Title: | Compute and Summarize Core Forest Metrics from Field Data |
Description: | A suite of open-source R functions designed to produce standard metrics for forest management and ecology from forest inventory data. The overarching goal is to minimize potential inconsistencies introduced by the algorithms used to compute and summarize core forest metrics. Learn more about the purpose of the package and the specific algorithms used in the package at <https://github.com/kearutherford/BerkeleyForestsAnalytics>. |
Authors: | Kea Rutherford [aut, cre], John Battles [aut], Danny Foster [aut], The Regents of the University of California (Regents) [cph] |
Maintainer: | Kea Rutherford <[email protected]> |
License: | file LICENSE |
Version: | 2.0.4 |
Built: | 2025-01-10 23:07:31 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
A fake dataset created for biomass demonstration purposes only
A dataframe with 9 rows and 7 columns:
Broader location or forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual tree was measured
Stems per hectare
Live (1) or dead (0)
1-5 for standing dead trees. NA for live trees.
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
Diameter at breast height in centimeters
Tree height in meters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes
A fake dataset created for biomass demonstration purposes only. Includes a plot without trees.
A dataframe with 9 rows and 7 columns:
Broader location or forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual tree was measured
Stems per hectare
Live (1) or dead (0)
1-5 for standing dead trees. NA for live trees.
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
Diameter at breast height in centimeters
Tree height in meters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes
Uses the national-scale volume and biomass (NSVB) framework, from GTR-WO-104, to estimate above-ground tree biomass and carbon. The package will summarize to the tree or plot level, with options to additionally summarize by species and/or status. The package is specifically designed for use in California ecosystems, and, therefore, only covers the ecodivisions found in California (260, M260, 320, and 340).
BiomassNSVB( data, sp_codes = "4letter", input_units = "metric", output_units = "metric", results = "by_plot" )
BiomassNSVB( data, sp_codes = "4letter", input_units = "metric", output_units = "metric", results = "by_plot" )
data |
A dataframe or tibble with the following columns: division, province, site, plot, exp_factor, status, decay_class, species, dbh, ht1, ht2, crown_ratio, top, and cull. Each row must be an observation of an individual tree. |
sp_codes |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether the species variable follows the four-letter code or FIA naming convention (see README file for more detail). Must be set to either "4letter" or "fia". The default is set to "4letter". |
input_units |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies (1) whether the input dbh, ht1, and ht2 variables were measured using metric (centimeters and meters) or imperial (inches and feet) units; and (2) whether the input expansion factor is in metric (stems per hectare) or imperial (stems per acre) units. Must be set to either "metric" or "imperial". The default is set to "metric". |
output_units |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether results will be given in metric (kilograms or megagrams per hectare) or imperial (US tons or US tons per acre) units. Must be set to either "metric" or "imperial". The default is set to "metric". |
results |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether the results will be summarized by tree, by plot, by plot as well as species, by plot as well as status (live/dead), or by plot as well as species and status. Must be set to either "by_tree", "by_plot", "by_species", "by_status", or "by_sp_st". The default is set to "by_plot". |
Depends on the results setting:
by_tree: a list with two components: (1) total run time for the function and (2) a dataframe with tree-level biomass and carbon estimates (reported in kilograms or US tons).
by_plot: a list with two components: (1) total run time for the function and (2) a dataframe with plot-level biomass and carbon estimates (reported in megagrams per hectare or US tons per acre).
by_species: a list with two components: (1) total run time for the function and (2) a dataframe with plot-level biomass and carbon estimates, further summarized by species (reported in megagrams per hectare or US tons per acre).
by_status: a list with two components: (1) total run time for the function and (2) a dataframe with plot-level biomass and carbon estimates, further summarized by status (live/dead; reported in megagrams per hectare or US tons per acre).
by_sp_st: a list with two components: (1) total run time for the function and (2) a dataframe with plot-level biomass and carbon estimates, further summarized by species as well as by status (reported in megagrams per hectare or US tons per acre).
BiomassNSVB(data = nsvb_demo, sp_codes = "4letter", input_units = "metric", output_units = "metric", results = "by_plot") BiomassNSVB(data = nsvb_demo, sp_codes = "4letter", input_units = "metric", output_units = "metric", results = "by_status")
BiomassNSVB(data = nsvb_demo, sp_codes = "4letter", input_units = "metric", output_units = "metric", results = "by_plot") BiomassNSVB(data = nsvb_demo, sp_codes = "4letter", input_units = "metric", output_units = "metric", results = "by_status")
Estimates coarse woody (1000-hour) fuel loads from line-intercept transects. See README for details.
CoarseFuels( tree_data, fuel_data, sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric", summed = "no" )
CoarseFuels( tree_data, fuel_data, sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric", summed = "no" )
tree_data |
A dataframe or tibble with the following columns: time, site, plot, exp_factor, species, and dbh. Each row must be an observation of an individual tree. |
fuel_data |
A dataframe or tibble. If the summed parameter is set to "no" the following columns are required: time, site, plot, transect, length_1000h, diameter, and status. If the summed parameter is set to "yes" the following columns are required: time, site, plot, transect, length_1000h, ssd_R, and ssd_S. |
sp_codes |
Specifies whether the species column in tree_data follows the four-letter code or FIA naming convention. Must be set to either "4letter" or "fia." The default is set to "4letter". |
units |
Specifies whether the input data are in metric (centimeters, meters, and trees per hectare) or imperial (inches, feet, and trees per acre) units. Inputs must be all metric or all imperial (do not mix-and-match units). The output units will match the input units (i.e., if inputs are in metric then outputs will be in metric). Must be set to either “metric” or “imperial”. The default is set to “metric”. |
summed |
Specifies whether the sum-of-squared-diameters for sound and rotten 1000-hour fuels has already been calculated by the user. Must be set to either "yes" or "no". The default is set to "no". |
A dataframe with the following columns:
time: as described above
site: as described above
plot: as described above
load_1000s_Mg_ha (or load_1000s_ton_ac): fuel load of sound 1000-hour fuels in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
load_1000r_Mg_ha (or load_1000r_ton_ac): fuel load of rotten 1000-hour fuels in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
load_cwd_Mg_ha (or load_cwd_ton_ac): total coarse woody debris fuel load (1000-hour sound + 1000-hour rotten) in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
sc_length_1000s: slope-corrected transect length (i.e., horizontal transect length) for sound 1000-hour fuels in either meters or feet. This is the total horizontal length of transect sampled for sound 1000-hour fuels at the specific time:site:plot.
sc_length_1000r: slope-corrected transect length (i.e., horizontal transect length) for rotten 1000-hour fuels in either meters or feet. This is the total horizontal length of transect sampled for rotten 1000-hour fuels at the specific time:site:plot.
CoarseFuels(tree_data = overstory_demo, fuel_data = cwd_YS_demo, sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric", summed = "yes") CoarseFuels(tree_data = overstory_demo, fuel_data = cwd_NS_demo)
CoarseFuels(tree_data = overstory_demo, fuel_data = cwd_YS_demo, sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric", summed = "yes") CoarseFuels(tree_data = overstory_demo, fuel_data = cwd_NS_demo)
A fake dataset created for coarse woody debris compilation demonstration purposes only.
A dataframe with 9 rows and 9 columns:
year in which the data were collected
broader location or forest where the data were collected
stratum within site
plot within stratum
fuel load of sound 1000-hour fuels in megagrams per hectare
fuel load of rotten 1000-hour fuels in megagrams per hectare
total coarse woody debris fuel load in megagrams per hectare
slope-corrected transect length for sound 1000-hour fuels in meters
slope-corrected transect length for rotten 1000-hour fuels in meters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
A fake dataset created for general compilation demonstration purposes only.
A dataframe with 9 rows and 8 columns:
year in which the data were collected
treatment type (burn, thin, thin + burn, control)
plot within compartment
stems per hectare
basal area in meters squared per hectare
quadratic mean diameter in centimeters
average diameter at breast height in centimeters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
A fake dataset created for general compilation demonstration purposes only.
A dataframe with 2 rows and 3 columns:
broader location or forest where the data were collected
number of possible plots for the site
number of plots measured
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
A fake dataset created for fine woody debris compilation demonstration purposes only.
A dataframe with 9 rows and 11 columns:
year in which the data were collected
broader location or forest where the data were collected
stratum within site
plot within stratum
fuel load of 1-hour fuels in megagrams per hectare
fuel load of 10-hour fuels in megagrams per hectare
fuel load of 100-hour fuels in megagrams per hectare
total fine woody debris fuel load in megagrams per hectare
slope-corrected transect length for 1-hour fuels in meters
slope-corrected transect length for 10-hour fuels in meters
slope-corrected transect length for 100-hour fuels in meters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
A fake dataset created for general compilation demonstration purposes only.
A dataframe with 9 rows and 7 columns:
year in which the data were collected
broader location or forest where the data were collected
plot within site
stems per hectare
basal area in meters squared per hectare
quadratic mean diameter in centimeters
average diameter at breast height in centimeters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
A fake dataset created for general compilation demonstration purposes only.
A dataframe with 8 rows and 8 columns:
year in which the data were collected
broader location or forest where the data were collected
plot within site
tree species
relative basal area in percent
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
A fake dataset created for general compilation demonstration purposes only.
A dataframe with 9 rows and 8 columns:
year in which the data were collected
broader location or forest where the data were collected
stratum within site
plot within stratum
stems per hectare
basal area in meters squared per hectare
quadratic mean diameter in centimeters
average diameter at breast height in centimeters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
A fake dataset created for general compilation demonstration purposes only.
A dataframe with 4 rows and 3 columns:
broader location or forest where the data were collected
stratum within site
stratum weight
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
Compiles data beyond the plot level. Recognizes simple random sampling and stratified random sampling designs. Also recognizes the design of the Fire and Fire Surrogate. See README for details.
CompilePlots(data, design, wt_data = "not_needed", fpc_data = "not_needed")
CompilePlots(data, design, wt_data = "not_needed", fpc_data = "not_needed")
data |
A dataframe or tibble. Data must already be summarized to the plot-level. Required columns depend on the sampling design:
design |
Specifies the sampling design. Must be set to "SRS" (simple random sample), "STRS" (stratified random sample), or "FFS" (Fire and Fire Surrogate). There is no default. |
wt_data |
Only required for stratified random sampling designs. A dataframe or tibble with the following columns: time (optional), site, stratum, and wh (stratum weight). The default is set to "not_needed", and should be left as such for design = "SRS" or design = "FFS". |
fpc_data |
An optional dataframe or tibble. Incorporates the finite population correction factor (FPC) when samples were taken without replacement. The default is set to "not_needed". Required columns depend on the sampling design:
Depends on the sampling design:
Simple random sampling: a dataframe with site-level summaries.
Stratified random sampling: a list with two components: (1) a dataframe with stratum-level summaries and (2) a dataframe with site-level summaries.
Fire and Fire Surrogate: a list with two components: (1) a dataframe with site-level (i.e., compartment-level) summaries and (2) a dataframe with treatment-level summaries.
CompilePlots(data = compilation_srs_demo, design = "SRS", wt_data = "not_needed", fpc_data = "not_needed") CompilePlots(data = compilation_strs_demo, design = "STRS", wt_data = compilation_wt_demo, fpc_data = "not_needed")
CompilePlots(data = compilation_srs_demo, design = "SRS", wt_data = "not_needed", fpc_data = "not_needed") CompilePlots(data = compilation_strs_demo, design = "STRS", wt_data = compilation_wt_demo, fpc_data = "not_needed")
Compiles surface fuel data beyond the plot level. Specifically designed to further summarize outputs from the FineFuels and/or CoarseFuels functions. Recognizes simple random sampling and stratified random sampling designs. Also recognizes the design of the Fire and Fire Surrogate. See README for details.
CompileSurfaceFuels( fwd_data = "none", cwd_data = "none", design, wt_data = "not_needed", fpc_data = "not_needed", units = "metric" )
CompileSurfaceFuels( fwd_data = "none", cwd_data = "none", design, wt_data = "not_needed", fpc_data = "not_needed", units = "metric" )
fwd_data |
A dataframe or tibble. Fine woody debris (FWD) loads must already be calculated at the plot-level using the FineFuels function. Required columns depend on the sampling design:
cwd_data |
A dataframe or tibble. Coarse woody debris (CWD) loads must already be calculated at the plot-level using the CoarseFuels function. Required columns depend on the sampling design:
design |
Specifies the sampling design. Must be set to "SRS" (simple random sample), "STRS" (stratified ransom sample), or "FFS" (Fire and Fire Surrogate). There is no default. |
wt_data |
Only required for stratified random sampling designs. A dataframe or tibble with the following columns: time (optional), site, stratum, and wh (stratum weight). The default is set to "not_needed", and should be left as such for design = "SRS" or design = "FFS". |
fpc_data |
An optional dataframe or tibble. Incorporates the finite population correction factor (FPC) when samples were taken without replacement. The default is set to "not_needed". Required columns depend on the sampling design:
units |
Specifies whether the input data are in metric (megagrams per hectare) or imperial (US tons per acre) units. Inputs must be all metric or all imperial (do not mix-and-match units). The output units will match the input units (i.e., if inputs are in metric then outputs will be in metric). Must be set to either “metric” or “imperial”. The default is set to “metric”. |
Depends on the sampling design:
Simple random sampling: a dataframe with site-level summaries.
Stratified random sampling: a list with two components: (1) a dataframe with stratum-level summaries and (2) a dataframe with site-level summaries.
Fire and Fire Surrogate: a list with two components: (1) a dataframe with site-level (i.e., compartment-level) summaries and (2) a dataframe with treatment-level summaries.
CompileSurfaceFuels(fwd_data = compilation_fwd_demo, cwd_data = compilation_cwd_demo, design = "STRS", wt_data = compilation_wt_demo, fpc_data = "not_needed", units = "metric") CompileSurfaceFuels(fwd_data = compilation_fwd_demo, cwd_data = "none", design = "STRS", wt_data = compilation_wt_demo, fpc_data = "not_needed", units = "metric")
CompileSurfaceFuels(fwd_data = compilation_fwd_demo, cwd_data = compilation_cwd_demo, design = "STRS", wt_data = compilation_wt_demo, fpc_data = "not_needed", units = "metric") CompileSurfaceFuels(fwd_data = compilation_fwd_demo, cwd_data = "none", design = "STRS", wt_data = compilation_wt_demo, fpc_data = "not_needed", units = "metric")
A fake dataset created for coarse surface fuel demonstration purposes only. Sum-of-squared-diameters for sound and rotten 1000-hour fuels NOT already calculated.
A dataframe with 16 rows and 8 columns:
Year in which the data were collected
Broader location or forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual transect was measured
Transect on which the 1000-hour fuel measurements were taken
Length of the sampling transect for 1000-hour fuels in meters
Slope along the transect in percent
Diameter of 1000-hour fuel in centimeters
Rotten (R) or sound (S)
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes
A fake dataset created for coarse surface fuel demonstration purposes only. Sum-of-squared-diameters for sound and rotten 1000-hour fuels already calculated.
A dataframe with 12 rows and 8 columns:
Year in which the data were collected
Broader location or forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual transect was measured
Transect on which the 1000-hour fuel measurements were taken
Length of the sampling transect for 1000-hour fuels in meters
Slope along the transect in percent
Sum-of-squared-diameters for sound 1000-hour fuels
Sum-of-squared-diameters for rotten 1000-hour fuels
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
Estimates fine woody (1-hour, 10-hour, and 100-hour) fuel loads from line-intercept transects. See README for details.
FineFuels(fuel_data, tree_data, sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric")
FineFuels(fuel_data, tree_data, sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric")
fuel_data |
A dataframe or tibble with the following columns: time, site, plot, transect, count_1h, count_10h, count_100h, length_1h, length_10h, and length_100h. A slope column is optional. Each row must be an observation of an individual transect at a specific time/site/plot. |
tree_data |
A dataframe or tibble with the following columns: time, site, plot, exp_factor, species, and dbh. Each row must be an observation of an individual tree. |
sp_codes |
Specifies whether the species column in tree_data follows the four-letter code or FIA naming convention. Must be set to either "4letter" or "fia." The default is set to "4letter". |
units |
Specifies whether the input data are in metric (centimeters, meters, and trees per hectare) or imperial (inches, feet, and trees per acre) units. Inputs must be all metric or all imperial (do not mix-and-match units). The output units will match the input units (i.e., if inputs are in metric then outputs will be in metric). Must be set to either “metric” or “imperial”. The default is set to “metric”. |
A dataframe with the following columns:
time: as described above
site: as described above
plot: as described above
load_1h_Mg_ha (or load_1h_ton_ac): fuel load of 1-hour fuels in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
load_10h_Mg_ha (or load_10h_ton_ac): fuel load of 10-hour fuels in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
load_100h_Mg_ha (or load_100h_ton_ac): fuel load of 100-hour fuels in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
load_fwd_Mg_ha (or load_fwd_ton_ac): total fine woody debris fuel load (1-hour + 10-hour + 100-hour) in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
sc_length_1h: slope-corrected transect length (i.e., horizontal transect length) for 1-hour fuels in either meters or feet. This is the total horizontal length of transect sampled for 1-hour fuels at the specific time:site:plot.
sc_length_10h: slope-corrected transect length (i.e., horizontal transect length) for 10-hour fuels in either meters or feet. This is the total horizontal length of transect sampled for 10-hour fuels at the specific time:site:plot.
sc_length_100h: slope-corrected transect length (i.e., horizontal transect length) for 100-hour fuels in either meters or feet. This is the total horizontal length of transect sampled for 100-hour fuels at the specific time:site:plot.
FineFuels(tree_data = overstory_demo, fuel_data = fwd_demo)
FineFuels(tree_data = overstory_demo, fuel_data = fwd_demo)
A fake dataset created for composition and structure demonstration purposes only
A dataframe with 9 rows and 7 columns:
Broader location or forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual tree was measured
Stems per hectare
Live (1) or dead (0)
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
Diameter at breast height in centimeters
Tree height in meters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes
A fake dataset created for composition and structure demonstration purposes only. Includes a plot without trees.
A dataframe with 9 rows and 7 columns:
Broader location or forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual tree was measured
Stems per hectare
Live (1) or dead (0)
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
Diameter at breast height in centimeters
Tree height in meters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
Compiles forest composition at the plot level. Measured as relative basal area or relative density for live trees.
ForestComp( data, site, plot, exp_factor, status, species, dbh, relative = "BA", units = "metric" )
ForestComp( data, site, plot, exp_factor, status, species, dbh, relative = "BA", units = "metric" )
data |
A dataframe or tibble. Each row must be an observation of an individual tree. |
site |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Describes the broader location or forest where the data were collected. |
plot |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Identifies the plot in which the individual tree was measured. |
exp_factor |
Must be a numeric variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. The expansion factor specifies the number of trees per hectare (or per acre) that a given plot tree represents. |
status |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether the individual tree is alive (1) or dead (0). |
species |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies the species of the individual tree. |
dbh |
Must be a numeric variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Provides the diameter at breast height (DBH) of the individual tree in either centimeters or inches. |
relative |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether forest composition should be measured as relative basal area or relative density. Must be set to either "BA" or "density". The default is set to "BA". |
units |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether the dbh variable was measured using metric (centimeters) or imperial (inches) units. Must be set to either "metric" or "imperial". The default is set to "metric". |
A dataframe with the following columns:
site: as described above
plot: as described above
species: as described above
dominance: relative basal area (or relative density) in percent (%)
ForestComp(data = for_demo_data, site = "Forest", plot = "Plot_id", exp_factor = "SPH", status = "Live", species = "SPP", dbh = "DBH_CM", relative = "BA", units = "metric")
ForestComp(data = for_demo_data, site = "Forest", plot = "Plot_id", exp_factor = "SPH", status = "Live", species = "SPP", dbh = "DBH_CM", relative = "BA", units = "metric")
Compiles forest structure at the plot level.
ForestStr(data, site, plot, exp_factor, dbh, ht = "ignore", units = "metric")
ForestStr(data, site, plot, exp_factor, dbh, ht = "ignore", units = "metric")
data |
A dataframe or tibble. Each row must be an observation of an individual tree. |
site |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Describes the broader location or forest where the data were collected. |
plot |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Identifies the plot in which the individual tree was measured. |
exp_factor |
Must be a numeric variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. The expansion factor specifies the number of trees per hectare (or per acre) that a given plot tree represents. |
dbh |
Must be a numeric variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Provides the diameter at breast height (DBH) of the individual tree in either centimeters or inches. |
ht |
Default is set to "ignore", which indicates that tree heights were not taken. If heights were taken, it can be set to a numeric variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble, providing the height of the individual tree in either meters or feet. |
units |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies (1) whether the dbh and ht variables were measured using metric (centimeters and meters) or imperial (inches and feet) units; (2) whether the expansion factor is in metric (stems per hectare) or imperial (stems per acre) units; and (3) whether results will be given in metric or imperial units. Must be set to either "metric" or "imperial". The default is set to "metric". |
A dataframe with the following columns:
site: as described above
plot: as described above
sph (or spa): stems per hectare (or stems per acre)
ba_m2_ha (or ba_ft2_ac): basal area in meters squared per hectare (or feet squared per acre).
qmd_cm (or qmd_in): quadratic mean diameter in centimeters (or inches). Weighted by the expansion factor.
dbh_cm (or dbh_in): average diameter at breast height in centimeters (or inches). Weighted by the expansion factor.
ht_m (or ht_ft): average height in meters (or feet) if ht argument was set. Weighted by the expansion factor.
ForestStr(data = for_demo_data, site = "Forest", plot = "Plot_id", exp_factor = "SPH", dbh = "DBH_CM", ht = "HT_M", units = "metric")
ForestStr(data = for_demo_data, site = "Forest", plot = "Plot_id", exp_factor = "SPH", dbh = "DBH_CM", ht = "HT_M", units = "metric")
A fake dataset created for fine surface fuel demonstration purposes only
A dataframe with 12 rows and 11 columns:
Year in which the data were collected
Broader location or forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual transect was measured
Transect on which the fuel tallies were collected
Count of 1-hour fuels
Count of 10-hour fuels
Count of 100-hour fuels
Length of the sampling transect for 1-hour fuels in meters
Length of the sampling transect for 10-hour fuels in meters
Length of the sampling transect for 100-hour fuels in meters
Slope along the transect in percent
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes
A fake dataset created for duff and litter fuel demonstration purposes only. Depths already averaged together for each transect.
A dataframe with 24 rows and 6 columns:
Year in which the data were collected
Broader location or forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual transect was measured
Transect on which the duff/litter depths were measured
Litter depth in centimeters
Duff depth in centimeters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
A fake dataset created for duff and litter fuel demonstration purposes only. Depths NOT already averaged together for each transect.
A dataframe with 24 rows and 6 columns:
Year in which the data were collected
Broader location or forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual transect was measured
Transect on which the duff/litter depths were measured
Litter depth in centimeters
Duff depth in centimeters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes.
Estimates duff and litter fuel loads. See README for details.
LitterDuff( fuel_data, tree_data, sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric", measurement = "separate" )
LitterDuff( fuel_data, tree_data, sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric", measurement = "separate" )
fuel_data |
A dataframe or tibble. If the measurement parameter is set to "separate" the following columns are required: time, site, plot, transect, litter_depth, and duff_depth. If the measurement parameter is set to "combined" the following columns are required: time, site, plot, transect, and lit_duff_depth. |
tree_data |
A dataframe or tibble with the following columns: time, site, plot, exp_factor, species, and dbh. Each row must be an observation of an individual tree. |
sp_codes |
Specifies whether the species column in tree_data follows the four-letter code or FIA naming convention. Must be set to either “4letter” or “fia”. The default is set to “4letter”. |
units |
Specifies whether the input data are in metric (centimeters, meters, and trees per hectare) or imperial (inches, feet, and trees per acre) units. Inputs must be all metric or all imperial (do not mix-and-match units). The output units will match the input units (i.e., if inputs are in metric then outputs will be in metric). Must be set to either “metric” or “imperial”. The default is set to “metric”. |
measurement |
Specifies whether duff and litter were measured together or separately. Must be set to "combined" or "separate". The default is set to "separate". |
A dataframe with the following columns:
If measurement is set to "separate"
time: as described above
site: as described above
plot: as described above
litter_Mg_ha (or litter_ton_ac): litter load in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
duff_Mg_ha (or duff_ton_ac): duff load in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
If measurement is set to "combined"
time: as described above
site: as described above
plot: as described above
lit_duff_Mg_ha (or lit_duff_ton_ac): combined litter and duff load in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
LitterDuff(tree_data = overstory_demo, fuel_data = lit_duff_demo)
LitterDuff(tree_data = overstory_demo, fuel_data = lit_duff_demo)
A fake dataset created for NSVB framework biomass and carbon demonstration purposes only
A dataframe with 16 rows and 14 columns:
Ecodivision in which the data were collected
Province in which the data were collected
Forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual tree was measured
Stems per hectare
Live (1) or dead (0)
1-5 for standing dead trees. NA for live trees.
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
Diameter at breast height in centimeters
Tree height 1 in meters
Tree height 2 in meters
Live crown ratio
Yes top (Y) or no top (N)
Percent wood cull
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes
A fake dataset created for surface and ground fuel demonstration purposes only
A dataframe with 14 rows and 6 columns:
Year in which the data were collected
Broader location or forest where the data were collected
Plot in which the individual tree was measured
Stems per hectare
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
Diameter at breast height in centimeters
Created by Kea Rutherford for demonstration purposes
Uses Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Regional Biomass Equations to estimate above-ground stem, bark, and branch tree biomass. The package will summarize by plot or by plot as well as species. The package uses the California equation set and should not be used for data from other regions.
SummaryBiomass( data, site, plot, exp_factor, status, decay_class, species, dbh, ht, sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric", results = "by_plot" )
SummaryBiomass( data, site, plot, exp_factor, status, decay_class, species, dbh, ht, sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric", results = "by_plot" )
data |
A dataframe or tibble. Each row must be an observation of an individual tree. |
site |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Describes the broader location or forest where the data were collected. |
plot |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Identifies the plot in which the individual tree was measured. |
exp_factor |
Must be a numeric variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. The expansion factor specifies the number of trees per hectare (or per acre) that a given plot tree represents. |
status |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether the individual tree is alive (1) or dead (0). |
decay_class |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. For standing dead trees, the decay class should be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (see README file for more detail). For live trees, the decay class should be NA or 0. |
species |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies the species of the individual tree. Must follow four-letter species code or FIA naming conventions (see README file for more detail). |
dbh |
Must be a numeric variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Provides the diameter at breast height (DBH) of the individual tree in either centimeters or inches. |
ht |
Must be a numeric variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Provides the height of the individual tree in either meters or feet. |
sp_codes |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether the species variable follows the four-letter code or FIA naming convention (see README file for more detail). Must be set to either "4letter" or "fia". The default is set to "4letter". |
units |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies (1) whether the dbh and ht variables were measured using metric (centimeters and meters) or imperial (inches and feet) units; (2) whether the expansion factor is in metric (stems per hectare) or imperial (stems per acre) units; and (3) whether results will be given in metric (megagrams per hectare) or imperial (US tons per acre) units. Must be set to either "metric" or "imperial". The default is set to "metric". |
results |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether the results will be summarized by plot or by plot as well as species. Must be set to either "by_plot" or "by_species." The default is set to "by_plot". |
A dataframe with the following columns:
site: as described above
plot: as described above
species: if results argument was set to "by_species"
live_Mg_ha (or live_ton_ac): above-ground live tree biomass in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
dead_Mg_ha (or dead_ton_ac): above-ground dead tree biomass in megagrams per hectare (or US tons per acre)
SummaryBiomass(data = bio_demo_data, site = "Forest", plot = "Plot_id", exp_factor = "SPH", status = "Live", decay_class = "Decay", species = "SPP", dbh = "DBH_CM", ht = "HT_M", results = "by_species")
SummaryBiomass(data = bio_demo_data, site = "Forest", plot = "Plot_id", exp_factor = "SPH", status = "Live", decay_class = "Decay", species = "SPP", dbh = "DBH_CM", ht = "HT_M", results = "by_species")
Uses Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Regional Biomass Equations to estimate above-ground stem, bark, and branch tree biomass. The package uses the California equation set and should not be used for data from other regions.
TreeBiomass( data, status, species, dbh, ht, decay_class = "ignore", sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric" )
TreeBiomass( data, status, species, dbh, ht, decay_class = "ignore", sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric" )
data |
A dataframe or tibble. Each row must be an observation of an individual tree. |
status |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether the individual tree is alive (1) or dead (0). |
species |
Must be a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies the species of the individual tree. Must follow four-letter species code or FIA naming conventions (see README file for more detail). |
dbh |
Must be a numeric variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Provides the diameter at breast height (DBH) of the individual tree in either centimeters or inches. |
ht |
Must be a numeric variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Provides the height of the individual tree in either meters or feet. |
decay_class |
Default is set to "ignore", indicating that biomass estimates for standing dead trees will not be adjusted for structural decay. It can be set to a character variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. For standing dead trees, the decay class should be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (see README file for more detail). For live trees, the decay class should be NA or 0. |
sp_codes |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether the species variable follows the four-letter code or FIA naming convention (see README file for more detail). Must be set to either "4letter" or "fia". The default is set to "4letter". |
units |
Not a variable (column) in the provided dataframe or tibble. Specifies whether the dbh and ht variables were measured using metric (centimeters and meters) or imperial (inches and feet) units. Also specifies whether the results will be given in metric (kilograms) or imperial (US tons) units. Must be set to either "metric" or "imperial". The default is set to "metric". |
The original dataframe, with four new columns. If decay_class is provided, the biomass estimates for standing dead trees will be adjusted for structural decay.
stem_bio_kg (or stem_bio_tons): biomass of stem in kilograms (or tons)
bark_bio_kg (or bark_bio_tons): biomass of bark in kilograms (or tons)
branch_bio_kg (or branch_bio_tons): biomass of branches in kilograms (or tons)
total_bio_kg (or total_bio_kg): biomass of tree (stem + bark + branches) in kilograms (or tons)
TreeBiomass(data = bio_demo_data, status = "Live", species = "SPP", dbh = "DBH_CM", ht = "HT_M", sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric") TreeBiomass(data = bio_demo_data, status = "Live", species = "SPP", dbh = "DBH_CM", ht = "HT_M", decay_class = "Decay", sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric")
TreeBiomass(data = bio_demo_data, status = "Live", species = "SPP", dbh = "DBH_CM", ht = "HT_M", sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric") TreeBiomass(data = bio_demo_data, status = "Live", species = "SPP", dbh = "DBH_CM", ht = "HT_M", decay_class = "Decay", sp_codes = "4letter", units = "metric")
A dataset with intentional errors for demonstration purposes
A dataframe with 236 rows and 16 columns:
pre (pre-burn) or post (post-burn)
compartment (60, 340, or 400)
plot in which the individual transect was measured
azimuth of transect on which the fuel data were collected
count of 1-hour fuels
count of 10-hour fuels
count of 100-hour fuels
length of the sampling transect for 1-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 10-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 100-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 1000-hour fuels in meters
sum-of-squared-diameters for sound 1000-hour fuels
sum-of-squared-diameters for rotten 1000-hour fuels
litter depth in centimeters
duff depth in centimeters
slope along the transect in percent
Fire and Fire Surrogate Study, Stephens Lab, University of California, Berkeley
A dataset with intentional errors for demonstration purposes
A dataframe with 236 rows and 16 columns:
pre (pre-burn) or post (post-burn)
compartment (60, 340, or 400)
plot in which the individual transect was measured
azimuth of transect on which the fuel data were collected
count of 1-hour fuels
count of 10-hour fuels
count of 100-hour fuels
length of the sampling transect for 1-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 10-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 100-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 1000-hour fuels in meters
sum-of-squared-diameters for sound 1000-hour fuels
sum-of-squared-diameters for rotten 1000-hour fuels
litter depth in centimeters
duff depth in centimeters
slope along the transect in percent
Fire and Fire Surrogate Study, Stephens Lab, University of California, Berkeley
A dataset with intentional errors for demonstration purposes
A dataframe with 236 rows and 16 columns:
pre (pre-burn) or post (post-burn)
compartment (60, 340, or 400)
plot in which the individual transect was measured
azimuth of transect on which the fuel data were collected
count of 1-hour fuels
count of 10-hour fuels
count of 100-hour fuels
length of the sampling transect for 1-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 10-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 100-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 1000-hour fuels in meters
sum-of-squared-diameters for sound 1000-hour fuels
sum-of-squared-diameters for rotten 1000-hour fuels
litter depth in centimeters
duff depth in centimeters
slope along the transect in percent
Fire and Fire Surrogate Study, Stephens Lab, University of California, Berkeley
A dataset with intentional errors and warnings for demonstration purposes
A dataframe with 236 rows and 16 columns:
pre (pre-burn) or post (post-burn)
compartment (60, 340, or 400)
plot in which the individual transect was measured
azimuth of transect on which the fuel data were collected
count of 1-hour fuels
count of 10-hour fuels
count of 100-hour fuels
length of the sampling transect for 1-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 10-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 100-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 1000-hour fuels in meters
sum-of-squared-diameters for sound 1000-hour fuels
sum-of-squared-diameters for rotten 1000-hour fuels
litter depth in centimeters
duff depth in centimeters
slope along the transect in percent
Fire and Fire Surrogate Study, Stephens Lab, University of California, Berkeley
A clean dataset for demonstration purposes
A dataframe with 236 rows and 16 columns:
pre (pre-burn) or post (post-burn)
compartment (60, 340, or 400)
plot in which the individual transect was measured
azimuth of transect on which the fuel data were collected
count of 1-hour fuels
count of 10-hour fuels
count of 100-hour fuels
length of the sampling transect for 1-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 10-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 100-hour fuels in meters
length of the sampling transect for 1000-hour fuels in meters
sum-of-squared-diameters for sound 1000-hour fuels
sum-of-squared-diameters for rotten 1000-hour fuels
litter depth in centimeters
duff depth in centimeters
slope along the transect in percent
Fire and Fire Surrogate Study, Stephens Lab, University of California, Berkeley
A dataset with intentional errors for demonstration purposes
A dataframe with 2250 rows and 10 columns:
time:site combined
pre (pre-burn) or post (post-burn)
compartment (60, 340, or 400)
plot in which the individual tree was measured
stems per hectare
live (1) or dead (0)
1-5 for standing dead trees. 0 for live trees.
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
diameter at breast height in centimeters
tree height in meters
Fire and Fire Surrogate Study, Stephens Lab, University of California, Berkeley
A dataset with intentional errors for demonstration purposes
A dataframe with 2250 rows and 10 columns:
time:site combined
pre (pre-burn) or post (post-burn)
compartment (60, 340, or 400)
plot in which the individual tree was measured
stems per hectare
live (1) or dead (0)
1-5 for standing dead trees. 0 for live trees.
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
diameter at breast height in centimeters
tree height in meters
Fire and Fire Surrogate Study, Stephens Lab, University of California, Berkeley
A dataset with intentional warnings for demonstration purposes
A dataframe with 2250 rows and 10 columns:
time:site combined
pre (pre-burn) or post (post-burn)
compartment (60, 340, or 400)
plot in which the individual tree was measured
stems per hectare
live (1) or dead (0)
1-5 for standing dead trees. 0 for live trees.
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
diameter at breast height in centimeters
tree height in meters
Fire and Fire Surrogate Study, Stephens Lab, University of California, Berkeley
A dataset with intentional warnings for demonstration purposes
A dataframe with 2250 rows and 10 columns:
time:site combined
pre (pre-burn) or post (post-burn)
compartment (60, 340, or 400)
plot in which the individual tree was measured
stems per hectare
live (1) or dead (0)
1-5 for standing dead trees. 0 for live trees.
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
diameter at breast height in centimeters
tree height in meters
Fire and Fire Surrogate Study, Stephens Lab, University of California, Berkeley
A clean dataset for demonstration purposes
A dataframe with 2250 rows and 10 columns:
time:site combined
pre (pre-burn) or post (post-burn)
compartment (60, 340, or 400)
plot in which the individual tree was measured
stems per hectare
live (1) or dead (0)
1-5 for standing dead trees. 0 for live trees.
Species of the individual tree, using four-letter species codes
diameter at breast height in centimeters
tree height in meters
Fire and Fire Surrogate Study, Stephens Lab, University of California, Berkeley