Package 'CMLS'

Title: Constrained Multivariate Least Squares
Description: Solves multivariate least squares (MLS) problems subject to constraints on the coefficients, e.g., non-negativity, orthogonality, equality, inequality, monotonicity, unimodality, smoothness, etc. Includes flexible functions for solving MLS problems subject to user-specified equality and/or inequality constraints, as well as a wrapper function that implements 24 common constraint options. Also does k-fold or generalized cross-validation to tune constraint options for MLS problems. See ten Berge (1993, ISBN:9789066950832) for an overview of MLS problems, and see Goldfarb and Idnani (1983) <doi:10.1007/BF02591962> for a discussion of the underlying quadratic programming algorithm.
Authors: Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0-1
Built: 2025-01-29 07:27:15 UTC
Source: CRAN

Help Index

Constrained Multivariate Least Squares


Solves multivariate least squares (MLS) problems subject to constraints on the coefficients, e.g., non-negativity, orthogonality, equality, inequality, monotonicity, unimodality, smoothness, etc. Includes flexible functions for solving MLS problems subject to user-specified equality and/or inequality constraints, as well as a wrapper function that implements 24 common constraint options. Also does k-fold or generalized cross-validation to tune constraint options for MLS problems. See ten Berge (1993, ISBN:9789066950832) for an overview of MLS problems, and see Goldfarb and Idnani (1983) <doi:10.1007/BF02591962> for a discussion of the underlying quadratic programming algorithm.



Package: CMLS
Type: Package
Title: Constrained Multivariate Least Squares
Version: 1.0-1
Date: 2023-03-29
Author: Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>
Depends: quadprog, parallel
Description: Solves multivariate least squares (MLS) problems subject to constraints on the coefficients, e.g., non-negativity, orthogonality, equality, inequality, monotonicity, unimodality, smoothness, etc. Includes flexible functions for solving MLS problems subject to user-specified equality and/or inequality constraints, as well as a wrapper function that implements 24 common constraint options. Also does k-fold or generalized cross-validation to tune constraint options for MLS problems. See ten Berge (1993, ISBN:9789066950832) for an overview of MLS problems, and see Goldfarb and Idnani (1983) <doi:10.1007/BF02591962> for a discussion of the underlying quadratic programming algorithm.
License: GPL (>= 2)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2023-03-29 15:23:47 UTC; nate
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2023-03-31 17:30:02 UTC

Index of help topics:

CMLS-package            Constrained Multivariate Least Squares
IsplineBasis            I-Spline Basis for Monotonic Polynomial Splines
MsplineBasis            M-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines
cmls                    Solve a Constrained Multivariate Least Squares
const                   Print or Return Constraint Options for cmls
cv.cmls                 Cross-Validation for cmls
mlsei                   Multivariate Least Squares with
                        Equality/Inequality Constraints
mlsun                   Multivariate Least Squares with Unimodality
                        (and E/I) Constraints

The cmls function provides a user-friendly interface for solving the MLS problem with 24 common constraint options (the const function prints or returns the different contraint options). The cv.cmls function does k-fold or generalized cross-validation to tune the constraint options of the cmls function. The mlsei function solves the MLS problem subject to user-specified equality and/or inequality (E/I) constraints on the coefficients. The mlsun function solves the MLS problem subject to unimodality constraints and user-specified E/I constraints on the coefficients.


Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>

Maintainer: Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>


Goldfarb, D., & Idnani, A. (1983). A numerically stable dual method for solving strictly convex quadratic programs. Mathematical Programming, 27, 1-33. doi:10.1007/BF02591962

Helwig, N. E. (in prep). Constrained multivariate least squares in R.

Ten Berge, J. M. F. (1993). Least Squares Optimization in Multivariate Analysis. Volume 25 of M & T Series. DSWO Press, Leiden University. ISBN: 9789066950832

Turlach, B. A., & Weingessel, A. (2019). quadprog: Functions to solve Quadratic Programming Problems. R package version 1.5-8.


# See examples for cmls, cv.cmls, mlsei, and mlsun

Solve a Constrained Multivariate Least Squares Problem


Finds the pp x mm matrix B that minimizes the multivariate least squares problem

sum(( Y - X %*% B )^2)

subject to the specified constraints on the rows of B.


cmls(X, Y, const = "uncons", struc = NULL, 
     z = NULL, df = 10, degree = 3, intercept = TRUE,
     backfit = FALSE, maxit = 1e3, eps = 1e-10, 
     del = 1e-6, XtX = NULL, mode.range = NULL)



Matrix of dimension nn x pp.


Matrix of dimension nn x mm.


Constraint code. See const for the 24 available options.


Structural constraints (defaults to unstructured). See Note.


Predictor values for the spline basis (for smoothness constraints). See Note.


Degrees of freedom for the spline basis (for smoothness constraints). See Note.


Polynomial degree for the spline basis (for smoothness constraints). See Note.


Logical indicating whether the spline basis should contain an intercept (for smoothness constraints). See Note.


Estimate B via back-fitting (TRUE) or vectorization (FALSE). See Details.


Maximum number of iterations for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Convergence tolerance for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Stability tolerance for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Crossproduct matrix: XtX = crossprod(X).


Mode search ranges (for unimodal constraints). See Note.


If backfit = FALSE (default), a closed-form solution is used to estimate B whenever possible. Otherwise a back-fitting algorithm is used, where the rows of B are updated sequentially until convergence. The backfitting algorithm is determined to have converged when

mean(( - B.old)^2) < eps * (mean(B.old^2) + del),

where B.old and denote the parameter estimates at iterations tt and t+1t+1 of the backfitting algorithm.


Returns the estimated matrix B with attribute "df" (degrees of freedom), which gives the df for each row of B.


Structure constraints (struc) should be specified with a pp x mm matrix of logicals (TRUE/FALSE), such that FALSE elements indicate a weight should be constrained to be zero. Default uses unstructured weights, i.e., a pp x mm matrix of all TRUE values.

Inputs z, df, degree, and intercept are only applicable when using one of the 12 constraints that involves a spline basis, i.e., "smooth", "smonon", "smoper", "smpeno", "ortsmo", "orsmpe", "monsmo", "mosmno", "unismo", "unsmno", "unsmpe", "unsmpn".

Input mode.range is only applicable when using one of the 8 constraints that enforces unimodality: "unimod", "uninon", "uniper", "unpeno", "unismo", "unsmno", "unsmpe", "unsmpn". Mode search ranges (mode.range) should be specified with a 2 x pp matrix of integers such that

1 <= mode.range[1,j] <= mode.range[2,j] <= m for all j = 1:p.

Default is mode.range = matrix(c(1, m), 2, p).


Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>


Goldfarb, D., & Idnani, A. (1983). A numerically stable dual method for solving strictly convex quadratic programs. Mathematical Programming, 27, 1-33. doi:10.1007/BF02591962

Helwig, N. E. (in prep). Constrained multivariate least squares in R.

Ten Berge, J. M. F. (1993). Least Squares Optimization in Multivariate Analysis. Volume 25 of M & T Series. DSWO Press, Leiden University. ISBN: 9789066950832

Turlach, B. A., & Weingessel, A. (2019). quadprog: Functions to solve Quadratic Programming Problems. R package version 1.5-8.

See Also

const prints/returns the contraint options.

cv.cmls performs k-fold cross-validation to tune the constraint options.

mlsei and mlsun are used to implement several of the constraints.


######***######   GENERATE DATA   ######***######

# make X
n <- 50
m <- 20
p <- 2
Xmat <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)

# make B (which satisfies all constraints except monotonicity)
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = m)
Bmat <- rbind(sin(2*pi*x), sin(2*pi*x+pi)) / sqrt(4.75)
struc <- rbind(rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = m / 2),
               rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), each = m / 2))
Bmat <- Bmat * struc

# make noisy data
Ymat <- Xmat %*% Bmat + rnorm(n*m, sd = 0.25)

######***######   UNCONSTRAINED   ######***######

# unconstrained
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uncons")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unconstrained and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uncons", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   NON-NEGATIVITY   ######***######

# non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "nonneg")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "nonneg", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   PERIODICITY   ######***######

# periodic
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "period")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# periodic and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "period", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# periodic and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "pernon")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# periodic and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "pernon", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   SMOOTHNESS   ######***######

# smooth
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smooth")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smooth", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and periodic
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smoper")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and periodic and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smoper", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smonon")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smonon", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and periodic and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smpeno")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# smooth and periodic and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "smpeno", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   ORTHOGONALITY   ######***######

# orthogonal
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "orthog")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthogonal and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "orthog", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthgonal and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "ortnon")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthgonal and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "ortnon", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthogonal and smooth
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "ortsmo")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthogonal and smooth and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "ortsmo", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthogonal and smooth and periodic
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "orsmpe")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# orthogonal and smooth and periodic and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "orsmpe", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   UNIMODALITY   ######***######

# unimodal
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unimod")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unimod", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uninon")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uninon", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and periodic
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uniper")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and periodic and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uniper", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and periodic and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unpeno")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and periodic and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unpeno", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   UNIMODALITY AND SMOOTHNESS   ######***######

# unimodal and smooth
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unismo")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unismo", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmno")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmno", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and periodic
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmpe")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and periodic and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmpe", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and periodic and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmpn")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# unimodal and smooth and periodic and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unsmpn", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

######***######   MONOTONICITY   ######***######

# make B
x <- 1:m
Bmat <- rbind(1 / (1 + exp(-(x - quantile(x, 0.5)))), 
              1 / (1 + exp(-(x - quantile(x, 0.8)))))
struc <- rbind(rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(1 * m, 3 * m) / 4),
               rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(m, m) / 2))
Bmat <- Bmat * struc               

# make noisy data
Ymat <- Xmat %*% Bmat + rnorm(m*n, sd = 0.25)

# monotonic increasing
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "moninc")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "moninc", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "monnon")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "monnon", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and smooth
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "monsmo")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and smooth and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "monsmo", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and smooth and non-negative
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "mosmno")
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

# monotonic increasing and smooth and non-negative and structured
Bhat <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "mosmno", struc = struc)
mean((Bhat - Bmat)^2)
attr(Bhat, "df")

Print or Return Constraint Options for cmls


Prints or returns six letter constraint codes for cmls, along with corresponding descriptions.


const(x, print = TRUE)



Vector of six letter constraint codes. If missing, prints/returns all 24 options.


Should constraint information be printed (print = TRUE) or returned as a data frame (print = FALSE).


Prints (or returns) constraint codes and descriptions.


Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>


Helwig, N. E. (in prep). Constrained multivariate least squares in R.

See Also

Constraints are used in the cmls function.


# print some constraints
const(c("uncons", "smpeno"))

# return some constraints
const(c("uncons", "smpeno"), print = FALSE)

# print all constraints

# return all constraints
const(print = FALSE)

Cross-Validation for cmls


Does k-fold or generalized cross-validation to tune the constraint options for cmls. Tunes the model with respect to any combination of the arguments const, df, degree, and/or intercept.


cv.cmls(X, Y, nfolds = 2, foldid = NULL, parameters = NULL,
        const = "uncons", df = 10, degree = 3, intercept = TRUE,
        mse = TRUE, parallel = FALSE, cl = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)



Matrix of dimension nn x pp.


Matrix of dimension nn x mm.


Number of folds for k-fold cross-validation. Ignored if foldid argument is provided. Set nfolds=1 for generalized cross-validation (GCV).


Factor or integer vector of length nn giving the fold identification for each observation.


Parameters for tuning. Data frame with columns const, df, degree, and intercept. See Details.


Parameters for tuning. Character vector specifying constraints for tuning. See Details.


Parameters for tuning. Integer vector specifying degrees of freedom for tuning. See Details.


Parameters for tuning. Integer vector specifying polynomial degrees for tuning. See Details.


Parameters for tuning. Logical vector specifying intercepts for tuning. See Details.


If TRUE (default), the mean squared error is used as the CV loss function. Otherwise the mean absolute error is used.


Logical indicating if parSapply should be used. See Examples.


Cluster created by makeCluster. Only used when parallel = TRUE. Recommended usage: cl = makeCluster(detectCores())


If TRUE, tuning progress is printed via txtProgressBar. Ignored if parallel = TRUE.


Additional arguments to the cmls function, e.g., z, struc, backfit, etc.


The parameters for tuning can be supplied via one of two options:

(A) Using the parameters argument. In this case, the argument parameters must be a data frame with columns const, df, degree, and intercept, where each row gives a combination of parameters for the CV tuning.

(B) Using the const, df, degree, and intercept arguments. In this case, the expand.grid function is used to create the parameters data frame, which contains all combinations of the arguments const, df, degree, and intercept. Duplicates are removed before the CV tuning.



Best combination of parameters, i.e., the combination that minimizes the cvloss.


Top five combinations of parameters, i.e., the combinations that give the five smallest values of the cvloss.


Full set of parameters. Data frame with cvloss (GCV, MSE, or MAE) for each combination of parameters.


Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>


Helwig, N. E. (in prep). Constrained multivariate least squares in R.

See Also

See the cmls and const functions for further details on the available constraint options.


# make X
n <- 50
m <- 20
p <- 2
Xmat <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)

# make B (which satisfies all constraints except monotonicity)
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = m)
Bmat <- rbind(sin(2*pi*x), sin(2*pi*x+pi)) / sqrt(4.75)
struc <- rbind(rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = m / 2),
               rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), each = m / 2))
Bmat <- Bmat * struc

# make noisy data
Ymat <- Xmat %*% Bmat + rnorm(n*m, sd = 0.5)

# 5-fold CV:  tune df (5,...,15) for const = "smooth"
kcv <- cv.cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, nfolds = 5,
               const = "smooth", df = 5:15)
plot(kcv$full.parameters$df, kcv$full.parameters$cvloss, t = "b")

## Not run: 

# sample foldid for 5-fold CV
foldid <- sample(rep(1:5, length.out = n))

# 5-fold CV:  tune df (5,...,15) w/ all 20 relevant constraints (no struc)
#             using sequential computation (default)
myconst <- as.character(const(print = FALSE)$label[-c(13:16)])
  kcv <- cv.cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, foldid = foldid,
                 const = myconst, df = 5:15)

# 5-fold CV:  tune df (5,...,15) w/ all 20 relevant constraints (no struc)
#             using parallel package for parallel computations
myconst <- as.character(const(print = FALSE)$label[-c(13:16)])
   cl <- makeCluster(2L)  # using 2 cores
   kcv <- cv.cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, foldid = foldid,
                  const = myconst, df = 5:15,
                  parallel = TRUE, cl = cl)

# 5-fold CV:  tune df (5,...,15) w/ all 20 relevant constraints (w/ struc)
#             using sequential computation (default)
myconst <- as.character(const(print = FALSE)$label[-c(13:16)])
  kcv <- cv.cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, foldid = foldid,
                 const = myconst, df = 5:15, struc = struc)

# 5-fold CV:  tune df (5,...,15) w/ all 20 relevant constraints (w/ struc)
#             using parallel package for parallel computations
myconst <- as.character(const(print = FALSE)$label[-c(13:16)])
  cl <- makeCluster(2L)  # using 2 cores
  kcv <- cv.cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, foldid = foldid,
                 const = myconst, df = 5:15, struc = struc,
                 parallel = TRUE, cl = cl)

## End(Not run)

I-Spline Basis for Monotonic Polynomial Splines


Generate the I-spline basis matrix for a monotonic polynomial spline.


IsplineBasis(x, df = NULL, knots = NULL, degree = 3, intercept = FALSE,
             Boundary.knots = range(x))



the predictor variable. Missing values are not allowed.


degrees of freedom; if specified the number of knots is defined as df - degree - ifelse(intercept, 1, 0); the knots are placed at the quantiles of x


the internal breakpoints that define the spline (typically the quantiles of x)


degree of the M-spline basis—default is 3 for cubic splines


if TRUE, the basis includes an intercept column


boundary points for M-spline basis; defaults to min and max of x


Syntax is adapted from the bs function in the splines package (R Core Team, 2021).

Used for implementing monotonic smoothness constraints in the cmls fucntion.


A matrix of dimension c(length(x), df) where either df was supplied or df = length(knots) + degree + ifelse(intercept, 1, 0)


I-spline basis functions are created by integrating M-spline basis functions.


Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>


R Core Team (2023). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.

Ramsay, J. O. (1988). Monotone regression splines in action. Statistical Science, 3, 425-441. doi:10.1214/ss/1177012761

See Also



x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 101)
I <- IsplineBasis(x, df = 8, intercept = TRUE)
plot(x, I[,1], ylim = c(0, 1), t = "l")
for(j in 2:8) lines(x, I[,j], col = j)

Multivariate Least Squares with Equality/Inequality Constraints


Finds the qq x pp matrix B that minimizes the multivariate least squares problem

sum(( Y - X %*% t(Z %*% B) )^2)

subject to t(A) %*% B[,j] >= b for all j = 1:p. Unique basis functions and constraints are allowed for each column of B.


mlsei(X, Y, Z, A, b, meq,
      backfit = FALSE, maxit = 1000, 
      eps = 1e-10, del = 1e-6,
      XtX = NULL, ZtZ = NULL, 
      simplify = TRUE, catchError = FALSE)



Matrix of dimension nn x pp.


Matrix of dimension nn x mm.


Matrix of dimension mm x qq. Can also input a list (see Note). If missing, then Z = diag(m) so that q=mq = m.


Constraint matrix of dimension qq x rr. Can also input a list (see Note). If missing, no constraints are imposed.


Consraint vector of dimension rr x 1. Can also input a list (see Note). If missing, then b = rep(0, r).


The first meq columns of A are equality constraints, and the remaining r - meq are inequality constraints. Can also input a vector (see Note). If missing, then meq = 0.


Estimate B via back-fitting (TRUE) or vectorization (FALSE). See Details.


Maximum number of iterations for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Convergence tolerance for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Stability tolerance for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Crossproduct matrix: XtX = crossprod(X).


Crossproduct matrix: ZtZ = crossprod(Z).


If Z is a list, should B be returned as a matrix (if possible)? See Note.


If catchError = FASLE, an error induced by solve.QP will be returned. Otherwise tryCatch will be used in attempt to catch the error.


If backfit = FALSE (default), a closed-form solution is used to estimate B whenever possible. Otherwise a back-fitting algorithm is used, where the columns of B are updated sequentially until convergence. The backfitting algorithm is determined to have converged when

mean(( - B.old)^2) < eps * (mean(B.old^2) + del),

where B.old and denote the parameter estimates at iterations tt and t+1t+1 of the backfitting algorithm.


If Z is a list with qj=qq_j = q for all j=1,,pj = 1,\ldots,p, then...


is returned as a qq x pp matrix when simplify = TRUE


is returned as a list of length pp when simplify = FALSE

If Z is a list with qjqq_j \neq q for some jj, then B is returned as a list of length pp.

Otherwise B is returned as a qq x pp matrix.


The Z input can also be a list of length pp where Z[[j]] contains a mm x qjq_j matrix. If qj=qq_j = q for all j=1,,pj = 1,\ldots,p and simplify = TRUE, the output B will be a matrix. Otherwise B will be a list of length pp where B[[j]] contains a qjq_j x 1 vector.

The A and b inputs can also be lists of length pp where t(A[[j]]) %*% B[,j] >= b[[j]] for all j=1,,pj = 1,\ldots,p. If A and b are lists of length pp, the meq input should be a vector of length pp indicating the number of equality constraints for each element of A.


Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>


Goldfarb, D., & Idnani, A. (1983). A numerically stable dual method for solving strictly convex quadratic programs. Mathematical Programming, 27, 1-33. doi:10.1007/BF02591962

Helwig, N. E. (in prep). Constrained multivariate least squares in R.

Ten Berge, J. M. F. (1993). Least Squares Optimization in Multivariate Analysis. Volume 25 of M & T Series. DSWO Press, Leiden University. ISBN: 9789066950832

Turlach, B. A., & Weingessel, A. (2019). quadprog: Functions to solve Quadratic Programming Problems. R package version 1.5-8.

See Also

cmls calls this function for several of the constraints.


######***######   GENERATE DATA   ######***######

# make X
n <- 50
m <- 20
p <- 2
Xmat <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)

# make B (which satisfies all constraints except monotonicity)
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = m)
Bmat <- rbind(sin(2*pi*x), sin(2*pi*x+pi)) / sqrt(4.75)
struc <- rbind(rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = m / 2),
               rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), each = m / 2))
Bmat <- Bmat * struc

# make noisy data
Ymat <- Xmat %*% Bmat + rnorm(n*m, sd = 0.25)

######***######   UNCONSTRAINED   ######***######

# unconstrained
Bhat.cmls <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uncons")
Bhat.mlsei <- t(mlsei(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat))
mean((Bhat.cmls - Bhat.mlsei)^2)

# unconstrained and structured (note: cmls is more efficient)
Bhat.cmls <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uncons", struc = struc)
Amat <- vector("list", p)
meq <- rep(0, p)
for(j in 1:p){
   meq[j] <- sum(!struc[j,])
   if(meq[j] > 0){
      A <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = meq[j])
      A[!struc[j,],] <- diag(meq[j])
      Amat[[j]] <- A
   } else {
      Amat[[j]] <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = 1)
Bhat.mlsei <- t(mlsei(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, A = Amat, meq = meq))
mean((Bhat.cmls - Bhat.mlsei)^2)

######***######   NON-NEGATIVITY   ######***######

# non-negative
Bhat.cmls <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "nonneg")
Bhat.mlsei <- t(mlsei(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, A = diag(m)))
mean((Bhat.cmls - Bhat.mlsei)^2)

# non-negative and structured (note: cmls is more efficient)
Bhat.cmls <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "nonneg", struc = struc)
eye <- diag(m)
meq <- rep(0, p)
for(j in 1:p){
   meq[j] <- sum(!struc[j,])
   Amat[[j]] <- eye[,sort(struc[j,], index.return = TRUE)$ix]
Bhat.mlsei <- t(mlsei(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, A = Amat, meq = meq))
mean((Bhat.cmls - Bhat.mlsei)^2)

# see internals of cmls.R for further examples

Multivariate Least Squares with Unimodality (and E/I) Constraints


Finds the qq x pp matrix B that minimizes the multivariate least squares problem

sum(( Y - X %*% t(Z %*% B) )^2)

subject to Z %*% B[,j] is unimodal and t(A) %*% B[,j] >= b for all j = 1:p. Unique basis functions and constraints are allowed for each column of B.


mlsun(X, Y, Z, A, b, meq,
      mode.range = NULL, maxit = 1000, 
      eps = 1e-10, del = 1e-6,
      XtX = NULL, ZtZ = NULL, 
      simplify = TRUE, catchError = FALSE)



Matrix of dimension nn x pp.


Matrix of dimension nn x mm.


Matrix of dimension mm x qq. Can also input a list (see Note). If missing, then Z = diag(m) so that q=mq = m.


Constraint matrix of dimension qq x rr. Can also input a list (see Note). If missing, no equality/inequality (E/I) constraints are imposed.


Consraint vector of dimension rr x 1. Can also input a list (see Note). If missing, then b = rep(0, r).


The first meq columns of A are equality constraints, and the remaining r - meq are inequality constraints. Can also input a vector (see Note). If missing, then meq = 0.


Mode search ranges, which should be a 2 x pp matrix of integers such that 1 <= mode.range[1,j] <= mode.range[2,j] <= m for all j = 1:p. Default is mode.range = matrix(c(1, m), 2, p).


Maximum number of iterations for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Convergence tolerance for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Stability tolerance for back-fitting algorithm. Ignored if backfit = FALSE.


Crossproduct matrix: XtX = crossprod(X).


Crossproduct matrix: ZtZ = crossprod(Z).


If Z is a list, should B be returned as a matrix (if possible)? See Note.


If catchError = FASLE, an error induced by solve.QP will be returned. Otherwise tryCatch will be used in attempt to catch the error.


A back-fitting algorithm is used to estimate B, where the columns of B are updated sequentially until convergence (outer loop). For each column of B, (the inner loop of) the algorithm searches for the j-th mode across the search range specified by the j-th column of mode.range. The backfitting algorithm is determined to have converged when

mean(( - B.old)^2) < eps * (mean(B.old^2) + del),

where B.old and denote the parameter estimates at outer iterations tt and t+1t+1 of the backfitting algorithm.


If Z is a list with qj=qq_j = q for all j=1,,pj = 1,\ldots,p, then...


is returned as a qq x pp matrix when simplify = TRUE


is returned as a list of length pp when simplify = FALSE

If Z is a list with qjqq_j \neq q for some jj, then B is returned as a list of length pp.

Otherwise B is returned as a qq x pp matrix.


The Z input can also be a list of length pp where Z[[j]] contains a mm x qjq_j matrix. If qj=qq_j = q for all j=1,,pj = 1,\ldots,p and simplify = TRUE, the output B will be a matrix. Otherwise B will be a list of length pp where B[[j]] contains a qjq_j x 1 vector.

The A and b inputs can also be lists of length pp where t(A[[j]]) %*% B[,j] >= b[[j]] for all j=1,,pj = 1,\ldots,p. If A and b are lists of length pp, the meq input should be a vector of length pp indicating the number of equality constraints for each element of A.


Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>


Goldfarb, D., & Idnani, A. (1983). A numerically stable dual method for solving strictly convex quadratic programs. Mathematical Programming, 27, 1-33. doi:10.1007/BF02591962

Helwig, N. E. (in prep). Constrained multivariate least squares in R.

Ten Berge, J. M. F. (1993). Least Squares Optimization in Multivariate Analysis. Volume 25 of M & T Series. DSWO Press, Leiden University. ISBN: 9789066950832

Turlach, B. A., & Weingessel, A. (2019). quadprog: Functions to solve Quadratic Programming Problems. R package version 1.5-8.

See Also

cmls calls this function for the unimodality constraints.


######***######   GENERATE DATA   ######***######

# make X
n <- 50
m <- 20
p <- 2
Xmat <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)

# make B (which satisfies all constraints except monotonicity)
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = m)
Bmat <- rbind(sin(2*pi*x), sin(2*pi*x+pi)) / sqrt(4.75)
struc <- rbind(rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = m / 2),
               rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), each = m / 2))
Bmat <- Bmat * struc

# make noisy data
Ymat <- Xmat %*% Bmat + rnorm(n*m, sd = 0.25)

######***######   UNIMODALITY   ######***######

# unimodal
Bhat.cmls <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unimod")
Bhat.mlsun <- t(mlsun(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat))
mean((Bhat.cmls - Bhat.mlsun)^2)

# unimodal and structured
Bhat.cmls <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "unimod", struc = struc)
Amat <- vector("list", p)
meq <- rep(0, p)
for(j in 1:p){
   meq[j] <- sum(!struc[j,])
   if(meq[j] > 0){
      A <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = meq[j])
      A[!struc[j,],] <- diag(meq[j])
      Amat[[j]] <- A
   } else {
      Amat[[j]] <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = 1)
Bhat.mlsun <- t(mlsun(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, A = Amat, meq = meq))
mean((Bhat.cmls - Bhat.mlsun)^2)

# unimodal and non-negative
Bhat.cmls <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uninon")
Bhat.mlsun <- t(mlsun(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, A = diag(m)))
mean((Bhat.cmls - Bhat.mlsun)^2)

# unimodal and non-negative and structured
Bhat.cmls <- cmls(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, const = "uninon", struc = struc)
eye <- diag(m)
meq <- rep(0, p)
for(j in 1:p){
   meq[j] <- sum(!struc[j,])
   Amat[[j]] <- eye[,sort(struc[j,], index.return = TRUE)$ix]
Bhat.mlsun <- t(mlsun(X = Xmat, Y = Ymat, A = Amat, meq = meq))
mean((Bhat.cmls - Bhat.mlsun)^2)

# see internals of cmls.R for further examples

M-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines


Generate the M-spline basis matrix for a polynomial spline.


MsplineBasis(x, df = NULL, knots = NULL, degree = 3, intercept = FALSE,
             Boundary.knots = range(x), periodic = FALSE)



the predictor variable. Missing values are not allowed.


degrees of freedom; if specified the number of knots is defined as df - degree - ifelse(intercept, 1, 0); the knots are placed at the quantiles of x


the internal breakpoints that define the spline (typically the quantiles of x)


degree of the piecewise polynomial—default is 3 for cubic splines


if TRUE, the basis includes an intercept column


boundary points for M-spline basis; defaults to min and max of x


if TRUE, the M-spline basis is constrained to be periodic


Syntax is adapted from the bs function in the splines package (R Core Team, 2021).

Used for implementing various types of smoothness constraints in the cmls fucntion.


A matrix of dimension c(length(x), df) where either df was supplied or df = length(knots) + degree + ifelse(intercept, 1, 0)


Nathaniel E. Helwig <[email protected]>


R Core Team (2023). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.

Ramsay, J. O. (1988). Monotone regression splines in action. Statistical Science, 3, 425-441. doi:10.1214/ss/1177012761

See Also



x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 101)
M <- MsplineBasis(x, df = 8, intercept = TRUE)
M <- scale(M, center = FALSE)
plot(x, M[,1], ylim = range(M), t = "l")
for(j in 2:8) lines(x, M[,j], col = j)