Title: | Circular Data using Symmetric NNTS Models |
Description: | The statistical analysis of circular data using distributions based on symmetric Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums (NNTS). It includes functions to perform empirical analysis and estimate the parameters of density functions. Fernandez-Duran, J.J. and Gregorio-Dominguez, M.M. (2025), "Multimodal Symmetric Circular Distributions Based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums and a Likelihood Ratio Test for Reflective Symmetry", <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2412.19501>. |
Authors: | Juan Jose Fernandez-Duran [aut], Maria Mercedes Gregorio-Dominguez [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Maria Mercedes Gregorio-Dominguez <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.1.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-07 07:09:51 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
The statistical analysis of circular data using distributions based on symmetric Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums (NNTS). It includes functions to perform empirical analysis and estimate the parameters of density functions. Fernández-Durán, J.J. and Gregorio-Domínguez, M.M. (2025) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2412.19501>.
Package: | CircNNTSRSymmetric |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 0.1.0 |
Date: | 2025-02-02 |
License: | GLP (>=2) |
LazyLoad: | yes |
The NNTS (Non-Negative Trigonometric Sums) symmetric density around is defined as:
with real numbers for
Equivalently, the symmetric NNTS density is:
The parameters are the parameters of the general (non-symmetric) NNTS model.
The symmetric NNTS model is derived from the general NNTS model (Fernández-Durán, 2004 and Fernández-Durán and Gregorio-Domínguez, 2016) with norms (moduli) of the parameters equal in both models and arguments of the
parameters equal to
Juan Jose Fernandez-Duran and Maria Mercedes Gregorio-Dominguez
Maintainer: Maria Mercedes Gregorio Dominguez <[email protected]>
Fernández-Durán, J.J. (2004). Circular Distributions Based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums. Biometrics, 60, pp. 499-503.
Fernández-Durán, J.J. and Gregorio-Domínguez, M.M. (2016). CircNNTSR: An R Package for the Statistical Analysis of Circular, Multivariate Circular, and Spherical Data Using Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums. Journal of Statistical Software, 70(6), 1-19. doi:10.18637/jss.v070.i06
Fernández-Durán, J.J., Gregorio-Domínguez, M.M. (2025). Multimodal Symmetric Circular Distributions Based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums and a Likelihood Ratio Test for Reflective Symmetry, arXiv:2412.19501 [stat.ME] (available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.19501)
Computes the maximum likelihood estimates of the NNTS parameters of an NNTS distribution, using a Newton algorithm on the hypersphere and considering a maximum number of iterations determined by a constraint in terms of the norm of the gradient
nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationgradientstop(data, M = 0, iter = 1000, initialpoint = FALSE, cinitial,gradientstop=1e-10)
nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationgradientstop(data, M = 0, iter = 1000, initialpoint = FALSE, cinitial,gradientstop=1e-10)
data |
Vector of angles in radians |
M |
Number of components in the NNTS symmetric density |
iter |
Number of iterations |
initialpoint |
TRUE if an initial point for the optimization algorithm for the general (asymmetric) NNTS density will be used |
cinitial |
Vector of size M+1. The first element is real and the next M elements are complex (values for $c_0$ and $c_1, ...,c_M$). The sum of the squared moduli of the parameters must be equal to 1/(2*pi). This is the vector of parameters for the general (asymmetric) NNTS density |
gradientstop |
The minimum value of the norm of the gradient to stop the Newton algorithm on the hypersphere |
cestimates |
Matrix of (M+1)x2. The first column is the parameter numbers, and the second column is the c parameter's estimators of the NNTS model |
loglik |
Optimum log-likelihood value for the NNTS model |
Value of Akaike's Information Criterion |
Value of Bayesian Information Criterion |
gradnormerror |
Gradient error after the last iteration |
Juan Jose Fernandez-Duran y Maria Mercedes Gregorio-Dominguez
Fernández-Durán, J.J., Gregorio-Domínguez, M.M. (2025). Multimodal Symmetric Circular Distributions Based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums and a Likelihood Ratio Test for Reflective Symmetry, arXiv:2412.19501 [stat.ME] (available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.19501)
data(Turtles_radians) resturtles<-nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationgradientstop(data=Turtles_radians, M = 2, iter=1000,gradientstop=1e-10) resturtles
data(Turtles_radians) resturtles<-nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationgradientstop(data=Turtles_radians, M = 2, iter=1000,gradientstop=1e-10) resturtles
Computes the maximum likelihood estimates of the NNTS parameters of an NNTS symmetric distribution, using a Newton algorithm on the hypersphere
nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationsymmetry(data, M = 0,iter=1000,gradientstop=1e-10, pevalmu=1000,initialpoint=FALSE,cinitial)
nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationsymmetry(data, M = 0,iter=1000,gradientstop=1e-10, pevalmu=1000,initialpoint=FALSE,cinitial)
data |
Vector of angles in radians |
M |
Number of components in the NNTS symmetric density |
iter |
Number of iterations |
gradientstop |
The minimum value of the norm of the gradient to stop the Newton algorithm on the hypersphere |
pevalmu |
Number of equidistant points in the interval 0 to 2pi to search for the maxima of the angle of symmetry |
initialpoint |
TRUE if an initial point for the optimization algorithm for the general (asymmetric) NNTS density will be used |
cinitial |
Vector of size M+1. The first element is real and the next M elements are complex (values for $c_0$ and $c_1, ...,c_M$). The sum of the squared moduli of the parameters must be equal to 1/(2*pi). This is the vector of parameters for the general (asymmetric) NNTS density |
cestimatessym |
Matrix of (M+1)x2. The first column is the parameter numbers, and the second column is the c parameter's estimators of the symmetric NNTS model |
mu |
Estimate of the angle of symmetry of the NNTS symmetric model |
logliksym |
Optimum log-likelihood value for the NNTS symmetric model |
AICsym |
Value of Akaike's Information Criterion for the NNTS symmetric model |
BICsym |
Value of Bayesian Information Criterion for the NNTS symmetric model |
gradnormerrorsym |
Gradient error after the last iteration for the estimation of the parameters of the NNTS symmetric model |
cestimatesnonsym |
Matrix of (M+1)x2. The first column is the parameter numbers, and the second column is the c parameter's estimators of the symmetric NNTS model |
logliknonsym |
Optimum log-likelihood value for the general (non-symmetric) NNTS model |
AICnonsym |
Value of Akaike's Information Criterion for the general (non-symmetric) NNTS model |
BICnonsym |
Value of Bayesian Information Criterion for the general (non-symmetric) NNTS model |
gradnormerrornonsym |
Gradient error after the last iteration for the estimation of the parameters of the general (non-symmetric) NNTS model |
loglikratioforsym |
Value of the likelihood ratio test statistic for symmetry |
loglikratioforsympvalue |
Value of the asymptotic chi squared p-value of the likelihood ratio test statistic for symmetry |
Juan Jose Fernandez-Duran y Maria Mercedes Gregorio-Dominguez
Fernández-Durán, J.J., Gregorio-Domínguez, M.M. (2025). Multimodal Symmetric Circular Distributions Based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums and a Likelihood Ratio Test for Reflective Symmetry, arXiv:2412.19501 [stat.ME] (available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.19501)
data(Turtles_radians) resturtlessymm<-nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationsymmetry(data=Turtles_radians, M = 2, iter =1000, gradientstop=1e-10,pevalmu=1000) resturtlessymm hist(Turtles_radians,breaks=seq(0,2*pi,2*pi/13),xlab="Direction (radians)",freq=FALSE, ylab="",main="",ylim=c(0,.8),axes=FALSE) nntsplot(resturtlessymm$cestimatessym[,2],2,add=TRUE) nntsplot(resturtlessymm$cestimatesnonsym[,2],2,add=TRUE,lty=2) axis(1,at=c(0,pi/2,pi,6*(pi/4),2*pi),labels=c("0",expression(pi/2),expression(pi), expression(3*pi/2),expression(2*pi)),las=1) axis(2) data(Ants_radians) resantssymm<-nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationsymmetry(data=Ants_radians, M = 4, iter =1000, gradientstop=1e-10,pevalmu=1000) resantssymm hist(Ants_radians,breaks=seq(0,2*pi,2*pi/13),xlab="Direction (radians)",freq=FALSE, ylab="",main="",ylim=c(0,.8),axes=FALSE) nntsplot(resantssymm$cestimatessym[,2],4,add=TRUE) nntsplot(resantssymm$cestimatesnonsym[,2],4,add=TRUE,lty=2) axis(1,at=c(0,pi/2,pi,6*(pi/4),2*pi),labels=c("0",expression(pi/2),expression(pi), expression(3*pi/2),expression(2*pi)),las=1) axis(2)
data(Turtles_radians) resturtlessymm<-nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationsymmetry(data=Turtles_radians, M = 2, iter =1000, gradientstop=1e-10,pevalmu=1000) resturtlessymm hist(Turtles_radians,breaks=seq(0,2*pi,2*pi/13),xlab="Direction (radians)",freq=FALSE, ylab="",main="",ylim=c(0,.8),axes=FALSE) nntsplot(resturtlessymm$cestimatessym[,2],2,add=TRUE) nntsplot(resturtlessymm$cestimatesnonsym[,2],2,add=TRUE,lty=2) axis(1,at=c(0,pi/2,pi,6*(pi/4),2*pi),labels=c("0",expression(pi/2),expression(pi), expression(3*pi/2),expression(2*pi)),las=1) axis(2) data(Ants_radians) resantssymm<-nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationsymmetry(data=Ants_radians, M = 4, iter =1000, gradientstop=1e-10,pevalmu=1000) resantssymm hist(Ants_radians,breaks=seq(0,2*pi,2*pi/13),xlab="Direction (radians)",freq=FALSE, ylab="",main="",ylim=c(0,.8),axes=FALSE) nntsplot(resantssymm$cestimatessym[,2],4,add=TRUE) nntsplot(resantssymm$cestimatesnonsym[,2],4,add=TRUE,lty=2) axis(1,at=c(0,pi/2,pi,6*(pi/4),2*pi),labels=c("0",expression(pi/2),expression(pi), expression(3*pi/2),expression(2*pi)),las=1) axis(2)
Computes the maximum likelihood estimates of the NNTS parameters of an NNTS symmetric distribution with known angle of symmetry mu, using a Newton algorithm on the hypersphere
nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationsymmetryknownsymmetryanglemu(data, mu, M = 0, iter=1000,gradientstop=1e-10,initialpoint=FALSE,cinitial)
nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationsymmetryknownsymmetryanglemu(data, mu, M = 0, iter=1000,gradientstop=1e-10,initialpoint=FALSE,cinitial)
data |
Vector of angles in radians |
mu |
Known angle of symmetry of the NNTS symmetric model |
M |
Number of components in the NNTS symmetric density |
iter |
Number of iterations |
gradientstop |
The minimum value of the norm of the gradient to stop the Newton algorithm on the hypersphere |
initialpoint |
TRUE if an initial point for the optimization algorithm for the general (asymmetric) NNTS density will be used |
cinitial |
Vector of size M+1. The first element is real and the next M elements are complex (values for $c_0$ and $c_1, ...,c_M$). The sum of the squared moduli of the parameters must be equal to 1/(2*pi). This is the vector of parameters for the general (asymmetric) NNTS density |
cestimatessym |
Matrix of (M+1)x2. The first column is the parameter numbers, and the second column is the c parameter's estimators of the symmetric NNTS model |
mu |
Known angle of symmetry of the NNTS symmetric model |
logliksym |
Optimum log-likelihood value for the NNTS symmetric model |
AICsym |
Value of Akaike's Information Criterion for the NNTS symmetric model |
BICsym |
Value of Bayesian Information Criterion for the NNTS symmetric model |
gradnormerrorsym |
Gradient error after the last iteration for the estimation of the parameters of the NNTS symmetric model |
cestimatesnonsym |
Matrix of (M+1)x2. The first column is the parameter numbers, and the second column is the c parameter's estimators of the symmetric NNTS model |
logliknonsym |
Optimum log-likelihood value for the general (non-symmetric) NNTS model |
AICnonsym |
Value of Akaike's Information Criterion for the general (non-symmetric) NNTS model |
BICnonsym |
Value of Bayesian Information Criterion for the general (non-symmetric) NNTS model |
gradnormerrornonsym |
Gradient error after the last iteration for the estimation of the parameters of the general (non-symmetric) NNTS model |
loglikratioforsym |
Value of the likelihood ratio test statistic for symmetry |
loglikratioforsympvalue |
Value of the asymptotic chi squared p-value of the likelihood ratio test statistic for symmetry |
Juan Jose Fernandez-Duran y Maria Mercedes Gregorio-Dominguez
Fernández-Durán, J.J., Gregorio-Domínguez, M.M. (2025). Multimodal Symmetric Circular Distributions Based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums and a Likelihood Ratio Test for Reflective Symmetry, arXiv:2412.19501 [stat.ME] (available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.19501)
data(Ants_radians) resantssymmknownmu<-nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationsymmetryknownsymmetryanglemu(data=Ants_radians, mu=pi, M = 4, iter =1000,gradientstop=1e-10) resantssymmknownmu hist(Ants_radians,breaks=seq(0,2*pi,2*pi/13),xlab="Direction (radians)",freq=FALSE, ylab="",main="",ylim=c(0,.8),axes=FALSE) nntsplot(resantssymmknownmu$cestimatessym[,2],4,add=TRUE) nntsplot(resantssymmknownmu$cestimatesnonsym[,2],4,add=TRUE,lty=2) axis(1,at=c(0,pi/2,pi,6*(pi/4),2*pi),labels=c("0",expression(pi/2),expression(pi), expression(3*pi/2),expression(2*pi)),las=1) axis(2)
data(Ants_radians) resantssymmknownmu<-nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationsymmetryknownsymmetryanglemu(data=Ants_radians, mu=pi, M = 4, iter =1000,gradientstop=1e-10) resantssymmknownmu hist(Ants_radians,breaks=seq(0,2*pi,2*pi/13),xlab="Direction (radians)",freq=FALSE, ylab="",main="",ylim=c(0,.8),axes=FALSE) nntsplot(resantssymmknownmu$cestimatessym[,2],4,add=TRUE) nntsplot(resantssymmknownmu$cestimatesnonsym[,2],4,add=TRUE,lty=2) axis(1,at=c(0,pi/2,pi,6*(pi/4),2*pi),labels=c("0",expression(pi/2),expression(pi), expression(3*pi/2),expression(2*pi)),las=1) axis(2)
Computes the first moment, second moment, mean direction, dispersion, circular varance, coefficient of asymmetry and kurtosis from the given parameters of an NNTS density.
cestimates |
Matrix of (M+1)x2. The first column is the parameter numbers, and the second column is the c parameter vecto (or c estimates) of the NNTS model |
M |
Number of components in the NNTS density |
firstmoment |
Value of the first trigonometric moment |
secondmoment |
Value of the second trigonometric moment |
meandirection |
Value of the mean direction |
dispersion |
Value of the dispersion |
circularvariance |
Value of the circular variance |
asymmetrycoefficient |
Value of the coefficient of asymmetry |
kurtosis |
Value of the kurtosis |
Juan Jose Fernandez-Duran y Maria Mercedes Gregorio-Dominguez
Fernández-Durán, J.J., Gregorio-Domínguez, M.M. (2025). Multimodal Symmetric Circular Distributions Based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums and a Likelihood Ratio Test for Reflective Symmetry, arXiv:2412.19501 [stat.ME] (available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.19501)
data(Ants_radians) resants<-nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationgradientstop(data=Ants_radians, M = 2, iter=1000, gradientstop=1e-10) resants nntsmeasureslocationdispersion(resants$cestimates,M=2)
data(Ants_radians) resants<-nntsmanifoldnewtonestimationgradientstop(data=Ants_radians, M = 2, iter=1000, gradientstop=1e-10) resants nntsmeasureslocationdispersion(resants$cestimates,M=2)
Computes the skewness for a sample of angles
data |
Vector of angles in radians |
Value |
Value of the sample skewness |
Juan Jose Fernandez-Duran y Maria Mercedes Gregorio-Dominguez
Fernández-Durán, J.J., Gregorio-Domínguez, M.M. (2025). Multimodal Symmetric Circular Distributions Based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums and a Likelihood Ratio Test for Reflective Symmetry, arXiv:2412.19501 [stat.ME] (available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.19501)
data(Ants_radians) samplecircularskewness(data=Ants_radians) # non-symmetric cp3a<-c(0.27672975+0.00000000i,-0.04547516-0.00298663i,-0.18680096-0.10457410i, 0.03339396-0.18317526i) cp3a<-cp3a/sqrt(sum(Mod(cp3a)^2)) cp3a<-(1/sqrt(2*pi))*cp3a cp3annts<-cbind(c(0,1,2,3),cp3a) nntsmeasureslocationdispersion(cp3annts,M=3) set.seed(1234567890) datasim3a<-nntssimulation(1000,cp3a,3)$simulations samplecircularskewness(datasim3a) #symmetric cp3b<-Mod(cp3a) cp3bnnts<-cbind(c(0,1,2,3),cp3b) nntsmeasureslocationdispersion(cp3bnnts,M=3) set.seed(1234567890) datasim3b<-nntssimulation(1000,cp3b,3)$simulations samplecircularskewness(datasim3b) #symmetric bis cp3c<-c(0.3131489,0.1421822,0.1266749,0.1575766) cp3c<-cp3c/sqrt(sum(Mod(cp3c)^2)) cp3c<-(1/sqrt(2*pi))*cp3c cp3c<-cp3c*exp((0:3)*1i*(-pi)) cp3cnnts<-cbind(c(0,1,2,3),cp3c) nntsmeasureslocationdispersion(cp3cnnts,M=3) set.seed(1234567890) datasim3c<-nntssimulation(1000,cp3c,3)$simulations samplecircularskewness(datasim3c)
data(Ants_radians) samplecircularskewness(data=Ants_radians) # non-symmetric cp3a<-c(0.27672975+0.00000000i,-0.04547516-0.00298663i,-0.18680096-0.10457410i, 0.03339396-0.18317526i) cp3a<-cp3a/sqrt(sum(Mod(cp3a)^2)) cp3a<-(1/sqrt(2*pi))*cp3a cp3annts<-cbind(c(0,1,2,3),cp3a) nntsmeasureslocationdispersion(cp3annts,M=3) set.seed(1234567890) datasim3a<-nntssimulation(1000,cp3a,3)$simulations samplecircularskewness(datasim3a) #symmetric cp3b<-Mod(cp3a) cp3bnnts<-cbind(c(0,1,2,3),cp3b) nntsmeasureslocationdispersion(cp3bnnts,M=3) set.seed(1234567890) datasim3b<-nntssimulation(1000,cp3b,3)$simulations samplecircularskewness(datasim3b) #symmetric bis cp3c<-c(0.3131489,0.1421822,0.1266749,0.1575766) cp3c<-cp3c/sqrt(sum(Mod(cp3c)^2)) cp3c<-(1/sqrt(2*pi))*cp3c cp3c<-cp3c*exp((0:3)*1i*(-pi)) cp3cnnts<-cbind(c(0,1,2,3),cp3c) nntsmeasureslocationdispersion(cp3cnnts,M=3) set.seed(1234567890) datasim3c<-nntssimulation(1000,cp3c,3)$simulations samplecircularskewness(datasim3c)