We developed CEDA to analyze read counts of single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) from CRISPR screening experiments. Except for non-targeting sgRNAs (can be used as negative controls), each sgRNA is targeting one gene, and each gene have multiple sgRNAs targeting it. CEDA models the sgRNA counts at different levels of gene expression by multi-component normal mixtures, with the model fit by an EM algorithm. Posterior estimates at sgRNA level are then summarized for each gene.
In this document, we use data from an experiment with the MDA231 cell line to illustrate how to use CEDA to perform CRISPR screen data analysis.
CEDA analysis follows a workflow that is typical for most omics level experiments.
In our experiment, three samples of MDA231 cells were untreated at time T=0, and another three samples of MDA231 cells were treated with DMSO at time T=0. We are interested in detecting sgRNAs that are differentially changed by a treatment.
The sgRNA read counts, along with a list of non-essential genes, are
stored in the dataset mda231
that we have included in the
package. We read that dataset and explore its
#> [1] "list"
#> [1] 2
#> [1] "sgRNA" "neGene"
As you can see, this is a list containing two components
, the observed count data of six samples, andneGene
, the set of non-essential genes.dim(mda231$sgRNA)
#> [1] 23618 9
#> [1] 200
#> sgRNA Gene DMSOa DMSOb DMSOc T0a T0b T0c
#> 64780 chr19:10655652-10655671_ATG4D_- ATG4D 126 100 132 94 82 78
#> 67381 chr5:32739109-32739128_NPR3_+ NPR3 266 452 309 557 687 587
#> 67411 chr3:45515731-45515750_LARS2_+ LARS2 28 45 36 583 660 512
#> 27053 chr12:111856039-111856058_SH2B3_+ SH2B3 509 501 661 578 824 636
#> 55806 chr9:118163517-118163536_DEC1_+ DEC1 265 489 390 718 733 655
#> 57274 chr1:228879268-228879287_RHOU_+ RHOU 144 124 137 160 164 119
#> exp.level.log2
#> 64780 3.655866985
#> 67381 0.200236907
#> 67411 3.495375381
#> 27053 4.227348316
#> 55806 0.005794761
#> 57274 0.925993344
Notice that the sgRNA
component includes an extra
column, “exp.level.log2
”, that are the expression level (in
log2 scale) of genes and was computed from gene expression data in the
unit of FPKM.
The second component of the list mda231
is a data frame
, which is the gene names of the non-essential
genes(Ref 1):
Due to the nature of drop-out screen, some sgRNAs targeting essential genes have low read counts at the end time point samples. Therefore, we must be cautious when applying strict filtering criteria to remove a large portion of sgRNAs before analysis. Gentle filtering criteria (i.e., removal of sgRNAs with 0 count in ≥ 75% samples) is recommended.
The sgRNA read counts needs to be normalized across sample replicates before formal analysis. The non-essential genes are assumed to have no change after DMSO treatment. So, our recommended procedure is to perform median normalization based on the set of non-essential genes.
Our primary goal is to detect essential sgRNAs that have different
count levels between conditions. We rely on the R package
to calculate log2 ratios (i.e., log fold changes or
LFCs) between three untreated and three treated samples.
First, we have to go through the usual limma
steps to
describe the design of the study. There were two groups of replicate
samples. We will call these groups “Control” and “Baseline” (although
“Treated” and Untreated” would work just as well). Our main interest is
determining the differences between the groups. And we have to record
this information in a “contrast matrix” so limma knows what we want to
group <- gl(2, 3, labels=c("Control","Baseline"))
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + group)
colnames(design) <- sapply(colnames(design), function(x) substr(x, 6, nchar(x)))
contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts("Control-Baseline", levels=design)
Finally, we can run the limma algorithm.
We merge the results from our limma analysis with the post filtering sgRNA count data.
mda231.limma <- data.frame(count_df2, limma.fit)
#> sgRNA Gene DMSOa DMSOb DMSOc T0a T0b T0c
#> 64780 chr19:10655652-10655671_ATG4D_- ATG4D 126 100 132 94 82 78
#> 67381 chr5:32739109-32739128_NPR3_+ NPR3 266 452 309 557 687 587
#> 67411 chr3:45515731-45515750_LARS2_+ LARS2 28 45 36 583 660 512
#> 27053 chr12:111856039-111856058_SH2B3_+ SH2B3 509 501 661 578 824 636
#> 55806 chr9:118163517-118163536_DEC1_+ DEC1 265 489 390 718 733 655
#> 57274 chr1:228879268-228879287_RHOU_+ RHOU 144 124 137 160 164 119
#> exp.level.log2 lfc se p
#> 64780 3.655866985 0.5292962 0.1092323 7.451322e-03
#> 67381 0.200236907 -0.8178899 0.3241114 1.806025e-02
#> 67411 3.495375381 -3.9445487 0.2747425 4.917981e-07
#> 27053 4.227348316 -0.2360867 0.1258984 1.612023e-01
#> 55806 0.005794761 -0.8759862 0.3301579 1.421777e-02
#> 57274 0.925993344 -0.0715033 0.1276981 6.521212e-01
Under the null hypothses, all sgRNAs levels are unchanged between the two conditions. To obtain fold ratios under the null, samples were permuted between two conditions, and log ratios were obtained from limma analysis under each permutation.
A three-component mixture model (unchanged, overexpresssed, and underexpressed) is assumed for log ratios at different level of gene expression. Empirical Bayes method was employed to estimate parematers of the mixtures and posterior means were obtained for estimating actual log ratios between the two conditions. P-values of sgRNAs were then calculated by permutation method.
Results from the mixture model were shown in Figure 1. False discovery rate of 0.05 was used for declaring significant changes in red color between the two conditions for sgRNAs. The vertical lines are dividing sgRNAs into bins accroding to the gene expression levels of their targetted genes.
From the p-values of sgRNAs, gene level p-values were obtained by using modified robust rank aggregation method (alpha-RRA). Log ratios were also summarized at gene level.
mda231.nmm <- nmm.fit[[1]]
p.gene <- calculateGenePval(exp(mda231.nmm$log_p), mda231.nmm$Gene, 0.05, nperm=10)
gene_fdr <- stats::p.adjust(p.gene$pvalue, method = "fdr")
gene_lfc <- calculateGeneLFC(mda231.nmm$lfc, mda231.nmm$Gene)
gene_summary <- data.frame(gene_pval=unlist(p.gene$pvalue), gene_fdr=as.matrix(gene_fdr), gene_lfc = as.matrix(gene_lfc))
gene_summary$gene <- rownames(gene_summary)
gene_summary <- gene_summary[,c(4,1:3)]
From the p-values of sgRNAs, gene level p-values were obtained by using modified robust rank aggregation method (alpha-RRA). Log ratios were also summarized at gene level.
#extract gene expression data
gene.express <- mda231.nmm %>% group_by(Gene) %>% summarise_at(vars(exp.level.log2), max)
#merge gene summary with gene expression
gdata <- left_join(gene_summary, gene.express, by = c("gene" = "Gene"))
gdata <- gdata %>% filter(is.na(exp.level.log2)==FALSE)
# density plot and ridge plot
gdata$gene.fdr <- gdata$gene_fdr
data <- preparePlotData(gdata, gdata$gene.fdr)
Results from CEDA were shown in Figure 2. The points in the scatter plot were stratified into five color groups based on FDR. The 2D contour lines showed how the points distributed in 3D space.
The density plot of CEDA results shows that the groups of genes selected by CEDA (FDR<0.05, yellow, blue, and red) showed higher expression median values compared to the rest of genes (purple, green).