


number between 0 and 1: the significance level for labelling effects;
for functions ME.Lenth, CME.LW98 and CME.EM08, alpha can also be NULL or a numeric vector; for using the simulated critical bounds, all elements of alpha must be in 0.01,0.02,...,0.25


character string: the x axis label


logical; if FALSE, plotting is suppressed


integer number of largest effects to be omitted from plot and calculations in order to concentrate on the smaller effects; (note that the significance is also re-assessed; if that is undesirable, an explicit crit value can be specified from all coefficients, or alpha can be adjusted to reflect the same significant effects as with all coefficients)


default NULL; not meant for the end user; allows the method option for linear models and experimental designs to choose alternatives to Lenth's method


if TRUE, the automatic effect labels contain colons for interactions


if TRUE, partial aliasing among main effects is permitted and will be orthogonalized away

numeric vector with values from outside the experimental data for use in estimating the error variance

if TRUE, external values from are taken as center point values, and a nonlinearity check contrast is estimated from them

contrasts used for external center points; contr.poly or contr.XuWu


plot symbols used for experimental effects, automatically determined lack of fit contrasts or pure error effects


squared column length to which the model matrix is normalized; default: number of experimental runs


the default "Lenth" applies Lenth's method to the combined set of effects including error contrasts (if any); the alternatives "LW98" or "EM08" apply the methods proposed by Larntz and Whitcomb (1998) or Edwards and Mee (2008) with weight0=5; if there is no pure error, method "Lenth" is always used, with a warning


squared column length to which the model matrix is normalized; default: number of experimental runs


logical, default TRUE; determines, whether pure error points are added to the plot (lack-of-fit points are always added)


logical, default TRUE; determines, whether null line is added to the plot in case pure error points are available


specifies the color for the null line, if applicable


specifies the width of the null line, if applicable


response for which the plot is to be created


further options to be handed to the plot function;
among these, if options col and/or cex have an element for each effect, these are used in the expected order (first color refers to first element of x and so forth); this change was introduced in version 0.26-2 and causes an appropriate reordering in the actual plot function.


vector of coefficients


logical; if FALSE, the original critical values from Lenth 1989 are used, otherwise the methods use stored simulated values from a million simulation runs for significance levels of 0.01, 0.02, ..., to 0.25


a standard error for b, obtained from (a few, dfe) pure error degrees of freedom; the methods by Larntz and Whitcomb (1998) and Edwards and Mee (2008) combine this with Lenth's method


the number of pure error degrees of freedom on which sterr was based


a tuning parameter for the method by Edwards and Mee 2008; Edwards and Mee recommend to set this to 5


Function halfnormal creates half normal effects plots with automatic effect labelling according to significance. It also prints the significant effects and creates an output object that contains only the vector if signifcant effects (for the default method) or in addition several further components (see section "Value"). Note: The methods for linear models and experimental designs plot absolute coefficients from a linear model (i.e. in case of 2-level factors with the usual -1/+1 coding, half of the absolute effects).

The methods for linear models and experimental designs allow to automatically create lack of fit and pure error contrasts to also be included in the plot, following an orthogonalization strategy similar to Section 5 in Langsrud (2001). Furthermore, they handle factors with more than two levels, and they handle partially aliased effects by orthogonalizing out previous effects from later effects in the model order (similar to what Langsrud 2001 proposed for multiple response variables); thus, the plots are order dependent in case of partial aliasing. The more severe the partial aliasing, the more drastic the difference between the different effect orders. Per default, main effects are required to be orthogonal; this can be changed via option ME.partial.

The functions ME.Lenth, CME.LW98 and CME.EM08 yield standard error estimates and critical values. For alpha in 0.01, 0.02, ..., 0.25, function ME.Lenth uses simulated critical values from a large number of simulations (1000000), if the number of effects is in 7 to 143. Functions CME.LW98 and CME.EM08 currently simulate critical values from 10000 simulation runs on the fly. If no simulated values are available or simulation has been switched off, the half-normal plotting routines will use the conservative t-values proposed by Lenth (1989) (ME.Lenth) or Larntz and Whitcomb (CME.LW98 and CME.EM08).

Vector valued entries for pch, col and cex are handled very specifically for the class lm and class design methods: They make the most sense if the model is already saturated: If no pure error effects have been automatically calculated, effects whose pch is identical to the third element of pch.set will be treated as pure error effects; this allows to manually code these effects.
Generally, vector-valued pch (and col and cex) must have as many elements as the final coefficients vector after augmenting the coefficients; the coefficient vector carries first the experimental coefficients, then the automatically calculated lack-of-fit coefficients, then the automatically calculated pure error coefficients, then lack-of fit coefficients from external replications, and finally the pure error coefficients from external replications. Even for err.points=FALSE, entries for all these elements are needed. The value for pch determines, which coefficients are considered pure error.


The default method for halfnormal visibly returns a character vector of significant effects only. The methods for linear models and experimental designs invisibly return lists of nine elements:

coef contains the estimated coefficients
mm contains the model matrix
after adjustment to equally scaled independent effects
mod.effs the effects that are part of the model
res list that indicates the effects (named vector of position numbers)
that were projected out from any particular model effect (element name)
LCs contains the coefficients of the linear combinations
taken from the residuals after projecting out the effects
listed in res from the original model matrix columns.
Where LCs elements are NULL,
the original effect completely disappeared
because of complete confounding with previous effects.
alpha contains the significance level
method contains the method of significance assessment
signif is a character vector of significant effects
pchs is a numeric vector of plot character identifiers

The functions ME.Lenth, CME.LW98 and CME.EM08 each return lists of length 4 with an estimate for s0, PSE, ME and SME for Lenth's method or their respective modifications for the other two methods (called s0, CPSE, CME and CSME for CME.LW98 and Cs0, CPSE, CME and CSME for CME.EM08). The length of the (C)ME and (C)SME components depends on the length of alpha (default: 25 critical values for alphas from 0.25 to 0.01).


If someone worked out how to modify symbol colors (option col) and/or sizes (option cex) for a version before 0.26-2, version 0.26-2 will mess up the order of the symbol colors and/or sizes. The benefit: colors and symbol sizes can now be specified in the natural order, see description of the ... argument.


Ulrike Groemping, Berliner Hochschule fuer Technik


Daniel, C. (1959) Use of Half Normal Plots in Interpreting Two Level Experiments. Technometrics 1, 311–340.

Daniel, C. (1976) Application of Statistics to Industrial Experimentation. New York: Wiley.

Edwards, D. and Mee, R. (2008) Empirically Determined p-Values for Lenth t Statistics. Journal of Quality Technology 40, 368–380.

Langsrud, O. (2001) Identifying Significant Effects in Fractional Factorial Multiresponse Experiments. Technometrics 43, 415–424.

Larntz, K. and Whitcomb, P. (1998) Use of replication in almost unreplicated factorials. Manuscript of a presentation given at the 42nd ASQ Fall Technical conference in Corning, New York. Downloaded 4/26/2013 at

Lenth, R.V. (1989) Quick and easy analysis of unreplicated factorials. Technometrics 31, 469–473.

See Also

See also DanielPlot for (half) normal plots of 2-level fractional factorial designs without partial aliasing and ignoring any residual degrees of freedom


### critical values
b <- rnorm(12)
ME.Lenth(b, alpha=0.22)
ME.Lenth(b, alpha=0.123)
ME.Lenth(b, alpha=0.12)
ME.Lenth(rnorm(144), alpha=0.1)
(mel <- ME.Lenth(b, alpha=0.1))
## assuming an external effect standard error based on 3df
## Not run: CME.EM08(b, 0.1, 3, alpha=0.1)    
         ## does not run for saving CRAN check time 
         ## much smaller than Lenth, if external 
         ## standard error much smaller than s0 (see mel)

### Half normal plots
## the default method
halfnormal(rnorm(15), labs=paste("b",1:15,sep=""))
b <- c(250, 8,7,6, rnorm(11))
halfnormal(b, labs=paste("b",1:15,sep=""))
halfnormal(b, labs=paste("b",1:15,sep=""), large.omit=1)

## the design method, saturated main effects design
plan <-

## the design method, saturated main effects design, 
## partial aliasing due to a missing value
y <- c(NA, rnorm(11))
## the following line would yield an error, because there is even 
## complete aliasing among main effects: 
## Not run: halfnormal(lm(y~., add.response(plan, y)), ME.partial=TRUE)
## this can only be helped by omitting a main effect from the model;
## afterwards, there is still partial aliasing,
## which must be explicitly permitted by the ME.partial option:
halfnormal(lm(y~.-D, add.response(plan, y)), ME.partial=TRUE)

## the linear model method
yc <- rnorm(12)
## partial aliasing only
halfnormal(lm(yc~A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+J+A:B, plan))
## both partial (A:B) and complete (E:F) aliasing are present
halfnormal(lm(yc~A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+J+A:B+E:F, plan))
## complete aliasing only because of the missing value in the response
halfnormal(lm(y~A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+J+A:B+E:F, plan),ME.partial=TRUE)
## omit a large dominating effect

halfnormal(lm(y~A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+J+A:B+E:F, plan),ME.partial=TRUE)

## a regular fractional factorial design with center points
y20 <- rnorm(20)
## Not run: halfnormal(lm(y20~.^2, FrF2(16,7,ncenter=4)))

Function for calculating interaction contribution frequency tables


Function ICFTs calculates interaction contribution frequency tables, function ICFT does the same for an entire (usually small) design with more detail.


ICFTs(design, digits = 3, resk.only = TRUE, kmin = NULL, kmax = ncol(design), 
   detail = FALSE, with.blocks = FALSE, conc = TRUE)
ICFT(design, digits = 3, with.blocks = FALSE, conc = TRUE, recode=TRUE)



a factorial design. This can either be a matrix or a data frame in which all columns are experimental factors, or a special data frame of class design, which may also include response data.
In any case, the design should be a factorial design; the functions are not useful for quantitative designs (like e.g. latin hypercube samples).


integer; number of digits to round to


logical; if all is TRUE, should only full resolution projections be considered? Choosing FALSE may cause very long run times.


integer; purpose is to continue an earlier run with additional larger projections


integer; limit on projection sizes to consider


logical indicating whether calculation details are to be returned (see Groemping 2016). These will not be needed for normal use of the outcome, but may be interesting for special situations.


a logical, indicating whether or not an existing block factor is to be included into word counting. This option is ignored if design is not of class design.
Per default, an existing block factor is ignored.
For designs without a block factor, the option does not have an effect.
If the design is blocked, and with.blocks is TRUE, the block factor is treated like any other factor.


logical indicating whether ambiguities should be resolved concentrating the contribution on as few individual values as possible (default) or distributing it as evenly as possible (if FALSE)


logical indicating whether or not to recode each column into normalized orthogonal coding with function contr.XuWu;
if set to FALSE, it is the users responsibility to provide a design in a normalized orthogonal coding of choice


The functions work for factors only and are not intended for quantitative variables.

Function ICFTs decomposes the projected $a_k$ values (most often: projected $a_3$ values) into single degree of freedom contributions from the respective $k$ factor interaction.

Function ICFT decomposes the all-factor interaction of the design given to it; it is intended for deep-dive investigations.

The ICFT itself is independent of the choice of normalized orthogonal coding, as are the singular values and the matrix of left singular vectors; in case of several identical singular values, the left singular vectors are not uniquely determined but are subject to arbitrary rotation. The right singular vectors depend on the choice of normalized orthogonal coding. They represent the directions of coefficient vectors for which the interaction contributions indicate the bias potential for the intercept (see Groemping 2016 for the maths behind this).


Function ICFTs returns a list of lists with a component for each projection size considered. Each such component contains the following entries:


interaction contribution frequency table for the projection size


individual interaction contributions (if requested by option detail)


squared singular values (if requested by option detail)


squared column means of left-singular vectors (if requested by option detail)

Function ICFT returns a list with the following components:


interaction contribution frequency table for the projection size


Average R2R^2 frequency table for the projection size


squared singular values of the model matrix


squared column means of left-singular vectors in the rotated version (concentrated or even)


model matrix of the interaction


(left singular vectors corresponding to the rotated version of ICFT (concentrated or even); these do not depend on the coding underlying the model matrix


(right singular vectors corresponding to the rotated version of ICFT (concentrated or even); these depend on the coding underlying the model matrix


(v%*%c.worst is the worst case parameter vector for the model matrix mm in terms of bias of the average response for estimation of the intercept caused by the interaction under consideration


The functions have been checked on the types of designs for which they are intended (especially orthogonal arrays produced with They may produce meaningless results for some other types of designs.


Ulrike Groemping


Groemping, U. (2017). An Interaction-Based Decomposition of Generalized Word Counts Suited to Assessing Combinatorial Equivalence of Factorial Designs. Reports in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Report 1/2017., Department II, Berliner Hochschule fuer Technik (formerly Beuth University of Applied Sciences), Berlin.

Groemping, U. (2018). Coding Invariance in Factorial Linear Models and a New Tool for Assessing Combinatorial Equivalence of Factorial Designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 193, 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2017.07.004.

See Also

See also GWLP and generalized.word.length


oa24.bad <-, columns=c(1,2,14,15))
   oa24.good <-, columns=c(3,10,14,15))
   ## resolution is III in both cases, but the bad one has more words of length 3
   ICFTs(oa24.bad, conc=FALSE)
   ICFTs(oa24.good, conc=FALSE)
   ICFTs(oa24.good, resk.only=FALSE)
   ICFT(L18[,c(1,4,6)], conc=FALSE)

Functions to isolate cube points from 2-level fractional factorial design with center and / or star points


These functions identify the positions for cube points or star points and can reduce a central composite design to its cube portion (with center points).


iscube(design, ...)
isstar(design, ...)
pickcube(design, ...)



a data frame of class design that contains a 2-level fractional factorial (regular or non-regular) or a central composite design.


currently not used


Function iscube provides a logical vector that is TRUE for cube points and FALSE for center points and star points. Its purpose is to enable use of simple functions for “clean” 2-level fractional factorials like MEPlot or DanielPlot.

Function isstar provides a logical vector that is TRUE for the star block (including center points) of a central composite design.

Function pickcube reduces a central composite design (type ccd) to its cube block, including center points. This function is needed, if a CCD has been created in one go, but analyses are already required after conducting the cube portion of the design (and these perhaps even prevent the star portion from being run at all).


iscube and isstar each return a logical vector (cf. Details section).

pickcube returns a data frame of class design with type or FrF2.


For version 0.22-8 of package DoE.base, function iscube returned a wrong result without warning, when applied to an old version CCD design (before DoE.wrapper, version 0.8-6 of Nov 15 2011).
Since version 0.23 of package DoE.base, the function works on old designs, except for blocked or replicated versions; for these, an error is thrown.)


The functions have not been tested for central composite designs for which the cube portion itself is blocked.


Ulrike Groemping


Montgomery, D.C. (2001). Design and Analysis of Experiments (5th ed.). Wiley, New York.

See Also

See also as pb, FrF2,


## purely technical example, not run because FrF2 not loaded
  ## Not run: 
  plan <- FrF2(16,5, factor.names=c("one","two","three","four","five"), ncenter=4)
  plan2 <- ccd.augment(plan)
## End(Not run)

lm and aov methods for class design objects


Methods for automatic linear models for data frames of class design


lm(formula, ...)
## Default S3 method:
lm(formula, data, subset, weights, na.action, method = "qr", 
    model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, qr = TRUE, singular.ok = TRUE, 
    contrasts = NULL, offset, ...)
## S3 method for class 'design'
lm(formula, ..., response=NULL, degree=NULL, FUN=mean,,, use.dummies=FALSE)
aov(formula, ...)
## Default S3 method:
aov(formula, data = NULL, projections = FALSE, qr = TRUE,
    contrasts = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'design'
aov(formula, ..., response=NULL, degree=NULL, FUN=mean,
## S3 method for class ''
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class ''
summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class ''
coef(object, ...)
## S3 method for class ''
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class ''
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class ''
summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class ''
print(x, ...)



for the default method, cf. documentation for lm in package stats;cr for the class design method, a data frame of S3 class design


further arguments to functions lm, print.lm or print.summary.lm


character string giving the name of the response variable (must be among the responses of x; for wide format repeated measurement or parameter designs, response can also be among the column names of the responselist element of the attribute)
integer number giving the position of the response in element response.names of attribute

For the default NULL, the first available response variable is used; for wide format designs, this is an aggregation of the variables given in first column from the responselist element of the attribute of x.


degree for the formula; if NULL, the default for the formula method is used


function for the method; this must be an unquoted function name;
This option is relevant for repeated measurement designs and parameter designs in long format only

NULL or logical indicating whether center points are to be used + in the analysis;
if NULL, the default is FALSE for pb and FrF2 designs with center points and TRUE for ccd designs; the option is irrelevant for all other design types.
FALSE allows usage of simple analysis functions from package FrF2-package (e.g. function IAPlot)

NULL or logical indicating whether the star portion of a CCD design is to be used in the analysis (ignored for all other types of designs).
The default TRUE analyses the complete design. Specifying FALSE permits interim analyses of the cube portion of a central composite design.


logical indicating whether the error dummies of a Plackett Burman design are to be used in the formula (ignored for all other types of designs).


logical indicating whether the projections should be returned; for orthogonal arrays, these are helpful, as they provide the estimated deviation from the overall average attributed to each particular factor; it is not recommended to use them with unbalanced designs


object of class lm or summary.lm,
for lm.default like in lm


object of class created by function

a class that is identical in content to class lm; its purpose is to call a specific print method that provides slightly more detail than the standard printout for linear models

a class that is identical in content to class summary.lm; its purpose is to call a specific print method that provides slightly more detail than the standard summary for linear models


like in lm


like in lm


like in lm


like in lm


like in lm


like in lm


like in lm


like in lm


like in lm


like in lm


like in lm


The aov and lm methods for class design conduct a default linear model analysis for data frames of class design that do contain at least one response.

The intention for providing default analyses is to support convenient quick inspections. In many cases, there will be good reasons to customize the analysis, for example by including some but not all effects of a certain degree. Also, it may be statistically more wise to work with mixed models for some types of design. The default analyses must not be taken as a statistical recommendation!

The choice of default analyses has been governed by simplicity: It uses fixed effects only and does either main effects models (degree=1, default for pb and oa designs), models with main effects and 2-factor interactions (degree=2, default for most designs) or second order models (that contain quadratic effects in addition to the 2-factor interactions, unchangeable default for designs with quantitative variables). The degree parameter can be used to modify the degree of interactions. If blocks are present, the block main effect is always entered as a fixed effect without interactions.

Designs with center points are per default analysed without the center points; the main reason for this is convenient usage of functions DanielPlot, MEPlot and IAPlot from package FrF2. With the option, this default can be changed; in this case, significance of the center point indicator implies that there are one or more quadratic effect(s) in the model.

Designs with repeated measurements (repeat.only=TRUE) and parameter designs of long format are treated by with aggregation function FUN (default: means are calculated) before applying a linear model.

For designs with repeated measurements (repeat.only=TRUE) and parameter designs of wide format, the default is to use the first aggregated response, if the design has been aggregated already. For a so far unaggregated design, the default is to treat the design by, using the function FUN (default: mean) and then use the first response. The defaults can be overridden by specifying response: Here, response can not only be one of the current responses but also a column name of the responselist element of the attribute of the design (i.e. a response name from the long version of the design).

The implementation of the formulae is not done in functions or themselves but based on the method for function formula (

The print methods prepend the formula and the number of experimental runs underlying the analysis to the default printout. The purpose of this is meaningful output in case a call from inside function or (methods for functions lm and aov ) does not reveal enough information, and another pointer that center points have been omitted or repeated measurements aggregated over. The coef method for objects of class suppresses NA coefficients, i.e. returns valid coefficients only. For aov objects, this is the default anyway.


The value for the lm functions is a linear model object, exactly like for function lm, except for the added class in case of the method for class design, and an added list element WholePlotEffects for split plot designs.

The value for the aov functions is an aov object, exactly like for function aov, and an added list element WholePlotEffects for split plot designs.

The value of the summary functions for class and respectively is a linear model or aov summary, exactly like documented in summary.lm or summary.aov, except for the added classes or, and an added list element WholePlotEffects (for or attribute (for for split plot designs.

The print functions return NULL; they are used for their side effects only.


The generics for lm and aov replace the functions from package stats. For normal use, this is not an issue, because their default methods are exactly the functions from package stats.
However, when programming on the language (or when using a package that relies on such constructs), you may see unexpected results. For example, returns a different result, depending on whether or not package DoE.base is loaded. This can be avoided by explicitly requesting e.g., which always works in the same way.
Please report any additional issues that you may experience.


The package is currently subject to intensive development; most key functionality is now included. Some changes to input and output structures may still occur.


Ulrike Groemping

See Also

See also the information on class design and its formula method


oa12 <-,2,6))
  ## add a few variables to oa12
  responses <- cbind(y=rexp(12),z=runif(12))
  oa12 <- add.response(oa12, responses)
  ## want treatment contrasts rather than the default
  ## polynomial contrasts for the factors 
  oa12 <- change.contr(oa12, "contr.treatment")
  linmod.y <- lm(oa12)
  linmod.z <- lm(oa12, response="z")
## examples with aggregation
  plan <-,6,2), replications=2, repeat.only=TRUE)
  y <- rnorm(24)
  z <- rexp(24)
  plan <- add.response(plan, cbind(y=y,z=z))
  lm(plan, response="z")
  lm(plan, FUN=sd)
  ## wide format
  plan <- reptowide(plan)
  ## default: aggregate variables for first column of responselist
  ## request z variables instead (z is the column name of response list)
  lm(plan, response="z") 
  ## force analysis of first z measurement only
  lm(plan, response="z.1")
  ## use almost all options 
  ## (option can only be used with center point designs 
  ##          from package FrF2)
  summary(lm(plan, response="z", degree=2, FUN=sd))

Function to Calculate a Lower Bound for A_R and Internal Auxiliary Functions


The functions serve the calculation of lower bounds for the worst case confounding. lowerbound_AR is intended for direct use, lowerbounds and lowerbound_chi2 are internal functions.


lowerbound_AR(nruns, nlevels, R, crit = "total")
lowerbounds(nruns, nlevels, R)
lowerbound_chi2(nruns, nlevels)



positive integer, the number of runs


vector of positive integers, the numbers of levels for the factors


positive integer, the resolution of the design; if it is uncertain whether resolution R is feasible, this should be checked by function oa_feasible before applying any of the lower bound functions.


"total" or "worst"; if "total", a bound for the overall A_R (sum of the results from lowerbounds) is calculated; otherwise, a bound for the largest individual contribution from an R factor set is calculated


Note: if the specified resolution R is not feasible (necessary conditions can be checked with function oa_feasible), any bound(s) returned will be meaningless.

Function lowerbounds provides (integral) bounds on n2ARn^2 A_R (with nn=nruns) according to Groemping and Xu (2014) Theorem 5 for all R factor sets. If the number of runs permits a design with resolution larger than R, the value(s) will be 0. For resolution at least III, the result of function lowerbound_AR is the sum (crit="total") or maximum (crit="worst") of these individual bounds, divided by the square of the number of runs.

For resolution II and crit="total", function lowerbound_chi2 implements the lower bound B on χ2\chi^2 which was provided in Lemma 2 of Liu and Lin (2009). For supersaturated resolution II designs, this bound is is usually sharper than the one obtained on the basis of Groemping and Xu (2014). Due to the relation between A2A_2 and χ2\chi^2 that is stated in Groemping (2017) (summands of A2A_2 are an nth of a χ2\chi^2, with nn=nruns), this bound can be easily transformed into a bound for A2A_2; this relation is also used to slightly sharpen the bound B itself: n2A2n^2 \cdot A_2 must be integral, which implies that B can be replaced by ceiling(nruns*B)/nruns, which is applied in function lowerbound_chi2. Function lowerbound_AR increases the lower bound on A2A_2 accordingly, if lowerbound_chi2 provides a sharper bound than the sum of the elements returned by functioni lowerbounds.


lowerbound_AR returns a lower bound for the number of words of length R (either total or worst case),
lowerbounds returns a vector of lower bounds for individual R factor sets on a different scale (division by nruns^2 needed for transforming this into the contributions to words of length R),
and function lowerbound_chi2 returns a lower bound on the χ2\chi^2 value which can be used as a quality criterion for supersaturated designs.


Ulrike Groemping


Groemping, U. and Xu, H. (2014). Generalized resolution for orthogonal arrays. The Annals of Statistics 42, 918-939.

Groemping, U. (2017). Frequency tables for the coding-invariant quality assessment of factorial designs. IISE Transactions 49, 505-517.

Liu, M.Q. and Lin, D.K.J. (2009). Construction of Optimal Mixed-Level Supersaturated Designs. Statistica Sinica 19, 197-211.

See Also

See also oa_feasible.


lowerbound_AR(24, c(2,3,4,6),2)

Methods for class design objects


Methods for subsetting, aggregating, printing and summarizing class design objects. The formula, lm and plot methods are subject of a separate help page.


## S3 method for class 'design'
x[i, j, drop.attr = TRUE, drop = FALSE]
## S3 method for class 'design'
print(x, show.order=NULL, group.print=TRUE, std.order=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'design'
summary(object, brief = NULL, quote = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'design'
aggregate(x, ..., 
    by = NULL, response = NULL, FUN = "mean", postfix = NULL, replace = TRUE)



data frame of S3 class design


indices for subsetting rows


indices for subsetting columns


logical, controls whether or not attributes are dropped; if TRUE, the result is no longer of class design, and all special design attributes are dropped; otherwise, the design attributes are adjusted to reflect the subsetting result


logical that controls dropping of dimensions in the Extract function for data.frame objects, which is called by the method for class design


NULL or logical; if TRUE, the design is printed with run order information; default is TRUE for design types for which this information is helpful (see code for detail), FALSE otherwise


logical, default TRUE; if TRUE, structured designs (blocked and split-plot designs) are printed with intermediate lines at structure breaks; if FALSE, the designs are simply printed as data frames.


logical, default FALSE; if TRUE, the design is printed in standard order rather than in the randomized order.


further arguments to functions print, summary, aggregate, contrasts


data frame of S3 class design, like argument design


NULL or logical; TRUE requests a printout of the design at the end of the summary output, FALSE suppresses such a printout. If brief = NULL (the default), the summary method prints the design object if it has up to 40 rows and up to 20 columns.


logical; TRUE requests quoting strings in print parts of the output, FALSE suppresses quotes.


by variables for the data frame method of function aggregate, needed if x is not a wide design for which the special method for class design is intended


used for wide format designs only;
if NULL, all responses of the design are aggregated; specify names of selected responses (column names of the responselist element of the attribute) for restricting the responses that are treated


a function to be used for aggregation, the default is "mean";
can be used like the FUN argument to apply


NULL implies postfixing the response name with (a character version of) FUN; a character string can be given instead for a user-defined postfix


logical that decides whether an existing variable of the given name is to be replaced; the default is TRUE for convenience reasons. WARNING: If custom variables other than aggregation variables are added to wide format designs, it is recommended to use variables names that are not likely to be generated by this function.


Items of class design are data frames with attributes, that have been created for conducting experiments. Apart from the methods documented here, separate files document the methods and

The extractor method subsets the design, taking care of the attributes accordingly (cf. the value section). Subsetting can also handle replication in a limited way, although this is not first choice. Repeated measurements can be added to a design that has no proper replications, and proper replications can be added to a design that has no repeated measurements.

The method for print displays the design. Per default, the design is printed in the actual run order, and run order information is shown for designs with special structure (blocked, replicated). Optionally, the design can be printed in standard order, which may be useful for comparing to other designs or for getting a clearer idea about the structure of smaller designs.

The method for summary provides design-specific information - some further development may still be expected. If a standard data frame summary is desired, explicitly use function instead of summary.

The method for aggregate provides aggregation utilities for wide format designs and links back to the method for data frames for designs that are not of wide format. If a wide format design is to be treated with the aggregate method for data frames, must be used explicitly. This method calculates a mean, standard deviation or SN ratio from the individual responses (which can be repeated measurements or outer array runs from a Taguchi parameter design).



The extractor function returns a class design object with modified attributes or a data frame without special attributes, depending on the situation.

If j is given, the function always returns a data frame without special attributes, even if drop.attr=FALSE or j=1:ncol(design).
If only i is given, the default option drop.attr=TRUE also returns a data frame without attributes.
Exception: Even for drop.attr=TRUE, if i is a permutation of the row numbers or a logical vector with all elements TRUE, the attributes are preserved, and attributes run.order and desnum are reordered along with the design, if necessary.
If drop.attr=FALSE and j is empty, the function returns an object of class design with rows of attributes run.order and desnum selected in line with those of the design itself. In this case, the new attribute is a list with entries


resolving to “subset of design”,


a numeric or logical vector with the selected rows, and

which contains the original attribute.

The print and summary methods are called for their side effects and return NULL.

The method for aggregate returns the input wide format design with one or more additional response columns and the response.names element of the attribute changed to only include the newly-added responses.


The package is currently subject to intensive development; most key functionality is now included. Some changes to input and output structures may still occur.


Ulrike Groemping

See Also

See also the following functions known to produce objects of class design: FrF2, pb,,
See also the following further methods for class design objects:,,
Function from package graphics works on data frames with R factors as explanatory variables, if a numeric response is available; this function is invoked by method from this package, where appropriate.


oa12 <-,2,6))
#### Examples for extractor function
  ## subsetting to half the runs drops all attributes per default
  ## keep the attributes (usually not reasonable, but ...)
  oa12[1:6, drop.attr=FALSE]
  ## reshuffling a design
  ## (re-)randomize
  ## add repeated measurements
  ## add a proper replication 
  ## (does not work for blocked designs)
  ## subsetting and rbinding to loose also contrasts of factors
  ## keeping all non-design-related attributes like the contrasts

#### Examples print and summary
  ## rename factors and relabel levels of first two factors
  namen <- c(rep(list(c("current","new")),2),list(""))
  names(namen) <- c("First.Factor", "Second.Factor", "Third.Factor")
  factor.names(oa12) <- namen
  oa12   ### printed with the print method!

  ## add a few variables to oa12
  responses <- cbind(temp=sample(23:34),y1=rexp(12),y2=runif(12))
  oa12 <- add.response(oa12, responses)
  ## temp (for temperature) is not meant to be a response 
  ## --> drop it from responselist but not from data
  response.names(oa12) <- c("y1","y2")

## print design
## look at design-specific summary
## look at data frame style summary instead
## aggregation examples
  plan <-,6,2), replications=2, repeat.only=TRUE)
  y <- rnorm(24)
  z <- rexp(24)
  plan <- add.response(plan, cbind(y=y,z=z))
  plan <- reptowide(plan)
  plan.mean <- aggregate(plan)
  aggregate(plan, response="z")
  aggregate(plan, FUN=sd)
  aggregate(plan, FUN = function(obj) max(obj) - min(obj), postfix="range")
  ## several aggregates: add standard deviations to plan with means <- aggregate(plan.mean, FUN=sd)
  ## change response.names element of back to y.mean and z.mean
  ## may be needed for automatic analysis routines that have not been 
  ## created yet <- aggregate(, FUN=mean)

Function to Check Whether an Array of Specified Strength Might Exist


The function checks necessary conditions for the existence of an array of specified strength


oa_feasible(nruns, nlevels, strength = 2, verbose=TRUE, returnbound=FALSE)



positive integer, number of rows


vector of positive integers: its length determines the number of columns, the elements determine the numbers of levels for each column


positive integer (default 2), not larger than the length of nlevels requested strength of array; 1+strength is the resolution


logical; if TRUE, reason for outcome is printed


logical; if TRUE, the function returns a lower bound for the number of runs needed instead of a logical


The function uses several known bounds and necessary divisibility requirements on nruns for checking potential feasibility of an array of the requested strength. It is checked that nruns is a multiple of the LCM of the run sizes of unreplicated full factorials of all sets of strength factors and that Rao's bound is fulfilled (the simplest one for strength 2 arrays being that nruns is larger than the sum of the main effect degrees of freedom; formulae available in Hedayat et al. 1999 Theorem 2.1 for pure levels and Diestelkamp 2004 Theorem 3.1 for mixed levels). For pure level designs, the Bush bounds and Bose/Bush bounds are implemented (Hedayat et al., Theorems 2.8, 2.11 and 2.19). Furthermore, Bierbrauer's bound (Diestelkamp 2004 Theorems 2.1 and 2.2) is implemented for pure and mixed level designs; note that the mixed level formula has been applied for large strength values only, because the proof of Diestelkamp is valid only for these (contrary to what is claimed in the paper). For pure 2-level-designs, the bound from Bierbrauer et al. (1999) is also implemented. All these are necessary but not a sufficient conditions for the existence of an orthogonal array of the requested strength.

The implemented bounds have been verified against selected scenarii from Tables 12.1 to 12.3 of Hedayat, Sloane and Stufken 1999. These tables detect further infeasibilities, since they incorporate detailed research results for specific scenarii, contrary to this function which only checks straightforward explicit bounds. Another resource for checking feasibility of symmetric OAs (i.e. OAs with the same number of levels for all factors) is the website


A logical or an integer number.
For returnbound=FALSE (default), a logical is returned: if FALSE, an OA is infeasible; if TRUE, an OA might be feasible.
For returnbound=TRUE, an integer is returned: a lower bound for the number of runs needed for an OA with the requested strength.


Ulrike Groemping


Bierbrauer, J., Gopalakrishnan, K. and Stinson, D.R. (1999). Orthogonal Arrays, Resilient Functions, Error Correcting Codes and Linear Programming Bounds. Working paper (expanded and revised version of a published extended abstract of the same authors).

Diestelkamp, W. (2004). Parameter inequalities for orthogonal arrays with mixed levels. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 33, 187-197.

Hedayat, S., Sloane, N.J.A. and Stufken, J. (1999). Orthogonal Arrays. Springer, New York.

See Also

See also function show.oas of package DoE.base for orthogonal arrays catalogued in that package.


## strength 2 equal to resolution 3 is the default
## pure level examples (function checks criteria in the order listed here)
oa_feasible(51, rep(5,7))
   ## nruns not divisible by 5^2
oa_feasible(1024, rep(2,14), strength=7)
   ## violates Bierbrauer et al.s bound for 2-level
oa_feasible(6561, rep(3,11), strength=8)
   ## violates Bierbrauer's bound for pure level
oa_feasible(25, rep(5,7))
   ## violates Rao's bound for pure level
oa_feasible(256,rep(4,7), 4)
   ## violates Bush bound (checked for pure level only)
oa_feasible(54, rep(3,26))
   ## violates Bose/Bush bound (checked for pure level only)
oa_feasible(25, rep(5, 12), strength = 1)
   ## feasible; but do not try to optimize (5^12 integer variables!!!)
oa_feasible(243, rep(3,11), strength = 4)
   ## strength 4 design that strictly attains the Rao bound for pure level

## mixed level examples (function checks criteria in the order listed here)
oa_feasible(25, c(rep(5,6),4))
   ## too few df for main effects (special case of Rao's bound)
oa_feasible(100, c(rep(5,6),4), 5)
   ## violates Diestelkamps mixed level version of Bierbrauer's bound
               ## (also violates Rao's bound, but this is checked earlier)
oa_feasible(100, c(rep(5,7),4), 3)
   ## violates Rao's bound for mixed level, strength 3
oa_feasible(100, c(rep(5,7),4), 4)
   ## violates Rao's bound for mixed level, even strength
oa_feasible(100, c(rep(5,7),4), 5)
   ## violates Rao's bound for mixed level, general odd strength
oa_feasible(50, c(2,rep(5,12)))
   ## does not violate any bound, although the pure level portion
   ## violates the Bose/Bush bound
   ## for almost pure level: also check pure level portions!

oa_feasible(24, c(2,4,3,4))
   ## violates divisibility by the LCM of all products of pairs
oa_feasible(48, c(2,4,3,4,2))
   ## TRUE and indeed feasible

Function for accessing orthogonal arrays


Function for accessing orthogonal arrays, allowing limited optimal allocation of columns

Usage, nruns=NULL, nfactors=NULL, nlevels=NULL,
      factor.names = if (!is.null(nfactors)) {
        if (nfactors <= 50) Letters[1:nfactors]
           else paste("F", 1:nfactors, sep = "")}
        else NULL,
        replications=1, repeat.only=FALSE,
        randomize=TRUE, seed=NULL, min.residual.df=0, levordold = FALSE)



orthogonal array to be used; must be given as the name without quotes (e.g. L12.; available names can be looked at using function show.oas; furthermore, L18, L36 and L54 for the respective Taguchi arrays can be used.
Users can also specify names of their own designs here (cf. details).
ID must be of class oa. If omitted, ID is automatically determined based on nlevels or factor.names.


minimum number of runs to be used, can be omitted if obvious from ID or if the smallest possible array is to be found


number of factors; only needed if nlevels is a single number and factor.names is omitted; can otherwise be determined from length of factor.names, nlevels or column


number(s) of levels, vector with nfactors entries or single number; can be omitted, if obvious from factor.names or from ID,
or if ID and columns are given
or if all columns of ID are to be used with default factor names and levels;
can be a single number if nfactors is known directly or as length of factor.names


a character vector of nfactors factor names or a list with nfactors elements;
if the list is named, list names represent factor names, otherwise default factor names are used;
the elements of the list are
EITHER vectors of appropriate length (corresponding to nlevels) with factor levels for the respective factor
OR empty strings;
Default factor names are the first elements of the character vector Letters, or the factors position numbers preceded by capital F in case of more than 50 factors. Default factor levels are the numbers from 1 to the number of levels for each factor.


a vector of column numbers referring to columns of design ID, assigning a specific column of the array to each factor;
this can only be specified, if ID is also given;
a string that defines the degree of optimization requested in terms of column allocation (cf. section “Details”): choices are "order", "min3", "min34", "min3.rela", "min34.rela", "minRPFT" or "minRelProjAberr".
For resource reasons, the default is "order", but smaller designs can sometimes be substantially improved with other choices. Cf. the “Details” section for the meaning of the character string specifications for columns. Column optimization can be computationally intensive. If it cannot be accomplished with the given ressources, a warning is issued, and an unoptimized design is returned.
Some of the optimization methods have just been proposed, and there is little experience with them. It is strongly recommended to always check the properties of the design w.r.t. suitability for the planned experiment BEFORE starting expensive investments.


the number of replications of the array, the setting of repeat.only determines, whether these are real replications or repeated measurements only. Note that replications are not considered for accomodation of min.residual.df residual degrees of freedom, unless a full factorial is used.


default FALSE implies real replications, TRUE implies repeated measurements only


logical indicating whether the run order is to be randomized ?


integer seed for the random number generator
In R version 3.6.0 and later, the default behavior of function sample has changed. If you work in a new (i.e., >= 3.6.-0) R version and want to reproduce a randomized design from an earlier R version (before 3.6.0), you have to change the RNGkind setting by
before running function
It is recommended to change the setting back to the new recommended way afterwards:
For an example, see the documentation of the example data set VSGFS.


minimum number of residual degrees of freedom;
Note: function does not count replications specified with option replications in determining residual degrees of freedom for min.resid.df.


logical indicating whether or not old (=pre version 0.27) level ordering should be used;
defaults to FALSE, which implies that levels are ordered as indicated in factor.names;
in the old ordering, levels were automatically reordered by the as.factor function, which is usually undesirable, but may be desired for reproducing designs created with earlier versions


Package DoE.base is described in Groemping (2018). The paper also has detailed material on function

Function assigns factors to the columns of orthogonal arrays that are available within package DoE.base or are provided by the user. The available arrays and their properties are listed in the data frame oacat and can be systematically searched for using function show.oas. The design names also indicate the number of runs and the numbers of factors for each number of levels, e.g. L18. is an 18 run design with six factors in 3 levels (3.6) and one factor in 6 levels (6.1).

oa is the S3 class used for orthogonal arrays. Objects of class oa should at least have the attribute origin, an attribute comment should be used for additional information.

Users can define their own orthogonal arrays and hand them to with parameter ID.
Requirements for the arrays:

  • Factor levels must be coded as numbers from 1 to number of levels.

  • The array must be of classes oa and matrix
    (If your array is a matrix named foo, you can simply assign it class oa by the command class(foo) <- c("oa","matrix"), see also last example.)

  • The array should have an attribute origin.

  • The array can have an attribute comment;
    this should be used for mentioning specific properties, e.g. for the L18. that the interaction of the first two factors can be estimated.

Users are encouraged to send additional arrays to the package maintainer. The requirements for these are the same as listed above, with attribute origin being a MUST in this case. (See the last example for how to assign an attribute.)
For relatively small important applications, creation of a tailor-made array of class oa can be attempted with package DoE.MIParray, which uses mixed integer optimization for creating a design from scratch (see Groemping and Fontana 2019 for the algorithm behind that approach).

The data frame oacat lists the orthogonal arrays from Warren Kuhfelds collection of “parent” and “child” arrays. The parent arrays, plus a few additional arrays, are directly exported from the package namespace. The child arrays from Kuhfelds collection can be constructed from these, using the replacement instructions provided in the variable lineage of oacat. The last example below indicates how a child array can be created manually, and compares this to the automatically created array.
(A lot more than just the child arrays could be obtained from these arrays by implementing a functionality similar to the market research macros available in SAS; presumably, this topic will not be addressed soon, as it will involve a substantial amount of work.)

Furthermore, there are stronger arrays (at least resolution IV) in the catalogue oacat3. Since version 1.1, function uses the stronger arrays, where possible.

If no specific orthogonal array is specified and function does not find an orthogonal array that meets the specified requirements, returns a full factorial, replicated for enough residual degrees of freedom, if necessary. If has not found an array smaller than the full factorial, it is absolutely possibly that a smaller array does exist nevertheless. It may be worth while checking with oacat whether an appropriate smaller array can be found by combining some of the parent arrays listed there (looking for a design with a few factors in 5 runs, you may e.g. call oacat[oacat$n5>0,]$name in order to see the names of more promising candidate arrays for combination, or you may also want to look up arrays with n25>0 subsequently.

With version 0.9-18 of the package, the possibility for an automatic allocation of columns for improved design performance was implemented. With version 0.23, this approach has been sped up and extended to properly cover relative projection aberration according to Groemping (2011) with and without step (b) (see below) (the previous choice "maxGR.min34" was modified and renamed to "minRelProjAberr").
Because of performance reasons, and because of a lack of a clear best default, optimum column allocation is not switched on per default. However, with the default column order from left to right, the package always issues a warning to remind users that an automatic unoptimized design can be quite far from ideal. If optimization is activated, the first step is selection of an array, either explicitly by the user (option ID) or automatically (unoptimized) according to the required combination of factors. Within that array, the following choices for the column option are on offer:


the default choice; allocates factors from left to right, which is what most software does (but what is not necessarily good, see also the example section)


recommended, if "min34" is not affordable; aliasing between main effects and 2-factor interactions is kept to a minimal degree, minimizing the number of generalized words of length 3 according to Xu and Wu (2001)


the same approach is taken, but with relative number of generalized words according to Groemping (2011)


recommended, if affordable; beware the time demand; this requests that the number of words of generalized length 4 is also minimized.


again takes the same approach, but with relative number of generalized words according to Groemping (2011)


minimizes the relative projection frequency table, applying the approach according to Groemping (2011) without step (b) (see next entry).


applies minimum relative projection aberration according to Groemping (2011) ((a): maximize generalized resolution, (b): minimize total relative number of shortest words, (c) rank designs according to relative projection frequency table (obtainable with P3.3 or P4.4, depending on resolution) and (d) resolve ties by looking at absolute number of length 4 words in case of resolution III).

WARNING: Usually, it is recommended to investigate the properties of a design automatically created by function before starting experimentation. While all designs can estimate main effects in the absence of interactions, the presence of interactions may render some designs useless or even dangerous. Deliberate choice of columns different from the default may improve a design (see example section)!

Mathematical comment on the expansion example: There are 720 different ways to expand the unique L18. into an L18., depending on which row of the replacement design nest.des is assigned to which level of the 6 level factor; for qualitative factors, 60 of these are potentially non-isomorphic (divide 720 by the 2 * 3! ways of permuting levels within a factor; there are more possibly different arrays for quantitative 3 level factors, since arbitrary relabelling of the levels is no longer isomorphic). According to Eric Schoen (personal communication), for this particular case, all the resulting children are isomorphic to each other and are also isomorphic to the Taguchi L18. To see isomorphism of two designs is not easy; in the example, nest.des has been prepared such that it is easy to see isomorphism of the resulting child to the Taguchi L18: L18 is reproduced by assigning the first row of nest.des to level 1 etc., except for a swap of columns G and H.

Value returns a data frame of S3 class design with attributes attached.

In the data frame itself, the experimental factors are all stored as R factors.
For factors with 2 levels, contr.FrF2 contrasts (-1 / +1) are used.
For factors with more than 2 numerical levels, polynomial contrasts are used (i.e. analyses will per default use orthogonal polynomials).
For factors with more than 2 categorical levels, the default contrasts are used.
Future versions will most likely allow more user control about the type of contrasts to be used.

The desnum and run.order attributes of class design are as usual. In the attribute, the following elements are specific for this type of designs:


is oa (unless no special orthogonal array is found, in which case a full factorial is created instead, cf. for its attribute),


vector containing the number of levels for each factor


contains information on the generating orthogonal array,


contains information, which column of the orthogonal array underlies which factor,


contains the respective attribute of the orthogonal array,


contains the respective attribute of the orthogonal array,


contains the requested residual degrees of freedom for a main effects model.

Other information is generic, like documented for class design.

Function origin returns the origin attribute of the orthogonal array ID, functions comment and "comment<-" from package base return and set the comment attribute.


Since version 1.1 of the package, strength 3 arrays are automatically used, if available. This changes the behavior of function for situations for requests with a combination of nruns and nlevels for which a strength 3 array exists in oacat3. If the old behavior is required for reproducing a previously-created array, it is possible to set oacat3 to NULL by the command assignInNamespace("oacat3", NULL, pos="package:DoE.base"); this temporary replacement of oacat3 with NULL remains in effect for the current R session; detaching it (with namespace unloading) and reloading is possible but can also go wrong; therefore, it is recommended to only use the above technique if you are prepared to restart the R session before using the original version of oacat3.

Since R version 3.6.0, the behavior of function sample has changed (correction of a biased previous behavior that should not be relevant for the randomization of designs). For reproducing a randomized design that was produced with an earlier R version, please follow the steps described with the argument seed.


This package is still under development. Suggestions and bug reports are welcome.


Ulrike Groemping


Groemping, U. (2011). Relative projection frequency tables for orthogonal arrays. Report 1/2011, Reports in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Department II, Berliner Hochschule fuer Technik (formerly Beuth University of Applied Sciences), Berlin.

Groemping, U. (2018). R Package DoE.base for Factorial Designs. Journal of Statistical Software 85(5), 1–41.

Hedayat, A.S., Sloane, N.J.A. and Stufken, J. (1999) Orthogonal Arrays: Theory and Applications, Springer, New York.

Kuhfeld, W. (2009). Orthogonal arrays. Website courtesy of SAS Institute and references therein.

Schoen, E. (2009). All orthogonal arrays with 18 runs. Quality and Reliability Engineering International 25, 467–480.

Xu, H.-Q. and Wu, C.F.J. (2001). Generalized minimum aberration for asymmetrical fractional factorial designs. Annals of Statistics 29, 1066–1077.

See Also

See Also FrF2,, pb


## smallest available array for 6 factors with 3 levels each, nlevels=3)
  ## level combination for which only a full factorial is (currently) found,3,3,2))
  ## array requested via factor.names"a","b","c"), two=c(125,275),
     three=c("old","new"), four=c(-1,1), five=c("min","medium","max")))
  ## array requested via character factor.names and nlevels
    ## (with a little German lesson for one two three four five)"eins","zwei","drei","vier","fuenf"), nlevels=c(2,2,2,3,7))
  ## array requested via explicit name, Taguchi L18
  ## array requested via explicit name, with column selection,columns=c(2,3,7))
  ## array requested with nruns, not very reasonable, nfactors=3, nlevels=2)
  ## array requested with min.residual.df, nlevels=2, min.residual.df=12)

  ## examples showing alias structures and their improvment with option columns
  plan <-,nlevels=3)
     ## generalized word length pattern
     ## length3 (first element of GWP) can be slightly improved by columns="min3"
     plan <-,nlevels=3,columns="min3")
     summary(plan)  ## the first 3-level column of the array is not used
  plan <-,2,2,6))
  plan.opt <-,2,2,6),columns="min3") ## substantial improvement
  ## visualize practical relevance of improvement:
     ## for optimal plan, all 3-dimensional projections are full factorials
  plot(plan, select=1:3)
  plot(plan, select=c(1,2,4))
  plot(plan, select=c(1,3,4))
  plot(plan, select=2:4)
  plot(plan.opt, select=1:3)
  plot(plan.opt, select=c(1,2,4))
  plot(plan.opt, select=c(1,3,4))
  plot(plan.opt, select=2:4)

  ## The last example:
  ## generate an orthogonal array equivalent to Taguchi's L18
  ## by combining L18. with a full factorial in 2 and 3 levels
  show.oas(nruns=18, parents.only=FALSE)
       ## lineage entry leads the way:
           ## start from L18.
           ## insert L6. for the 6 level factor
  ## prepare the parent
   parent.des <- L18.
   colnames(parent.des) <- c(Letters[3:9])
       ## new columns will become A and B
  ## 6-level design can be created by or expand.grid or cbind
   nest.des <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:3,1:2))[c(1:3,5,6,4),c(2,1)]
        ## want first column to change most slowly
        ## want resulting design to be easily transformable into Taguchi L18
        ## see mathematical comments in section Details
   colnames(nest.des) <- c("A","B")
  ## do the expansion (see mathematical comments in section Details)
  ## using function expansive.replace
  L18. <- expansive.replace(parent.des, nest.des)[,c(7:8,1:6)]
  L18. <- L18.[ord(L18.,]  ## sort array
      rownames(L18. <- 1:18
        ## (ordering is not necessary, just **tidy**)
  ## prepare for using it with function
        ## note: function expansive.replace creates a matrix of class "oa"
        ## rearranging the columns removed that class and makes it necessary 
        ##    to add the class again for using the array in DoE.base 
  attr(L18., "origin") <-
      c(show.oas(name="L18.", parents.only=FALSE,show=0)$lineage,
        "unconventional order")
  class(L18. <- c("oa", "matrix")
  comment(L18. <- "Interaction of first two factors estimable"
     ## indicates that first two factors are full factorial from 6-level factor
  L18  ## Taguchi array
  L18.  ## manually expanded array, randomize=FALSE)
        ## automatically expanded array
  P3.3(L18.  ## length 3 pattern of 3 factor projections
                  ## this also identifies the array as isomorphic to L18
                  ## according to Schoen 2009
  ## the array can now be used in, like the built-in arrays,nfactors=7,nlevels=3)

Data Frames That List Available Orthogonal Arrays


These data frames hold the lists of available orthogonal arrays, except for a few structurally equivalent additional arrays known as Taguchi arrays (L18, L36, L54). Arrays in in oacat are mostly from the Kuhfeld collection, those in oacat3 from some other sources.




The data frames hold a list of orthogonal arrays, as described in Section “value”. Inspection of these arrays can be most easily done with function show.oas. Some of the listed arrays are directly accessible through their names (“parent” arrays, also listed under arrays) or are full factorials the construction of which is obvious. Others can be constructed as “child” arrays from the parent and full factorial arrays, using a so-called lineage which is also included as a column in data frame oacat. Most of the listed arrays have been taken from Kuhfeld 2009. Exceptions: The three arrays L128., L256.2.19 and L2048.2.63) have been taken from Mee 2009; these are irregular resolution IV or V arrays for which all main effects can be orthogonally estimated even in the presence of interactions, or even all 2fis can be orthogonally estimated, provided there are no higher order effects.

Note that most of the arrays in oacat, per default, are guaranteed to orthogonally estimate all main effects, provided all higher order effects are negligible (again, the Mee arrays are an exception). This can be a very severe limitation, of course, and arbitrary strong biases can distort the estimates even of main effects, if this assumption is violated. It is therefore strongly recommended to inspect the quality of an orthogonal array quite closely before deciding to use it for experimentation. Some functions for inspecting arrays are provided in the package (cf. generalized.word.length).

The data frame oacat3 contains stronger arrays that have at least the main effects unconfounded with two-factor interactions. If only these are of interest, function show.oas can be restricted to strong arrays by option Rgt3=TRUE. Function will use a strong array, if possible. Since package version 1.2, oacat3 contains arrays that were obtained via expansive replacement (indicated in the lineage column). It is important to note that this automatic replacement is not optimized in any way; in some cases it may be worthwhile to check whether a better array can be produced with different level choices or by expanding not the first but a different column of the parent array (for an example, see function expansive.replace); this is not automatically checked and can only be done by the user.


The data frames contain the columns name, nruns, lineage and further columns n2 to n72; furthermore, some columns with calculated metrics are included. name holds the name of the array, nruns its number of runs, and lineage the way the array can be constructed from other arrays, if applicable. The columns n2 to n72 each contain the number of factors with the respective number of levels.

The logical columns ff, regular.strict and regular indicate a full factorial and a regular design in the strict or weak sense, respectively (strict: all ARFT entries are 0 or 1, defined as “R2R^2 regular” in Groemping and Bailey (2016); weak: all SCFT entries are 0 or 1, defined as “CC regular” in Groemping and Bailey (2016)). For R2R^2 regularity, it suffices to check all full resolution factor sets, i.e., sets of j factors with resolution j; for CC regularity, this is conjectured to be also true. The entries in column regular are based on that conjecture (and for some larger designs, even those checks were not completed); thus, designs denominated as CC regular might prove otherwise if the conjecture proves wrong, and for larger designs also for unchecked full resolution factor sets of higher dimensions).

Column SCones contains the number of worst case (=1) squared canonical correlations for the number of R factor subsets, with R the resolution; if this number is 0, main effects can be considered to have partial confounding only with any interactions of up to R-1 factors. GR, GRind, maxAR and maxSC contain the generalized resolution in two versions, the maximum average R2R^2 and the maximum squared canonical correlation.

dfe contains the error degrees of freedom of a main effects model, if all columns of the array are populated; if this is 0, the design is saturated. A3 to A8 contain the numbers of words of lengths 3 to 8. More information on these metrics can be found in generalized.word.length and the literature therein.

The design names also indicate the number of runs and the numbers of factors: The first portion of each array name (starting with L) indicates the number of runs, each subsequent pair of numbers indicates a number of levels together with the frequency with which it occurs. For example, L18. is an 18 run design with one factor with 2 levels and seven factors with 3 levels each.

The columns gmarule and sgmarule refer to the implementation of known rules from the literature that certain subsets of array columns have generalized minimum aberration (Butler 2005); if such a subset is requested, there is no message of caution even if the array columns are used with column="order" instead of optimizing the selection. Currently, only the rules from Butler (2005) are implemented; hopefully, more rules will be added in the future.

The column lineage deserves particular attention: it is an empty string, if the design is directly available and can be accessed via its name, or if the design is a full factorial (e.g. L6. Otherwise, the lineage entry is structured as follows: It starts with the specification of a parent array, given as levels1~no of factors; levels2~no of factors;. After a colon, there are one or more replacements, each enclosed in brackets; within each pair of brackets, the left-hand side of the exclamation mark shows the to-be-replaced factor, the right-hand side the replacement array that has to be used for replacing the levels of such a factor one or more times. For example, the lineage for L18. is 3~6;6~1;:(6~1!2~1;3~1;), which means that the parent array in 18 runs with six 3 level factors and one 6 level factor has to be used, and the 6 level factor has to be replaced with the full factorial with one 2 level factor and one 3 level factor.


For designs with only 2-level factors, it is usually more wise to use package FrF2. Exceptions: The three arrays by Mee (2009; cf. section “Details” above) are very useful for 2-level factors.

Many of the orthogonal arrays from oacat, especially when using all columns for experimentation, are guaranteed to orthogonally estimate all main effects, provided all higher order effects are negligible.

Make sure you understand the implications of using an orthogonal main effects design for experimentation. In particular, for some designs there is a very severe risk of obtaining biased main effect estimates, if there are some interactions between experimental factors. The documentation for generalized.word.length and examples section below that illustrate this remark. Cf. also the instructions in section “Details”).


Ulrike Groemping, with contributions by Boyko Amarov


Agrawal, V. and Dey, A. (1983). Orthogonal resolution IV designs for some asymmetrical factorials. Technometrics 25, 197–199.

Brouwer, A. Small mixed fractional factorial designs of strength 3. accessed March 1 2016

Brouwer, A., Cohen, A.M. and Nguyen, M.V.M. (2006). Orthogonal arrays of strength 3 and small run sizes. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 136, 3268–3280.

Butler, N.A. (2005). Generalised minimum aberration construction results for symmetrical orthogonal arrays. Biometrika 92, 485 – 491.

Eendebak, P. and Schoen, E. Complete Series of Orthogonal Arrays. accessed March 1 2016

Groemping, U. and Bailey, R.A. (2016). Regular fractions of factorial arrays. In: mODa 11 – Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Groemping, U. and Fontana, R. (2019). An Algorithm for Generating Good Mixed Level Factorial Designs. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 137, 101–114.

Kuhfeld, W. (2009). Orthogonal arrays. Website courtesy of SAS Institute and references therein.

Mee, R. (2009). A Comprehensive Guide to Factorial Two-Level Experimentation. New York: Springer.

Nguyen, M.V.M. (2005). Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138, 220–233.

Nguyen, M.V.M. (2008). Some new constructions of strength 3 mixed orthogonal arrays. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138, 220–233.

Sloane, N. Orthogonal Arrays. accessed March 1 2016

See Also for using the designs from oacat in design creation
show.oas for inspecting the available arrays from oacat
generalized.word.length for inspection functions for array properties
arrays for a list of orthogonal arrays which are directly accessible within the package


        function(nn) unlist(attributes(get(nn))[c("origin", "comment")]))

Function to generate Taguchi style parameter designs


The functions create parameter designs for robustness experiments and signal-to-noise investigations with inner and outer arrays and facilitate their formatting and data aggregation.

Usage, outer, direction="long", responses=NULL, ...)
paramtowide(design, constant=NULL, ...)



an experimental design for the inner array, data frame of class design; as function does not randomize, its runs should already be randomized


an experimental design for the outer array, data frame of class design or vector


character taking the values "wide" or "long"; if long, the outer array runs for each inner array run are listed underneath each other; if wide, they are listed within the same row


NULL, or character vector of response names;
for the long format, there are no response columns if responses is NULL, while response columns of the specified name(s) containing NA values are generated if responses is specified;
for the wide format, response columns are always generated (one column per run of the outer array for each response): if responses is NULL, response columns are called "y.1", "y.2" etc., if responses is specified, a set of response columns for each specified name is generated


parameter design in long format (created by function


character vector giving names of variables in addition to the experimental factors of the inner array that are constant over outer array runs for each inner array run


currently not used


A parameter design is an experimental plan for setting the so-called “control parameters” such that they achieve the intended function and at the same time minimize the effects of the so-called “noise parameters”. Note that the word parameters is used here in an engineering sense rather than in the typical sense it is used in statistics. The experiment crosses the control factors in the “inner array” with the noise factors in the “outer array”.

Function uses function for creating an inner/outer array crossed design. There will be data aggregation functions for such designs in the near future.

Note that designs created by are not properly randomized, as they are conducted in the Taguchi inner / outer array sense with the runs of the inner array as whole plots and the factors of the outer array as split-plot factors. With analysis methods that work on data aggregated over the outer array this is appropriate. If analysis of control and noise factor designs is to be conducted in a combined approach, the experiment should be fully randomized. This can be done using function directly (cf. example there).


A data frame of class design with type “param” or “FrF2.param” for long version inner/outer array designs, and type of the inner array suffixed with “.paramwide” for wide version inner/outer array designs. The attribute of such designs has the following extraordinary elements:

In long format, there are the same elements as for type crossed from function, and the additional elements inner and outer that give the names of the inner and outer array variables.

In wide format, the information refers to the inner array, the elements cross... something are no longer available (except for cross.types), and the element outer contains the outer array design the rows of which correspond to the response columns. The additional element format with value “innerouterWide” indicates the wide format (introduced for analogy to wide repeated measures designs), and responselist shows the responses and their respective columns in support of subsequent aggregation. Finally, if there are variables that are neither experimental factors nor responses and change within one run of the inner array, these are listed in restlist.


This function is still experimental.


Ulrike Groemping


NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods, Section 5.5.6 (What are Taguchi Designs?), accessed August 11, 2009.

See Also

See Also


## It is recommended to use particularly with FrF2 designs. 
## For the examples to run without package FrF2 loaded, 
## designs are used here.

## quick preliminary checks to try out possibilities
control <-, columns=1:4, factor.names=paste("C",1:4,sep=""))
noise <-, columns=1:3, factor.names=paste("N",1:3,sep=""))
## long
long <-,noise)
## wide
wide <-,noise,direction="wide")

## use proper labelled factors
## should of course be as meaningful as possible for your data
fnc <- c(list(c("current","new")),rep(list(c("type1", "type2","type3")),3))
names(fnc) <- paste("C", 1:4, sep="")
control <-, factor.names=fnc)
fnn <- rep(list(c("low","high")),3)
names(fnn) <- paste("N",1:3,sep="")
noise <-, factor.names = fnn)
ex.inner.outer <-,noise,direction="wide",responses=c("force","yield"))
## export e.g. to Excel or other program with which editing is more convenient
## Not run: 
   ### design written to default path as html and rda by
   ### html can be opened with Excel
   ### data can be typed in 
   ### for preparation of loading back into R, 
   ###     remove all legend-like comment that does not belong to the data table itself
   ###     and store as csv
   ### reimport into R using add.response
   ### (InDec and OutDec are for working with German settings csv 
   ###     in an R with standard OutDec, i.e. wrong default option)
   getwd()  ## look at default path, works on most systems, OutDec=",")
   add.response("ex.inner.outer", "ex.inner.outer.csv", "ex.inner.outer.rda", InDec=",")

## End(Not run)

Convert matrix, data frame or object of class planordesign to object of class design


function to convert matrix, data frame or object of class planordesign to class design (allowing use of convenience functions, particularly plotting with mosaic plots)


data2design(x, quantitative = rep(FALSE, ncol(x)), ...)
planor2design(x, ...)



an object of class data.frame, matrix (function data2design) or planordesign


a logical vector, indicating which factors are quantitative;
defaults to all factors being qualitative


currently not used


For matrices and data frames, an unreplicated and unrandomized design is assumed (not crucial, but the some entries of the attribute and the entire run.order attribute of the result will be wrong otherwise). Per default, all factors are treated as qualitative and thus made into factors, if they are not factors already.

Items of the S4 class planordesign are regular factorial designs created by package planor (the designs itself is in the slot design). Function planor2design transforms them into objects of the S3 class design; currently, only the most basic information is included (nunit and the factor information); the design is assumed to be unrandomized and unreplicated.


an object of class design with the type and creator element of given as external or planor. For designs of type planor, the generators element of the attribute contains the designkey from the original planor design.


Ulrike Groemping

See Also

See also: the planordesign class of package planor (if that package is available), design,

Plotting class design objects


The plot method for class design objects; other methods are part of a separate help page.


## S3 method for class 'design'
plot(x, y=NULL, select=NULL, selprop=0.25, ask=NULL, ...)



data frame of S3 class design


a character vector of names of numeric variables in x to be plotted as responses, or a numeric response vector, or a numeric matrix containing response columns, or a data frame of numeric response variables (the latter would not work when directly using function from package graphics)


Specification of selected factors through option select has been introduced in order to obtain manageable plot sizes. For example, mosaic plots are most easily readible for up to three or at most four factors. Main effects plots with too many factors may also be hard to read because of overlapping labeling. select can also be used for bringing the factors into a desirable order.
select can be
a vector of integers with position numbers of experimental factors,
a character vector of factor letters,
or a character vector of factor names for factors to be selected for plotting; in case of ambiguity, factor names take precedence over factor letters.
The following choices are of interest for creating mosaic plots of the design factors; any response data will be ignored.
select can be
a list of numeric vectors (all of equal length) specifying the tuples to be plotted (a length one list (insted of the numeric vector itself) allows to plot the design table as a mosaic plot instead of showing a main effects plot, if the design has responses)
one of the special character strings "all2", "all3" or "all4" for obtaining mosaic plots of all pairs, triples or quadruples of (a selection of) factors (see Details section),
a list with a numeric vector with position numbers of experimental factors as the first and one of the above special character strings as the second element for requesting all tuples of a subset of the factors,
or a list with a single factor position number as the first and one of the above special character strings as the second element for requesting all tuples that include the specified single factor,
or any of the character strings "complete", "worst", "worst.rel", "worst.parft" or "worst.parftdf" for automatic selection of the projections with the worst confounding to be plotted (see Details section)


a number between 0 and 1 indicating which proportion of worst cases to plot in case select=worst or select=worst.rel is to be plotted (see Details section). The default is useful for small designs only. For large designs, reduce this number !


a logical;
default behavior if ask=NULL: ask is set to TRUE if multiple plots are requested and the current graphics device is interactive (or none is open but be the next to be opened device is interactive) and FALSE otherwise


further arguments to functions plot, mosaic, or the function from package graphics;
For experts, option sub with the special settings "GR", "A","rA", "sumPARFT" or "sumPARFTdf" can be used to create sub titles that display the generalized resolution, absolute or relative word lengths (see generalized.word.length). All other specifications for sub should work as expected.


Items of class design are data frames with attributes, that have been created for conducting experiments. Apart from the plot method documented here, separate files document the methods,, and further methods.

The method for plot calls the method available in package graphics (see wherever this makes sense (x not of class design, x of class design but not following the class design structure defined in package DoE.base, and x a design with all factors being R-factors and at least one response available).

Function from package graphics is not an adequate choice for designs without responses or designs with experimental factors that are not R-factors.
For designs with all factors being R-factors and no response defined (e.g. a freshly-created design from function, function creates a mosaic plot of the frequency table of the design, which may be quite useful to understand the structure for designs with relatively few factors (cf. example below; function calls function mosaic for this purpose). It will generally be necessary to specify the select argument, if the design is not very small. If select is not specified although there are more than four factors, select=1:4 is chosen as the default.
For designs with at least one experimental factor that is not an R-factor, function calls function in order to create a scatter plot matrix.
Currently, there is no good method for plotting designs with mixed qualitative and quantitative factors.

If option select is set to "all2", "all3" or "all4", or a list with a numeric vector as its first element and one of these as the second element, or with select as any of "complete", "worst", "worst.rel", "worst.parft" or "worst.parftdf", response variables are ignored, and mosaic plots are created.
These requests usually ask for several plots; note that the plots are created one after the other; with an interactive graphics device, the default is that they overwrite each other after a user confirmation for the next plot, which allows users to visually inspect them one at a time; under Windows, the plotting series can be aborted using the Esc-key. With non-interactive graphics devices, the default is ask=FALSE (e.g. for storing all the plots in a multi-page file, see examples).

If option select is any of "all2", "all3" or "all4", mosaic plots of all pairs, triples or quadruples of factors are created as specified.
Note that "all2" is interesting for non-orthogonal designs only, e.g. ones created by function

If option select is set to "complete", "worst" "worst.rel", "worst.parft" or "worst.parftdf", the worst case tuples to be displayed are selected by function tupleSel.


The plot method is called for its side effects and returns NULL.


The package is currently subject to intensive development; most key functionality is now included. Some changes to input and output structures may still occur.


Ulrike Groemping


Groemping, U (2014) Mosaic plots are useful for visualizing low order projections of factorial designs. To appear in The American Statistician

See Also

See also the following functions known to produce objects of class design: FrF2, pb,,, and function from package graphics; a method for function lm is described in the separate help file


#### Examples for plotting designs
oa12 <-,2,6))
  ## plotting a design without response (uses function mosaic from package vcd)
  ## equivalent to mosaic(~A+B+C, oa12)
  ## alternative order: mosaic(~C+A+B, oa12)
  plot(oa12, select=c(3,1,2))
  ## using the select function: the plots show that the projection for factors
  ## C, D and E (columns 3, 14 and 15 of the array) is a full factorial,
  ## while A, D and E (columns 1, 14, and 15 of the array) do not occur in
  ## all combinations
  plan <-,nlevels=c(2,2,2,3,4))
  plot(plan, select=c("E","D","A"))
  plot(plan, select=c("E","D","C"))
  ## Not run: 
  plot(plan, select="all3")
  plot(plan, select=list(c(1,3,4,5), "all3"))
  ## use the specialist version of option sub
  plot(plan, select=list(c(1,3,4,5), "all3"), sub="A")
  ## create a file with mosaic plots of all 3-factor projections
  plot(plan, select="all3", main="Design from L24. in default column order)")
  plot(plan, select="worst", selprop=0.3, sub="A")
  ## the file exampleplots.pdf is now available within the current working
  ## directory
## End(Not run)

  ## plotting a design with response
  plot(oa12, y)
  ## plot design with a response included
  oa12.r <- add.response(oa12,y)
  ## plotting a numeric design (with or without response,
  ##   does not make statistical sense here, for demo only)
  noa12 <-, quantitative="all")
  plot(noa12, y, main="Scatter Plot Matrix")

Function to Print oa Objects with a Lot of Added Info


The function suppresses printing of voluminous info attached as attributes to oa objects.


## S3 method for class 'oa'
print(x, ...)



the oa object to be printed


further arguments for default print function


The function currently removes all attributes except origin, class, dim, dimnames before printing.
If available, status information from the MIPinfo attribute is printed.
Additionally, the names of unusual attributes are printed. They can also be printed separately by running names(attributes(x)); to access an attribute, run attr(x, "MIPinfo"), for example.


The function is used for its side effects and does not return anything.


Ulrike Groemping

See Also

See also print.default and str

Function to switch between qualitative and quantitative factors and different contrast settings


The function allows to switch between qualitative and quantitative factors and different contrast settings.

Usage, quantitative = NA, contrasts = character(0), ...)
change.contr(design, contrasts=contr.treatment)



an experimental design, data frame of class design


can be


one of the single entries
NA for setting all factors to the default coding for class design (cf. details),
“all” for making all factors quantitative (=numeric),
“none” for making all factors qualitative (=factor)


an unnamed vector of length nfactors with an entry TRUE, NA or FALSE for each factor, where TRUE makes a factor into a numeric variable, and FALSE makes it into a factor with treatment contrasts, and NA reinstates the default factor settings;


a named vector (names from the factor names of the design) with an entry TRUE, NA or FALSE for each named factor (implying no change for the omitted factors)


only takes effect for factors for which quantitative is FALSE;
the default character(0) does not change any contrasts vs.~the previous or default contrasts.

For customizing, a

character string
OR a character vector with a contrast name entry for each factor OR a named character vector of arbitrary length from 1 to number of factors

can be given; the names must correspond to names of factors to be modified, and entries must be names of contrast functions. The contrast functions are then applied to the respective factors with the correct number of levels.
Possible contrast function names include (at least) contr.FrF2 (for number of levels a power of 2 only), contr.helmert, contr.treatment, contr.SAS, contr.sum, contr.poly. CAUTION: Function checks whether the contrast names actually define a function, but it is not checked whether this function is a valid contrast function.


currently not used


With function, option quantitative has the following implications:
An experimental factor for which quantitative is TRUE is recoded into a numeric variable.
An experimental factor for which quantitative is NA is recoded into an R-factor with the default contrasts given below.
An experimental factor for which quantitative is FALSE is recoded into an R-factor with treatment contrasts (default) or with custom contrasts as indicated by the contrasts parameter.
If the intention is to change contrasts only, function change.contr is a convenience interface to function

The default contrasts for factors in class design objects (exception: purely quantitative design types like lhs or rsm designs) depend on the number and content of levels:
2-level experimental factors are coded as R-factors with -1/1 contrasts,
experimental factors with more than two quantitative (=can be coerced to numeric) levels are coded as R factors with polynomial contrasts (with scores the numerical levels of the factor),
and qualitatitve experimental factors with more than two levels are coded as R factors with treatment contrasts.

Note that, for 2-level factors, the default contrasts from function differ from the default contrasts with which the factors were generated in case of functions or Thus, for recreating the original state, it may be necessary to explicity specify the desired contrasts.

Function change.contr makes all factors qualitative. Per default, treatment contrasts (cf. contr.treatment) are assigned to all factors. The default contrasts can of course be modified.

Warning: It is possible to misuse these functions especially for designs that have been combined from several designs. For example, while setting factors in an lhs design (cf. to qualitative is prevented, if the lhs design has been crossed with another design of a different type, it would be possible to make such a nonsensical modification.


A data frame of class design; the element quantitative of attribute, the data frame itself and the desnum attribute are modified as appropriate.


Ulrike Groemping


## usage with all factors treated alike
y <- rnorm(12)
plan <-,6,2))
lm(y~., change.contr(plan))   ## with treatment contrasts instead
plan <-, quantitative = "none")
plan <-, quantitative = "none", contrasts=c(B="contr.treatment"))
plan <-, quantitative = "none")

plan <-, quantitative = "all")
plan <-  ## NA resets to default state

## usage with individual factors treated differently
plan <- = list(liquid=c("type1","type2"), 
     dose=c(0,10,50,100,200,500), temperature=c(10,15)))
## Not run: 
## would cause an error, since liquid is character and cannot be reasonably coerced to numeric
plan <-, quantitative = "all")

## End(Not run)
plan <-, quantitative = "none")

plan <-, quantitative = c(dose=TRUE,temperature=TRUE))
## reset all factors to default
plan <-, quantitative = NA)
## add a response
y <- rnorm(12)
plan <- add.response(plan,y)
## set dose to treatment contrasts
plan <-, quantitative = c(dose=FALSE), contrasts=c(dose="contr.treatment"))

Reshape designs with repeated measurements


Convenience functions to reshape a design with repeated measurements from long to wide or vice versa


### generic function
reptowide(design, constant=NULL, ...)



a data frame of S3 class design.
For function reptowide, the design must have repeated measurements (repeat.only=TRUE in attribute).
For reptolong, the design must be in the wide form produced by function reptowide.


NULL or character vector; if design contains variables other than the experimental factors and the block column (e.g. covariables) that do not change over repeated measurements within the same experimental unit, constant must be a character vector with the respective variable names


currently not used


Both functions leave the design unchanged (with a warning) for all class design objects that are not of the required repeated measurements form.

If design is not of class design, an error is thrown.

The reptowide function makes use of the function reshape in package stats, the reptolong function does not.


A data frame of class design with the required reshaping.

The reptowide function returns a design with one row containing all the repeated measurements for the same experimental setup (therefore wide), the reptolong function reshapes a wide design back into the long form with all repeated measurements directly underneath each other.

The attributes of the design are treated along with the data frame itself: The reptowide function resets elements of the attribute (response.names, repeat.only) and adds the new elements format with value “repeatedMeasuresWide”, responselist and, if there are variables that are neither experimental factors nor responses, restlist for those of these that do change with repeated measurements. The reptolong function reinstates the original long version.

Note that the order of variables may change, if there are any variables in addition to the factors and responses.


The package is currently subject to intensive development; most key functionality is now included. Some changes to input and output structures may still occur.


Ulrike Groemping

See Also

See Also FrF2, pb,,


### design without response data
    ### response variable y is added per default
    plan <-,6,2), replication=2, repeat.only=TRUE)
    pw <- reptowide(plan)  ## make wide
    pl <- reptolong(pw)  ## make long again
    ### design with response and further data
    y <- rexp(24)
    temp <- rep(sample(19:30),each=2)  ## constant covariable <- factor(Letters[1:24]) ## non-constant character covariable
    plan.2 <- add.response(plan, y)
    plan.2$temp <- temp     ## not response
    plan.2$ <-   ##not response
    reptowide(plan.2, constant="temp")

Function to display list of available orthogonal arrays


This function allows to inspect the list of available orthogonal arrays, optionally specifying selection criteria


show.oas(name = "all", nruns = "all", nlevels = "all", factors = "all", 
    regular = "all", GRgt3 = c("all", "tot", "ind"), Rgt3 = FALSE, show = 10, 
    parents.only = FALSE, showGRs = FALSE, showmetrics = FALSE, digits = 3)



character string or vector of character strings giving name(s) of (an) orthogonal array(s); results in an error if name does not contain any valid name; warns if name contains any invalid name


the requested number of runs or a 2-element vector with a minimum and maximum for the number of runs


a vector of requested numbers of levels for a set of factors in question, must contain integers > 1 only;
nlevels cannot be specified together with factors


a list with the two elements nlevels and number, which are both integer vectors of equal length;
nlevels contains the number of levels and number the number of factors for the corresponding number of levels


either unrestricted (the default “all”), a logical which requests (TRUE) or rejects (FALSE) regular arrays, or the character string “strict” to request strictly regular arrays, for which all confounded factors are completely confounded with a 2-factor interaction of two other factors (the latter are fixed level arrays or crossed arrays)


either unrestricted (the default “all”), or a character string which requests GR ("tot") or GRind ("ind") to be larger than 3


logical requesting inclusion of standard resolution 3 arrays as listed in oacat per default, and restricting the output to arrays of resolution at least IV (as listed in oacat3), if changed to TRUE


an integer number specifying how many arrays are to be listed (upper bound), or the character string "all" for showing all arrays, no matter how many. The default is to show 10 arrays. show = 0 switches off the display of the result and only returns a value. Since August 2018, the number refers to stronger and weaker arrays, separately.


logical specifying whether to show only parent arrays or child arrays as well; the default is FALSE for inclusion of child arrays


logical specifying whether to show the generalized resolution quality metrics with the resulting arrays; the default is FALSE. If set to TRUE, three metrics are displayed (see Details section).


logical specifying whether to show all array quality metrics with the resulting arrays; the default is FALSE. If set to TRUE, several metrics are displayed (see Details section).


integer number of significant digits to show for GR and A metrics; irrelevant, if showmetrics is FALSE


The function shows the arrays that are listed in the data frames oacat or oacat3.

For child arrays that have to be generated with a lineage rule (can be automatically done with function, the lineage is displayed together with the array name. The option parent.only = TRUE suppresses printing and output of child arrays. The structure of the lineage entry is documented under oacat.

If display of metrics is requested with showmetrics=TRUE, the printed output shows the metrics GR*, GRind*, regular (logical, whether regular or not), SCones* (number of squared canonical correlations that are 1), and the numbers of words of lengths 3 to 8 (A3 to A8). showGRs=TRUE requests the metrics marked with asterisks only (without SCones in case GRgt3="ind"). More information on all these metrics can be found here


A data frame with the three columns name, nruns and lineage, containing the array name, the number of runs and - if applicable - the lineage for generating the array from other arrays. The lineage entry is empty for parent arrays that are either directly available in the package and can be accessed by giving their name (e.g. L18. or are full factorials (e.g. L28. If further information has been requested (e.g. with showmetrics=TRUE), the data frame contains additional columns.

If no array has been found, the returned value is NULL.


Thanks to Peter Theodor Wilrich for proposing such a function.


Ulrike Groemping


Kuhfeld, W. (2009). Orthogonal arrays. Website courtesy of SAS Institute and references therein.

Mee, R. (2009). A Comprehensive Guide to Factorial Two-Level Experimentation. New York: Springer.

See Also for using the arrays from oacat in design creation
oacat for the data frames underlying the function


## the first 10 orthogonal arrays with 24 to 28 runs
   show.oas(nruns = c(24,28))
   ## the first 10 orthogonal arrays with 24 to 28 runs
   ## excluding child arrays
   show.oas(nruns = c(24,28), parents.only=TRUE)
   ## the orthogonal arrays with 4 2-level factors, one 4-level factor and one 5-level factor
   show.oas(factors = list(nlevels=c(2,4,5),number=c(4,1,1)))
   ## show them all with quality metrics
   show.oas(factors = list(nlevels=c(2,4,5),number=c(4,1,1)), show=Inf, showmetrics=TRUE)
   ## pick only those with no complete confounding of any degrees of freedom
   show.oas(factors = list(nlevels=c(2,4,5),number=c(4,1,1)), GRgt3="ind", showmetrics=TRUE)
   ## the orthogonal arrays with 4 2-level factors, one 7-level factor and one 5-level factor
   show.oas(factors = list(nlevels=c(2,7,5),number=c(4,1,1)))
   ## the latter orthogonal arrays with the nlevels notation 
   ## (that can also be used in a call to subsequently)
   show.oas(nlevels = c(2,7,2,2,5,2))
   ## calling arrays by name 
   show.oas(name=c("L12.2.11", "L18."))

Function for the signal-to-noise ratio 10 * log10(mean^2/var)


Function for the signal-to-noise ratio 10 * log10(mean^2/var)





a data vector to take the S/N ratio over


Taguchi proposes three different versions of S/N-ratio. In line with Box, Hunter and Hunter (2005), only the one for target-optimization is given here, as it is invariant against linear transformation.


a number (10 * log10(mean^2/var))


This package is currently under intensive development. Substantial changes are to be expected in the near future.


Ulrike Groemping


Box G. E. P, Hunter, W. C. and Hunter, J. S. (2005) Statistics for Experimenters, 2nd edition. New York: Wiley.

See Also

See also; function SN has been developed for use with aggregating parameter designs


x <- rexp(10)
10 * log10(mean(x)^2/var(x))
20 * log10(mean(x)/sd(x))

VSGFS: an experiment using an optimized orthogonal array in 72 runs


VSGFS: an experiment using an optimized orthogonal array in 72 runs




VSGFS is a data frame of class design with seven experimental factors and three response variables. The data have been published in Vasilev et al. (2014).

The experimental factors, all stored as R factors, with their levels are

[,1] Light Lght-, Lght+
[,2] ShakFreq SF-, SF+
[,3] InocSize IS-, IS+
[,4] FilledVol FV-, FV0, FV+
[,5] CM CM-, CM+
[,6] Carbo Suc, Gluc, Mannit (Sucrose, Glucose, Mannitol)
[,7] Cyclodextrin CD1, CD2, CD3, CD4 (beta, methyl-beta, triacetyl-beta, none)

The response variables, all stored as numerical variables, are

[,8] Biomass fresh weight in g
[,9] Content geraniol content in μ\mug per g fresh weight
[,10] Yield geraniol yield in μ\mug per flask


The data set comes from an experiment that was created with function using the array L72. Column selection within the array was done with option columns="min34" that picks the first set of columns obtained by function oa.min34. (Optimization takes quite a while, so that the design was reconstructed later by explicitly requesting the optimum set of columns.)

Design creation and the experiment itself were conducted at the Fraunhofer IME in Aachen by Nikolay Vasilev and colleagues. More detail on the experiment and the variables can be found in Vasilev et al. (2014).

The design was created under an R version before 3.6.0. For reproducing its creation under R 3.6.0 and later, it is therefore necessary to switch to the previous version of random number generation (using the RNGkind function, see examples section). Note that the previous discrete random uniform random number generator was not perfectly uniform, especially for very large samples; for randomizing experiments of typical sizes (like this one), this problem can be neglected.


Ulrike Groemping


Vasilev, N., Schmidt, C., Groemping, U., Fischer, R. and Schillberg, S. (2014). Assessment of Cultivation Factors that Affect Biomass and Geraniol Production in Transgenic Tobacco Cell Suspension Cultures. PLoS ONE 9(8): e104620.

See Also

See also oacat, show.oas, oa.min34,


## code used for creating the data frame
## option levordold is needed, because the level ordering 
## changed (improved) with version 0.27 
## and the design was originally created with an earlier version
## Not run: 
  if (getRversion()>='3.6.0') RNGkind(sample.kind="Rounding")
  VSGFS <-, 
      FilledVol=c("FV-","FV0", "FV+"), 
      Sugar=c("Suc", "Gluc", "Mannit"),
   seed = 9, randomize=TRUE, levordold=TRUE)
  if (getRversion()>='3.6.0') RNGkind(sample.kind="default")

response <-, Content=0, Yield=0), sep=" ")) 
5.80 24.13 139.98
4.97 16.96 84.28
1.28 21.08 26.99
6.83 17.71 120.95
0.86 21.28 18.30
4.09 18.86 77.14
2.39 17.08 40.81
4.05 17.84 72.23
5.84 17.74 103.61
3.38 18.08 61.11
0.40 24.82 9.93
3.86 18.10 69.88
4.58 21.29 97.49
6.29 17.32 108.91
4.85 15.50 75.17
1.25 23.14 28.92
2.09 18.43 38.51
4.26 17.75 75.62
4.78 18.53 88.57
6.63 17.82 118.14
0.77 18.79 14.47
4.89 18.23 89.15
4.53 17.69 80.11
4.27 18.05 77.07
3.90 15.84 61.77
4.15 18.73 77.74
3.95 17.12 67.63
6.92 16.86 116.68
5.00 16.96 84.80
0.37 21.79 8.06
2.36 19.57 46.18
5.11 18.13 92.66
4.69 17.38 81.50
1.20 19.57 23.49
1.76 17.98 31.65
6.21 17.03 105.76
5.63 15.71 88.43
3.98 18.42 73.32
2.31 19.38 44.76
1.86 18.41 34.25
4.22 17.93 75.68
2.77 17.17 47.55
0.40 23.10 9.24
1.42 18.89 26.83
1.54 17.44 26.86
5.03 17.40 87.53
8.70 14.41 125.38
3.21 19.29 61.92
5.36 18.46 98.93
3.87 16.89 65.35
7.70 18.60 143.20
1.71 17.67 30.22
4.38 16.79 73.54
2.24 19.61 43.92
3.79 19.35 73.35
3.09 18.67 57.70
1.57 17.64 27.70
5.43 18.45 100.19
3.86 17.09 65.96
7.44 19.07 141.85
5.87 17.13 100.53
2.65 17.51 46.39
6.14 15.85 97.34
6.32 14.80 93.56
5.19 16.53 85.78
5.09 17.30 88.04
4.40 17.52 77.08
1.68 21.89 36.78
0.93 23.06 21.45
1.79 22.88 40.95
2.64 18.38 48.52
7.78 16.22 126.19

VSGFS <- add.response(VSGFS, response)
VSGFS$Sugar <- relevel(VSGFS$Sugar, "Suc")
VSGFS$FilledVol <- relevel(VSGFS$FilledVol, "FV0")
VSGFS$FilledVol <- relevel(VSGFS$FilledVol, "FV-")

## End(Not run)