Maps and plots with ColOpenData

ColOpenData can be used to access open geospatial data from Colombia. This data is retrieved from the National Geostatistical Framework (MGN), published by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE). The MGN contains the political-administrative division and is used to reference census statistical information.

This package contains the 2018’s version of the MGN, which also included a summarized version of the National Population and Dwelling Census (CNPV) in different aggregation levels. Each level is stored in a different dataset, which can be retrieved using the download_geospatial() function, which requires three arguments:

  • spatial_level character with the spatial level to be consulted
  • simplified logical for indicating if the downloaded spatial data should be a simplified version of the geometries. Simplified versions are lighter but less precise, and are recommended for easier applications like plots. Default is .
  • include_geom logical for including (or not) geometry. Default is TRUE
  • include_cnpv logical for including (or not) CNPV demographic and socioeconomic information Default is TRUE.

Available levels of aggregation come from the official spatial division provided by DANE, with their names corresponding to:

Code Level Name
DPTO Department DANE_MGN_2018_DPTO
MPIO Municipality DANE_MGN_2018_MPIO
MPIOCL Municipality including Class DANE_MGN_2018_MPIOCL
SECR Rural Sector DANE_MGN_2018_SECR
SECU Urban Sector DANE_MGN_2018_SECU
SETR Rural Section DANE_MGN_2018_SETR
SETU Urban Section DANE_MGN_2018_SETU
ZU Urban Zone DANE_MGN_2018_ZU

In this vignette you will learn:

  1. How to download geospatial data using ColOpenData.
  2. How to use census data included in geospatial datasets.
  3. How to visualize spatial data using leaflet and ggplot2.

We will be using geospatial data at the level of Department (“dpto”) and we will calculate the percentage of dwellings with internet connection at each department. Later, we will build some plots using the previously mentioned approaches for dynamic and static plots.

We will start by importing the needed libraries.


Disclaimer: all data is loaded to the environment in the user’s R session, but is not downloaded to user’s computer. Spatial datasets can be very long and might take a while to be loaded in the environment

Downloading geospatial data

First, we download the data using the function download_geospatial(), including the geometries and the census related information. The simplified parameter is used to download a lighter version, since simple plots do not require precise spatial information.

dpto <- download_geospatial(
  spatial_level = "dpto",
  simplified = TRUE,
  include_geom = TRUE,
  include_cnpv = TRUE
#> Original data is retrieved from the National Administrative Department
#> of Statistics (Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -
#> DANE).
#> Reformatted by package authors.
#> Stored by Universidad de Los Andes under the Epiverse TRACE iniative.

#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 88 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -77.92834 ymin: -0.70584 xmax: -66.84722 ymax: 6.324304
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>   codigo_departamento    departamento version         area   latitud  longitud
#> 1                  18         Caquetá    2018  90103008160 0.7985562 -73.95947
#> 2                  19           Cauca    2018  31242914793 2.3968339 -76.82423
#> 3                  86        Putumayo    2018  25976283135 0.4522600 -75.85591
#> 4                  76 Valle del Cauca    2018  20665544525 3.8588583 -76.51869
#> 5                  94         Guainía    2018  71289354481 2.7278429 -68.81661
#> 6                  99         Vichada    2018 100063370591 4.7135571 -69.41400
#>   encuestas enc_etnico enc_no_etnico enc_resguardo_indigena enc_comun_negras
#> 1    163381       1117        162264                   1117                0
#> 2    622959      83033        539926                  70827            12206
#> 3    147797       4704        143093                   4659               45
#> 4   1674673      18250       1656423                   3618            14632
#> 5     13059       3675          9384                   3675                0
#> 6     24915       6870         18045                   6870                0
#>   enc_area_protegida enc_area_no_protegida un_vivienda un_mixto un_no_res
#> 1                544                162837      132937     5429     24804
#> 2                226                622733      446806    10837    165011
#> 3               1389                146408      107456     3397     36789
#> 4              21431               1653242     1410067    39096    224820
#> 5                532                 12527       11111      293      1553
#> 6                171                 24744       20051      747      4016
#>   un_lea un_mixto_no_res_industria un_mixto_no_res_comercio
#> 1    211                        96                     3860
#> 2    324                       328                     6147
#> 3    173                        67                     2572
#> 4    690                      1920                    22705
#> 5    102                        12                      154
#> 6    101                        12                      548
#>   un_mixto_no_res_servicios un_mixto_no_res_agro un_mixto_no_res_sin_info
#> 1                      1117                  243                      113
#> 2                      2276                 2016                       70
#> 3                       717                   29                       12
#> 4                     11986                 2357                      128
#> 5                       106                    6                       15
#> 6                       151                   22                       14
#>   un_no_res_industria un_no_res_comercio un_no_res_servicios un_no_res_agro
#> 1                 160               5422                2511           3052
#> 2                 810              10334                9455          43342
#> 3                 188               4402                2485           6665
#> 4                5572              50097               40191          32665
#> 5                  15                244                 263             24
#> 6                  13                601                 418             25
#>   un_no_res_institucional un_no_res_lote un_no_res_parque un_no_res_minero
#> 1                    1250          10099              678               12
#> 2                    3515          86486             3155              105
#> 3                    1428          18445              368               74
#> 4                    5452          67080             6881              169
#> 5                     149            597               35                7
#> 6                     220           2290              109                3
#>   un_no_res_proteccion u_no_res_construccion u_no_res_sin_info viviendas
#> 1                   96                  1453                71    138366
#> 2                  969                  6596               244    457643
#> 3                  319                  2334                81    110853
#> 4                 1340                 14970               403   1449163
#> 5                    5                   206                 8     11404
#> 6                    6                   325                 6     20798
#>   viv_casa viv_apartamento viv_cuarto viv_trad_indigena viv_trad_etnica
#> 1   115307           18322       3591               493              35
#> 2   372096           33837      18177             30035            2187
#> 3    90540           11052       8098               684              49
#> 4   902928          490230      52855              1173             518
#> 5     8577             690        311              1697              34
#> 6    14875            1163        719              3823              88
#>   viv_otro viv_ocupado_personas viv_ocupado_sin_personas viv_temporal
#> 1      618               110525                     4306         7299
#> 2     1311               367793                    24327        32268
#> 3      430                91508                     3418         5761
#> 4     1459              1231570                    64873        41444
#> 5       95                 9364                       72          660
#> 6      130                17699                      184          906
#>   viv_desocupado hogares viv_energia viv_sin_energia viv_energia_estrato_1
#> 1          16236  116166       93242           17283                 70029
#> 2          33255  432493      336910           30883                228576
#> 3          10166  107053       70944           20564                 58033
#> 4         111276 1267039     1216379           15191                321720
#> 5           1308    9953        5822            3542                  3421
#> 6           2009   19162        7697           10002                  5721
#>   viv_energia_estrato_2 viv_energia_estrato_3 viv_energia_estrato_4
#> 1                 16659                  3868                   523
#> 2                 51555                 22577                 10705
#> 3                  9096                  1002                    46
#> 4                438056                295053                 84368
#> 5                  1401                   144                     5
#> 6                  1351                   214                     5
#>   viv_energia_estrato_5 viv_energia_estrato_6 viv_energia_sin_estrato
#> 1                    20                     7                    2136
#> 2                  2682                   564                   20251
#> 3                    15                    37                    2715
#> 4                 54589                 16599                    5994
#> 5                     3                     1                     847
#> 6                     1                     1                     404
#>   viv_acueducto viv_sin_acueducto viv_alcantarillado viv_sin_alcantarillado
#> 1         80362             30163              72630                  37895
#> 2        239233            128560             163290                 204503
#> 3         47315             44193              49898                  41610
#> 4       1174360             57210            1119657                 111913
#> 5          2047              7317               2621                   6743
#> 6          6506             11193               1140                  16559
#>   viv_gas viv_sin_gas viv_sin_info_gas viv_rec_basuras viv_sin_rec_basuras
#> 1   40608       67966             1951           80237               30288
#> 2  101100      264114             2579          163693              204100
#> 3   13261       77496              751           54930               36578
#> 4 1003741      218169             9660         1156676               74894
#> 5       0        9364                0            3615                5749
#> 6       0       17699                0            6424               11275
#>   viv_internet viv_sin_internet viv_sin_info_internet personas per_leas
#> 1        16740            91374                  2411   359602    11260
#> 2        57774           307230                  2789  1243503     7969
#> 3         9947            80704                   857   283197     5720
#> 4       683961           537450                 10159  3789874    27645
#> 5          693             8442                   229    44431     6849
#> 6          903            16357                   439    76642     5237
#>   per_hogares_particulares hombres mujeres per_0_a_9 per_10_a_19 per_20_a_29
#> 1                   348342  182378  177224     63844       78433       62230
#> 2                  1235534  615833  627670    198781      224899      218267
#> 3                   277477  142900  140297     47232       60789       51033
#> 4                  3762229 1800614 1989260    460691      571709      632594
#> 5                    37582   23214   21217     11162       12028        7334
#> 6                    71405   40694   35948     19441       19099       12840
#>   per_30_a_39 per_40_a_49 per_50_a_59 per_60_a_69 per_70_a_79 per_80_mas
#> 1       50014       39637       31396       19015       10148       4885
#> 2      184644      141446      119102       81959       48453      25952
#> 3       42216       32710       23515       14118        7828       3756
#> 4      556818      489478      468483      325926      183070     101105
#> 5        5070        3781        2749        1327         739        241
#> 6        9268        6869        4910        2628        1104        483
#>   per_ed_primaria per_ed_secundaria per_ed_superior per_ed_posgrado
#> 1          113225             24649           17680             904
#> 2          434283            195877          105690            7288
#> 3           85979             30892           20987             501
#> 4          851033            446077          636722           44248
#> 5           18602              2788            2227              28
#> 6           27247              7596            2690              32
#>   per_ed_sin_educacion per_ed_sin_info shape_length shape_area
#> 1                17844           10238     21.38429   7.318485
#> 2                56673           17057     13.95026   2.534419
#> 3                11058            5630     12.70792   2.107965
#> 4               111703           49860     12.65087   1.679487
#> 5                 2545            1886     21.17905   5.747937
#> 6                 6874            3657     17.29261   8.100680
#>                             geom
#> 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.66003 1...
#> 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.05542 3...
#> 3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.08495 1...
#> 4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.2381 4....
#> 5 MULTIPOLYGON (((-69.84572 1...
#> 6 MULTIPOLYGON (((-67.7076 4....

To understand which column contains the internet related information, we will need the corresponding dataset dictionary. To download the dictionary we can use the geospatial_dictionary() function. This function uses as parameters the dataset name to download the associated information and language of this information. For further information please refer to the documentation on dictionaries previously mentioned.

dict <- geospatial_dictionary(spatial_level = "dpto", language = "EN")

#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   variable            type         length description                           
#>   <chr>               <chr>         <dbl> <chr>                                 
#> 1 codigo_departamento Text              2 Department code                       
#> 2 departamento        Text            250 Department name                       
#> 3 version             Long Integer     NA Year of validity of the department in…
#> 4 area                Double           NA Department area in square meters (Pla…
#> 5 latitud             Double           NA Centroid latitude coordinate of the d…
#> 6 longitud            Double           NA Centroid longitude coordinate of the …

To calculate the percentage of dwellings with internet connection, we will need to know the number of dwellings with internet connection and the total of dwellings in each department. From the dictionary, we get that the number of dwellings with internet connection is viv_internet and the total of dwellings is viviendas. We will calculate the percentage as follows:

internet_cov <- dpto %>% mutate(internet = round(viv_internet / viviendas, 2))

Static plots (ggplot2)

ggplot2 can be used to generate static plots of spatial data by using the geometry geom_sf(). Color palettes and themes can be defined for each plot using the aesthetic and scales, which can be consulted in the ggplot2 documentation. We will use a gradient with a two-color diverging palette, to make the differences more visible.

ggplot(data = internet_cov) +
  geom_sf(mapping = aes(fill = internet), color = NA) +
  theme_minimal() +
    plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "white"),
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "white"),
    panel.grid = element_blank(),
    axis.text = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks = element_blank()
  ) +
  scale_fill_gradient("Percentage", low = "#10bed2", high = "#deff00") +
    label = "Internet coverage",
    subtitle = "Colombia"

Dynamic plots (leaflet)

For dynamic plots, we can use leaflet, which is an open-source library for interactive maps. To create the same plot we first will create the color palette.

colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("#10bed2", "#deff00"))
pal <- colorNumeric(
  palette = colfunc(100),
  domain = internet_cov[["internet"]]

With the previous color palette we can generate the interactive plot. The package also includes open source maps for the base map like OpenStreetMap and CartoDB. For further details on leaflet, please refer to the package’s documentation.

leaflet(internet_cov) %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
    stroke = TRUE,
    weight = 0,
    color = NA,
    fillColor = ~ pal(internet_cov[["internet"]]),
    fillOpacity = 1,
    popup = paste0(internet_cov[["internet"]])
  ) %>%
    position = "bottomright",
    pal = pal,
    values = ~ internet_cov[["internet"]],
    opacity = 1,
    title = "Internet Coverage"