Package 'BayesPPD'

Title: Bayesian Power Prior Design
Description: Bayesian power/type I error calculation and model fitting using the power prior and the normalized power prior for generalized linear models. Detailed examples of applying the package are available at <doi:10.32614/RJ-2023-016>. Models for time-to-event outcomes are implemented in the R package 'BayesPPDSurv'. The Bayesian clinical trial design methodology is described in Chen et al. (2011) <doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01561.x>, and Psioda and Ibrahim (2019) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxy009>. The normalized power prior is described in Duan et al. (2006) <doi:10.1002/env.752> and Ibrahim et al. (2015) <doi:10.1002/sim.6728>.
Authors: Yueqi Shen [aut, cre], Matthew A. Psioda [aut], Joseph G. Ibrahim [aut]
Maintainer: Yueqi Shen <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.1.3
Built: 2025-02-12 07:02:35 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Bayesian sample size determination using the power and normalized power prior for generalized linear models


The BayesPPD (Bayesian Power Prior Design) package provides two categories of functions: functions for Bayesian power/type I error calculation and functions for model fitting. Supported distributions include normal, binary (Bernoulli/binomial), Poisson and exponential. The power parameter a0a_0 can be fixed or modeled as random using a normalized power prior.


Following Chen et al.(2011), for two group models (i.e., treatment and control group with no covariates), denote the parameter for the treatment group by μt\mu_t and the parameter for the control group by μc\mu_c. Suppose there are KK historical datasets D0=(D01,,D0K)D_0 = (D_{01},\cdots, D_{0K})'. We consider the following normalized power prior for μc\mu_c given multiple historical datasets D0D_0

π(μcD0,a0)=1C(a0)k=1K[L(μcD0k)a0k]π0(μc)\pi(\mu_c|D_0,a_0) = \frac{1}{C(a_0)}\prod_{k=1}^K \left[L(\mu_c|D_{0k})^{a_{0k}}\right]\pi_0(\mu_c)

where a0=(a01,,a0K)a_0 = (a_{01},\cdots,a_{0K})', 0a0k10\le a_{0k} \le 1 for k=1,,Kk=1,\cdots,K, L(μcD0k)L(\mu_c|D_{0k}) is the historical data likelihood, π0(μc)\pi_0(\mu_c) is an initial prior, and C(a0)=k=1K[L(μcD0k)a0k]π0(μc)dμcC(a_0)=\int \prod_{k=1}^K [L(\mu_c|D_{0k})^{a_{0k}}]\pi_0(\mu_c)d\mu_c. When a0a_0 is fixed, the normalized power prior is equivalent to the power prior

π(μcD0,a0)=k=1K[L(μcD0k)a0k]π0(μc).\pi(\mu_c|D_0,a_0) = \prod_{k=1}^K \left[L(\mu_c|D_{0k})^{a_{0k}}\right]\pi_0(\mu_c).

By default, the power/type I error calculation algorithm assumes the null and alternative hypotheses are given by

H0:μtμcδH_0: \mu_t - \mu_c \ge \delta


H1:μtμc<δ,H_1: \mu_t - \mu_c < \delta,

where δ\delta is a prespecified constant. To test hypotheses of the opposite direction, i.e., H0:μtμcδH_0: \mu_t - \mu_c \le \delta and H1:μtμc>δH_1: \mu_t - \mu_c > \delta , one can set the parameter nullspace.ineq to "<". To determine Bayesian sample size, we estimate the quantity

βsj(n)=Es[I{P(μtμc<δy(n),π(f))γ}]\beta_{sj}^{(n)}=E_s[I\{P(\mu_t-\mu_c<\delta|y^{(n)}, \pi^{(f)})\ge \gamma\}]

where γ>0\gamma > 0 is a prespecified posterior probability threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis (e.g., 0.9750.975), the probability is computed with respect to the posterior distribution given the data y(n)y^{(n)} and the fitting prior π(f)\pi^{(f)}, and the expectation is taken with respect to the marginal distribution of y(n)y^{(n)} defined based on the sampling prior π(s)(θ)\pi^{(s)}(\theta), where θ=(μt,μc,η)\theta=(\mu_t, \mu_c, \eta) and η\eta denotes any nuisance parameter in the model. Let Θ0\Theta_0 and Θ1\Theta_1 denote the parameter spaces corresponding to H0H_0 and H1H_1. Let π0(s)(θ)\pi_0^{(s)}(\theta) denote a sampling prior that puts mass in the null region, i.e., θΘ0\theta \subset \Theta_0. Let π1(s)(θ)\pi_1^{(s)}(\theta) denote a sampling prior that puts mass in the alternative region, i.e., θΘ1\theta \subset \Theta_1. Then βs0(n)\beta_{s0}^{(n)} corresponding to π(s)(θ)=π0(s)(θ)\pi^{(s)}(\theta)=\pi_0^{(s)}(\theta) is a Bayesian type I error, while βs1(n)\beta_{s1}^{(n)} corresponding to π(s)(θ)=π1(s)(θ)\pi^{(s)}(\theta)=\pi_1^{(s)}(\theta) is a Bayesian power. We compute nα0=min{n:βs0(n)α0}n_{\alpha_0} = \min\{n: \beta_{s0}^{(n)} \le \alpha_0\} and nα1=min{n:βs1(n)1α1}n_{\alpha_1} = \min\{n: \beta_{s1}^{(n)} \ge 1-\alpha_1\}. Then Bayesian sample size is max{nα0,nα1}\{n_{\alpha_0}, n_{\alpha_1}\}. Choosing α0=0.05\alpha_0=0.05 and α1=0.2\alpha_1=0.2 guarantees that the Bayesian type I error rate is at most 0.050.05 and the Bayesian power is at least 0.80.8.

To compute βsj(n)\beta_{sj}^{(n)}, the following algorithm is used:

Step 1:

Generate θπj(s)(θ)\theta \sim \pi_j^{(s)}(\theta)

Step 2:

Generate y(n)f(y(n)θ)y^{(n)} \sim f(y^{(n)}|\theta)

Step 3:

Compute P(μt<μc+δy(n),π(f))P(\mu_t < \mu_c + \delta|y^{(n)}, \pi^{(f)})

Step 4:

Check whether P(μt<μc+δy(n),π(f))γP(\mu_t < \mu_c + \delta|y^{(n)}, \pi^{(f)}) \ge \gamma

Step 5:

Repeat Steps 1-4 NN times

Step 6:

Compute the proportion of times that {μt<μc+δy(n),π(f)γ}\{\mu_t < \mu_c + \delta|y^{(n)}, \pi^{(f)} \ge \gamma\} is true out of the NN simulated datasets, which gives an estimate of βsj(n)\beta_{sj}^{(n)}.

For positive continuous data assumed to follow exponential distribution, the hypotheses are given by

H0:μt/μcδH_0: \mu_t/\mu_c \ge \delta


H1:μt/μc<δ,H_1: \mu_t/\mu_c < \delta,

where μt\mu_t and μc\mu_c are the hazards for the treatment and the control group, respectively. The definition of βsj(n)\beta_{sj}^{(n)} and the algorithm change accordingly.

If there are covariates to adjust for, we assume the first column of the covariate matrix is the treatment indicator, and the corresponding parameter is β1\beta_1, which, for example, corresponds to a difference in means for the linear regression model and a log hazard ratio for the exponential regression model. The hypotheses are given by

H0:β1δH_0: \beta_1 \ge \delta


H1:β1<δ.H_1: \beta_1 < \delta.

The definition of βsj(n)\beta_{sj}^{(n)} and the algorithm change accordingly.

By default, the package assumes the historical data is composed of control group subjects only. If the user wants to use historical data to inform treatment effect, one can set borrow.treat=TRUE and include the treatment indicator in the historical covariate matrix.

This implementation of the method does not assume any particular distribution for the sampling priors. The user is allowed to specify a vector or matrix of samples for θ\theta (matrix if θ\theta is of dimension >1) from any distribution, and the algorithm samples with replacement from the vector or matrix at each iteration of data simulation. In order to accurately approximate a joint distribution for multiple parameters, the number of iterations should be large (e.g., 10,000).

Gibbs sampling is used for normally distributed data. Slice sampling is used for all other data distributions. For two group models with fixed a0a_0, numerical integration using the RcppNumerical package is used.


Chen, Ming-Hui, et al. "Bayesian design of noninferiority trials for medical devices using historical data." Biometrics 67.3 (2011): 1163-1170.

AIDS Clinical Trial ACTG019 (1990).


A dataset containing the ACTG019 clinical trial placebo group data (1990) in adults with asymptomatic HIV.




A data frame with 404 rows and 4 variables:


binary variable with 1 indicating death, development of AIDS or ARC and 0 otherwise


patient age in years


binary variable with 1 indicating white and 0 otherwise


CD4 cell count (cell count per cubicmillimetre of serum)


Chen, Ming-Hui, et al. "Prior Elicitation, Variable Selection and Bayesian Computation for Logistic Regression Models." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, vol. 61, no. 1, 1999, pp. 223-242.

AIDS Clinical Trial ACTG036 (1991).


A dataset containing the ACTG036 clinical trial data (1991) comparing zidovudine (AZT) with a placebo in asymptomatic patients with hereditary coagulation disorders and HIV infection. The ACTG036 trial had the same response variable and covariates as the ACTG019 study. The ATCG019 data can be used as a historical dataset.




A data frame with 183 rows and 5 variables:


binary variable with 1 indicating death, development of AIDS or ARC and 0 otherwise


binary variable with 1 indicating Zidovudine (AZT) treatment and 0 indicating placebo


patient age in years


binary variable with 1 indicating white and 0 otherwise


CD4 cell count (cell count per cubicmillimetre of serum)


Chen, Ming-Hui, et al. "Prior Elicitation, Variable Selection and Bayesian Computation for Logistic Regression Models." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, vol. 61, no. 1, 1999, pp. 223-242.

Model fitting for generalized linear models with fixed a0


Model fitting using power priors for generalized linear models with fixed a0a_0


  y = 0,
  x = matrix(),
  n = 1,
  borrow.treat = FALSE,
  historical = list(),
  lower.limits = rep(-100, 50),
  upper.limits = rep(100, 50),
  slice.widths = rep(1, 50),
  nMC = 10000,
  nBI = 250, = TRUE,
  prior.beta.var = rep(10, 50)



Character string specifying the type of response. The options are "Normal", "Bernoulli", "Binomial", "Poisson" and "Exponential".

Character string specifying the link function. The options are "Logistic", "Probit", "Log", "Identity-Positive", "Identity-Probability" and "Complementary Log-Log". Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of responses.


Matrix of covariates. The first column should be the treatment indicator with 1 indicating treatment group. The number of rows should equal the length of the response vector y.


(For binomial data only) vector of integers specifying the number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector. If the data is binary and all covariates are discrete, collapsing Bernoulli data into a binomial structure can make the slice sampler much faster. The length of n should be equal to the number of rows of x.


Logical value indicating whether the historical information is used to inform the treatment effect parameter. The default value is FALSE. If TRUE, the first column of the historical covariate matrix must be the treatment indicator. If FALSE, the historical covariate matrix must NOT have the treatment indicator, since the historical data is assumed to be from the control group only.


(Optional) list of historical dataset(s). East historical dataset is stored in a list which contains three named elements: y0, x0 and a0.

  • y0 is a vector of responses.

  • x0 is a matrix of covariates. If borrow.treat is FALSE (the default), x0 should NOT have the treatment indicator. Apart from missing the treatment indicator, x0 should have the same set of covariates in the same order as x. If borrow.treat is TRUE, x0 should have the same set of covariates in the same order as x, where the first column of x0 must be the treatment indicator.

  • a0 is a number between 0 and 1 indicating the discounting parameter value for that historical dataset.

For binomial data, an additional element n0 is required.

  • n0 is vector of integers specifying the number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector. The length of n0 should be equal to the number of rows of x0.


Vector of lower limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters, i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates. The default is -100 for all parameters (may not be appropriate for all situations). Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of upper limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters, i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates. The default is 100 for all parameters (may not be appropriate for all situations). Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of initial slice widths for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters, i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates. The default is 1 for all parameter (may not be appropriate for all situations). Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Number of iterations (excluding burn-in samples) for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 10,000.


Number of burn-in samples for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 250.

Logical value indicating whether current data is included. The default is TRUE. If FALSE, only historical data is included in the analysis, and the posterior samples can be used as a discrete approximation to the sampling prior in power.glm.fixed.a0.


Only applies if = FALSE. If no current data is provided, the initial priors used for β\beta are i.i.d. normal distributions with mean zero and variance equal to prior.beta.var. The length of the vector should be equal to the length of β\beta. The default variance is 10.


If data.type is "Normal", the response yiy_i is assumed to follow N(xiβ,τ1)N(x_i'\beta, \tau^{-1}) where xix_i is the vector of covariates for subject ii. Each historical dataset D0kD_{0k} is assumed to have a different precision parameter τk\tau_k. The initial prior for τ\tau is the Jeffery's prior, τ1\tau^{-1}, and the initial prior for τk\tau_k is τk1\tau_k^{-1}. The initial prior for β\beta is the uniform improper prior. Posterior samples are obtained through Gibbs sampling.

For all other data types, posterior samples are obtained through slice sampling. The default lower limits for the parameters are -100. The default upper limits for the parameters are 100. The default slice widths for the parameters are 1. The defaults may not be appropriate for all situations, and the user can specify the appropriate limits and slice width for each parameter.

When is set to FALSE, only historical data is included in the analysis, and the posterior samples can be used as a discrete approximation to the sampling prior in power.glm.fixed.a0.


The function returns a S3 object with a summary method. If data.type is "Normal", posterior samples of β\beta, τ\tau and τk\tau_k's (if historical data is given) are returned. For all other data types, a matrix of posterior samples of β\beta is returned. The first column contains posterior samples of the intercept. The second column contains posterior samples of β1\beta_1, the parameter for the treatment indicator.


Neal, Radford M. Slice sampling. Ann. Statist. 31 (2003), no. 3, 705–767.

See Also



data.type <- "Bernoulli" <- "Logistic"

# Simulate current data
p <- 3
n_total <- 100
y <- rbinom(n_total,size=1,prob=0.6)
# The first column of x is the treatment indicator.
x <- cbind(rbinom(n_total,size=1,prob=0.5),

# Simulate two historical datasets
# Note that x0 does not have the treatment indicator
historical <- list(list(y0=rbinom(n_total,size=1,prob=0.2),
                        x0=matrix(rnorm(p*n_total),ncol=p,nrow=n_total), a0=0.2),
                   list(y0=rbinom(n_total, size=1, prob=0.5),
                        x0=matrix(rnorm(p*n_total),ncol=p,nrow=n_total), a0=0.3))

# Set parameters of the slice sampler
lower.limits <- rep(-100, 5) # The dimension is the number of columns of x plus 1 (intercept)
upper.limits <- rep(100, 5)
slice.widths <- rep(1, 5)

nMC <- 1000 # nMC should be larger in practice
nBI <- 250
result <- glm.fixed.a0(data.type=data.type,, y=y, x=x, historical=historical,
                       lower.limits=lower.limits, upper.limits=upper.limits,
                       slice.widths=slice.widths, nMC=nMC, nBI=nBI)


Model fitting for generalized linear models with random a0


Model fitting using normalized power priors for generalized linear models with random a0a_0


  n = 1,
  borrow.treat = FALSE,
  prior.beta.var = rep(10, 50),
  prior.a0.shape1 = rep(1, 10),
  prior.a0.shape2 = rep(1, 10),
  lower.limits = NULL,
  upper.limits = NULL,
  slice.widths = rep(0.1, 50),
  nMC = 10000,
  nBI = 250



Character string specifying the type of response. The options are "Normal", "Bernoulli", "Binomial", "Poisson" and "Exponential".

Character string specifying the link function. The options are "Logistic", "Probit", "Log", "Identity-Positive", "Identity-Probability" and "Complementary Log-Log". Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of responses.


Matrix of covariates. The first column should be the treatment indicator with 1 indicating treatment group. The number of rows should equal the length of the response vector y.


(For binomial data only) vector of integers specifying the number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector. If the data is binary and all covariates are discrete, collapsing Bernoulli data into a binomial structure can make the slice sampler much faster. The sum of n should be equal to data.size. The length of n should be equal to the number of rows of x0.


Logical value indicating whether the historical information is used to inform the treatment effect parameter. The default value is FALSE. If TRUE, the first column of the historical covariate matrix must be the treatment indicator. If FALSE, the historical covariate matrix must NOT have the treatment indicator, since the historical data is assumed to be from the control group only.


List of historical dataset(s). East historical dataset is stored in a list which contains two named elements: y0 and x0.

  • y0 is a vector of responses.

  • x0 is a matrix of covariates. If borrow.treat is FALSE (the default), x0 should NOT have the treatment indicator. Apart from missing the treatment indicator, x0 should have the same set of covariates in the same order as x. If borrow.treat is TRUE, x0 should have the same set of covariates in the same order as x, where the first column of x0 must be the treatment indicator.

For binomial data, an additional element n0 is required.

  • n0 is vector of integers specifying the number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector. The length of n0 should be equal to the number of rows of x0.


Vector of variances of the independent normal initial priors on β\beta with mean zero. The length of the vector should be equal to the length of β\beta. The default variance is 10.


Vector of the first shape parameters of the independent beta priors for a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is a vector of one's.


Vector of the second shape parameters of the independent beta priors for a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is a vector of one's.


Vector of coefficients for a0a_0 returned by the function normalizing.constant. This is necessary for estimating the normalizing constant for the normalized power prior. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of lower limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. If data.type is "Normal", slice sampling is used for a0a_0, and the length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. For all other data types, slice sampling is used for β\beta and a0a_0. The first P+1 elements apply to the sampling of β\beta and the rest apply to the sampling of a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the sum of the total number of parameters (i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates) and the number of historical datasets. The default is -100 for β\beta and 0 for a0a_0 (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Vector of upper limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. If data.type is "Normal", slice sampling is used for a0a_0, and the length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. For all other data types, slice sampling is used for β\beta and a0a_0. The first P+1 elements apply to the sampling of β\beta and the rest apply to the sampling of a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the sum of the total number of parameters (i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates) and the number of historical datasets. The default is 100 for β\beta and 1 for a0a_0 (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Vector of initial slice widths used by the slice sampler. If data.type is "Normal", slice sampling is used for a0a_0, and the length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. For all other data types, slice sampling is used for β\beta and a0a_0. The first P+1 elements apply to the sampling of β\beta and the rest apply to the sampling of a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the sum of the total number of parameters (i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates) and the number of historical datasets. The default is 0.1 for all parameter (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Number of iterations (excluding burn-in samples) for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 10,000.


Number of burn-in samples for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 250.


The user should use the function normalizing.constant to obtain a0.coefficients (does not apply if data.type is "Normal").

If data.type is "Normal", the response yiy_i is assumed to follow N(xiβ,τ1)N(x_i'\beta, \tau^{-1}) where xix_i is the vector of covariates for subject ii. Historical datasets are assumed to have the same precision parameter as the current dataset for computational simplicity. The initial prior for τ\tau is the Jeffery's prior, τ1\tau^{-1}. Independent normal priors with mean zero and variance prior.beta.var are used for β\beta to ensure the propriety of the normalized power prior. Posterior samples for β\beta and τ\tau are obtained through Gibbs sampling. Independent beta(prior.a0.shape1, prior.a0.shape1) priors are used for a0a_0. Posterior samples for a0a_0 are obtained through slice sampling.

For all other data types, posterior samples are obtained through slice sampling. The default lower limits are -100 for β\beta and 0 for a0a_0. The default upper limits for the parameters are 100 for β\beta and 1 for a0a_0. The default slice widths for the parameters are 0.1. The defaults may not be appropriate for all situations, and the user can specify the appropriate limits and slice width for each parameter.


The function returns a S3 object with a summary method. If data.type is "Normal", posterior samples of β\beta, τ\tau and a0a_0 are returned. For all other data types, posterior samples of β\beta and a0a_0 are returned. The first column of the matrix of posterior samples of β\beta contains posterior samples of the intercept. The second column contains posterior samples of β1\beta_1, the parameter for the treatment indicator.


Neal, Radford M. Slice sampling. Ann. Statist. 31 (2003), no. 3, 705–767.

See Also

normalizing.constant and power.glm.random.a0


data.type <- "Bernoulli" <- "Logistic"

# Simulate current data
p <- 3
n_total <- 100
y <- rbinom(n_total,size=1,prob=0.6)
# The first column of x is the treatment indicator.
x <- cbind(rbinom(n_total,size=1,prob=0.5),

# Simulate two historical datasets
# Note that x0 does not have the treatment indicator
historical <- list(list(y0=rbinom(n_total,size=1,prob=0.2),
                   list(y0=rbinom(n_total, size=1, prob=0.5),

# Please see function "normalizing.constant" for how to obtain a0.coefficients
# Here, suppose one-degree polynomial regression is chosen by the "normalizing.constant"
# function. The coefficients are obtained for the intercept, a0_1 and a0_2.
a0.coefficients <- c(1, 0.5, -1)

# Set parameters of the slice sampler
# The dimension is the number of columns of x plus 1 (intercept)
# plus the number of historical datasets
lower.limits <- c(rep(-100, 5), rep(0, 2))
upper.limits <- c(rep(100, 5), rep(1, 2))
slice.widths <- rep(0.1, 7)

nMC <- 500 # nMC should be larger in practice
nBI <- 100
result <- glm.random.a0(data.type=data.type,, y=y, x=x,
                        historical=historical, a0.coefficients=a0.coefficients,
                        lower.limits=lower.limits, upper.limits=upper.limits,
                        slice.widths=slice.widths, nMC=nMC, nBI=nBI)

Function for approximating the normalizing constant for generalized linear models with random a0


This function returns a vector of coefficients that defines a function f(a0)f(a_0) that approximates the normalizing constant for generalized linear models with random a0a_0. The user should input the values returned to glm.random.a0 or power.glm.random.a0.


  prior.beta.var = rep(10, 50),
  lower.limits = rep(-100, 50),
  upper.limits = rep(100, 50),
  slice.widths = rep(1, 50),
  nMC = 10000,
  nBI = 250



Matrix of potential values for a0a_0, where the number of columns should equal the number of historial datasets. Note that the algorithm may fail if some grid values are close to zero. See Details below.


List of historical dataset(s). East historical dataset is stored in a list which constains two named elements: y0 and x0.

  • y0 is a vector of responses.

  • x0 is a matrix of covariates.

For binomial data, an additional element n0 is required.

  • n0 is vector of integers specifying the number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector.


Character string specifying the type of response. The options are "Bernoulli", "Binomial", "Poisson" and "Exponential".

Character string specifying the link function. The options are "Logistic", "Probit", "Log", "Identity-Positive", "Identity-Probability" and "Complementary Log-Log". Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of variances of the independent normal initial priors on β\beta with mean zero. The length of the vector should be equal to the length of β\beta. The default variance is 10.


Vector of lower limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters, i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates. The default is -100 for all parameters (may not be appropriate for all situations). Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of upper limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters, i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates. The default is 100 for all parameters (may not be appropriate for all situations). Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of initial slice widths for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters, i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates. The default is 1 for all parameter (may not be appropriate for all situations). Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Number of iterations (excluding burn-in samples) for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 10,000.


Number of burn-in samples for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 250.


This function performs the following steps:

  1. Suppose there are K historical datasets. The user inputs a grid of M rows and K columns of potential values for a0a_0. For example, one can choose the vector v = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) and use expand.grid(a0_1=v, a0_2=v, a0_3=v) when K=3K=3 to get a grid with M=53=125M=5^3=125 rows and 3 columns. If there are more than three historical datasets, the dimension of v can be reduced to limit the size of the grid. A large grid will increase runtime.

  2. For each row of a0a_0 values in the grid, obtain MM samples for β\beta from the power prior associated with the current values of a0a_0 using the slice sampler.

  3. For each of the M sets of posterior samples, execute the PWK algorithm (Wang et al., 2018) to estimate the log of normalizing constant d1,...,dMd_1,...,d_M for the normalized power prior.

  4. At this point, one has a dataset with outcomes d1,...,dMd_1,...,d_M and predictors corresponding to the rows of the a0a_0 grid matrix. A polynomial regression is applied to estimate a function d=f(a0)d=f(a0). The degree of the polynomial regression is determined by the algorithm to ensure R2>0.99R^2 > 0.99.

  5. The vector of coefficients from the polynomial regression model is returned by the function, which the user must input into glm.random.a0 or power.glm.random.a0.

When a row of the grid contains elements that are close to zero, the resulting power prior will be flat and estimates of normalizing constants may be inaccurate. Therefore, it is recommended that grid values should be at least 0.05.

If one encounters the error message "some coefficients are not defined because of singularities", it could be due to the following factors: number of grid rows too large or too small, insufficient sample size of the historical data, insufficient number of iterations for the slice sampler, or near-zero grid values.

Note that due to computational intensity, the normalizing.constant function has not been evaluated for accuracy for high dimensional β\beta (e.g., dimension > 10) or high dimensional a0a_0 (e.g., dimension > 5).


Vector of coefficients for a0a_0 that defines a function f(a0)f(a_0) that approximates the normalizing constant, necessary for functions glm.random.a0 and power.glm.random.a0. The length of the vector is equal to 1+K*L where K is the number of historical datasets and L is the degree of the polynomial regression determined by the algorithm.


Wang, Yu-Bo; Chen, Ming-Hui; Kuo, Lynn; Lewis, Paul O. A New Monte Carlo Method for Estimating Marginal Likelihoods. Bayesian Anal. 13 (2018), no. 2, 311–333.

See Also

glm.random.a0 and power.glm.random.a0


data.type <- "Bernoulli" <- "Logistic"
data.size <- 50

# Simulate two historical datasets
p <- 1
x1 <- matrix(rnorm(p*data.size),ncol=p,nrow=data.size)
x2 <- matrix(rnorm(p*data.size),ncol=p,nrow=data.size)
beta <- c(1,2)
mean1 <- exp(x1*beta)/(1+exp(x1*beta))
mean2 <- exp(x2*beta)/(1+exp(x2*beta))
historical <- list(list(y0=rbinom(data.size,size=1,prob=mean1),x0=x1),
                   list(y0=rbinom(data.size, size=1, prob=mean2),x0=x2))

# Create grid of possible values of a0 with two columns corresponding to a0_1 and a0_2
g <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
grid <- expand.grid(a0_1=g, a0_2=g)

nMC <- 100 # nMC should be larger in practice
nBI <- 50
result <- normalizing.constant(grid=grid, historical=historical,
                               nMC=nMC, nBI=nBI)

Power/type I error calculation for generalized linear models with fixed a0


Power/type I error calculation for generalized linear models with fixed a0a_0 using power priors


  data.type, = "",
  n = 1,
  borrow.treat = FALSE,
  treat.assign.prob = 0.5,
  historical = list(),
  nullspace.ineq = ">",
  x.samples = matrix(),
  samp.prior.var = 0,
  lower.limits = rep(-100, 50),
  upper.limits = rep(100, 50),
  slice.widths = rep(1, 50),
  delta = 0,
  gamma = 0.95,
  nMC = 10000,
  nBI = 250,
  N = 10000,
  approximate = FALSE,
  nNR = 10000,
  tol = 1e-05



Character string specifying the type of response. The options are "Normal", "Bernoulli", "Binomial", "Poisson" and "Exponential".

Character string specifying the link function. The options are "Logistic", "Probit", "Log", "Identity-Positive", "Identity-Probability" and "Complementary Log-Log". Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Sample size of the simulated datasets.


(For binomial data only) vector of integers specifying the number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector. If the data is binary and all covariates are discrete, collapsing Bernoulli data into a binomial structure can make the slice sampler much faster. The sum of n should be equal to data.size. The length of n should be equal to the number of rows of x0.


Logical value indicating whether the historical information is used to inform the treatment effect parameter. The default value is FALSE. If TRUE, the first column of the historical covariate matrix must be the treatment indicator. If FALSE, the historical covariate matrix must NOT have the treatment indicator, since the historical data is assumed to be from the control group only.


Probability of being assigned to the treatment group. The default value is 0.5. Only applies if borrow.treat=FALSE.


(Optional) list of historical dataset(s). East historical dataset is stored in a list which contains three named elements: y0, x0 and a0.

  • y0 is a vector of responses.

  • x0 is a matrix of covariates. If borrow.treat is FALSE (the default), x0 should NOT have the treatment indicator. If borrow.treat is TRUE, the first column of x0 must be the treatment indicator.

  • a0 is a number between 0 and 1 indicating the discounting parameter value for that historical dataset.

For binomial data, an additional element n0 is required.

  • n0 is vector of integers specifying the number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector. The length of n0 should be equal to the number of rows of x0.


Character string specifying the inequality of the null hypothesis. The options are ">" and "<". If ">" is specified, the null hypothesis is H0H_0: β1\beta_1 \ge δ\delta. If "<" is specified, the null hypothesis is H0H_0: β1\beta_1 \le δ\delta. The default choice is ">".


(Only applies when there is no historical dataset) matrix of possible values of covariates from which covariate vectors are sampled with replacement.


Matrix of possible values of β\beta to sample (with replacement) from. Each row is a possible β\beta vector (a realization from the sampling prior for β\beta), where the first element is the coefficient for the intercept and the second element is the coefficient for the treatment indicator. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters. If P is the number of columns of x0 in historical, the total number of parameters is P+2 if borrow.treat=FALSE, and is P+1 if borrow.treat=TRUE.


Vector of possible values of σ2\sigma^2 to sample (with replacement) from. Only applies if data.type is "Normal". The vector contains realizations from the sampling prior (e.g. inverse-gamma distribution) for σ2\sigma^2.


Vector of lower limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters, i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates. The default is -100 for all parameters (may not be appropriate for all situations). Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of upper limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters, i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates. The default is 100 for all parameters (may not be appropriate for all situations). Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of initial slice widths for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters, i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates. The default is 1 for all parameter (may not be appropriate for all situations). Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Prespecified constant that defines the boundary of the null hypothesis. The default is zero.


Posterior probability threshold for rejecting the null. The null hypothesis is rejected if posterior probability is greater gamma. The default is 0.95.


Number of iterations (excluding burn-in samples) for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 10,000.


Number of burn-in samples for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 250.


Number of simulated datasets to generate. The default is 10,000.


Logical value indicating whether the approximation method based on asymptotic theory is used. The default is FALSE. If TRUE, an approximation method based on the Newton-Raphson algorithm (assuming canonical links) is used. This feature helps users quickly obtain a rough estimate of the sample size required for the desired level of power or type I error rate.


(Only applies if approximate=TRUE) number of iterations of the Newton-Raphson algorithm. The default value is 10,000.


(Only applies if approximate=TRUE) absolute tolerance of the Newton-Raphson algorithm. The default value is 0.00001.


If historical datasets are provided, the algorithm samples with replacement from the historical covariates to construct the simulated datasets. Otherwise, the algorithm samples with replacement from x.samples. One of the arguments historical and x.samples must be provided.

The sampling prior for the treatment parameter can be generated from a normal distribution (see examples). For example, suppose one wants to compute the power for the hypotheses H0:β10H_0: \beta_1 \ge 0 and H1:β1<0.H_1: \beta_1 < 0. To approximate the sampling prior for β1\beta_1, one can simply sample from a normal distribution with negative mean, so that the mass of the prior falls in the alternative space. Conversely, to compute the type I error rate, one can sample from a normal distribution with positive mean, so that the mass of the prior falls in the null space. The sampling prior for the other parameters can be generated by using the glm.fixed.a0 function with set to FALSE. The posterior samples based on only historical data can be used as a discrete approximation to the sampling prior.

samp.prior.var is necessary for generating normally distributed data.

If data.type is "Normal", the response yiy_i is assumed to follow N(xiβ,τ1)N(x_i'\beta, \tau^{-1}) where xix_i is the vector of covariates for subject ii. Each historical dataset D0kD_{0k} is assumed to have a different precision parameter τk\tau_k. The initial prior for τ\tau is the Jeffery's prior, τ1\tau^{-1}, and the initial prior for τk\tau_k is τk1\tau_k^{-1}. The initial prior for β\beta is the uniform improper prior. Posterior samples are obtained through Gibbs sampling.

For all other data types, posterior samples are obtained through slice sampling. The default lower limits for the parameters are -100. The default upper limits for the parameters are 100. The default slice widths for the parameters are 1. The defaults may not be appropriate for all situations, and the user can specify the appropriate limits and slice width for each parameter.

If a sampling prior with support in the null space is used, the value returned is a Bayesian type I error rate. If a sampling prior with support in the alternative space is used, the value returned is a Bayesian power.

Because running power.glm.fixed.a0() and power.glm.random.a0() is potentially time-consuming, an approximation method based on asymptotic theory has been implemented for the model with fixed a0a_0. In order to attain the exact sample size needed for the desired power, the user can start with the approximation to get a rough estimate of the sample size required, using power.glm.fixed.a0() with approximate=TRUE.


The function returns a S3 object with a summary method. Power or type I error is returned, depending on the sampling prior used. The posterior probabilities of the alternative hypothesis are returned. The average posterior mean of β\beta and its corresponding bias are returned. If data.type is "Normal", average posterior means of τ\tau and τk\tau_k's (if historical data is given) are also returned. The first column of β\beta contains posterior samples of the intercept. The second column contains posterior samples of β1\beta_1, the parameter for the treatment indicator.


Chen, Ming-Hui, et al. "Bayesian design of noninferiority trials for medical devices using historical data." Biometrics 67.3 (2011): 1163-1170.

Neal, Radford M. Slice sampling. Ann. Statist. 31 (2003), no. 3, 705–767.

See Also



data.type <- "Bernoulli" <- "Logistic"
data.size <- 100

# Simulate two historical datasets
p <- 3
historical <- list(list(y0=rbinom(data.size,size=1,prob=0.2),
                        x0=matrix(rnorm(p*data.size),ncol=p,nrow=data.size), a0=0.2),
                   list(y0=rbinom(data.size, size=1, prob=0.5),
                        x0=matrix(rnorm(p*data.size),ncol=p,nrow=data.size), a0=0.3))

# Generate sampling priors

# The null hypothesis here is H0: beta_1 >= 0. To calculate power,
# we can provide samples of beta_1 such that the mass of beta_1 < 0.
# To calculate type I error, we can provide samples of beta_1 such that
# the mass of beta_1 >= 0.
samp.prior.beta1 <- rnorm(100, mean=-3, sd=1)
# Here, mass is put on the alternative region, so power is calculated.
samp.prior.beta <- cbind(rnorm(100), samp.prior.beta1, matrix(rnorm(100*p), 100, p))

nMC <- 100 # nMC should be larger in practice
nBI <- 50
N <- 5 # N should be larger in practice
result <- power.glm.fixed.a0(data.type=data.type,,
                             data.size=data.size, historical=historical,
                             delta=0, nMC=nMC, nBI=nBI, N=N)

Power/type I error calculation for generalized linear models with random a0


Power/type I error calculation using normalized power priors for generalized linear models with random a0a_0


  n = 1,
  treat.assign.prob = 0.5,
  borrow.treat = FALSE,
  nullspace.ineq = ">",
  prior.beta.var = rep(10, 50),
  prior.a0.shape1 = rep(1, 10),
  prior.a0.shape2 = rep(1, 10),
  lower.limits = NULL,
  upper.limits = NULL,
  slice.widths = rep(0.1, 50),
  delta = 0,
  gamma = 0.95,
  nMC = 10000,
  nBI = 250,
  N = 10000



Character string specifying the type of response. The options are "Normal", "Bernoulli", "Binomial", "Poisson" and "Exponential".

Character string specifying the link function. The options are "Logistic", "Probit", "Log", "Identity-Positive", "Identity-Probability" and "Complementary Log-Log". Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Sample size of the simulated datasets.


(For binomial data only) vector of integers specifying the number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector. If the data is binary and all covariates are discrete, collapsing Bernoulli data into a binomial structure can make the slice sampler much faster. The sum of n should be equal to data.size. The length of n should be equal to the number of rows of x0.


Probability of being assigned to the treatment group. The default value is 0.5. Only applies if borrow.treat=FALSE.


Logical value indicating whether the historical information is used to inform the treatment effect parameter. The default value is FALSE. If TRUE, the first column of the historical covariate matrix must be the treatment indicator. If FALSE, the historical covariate matrix must NOT have the treatment indicator, since the historical data is assumed to be from the control group only.


List of historical dataset(s). East historical dataset is stored in a list which contains two named elements: y0 and x0.

  • y0 is a vector of responses.

  • x0 is a matrix of covariates. If borrow.treat is FALSE (the default), x0 should NOT have the treatment indicator. If borrow.treat is TRUE, the first column of x0 must be the treatment indicator.

For binomial data, an additional element n0 is required.

  • n0 is vector of integers specifying the number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector. The length of n0 should be equal to the number of rows of x0.


Character string specifying the inequality of the null hypothesis. The options are ">" and "<". If ">" is specified, the null hypothesis is H0H_0: β1\beta_1 \ge δ\delta. If "<" is specified, the null hypothesis is H0H_0: β1\beta_1 \le δ\delta. The default choice is ">".


Matrix of possible values of β\beta to sample (with replacement) from. Each row is a possible β\beta vector (a realization from the sampling prior for β\beta), where the first element is the coefficient for the intercept and the second element is the coefficient for the treatment indicator. The length of the vector should be equal to the total number of parameters. If P is the number of columns of x0 in historical, the total number of parameters is P+2 if borrow.treat=FALSE, and is P+1 if borrow.treat=TRUE.


Vector of possible values of σ2\sigma^2 to sample (with replacement) from. Only applies if data.type is "Normal". The vector contains realizations from the sampling prior (e.g. inverse-gamma distribution) for σ2\sigma^2.


Vector of variances of the independent normal initial priors on β\beta with mean zero. The length of the vector should be equal to the length of β\beta. The default variance is 10.


Vector of the first shape parameters of the independent beta priors for a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is a vector of one's.


Vector of the second shape parameters of the independent beta priors for a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is a vector of one's.


Vector of coefficients for a0a_0 returned by the function normalizing.constant. This is necessary for estimating the normalizing constant for the normalized power prior. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of lower limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. If data.type is "Normal", slice sampling is used for a0a_0, and the length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. For all other data types, slice sampling is used for β\beta and a0a_0. The first P+1 elements apply to the sampling of β\beta and the rest apply to the sampling of a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the sum of the total number of parameters (i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates) and the number of historical datasets. The default is -100 for β\beta and 0 for a0a_0 (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Vector of upper limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. If data.type is "Normal", slice sampling is used for a0a_0, and the length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. For all other data types, slice sampling is used for β\beta and a0a_0. The first P+1 elements apply to the sampling of β\beta and the rest apply to the sampling of a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the sum of the total number of parameters (i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates) and the number of historical datasets. The default is 100 for β\beta and 1 for a0a_0 (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Vector of initial slice widths used by the slice sampler. If data.type is "Normal", slice sampling is used for a0a_0, and the length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. For all other data types, slice sampling is used for β\beta and a0a_0. The first P+1 elements apply to the sampling of β\beta and the rest apply to the sampling of a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the sum of the total number of parameters (i.e. P+1 where P is the number of covariates) and the number of historical datasets. The default is 0.1 for all parameter (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Prespecified constant that defines the boundary of the null hypothesis. The default is zero.


Posterior probability threshold for rejecting the null. The null hypothesis is rejected if posterior probability is greater gamma. The default is 0.95.


Number of iterations (excluding burn-in samples) for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 10,000.


Number of burn-in samples for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 250.


Number of simulated datasets to generate. The default is 10,000.


The user should use the function normalizing.constant to obtain a0.coefficients (does not apply if data.type is "Normal").

The sampling prior for the treatment parameter can be generated from a normal distribution (see examples). For example, suppose one wants to compute the power for the hypotheses H0:β10H_0: \beta_1 \ge 0 and H1:β1<0.H_1: \beta_1 < 0. To approximate the sampling prior for β1\beta_1, one can simply sample from a normal distribution with negative mean, so that the mass of the prior falls in the alternative space. Conversely, to compute the type I error rate, one can sample from a normal distribution with positive mean, so that the mass of the prior falls in the null space. The sampling prior for the other parameters can be generated by using the glm.fixed.a0 function with set to FALSE. The posterior samples based on only historical data can be used as a discrete approximation to the sampling prior.

samp.prior.var is necessary for generating normally distributed data.

If data.type is "Normal", the response yiy_i is assumed to follow N(xiβ,τ1)N(x_i'\beta, \tau^{-1}) where xix_i is the vector of covariates for subject ii. Historical datasets are assumed to have the same precision parameter as the current dataset for computational simplicity. The initial prior for τ\tau is the Jeffery's prior, τ1\tau^{-1}. Independent normal priors with mean zero and variance prior.beta.var are used for β\beta to ensure the propriety of the normalized power prior. Posterior samples for β\beta and τ\tau are obtained through Gibbs sampling. Independent beta(prior.a0.shape1, prior.a0.shape1) priors are used for a0a_0. Posterior samples for a0a_0 are obtained through slice sampling.

For all other data types, posterior samples are obtained through slice sampling. The default lower limits are -100 for β\beta and 0 for a0a_0. The default upper limits for the parameters are 100 for β\beta and 1 for a0a_0. The default slice widths for the parameters are 0.1. The defaults may not be appropriate for all situations, and the user can specify the appropriate limits and slice width for each parameter.

If a sampling prior with support in the null space is used, the value returned is a Bayesian type I error rate. If a sampling prior with support in the alternative space is used, the value returned is a Bayesian power.

Because running power.glm.fixed.a0() and power.glm.random.a0() is potentially time-consuming, an approximation method based on asymptotic theory has been implemented for the model with fixed a0a_0. In order to attain the exact sample size needed for the desired power, the user can start with the approximation to get a rough estimate of the sample size required, using power.glm.fixed.a0() with approximate=TRUE.


The function returns a S3 object with a summary method. Power or type I error is returned, depending on the sampling prior used. The posterior probabilities of the alternative hypothesis are returned. The average posterior mean of β\beta and its corresponding bias are returned. The average posterior mean of a0a_0 is returned. If data.type is "Normal", the average posterior mean of τ\tau is also returned. The first element of the average posterior means of β\beta is the average posterior mean of the intercept. The second element is the average posterior mean of β1\beta_1, the parameter for the treatment indicator.


Chen, Ming-Hui, et al. "Bayesian design of noninferiority trials for medical devices using historical data." Biometrics 67.3 (2011): 1163-1170.

Neal, Radford M. Slice sampling. Ann. Statist. 31 (2003), no. 3, 705–767.

See Also

normalizing.constant and glm.random.a0


data.type <- "Bernoulli" <- "Logistic"
data.size <- 100

# Simulate two historical datasets
p <- 3
historical <- list(list(y0=rbinom(data.size,size=1,prob=0.2),
                   list(y0=rbinom(data.size, size=1, prob=0.5),

# Generate sampling priors

# The null hypothesis here is H0: beta_1 >= 0. To calculate power,
# we can provide samples of beta_1 such that the mass of beta_1 < 0.
# To calculate type I error, we can provide samples of beta_1 such that
# the mass of beta_1 >= 0.
samp.prior.beta1 <- rnorm(100, mean=-3, sd=1)
# Here, mass is put on the alternative region, so power is calculated.
samp.prior.beta <- cbind(rnorm(100), samp.prior.beta1, matrix(rnorm(100*p), 100, p))

# Please see function "normalizing.constant" for how to obtain a0.coefficients
# Here, suppose one-degree polynomial regression is chosen by the "normalizing.constant"
# function. The coefficients are obtained for the intercept, a0_1 and a0_2.
a0.coefficients <- c(1, 0.5, -1)

nMC <- 100 # nMC should be larger in practice
nBI <- 50
N <- 3 # N should be larger in practice
result <- power.glm.random.a0(data.type=data.type,,
                              data.size=data.size, historical=historical,
                              samp.prior.beta=samp.prior.beta, a0.coefficients=a0.coefficients,
                              delta=0, nMC=nMC, nBI=nBI, N=N)

Power/type I error calculation for data with two groups (treatment and control group, no covariates) with fixed a0


Power/type I error calculation for data with two groups (treatment and control group, no covariates) with fixed a0a_0 using power priors


  historical = matrix(0, 1, 4),
  nullspace.ineq = ">",,,
  samp.prior.var.c, = 1, = 1, = 1, = 1,
  delta = 0,
  gamma = 0.95,
  nMC = 10000,
  nBI = 250,
  N = 10000



Character string specifying the type of response. The options are "Normal", "Bernoulli", "Poisson" and "Exponential".


Sample size of the treatment group for the simulated datasets.


Sample size of the control group for the simulated datasets.


(Optional) matrix of historical dataset(s). If data.type is "Normal", historical is a matrix with four columns:

  • The first column contains the sum of responses for the control group.

  • The second column contains the sample size of the control group.

  • The third column contains the sample variance of responses for the control group.

  • The fourth column contains the discounting parameter value a0a_0 (between 0 and 1).

For all other data types, historical is a matrix with three columns:

  • The first column contains the sum of responses for the control group.

  • The second column contains the sample size of the control group.

  • The third column contains the discounting parameter value a0a_0 (between 0 and 1).

Each row represents a historical dataset.


Character string specifying the inequality of the null hypothesis. The options are ">" and "<". If ">" is specified, the null hypothesis (for non-exponential data) is H0H_0: μt\mu_t - μc\mu_c \ge δ\delta. If "<" is specified, the null hypothesis is H0H_0: μt\mu_t - μc\mu_c \le δ\delta. The default choice is ">".

Vector of possible values of μt\mu_t to sample (with replacement) from. The vector contains realizations from the sampling prior (e.g. normal distribution) for μt\mu_t.

Vector of possible values of μc\mu_c to sample (with replacement) from. The vector contains realizations from the sampling prior (e.g. normal distribution) for μc\mu_c.


Vector of possible values of σt2\sigma^2_t to sample (with replacement) from. Only applies if data.type is "Normal". The vector contains realizations from the sampling prior (e.g. inverse-gamma distribution) for σt2\sigma^2_t.


Vector of possible values of σc2\sigma^2_c to sample (with replacement) from. Only applies if data.type is "Normal". The vector contains realizations from the sampling prior (e.g. inverse-gamma distribution) for σc2\sigma^2_c

First hyperparameter of the initial prior for μt\mu_t. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".

Second hyperparameter of the initial prior for μt\mu_t. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".

First hyperparameter of the initial prior for μc\mu_c. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".

Second hyperparameter of the initial prior for μc\mu_c. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Prespecified constant that defines the boundary of the null hypothesis. The default is zero.


Posterior probability threshold for rejecting the null. The null hypothesis is rejected if posterior probability is greater gamma. The default is 0.95.


Number of iterations (excluding burn-in samples) for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 10,000.


Number of burn-in samples for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 250.


Number of simulated datasets to generate. The default is 10,000.


If data.type is "Bernoulli", "Poisson" or "Exponential", a single response from the treatment group is assumed to follow Bern(μt\mu_t), Pois(μt\mu_t) or Exp(rate=μt\mu_t), respectively, where μt\mu_t is the mean of responses for the treatment group. If data.type is "Normal", a single response from the treatment group is assumed to follow N(μt,τ1)N(\mu_t, \tau^{-1}) where τ\tau is the precision parameter. The distributional assumptions for the control group data are analogous. and can be generated using the sampling priors (see example).

If data.type is "Bernoulli", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is beta(, If data.type is "Poisson", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is Gamma(, If data.type is "Exponential", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is Gamma(, The initial priors used for the control group data are analogous.

If data.type is "Normal", each historical dataset D0kD_{0k} is assumed to have a different precision parameter τk\tau_k. The initial prior for τ\tau is the Jeffery's prior, τ1\tau^{-1}, and the initial prior for τk\tau_k is τk1\tau_k^{-1}. The initial prior for the μc\mu_c is the uniform improper prior.

If a sampling prior with support in the null space is used, the value returned is a Bayesian type I error rate. If a sampling prior with support in the alternative space is used, the value returned is a Bayesian power.

If data.type is "Normal", Gibbs sampling is used for model fitting. For all other data types, numerical integration is used for modeling fitting.


The function returns a S3 object with a summary method. Power or type I error is returned, depending on the sampling prior used. The posterior probabilities of the alternative hypothesis are returned. Average posterior means of μt\mu_t and μc\mu_c and their corresponding biases are returned. If data.type is "Normal", average posterior means of τ\tau and τk\tau_k's (if historical data is given) are also returned.


Yixuan Qiu, Sreekumar Balan, Matt Beall, Mark Sauder, Naoaki Okazaki and Thomas Hahn (2019). RcppNumerical: 'Rcpp' Integration for Numerical Computing Libraries. R package version 0.4-0.

Chen, Ming-Hui, et al. "Bayesian design of noninferiority trials for medical devices using historical data." Biometrics 67.3 (2011): 1163-1170.

See Also



data.type <- "Bernoulli"
n.t <- 100
n.c <- 100

# Simulate three historical datasets
historical <- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=3)
historical[1,] <- c(70, 100, 0.3)
historical[2,] <- c(60, 100, 0.5)
historical[3,] <- c(50, 100, 0.7)

# Generate sampling priors
b_st1 <- b_st2 <- 1
b_sc1 <- b_sc2 <- 1 <- rbeta(50000, b_st1, b_st2) <- rbeta(50000, b_st1, b_st2)
# The null hypothesis here is H0: mu_t - mu_c >= 0. To calculate power,
# we can provide samples of mu.t and mu.c such that the mass of mu_t - mu_c < 0.
# To calculate type I error, we can provide samples of mu.t and mu.c such that
# the mass of mu_t - mu_c >= 0.
sub_ind <- which( <
# Here, mass is put on the alternative region, so power is calculated. <-[sub_ind] <-[sub_ind]

N <- 1000 # N should be larger in practice
result <- power.two.grp.fixed.a0(data.type=data.type, n.t=n.t, n.c=n.t, historical=historical,
                                 delta=0, N=N)

Power/type I error calculation for two groups (treatment and control group, no covariates) with random a0


Power/type I error calculation using normalized power priors for two groups (treatment and control group, no covariates) with random a0a_0


  nullspace.ineq = ">",,,
  samp.prior.var.t = 0,
  samp.prior.var.c = 0, = 1, = 1, = 1, = 1,
  prior.a0.shape1 = rep(1, 10),
  prior.a0.shape2 = rep(1, 10),
  lower.limits = rep(0, 10),
  upper.limits = rep(1, 10),
  slice.widths = rep(0.1, 10),
  delta = 0,
  gamma = 0.95,
  nMC = 10000,
  nBI = 250,
  N = 10000



Character string specifying the type of response. The options are "Normal", "Bernoulli", "Poisson" and "Exponential".


Sample size of the treatment group for the simulated datasets.


Sample size of the control group for the simulated datasets.


Matrix of historical dataset(s). If data.type is "Normal", historical is a matrix with three columns:

  • The first column contains the sum of responses for the control group.

  • The second column contains the sample size of the control group.

  • The third column contains the sample variance of responses for the control group.

For all other data types, historical is a matrix with two columns:

  • The first column contains the sum of responses for the control group.

  • The second column contains the sample size of the control group.

Each row represents a historical dataset.


Character string specifying the inequality of the null hypothesis. The options are ">" and "<". If ">" is specified, the null hypothesis (for non-exponential data) is H0H_0: μt\mu_t - μc\mu_c \ge δ\delta. If "<" is specified, the null hypothesis is H0H_0: μt\mu_t - μc\mu_c \le δ\delta. The default choice is ">".

Vector of possible values of μt\mu_t to sample (with replacement) from. The vector contains realizations from the sampling prior (e.g. normal distribution) for μt\mu_t.

Vector of possible values of μc\mu_c to sample (with replacement) from. The vector contains realizations from the sampling prior (e.g. normal distribution) for μc\mu_c.


Vector of possible values of σt2\sigma^2_t to sample (with replacement) from. Only applies if data.type is "Normal". The vector contains realizations from the sampling prior (e.g. inverse-gamma distribution) for σt2\sigma^2_t.


Vector of possible values of σc2\sigma^2_c to sample (with replacement) from. Only applies if data.type is "Normal". The vector contains realizations from the sampling prior (e.g. inverse-gamma distribution) for σc2\sigma^2_c

First hyperparameter of the initial prior for μt\mu_t. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".

Second hyperparameter of the initial prior for μt\mu_t. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".

First hyperparameter of the initial prior for μc\mu_c. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".

Second hyperparameter of the initial prior for μc\mu_c. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of the first shape parameters of the independent beta priors for a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is a vector of one's.


Vector of the second shape parameters of the independent beta priors for a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is a vector of one's.


Vector of lower limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is 0 for all parameters (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Vector of upper limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is 1 for all parameters (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Vector of initial slice widths used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is 0.1 for all parameter (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Prespecified constant that defines the boundary of the null hypothesis. The default is zero.


Posterior probability threshold for rejecting the null. The null hypothesis is rejected if posterior probability is greater gamma. The default is 0.95.


Number of iterations (excluding burn-in samples) for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 10,000.


Number of burn-in samples for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 250.


Number of simulated datasets to generate. The default is 10,000.


If data.type is "Bernoulli", "Poisson" or "Exponential", a single response from the treatment group is assumed to follow Bern(μt\mu_t), Pois(μt\mu_t) or Exp(rate=μt\mu_t), respectively, where μt\mu_t is the mean of responses for the treatment group. If data.type is "Normal", a single response from the treatment group is assumed to follow N(μt,τ1)N(\mu_t, \tau^{-1}) where τ\tau is the precision parameter. The distributional assumptions for the control group data are analogous. and can be generated using the sampling priors (see example).

If data.type is "Bernoulli", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is beta(, If data.type is "Poisson", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is Gamma(, If data.type is "Exponential", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is Gamma(, The initial priors used for the control group data are analogous.

If data.type is "Normal", historical datasets are assumed to have the same precision parameter as the current dataset for computational simplicity. The initial prior for τ\tau is the Jeffery's prior, τ1\tau^{-1}. The initial prior for the μc\mu_c is the uniform improper prior. Posterior samples of μc\mu_c and τ\tau are obtained through Gibbs sampling.

Independent beta(prior.a0.shape1,prior.a0.shape1) priors are used for a0a_0. Posterior samples of a0a_0 are obtained through slice sampling. The default lower limits for the parameters are 0. The default upper limits for the parameters are 1. The default slice widths for the parameters are 0.1. The defaults may not be appropriate for all situations, and the user can specify the appropriate limits and slice width for each parameter.

If a sampling prior with support in the null space is used, the value returned is a Bayesian type I error rate. If a sampling prior with support in the alternative space is used, the value returned is a Bayesian power.


The function returns a S3 object with a summary method. Power or type I error is returned, depending on the sampling prior used. The posterior probabilities of the alternative hypothesis are returned. Average posterior means of μt\mu_t and μc\mu_c and their corresponding biases are returned. The average posterior mean of a0a_0 is returned. If data.type is "Normal", the average posterior mean of τ\tau is also returned.


Chen, Ming-Hui, et al. "Bayesian design of noninferiority trials for medical devices using historical data." Biometrics 67.3 (2011): 1163-1170.

Neal, Radford M. Slice sampling. Ann. Statist. 31 (2003), no. 3, 705–767.

See Also



data.type <- "Bernoulli"
n.t <- 100
n.c <- 100

# Simulate three historical datasets
historical <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=3)
historical[1,] <- c(70, 100)
historical[2,] <- c(60, 100)
historical[3,] <- c(50, 100)

# Generate sampling priors
b_st1 <- b_st2 <- 1
b_sc1 <- b_sc2 <- 1 <- rbeta(50000, b_st1, b_st2) <- rbeta(50000, b_st1, b_st2)
# The null hypothesis here is H0: mu_t - mu_c >= 0. To calculate power,
# we can provide samples of mu.t and mu.c such that the mass of mu_t - mu_c < 0.
# To calculate type I error, we can provide samples of mu.t and mu.c such that
# the mass of mu_t - mu_c >= 0.
sub_ind <- which( <
# Here, mass is put on the alternative region, so power is calculated. <-[sub_ind] <-[sub_ind]

N <- 10 # N should be larger in practice
result <- power.two.grp.random.a0(data.type=data.type, n.t=n.t, n.c=n.c, historical=historical,
                                  delta=0, nMC=10000, nBI=250, N=N)

Model fitting for two groups (treatment and control group, no covariates) with fixed a0


Model fitting using power priors for two groups (treatment and control group, no covariates) with fixed a0a_0


  historical = matrix(0, 1, 4), = 1, = 1,
  nMC = 10000,
  nBI = 250



Character string specifying the type of response. The options are "Normal", "Bernoulli", "Poisson" and "Exponential".


Sum of responses for the control group.


Sample size of the control group.


(For normal data only) sample variance of responses for the control group.


(Optional) matrix of historical dataset(s). If data.type is "Normal", historical is a matrix with four columns:

  • The first column contains the sum of responses for the control group.

  • The second column contains the sample size of the control group.

  • The third column contains the sample variance of responses for the control group.

  • The fourth column contains the discounting parameter value a0a_0 (between 0 and 1).

For all other data types, historical is a matrix with three columns:

  • The first column contains the sum of responses for the control group.

  • The second column contains the sample size of the control group.

  • The third column contains the discounting parameter value a0a_0 (between 0 and 1).

Each row represents a historical dataset.

First hyperparameter of the initial prior for μc\mu_c. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".

Second hyperparameter of the initial prior for μc\mu_c. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


(For normal data only) number of iterations (excluding burn-in samples) for the Gibbs sampler. The default is 10,000.


(For normal data only) number of burn-in samples for the Gibbs sampler. The default is 250.


The power prior is applied on the data of the control group only. Therefore, only summaries of the responses of the control group need to be entered.

If data.type is "Bernoulli", "Poisson" or "Exponential", a single response from the treatment group is assumed to follow Bern(μt\mu_t), Pois(μt\mu_t) or Exp(rate=μt\mu_t), respectively, where μt\mu_t is the mean of responses for the treatment group. The distributional assumptions for the control group data are analogous.

If data.type is "Bernoulli", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is beta(, If data.type is "Poisson", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is Gamma(, If data.type is "Exponential", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is Gamma(, The initial priors used for the control group data are analogous.

If data.type is "Normal", the responses are assumed to follow N(μc,τ1)N(\mu_c, \tau^{-1}) where μc\mu_c is the mean of responses for the control group and τ\tau is the precision parameter. Each historical dataset D0kD_{0k} is assumed to have a different precision parameter τk\tau_k. The initial prior for τ\tau is the Jeffery's prior, τ1\tau^{-1}, and the initial prior for τk\tau_k is τk1\tau_k^{-1}. The initial prior for the μc\mu_c is the uniform improper prior. Posterior samples are obtained through Gibbs sampling.


The function returns a S3 object with a summary method. If data.type is "Normal", posterior samples of μc\mu_c, τ\tau and τk\tau_k's (if historical data is given) are returned in the list item named posterior.params. For all other data types, two scalars, c1c_1 and c2c_2, are returned in the list item named posterior.params, representing the two parameters of the posterior distribution of μc\mu_c. For Bernoulli responses, the posterior distribution of μc\mu_c is beta(c1c_1, c2c_2). For Poisson responses, the posterior distribution of μc\mu_c is Gamma(c1c_1, c2c_2) where c2c_2 is the rate parameter. For exponential responses, the posterior distribution of μc\mu_c is Gamma(c1c_1, c2c_2) where c2c_2 is the rate parameter.


Chen, Ming-Hui, et al. "Bayesian design of noninferiority trials for medical devices using historical data." Biometrics 67.3 (2011): 1163-1170.

See Also



data.type <- "Bernoulli"
y.c <- 70
n.c <- 100

# Simulate three historical datasets
historical <- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=3)
historical[1,] <- c(70, 100, 0.3)
historical[2,] <- c(60, 100, 0.5)
historical[3,] <- c(50, 100, 0.7)

result <- two.grp.fixed.a0(data.type=data.type, y.c=y.c, n.c=n.c, historical=historical)

Model fitting for two groups (treatment and control group, no covariates) with random a0


Model fitting using normalized power priors for two groups (treatment and control group, no covariates) with random a0a_0


  historical, = 1, = 1,
  prior.a0.shape1 = rep(1, 10),
  prior.a0.shape2 = rep(1, 10),
  lower.limits = rep(0, 10),
  upper.limits = rep(1, 10),
  slice.widths = rep(0.1, 10),
  nMC = 10000,
  nBI = 250



Character string specifying the type of response. The options are "Normal", "Bernoulli", "Poisson" and "Exponential".


Sum of responses for the control group.


Sample size of the control group.


(For normal data only) sample variance of responses for the control group.


Matrix of historical dataset(s). If data.type is "Normal", historical is a matrix with three columns:

  • The first column contains the sum of responses for the control group.

  • The second column contains the sample size of the control group.

  • The third column contains the sample variance of responses for the control group.

For all other data types, historical is a matrix with two columns:

  • The first column contains the sum of responses for the control group.

  • The second column contains the sample size of the control group.

Each row represents a historical dataset.

First hyperparameter of the initial prior for μc\mu_c. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".

Second hyperparameter of the initial prior for μc\mu_c. The default is 1. Does not apply if data.type is "Normal".


Vector of the first shape parameters of the independent beta priors for a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is a vector of one's.


Vector of the second shape parameters of the independent beta priors for a0a_0. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is a vector of one's.


Vector of lower limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is 0 for all parameters (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Vector of upper limits for parameters to be used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is 1 for all parameters (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Vector of initial slice widths used by the slice sampler. The length of the vector should be equal to the number of historical datasets. The default is 0.1 for all parameter (may not be appropriate for all situations).


Number of iterations (excluding burn-in samples) for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 10,000.


Number of burn-in samples for the slice sampler or Gibbs sampler. The default is 250.


If data.type is "Bernoulli", "Poisson" or "Exponential", a single response from the treatment group is assumed to follow Bern(μt\mu_t), Pois(μt\mu_t) or Exp(rate=μt\mu_t), respectively, where μt\mu_t is the mean of responses for the treatment group. If data.type is "Normal", a single response from the treatment group is assumed to follow N(μt,τ1)N(\mu_t, \tau^{-1}) where τ\tau is the precision parameter. The distributional assumptions for the control group data are analogous.

If data.type is "Bernoulli", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is beta(, If data.type is "Poisson", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is Gamma(, If data.type is "Exponential", the initial prior for μt\mu_t is Gamma(, The initial priors used for the control group data are analogous.

If data.type is "Normal", historical datasets are assumed to have the same precision parameter τ\tau as the current dataset for computational simplicity. The initial prior for τ\tau is the Jeffery's prior, τ1\tau^{-1}. The initial prior for the μc\mu_c is the uniform improper prior. Posterior samples of μc\mu_c and τ\tau are obtained through Gibbs sampling.

Independent beta(prior.a0.shape1,prior.a0.shape1) priors are used for a0a_0. Posterior samples of a0a_0 are obtained through slice sampling. The default lower limits for the parameters are 0. The default upper limits for the parameters are 1. The default slice widths for the parameters are 0.1. The defaults may not be appropriate for all situations, and the user can specify the appropriate limits and slice width for each parameter.


The function returns a S3 object with a summary method. If data.type is "Normal", posterior samples of μc\mu_c, τ\tau and a0a_0 are returned. For all other data types, posterior samples of μc\mu_c and a0a_0 are returned. If there are KK historical datasets, then a0=(a01,,a0K)a_0 = (a_{01},\cdots,a_{0K}).


Neal, Radford M. Slice sampling. Ann. Statist. 31 (2003), no. 3, 705–767.

See Also



data.type <- "Bernoulli"
y.c <- 70
n.c <- 100

# Simulate three historical datasets
historical <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=3)
historical[1,] <- c(70, 100)
historical[2,] <- c(60, 100)
historical[3,] <- c(50, 100)

# Set parameters of the slice sampler
lower.limits <- rep(0, 3) # The dimension is the number of historical datasets
upper.limits <- rep(1, 3)
slice.widths <- rep(0.1, 3)

result <- two.grp.random.a0(data.type=data.type, y.c=y.c, n.c=n.c, historical=historical,
                            lower.limits=lower.limits, upper.limits=upper.limits,
                            slice.widths=slice.widths, nMC=10000, nBI=250)