Title: | Classification, Regression and Feature Evaluation |
Description: | A suite of machine learning algorithms written in C++ with the R interface contains several learning techniques for classification and regression. Predictive models include e.g., classification and regression trees with optional constructive induction and models in the leaves, random forests, kNN, naive Bayes, and locally weighted regression. All predictions obtained with these models can be explained and visualized with the 'ExplainPrediction' package. This package is especially strong in feature evaluation where it contains several variants of Relief algorithm and many impurity based attribute evaluation functions, e.g., Gini, information gain, MDL, and DKM. These methods can be used for feature selection or discretization of numeric attributes. The OrdEval algorithm and its visualization is used for evaluation of data sets with ordinal features and class, enabling analysis according to the Kano model of customer satisfaction. Several algorithms support parallel multithreaded execution via OpenMP. The top-level documentation is reachable through ?CORElearn. |
Authors: | Marko Robnik-Sikonja [aut, cre], Petr Savicky [aut] |
Maintainer: | Marko Robnik-Sikonja <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-03-05 07:04:59 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
The package CORElearn is an R port of CORElearn data mining system. It provides various classification and regression models as well as algorithms for feature selection and evaluation. Several algorithms support parallel multithreaded execution via OpenMP (see details in function descriptions)., It is possible to run many functions outside the R environment. The description and source code is available on the package web site http://lkm.fri.uni-lj.si/rmarko/software/.
The main functions are
which constructs classification or regression model.
Classification models available:
random forests with optional local weighing of basic models
decision tree with optional constructive induction in the inner nodes and/or models in the leaves
kNN and kNN with Gaussian kernel,
naive Bayes.
Regression models:
regression trees with optional constructive induction in the inner nodes and/or models in the leaves,
linear models with pruning techniques
locally weighted regression
kNN and kNN with Gaussian kernel.
predicts with classification model labels and probabilities of new instances.
For regression models it returns the predicted function value.
graphically visualizes trees and random forest models
computes some statistics from predictions
evaluates the quality of the attributes (dependent variables)
with the selected heuristic method.
Feature evaluation algorithms are various variants of Relief algorithms (ReliefF, RReliefF,
cost-sensitive ReliefF, etc), gain ratio, gini-index, MDL, DKM, information gain, MSE, MAE, etc.
evaluates ordinal attributes with ordEval algorithm and visualizes them with plot.ordEval
outputs certain information about CORElearn methods,
prints short description of a given parameter,
reads/writes parameters for given model from/to file,
outputs version of the package from underlying C++ library.
Some of the internal structures of the C++ part are described in CORElearn-internal
For an automatically generated list of functions use help(package=CORElearn)
ut this feature is currently not supported on all platforms and may interfere with other means of parallelization used in R, like package paralell. It is tested to works on Windows, Linux, and Mac.
For certain platforms multithreaded execution is not supported, since current set of compilers at CRAN do not fully support OpenMP. Also note that OpenMP execution may interfere with other means of parallelization on certain platforms. E.g., interference with package parallel is reported on Windows which can be prevented by setting parameter maxThreads=1. For platforms other than Linux, Windows, and OsX to support multithreading it is possible to recompile the package with appropriate tools and compilers (modify Makefile or Makefile.win in src folder, or consult authors).
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Petr Savicky
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Igor Kononenko: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of ReliefF and RReliefF. Machine Learning Journal, 53:23-69, 2003
Marko Robnik-Sikonja: Improving Random Forests. In J.-F. Boulicaut et al.(Eds): ECML 2004, LNAI 3210, Springer, Berlin, 2004, pp. 359-370
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Koen Vanhoof: Evaluation of ordinal attributes at value level. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 14:225-243, 2007
Marko Robnik-Sikonja: Experiments with Cost-sensitive Feature Evaluation. In Lavrac et al.(eds): Machine Learning, Proceedings of ECML 2003, Springer, Berlin, 2003, pp. 325-336
Majority of these references are available also from http://lkm.fri.uni-lj.si/rmarko/papers/
# load the package library(CORElearn) cat(versionCore(),"\n") # use iris data set trainIdxs <- sample(x=nrow(iris), size=0.7*nrow(iris), replace=FALSE) testIdxs <- c(1:nrow(iris))[-trainIdxs] # build random forests model with certain parameters # setting maxThreads to 0 or more than 1 forces # utilization of several processor cores modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris[trainIdxs,], model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) print(modelRF) # simple visualization, test also others with function plot # prediction on testing set pred <- predict(modelRF, iris[testIdxs,], type="both") # compute statistics mEval <- modelEval(modelRF, iris[["Species"]][testIdxs], pred$class, pred$prob) print(mEval) ## Not run: # explain predictions on the level of model and individual instances require(ExplainPrediction) explainVis(modelRF, iris[trainIdxs,], iris[testIdxs,], method="EXPLAIN", visLevel="model", problemName="iris", fileType="none", classValue=1, displayColor="color") # turn on the history in visualization window to see all instances explainVis(modelRF, iris[trainIdxs,], iris[testIdxs,], method="EXPLAIN", visLevel="instance", problemName="iris", fileType="none", classValue=1, displayColor="color") ## End(Not run) # Clean up, otherwise the memory is still taken destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up # evaluate features in given data set with selected method # instead of formula interface one can provide just # the name or index of target variable estReliefF <- attrEval("Species", iris, estimator="ReliefFexpRank", ReliefIterations=30) print(estReliefF) # evaluate ordered features with ordEval profiles <- ordDataGen(200) est <- ordEval(class ~ ., profiles, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=100) # print(est)
# load the package library(CORElearn) cat(versionCore(),"\n") # use iris data set trainIdxs <- sample(x=nrow(iris), size=0.7*nrow(iris), replace=FALSE) testIdxs <- c(1:nrow(iris))[-trainIdxs] # build random forests model with certain parameters # setting maxThreads to 0 or more than 1 forces # utilization of several processor cores modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris[trainIdxs,], model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) print(modelRF) # simple visualization, test also others with function plot # prediction on testing set pred <- predict(modelRF, iris[testIdxs,], type="both") # compute statistics mEval <- modelEval(modelRF, iris[["Species"]][testIdxs], pred$class, pred$prob) print(mEval) ## Not run: # explain predictions on the level of model and individual instances require(ExplainPrediction) explainVis(modelRF, iris[trainIdxs,], iris[testIdxs,], method="EXPLAIN", visLevel="model", problemName="iris", fileType="none", classValue=1, displayColor="color") # turn on the history in visualization window to see all instances explainVis(modelRF, iris[trainIdxs,], iris[testIdxs,], method="EXPLAIN", visLevel="instance", problemName="iris", fileType="none", classValue=1, displayColor="color") ## End(Not run) # Clean up, otherwise the memory is still taken destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up # evaluate features in given data set with selected method # instead of formula interface one can provide just # the name or index of target variable estReliefF <- attrEval("Species", iris, estimator="ReliefFexpRank", ReliefIterations=30) print(estReliefF) # evaluate ordered features with ordEval profiles <- ordDataGen(200) est <- ordEval(class ~ ., profiles, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=100) # print(est)
The method evaluates the quality of the features/attributes/dependent variables specified by the formula with the selected heuristic method. Feature evaluation algorithms available for classification problems are various variants of Relief and ReliefF algorithms (ReliefF, cost-sensitive ReliefF, ...), and impurity-based algorithms (information gain, gain ratio, gini-index, MDL, DKM, etc). For regression problems there are RREliefF, MSEofMean, MSEofModel, MAEofModel, ... Parallel execution on several cores is supported for speedup.
attrEval(formula, data, estimator, costMatrix = NULL, outputNumericSplits=FALSE, ...)
attrEval(formula, data, estimator, costMatrix = NULL, outputNumericSplits=FALSE, ...)
formula |
Either a formula specifying the attributes to be evaluated and the target variable, or a name of target variable, or an index of target variable. |
data |
Data frame with evaluation data. |
estimator |
The name of the evaluation method. |
costMatrix |
Optional cost matrix used with certain estimators. |
outputNumericSplits |
Controls of the output contain the best split point for numeric attributes.
This is only sensible for impurity based estimators (like information gain, gini, MDL, gain ratio, etc. in classification,
and MSEofMean in regression). The default value of parameter
... |
Additional options used by specific evaluation methods as described in |
The parameter formula
can be interpreted in three ways, where the formula interface is the most elegant one,
but inefficient and inappropriate for large data sets. See also examples below. As formula
one can specify:
used as a mechanism to select features (attributes)
and prediction variable (class). Only simple terms can be used and
interaction expressed in formula syntax are not supported. The simplest way is
to specify just response variable: class ~ .
In this case all other attributes in the data set are evaluated. Note that formula interface is not appropriate for data sets with
large number of variables.
specifying the name of target variable, all the other columns in data frame data
are used as predictors.
specifying the index of of target variable in data frame data
, all the other columns are used as predictors.
The optional parameter costMatrix can provide nonuniform cost matrix to certain cost-sensitive measures (ReliefFexpC, ReliefFavgC, ReliefFpe, ReliefFpa, ReliefFsmp,GainRatioCost, DKMcost, ReliefKukar, and MDLsmp). For other measures this parameter is ignored. The format of the matrix is costMatrix(true class, predicted class). By default a uniform costs are assumed, i.e., costMatrix(i, i) = 0, and costMatrix(i, j) = 1, for i not equal to j.
The estimator parameter selects the evaluation heuristics. For classification problem it
must be one of the names returned by infoCore(what="attrEval")
and for
regression problem it must be one of the names returned by infoCore(what="attrEvalReg")
Majority of these feature evaluation measures are described in the references given below,
here only a short description is given. For classification problem they are
ReliefF algorithm where k nearest instances have equal weight.
ReliefF algorithm where k nearest instances have weight exponentially decreasing with increasing rank. Rank of nearest instance is determined by the increasing (Manhattan) distance from the selected instance. This is a default choice for methods taking conditional dependencies among the attributes into account.
ReliefF algorithm where all possible k (representing k nearest instances) are tested and for each feature the highest score is returned. Nearest instances have equal weights.
Original algorithm of Kira and Rendel (1991) working on two class problems.
Information gain.
Gain ratio, which is normalized information gain to prevent bias to multi-valued attributes.
Acronym for Minimum Description Length, presents method introduced in (Kononenko, 1995) with favorable bias for multi-valued and multi-class problems. Might be the best method among those not taking conditional dependencies into account.
Myopic version of ReliefF resulting from assumption of no local dependencies and attribute dependencies upon class.
Accuracy of resulting split.
ReliefF algorithm where for each random instance the merit of each attribute is normalized by the sum of differences in all attributes.
ReliefF algorithm where k nearest instances are weighed directly with its
inverse distance from the selected instance. Usually using ranks instead of distance
as in ReliefFexpRank
is more effective.
ReliefF algorithm where k nearest instances are weighed with its inverse square distance from the selected instance.
Measure named after Dietterich, Kearns, and Mansour who proposed it in 1996.
Cost-sensitive ReliefF algorithm with expected costs.
Cost-sensitive ReliefF algorithm with average costs.
Cost-sensitive ReliefF algorithm with expected probability.
Cost-sensitive ReliefF algorithm with average probability.
Cost-sensitive ReliefF algorithm with cost sensitive sampling.
Cost-sensitive variant of GainRatio.
Cost-sensitive variant of DKM.
Cost-sensitive Relief algorithm introduced by Kukar in 1999.
Cost-sensitive variant of MDL where costs are introduced through sampling.
Euclidean distance as impurity function on within node class distributions.
Hellinger distance as impurity function on within node class distributions.
Dietterich-Kearns-Mansour (DKM) with uniform priors.
Gini index with uniform priors.
Information gain with uniform priors.
Accuracy with uniform priors.
Dietterich-Kearns-Mansour (DKM) with equal weights for splits.
Gini index with equal weights for splits.
Information gain with equal weights for splits.
Two equally weighted splits based Hellinger distance.
Hellinger distance between class distributions in branches.
AUC distance between splits.
Cosine of angular distance between splits.
Euclidean distance between splits.
For regression problem the implemented measures are:
RReliefF algorithm where k nearest instances have equal weight.
RReliefF algorithm where k nearest instances have weight exponentially decreasing with increasing rank. Rank of nearest instance is determined by the increasing (Manhattan) distance from the selected instance. This is a default choice for methods taking conditional dependencies among the attributes into account.
RReliefF algorithm where all possible k (representing k nearest instances) are tested and for each feature the highest score is returned. Nearest instances have equal weights.
A combination of RReliefF and MSE algorithms.
Mean Squared Error as heuristic used to measure error by mean predicted value after split on the feature.
Mean Squared Error of an arbitrary model used on splits resulting from the feature.
The model is chosen with parameter modelTypeReg
Mean Absolute Error of an arbitrary model used on splits resulting from the feature.
The model is chosen with parameter modelTypeReg
. If we use median as the model, we get robust equivalent
to MSEofMean
RReliefF algorithm where k nearest instances are weighed directly with its
inverse distance from the selected instance. Usually using ranks instead of distance
as in RReliefFexpRank
is more effective.
RReliefF algorithm where k nearest instances are weighed with its inverse square distance from the selected instance.
There are some additional parameters ... available which are used by specific evaluation heuristics.
Their list and short description is available by calling helpCore
. See Section on attribute evaluation.
The attributes can also be evaluated via random forest out-of-bag set with function rfAttrEval
Evaluation and visualization of ordered attributes is covered in function ordEval
The method returns a vector of evaluations for the features in the order specified by the formula.
In case of parameter binaryEvaluateNumericAttributes=TRUE
the method returns a list with two components:
and splitPointNum
. The attrEval
a vector of evaluations for the features in the order specified by the formula. The splitPointNum
contains the split points of numeric attributes which produced the given attribute evaluation scores.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Igor Kononenko: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of ReliefF and RReliefF. Machine Learning Journal, 53:23-69, 2003
Marko Robnik-Sikonja: Experiments with Cost-sensitive Feature Evaluation. In Lavrac et al.(eds): Machine Learning, Proceedings of ECML 2003, Springer, Berlin, 2003, pp. 325-336
Igor Kononenko: On Biases in Estimating Multi-Valued Attributes. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'95), pp. 1034-1040, 1995
Some of these references are available also from http://lkm.fri.uni-lj.si/rmarko/papers/
# use iris data # run method ReliefF with exponential rank distance estReliefF <- attrEval(Species ~ ., iris, estimator="ReliefFexpRank", ReliefIterations=30) print(estReliefF) # alternatively and more appropriate for large data sets # one can specify just the target variable # estReliefF <- attrEval("Species", iris, estimator="ReliefFexpRank", # ReliefIterations=30) # print all available estimators infoCore(what="attrEval")
# use iris data # run method ReliefF with exponential rank distance estReliefF <- attrEval(Species ~ ., iris, estimator="ReliefFexpRank", ReliefIterations=30) print(estReliefF) # alternatively and more appropriate for large data sets # one can specify just the target variable # estReliefF <- attrEval("Species", iris, estimator="ReliefFexpRank", # ReliefIterations=30) # print all available estimators infoCore(what="attrEval")
Test functions for the current state of the development.
testTime() testClassPseudoRandom(s, k, m)
testTime() testClassPseudoRandom(s, k, m)
s |
Seed. |
k |
Length of required output. |
m |
number of streams. |
determines the current time.
testClassPseudoRandom(s, k, m)
tests the functionality of multiple streams of RNGs.
Depends on the function.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Petr Savicky
Given probability scores predictedProb
as provided for example by a call to predict.CoreModel
and using one of available methods given by methods
the function calibrates predicted probabilities so that they
match the actual probabilities of a binary class 1 provided by correctClass
The computed calibration can be applied to the scores returned by that model.
calibrate(correctClass, predictedProb, class1=1, method = c("isoReg","binIsoReg","binning","mdlMerge"), weight=NULL, noBins=10, assumeProbabilities=FALSE) applyCalibration(predictedProb, calibration)
calibrate(correctClass, predictedProb, class1=1, method = c("isoReg","binIsoReg","binning","mdlMerge"), weight=NULL, noBins=10, assumeProbabilities=FALSE) applyCalibration(predictedProb, calibration)
correctClass |
A vector of correct class labels for a binary classification problem. |
predictedProb |
A vector of predicted class 1 (probability) scores. In |
class1 |
A class value (factor) or an index of the class value to be taken as a class to be calibrated. |
method |
One of |
weight |
If specified, should be of the same length as |
noBins |
The value of parameter depends on the parameter |
assumeProbabilities |
If |
calibration |
The list resulting from a call to |
Depending on the specified method
one of the following calibration methods is executed.
isotonic regression calibration based on pair-adjacent violators (PAV) algorithm.
calibration into a pre-specified number of bands given by noBins
parameter, trying to make bins of equal weight.
first binning method is executed, following by a isotonic regression calibration.
first intervals are merged by a MDL gain criterion into a prespecified number of intervals, following by the isotonic regression calibration.
If model="binning"
the parameter noBins
specifies the desired number of bins i.e., calibration bands;
if model="binIsoReg"
the parameter noBins
specifies the number of initial bins that are formed by binning before isotonic regression is applied;
if model="mdlMerge"
the parameter noBins
specifies the number of bins formed after first applying isotonic regression. The most similar bins are merged using MDL criterion.
A function returns a list with two vector components of the same length:
interval |
The boundaries of the intervals. Lower boundary 0 is not explicitly included but should be taken into account. |
calProb |
The calibrated probabilities for each corresponding interval. |
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
I. Kononenko, M. Kukar: Machine Learning and Data Mining: Introduction to Principles and Algorithms. Horwood, 2007
A. Niculescu-Mizil, R. Caruana: Predicting Good Probabilities With Supervised Learning. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'05), 2005
# generate data set separately for training the model, # calibration of probabilities and testing train <-classDataGen(noInst=200) cal <-classDataGen(noInst=200) test <- classDataGen(noInst=200) # build random forests model with default parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(class~., train, model="rf", maxThreads=1) # prediction predCal <- predict(modelRF, cal, rfPredictClass=FALSE) predTest <- predict(modelRF, test, rfPredictClass=FALSE) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up, model not needed anymore # calibrate for a chosen class1 and method class1<-1 calibration <- calibrate(cal$class, predCal$prob[,class1], class1=class1, method="isoReg",assumeProbabilities=TRUE) # apply the calibration to the testing set calibratedProbs <- applyCalibration(predTest$prob[,class1], calibration) # the calibration of probabilities can be visualized with # reliabilityPlot function
# generate data set separately for training the model, # calibration of probabilities and testing train <-classDataGen(noInst=200) cal <-classDataGen(noInst=200) test <- classDataGen(noInst=200) # build random forests model with default parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(class~., train, model="rf", maxThreads=1) # prediction predCal <- predict(modelRF, cal, rfPredictClass=FALSE) predTest <- predict(modelRF, test, rfPredictClass=FALSE) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up, model not needed anymore # calibrate for a chosen class1 and method class1<-1 calibration <- calibrate(cal$class, predCal$prob[,class1], class1=class1, method="isoReg",assumeProbabilities=TRUE) # apply the calibration to the testing set calibratedProbs <- applyCalibration(predTest$prob[,class1], calibration) # the calibration of probabilities can be visualized with # reliabilityPlot function
The generator produces classification data with 2 classes, 7 discrete and 3 numeric attributes.
classDataGen(noInst, t1=0.7, t2=0.9, t3=0.34, t4=0.32, p1=0.5, classNoise=0)
classDataGen(noInst, t1=0.7, t2=0.9, t3=0.34, t4=0.32, p1=0.5, classNoise=0)
noInst |
Number of instances to generate. |
t1 , t2 , t3
Parameters, which control the hardness of the discrete attributes. |
t4 |
Parameter, which controls the hardness of the numeric attributes.. |
p1 |
Probability of class 1. |
classNoise |
Proportion of noise in the class variable for classification or virtual class variable for regression. |
Class probabilities are p1
and 1 - p1
, respectively. The conditional distribution of attributes
under each of the classes depends on parameters t1, t2, t3, t4
from [0,1].
Attributes a7 and x3 are irrelevant for all values of parameters.
Examples of extreme settings of the parameters.
Setting satisfying t1*t2 = t3 implies no difference between the distributions of individual discrete attributes among the two classes. However, if t1 < 1, then the joint distribution of them is different for the two classes.
Setting t1 = 1 and t2 = t3 implies no difference between the joint distribution of the discrete attributes among the two classes.
Setting t1 = 1, t2 = 1, t3 = 0 implies disjoint supports of the distributions of a1, a2, a4, a5, so this allows exact classification.
Setting t4 = 1 implies no difference between the distribution of x1, x2 between the classes. Setting t4 = 0 allows correct classification with probability one only using x1 and x2.
For class 1 the attributes have distributions
(a1, a2, a3) | |
a4, a5, a6 | |
a7 | irrelevant attribute, probabilities of {a,b,c,d} are (1/2, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6) |
x1, x2, x3 | independent normal variables with mean 0 and standard deviation 1, t4, 1 |
x4, x5 | independent uniformly distributed variables on [0,1] |
For class 2 the attributes have distributions
a1, a2, a3 | |
(a4, a5, a6) | |
a7 | irrelevant attribute, probabilities of {a,b,c,d} are (1/2, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6) |
x1, x2, x3 | independent normal variables with mean 0 and st. dev. t4, 1, 1 |
x4, x5 | independent uniformly distributed variables on [0,1] |
x3 is irrelevant for classification, since it has the same distribution under both classes.
Attributes in a bracket are mutually dependent. Otherwise, the attributes are conditionally independent for each of the two classes. This means that if we consider groups of the attributes such that the attributes in each of the two brackets form a group and each of the remaining attributes forms a group with one element, then for each class, we have 7 groups, which are conditionally independent for the given class. Note that the splitting into groups differs for class 1 and 2.
Distribution consists of three dependent attributes. The
distribution of individual attributes depends only on t1*t2. For a given t1*t2,
the level of dependence decreases with t1 and increases with t2. There are
two extreme settings:
Setting t1 = 1, t2 = t1*t2 has the largest t1 and the smallest t2 and all three
attributes are independent.
Setting t1 = t1*t2, t2 = 1 has the smallest t1 and the largest t2 and also the
largest dependence between attributes.
Distribution is equal to
, so it contains three independent
attributes, whose distributions are the same as in
for every
setting satifying t1*t2 = t3.
In other words, if t3 = t1*t2, then the distributions and
have the same distributions of individual attributes and may differ only
in the dependences. There are no in
and there are some in
if t1 < 1.
Hardness of the discrete part
Setting t1 = 1 and t2 = t3 implies no difference between the discrete attributes among the two classes.
Setting satisfying t1*t2 = t3 implies no difference between the distributions of individual discrete attributes among the two classes. However, there may be a difference in dependences.
Setting t1 = 1, t2 = 1, t3 = 0 implies disjoint supports of the distributions of a1, a2, a4, a5, so this allows exact classification.
Hardness of the continuous part
Depends monotonically on t4. Setting t4 = 1 implies no difference between the classes. Setting t4 = 0 allows correct classification with probability one.
The method classDataGen
returns a data.frame
with noInst
rows and 11 columns.
Range of values of the attributes and class are
a1 |
0,1 |
a2 |
0,1 |
a3 |
a,b,c,d |
a4 |
0,1 |
a5 |
0,1 |
a6 |
a,b,c,d |
a7 |
a,b,c,d |
x1 |
numeric |
x2 |
numeric |
x3 |
numeric |
class |
1,2 |
For detailed specification of attributes (columns) see details section below.
Petr Savicky
, ordDataGen
#prepare a classification data set classData <-classDataGen(noInst=200) # build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(class~., classData, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) print(modelRF) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
#prepare a classification data set classData <-classDataGen(noInst=200) # build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(class~., classData, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) print(modelRF) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
For each class the most typical instances are returned based on the highest predicted probability for each class.
classPrototypes(model, dataset, noPrototypes=10)
classPrototypes(model, dataset, noPrototypes=10)
model |
a |
dataset |
a dataset from which to get prototypes. |
noPrototypes |
number of instances of each class to return |
The function uses predict.CoreModel(model, dataset)
for prediction of the dataset
. Based on the returned probabilities, it selects the noPrototypes
instances with highest probabilities for each class to be
typical representatives of that class, i.e., prototypes. The prototypes can be
visualized by calling e.g., plot(model, dataset, rfGraphType="prototypes", noPrototypes = 10)
A list with the most typical noPrototypes
instances is returned. The list has the following attributes.
prototypes |
vector with indexes of the most typical instances |
clustering |
vector with class assignments for typical instances in vector |
levels |
the names of the class values. |
John Adeyanju Alao (as a part of his BSc thesis) and Marko Robnik-Sikonja (thesis supervisor)
Leo Breiman: Random Forests. Machine Learning Journal, 45:5-32, 2001
dataset <- iris md <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., dataset, model="rf", rfNoTrees=30,maxThreads=1) typical <- classPrototypes(md, dataset, 10) destroyModels(md) # clean up
dataset <- iris md <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., dataset, model="rf", rfNoTrees=30,maxThreads=1) typical <- classPrototypes(md, dataset, 10) destroyModels(md) # clean up
The package CORElearn is an R port of CORElearn data mining system. This document is a short description of the C++ part which can also serve as a standalone Linux or Windows data mining system, its organization and main classes and data structures.
The C++ part is called from R functions collected in file Rinterface.R
The C++ functions called from R and providing interface to R are collected in Rfront.cpp
and Rconvert.cpp
. The front end for standalone version is in file frontend.cpp
For many parts of the code there are two variants, classification and regression one.
Regression part usually has Reg
somewhere in its name.
The main classes are
marray, mmatrix
are templates for storing vectors and matrixes
contains data storage and data manipulation methods, of which the most important are
mmatrix<int> DiscData, DiscPredictData
contain values of discrete attributes and class for training and prediction (optional).
In classification column 0 always stores class values.
mmatrix<double> ContData, ContPredictData
contain values of numeric attribute and prediction values for training and prediction (optional).
In regression column 0 always stores target values.
marray<attribute> AttrDesc
with information about attributes' types, number of values, min, max, column index in DiscData or ContData, ...
estimation, estimationReg
evaluate attributes with different purposes: decision/regression tree splitting, binarization,
discretization, constructive induction, feature selection, etc. Because of efficiency these classes store its own data in
mmatrix<int> DiscValues
containing discrete attributes and class values,
mmatrix<double> ContValues
containing numeric attribute and prediction values.
stores and handles all the parameters of the system.
featureTree, regressionTree
build all the models, predict with them, and create output.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
, CoreModel
, predict.CoreModel
, attrEval
, ordEval
, helpCore
, paramCoreIO
, versionCore
Builds a classification or regression model from the data
and formula
with given parameters.
Classification models available are
random forests, possibly with local weighing of basic models (parallel execution on several cores),
decision tree with constructive induction in the inner nodes and/or models in the leaves,
kNN and weighted kNN with Gaussian kernel,
naive Bayesian classifier.
Regression models:
regression trees with constructive induction in the inner nodes and/or models in the leaves,
linear models with pruning techniques,
locally weighted regression,
kNN and weighted kNN with Gaussian kernel.
Function cvCoreModel
applies cross-validation to estimate predictive performance of the model.
CoreModel(formula, data, model=c("rf","rfNear","tree","knn","knnKernel","bayes","regTree"), costMatrix=NULL,...) cvCoreModel(formula, data, model=c("rf","rfNear","tree","knn","knnKernel","bayes","regTree"), costMatrix=NULL, folds=10, stratified=TRUE, returnModel=TRUE, ...)
CoreModel(formula, data, model=c("rf","rfNear","tree","knn","knnKernel","bayes","regTree"), costMatrix=NULL,...) cvCoreModel(formula, data, model=c("rf","rfNear","tree","knn","knnKernel","bayes","regTree"), costMatrix=NULL, folds=10, stratified=TRUE, returnModel=TRUE, ...)
formula |
Either a formula specifying the attributes to be evaluated and the target variable, or a name of target variable, or an index of target variable. |
data |
Data frame with training data. |
model |
The type of model to be learned. |
costMatrix |
Optional misclassification cost matrix used with certain models. |
folds |
An integer, specifying the number of folds to use in cross-validation of model. |
stratified |
A boolean specifying if cross-valiadation is to be stratified fpr classification problems, i.e. shall all folds have the same distribution of class values. |
returnModel |
If |
... |
Options for building the model. See |
The parameter formula
can be interpreted in three ways, where the formula interface is the most elegant one,
but inefficient and inappropriate for large data sets. See also examples below. As formula
one can specify:
used as a mechanism to select features (attributes)
and prediction variable (class). Only simple terms can be used and
interaction expressed in formula syntax are not supported. The simplest way is
to specify just response variable: class ~ .
In this case all other attributes in the data set are evaluated. Note that formula interface is not appropriate for data sets with
large number of variables.
specifying the name of target variable, all the other columns in data frame data
are used as predictors.
specifying the index of of target variable in data frame data
, all the other columns are used as predictors.
Parameter model controls the type of the constructed model. There are several possibilities:
random forests classifier as defined by (Breiman, 2001) with some extensions,
random forests classifier with basic models weighted locally (Robnik-Sikonja, 2005),
decision tree with constructive induction in the inner nodes and/or models in the leaves,
k nearest neighbors classifier,
weighted k nearest neighbors classifier with distance taken into account through Gaussian kernel,
naive Bayesian classifier,
regression trees with constructive induction in inner nodes and/or models in leaves controlled by modelTypeReg parameter. Models used in leaves of the regression tree can also be used as stand-alone regression models using option minNodeWeightTree=Inf (see examples below):
linear models with pruning techniques
locally weighted regression
kNN and kNN with Gaussian kernel.
There are many additional parameters ... available which are used by different models.
Their list and description is available by calling helpCore
. Evaluation of attributes is covered
in function attrEval
The optional parameter costMatrix can provide nonuniform cost matrix for classification problems. For regression problem this parameter is ignored. The format of the matrix is costMatrix(true class, predicted class). By default uniform costs are assumed, i.e., costMatrix(i, i) = 0, and costMatrix(i, j) = 1, for i not equal to j.
The created model is not returned as a R structure. It is stored internally
in the package memory space and only its pointer (index) is returned.
The maximum number of models that can be stored simultaneously
is a parameter of the initialization function initCore
defaults to 16384. Models, which are not needed, may be deleted in order
to free the memory using function destroyModels
By referencing the returned model, any of the stored models may be
used for prediction with predict.CoreModel
What the function actually returns is a list with components:
modelID |
index of internally stored model, |
terms |
description of prediction variables and response, |
class.lev |
class values for classification problem, null for regression problem, |
model |
the type of model used, see parameter |
formula |
the |
The function cvCoreModel
evaluates the model using cross-validation and function modelEval
to return
these additional components:
avgs |
A vector with average values of each evaluation metric obtained from |
stds |
A vector with standard deviations of each evaluation metric from |
evalList |
A list, where each component is an evaluation metric from |
In case returnModel=FALSE
the function only returns the above three components are keeps no model.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Petr Savicky
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Igor Kononenko: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of ReliefF and RReliefF. Machine Learning Journal, 53:23-69, 2003
Leo Breiman: Random Forests. Machine Learning Journal, 45:5-32, 2001
Marko Robnik-Sikonja: Improving Random Forests. In J.-F. Boulicaut et al.(Eds): ECML 2004, LNAI 3210, Springer, Berlin, 2004, pp. 359-370
Marko Robnik-Sikonja: CORE - a system that predicts continuous variables. Proceedings of ERK'97 , Portoroz, Slovenia, 1997
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Igor Kononenko: Discretization of continuous attributes using ReliefF. Proceedings of ERK'95, B149-152, Ljubljana, 1995
Majority of these references are available from http://lkm.fri.uni-lj.si/rmarko/papers/
# use iris data set trainIdxs <- sample(x=nrow(iris), size=0.7*nrow(iris), replace=FALSE) testIdxs <- c(1:nrow(iris))[-trainIdxs] # build random forests model with certain parameters # setting maxThreads to 0 or more than 1 forces # utilization of several processor cores modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris[trainIdxs,], model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) print(modelRF) # simple visualization, test also others with function plot # prediction on testing set pred <- predict(modelRF, iris[testIdxs,], type="both") mEval <- modelEval(modelRF, iris[["Species"]][testIdxs], pred$class, pred$prob) print(mEval) # evaluation of the model # visualization of individual predictions and the model ## Not run: require(ExplainPrediction) explainVis(modelRF, iris[trainIdxs,], iris[testIdxs,], method="EXPLAIN", visLevel="model", problemName="iris", fileType="none", classValue=1, displayColor="color") # turn on the history in visualization window to see all instances explainVis(modelRF, iris[trainIdxs,], iris[testIdxs,], method="EXPLAIN", visLevel="instance", problemName="iris", fileType="none", classValue=1, displayColor="color") ## End(Not run) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up # build decision tree with naive Bayes in the leaves # more appropriate for large data sets one can specify just the target variable modelDT <- CoreModel("Species", iris, model="tree", modelType=4) print(modelDT) destroyModels(modelDT) # clean up # build regression tree similar to CART instReg <- regDataGen(200) modelRT <- CoreModel(response~., instReg, model="regTree", modelTypeReg=1) print(modelRT) destroyModels(modelRT) # clean up # build kNN kernel regressor by preventing tree splitting modelKernel <- CoreModel(response~., instReg, model="regTree", modelTypeReg=7, minNodeWeightTree=Inf) print(modelKernel) destroyModels(modelKernel) # clean up ## Not run: # A more complex example # Test accuracy of random forest predictor with 20 trees on iris data # using 10-fold cross-validation. ncases <- nrow(iris) ind <- ceiling(10*(1:ncases)/ncases) ind <- sample(ind,length(ind)) pred <- rep(NA,ncases) fit <- NULL for (i in unique(ind)) { # Delete the previous model, if there is one. fit <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris[ind!=i,], model="rf", rfNoTrees=20, maxThreads=1) pred[ind==i] <- predict(fit, iris[ind==i,], type="class") if (!is.null(fit)) destroyModels(fit) # dispose model no longer needed } table(pred,iris$Species) ## End(Not run) # a simpler way to estimate performance using cross-validation model <- cvCoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", rfNoTrees=20, folds=10, stratified=TRUE, returnModel=TRUE, maxThreads=1) model$avgs
# use iris data set trainIdxs <- sample(x=nrow(iris), size=0.7*nrow(iris), replace=FALSE) testIdxs <- c(1:nrow(iris))[-trainIdxs] # build random forests model with certain parameters # setting maxThreads to 0 or more than 1 forces # utilization of several processor cores modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris[trainIdxs,], model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) print(modelRF) # simple visualization, test also others with function plot # prediction on testing set pred <- predict(modelRF, iris[testIdxs,], type="both") mEval <- modelEval(modelRF, iris[["Species"]][testIdxs], pred$class, pred$prob) print(mEval) # evaluation of the model # visualization of individual predictions and the model ## Not run: require(ExplainPrediction) explainVis(modelRF, iris[trainIdxs,], iris[testIdxs,], method="EXPLAIN", visLevel="model", problemName="iris", fileType="none", classValue=1, displayColor="color") # turn on the history in visualization window to see all instances explainVis(modelRF, iris[trainIdxs,], iris[testIdxs,], method="EXPLAIN", visLevel="instance", problemName="iris", fileType="none", classValue=1, displayColor="color") ## End(Not run) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up # build decision tree with naive Bayes in the leaves # more appropriate for large data sets one can specify just the target variable modelDT <- CoreModel("Species", iris, model="tree", modelType=4) print(modelDT) destroyModels(modelDT) # clean up # build regression tree similar to CART instReg <- regDataGen(200) modelRT <- CoreModel(response~., instReg, model="regTree", modelTypeReg=1) print(modelRT) destroyModels(modelRT) # clean up # build kNN kernel regressor by preventing tree splitting modelKernel <- CoreModel(response~., instReg, model="regTree", modelTypeReg=7, minNodeWeightTree=Inf) print(modelKernel) destroyModels(modelKernel) # clean up ## Not run: # A more complex example # Test accuracy of random forest predictor with 20 trees on iris data # using 10-fold cross-validation. ncases <- nrow(iris) ind <- ceiling(10*(1:ncases)/ncases) ind <- sample(ind,length(ind)) pred <- rep(NA,ncases) fit <- NULL for (i in unique(ind)) { # Delete the previous model, if there is one. fit <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris[ind!=i,], model="rf", rfNoTrees=20, maxThreads=1) pred[ind==i] <- predict(fit, iris[ind==i,], type="class") if (!is.null(fit)) destroyModels(fit) # dispose model no longer needed } table(pred,iris$Species) ## End(Not run) # a simpler way to estimate performance using cross-validation model <- cvCoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", rfNoTrees=20, folds=10, stratified=TRUE, returnModel=TRUE, maxThreads=1) model$avgs
Generate indices for cross-validation and stratified cross-validation
cvGen(n, k) cvGenStratified(classVal,k) gatherFromList(lst)
cvGen(n, k) cvGenStratified(classVal,k) gatherFromList(lst)
n |
The number of instances in a data set. |
k |
The number of folds in cross-validation. |
classVal |
A vector of factors representing class values. |
lst |
A list of lists from which we collect results of the same components. |
The functions cvGen
and cvGenStratified
generate indices of instances from a data set which can be used in cross-validation.
The function cvGenStratified
generates the same distribution of class values in each fold.
The function gatherFromList
is an auxiliary function helping in collection of results, see the example below.
The functions cvGen
and cvGenStratified
return a vector of indices indicating fold membership i.e. from 1:k.
The function gatherFromList
returns a list with components containing elements of the same name.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
data <- iris folds <- 10 foldIdx <- cvGen(nrow(data), k=folds) evalCore<-list() for (j in 1:folds) { dTrain <- data[foldIdx!=j,] dTest <- data[foldIdx==j,] modelCore <- CoreModel(Species~., dTrain, model="rf") predCore <- predict(modelCore, dTest) evalCore[[j]] <- modelEval(modelCore, correctClass=dTest$Species, predictedClass=predCore$class, predictedProb=predCore$prob ) destroyModels(modelCore) } results <- gatherFromList(evalCore) sapply(results, mean)
data <- iris folds <- 10 foldIdx <- cvGen(nrow(data), k=folds) evalCore<-list() for (j in 1:folds) { dTrain <- data[foldIdx!=j,] dTest <- data[foldIdx==j,] modelCore <- CoreModel(Species~., dTrain, model="rf") predCore <- predict(modelCore, dTest) evalCore[[j]] <- modelEval(modelCore, correctClass=dTest$Species, predictedClass=predCore$class, predictedProb=predCore$prob ) destroyModels(modelCore) } results <- gatherFromList(evalCore) sapply(results, mean)
Destroys internal representation of a given model or all constructed models. As side effect the memory used by the model(s) is freed.
model |
The model structure as returned by |
The function destroys the model
structure as returned by CoreModel
Subsequent work with this model is no longer possible.
If parameter model=NULL
(default value) all generated models are destroyed and
memory used by their internal representation is freed.
There is no return value.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Petr Savicky
# use iris data set # build random forests model with certain parameters model <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) # prediction pred <- predict(model, iris, rfPredictClass=FALSE) # print(pred) # destruction of model's internal representation destroyModels(model)
# use iris data set # build random forests model with certain parameters model <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) # prediction pred <- predict(model, iris, rfPredictClass=FALSE) # print(pred) # destruction of model's internal representation destroyModels(model)
The method discretize
returns discretization bounds for numeric attributes and two auxiliary functions.
Discretization can be obtained with one of the three discretization methods:
greedy search using given feature evaluation heuristics, equal width of intervals, or equal number of instances in each interval.
The attributes and target variable are specified using formula interface, target variable name or index.
Feature evaluation algorithms available for classification problems
are various variants of Relief and ReliefF algorithms, gain ratio, gini-index, MDL, DKM, information gain, etc.
For regression problems there are RREliefF, MSEofMean, MSEofModel, MAEofMode, etc.
discretize(formula, data, method=c("greedy", "equalFrequency", "equalWidth"), estimator, discretizationLookahead=3, discretizationSample=0, maxBins=0, equalDiscBins=4, ...) applyDiscretization(data, boundsList, noDecimalsInValueName=2) intervalMidPoint(data, boundsList, midPointMethod=c("equalFrequency", "equalWidth"))
discretize(formula, data, method=c("greedy", "equalFrequency", "equalWidth"), estimator, discretizationLookahead=3, discretizationSample=0, maxBins=0, equalDiscBins=4, ...) applyDiscretization(data, boundsList, noDecimalsInValueName=2) intervalMidPoint(data, boundsList, midPointMethod=c("equalFrequency", "equalWidth"))
formula |
Either a formula specifying the attributes to be evaluated and the target variable, or a name of target variable, or an index of target variable. |
data |
Data frame with data. |
method |
Three discretization methods are available. With |
estimator |
The name of the evaluation method. |
discretizationLookahead |
Discretization is performed with a greedy algorithm which adds a new boundary, until there is no
improvement in evaluation function for |
discretizationSample |
Maximal number of points to try discretization (0=all sensible). Binarization of multivalued discrete features with
maxBins |
The maximal number of discrete bins for numeric attributes used for greedy discretization (0=don't care).
This shall be an integer vector of length
equal to the number of numeric attributes or an integer which applies to all numeric attributes. The default value of
0 means that the number of bins will be determined greedily taking into account |
equalDiscBins |
The number of bins used in equal frequency and equal width discretization. This shall be an integer vector of length equal to the number of numeric attributes or an integer which applies to all numeric attributes. The default value is 4. |
... |
Additional options used by specific evaluation methods as described in |
boundsList |
A list of numeric bounds which is applied to numeric attributes in |
noDecimalsInValueName |
With how many decimal places will the numeric feature values be presented in description (i.e., levels) of feature values. The default value is 2, but will be increased if this is necessary to avoid the same description of feature values. |
midPointMethod |
Two methods to determine the middle points of discretization intervals are available.
The |
In method discretize
the parameter formula
can be interpreted in three ways, where the formula interface is the most elegant one,
but inefficient and inappropriate for large data sets. See CoreModel
for details.
The estimator parameter selects the evaluation heuristics. For classification problem it
must be one of the names returned by infoCore(what="attrEval")
and for
regression problem it must be one of the names returned by infoCore(what="attrEvalReg")
For details see their description in attrEval
If the number of supplied vector in maxBins
and equalDiscBins
is shorter than the number of numeric attributes, the
vector is coerced to the required length.
There are some additional parameters ... available which are used by specific evaluation heuristics.
Their list and short description is available by calling helpCore
. See Section on attribute evaluation.
The function applyDiscretization
takes the discretization bounds obtain with function discretize
and transforms
numeric features in a data set into discrete features.
The function intervalMidPoint
takes discretization bounds provided by function discretize
and returns
middle points of discretization intervals for numeric attributes. The middle points are computed from the data;
for lowest/highest interval the minimum/maximum of the values in the data
for particular attribute
are implicitly taken as an additional left/right boundary point.
The method discretize
returns a list of discretization bounds for numeric attributes. One component of a list contains bounds for one attribute.
If an attribute has all values equal, value NA is returned. If an attribute has all values equal to NA, it is skipped in the returned list.
The function applyDiscretization
returns a data set where all numeric attributes are replaced with their discrete versions.
The function intervalMidPoint
returns a list of vectors where each vector contains middle point of discretized intevals.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Igor Kononenko: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of ReliefF and RReliefF. Machine Learning Journal, 53:23-69, 2003
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Igor Kononenko: Discretization of continuous attributes using ReliefF. Proceedings of ERK'95 , Portoroz, Slovenia, 1995.
Some of these references are available also from http://lkm.fri.uni-lj.si/rmarko/papers/
# use iris data # run method using estimator ReliefF with exponential rank distance discBounds <- discretize(Species ~ ., iris, method="greedy", estimator="ReliefFexpRank") print(discBounds) discreteIris <- applyDiscretization(iris, discBounds) prototypePoints <- intervalMidPoint(iris, discBounds, midPointMethod="equalFrequency") regData <- regDataGen(200) discretize(response ~ ., regData, method="greedy", estimator="RReliefFequalK", maxBins=2) # print all available estimators #infoCore(what="attrEval") #infoCore(what="attrEvalReg")
# use iris data # run method using estimator ReliefF with exponential rank distance discBounds <- discretize(Species ~ ., iris, method="greedy", estimator="ReliefFexpRank") print(discBounds) discreteIris <- applyDiscretization(iris, discBounds) prototypePoints <- intervalMidPoint(iris, discBounds, midPointMethod="equalFrequency") regData <- regDataGen(200) discretize(response ~ ., regData, method="greedy", estimator="RReliefFequalK", maxBins=2) # print all available estimators #infoCore(what="attrEval") #infoCore(what="attrEvalReg")
The method display
prints the tree models returned by CoreModel()
function. Depending of parameter format
the output is prepared for either screen or in dot format.
## S3 method for class 'CoreModel' display(x, format=c("screen","dot"))
## S3 method for class 'CoreModel' display(x, format=c("screen","dot"))
x |
The model structure as returned by |
format |
The type of output, i.e., prepared for screen display or in dot language |
The tree based models returned by function CoreModel
are visualized.
Only tree based models supported, including the trees which include other prediction models in their leaves.
Tree based models available are decision trees (obtained by using parameter model="tree"
in CoreModel),
and regression trees (with model="regTree"
Models in the leaves of decision trees
can be set using parameter modelType
in CoreModel
At the moment naive Bayes and kNN are available, for details see helpCore.
Models in the leaves of regression trees can be set using parameter modelTypeReg
in CoreModel
At the moment kNN, kernel regression, and several types of linear models are available,
for details see helpCore.
The output in dot language can be used with graphViz visualization software to create model visualization in various formats.
The method invisibly returns a printed character vector.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
# decision tree dataset <- CO2 md <- CoreModel(Plant ~ ., dataset, model="tree") display(md) destroyModels(md) #clean up # regression tree dataset <- CO2 mdr <- CoreModel(uptake ~ ., dataset, model="regTree") display(mdr, format="dot") destroyModels(mdr) # clean up
# decision tree dataset <- CO2 md <- CoreModel(Plant ~ ., dataset, model="tree") display(md) destroyModels(md) #clean up # regression tree dataset <- CO2 mdr <- CoreModel(uptake ~ ., dataset, model="regTree") display(mdr, format="dot") destroyModels(mdr) # clean up
Function converts given model from internal structures in C++ to R's data structures.
model |
The model structure as returned by |
The function converts the model referenced by model
from C++ internal structures
to R's lists. Currently it is implemented only for random forests models.
For random forest a resulting list contains first all the information on the forest level, followed by the list of trees. For each tree the nodes are recursively nested with indication of node type (leaf or internal node) and than required information for that data type.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
# uses iris data set # build random forests model with certain parameters, # do not make too many and too large trees modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=50, rfNoTrees=5, maxThreads=1) print(modelRF) # get the structure of the forest forest <- getCoreModel(modelRF) # forest destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
# uses iris data set # build random forests model with certain parameters, # do not make too many and too large trees modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=50, rfNoTrees=5, maxThreads=1) print(modelRF) # get the structure of the forest forest <- getCoreModel(modelRF) # forest destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
Get numerical characteristics of the trees in a RF model related to the size and depth.
getRFsizes(model, type=c("size", "sumdepth"))
getRFsizes(model, type=c("size", "sumdepth"))
model |
The model structure as returned by |
type |
The required characteristics. |
Size is the number of leaves. The sum of depths means the sum of the depth of all leaves.
Numerical vector of the length equal to the number of trees in RF.
Petr Savicky
# uses iris data set # build random forests model with certain parameters, # do not make too many and too large trees modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=50, rfNoTrees=50, maxThreads=1) getRFsizes(modelRF) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
# uses iris data set # build random forests model with certain parameters, # do not make too many and too large trees modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=50, rfNoTrees=50, maxThreads=1) getRFsizes(modelRF) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
The function converts a given CoreModel model (decision or regression tree)
into a rpart.object
prepared for visualization with plot
getRpartModel(model, dataset)
getRpartModel(model, dataset)
model |
A tree model produced by |
dataset |
A data set which was used in learning of the |
The conversion creates rpart.object
and copies CORElearn internal structures contained in memory controlled by
dynamic link library written in C++.
An alternative visualization is accessible via function display
, which outputs tree structure formatted
for screen or in dot format.
Function returns a rpart.object
Initial version by John Adeyanju Alao, improvements by Marko Robnik-Sikonja.
, plot.CoreModel
, display
# plot a decision tree directly dataset <- CO2 md<-CoreModel(Plant ~ ., dataset, model="tree") plot(md, dataset) # or indirectly rpm <- getRpartModel(md, dataset) # set angle to tan(0.5)=45 (degrees) and length of branches at least 5 plot(rpm, branch=0.5, minbranch=5, compress=TRUE) # pretty=0 prints full names of attributes, # numbers to 3 decimals, try to make a dendrogram more compact text(rpm, pretty=0, digits=3) destroyModels(md) # clean up # an alternative is to use fancier rpart.plot package # rpart.plot(rpm) # rpart.plot has many parameters controlling the output # but it cannot plot models in tree leaves
# plot a decision tree directly dataset <- CO2 md<-CoreModel(Plant ~ ., dataset, model="tree") plot(md, dataset) # or indirectly rpm <- getRpartModel(md, dataset) # set angle to tan(0.5)=45 (degrees) and length of branches at least 5 plot(rpm, branch=0.5, minbranch=5, compress=TRUE) # pretty=0 prints full names of attributes, # numbers to 3 decimals, try to make a dendrogram more compact text(rpm, pretty=0, digits=3) destroyModels(md) # clean up # an alternative is to use fancier rpart.plot package # rpart.plot(rpm) # rpart.plot has many parameters controlling the output # but it cannot plot models in tree leaves
The behavior of CORElearn is controlled by several parameters. This is a short overview.
There are many different parameters available. Some are general and can be used in many
learning, or feature evaluation algorithms. All the values actually used by
the classifier / regressor can be written to file (or read from it) using
The parameters for the methods are split into several groups and documented below.
The parameters in this group may be used inside model construction
via CoreModel
and feature evaluation in attrEval
. See attrEval
for description of relevant evaluation methods.
Parameters attrEvaluationInstances
, binaryEvaluation
, binarySplitNumericAttributes
are applicable to all attribute evaluation methods. In models which need feature evaluation (e.g., trees,
random forests) they affect the selection of splits in the nodes.
Other parameters may be used only in context sensitive measures, i.e., ReliefF in classification
and RReliefF in regression and their variants.
type: logical, default value: FALSE
Shall we treat all attributes as binary and binarize them before evaluation if necessary.
, then for all multivalued discrete and all numeric features a search for the
best binarization is performed. The evaluation of the best binarization found is reported.
, then multivalued discrete features are evaluated "as is" with multivalued versions
of estimators. With ReliefF-type measures, numeric features are also evaluated "as is". For evaluation
of numeric features with other (non-ReliefF-type) measures, they are first binarized or discretized.
The choice between binarization and discretization is controlled by
. Due to performance reasons it is recommended that
is used.
See also discretizationSample
type: logical, default value: TRUE
ReliefF like measures can evaluate numeric attributes intrinsically, others
have to discretize or binarize them before evaluation; for those measures
this parameter selects binarization (default) or discretization (computationally more demanding).
type: integer, default value: 1, value range: 1, 4
multi-class extension for two-class-only evaluation measures
(1-average of all-pairs, 2-best of all-pairs,
3-average of one-against-all, 4-best of one-against-all).
type: integer, default value: 0, value range: 0, Inf
number of instances for attribute evaluation (0=all available).
type: numeric, default value: 2, value range: 0, Inf
minimal number of instances (weight) in resulting split to take it in consideration.
type: integer, default value: 0, value range: -2, Inf
number of iterations for all variants of Relief (0=DataSize, -1=ln(DataSize) -2=sqrt(DataSize)).
type: numeric, default value: 0.04, value range: 0, 1
used in ramp function, proportion of numerical attribute's range to consider two values equal.
type: numeric, default value: 0.1, value range: 0, 1
used in ramp function, proportion of numerical attribute's range to consider two values different.
type: integer, default value: 10, value range: 0, Inf
number of neighbors to consider in equal k-nearest attribute evaluation.
type: integer, default value: 70, value range: 0, Inf
number of neighbors to consider in exponential rank distance attribute evaluation.
type: numeric, default value: 20, value range: 0, Inf
quotient in exponential rank distance attribute evaluation.
There are several parameters controlling a construction of the tree model. Some are described here,
but also attribute evaluation, stop building, model, constructive induction, discretization,
and pruning options described in this document are applicable.
Splits in trees are always binary, however, the option binaryEvaluation
has influence on the
feature selection for the split. Namely, selecting the best feature for the split is done with the given
value of binaryEvaluation
. If binaryEvaluation=FALSE
, the features are first evaluated and
the best one is finally binarized. If binaryEvaluation=TRUE
, the features are binarized before
selection. In this case, a search for the best binarization for all considered features is performed and
the best binarizations found are used for splits. The latter option is computationally more intensive,
but typically does not produce better trees.
type: character, default value: "MDL", possible values: all from attrEval
, section classification
estimator for selection of attributes and binarization in classification.
type: character, default value: "RReliefFexpRank", possible values: all from attrEval
, section regression
estimator for selection of attributes and binarization in regression.
type: numeric, default value: 0, value range: -1, 1
for all variants of Relief attribute estimator: the minimal evaluation of attribute to consider the attribute useful in further processing.
type: numeric, default value: 0.05, value range: 0, 1
minimal weight of an instance to use it further in splitting.
During tree construction the node is recursively split, until certain condition is fulfilled.
type: numeric, default value: 5, value range: 0, Inf
minimal number of instances (weight) of a leaf in the decision or regression tree model.
type: numeric, default value: 2, value range: 0, Inf
minimal number of instances (weight) of a leaf in the random forest tree.
type: numeric, default value: 0, value range: 0, 1
minimal proportion of training instances in a tree node to split it further.
type: numeric, default value: 1, value range: 0, 1
proportion of majority class in a classification tree node to stop splitting it.
type: numeric, default value: 0, value range: 0, 1
proportion of root's standard deviation in a regression tree node to stop splitting it.
In leaves of the tree model there can be various prediction models controlling prediction. For example instead of classification with majority of class values one can use naive Bayes in classification, or a linear model in regression, thereby expanding expressive power of the tree model.
type: integer, default value: 1, value range: 1, 4
type of models used in classification tree leaves (1=majority class, 2=k-nearest neighbors, 3=k-nearest neighbors with kernel, 4=naive Bayes).
type: integer, default value: 5, value range: 1, 8
type of models used in regression tree leaves (1=mean predicted value, 2=median predicted value, 3=linear by MSE,
4=linear by MDL, 5=linear reduced as in M5, 6=kNN, 7=Gaussian kernel regression, 8=locally weighted linear regression).
type: integer, default value: 10, value range: 0, Inf
number of neighbors in k-nearest neighbors models (0=all).
type: numeric, default value: 2, value range: 0, Inf
kernel width in k-nearest neighbors models.
type: integer, default value: 2, value range: 1, 3
type of discretization for naive Bayesian models (1=greedy with selection estimator, 2=equal frequency, 3=equal width).
type: integer, default value: 4, value range: 1, Inf
number of intervals in equal frequency or equal width discretizations.
The expressive power of tree models can be increased by incorporating additional types of splits. Operator based constructive induction is implemented in both classification and regression. The best construct is searched with beam search. At each step new constructs are evaluated with selected feature evaluation measure. With different types of operators one can control expressions in the interior tree nodes.
type: integer, default value: 15, value range: 1, 15
sum of constructive operators (1=single attributes, 2=conjunction, 4=addition, 8=multiplication); all=1+2+4+8=15
type: integer, default value: 0, value range: 0, Inf
maximal depth of the tree for constructive induction (0=do not do construction, 1=only at root, ...).
type: integer, default value: 5, value range: 0, Inf
number of cached attributes in each node where construction was performed.
type: character, default value: "MDL", possible values: all from attrEval
, section classification
estimator for constructive induction in classification.
type: character, default value: "RReliefFexpRank", possible values: all from attrEval
, section regression
estimator for constructive induction in regression.
type: integer, default value: 20, value range: 1, Inf
size of the beam in search for best feature in constructive induction.
type: integer, default value: 3, value range: 1, Inf
maximal size of constructs in constructive induction.
Some algorithms cannot deal with numeric attributes directly, so we have to discretize them. Also the tree models use
binary splits in nodes. The discretization algorithm evaluates split candidates and forms intervals of values.
Note that setting discretizationSample=1
will force random selection of splitting point, which will speed-up the algorithm
and may be perfectly acceptable for random forest ensembles.
CORElearn builds binary trees so multivalued discrete attributes have to be binarized i.e., values have to be split into
twoa subset, one going left and the other going right in a node. The method used depends on the parameters
and the number of attribute values. Possible methods are exhaustive (if the number of attribute values is less or equal
), greedy ((if the number of attribute values is less or equal maxValues4Greedy
and random ((if the number of attribute values is more than maxValues4Exhaustive
Setting maxValues4Greedy=2
will always randomly selet splitting point.
type: integer, default value: 3, value range: 0, Inf
Discretization is performed with a greedy algorithm which adds a new boundary, until there is no
improvement in evaluation function for discretizationLookahead
number of times
(0=try all possibilities). Candidate boundaries are chosen from a random sample of boundaries,
whose size is discretizationSample
type: integer, default value: 50, value range: 0, Inf
Maximal number of points to try discretization (0=all sensible).
For ReliefF-type measures, binarization of numeric features is performed with discretizationSample
chosen splits. For other measures, the split is searched among all possible splits.
type: integer, default value: 7, value range: 2, Inf
Maximal number of values of a discrete attribute to try finding split exhaustively.
If the attribute has more values the split will be searched greedily or selected ranomly based on the
value of parameter maxValues4Greedy
type: integer, default value: 30, value range: 2, Inf
Maximal number of values of a discrete attribute to try finding split greedily.
If the attribute has more values the split will be selected ranomly. Setting this parameter to 2 will
force random but balanced selection of splits which may be acceptable for random forest ensembles and will greatly
speed-up tree construction.
After the tree is constructed, to reduce noise it is beneficial to prune it.
type: integer, default value: 1, value range: 0, 1
decision tree pruning method used (0=none, 1=with m-estimate).
type: integer, default value: 2, value range: 0, 4
regression tree pruning method used (0=none, 1=MDL, 2=with m-estimate, 3=as in M5, 4=error complexity as in CART (fixed alpha)).
type: numeric, default value: 0.1, value range: 0, Inf
precision of model coefficients in MDL tree pruning.
type: numeric, default value: 0.01, value range: 0, Inf
precision of errors in MDL tree pruning.
type: numeric, default value: 2, value range: 0, Inf
m-estimate for pruning with m-estimate.
type: numeric, default value: 0, value range: 0, Inf
alpha for error complexity pruning.
For some models (decision trees, random forests, naive Bayes, and regression trees) one can smoothe the output predictions. In classification models output probabilities are smoothed and in case of regression prediction value is smoothed.
type: integer, default value: 0, value range: 0, 4
default value 0
means no smoothing (in case classification one gets relative frequencies),
value 1 stands for additive smoothing, 2 is pure Laplace's smoothing, 3 is m-estimate smoothing, and 4 means
Zadrozny-Elkan type of m-estimate smoothing where smoothingValue
is interpreted as
is the prior probability of
the least probable class value;
for regression
has no effect, as the smoothing is controlled solely by smoothingValue
type: numeric, default value: 0, value range: 0, Inf
additional parameter for some sorts of smoothing; in classification it is needed for additive, m-estimate,
and Zadrozny-Elkan type of smoothing;
in case of regression trees 0 means no smoothing and values larger than 0 change prediction value towards
the prediction of the models in ascendant nodes.
Random forest is quite complex model, whose construction one can control with several parameters. Momentarily only classification version of the algorithm is implemented. Besides parameters in this section one can apply majority of parameters for control of decision trees (except constructive induction and tree pruning).
type: integer, default value: 100, value range: 1, Inf
number of trees in the random forest.
type: integer, default value: 0, value range: -2, Inf
number of randomly selected attributes in the node (0=sqrt(numOfAttr), -1=log2(numOfAttr)+1, -2=all).
type: logical, default value: FALSE
use multiple attribute estimators in the forest? If TRUE the algorithm uses some preselected attribute evaluation measures on different trees.
type: integer, default value: 30, value range: 0, Inf
number of nearest intances for weighted random forest classification (0=no weighing).
type: numeric, default value: 0, value range: 0, 1
Proportion of trees where attribute probabilities are weighted with their quality. As attribute weighting might reduce the variance between the models,
the default value switches the weighing off.
type: logical, default value: FALSE
shall individual trees predict with majority class (otherwise with class distribution).
In the same manner as random forests more general tree ensembles can be constructed. Additional options control sampling, tree size and regularization.
type: numeric, default value: 0, value range: 0, 1
proportion of the training set to be used in learning (0=bootstrap replication).
type: integer, default value: 0, value range: 0, Inf
maximal number of leaves in each tree (0=build the whole tree).
type: integer, default value: 2, value range: 0, 2
type of regularization (0=no regularization, 1=global regularization, 2=local regularization).
type: numeric, default value: 0, value range: 0, Inf
regularization parameter lambda (0=no regularization).
In case of very large data sets it is useful to bypass R and read data directly from files as the standalone learning system CORElearn does. Supported file formats are C4.5, M5, and native format of CORElearn. See documentation at http://lkm.fri.uni-lj.si/rmarko/software/.
type: character,
name of a problem to read from files with suffixes .dsc, .dat, .names, .data, .cm, and .costs
type: character,
folder where data files are stored.
type: character, default value: "?"
character string which represents missing and NA values in the data files.
type: integer, default value: 0, value range: 0, Inf
maximal number of active threads (0=allow OpenMP to set its defaults).
As side effect, this parameter changes the number of active threads in all subsequent execution (till maxThreads
is set again).
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Petr Savicky
B. Zadrozny, C. Elkan. Learning and making decisions when costs and probabilities are both unknown. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2001.
Depending on parameter what
the function prints some information on CORElearn,
for example codes of available classification (or regression) attribute evaluation heuristics.
For more complete description of the parameters see helpCore
what |
Selects the info to be printed. |
Depending on the parameter what
the function some information on CORElearn.
Prints codes of all available classification attribute evaluation heuristics.
These codes can be used as parameters for attribute evaluation methods in learning.
It is internally used for validation of parameters. For more complete
information see attrEval
prints codes of all available regression attribute evaluation heuristics. These codes can be used as parameters for attribute evaluation
methods in learning. It is internally used for validation of parameters. For more complete
information see attrEval
For what="attrEval"
or "attrEvalReg"
function returns vector of codes for all
implemented classification or regression attribute evaluation heuristics, respectively.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
estClass <- infoCore(what="attrEval") print(estClass) infoCore(what="attrEvalReg")
estClass <- infoCore(what="attrEval") print(estClass) infoCore(what="attrEvalReg")
Using predictions of given model produced by predict.CoreModel
and correct labels,
computes some statistics evaluating the quality of the model.
modelEval(model=NULL, correctClass, predictedClass, predictedProb=NULL, costMatrix=NULL, priorClProb = NULL, avgTrainPrediction = NULL, beta = 1)
modelEval(model=NULL, correctClass, predictedClass, predictedProb=NULL, costMatrix=NULL, priorClProb = NULL, avgTrainPrediction = NULL, beta = 1)
model |
The model structure as returned by |
correctClass |
A vector of correct class labels for classification problem and function values for regression problem. |
predictedClass |
A vector of predicted class labels for classification problem and function values for regression problem. |
predictedProb |
An optional matrix of predicted class probabilities for classification. |
costMatrix |
Optional cost matrix can provide nonuniform costs for classification problems. |
priorClProb |
If |
avgTrainPrediction |
If |
beta |
For two class problems |
The function uses the model
structure as returned by CoreModel
and predictedProb
returned by
. Predicted values are compared with true values
and some statistics are computed measuring the quality of predictions.
In classification only one of the predictedClass
and predictedProb
can be NULL
(one of them is computed from the other under assumption that class label is assigned to the most probable class).
Some of the returned statistics are defined only for two class problems, for which the
confusion matrix specifying the number of instances of true/predicted class is
defined as follows,
true/predicted class | positive | negative |
positive | true positive (TP) | false negative (FN) |
negative | false positive (FP) | true negative (TN) |
Optional cost matrix can provide nonuniform costs for classification problems. For regression
problem this parameter is ignored. The costs can be different from the ones used for building the model
in CoreModel
and prediction with the model in predict.CoreModel
If no costs are supplied, uniform costs are assumed.
The format of the matrix is costMatrix(true_class, predicted_class)
By default a uniform costs are assumed, i.e., costMatrix(i, i) = 0
, and costMatrix(i, j) = 1
for i
not equal to j
. See the example below.
If a non-CORElearn model is evaluated, one should set model=NULL
, and a vector of prior of class
probabilities priorClProb
shall be provided in case of classification,
and in case of regression avgTrainPrediction
shall be the mean of prediction values
(estimated on a e.g., training set).
For classification problem function returns list with the components
accuracy |
classification accuracy, for two class problems this would equal
averageCost |
average classification cost |
informationScore |
information score statistics measuring information contents in the predicted probabilities |
Area under the ROC curve |
predictionMatrix |
matrix of miss-classifications also confusion matrix |
sensitivity |
sensitivity for two class problems (also called accuracy of the positive class, i.e., acc+, or true positive rate),
specificity |
specificity for two class problems (also called accuracy of the negative class, i.e., acc-, or true negative rate),
brierScore |
Brier score of predicted probabilities (the original Brier's definition which scores all the classes not only the correct one) |
kappa |
Cohen's kappa statistics measuring randomness of the predictions; for perfect predictions kappa=1, for completely random predictions kappa=0 |
precision |
precision for two class problems
recall |
recall for two class problems (the same as sensitivity) |
F-measure |
F-measure giving a weighted score of precision and recall for two class problems
G-mean |
geometric mean of positive and negative accuracy,
KS |
Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics defined for binary classification problems, reports the distance between the probability distributions of positive class for positive and negative instances, see (Hand, 2005), value 0 means no separation, and value 1 means perfect separation,
see definitions of TPR and FPR below |
true positive rate |
false positive rate |
For regression problem the returned list has components
square root of Mean Squared Error |
Relative Mean Squared Error |
Mean Absolute Error |
Relative Mean Absolute Error |
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
Igor Kononenko, Matjaz Kukar: Machine Learning and Data Mining: Introduction to Principles and Algorithms. Horwood, 2007
David J.Hand: Good practice in retail credit scorecard assesment. Journal of Operational Research Society, 56:1109-1117, 2005)
# use iris data # build random forests model with certain parameters model <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) # prediction with node distribution pred <- predict(model, iris, rfPredictClass=FALSE) # Model evaluation mEval <- modelEval(model, iris[["Species"]], pred$class, pred$prob) print(mEval) # use nonuniform cost matrix noClasses <- length(levels(iris[["Species"]])) costMatrix <- 1 - diag(noClasses) costMatrix[3,1] <- costMatrix[3,2] <- 5 # assume class 3 is more valuable mEvalCost <- modelEval(model, iris[["Species"]], pred$class, pred$prob, costMatrix=costMatrix) print(mEvalCost) destroyModels(model) # clean up
# use iris data # build random forests model with certain parameters model <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) # prediction with node distribution pred <- predict(model, iris, rfPredictClass=FALSE) # Model evaluation mEval <- modelEval(model, iris[["Species"]], pred$class, pred$prob) print(mEval) # use nonuniform cost matrix noClasses <- length(levels(iris[["Species"]])) costMatrix <- 1 - diag(noClasses) costMatrix[3,1] <- costMatrix[3,2] <- 5 # assume class 3 is more valuable mEvalCost <- modelEval(model, iris[["Species"]], pred$class, pred$prob, costMatrix=costMatrix) print(mEvalCost) destroyModels(model) # clean up
Counts number of equal rows in two data sets. The two data sets shall have equal number of columns.
noEqualRows(data1, data2, tolerance=1e-5, countOnce=TRUE)
noEqualRows(data1, data2, tolerance=1e-5, countOnce=TRUE)
data1 |
The first data set. |
data2 |
The second data set. |
tolerance |
Tolerated difference between two rows. |
countOnce |
Shall each equal row in data1 be counted just once, or number of rows it is equal to in data2. |
Rows are compared using column-wise comparisons. The sum of differences up to a given tolerance are tolerated.
Integer value giving the count of equal instances.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
# uses two randomly generated data sets set.seed(12345) d1 <- classDataGen(100) d2 <- classDataGen(100) noEqualRows(d1, d2, tolerance=1e-4)
# uses two randomly generated data sets set.seed(12345) d1 <- classDataGen(100) d2 <- classDataGen(100) noEqualRows(d1, d2, tolerance=1e-4)
The generator produces ordinal data simulating different profiles of attributes: basic, performance, excitement and irrelevant.
ordDataGen(noInst, classNoise=0)
ordDataGen(noInst, classNoise=0)
noInst |
Number of instances to generate. |
classNoise |
Proportion of randomly determined values in the class variable. |
Problem is
described by six important and two
irrelevant features. The important features correspond to different
feature types from the marketing theory: two basic features
( and
), two performance features (
), two excitement features (
), and two irrelevant features (
). The values of all features are randomly generated
integer values from 1 to 5, indicating for example score assigned to
each of the features by the survey's respondent. The dependent
variable for each instance (class) is the sum of its features'
effects, which we scale to the uniform distribution of integers 1-5,
indicating, for example, an overall score assigned by the respondent.
The method returns a data.frame
with noInst
rows and 9 columns.
Range of values of the attributes and class are integers in [1,5]
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
#prepare a data set dat <- ordDataGen(200) # evaluate ordered features with ordEval est <- ordEval(class ~ ., dat, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=100) # print(est) plot(est)
#prepare a data set dat <- ordDataGen(200) # evaluate ordered features with ordEval est <- ordEval(class ~ ., dat, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=100) # print(est) plot(est)
The method evaluates the quality of ordered attributes specified by the formula with ordEval algorithm.
ordEval(formula, data, file=NULL, rndFile=NULL, variant=c("allNear","attrDist1","classDist1"), ...)
ordEval(formula, data, file=NULL, rndFile=NULL, variant=c("allNear","attrDist1","classDist1"), ...)
formula |
Either a formula specifying the attributes to be evaluated and the target variable, or a name of target variable, or an index of target variable. |
data |
Data frame with evaluation data. |
file |
Name of file where evaluation results will be written to. |
rndFile |
Name of file where evaluation of random normalizing attributes will be written to. |
variant |
Name of the variant of ordEval algorithm. Can be any of |
... |
Other options specific to ordEval or common to other context-sensitive evaluation methods (e.g., ReliefF). |
The parameter formula
can be interpreted in three ways, where the formula interface is the most elegant one,
but inefficient and inappropriate for large data sets. See also examples below. As formula
one can specify:
used as a mechanism to select features (attributes)
and prediction variable (class). Only simple terms can be used and
interaction expressed in formula syntax are not supported. The simplest way is
to specify just response variable: class ~ .
In this case all other attributes in the data set are evaluated. Note that formula interface is not appropriate for data sets with
large number of variables.
specifying the name of target variable, all the other columns in data frame data
are used as predictors.
specifying the index of of target variable in data frame data
, all the other columns are used as predictors.
In the data frame data
take care to supply the ordinal data as factors and to provide equal levels for them
(this is not necessary what one gets with read.table
See example below.
The output can be optionally written to files file
and rndFile
in a format used by visualization methods in plotOrdEval
The variant of the algorithm actually used is controlled with variant
which can have values "allNear", "attrDist1", and "classDist1". The default value
is "allNear" which takes all nearest neighbors into account in evaluation of attributes.
Variant "attrDist1" takes only neighbors with attribute value at most 1 different from
current case into account (for each attribute separately). This makes sense when we want to
see the thresholds of reinforcement, and therefore observe just small change up or down
(it makes sense to combine this with equalUpDown=TRUE
in plot.ordEval
The "classDist1" variant takes only neighbors with class value at most 1 different from
current case into account. This makes sense if we want to observe strictly small
changes in upward/downward reinforcement and has little effect in practical applications.
There are some additional parameters (note ... ) some of which are common with other context-sensitive evaluation methods (e.g., ReliefF).
Their list of common parameters is available in helpCore
(see subsection on attribute evaluation therein).
The parameters specific to ordEval
type: integer, default value: 0, value range: 0, Inf,
number of randomly shuffled attributes for normalization of each attribute (0=no normalization). This parameter should be set to
a reasonably high value (e.g., 200) in order to produce reliable confidence intervals with plot.ordEval
. The parameters
and ordEvalNormalizingPercentile
only make sense if this parameter is larger than 0.
type: logical, default value: FALSE
are features used for normalization constructed with bootstrap sampling or random permutation.
type: numeric, default value: 0.025, value range: 0, 0.5
percentile defines the length of confidence interval obtained with random normalization. Percentile t
interval by taking the and
random evaluation as the confidence interval boundaries, thereby forming
% confidence interval (
=0.025 gives 95% confidence interval). The value is set by
type: character,
a character vector representing a list of attribute weights in the ordEval distance measure.
Evaluation of attributes without specifics of ordered attributes is covered in function attrEval
The method returns a list with following components:
reinfPosAV |
a matrix of positive reinforcement for attributes' values, |
reinfNegAV |
a matrix of negative reinforcement for attributes' values, |
anchorAV |
a matrix of anchoring for attributes' values, |
noAV |
a matrix containing count for each value of each attribute, |
reinfPosAttr |
a vector of positive reinforcement for attributes, |
reinfNegAttr |
a matrix of negative reinforcement for attributes, |
anchorAttr |
a matrix of anchoring for attributes, |
noAVattr |
a vector containing count of valid values of each attribute, |
rndReinfPosAV |
a three dimensional array of statistics for random normalizing attributes' positive reinforcement for attributes' values, |
rndReinfPosAV |
a three dimensional array of statistics for random normalizing attributes' negative reinforcement for attributes' values, |
rndAnchorAV |
a three dimensional array of statistics for random normalizing attributes' anchoring for attributes' values, |
rndReinfPosAttr |
a three dimensional array of statistics for random normalizing attributes' positive reinforcement for attributes, |
rndReinfPosAttr |
a three dimensional array of statistics for random normalizing attributes' negative reinforcement for attributes, |
rndAnchorAttr |
a three dimensional array of statistics for random normalizing attributes' anchoring for attributes. |
attrNames |
the names of attributes |
valueNames |
the values of attributes |
noAttr |
number of attributes |
ordVal |
maximal number of attribute values |
variant |
the variant of the algorithm used |
file |
the file to store the results |
rndFile |
the file to store random normalizations |
The statistics used are median, 1st quartile, 3rd quartile, low and high percentile selected by ordEvalNormalizingPercentile
, mean, standard deviation, and expected probability according to value distribution.
With these statistics we can visualize significance of reinforcements using adapted box and whiskers plot.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Koen Vanhoof: Evaluation of ordinal attributes at value level. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 14:225-243, 2007
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Igor Kononenko: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of ReliefF and RReliefF. Machine Learning Journal, 53:23-69, 2003
Some of the references are available also from http://lkm.fri.uni-lj.si/rmarko/papers/
#prepare a data set dat <- ordDataGen(200) # evaluate ordered features with ordEval est <- ordEval(class ~ ., dat, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=100) # print(est) printOrdEval(est) plot(est)
#prepare a data set dat <- ordDataGen(200) # evaluate ordered features with ordEval est <- ordEval(class ~ ., dat, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=100) # print(est) printOrdEval(est) plot(est)
All the parameters of the given model are written directly to file, or read from file into model.
paramCoreIO(model, fileName, io=c("read","write"))
paramCoreIO(model, fileName, io=c("read","write"))
model |
The model structure as returned by |
fileName |
Name of the parameter file. |
io |
Controls weather the parameters will be read or written. |
The function uses the model
structure as returned by CoreModel
reads or writes all its parameters from/to file.
If parameter io="read"
parameters are read from file filename
If parameter io="write"
parameters are written to file filename
Returns invisible list with parameters passed to C function:
list(modelID, filename, io
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
# use iris data # build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=50, maxThreads=1) # writes all the used parameters to file paramCoreIO(modelRF, "parameters.par", io="write") # and reads them back into the model paramCoreIO(modelRF, "parameters.par", io="read") # clean up for the sake of R package checks file.remove("parameters.par") destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
# use iris data # build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=50, maxThreads=1) # writes all the used parameters to file paramCoreIO(modelRF, "parameters.par", io="write") # and reads them back into the model paramCoreIO(modelRF, "parameters.par", io="read") # clean up for the sake of R package checks file.remove("parameters.par") destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
The method plot
visualizes the models returned by CoreModel()
function or summaries obtained by applying these models to data.
Different plots can be produced depending on the type of the model.
## S3 method for class 'CoreModel' plot(x, trainSet, rfGraphType=c("attrEval", "outliers", "scaling", "prototypes", "attrEvalCluster"), clustering=NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'CoreModel' plot(x, trainSet, rfGraphType=c("attrEval", "outliers", "scaling", "prototypes", "attrEvalCluster"), clustering=NULL, ...)
x |
The model structure as returned by |
trainSet |
The data frame containing training data which produced the model |
rfGraphType |
The type of the graph to produce for random forest models. See details. |
clustering |
The clustering of the training instances used in some model types. See details. |
... |
Other options controlling graphical output passed to additional graphical functions. |
The output of function CoreModel
is visualized. Depending on the model type, different visualizations
are produced. Currently, classification tree, regression tree, and random forests are supported
(models "tree", "regTree", "rf", and "rfNear").
For classification and regression trees (models "tree" and "regTree") the visualization produces a graph
representing structure
of classification and regression tree, respectively. This process exploits graphical capabilities of
package. Internal structures of
are converted to rpart.object
and then visualized by calling
using default parameters. Any additional parameters are passed on to this function. For further
control use the getRpartModel
function and call the function rpart.plot
or plot.rpart
with different parameters.
Note that rpart.plot
can only display a single value in a leaf, which is not appropriate for model trees using e.g.,
linear regression in the leaves. For these cases function display
is a better alternative.
For random forest models (models "rf" and "rfNear") different types of visualizations can be produced depending on the
the attributes are evaluated with random forest model and the importance scores are then
visualized. For details see rfAttrEval
similarly to the "attrEval"
the attributes are evaluated with random forest
model and the importance scores are then visualized, but the importance scores are generated
for each cluster separately. The parameter clustering
provides clustering information on
the trainSet
. If clustering
parameter is set to NULL, the class values are used as
clustering information and visualization of attribute importance for each class separately is
For details see rfAttrEvalClustering
the random forest proximity measure of training instances in trainSet
is visualized and outliers for each class separately can be detected.
For details see rfProximity
and rfOutliers
typical instances are found based on predicted class probabilities
and their values are visualized (see classPrototypes
returns a scaling plot of training instances in a two dimensional space using
random forest based proximity as the distance (see rfProximity
and a scaling function cmdscale
The method returns no value.
John Adeyanju Alao (initial implementation) and Marko Robnik-Sikonja (integration, improvements)
Leo Breiman: Random Forests. Machine Learning Journal, 45:5-32, 2001
# decision tree dataset <- iris md <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., dataset, model="tree") plot(md, dataset) # additional parameters are passed directly to rpart.plot # Additional visualizations can be obtained by explicit conversion to rpart.object #rpm <- getRpartModel(md,dataset) # and than setting graphical parameters in plot.rpart and text.rpart #require(rpart) # E.g., set angle to tan(0.5)=45 (degrees) and length of branches at least 5, # try to make a dendrogram more compact #plot(rpm, branch=0.5, minbranch=5, compress=TRUE) #(pretty=0) full names of attributes, numbers to 3 decimals, #text(rpm, pretty=0, digits=3) destroyModels(md) # clean up # regression tree dataset <- CO2 mdr <- CoreModel(uptake ~ ., dataset, model="regTree") plot(mdr, dataset) destroyModels(mdr) # clean up #random forests dataset <- iris mdRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., dataset, model="rf", rfNoTrees=30, maxThreads=1) plot(mdRF, dataset, rfGraphType="attrEval") plot(mdRF, dataset, rfGraphType="outliers") plot(mdRF, dataset, rfGraphType="scaling") plot(mdRF, dataset, rfGraphType="prototypes") plot(mdRF, dataset, rfGraphType="attrEvalCluster", clustering=NULL) destroyModels(mdRF) # clean up
# decision tree dataset <- iris md <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., dataset, model="tree") plot(md, dataset) # additional parameters are passed directly to rpart.plot # Additional visualizations can be obtained by explicit conversion to rpart.object #rpm <- getRpartModel(md,dataset) # and than setting graphical parameters in plot.rpart and text.rpart #require(rpart) # E.g., set angle to tan(0.5)=45 (degrees) and length of branches at least 5, # try to make a dendrogram more compact #plot(rpm, branch=0.5, minbranch=5, compress=TRUE) #(pretty=0) full names of attributes, numbers to 3 decimals, #text(rpm, pretty=0, digits=3) destroyModels(md) # clean up # regression tree dataset <- CO2 mdr <- CoreModel(uptake ~ ., dataset, model="regTree") plot(mdr, dataset) destroyModels(mdr) # clean up #random forests dataset <- iris mdRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., dataset, model="rf", rfNoTrees=30, maxThreads=1) plot(mdRF, dataset, rfGraphType="attrEval") plot(mdRF, dataset, rfGraphType="outliers") plot(mdRF, dataset, rfGraphType="scaling") plot(mdRF, dataset, rfGraphType="prototypes") plot(mdRF, dataset, rfGraphType="attrEvalCluster", clustering=NULL) destroyModels(mdRF) # clean up
The method plot
visualizes the results of ordEval algorithm with an adapted
box-and-whiskers plots. The method printOrdEval
prints summary of the results
in a text format.
plotOrdEval(file, rndFile, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ordEval' plot(x, graphType=c("avBar", "attrBar", "avSlope"), ...) printOrdEval(x)
plotOrdEval(file, rndFile, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ordEval' plot(x, graphType=c("avBar", "attrBar", "avSlope"), ...) printOrdEval(x)
x |
The object containing results of ordEval algorithm obtained by calling |
file |
Name of file where evaluation results of ordEval algorithm were written to. |
rndFile |
Name of file where evaluation of random normalizing attributes by ordEval algorithm were written to. |
graphType |
The type of the graph to produce. Can be any of |
... |
Other options controlling graphical output, used by specific graphical methods. See details. |
The output of function ordEval
either returned directly or stored in files file
and rndFile
is read and visualized. The type of graph produced is controlled by graphType
the positive and negative reinforcement of each value of each attribute is visualized
as the length of the bar. For each value also a normalizing modified box and whiskers plot
is produced above it, showing the confidence interval of the same attribute value under the assumption
that the attribute contains no information. If the length of the bar is outside the normalizing whiskers, this
is a statistically significant indication that the value is important.
the positive and negative reinforcement for each attribute is visualized
as the length of the bar. This reinforcement is weighted sum of contributions of individual
values visualized with avBar
graph type.
the positive and negative reinforcement of each value of each attribute is visualized
as the slope of the line segment connecting consequent values
The avBar
and avSlope
produce several graphs (one for each attribute). In order to see them all on
an interactive device use devAskNewPage
. On some platforms or in RStudio environment the graphical window stores the
history and one can browse through recent pages. Alternatively use any of non-interactive devices
such as pdf
or postscript
. Some support for opening and handling of these devices is provided
by function preparePlot
. The user should take care to call dev.off
after completion of the operations.
There are some additional optional parameters ... which are important to all or for some graph types.
The type of the confidence interval in "avBar" and "attrBar" graph types. Can be "two.sided"
, "upper"
, "lower"
, or "none"
Together with ordEvalNormalizingPercentile
parameter in ordEval
, ciType
, ciDisplay
and ciDecorate
controls the type, length and display of confidence intervals for each value.
The way how confidence intervals are displayed. Can be "box"
or "color"
. The value "box"
displays confidence interval as box and whiskers plot above the actual value with whiskers representing confidence percentiles.
The value "color"
displays only the upper limit of confidence interval, namely the value
(represented with a length of the bar) beyond the confidence interval is displayed with more intensive color or shade.
controls if the reinforcement factors stretching outside the confidence intervals of possible random effects are decorated by being circled with an ellipse. The default value NULL means that there are no decorations, other values are interpreted as colors in the function draw.elipse
, e.g., ciDecorate="red"
draws red ellipses around statisticaly significant reinforcemnets.
a boolean specifying if upward and downward reinforcement of the same value are to be displayed
side by side on the same level; it usually makes sense to
set this parameter to TRUE
when specifying a single value differences by setting variant="attrDist1"
specifies text to incorporate into the title.
displays plot for a single attribute with specified index.
label of lower horizontal axis.
label of the left-hand vertical axis.
label of the right-hand vertical axis.
a vector with four colors specifying colors of reinforcement bars for down, down_beyond, up, and up_beyond, respectively. If set to NULL this produces black and white graph with shades of gray.
The colors down_beyond and up_beyond depict the confidence interval if parameter ciDisplay="color"
The default values are colors=c("green","lightgreen","blue","lightblue")
The method returns no value.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Koen Vanhoof: Evaluation of ordinal attributes at value level. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 14:225-243, 2007
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Igor Kononenko: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of ReliefF and RReliefF. Machine Learning Journal, 53:23-69, 2003
Some of the references are available also from http://lkm.fri.uni-lj.si/rmarko/papers/
# prepare a data set dat <- ordDataGen(200) # evaluate ordered features with ordEval oe <- ordEval(class ~ ., dat, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=200) plot(oe) # printOrdEval(oe) # the same effect we achieve by storing results to files tmp <- ordEval(class ~ ., dat, file="profiles.oe", rndFile="profiles.oer", ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=200) plotOrdEval(file="profiles.oe", rndFile="profiles.oer", graphType="attrBar") # clean up for the sake of R package checks file.remove("profiles.oe") file.remove("profiles.oer")
# prepare a data set dat <- ordDataGen(200) # evaluate ordered features with ordEval oe <- ordEval(class ~ ., dat, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=200) plot(oe) # printOrdEval(oe) # the same effect we achieve by storing results to files tmp <- ordEval(class ~ ., dat, file="profiles.oe", rndFile="profiles.oer", ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=200) plotOrdEval(file="profiles.oe", rndFile="profiles.oer", graphType="attrBar") # clean up for the sake of R package checks file.remove("profiles.oe") file.remove("profiles.oer")
Using a previously built model and new data, predicts the class value and probabilities for classification problem and function value for regression problem.
## S3 method for class 'CoreModel' predict(object, newdata, ..., costMatrix=NULL, type=c("both","class","probability"))
## S3 method for class 'CoreModel' predict(object, newdata, ..., costMatrix=NULL, type=c("both","class","probability"))
object |
The model structure as returned by |
newdata |
Data frame with fresh data. |
costMatrix |
Optional cost matrix can provide nonuniform costs for classification problems. |
type |
Controls what will be return value in case of classification. |
... |
Other model dependent options for prediction. See |
The function uses the object
structure as returned by CoreModel
applies it on the data frame newdata
. The newdata
must be transformable
using the formula specified for building the model (with dependent variable removed). If the dependent
variable is present in newdata
, it is ignored.
Optional cost matrix can provide nonuniform costs for classification problems. For regression
problem this parameter is ignored. The costs can be different from the ones used for building the model
in CoreModel
For regression model a vector of predicted values for given input instances. For classification
problem the parameter type
controls what is returned. With default value "both"
function returns a list with two components class
and probabilities
containing predicted class values and probabilities for all class values, respectively.
With type
set to "class"
or "probability"
the function returns only the selected component
as vector or matrix.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Petr Savicky
# use iris data set # build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5,rfNoTrees=100) print(modelRF) # prediction with node distribution pred <- predict(modelRF, iris, rfPredictClass=FALSE, type="both") # print(pred) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
# use iris data set # build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5,rfNoTrees=100) print(modelRF) # prediction with node distribution pred <- predict(modelRF, iris, rfPredictClass=FALSE, type="both") # print(pred) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
Based on provided fileName
opens and sets appropriate graphical device: pdf, postscript,
interactive graphical window, or (only on windows) windows metafile,.
fileName |
Name of the file to store the output to. |
... |
Further parameters passed to device. |
The function opens the graphical output device based on fileName
The extensions .pdf, .ps, .jpg, .bmp, .tif, .png, .tiff or none select pdf
, postscript
, bmp
, tiff
, bitmap
or a default (interactive) graphical device.
On Windows also .emf extension is supported which opens win.metafile
and creates vector graphics in windows enhanced metafile format.
The extension .tiff opens bitmap
device which produces bitmap via postscript
Therefore it requires Ghostscript to be installed and on the executable path.
Some sensible default values are passed to created devices, but further options can be
passed via ...
A plot device is opened and nothing is returned to the R interpreter.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
# prepare a data set dat <- ordDataGen(200) # evaluate ordered features with ordEval oe <- ordEval(class ~ ., dat, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=200) # the folowing line if uncommented will create a separate # postscript file with given filename for each attribute # preparePlot("myGraph%03d.ps") plot(oe) dev.off()
# prepare a data set dat <- ordDataGen(200) # evaluate ordered features with ordEval oe <- ordEval(class ~ ., dat, ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers=200) # the folowing line if uncommented will create a separate # postscript file with given filename for each attribute # preparePlot("myGraph%03d.ps") plot(oe) dev.off()
The generator produces regression data data with 4 discrete and 7 numeric attributes.
regDataGen(noInst, t1=0.8, t2=0.5, noise=0.1)
regDataGen(noInst, t1=0.8, t2=0.5, noise=0.1)
noInst |
Number of instances to generate. |
t1 , t2
Parameters controlling the shape of the distribution. |
noise |
Parameter controlling the amount of noise. If |
The response variable is derived from x4, x5, x6 using two different
functions. The choice depends on a hidden variable, which determines weather the
response value would follow a linear dependency ,
or a nonlinear one
Attributes a1, a2, x1, x2 carry some information on the hidden variables depending on parameters t1, t2. Extreme values of the parameters are t1=0.5 and t2=1, when there is no information. On the other hand, if t1=0 or t1=1 then each of the attributes a1, a2 carries full information. If t2=0, then each of x1, x2 carries full information on the hidden variable.
The attributes x4, x5, x6 are available with a noise level depending
on parameter noise
. If noise=0
, there is no noise. If noise=1
, then the level
of the signal and noise are the same.
Returns a data.frame
with noInst
rows and 11 columns.
Range of values of the attributes and response are
a1 |
0,1 |
a2 |
a,b,c,d |
a3 |
0,1 (irrelevant) |
a4 |
a,b,c,d (irrelevant) |
x1 |
numeric (gaussian with different sd for each class) |
x2 |
numeric (gaussian with different sd for each class) |
x3 |
numeric (gaussian, irrelevant) |
x4 |
numeric from [0,1] |
x5 |
numeric from [0,1] |
x6 |
numeric from [0,1] |
response |
numeric |
Petr Savicky
#prepare a regression data set regData <-regDataGen(noInst=200) # build regression tree similar to CART modelRT <- CoreModel(response ~ ., regData, model="regTree", modelTypeReg=1) print(modelRT) destroyModels(modelRT) # clean up
#prepare a regression data set regData <-regDataGen(noInst=200) # build regression tree similar to CART modelRT <- CoreModel(response ~ ., regData, model="regTree", modelTypeReg=1) print(modelRT) destroyModels(modelRT) # clean up
Given probability scores probScore
and true probabilities trueProb
the methods plots one against the other using a selected boxing method
which groups scores and probabilities to show calibration of probabilities in given probability bands.
reliabilityPlot(probScore, trueProb, titleText="", boxing="equipotent", noBins=10, classValue = 1, printWeight=FALSE)
reliabilityPlot(probScore, trueProb, titleText="", boxing="equipotent", noBins=10, classValue = 1, printWeight=FALSE)
probScore |
A vector of predicted probabilities for a given class |
trueProb |
A vector of true probabilities for a given |
titleText |
The text of the graph title. |
boxing |
One of |
noBins |
The value of parameter depends on the parameter |
classValue |
A class value (factor) or an index of the class value (integer) for which reliability plot is made. |
printWeight |
A boolean specifying if box weights are to be printed. |
Depending on the specified boxing
the probability scores are grouped in one of three possible ways
each unique probability score forms its own box.
forms noBins
equally wide boxes.
forms noBins
boxes with equal number of scores in each box.
The parameter trueProb
can represent either probabilities (in [0, 1] range, in most cases these will be 0s or 1s),
or the true class values from which the method will form 0 and 1 values corresponding to probabilities for class value classValue
A function returns a graph containing reliability plot on a current graphical device.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
# generate data consisting from 3 parts: # one part for training, one part for calibration, one part for testing train <-classDataGen(noInst=200) cal <-classDataGen(noInst=200) test <- classDataGen(noInst=200) # build random forests model with default parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(class~., train, model="rf") # prediction of calibration and test set predCal <- predict(modelRF, cal, rfPredictClass=FALSE) predTest <- predict(modelRF, test, rfPredictClass=FALSE) destroyModels(modelRF) # no longer needed, clean up # show reliability plot of uncalibrated test set class1<-1 par(mfrow=c(1,2)) reliabilityPlot(predTest$prob[,class1], test$class, titleText="Uncalibrated probabilities", classValue=class1) # calibrate for a chosen class1 and method using calibration set calibration <- calibrate(cal$class, predCal$prob[,class1], class1=1, method="isoReg", assumeProbabilities=TRUE) calTestProbs <- applyCalibration(predTest$prob[,class1], calibration) # display calibrated probabilities reliabilityPlot(calTestProbs, test$class, titleText="Calibrated probabilities", classValue=class1)
# generate data consisting from 3 parts: # one part for training, one part for calibration, one part for testing train <-classDataGen(noInst=200) cal <-classDataGen(noInst=200) test <- classDataGen(noInst=200) # build random forests model with default parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(class~., train, model="rf") # prediction of calibration and test set predCal <- predict(modelRF, cal, rfPredictClass=FALSE) predTest <- predict(modelRF, test, rfPredictClass=FALSE) destroyModels(modelRF) # no longer needed, clean up # show reliability plot of uncalibrated test set class1<-1 par(mfrow=c(1,2)) reliabilityPlot(predTest$prob[,class1], test$class, titleText="Uncalibrated probabilities", classValue=class1) # calibrate for a chosen class1 and method using calibration set calibration <- calibrate(cal$class, predCal$prob[,class1], class1=1, method="isoReg", assumeProbabilities=TRUE) calTestProbs <- applyCalibration(predTest$prob[,class1], calibration) # display calibrated probabilities reliabilityPlot(calTestProbs, test$class, titleText="Calibrated probabilities", classValue=class1)
The method evaluates the quality of the features/attributes/dependent variables
used in the given random forest model
rfAttrEval(model) rfAttrEvalClustering(model, dataset, clustering=NULL)
rfAttrEval(model) rfAttrEvalClustering(model, dataset, clustering=NULL)
model |
The model of type |
dataset |
Training instances that produced random forest |
clustering |
A clustering vector of |
The attributes are evaluated via provided random forest's out-of-bag sets. Values for each attribute in turn
are randomly shuffled and classified with random forest. The difference between average margin of
non-shuffled and shuffled instances serves as a quality estimate of the attribute.
The function rfAttrEvalClustering
uses a clustering of the training instances to produce
importance score of attributes
for each cluster separately. If parameter clustering
is set to NULL
the actual class values of the instances are used as clusters thereby producing the evaluation of attributes
specific for each of the class values.
In case of rfAttrEval
a vector of evaluations for the features in the order specified by the formula used to generate the provided model
In case of rfAttrEvalClustering
a matrix is returned, where each row contains evaluations for one of the clusters.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja (thesis supervisor) and John Adeyanju Alao (as a part of his BSc thesis)
Marko Robnik-Sikonja: Improving Random Forests. In J.-F. Boulicaut et al.(Eds): ECML 2004, LNAI 3210, Springer, Berlin, 2004, pp. 359-370 Available also from http://lkm.fri.uni-lj.si/rmarko/papers/
Leo Breiman: Random Forests. Machine Learning Journal, 2001, 45, 5-32
# build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) rfAttrEval(modelRF) # feature evaluations x <- rfAttrEval(modelRF) # feature evaluations for each class print(x) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
# build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) rfAttrEval(modelRF) # feature evaluations x <- rfAttrEval(modelRF) # feature evaluations for each class print(x) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
Creates a clustering of random forest training instances. Random forest provides proximity of its training instances based on their out-of-bag classification. This information is usually passed to visualizations (e.g., scaling) and attribute importance measures.
rfClustering(model, noClusters=4)
rfClustering(model, noClusters=4)
model |
a random forest model returned by |
noClusters |
number of clusters |
The method calls pam
function for clustering, initializing its distance matrix with random forest based similarity by calling
with argument model
An object of class pam
representing the clustering (see ?pam.object
for details),
the most important being a vector of cluster assignments (named cluster
) to training instances used to generate the model
John Adeyanju Alao (as a part of his BSc thesis) and Marko Robnik-Sikonja (thesis supervisor)
Leo Breiman: Random Forests. Machine Learning Journal, 45:5-32, 2001
set<-iris md<-CoreModel(Species ~ ., set, model="rf", rfNoTrees=30, maxThreads=1) mdCluster<-rfClustering(md, 5) destroyModels(md) # clean up
set<-iris md<-CoreModel(Species ~ ., set, model="rf", rfNoTrees=30, maxThreads=1) mdCluster<-rfClustering(md, 5) destroyModels(md) # clean up
The method returns internal out-of-bag performance evaluation for given random forests model
model |
The model of type |
The method returns random forest performance estimations obtained via its out-of-bag sets. The performance measures returned are classification accuracy, average classification margin, and correlation between trees in the forest. The classification margin is defined as the difference between probability of the correct class and probability of the most probable incorrect class. The correlation between models is estimated as the ratio between classification margin variance and variance of the forest as defined in (Breiman, 2001).
The list containing three performance measures computed with out-of-bag instances is returned:
accuracy |
the classification accuracy of the forest, |
margin |
the average margin of classification with the forest, |
correlation |
the correlation between trees in the forest. |
Marko Robnik-Sikonja.
Leo Breiman: Random Forests. Machine Learning Journal, 2001, 45, 5-32
# build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) rfOOB(modelRF) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
# build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL", minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) rfOOB(modelRF) destroyModels(modelRF) # clean up
Based on random forest instance proximity measure detects training cases which are different to all other cases.
rfOutliers(model, dataset)
rfOutliers(model, dataset)
model |
a random forest model returned by |
dataset |
a training set used to generate the |
Strangeness is defined using the random forest model via a proximity matrix (see rfProximity
If the number is greater than 10, the case can be considered an outlier according to Breiman 2001.
For each instance from a dataset
the function returns a numeric score of its strangeness to other cases.
John Adeyanju Alao (as a part of his BSc thesis) and Marko Robnik-Sikonja (thesis supervisor)
Leo Breiman: Random Forests. Machine Learning Journal, 45:5-32, 2001
#first create a random forest tree using CORElearn dataset <- iris md <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., dataset, model="rf", rfNoTrees=30, maxThreads=1) outliers <- rfOutliers(md, dataset) plot(abs(outliers)) #for a nicer display try plot(md, dataset, rfGraphType="outliers") destroyModels(md) # clean up
#first create a random forest tree using CORElearn dataset <- iris md <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., dataset, model="rf", rfNoTrees=30, maxThreads=1) outliers <- rfOutliers(md, dataset) plot(abs(outliers)) #for a nicer display try plot(md, dataset, rfGraphType="outliers") destroyModels(md) # clean up
Random forest computes similarity between instances with classification of out-of-bag instances. If two out-of-bag cases are classified in the same tree leaf the proximity between them is incremented.
rfProximity(model, outProximity=TRUE)
rfProximity(model, outProximity=TRUE)
model |
a |
outProximity |
if |
A proximity is transformed into distance with expression distance=sqrt(1-proximity)
Function returns an M by M matrix where M is the number of training instances.
Returned matrix is used as an input to other function (see rfOutliers
and rfClustering
John Adeyanju Alao (as a part of his BSc thesis) and Marko Robnik-Sikonja (thesis supervisor)
Leo Breiman: Random Forests. Machine Learning Journal, 45:5-32, 2001
md <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", rfNoTrees=30, maxThreads=1) pr <- rfProximity(md, outProximity=TRUE) # visualization require(lattice) levelplot(pr) destroyModels(md) # clean up
md <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", rfNoTrees=30, maxThreads=1) pr <- rfProximity(md, outProximity=TRUE) # visualization require(lattice) levelplot(pr) destroyModels(md) # clean up
: the internal structure of given random forests model is saved to file.
: the internal structure of random forests model is loaded from given file and a model is created and returned.
saveRF(model, fileName) loadRF(fileName)
saveRF(model, fileName) loadRF(fileName)
model |
The model structure as returned by |
fileName |
Name of the file to save/load the model to/from. |
The function saveRF
saves the internal structure of given random forests model to file.
The structures from C++ code are stored to the file with specified file, while internal structures
from R are stored to file named fileName.Rda
The model
must be a valid structure returned by CoreModel
The function loadRF
loads the internal structure of random forests saved in a specified files and
returns access to it.
invisibly returns some debugging information, while loadRF
returns a loaded model as a list, similarly to CoreModel
Marko Robnik-Sikonja
# use iris data set # build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) print(modelRF) # prediction with node distribution pred <- predict(modelRF, iris, rfPredictClass=FALSE, type="both") # print(pred) # saves the random forests model to file saveRF(modelRF, "tempRF.txt") # restore the model to another model loadedRF = loadRF("tempRF.txt") # prediction should be the same predLoaded <- predict(loadedRF, iris, rfPredictClass=FALSE, type="both") # print(predLoaded) # sum of differences should be zero subject to numeric imprecision sum(pred$probabilities - predLoaded$probabilities) cat("Are predicted classes of original and retrieved models equal? ", all(pred$class == predLoaded$class), "\n" ) # cat("Are predicted probabilities of original and retrieved model equal? ", # all(pred$probabilities == predLoaded$probabilities), "\n" ) # clean up the models when no longer needed destroyModels(modelRF) destroyModels(loadedRF) # clean up for the sake of R package checks file.remove("tempRF.txt") file.remove("tempRF.txt.Rda")
# use iris data set # build random forests model with certain parameters modelRF <- CoreModel(Species ~ ., iris, model="rf", selectionEstimator="MDL",minNodeWeightRF=5, rfNoTrees=100, maxThreads=1) print(modelRF) # prediction with node distribution pred <- predict(modelRF, iris, rfPredictClass=FALSE, type="both") # print(pred) # saves the random forests model to file saveRF(modelRF, "tempRF.txt") # restore the model to another model loadedRF = loadRF("tempRF.txt") # prediction should be the same predLoaded <- predict(loadedRF, iris, rfPredictClass=FALSE, type="both") # print(predLoaded) # sum of differences should be zero subject to numeric imprecision sum(pred$probabilities - predLoaded$probabilities) cat("Are predicted classes of original and retrieved models equal? ", all(pred$class == predLoaded$class), "\n" ) # cat("Are predicted probabilities of original and retrieved model equal? ", # all(pred$probabilities == predLoaded$probabilities), "\n" ) # clean up the models when no longer needed destroyModels(modelRF) destroyModels(loadedRF) # clean up for the sake of R package checks file.remove("tempRF.txt") file.remove("tempRF.txt.Rda")
Performs a partial check of the classification part of CORElearn.
testCoreClass(continue=TRUE) testCoreAttrEval(continue=TRUE) testCoreReg(continue=TRUE) testCoreOrdEval(continue=TRUE) testCoreNA(continue=TRUE) testCoreRPORT(continue=TRUE) testCoreRand(continue=TRUE) allTests(continue=TRUE, timed=FALSE)
testCoreClass(continue=TRUE) testCoreAttrEval(continue=TRUE) testCoreReg(continue=TRUE) testCoreOrdEval(continue=TRUE) testCoreNA(continue=TRUE) testCoreRPORT(continue=TRUE) testCoreRand(continue=TRUE) allTests(continue=TRUE, timed=FALSE)
continue |
Logical. Whether a warning or an error should be generated when a test fails. |
timed |
Logical. Whether the time usage should be printed. |
Functions testCoreClass()
, testCoreAttrEval()
, testCoreReg()
functions CoreModel()
, predict.CoreModel()
, modelEval()
, and
and perform a partial check of the obtained results.
Function testNA()
performs a test of consistency NA and NaN between R and CORElearn.
Functions testCoreRPORT()
and testCoreRand()
test, whether the
directive is defined in C code and whether R random number
generator is used. These tests are mostly used for debugging.
Function allTests()
calls all the above functions and prints a table
of the results. If an error is found, a more detailed information
is printed and the continuation of the tests depends on the argument
The functions have no output value. The result OK or FAILED is printed.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Petr Savicky
allTests() # run all tests and generate an error, if any of the tests fails
allTests() # run all tests and generate an error, if any of the tests fails
Prints package version obtained from C code.
The function returns the information about the current version obtained from underlying C library link{CORElearn}
Character string with information about the version.
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, Petr Savicky
# load the package library(CORElearn) # print its version versionCore()
# load the package library(CORElearn) # print its version versionCore()