The frequentist χ2 test is the standard
nonparametric procedure when there are K independent groups and where the
dependent measure is a binary random variable (Siegel & Castellan,
1988). This frequentist test assesses the unlikely hypothesis that there
are no differences whatsoever among the K different population binomial rate
parameters. This sharp null hypothesis is usually only retained for
small-sample studies. From the Bayesian framework, the point null
hypothesis is a trivial hypothesis. In the limit of larger samples, the
sharp null hypothesis is expected to be falsified with near certainty.
Chechile (2020) argued that it is not a valuable use of scientific
effort to assess a sharp null hypothesis as is done with the frequentist
χ2 test. Instead it
would be more useful to compare the different rate parameters with a
contrast. The dfba_beta_contrast
function is designed to
assess a general linear comparison of K independent conditions where the
measurements in each condition are binary outcomes. In the Bayesian
analysis, the prior and posterior for each group are beta distributions
(see dfba_beta_descriptive
, and dfba_beta_bayes_factor
more information about the beta distribution and its role in the
analyses in the DFBA
Given K independent
binomial conditions, there are K separate binomial parameters ϕi for i = 1, …, K where each
ϕi has a
beta posterior distribution. Condition differences can be assessed by
contrasts of these variates. A contrast is a linear combination
of the independent variates. It is well known how to compute the mean of
a linear combination of independent random variates regardless of their
distributional form, but the distributional form for the
contrast of beta variates is not analytically known. However, the
quantiles, interval estimates, and other statistical properties of the
contrast – which are functions of the distributional form – can be
approximated by way of Monte Carlo sampling. The
function is a tool for doing a Bayesian
analysis of a general, user-defined contrast of beta variates.
Because Monte Carlo sampling is employed in the
function, it is important to stress that
this stochastic process is conventional random sampling and it is not
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), which is often used with other
Bayesian parametric procedures. The Monte Carlo sampling used
for any of the DFBA
functions, including the
function, are from a known probability
distribution and employ conventional Monte Carlo procedures. Some
mistakenly assume that a Bayesian procedure that employs Monte Carlo
sampling is using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method because a MCMC
algorithm is frequently used in parametric Bayesian models and
with other Bayesian software packages. MCMC procedures, such as the
Metropolis et al. (1953) algorithm and the Gibbs sampler (Geman
& Geman, 1984), are approximate methods that are based on ergodicity
theory (Birkhoff, 1931), and these procedures enable random sampling
from distributions that do not have a known conventional Monte Carlo
sampling procedure. MCMC sampling is an approximate procedure that
asymptotically converges to the proper distribution. But Bayesian
inference does not require MCMC procedures. Since all the sampling
done in the DFBA
package are from proper target
distributions, these Monte Carlo samples do not require convergence of a
Markov chain. This feature is not unusual because there are already many
conventional Monte Carlo functions in base R. For example, the
rbeta(10000, shape1=30, shape2=40)
generates 10, 000 random values from a beta
distribution where the two shape parameters are 30 and 40.
Unlike with MCMC sampling, no burn-in period is needed, and there are no
autocorrelations among the values. All the samples are independent and
A contrast is defined by a vector of condition weights. The weights
are real-value proportions where the sum of all the positive weights is
1 and the sum of all the negative
weights is −1; thus the sum of all the
weights is 0. The contrast used here is
similar to the same idea commonly employed with post hoc tests
of the frequentist Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (Kirk, 2013). Each
contrast in the ANOVA is a one degree-of-freedom effect from the large
K − 1 degrees of freedom for
treatment variability. As an example of a contrast, consider the case
where there are five conditions and the investigator is interested in
the difference in performance for the first three conditions versus the
last two conditions; this contrast would have the following vector of
weight values: $(\frac{1}{3},
Alternatively, the researcher might be interested in the comparison
between conditions 1 and 4, and therefore use the following contrast
weights: (1, 0, 0, −1, 0). If we denote
ψi as the
contrast weight for the ith
condition, then there is a population parameter Δ for the contrast, which is $\Delta = \sum_{i=1}^{K} \psi_i \phi_i$. By
restricting the contrast coefficients so that (1) they all add to 0, (2) the sum of the positive coefficients
is 1, and (3) the sum of the negative
coefficients is −1, restricts Δ to be a number on the [−1, 1] interval. The posterior centrality
and interval estimates of Δ
are informative about the difference among the K conditions. The
function provides centrality and
interval estimates for any suitably constructed user-defined contrast,
and it also computes the posterior probability for Δ > 0 along with a Bayes factor
The posterior interval estimate and the Bayes factor for the contrast
Δ are obtained from Monte
Carlo sampling. The random Δ
values are obtained by first drawing random values for each posterior
ϕi for
i = 1, ⋯, K. As
discussed in the dfba_binomial
vignette, each of the K conditions is simply a case of a
binomial. Thus the posterior distribution for each ϕi, for i = 1 , …, K, is a beta
distribution with shape parameters n1i + a0i
and n2i + b0i
where a0i
and b0i
are the shape parameters for the prior in the ith condition and where n1i
and n2i
are the observed frequencies for the condition. The
function draws N random values for each separate
ϕi. Let us
denote the jth random value
from the ith condition as
The jth random sample of Δ is denoted as Δj. It follows
where j = 1, …, N. The posterior probability that Δ > 0 is estimated by the proportion of the N random Δj values that are positive. Similarly the quantiles for the contrast are estimated from the quantiles of the Δj values.
FunctionThe dfba_beta_contrast
function has seven arguments
where the first three are required and the last four have defaults, so
those four arguments are optional. The three required arguments are:
, n2_vec
Each of these arguments are vectors of K elements. The n1_vec
argument is a vector of the n1
values for the K separate
binomial groups. The n2_vec
argument is a vector of the
corresponding n2 values for
the K. The n1 and n2 values for each
binomial are defined in the same way as for the
In addition to the three required arguments, the
function has the following four optional
The a0_vec
and b0_vec
arguments are vectors
of, respectively, the a0 and b0 shape parameters of
the K prior distributions for
the separate beta distributions. The default for both of these inputs is
a vector of 1’s for both prior shape
parameters, which corresponds to a uniform prior for each condition. The
argument is the value for the interval
estimate; the default value for prob_interval
is .95. Finally, the samples
argument is the number of Monte Carlo sampled values for the contrast.
The default for this input is set to 10000. Please note that is not recommended to
use fewer than 10000 samples and thus
argument values less than 10000 are not
As an example, for four separate groups of data where the binomial frequencies (n1, n2) are: G1 : (22, 18), G2 : (15, 25), G3 : (13, 27), and G4 : (21, 19), respectively, the corresponding contrast vectors arguments would be:
A contrast vector argument (contrast_vec
) to compare
groups G1 and G3 versus groups G2 and G4 can be defined as:
Using the defaults for the optional arguments (a0_vec
, prob_interval
, and
), the Bayesian analysis of the contrast is given
contrast_example <- dfba_beta_contrast(n1_vec = n1_responses,
n2_vec = n2_responses,
contrast_vec = G13_vs_G24)
#> Bayesian Contrasts
#> ========================
#> Contrast Weights
#> 0.5 -0.5 0.5 -0.5
#> Exact posterior contrast mean
#> -0.01190476
#> Monte Carlo sampling results
#> Number of Monte Carlo Samples
#> 10000
#> Equal-tail 95% Probability Interval
#> Lower Limit Upper Limit
#> -0.1591 0.1310739
#> Posterior Probability that Contrast is Positive
#> 0.4395
#> Prior Probability that Contrast is Positive
#> 0.4972
#> Bayes Factor Estimate that Contrast is Positive
#> 0.7929529
The plot()
method produces a visualization of the prior
and posterior distributions for the ϕ parameter. Note: a plot of the
posterior distribution without the prior distribution is given by
including the argument plot.prior = FALSE
(the default is
plot.prior = TRUE
Because the estimates for the probability that Δ > 0 and the Bayes factor are
based on the random set of 10, 000
vectors drawn for Δ, those
values can vary when another random set of vectors are drawn. To
decrease the variability between any set of random value, the user can
increase the value for samples
argument from the default
Although Monte Carlo sampling is somewhat variable on different
implementations of the dfba_beta_contrast
function, there
is one result that does not vary. The output value exact posterior
contrast mean (mean
) has an analytic value that does
not depend on Monte Carlo sampling. From elementary probability theory,
the expected value E(Δ) or the mean of a
linear combination of K
independent random variables is
where ai and bi, for i = 1, …, K are the shape parameters for the K separate posterior beta distributions.
Finally, it should be stressed that a contrast is a specific
comparison among the K
binomial conditions. Presumably, if a scientist observed K groups, there was a reason for the
K conditions in the first
place. In the above example, the contrast examined is only one possible
way to compare the four groups. Contrasts are widely used in parametric
analysis of variance (ANOVA) models (Kirk, 2013). From the ANOVA
literature, it is useful to mention the idea of orthogonal contrasts
(non-correlated comparisons). Contrast ΨA = (ψ1A, …, ψKA)
and contrast ΨB = (ψ1B, ⋯, ψKB)
are orthogonal if $\sum_{i=1}^{K}
\psi_{iA} \psi_{iB}=0$. For K groups, there are K − 1 orthogonal contrasts possible.
For the example above, the contrast coefficients are ΨA = (.5, −.5, .5, −.5).
Two other orthogonal contrasts to this vector might be ΨB = (.5, .5, −.5, −.5)
and ΨC = (.5, −.5, −.5, .5).
Note that each of these three contrasts are mutually orthogonal to the
others. However, that set of three orthogonal contrasts is not unique.
For example, an alternative set of three orthogonal contrasts might be
ΨA′ = (1, −1, 0, 0),
ΨB′ = (0, 0, 1, −1)
and ΨC′ = (.5, .5, −.5, −.5).
While the dfba_beta_contrast
function can produce any
linear contrast among the K
independent beta distributed variates, the user needs to keep in mind
the specific contrasts that make sense given the purposes of the
research study.
Birkoff, G. D. (1931). Proof of the ergodic theorem. Proceedings of the National Academic of Sciences, 17, 404-408.
Chechile, R.A. (2020). Bayesian Statistics for Experimental Scientists: A General Introduction Using Distribution-Free Methods. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Geman, S., and Geman, D. (1984). Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs distributions, and the Bayesian restoration of images. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 6, 721-741.
Kirk, R. E. (2013). Experimental Design: Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences, 4th ed., Los Angles: Sage.
Metropolis, N., Rosenbluth, A. W., Rosenbluth, M.N., Teller, A. H., and Teller, E. (1953). Equations of state calculations by fast computing machines. Journal of Chemical Physics, 21, 1021-1092.
Siegel, S., and Castellan, N. J. (1988) Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. New York: McGraw Hill.