Package 'Cubist'

Title: Rule- And Instance-Based Regression Modeling
Description: Regression modeling using rules with added instance-based corrections.
Authors: Max Kuhn [aut, cre], Steve Weston [ctb], Chris Keefer [ctb], Nathan Coulter [ctb], Ross Quinlan [aut] (Author of imported C code), Rulequest Research Pty Ltd. [cph] (Copyright holder of imported C code)
Maintainer: Max Kuhn <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.4.4
Built: 2024-10-01 06:39:30 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Fit a Cubist model


This function fits the rule-based model described in Quinlan (1992) (aka M5) with additional corrections based on nearest neighbors in the training set, as described in Quinlan (1993a).


## Default S3 method:
cubist(x, y, committees = 1, control = cubistControl(), weights = NULL, ...)



a matrix or data frame of predictor variables. Missing data are allowed but (at this time) only numeric, character and factor values are allowed. Must have column names.


a numeric vector of outcome


an integer: how many committee models (e.g.. boosting iterations) should be used?


options that control details of the cubist algorithm. See cubistControl()


an optional vector of case weights (the same length as y) for how much each instance should contribute to the model fit. From the RuleQuest website: "The relative weight assigned to each case is its value of this attribute divided by the average value; if the value is undefined, not applicable, or is less than or equal to zero, the case's relative weight is set to 1."


optional arguments to pass (not currently used)


Cubist is a prediction-oriented regression model that combines the ideas in Quinlan (1992) and Quinlan (1993).

Although it initially creates a tree structure, it collapses each path through the tree into a rule. A regression model is fit for each rule based on the data subset defined by the rules. The set of rules are pruned or possibly combined. and the candidate variables for the linear regression models are the predictors that were used in the parts of the rule that were pruned away. This part of the algorithm is consistent with the "M5" or Model Tree approach.

Cubist generalizes this model to add boosting (when committees > 1) and instance based corrections (see predict.cubist()). The number of instances is set at prediction time by the user and is not needed for model building.

This function links R to the GPL version of the C code given on the RuleQuest website.

The RuleQuest code differentiates missing values from values that are not applicable. Currently, this packages does not make such a distinction (all values are treated as missing). This will produce slightly different results.

To tune the cubist model over the number of committees and neighbors, the caret::train() function in the caret package has bindings to find appropriate settings of these parameters.


an object of class cubist with elements:

data, names, model

character strings that correspond to their counterparts for the command-line program available from RuleQuest


basic cubist output captured from the C code, including the rules, their terminal models and variable usage statistics


a list of control parameters passed in by the user

composite, neighbors, committees

mirrors of the values to these arguments that were passed in by the user


the output if dim(x)


information about the variables and values used in the rule conditions


the function call


a data frame of regression coefficients for each rule within each committee


a list with elements all and used listing the predictors passed into the function and used by any rule or model


a numeric vector of predictions on the training set.


a data frame with the percent of models where each variable was used. See summary.cubist() for a discussion.


R code by Max Kuhn, original C sources by R Quinlan and modifications be Steve Weston


Quinlan. Learning with continuous classes. Proceedings of the 5th Australian Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence (1992) pp. 343-348

Quinlan. Combining instance-based and model-based learning. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning (1993a) pp. 236-243

Quinlan. C4.5: Programs For Machine Learning (1993b) Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA

Wang and Witten. Inducing model trees for continuous classes. Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Machine Learning (1997) pp. 128-137

See Also

cubistControl(), predict.cubist(), summary.cubist(), dotplot.cubist(), caret::train()



## 1 committee, so just an M5 fit:
mod1 <- cubist(x = BostonHousing[, -14], y = BostonHousing$medv)

## Now with 10 committees
mod2 <- cubist(x = BostonHousing[, -14], y = BostonHousing$medv, committees = 10)

Various parameters that control aspects of the Cubist fit.


Most of these values are discussed at length in


  unbiased = FALSE,
  rules = 100,
  extrapolation = 100,
  sample = 0,
  seed =, size = 1) - 1L,
  label = "outcome"



a logical: should unbiased rules be used?


an integer (or NA): define an explicit limit to the number of rules used (NA let's Cubist decide).


a number between 0 and 100: since Cubist uses linear models, predictions can be outside of the outside of the range seen the training set. This parameter controls how much rule predictions are adjusted to be consistent with the training set.


a number between 0 and 99.9: this is the percentage of the data set to be randomly selected for model building (not for out-of-bag type evaluation).


an integer for the random seed (in the C code)


a label for the outcome (when printing rules)


A list containing the options.


Max Kuhn


Quinlan. Learning with continuous classes. Proceedings of the 5th Australian Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence (1992) pp. 343-348

Quinlan. Combining instance-based and model-based learning. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning (1993) pp. 236-243

Quinlan. C4.5: Programs For Machine Learning (1993) Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA

See Also

cubist(), predict.cubist(), summary.cubist(), predict.cubist(), dotplot.cubist()



Visualization of Cubist Rules and Equations


Lattice dotplots of the rule conditions or the linear model coefficients produced by cubist() objects


## S3 method for class 'cubist'
dotplot(x, data = NULL, what = "splits", committee = NULL, rule = NULL, ...)



a cubist() object


not currently used (here for lattice compatibility)


either "splits" or "coefs"


which committees to plot


which rules to plot


options to pass to lattice::dotplot()


For the splits, a panel is created for each predictor. The x-axis is the range of the predictor scaled to be between zero and one and the y-axis has a line for each rule (within each committee). Areas are colored as based on their region. For example, if one rule has var1 < 10, the linear for this rule would be colored. If another rule had the complementary region of var1 <= 10, it would be on another line and shaded a different color.

For the coefficient plot, another dotplot is made. The layout is the same except the the x-axis is in the original units and has a dot if the rule used that variable in a linear model.


a lattice::dotplot() object


R code by Max Kuhn, original C sources by R Quinlan and modifications be Steve Weston


Quinlan. Learning with continuous classes. Proceedings of the 5th Australian Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence (1992) pp. 343-348

Quinlan. Combining instance-based and model-based learning. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning (1993) pp. 236-243

Quinlan. C4.5: Programs For Machine Learning (1993) Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA

See Also

cubist(), cubistControl(), predict.cubist(), summary.cubist(), predict.cubist(), lattice::dotplot()



## 1 committee and no instance-based correction, so just an M5 fit:
mod1 <- cubist(x = BostonHousing[, -14], y = BostonHousing$medv)
dotplot(mod1, what = "splits")
dotplot(mod1, what = "coefs")

## Now with 10 committees
mod2 <- cubist(x = BostonHousing[, -14], 
               y = BostonHousing$medv, 
               committees = 10)
dotplot(mod2, scales = list(y = list(cex = .25)))
dotplot(mod2, what = "coefs", 
        between = list(x = 1, y = 1),
        scales = list(x = list(relation = "free"), 
                      y = list(cex = .25)))

Export Cubist Information To the File System


For a fitted cubist object, text files consistent with the RuleQuest command-line version can be exported.


exportCubistFiles(x, neighbors = 0, path = getwd(), prefix = NULL)



a cubist() object


how many, if any, neighbors should be used to correct the model predictions


the path to put the files


a prefix (or "filestem") for creating files


Using the RuleQuest specifications, model, names and data files are created for use with the command-line version of the program.


No value is returned. Three files are written out.


Max Kuhn


Quinlan. Learning with continuous classes. Proceedings of the 5th Australian Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence (1992) pp. 343-348

Quinlan. Combining instance-based and model-based learning. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning (1993) pp. 236-243

Quinlan. C4.5: Programs For Machine Learning (1993) Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA

See Also

cubist(), predict.cubist(), summary.cubist(), predict.cubist()



mod1 <- cubist(x = BostonHousing[, -14], y = BostonHousing$medv)
exportCubistFiles(mod1, neighbors = 8, path = tempdir(), prefix = "BostonHousing")

Predict method for cubist fits


Prediction using the parametric model are calculated using the method of Quinlan (1992). If neighbors is greater than zero, these predictions are adjusted by training set instances nearby using the approach of Quinlan (1993).


## S3 method for class 'cubist'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, neighbors = 0, ...)



an object of class cubist


a data frame of predictors (in the same order as the original training data). Must have column names.


an integer from 0 to 9: how many instances to use to correct the rule-based prediction?


other options to pass through the function (not currently used)


Note that the predictions can fail for various reasons. For example, as shown in the examples, if the model uses a qualitative predictor and the prediction data has a new level of that predictor, the function will throw an error.


a numeric vector is returned


R code by Max Kuhn, original C sources by R Quinlan and modifications be Steve Weston


Quinlan. Learning with continuous classes. Proceedings of the 5th Australian Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence (1992) pp. 343-348

Quinlan. Combining instance-based and model-based learning. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning (1993) pp. 236-243

Quinlan. C4.5: Programs For Machine Learning (1993) Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA

See Also

cubist(), cubistControl(), summary.cubist(), predict.cubist(), dotplot.cubist()



## 1 committee and no instance-based correction, so just an M5 fit:
mod1 <- cubist(x = BostonHousing[, -14], y = BostonHousing$medv)
predict(mod1, BostonHousing[1:4, -14])

## now add instances
predict(mod1, BostonHousing[1:4, -14], neighbors = 5)

# Example error
iris_test <- iris
iris_test$Species <- as.character(iris_test$Species)

mod <- cubist(x = iris_test[1:99, 2:5],
              y = iris_test$Sepal.Length[1:99])

# predict(mod, iris_test[100:151, 2:5])
# Error:
# *** line 2 of `undefined.cases':
# bad value of 'virginica' for attribute 'Species'

Summarizing Cubist Fits


This function echoes the output of the RuleQuest C code, including the rules, the resulting linear models as well as the variable usage summaries.


## S3 method for class 'cubist'
summary(object, ...)



a cubist() object


other options (not currently used)


The Cubist output contains variable usage statistics. It gives the percentage of times where each variable was used in a condition and/or a linear model. Note that this output will probably be inconsistent with the rules shown above. At each split of the tree, Cubist saves a linear model (after feature selection) that is allowed to have terms for each variable used in the current split or any split above it. Quinlan (1992) discusses a smoothing algorithm where each model prediction is a linear combination of the parent and child model along the tree. As such, the final prediction is a function of all the linear models from the initial node to the terminal node. The percentages shown in the Cubist output reflects all the models involved in prediction (as opposed to the terminal models shown in the output).


an object of class summary.cubist with elements


a text string of the output


the original call to cubist()


R code by Max Kuhn, original C sources by R Quinlan and modifications be Steve Weston


Quinlan. Learning with continuous classes. Proceedings of the 5th Australian Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence (1992) pp. 343-348

Quinlan. Combining instance-based and model-based learning. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning (1993) pp. 236-243

Quinlan. C4.5: Programs For Machine Learning (1993) Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA

See Also

cubist(), cubistControl(), predict.cubist(), dotplot.cubist()



## 1 committee and no instance-based correction, so just an M5 fit:
mod1 <- cubist(x = BostonHousing[, -14], y = BostonHousing$medv)

## example output:

## Cubist [Release 2.07 GPL Edition]  Sun Apr 10 17:36:56 2011
## ---------------------------------
##     Target attribute `outcome'
## Read 506 cases (14 attributes) from
## Model:
##   Rule 1: [101 cases, mean 13.84, range 5 to 27.5, est err 1.98]
##     if
##     nox > 0.668
##     then
##     outcome = -1.11 + 2.93 dis + 21.4 nox - 0.33 lstat + 0.008 b
##               - 0.13 ptratio - 0.02 crim - 0.003 age + 0.1 rm
##   Rule 2: [203 cases, mean 19.42, range 7 to 31, est err 2.10]
##     if
##     nox <= 0.668
##     lstat > 9.59
##     then
##     outcome = 23.57 + 3.1 rm - 0.81 dis - 0.71 ptratio - 0.048 age
##               - 0.15 lstat + 0.01 b - 0.0041 tax - 5.2 nox + 0.05 crim
##               + 0.02 rad
##   Rule 3: [43 cases, mean 24.00, range 11.9 to 50, est err 2.56]
##     if
##     rm <= 6.226
##     lstat <= 9.59
##     then
##     outcome = 1.18 + 3.83 crim + 4.3 rm - 0.06 age - 0.11 lstat - 0.003 tax
##               - 0.09 dis - 0.08 ptratio
##   Rule 4: [163 cases, mean 31.46, range 16.5 to 50, est err 2.78]
##     if
##     rm > 6.226
##     lstat <= 9.59
##     then
##     outcome = -4.71 + 2.22 crim + 9.2 rm - 0.83 lstat - 0.0182 tax
##               - 0.72 ptratio - 0.71 dis - 0.04 age + 0.03 rad - 1.7 nox
##               + 0.008 zn
## Evaluation on training data (506 cases):
##     Average  |error|               2.07
##     Relative |error|               0.31
##     Correlation coefficient        0.94
##     Attribute usage:
##       Conds  Model
##        80%   100%    lstat
##        60%    92%    nox
##        40%   100%    rm
##              100%    crim
##              100%    age
##              100%    dis
##              100%    ptratio
##               80%    tax
##               72%    rad
##               60%    b
##               32%    zn
## Time: 0.0 secs