This vignette is a general introduction to the package
, along with a brief discussion of what the scope and
domain of applications are for the functions in the package. First, it
is important to state what distribution-free Bayesian
statistics are and what they are not, and to explain the practical and
theoretical importance for doing distribution-free analyses. It is also
important to briefly distinguish Bayesian versus frequentist
methods for statistical inference.
Frequentist and Bayesian approaches fundamentally differ on the basic idea of what can be represented with a probability distribution. To frequentists, population parameters are fixed constants and therefore cannot be represented with probability distributions. The frequentist approach to statistics is based on the relative frequency method of assigning probability values (Ellis, 1842). From this framework, there are no probabilities for anything that does not have a relative frequency (von Mises, 1957). As a consequence of this philosophical decision about the population parameters, frequentist theorists had to invent procedures to obtain point and interval estimates of the population parameters and to invent methods for making decisions about condition differences. These procedures are ad hoc and are not direct results from probability theory. Since probability in the frequentist approach is derived from the relative frequency of data outcomes, frequentist methods involve computing the likelihood of the observe data plus non-observed data that are more extreme. In contradistinction to the frequentist approach, in the Bayesian framework, probability can be anything that satisfies the Kolmogorov (1933) axioms, so probabilities need not be limited to processes that have a relative frequency. Importantly, probability can be a measure of information or knowledge provided that the probability representation meets the Kolmogorov axioms (de Finetti, 1974). The advantage of this approach is the Bayesian methods for point and interval estimation and the methods for making decisions are obtain directly from probability theory. No ad hoc rules are needed because Bayes’s Theorem provides the basis for rigorously converting the prior distribution for the population parameters to a posterior distribution. Moreover, from Bayes’s Theorem the only data that are used are the observed data. Thus, frequentists and Bayesians have diametrically opposed views about population parameters and the relevant likelihood function. To frequentists, the parameters are fix constants and the data outcomes are a random variable, whereas to Bayesians the parameters have a probability distribution, but the only likelihood computed after an experiment is the likelihood for the observed data.
The package DFBA
provides a set of functions for
performing Bayesian analyses in a fashion that does not depend on making
parametric assumptions about the measurement error. Both frequentist and
Bayesian statistics typically make parametric assumptions about the
distribution of measurement errors. The term parametric
statistics usually refers to any procedure where a normal
distribution is assumed for each condition and where the standard
deviation of the errors is equal in each condition. Such assumptions may
be unrealistic in practice: it is unlikely that these parametric
assumptions are precisely true; there may be extreme outlier scores
within groups of observations which can have an undue influence on the
error model; mixture processes often occur, so the assumption of a
homogeneous process might be unreasonable; data – including categorical
and rank-based measurements – may not be continuous, etc.
Frequentist statistics first developed nonparametric methods for such
applications where the parametric model was not assumed. The beauty of
those methods is that they often provide investigators with the means to
arrive at robust conclusions without the worry that their results were
due in part to an invalid error model. Even when parametric models seem
to be reasonable, frequentist nonparametric statistics are a valuable
alternative to see if the conclusions from parametric analyses hold.
Frequentist distribution-free statistics were developed long before their Bayesian counterparts. In the mid-twentieth century, Wilcoxon and later Mann and Whitney developed frequentist tests for continuous data that only used rank-order information. Importantly this work bypassed the need for making the usual parametric assumptions for t-tests (Wilcoxon, 1945; Mann & Whitney, 1947). Textbooks by Siegel provided a comprehensive framework for doing frequentist nonparametric statistics (Siegel, 1956; Siegel & Castellan, 1988). With these developments, frequentist distribution-free procedures became an important set of tools for data analysts.
The field of Bayesian statistics, by contrast, was slow to develop distribution-free statistical tests. Lindley, a noted Bayesian statistician, observed that distribution-free statistics was a topic on which Bayesian statistics was embarrassingly silent (Lindley, 1972). The topic that has come to be called Bayesian nonparametric models (e.g., Ferguson, 1973; Müller et al., 2015) includes procedures that were not distribution-free. Instead, these models are complex explorations of parameter spaces with infinite dimensionality. Eventually, fully-Bayesian counterparts to the Wilcoxon and to the Mann-Whitney tests were developed (Chechile, 2018; 2020b). Chechile (2020a) further expanded those results along with other Bayesian procedures that parallel the tests discussed in frequentist textbooks on nonparametric statistics. Chechile deliberately used the term distribution-free Bayesian statistics (Chechile, personal communication) so as to distinguish the simple Bayesian counterparts to the frequentist distribution-free procedures from the more complex aforementioned Bayesian nonparametric models.
PackageThe DFBA
package implements the methods for
distribution-free Bayesian analyses across a range of applied contexts.
The functions were designed and documented in a fashion to be readily
accessible to research scientists who might widely vary in their
background on statistical theory. All the functions in the package have
the prefix of dfba_
, which is followed by a function name.
While specific vignettes are available for each of the functions, the
functions are nonetheless briefly described below.
: Supplementary descriptive
statistics for the beta distributiondfba_beta_descriptive()
: The stats()
package has a number of functions to obtain the probability density,
cumulative probability, quantiles, and random scores for a set of
probability distributions. For example, for the beta distribution, the
functions dbeta()
, pbeta()
, and rbeta()
return the probability
density, cumulative probability, quantiles, and random values,
respectively. The dfba_beta_descriptive()
supplements the functions in the stats()
provides the mean, median, and mode
for a beta variate in terms of the two shape parameters for the beta
distribution; and provides two interval estimates for the beta variate.
Each of the interval estimates captures a set proportion of the
distribution where the user can stipulate the probability within the
limits. The equal-tail interval estimate has equal-tail
probabilities, i.e., the probability below the lower limit is
equal to the probability above the upper limit. The highest density
interval estimate is the most compact interval that contains the
stipulated probability. dfba_beta_descriptive()
is called
by several of the other functions in the DFBA
package. See
the vignette about this function for more information about the beta
distribution along with examples.
: Distribution-free Bayesian Binomial
TestsFor the binomial research design there are two categorical outcomes
per test. The binomial model is a Bernoulli process where it is assumed
that the trials are independent with the same population probability
(say ϕ) for one of the two
outcomes. For the Bayesian analysis the prior distribution for the ϕ parameter is expressed in terms of
a beta distribution. Such a prior results in a posterior distribution
that is another member of the beta family of distributions. There are
two shape parameters for any beta distribution that must be finite,
positive real values. In the DFBA
package, the two shape
parameters for a prior beta distribution are denoted as a0 and b0. The case where a0 = b0 = 1
is the special case that corresponds to a uniform prior distribution for
ϕ on the [0, 1] interval. The posterior beta
distribution has shape parameters of a = a0 + n1
and b = b0 + n2
where n1 and n2 are the frequency of
observations in the two binomial categories. The
function computes the posterior point and
interval estimates for the population ϕ parameter. More details and
examples about the dfba_binomial()
function are provided in
the separate vignette about that program.
: Bayes Factor for Posterior
Beta DistributionIn Bayesian statistics, scientific hypotheses are evaluated with
probability statements about the population parameter. For example, an
investigator might want to assess a null hypothesis about the binomial
parameter ϕ. For any posterior
beta distribution, the function dfba_beta_bayes_factor()
provides the user with valuable information for making decisions about
the binomial ϕ parameter. The
function computes the prior and posterior probabilities for a
user-stipulated null hypothesis about the binomial ϕ parameter as well as the Bayes
factor associated with the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis either
can be an interval of values for ϕ or it can be a single point. The
vignette dedicated to this function provides more information about what
the Bayes factor is and how it can be used to make decisions.
: Bayesian Repeated-Measures McNemar Test
for ChangeThe frequentist McNemar test is a nonparametric change detection
procedure for a within-block or within-subject study where the
variate is categorical. An example of a study where this procedure would
be appropriate is a political focus group measuring the preference for
Candidate A vs. Candidate B among a group of
potential voters before and after a debate. The test
is designed to see if there are more participants changing their opinion
from Candidate A to Candidate B or more changing from
B to A. The dfba_mcnemar()
provides the user with a Bayesian alternative analysis for this
specialized research design. The function computes point and intervals
estimates for the population change rate in a particular direction as
well as Bayes factor values. See the vignette for the
function for more details and examples.
: Bayesian ContrastsThis function is a Bayesian alternative to the frequentist
nonparametric χ2
test of statistical independence when there are K ≥ 2 independent groups and the
variate is a binomial in each condition. The frequentist procedure is
limited because it only assess the hypothesis that all groups are
equivalent, which is unlikely to be true in the limit of the population.
Instead, the dfba_beta_contrast()
function implements a
Bayesian analysis of a linear contrast of conditions when there are two
or more independent conditions or groups and where the variate for each
condition is a binomial. The user can stipulate the linear contrast by
inputting contrast weights such that the sum of the contrast
coefficients is zero. For any stipulated contrast, the function provides
point and interval estimates as well as Bayes factor values. Examples
and more information about this function are discussed in the separate
vignette for this function.
:Bayesian Sign TestThe sign test is a classic frequentist nonparametric procedure. The
context for this test is when there are two paired continuous variates
Y1 and Y2. The frequentist
procedure involves computing the difference d = Y1 − Y2.
For all the nonzero differences d, the sign test is based on the
frequentist test about the population rate for a positive difference.
The function dfba_sign_test()
is the Bayesian counterpart
to the frequentist sign test. The function allows the user to enter
their continuous values for Y1 and Y2, and it computes the
prior and posterior probability that the population rate parameter is
greater than .5. Point and interval
estimates are computed for the population of positive signs, and the
Bayes factor is also found. Examples and more details about the
function can be found in the separate
vignette about the sign test.
: Bayesian Median TestGiven two independent groups (e.g., group E for experimental and
C for control) where
the variate for each group is continuous, the median test is a simple
(but low-power) frequentist nonparametric analysis to test for condition
differences. The frequentist procedure forms a 2 × 2 array of frequencies for the
observations. One dimension is the group category and the other
dimension is scores above the combined median versus scores at or below
the combined median. The dfba_median_test()
implements a Bayesian analysis for this procedure. For continuous
measurements of the two groups, it finds the combined median and
computes the 2 × 2 array of
frequencies. The dfba_median_test()
function performs a
Bayesian analysis to see if it is more likely than would be expected for
an above-median value to be from one of the two groups. See the vignette
about this function for more information.
: Bayesian Distribution-free
Repeated-Measures Test (Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test)The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is the frequentist nonparametric
counterpart to the parametric paired t-test. The procedure is based on
the rank of the difference scores d = Y1 − Y2.
The ranking is initially performed on the absolute value of the nonzero
d values, and each rank is
then multiplied by the sign of the difference. Since the procedure is
based on only ranks of the differences, it is robust with respect to
outliers in either the Y1 or Y2 measures. The
procedure does not depend on the assumption of a normal distribution for
the two continuous variates. The sample Tpos
statistic is the sum of the ranks that have a positive sign, whereas
is the positive sum of the ranks that have a negative value. The
function does a Bayesian analysis of the
signed-rank statistics. Given vectors of Y1 and Y2 values, the function
computes the signed-rank statistics as well as a Bayesian analysis of
the sign-bias parameter ϕw, which is the
population proportion for positive differences. See the separate
vignette about this function for further details and for examples.
: Bayesian Distribution-free
Independent Samples Test (Mann Whitney U)The Mann-Whitney U test is
the frequentist nonparametric counterpart to the independent-groups
t-test. The sample UE statistic is
the number of times that the E
variate is larger than the C
variate, whereas UC is the
converse number. This test uses only rank information, so it is robust
with respect to outliers, and it does not depend on the assumption of a
normal model for the variates. The dfba_mann_whitney()
function computes the U
statistics from the two independent-groups data vectors and performs a
Bayesian analysis that is focused on the population parameter ΩE, which is the
population limit for the ratio $\frac{U_E}{U_E+U_C}$. Additional details and
examples can be found in the separate vignette about this function.
: Simulated Data Generator and
Inferential ComparisonThis function is designed to be called by other DFBA
programs that compare frequentist and Bayesian power. The function
generates simulated data for two conditions that can be from nine
different probability models. The nine probability models are: normal,
Weibull, Cauchy, lognormal, χ2, logistic,
exponential, Gumbel, and Pareto. The user can also stipulate the sample
size, research design (either independent or paired),
the offset between the two samples, a blocking factor, and the
probability model. The program computes the frequentist p-value from a t-test on the generated data, and it
computes the Bayesian posterior probability from a distribution-free
analysis of the difference between the two conditions. The Bayesian
analysis is obtained either from the dfba_wilcoxon()
function if the design is paired or from the
function if the design is
independent. Examples and additional information about the
function are available in a separate
: Simulated Distribution-Free
Bayesian Power and t
PowerResearchers need to make experimental-design decisions such as the
choice about the sample size per condition and the decision of whether
to use a within-block design or an independent-groups design. These
planning issues arise regardless if one uses either a frequentist or a
Bayesian approach to statistical inference. In the DFBA
package, there are two functions to help users with these decisions. The
function produces for a set of 11
sample sizes (a) the Bayesian power estimate from a distribution-free
analysis and (b) the corresponding frequentist power from a parametric
t-test. The sample size varies
across the 11 cases from a user-specified minimum and increases in steps
of 5. These estimates are based on a number of different Monte Carlo
sampled data sets generated by the dfba_sim_data()
function. The user can stipulate the research design (either independent
or paired), the offset between the two samples, a blocking factor, and
the probability model. Further details about this function are provided
in a separate vignette.
: Power CurvesWhile the dfba_bayes_vs_t_power()
function provides
frequentist and Bayesian power estimates for 11 cases for different
sample sizes, which have the same offset between the variates, the
function produces frequentist and
Bayesian power estimates for 21 offset values for the same sample
size n. The power
estimates are based on a number of Monte Carlo sampled data sets
generated by the dfba_sim_data()
function. Additional
information about the dfba_power_curve()
can be found in a
separate vignette.
: Bayesian
Distribution-Free Correlation and ConcordanceThe product-moment correlation depends on Gaussian assumptions about
the residuals in a regression analysis. Thus the parametric correlation
metric is not robust because it is strongly influenced by any extreme
outlier scores for either of the two variates. A Bayesian rank-based
concordance analysis avoids these limitations. The function
is focused on a nonparametric
concordance metric for characterizing the association between the two
bivariate measures. Given two vectors of continuous bivariate data, the
function computes the sample
number of concordant changes nc between the
two variates and the number of discordant changes nd. The function
also computes the frequentist Kendall τA correlation
coefficient $\frac{n_c-n_d}{n_c+n_d}$,
and provides a Bayesian analysis of the population concordance parameter
ϕc, which
is the population limit of the proportion of concordance changes between
the variates (i.e., the population value for $\frac{n_c}{n_c+n_d}$). For goodness-of-fit
applications, where one variate is a measured quantity and the other
variate is the paired theoretical predicted score based on a scientific
theory, the dfba_bivariate_concordance()
function provides
a correction to the number of concordant changes based on the number of
fitting parameters in the scientific model. More information about this
function is available in the separate vignette dedicated to this
: Bayesian Goodman-Kruskal GammaWhile the dfba_bivariate_concordance()
function examines
bivariate concordance for two paired continuous random variables, the
function provides a concordance analysis when
the data are in the form of a rank-based array of frequencies. For an
ordered matrix, the frequency value in the Ith – Jth cell is the number of
observations where the X
variate has a rank of I and
corresponding Y variate has a
rank of J. Given a
rank-ordered table or matrix, the dfba_gamma()
computes the Goodman-Kruskal gamma statistic as well as a Bayesian
analysis of the population concordance proportion parameter ϕc. Additional
information about this function is found in a separate vignette.
Chechile, R. A. (2018) A Bayesian analysis for the Wilcoxon signed-rank statistic. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,
Chechile, R.A. (2020a). Bayesian Statistics for Experimental Scientists: A General Introduction Using Distribution-Free Methods. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Chechile, R.A. (2020b). A Bayesian analysis for the Mann-Whitney statistic. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 49(3): 670-696.
de Finetti, B. (1974). Bayesianism: Its unifying role for both foundations and applications of statistics. International Statistical Review, 42, 117-139.
Ferguson, T. S. (1973). A Bayesian analysis of some nonparametric problems. Annals of Statistics, 1, 209-230.
Kolmogorov, A. N. (1933). . Berlin: Springer.
Lindley, D. V. (1972). . Philadelphia: SIAM.
Müller, P., Quintana, F. A., Jara, A., and Hanson, T. (2015). Bayesian Nonparametric Data Analysis. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International.
Siegel, S. (1956). Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Siegel, S., and Castellan, N. J. (1988). Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. New York: McGraw-Hill.
von Mises, R. (1957). Probability, Statistics, and Truth. New York: Dover.