title: "DImodels"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
```{r setup}
# Getting Started with `DImodels`
The `DImodels` package is designed to make fitting Diversity-Interactions models easier. Diversity-Interactions (DI) models (Kirwan et al 2009) are a set of tools for analysing and interpreting data from experiments that explore the effects of species diversity (from a pool of *S* species) on community-level responses. Data suitable for DI models will include (at least) for each experimental unit: a response recorded at a point in time, and a set of proportions of *S* species $p_1$, $p_2$, ..., $p_S$ from a point in time prior to the recording of the response. The proportions sum to 1 for each experimental unit.
__Main changes in the package from version 1.3 to version 1.3.1__
- A `fortify` function method has been added to supplement the data fitted to a linear model with model fit statistics.
- A `describe_model` function is added which can be used to get a short text summary of any DI model.
- Meta-data about a DI model can be accessed via the `attributes` function.
__Main changes in the package from version 1.2 to version 1.3__
- The `DI` and `autoDI` functions now have an additional parameter called `ID` which enables the user to group the species identity effects (see examples below).
- The `predict` function now has flexibility to calculate confidence and prediction intervals for the predicted values.
__Main changes in the package from version 1.1 to version 1.2__
- There are two new functions added to the package:
- `predict`: Make predictions from a fitted DI model without having to worry about theta, and the interaction terms in the data.
- `contrasts_DI`: Create contrasts for a DI model.
__Main changes in the package from version 1.0 to version 1.1__
- `DI_data_prepare` is now superseded by `DI_data` (see examples below)
## `DImodels` installation and load
The `DImodels` package is installed from CRAN and loaded in the typical way.
```{r, eval = FALSE}
## Accessing an introduction to Diversity-Introductions models
It is recommended that users unfamiliar with Diversity-Interactions (DI) models read the introduction to `DImodels`, before using the package. Run the following code to access the documentation.
```{r, eval = FALSE}
## Datasets included in the DImodels package
There are seven example datasets included in the `DImodels` package: `Bell`, `sim1`, `sim2`, `sim3`, `sim4`, `sim5`, `Switzerland`. Details about each of these datasets is available in their associated help files, run this code, for example:
```{r, eval = FALSE}
In this vignette, we will describe the `sim3` dataset and show a worked analysis of it.
## The sim3 dataset
The `sim3` dataset was simulated from a functional group (FG) Diversity-Interactions model. There were nine species in the pool, and it was assumed that species 1 to 5 come from functional group 1, species 6 and 7 from functional group 2 and species 8 and 9 from functional group 3, where species in the same functional group are assumed to have similar traits. The following equation was used to simulate the data.
$$ y = \sum_{i=1}^{9}\beta_ip_i + \omega_{11}\sum_{\substack{i,j = 1 \\ i