Package 'BTSR'

Title: Bounded Time Series Regression
Description: Simulate, estimate and forecast a wide range of regression based dynamic models for bounded time series, covering the most commonly applied models in the literature. The main calculations are done in 'FORTRAN', which translates into very fast algorithms. The main references are Bayer et al. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.10.006>, Pumi et al. (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2018.10.001>, Pumi et al. (2021) <doi:10.1111/sjos.12439> and Pumi et al. (2022) <arXiv:2211.02097>.
Authors: Taiane Schaedler Prass [aut, cre, com] , Guilherme Pumi [ctb, aut] , Fábio Mariano Bayer [ctb] , Jack Joseph Dongarra [ctb], Cleve Moler [ctb], Gilbert Wright Stewart [ctb], Ciyou Zhu [ctb], Richard H. Byrd [ctb], Jorge Nocedal [ctb], Jose Luis Morales [ctb], Peihuang Lu-Chen [ctb], John Burkardt [ctb], Alan Miller [ctb], B.E. Schneider [ctb], Alfred H. Morris [ctb], D.E. Shaw [ctb], Robert W.M. Wedderburn [ctb], Jason Blevins [ctb], Brian Wichman [ctb], David Hill [ctb], Hiroshi Takano [ctb], George Marsaglia [ctb], Jean-Michel Brankart [ctb], Steve Kifowit [ctb], Donald E. Knuth [ctb], Catherine Loader [ctb]
Maintainer: Taiane Schaedler Prass <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.1.5
Built: 2025-02-15 06:30:20 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARC models


These functions can be used to simulate, extract components and fit any model of the class barc. A model with class barc is a special case of a model with class btsr . See ‘The BTSR structure’ in BARC.functions for more details on the general structure. See ‘Details’.


BARC.sim(n = 1, burn = 0, xreg = NULL, map = 4, coefs = list(alpha =
  0, beta = NULL, phi = NULL, theta = 0.5, nu = 20, u0 = pi/4),
  y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL, xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 0,
  complete = FALSE, linkg = c("linear", "linear"), linkh = "linear",
  ctt.h = 1, seed = NULL, rngtype = 2, debug = FALSE)

BARC.extract(yt, xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p, r,
  coefs = list(), lags = list(), fixed.values = list(),
  fixed.lags = list(), y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL,
  xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 0, map = 4, linkg = c("linear",
  "linear"), linkh = "linear", ctt.h = 1, llk = TRUE, sco = FALSE,
  info = FALSE, debug = FALSE), xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p = 0, r = 1,
  start = list(), lags = list(), fixed.values = list(),
  ignore.start = FALSE, fixed.lags = list(), lower = list(nu = 0, u0 =
  0), upper = list(nu = Inf, u0 = 1), map = 4, linkg = c("linear",
  "linear"), linkh = "linear", ctt.h = 1, sco = FALSE, info = FALSE,
  xregar = TRUE, y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL, error.scale = 0,
  control = list(), report = TRUE, debug = FALSE, ...)



a strictly positive integer. The sample size of yt (after burn-in). Default is 1.


a non-negative integer. length of "burn-in" period. Default is 0.


optionally, a vector or matrix of external regressors. For simulation purposes, the length of xreg must be n+burn. Default is NULL. For extraction or fitting purposes, the length of xreg must be the same as the length of the observed time series yty_t.


a non-negative integer from 1 to 5 corresponding to the map function. Default is 4. See ‘The map function’.


a list with the coefficients of the model. An empty list will result in an error. The arguments that can be passed through this list are:

  • alpha optionally, a numeric value corresponding to the intercept. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions.

  • beta optionally, a vector of coefficients corresponding to the regressors in xreg. If xreg is provided but beta is missing in the coefs list, an error message is issued.

  • phi optionally, for the simulation function this must be a vector of size pp, corresponding to the autoregressive coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where pp is the AR order. For the extraction and fitting functions, this is a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of autoregressive coefficients.

  • theta the parameter (or vector of parameters) corresponding to the map function. If map = 5 this value is ignored. For simulation, purposes, the default is map = 4 and theta = 0.5.

  • nu the dispersion parameter. If missing, an error message is issued.

  • u0 a numeric value in the interval (0,1)(0,1), corresponding to the value of the random variable U0U_0. For simulation purposes, the default is u0 = pi/4.


optionally, a initial value for yt (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that g2(yt)=0g_2(y_t) = 0, for t<1t < 1.


optionally, a vector of initial value for xreg (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that Xt=0X_t = 0, for t<1t < 1. If xregar = FALSE this argument is ignored.


logical; indicates if xreg is to be included in the AR part of the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’. Default is TRUE.


the scale for the error term. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions. Default is 0.


logical; if FALSE the function returns only the simulated time series yt, otherwise, additional time series are provided. Default is FALSE


character or a two character vector indicating which links must be used in the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for details and link.btsr for valid links. If only one value is provided, the same link is used for mutmu_t and for yty_t in the AR part of the model. Default is c("linear", "linear")


a character indicating which link must be associated to the the chaotic process. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for details and link.btsr for valid links. Default is "linear".


numeric; the constant to be associated to the link hh, when linkh = "linear". Default is 1.


optionally, an integer which gives the value of the fixed seed to be used by the random number generator. If missing, a random integer is chosen uniformly from 1,000 to 10,000.


optionally, an integer indicating which random number generator is to be used. Default is 2. See ‘Common Arguments’ in btsr.functions.


logical, if TRUE the output from FORTRAN is return (for debuggin purposes). Default is FALSE for all models.


a numeric vector with the observed time series. If missing, an error message is issued.


optionally, the number of out-of sample predicted values required. Default is 0.


a vector or matrix, with nnew observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. If xreg = NULL, xnew is ignored.


a non-negative integer. The order of AR polynomial. If missing, the value of p is calculated from length(coefs$phi) and length(fixed.values$phi). For fitting, the default is 0.


a non-negative integer. The size of the vector theta. If missing, the value of t is calculated from length(coefs$theta) and length(fixed.values$theta). For fitting, the default is 1.


optionally, a list with the lags that the values in coefs correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs. For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. An empty list indicates that either the argument fixed.lags is provided or all lags must be used.


optionally, a list with the values of the coefficients that are fixed. By default, if a given vector (such as the vector of AR coefficients) has fixed values and the corresponding entry in this list is empty, the fixed values are set as zero. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs.


optionally, a list with the lags that the fixed values in fixed.values correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in fixed.values. ##' For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. If an empty list is provided and the model has fixed lags, the argument lags is used as reference.


logical, if TRUE the value of the log-likelihood function is returned. Default is TRUE.


logical, if TRUE the score vector is returned. Default is FALSE.


logical, if TRUE the information matrix is returned. Default is FALSE. For the fitting function, info is automatically set to TRUE when report = TRUE.


a list with the starting values for the non-fixed coefficients of the model. If an empty list is provided, the function coefs.start is used to obtain starting values for the parameters.


logical, if starting values are not provided, the function uses the default values and ignore.start is ignored. In case starting values are provided and ignore.start = TRUE, those starting values are ignored and recalculated. The default is FALSE.


optionally, list with the lower bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no lower bound except for nu, for which de default is 0. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


optionally, list with the upper bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no upper bound. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


a list with configurations to be passed to the optimization subroutines. Missing arguments will receive default values. See fit.control.


logical, if TRUE the summary from model estimation is printed and info is automatically set to TRUE. Default is TRUE.


further arguments passed to the internal functions.


Neither the beta regression or an i.i.d. sample from a beta distribution can be obtained as special cases of the β\betaARC model since the term h(T(U0))h(T(U_0)) is always present

The model from Pumi et al. (2021) is obtained by setting xregar = TRUE (so that the regressors are included in the AR part of the model) and using the same link for yty_t and μt\mu_t.

The function BARC.sim generates a random sample from a β\betaARC(p) model.

The function BARC.extract allows the user to extract the components yty_t, μt\mu_t, ηt=g(μt)\eta_t = g(\mu_t), rtr_t, Tt(u0)T^t(u_0), the log-likelihood, and the vectors and matrices used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix associated to a given set of parameters.

This function can be used by any user to create an objective function that can be passed to optimization functions not available in BTSR Package. At this point, there is no other use for which this function was intended.

The function fits a BARC model to a given univariate time series. For now, available optimization algorithms are "L-BFGS-B" and "Nelder-Mead". Both methods accept bounds for the parameters. For "Nelder-Mead", bounds are set via parameter transformation.


The function BARC.sim returns the simulated time series yt by default. If complete = TRUE, a list with the following components is returned instead:

  • model: string with the text "BARC"

  • yt: the simulated time series

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g(μt)g(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • debug: the output from FORTRAN (if requested).

The function BARC.extract returns a list with the following components.

  • model: string with the text "BARC".

  • coefs: the coefficients of the model passed through the coefs argument.

  • yt: the observed time series.

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t).

  • mut: the conditional mean.

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t).

  • error: the error term rtr_t.

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • TS: the chaotic process Tt(u0)T^t(u0).

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested).

  • sco: the score vector (if requested).

  • info: the information matrix (if requested).

  • Drho, T, E, h: additional matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix. (if requested).

  • the out-of-sample forecast (if requested).

  • the out-of-sample forecast for the chaotic process (if requested).

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested).

The function returns a list with the following components. Each particular model can have additional components in this list.

  • model: string with the text "BARC"

  • convergence: An integer code. 0 indicates successful completion. The error codes depend on the algorithm used.

  • message: A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or NULL.

  • counts: an integer giving the number of function evaluations.

  • control: a list of control parameters.

  • start: the starting values used by the algorithm.

  • coefficients: The best set of parameters found.

  • n: the sample size used for estimation.

  • series: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • fitted.values: the conditional mean, which corresponds to the in-sample forecast, also denoted fitted values

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error.scale: the scale for the error term.

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • residual: the observed minus the fitted values. The same as the error term if error.scale = 0.

  • forecast: the out-of-sample forecast for yty_t (if requested).

  • Ts.forecas: the out-of-sample forecast for Tt(u0)T^t(u_0) (if requested).

  • xnew: the observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. Only inlcudes if xreg is not NULL and nnew > 0.

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • info.Matrix: the information matrix (if requested)

  • configs: a list with the configurations adopted to fit the model. This information is used by the prediction function.

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

  • call: a string with the description of the fitted model.

The map function

The map function T:[0,1][0,1]T:[0,1] \to [0,1] is a dynamical system, i.e., a function, potentially depending on a rr-dimensional vector of parameters θ\theta. Available choices are

  • map = 1, θ=k\theta = k, for kk integer greater or equal to 2.

    T(u)=(ku)(mod1)T(u) = (ku)(mod 1)

  • map = 2, 0θ10 \le \theta \le 1

    T(u)=uθI(u<θ)+θ(uθ)(1θ)I(uθ)T(u) = \frac{u}{\theta}I_( u < \theta) + \theta\frac{(u - \theta)}{(1 - \theta)}I(u \ge \theta)

  • map = 3 (logistic map), 0θ40 \le \theta \le 4,

    T(u)=θ(1θ)T(u) = \theta(1-\theta)

  • map = 4 (Manneville-Pomeau map), 0<θ<10 < \theta < 1

    T(u)=(u+u1+θ)(mod1)T(u) = (u + u^{1+\theta})(mod 1)

  • map = 5 (Lasota-Mackey's map),

    T(u)=u(1u)I(u0.5)+(2u1)I(u>0.5)T(u) = \frac{u}{(1 - u)}I(u \le 0.5) + (2u - 1)I(u > 0.5)


Pumi, G.; Prass, T.S. and Souza, R.R. (2021). A dynamic model for double bounded time series with chaotic driven conditional averages. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. Vol 48 (1), 68-86.

See Also

btsr.sim, btsr.extract,



m1 <- BARC.sim(linkg = "linear", linkh = "linear",
              n = 100, seed = 2021, complete = TRUE, ctt.h = 0.6,
             coefs = list(nu = 15, theta = 0.85, u0 = pi/4))

lines(m1$mut, col = "red")

 # Generating a sample from a BARC model

 m1 <- BARC.sim(linkg = "linear", linkh = "linear",
               n = 100, seed = 2021, complete = TRUE, ctt.h = 0.6,
               coefs = list(nu = 15, theta = 0.85, u0 = pi/4))

 #  Extracting the conditional time series given yt and
 #  a set of parameters

  e1 = BARC.extract(yt = m1$yt, map = 4, ctt.h = 0.6,
                    coefs = list(nu = 15, theta = 0.85),
                    fixed.values = list(u0 = pi/4),
                    linkg = "linear", linkh = "linear", llk = TRUE,
                    sco = TRUE, info = TRUE)

 # comparing the simulated and the extracted values
 cbind(head(m1$mut), head(e1$mut))

 # the log-likelihood, score vector and information matrix
 # score vector and information matrix are obtained
 # numerically.

 # Generating a sample from a BARC model

 m1 <- BARC.sim(linkg = "linear", linkh = "linear",
               n = 100, seed = 2021, complete = TRUE, ctt.h = 0.6,
               coefs = list(nu = 15, theta = 0.85, u0 = pi/4))

 #  Fitting a BARC model. Assuming only alpha fixed.
  f1 = = m1$yt, map = 4, ctt.h = 0.6,
                start = list(nu = 10, theta = 0.6, u0 = 0.5),
                lower = list(nu = 0, theta = 0, u0 = 0),
                upper = list(theta = 1, u0 = 1),
                fixed.values = list(alpha = 0),
                control = list(iprint = -1, method = "Nelder-Mead"))


  lines(f1$fitted.values, col = "red")

 #  Out-of-sample forecast
 pred = predict(f1, nnew = 5)

Functions to simulate, extract components and fit BARFIMA models


These functions can be used to simulate, extract components and fit any model of the class barfima. A model with class barfima is a special case of a model with class btsr . See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for more details on the general structure.

The β\betaARMA model, the beta regression and a i.i.d. sample from a beta distribution can be obtained as special cases. See ‘Details’.


BARFIMA.sim(n = 1, burn = 0, xreg = NULL, coefs = list(alpha = 0, beta
  = NULL, phi = NULL, theta = NULL, d = 0, nu = 20), y.start = NULL,
  xreg.start = NULL, xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 1, complete = FALSE,
  inf = 1000, linkg = c("logit", "logit"), seed = NULL, rngtype = 2,
  debug = FALSE)

BARFIMA.extract(yt, xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p, q,
  coefs = list(), lags = list(), fixed.values = list(),
  fixed.lags = list(), y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL,
  xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 1, inf = 1000, m = 0,
  linkg = c("logit", "logit"), llk = TRUE, sco = FALSE, info = FALSE,
  extra = FALSE, debug = FALSE), xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p = 0, d = TRUE,
  q = 0, m = 0, inf = 1000, start = list(), ignore.start = FALSE,
  lags = list(), fixed.values = list(), fixed.lags = list(),
  lower = list(nu = 0), upper = list(nu = Inf), linkg = c("logit",
  "logit"), sco = FALSE, info = FALSE, extra = FALSE, xregar = TRUE,
  y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL, error.scale = 1, control = list(),
  report = TRUE, debug = FALSE, ...)



a strictly positive integer. The sample size of yt (after burn-in). Default is 1.


a non-negative integer. The length of the "burn-in" period. Default is 0.


optionally, a vector or matrix of external regressors. For simulation purposes, the length of xreg must be n+burn. Default is NULL. For extraction or fitting purposes, the length of xreg must be the same as the length of the observed time series yty_t.


a list with the coefficients of the model. An empty list will result in an error. The arguments that can be passed through this list are:

  • alpha optionally, a numeric value corresponding to the intercept. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions.

  • beta optionally, a vector of coefficients corresponding to the regressors in xreg. If xreg is provided but beta is missing in the coefs list, an error message is issued.

  • phi optionally, for the simulation function this must be a vector of size pp, corresponding to the autoregressive coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where pp is the AR order. For the extraction and fitting functions, this is a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of autoregressive coefficients.

  • theta optionally, for the simulation function this must be a vector of size qq, corresponding to the moving average coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where qq is the MA order. For the extraction and fitting functions, this is a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of moving average coefficients.

  • d optionally, a numeric value corresponding to the long memory parameter. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero.

  • nu the dispersion parameter. If missing, an error message is issued.


optionally, an initial value for yt (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that g2(yt)=0g_2(y_t) = 0, for t<1t < 1.


optionally, a vector of initial value for xreg (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that Xt=0X_t = 0, for t<1t < 1. If xregar = FALSE this argument is ignored.


logical; indicates if xreg is to be included in the AR part of the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’. Default is TRUE.


the scale for the error term. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions. Default is 1.


logical; if FALSE the function returns only the simulated time series yt, otherwise, additional time series are provided. Default is FALSE


the truncation point for infinite sums. Default is 1,000. In practice, the Fortran subroutine uses inf=qinf = q, if d=0d = 0.


character or a two character vector indicating which links must be used in the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for details and link.btsr for valid links. If only one value is provided, the same link is used for mutmu_t and for yty_t in the AR part of the model. Default is c("logit", "logit"). For the linear link, the constant will be always 1.


optionally, an integer which gives the value of the fixed seed to be used by the random number generator. If missing, a random integer is chosen uniformly from 1,000 to 10,000.


optionally, an integer indicating which random number generator is to be used. Default is 2: the Mersenne Twister algorithm. See ‘Common Arguments’ in btsr.functions.


logical, if TRUE the output from FORTRAN is return (for debugging purposes). Default is FALSE for all models.


a numeric vector with the observed time series. If missing, an error message is issued.


optionally, the number of out-of sample predicted values required. Default is 0.


a vector or matrix, with nnew observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. If xreg = NULL, xnew is ignored.


a non-negative integer. The order of AR polynomial. If missing, the value of p is calculated from length(coefs$phi) and length(fixed.values$phi). For fitting, the default is 0.


a non-negative integer. The order of the MA polynomial. If missing, the value of q is calculated from length(coefs$theta) and length(fixed.values$theta). For fitting, the default is 0.


optionally, a list with the lags that the values in coefs correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs. For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. An empty list indicates that either the argument fixed.lags is provided or all lags must be used.


optionally, a list with the values of the coefficients that are fixed. By default, if a given vector (such as the vector of AR coefficients) has fixed values and the corresponding entry in this list is empty, the fixed values are set as zero. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs.


optionally, a list with the lags that the fixed values in fixed.values correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in fixed.values. ##' For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. If an empty list is provided and the model has fixed lags, the argument lags is used as reference.


a non-negative integer indicating the starting time for the sum of the partial log-likelihoods, that is =t=m+1nt\ell = \sum_{t = m+1}^n \ell_t. Default is 0.


logical, if TRUE the value of the log-likelihood function is returned. Default is TRUE.


logical, if TRUE the score vector is returned. Default is FALSE.


logical, if TRUE the information matrix is returned. Default is FALSE. For the fitting function, info is automatically set to TRUE when report = TRUE.


logical, if TRUE the matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix are returned. Default is FALSE.


logical, if TRUE, the parameter d is included in the model either as fixed or non-fixed. If d = FALSE the value is fixed as 0. The default is TRUE.


a list with the starting values for the non-fixed coefficients of the model. If an empty list is provided, the function coefs.start is used to obtain starting values for the parameters.


logical, if starting values are not provided, the function uses the default values and ignore.start is ignored. In case starting values are provided and ignore.start = TRUE, those starting values are ignored and recalculated. The default is FALSE.


optionally, list with the lower bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no lower bound except for nu, for which de default is 0. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


optionally, list with the upper bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no upper bound. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


a list with configurations to be passed to the optimization subroutines. Missing arguments will receive default values. See fit.control.


logical, if TRUE the summary from model estimation is printed and info is automatically set to TRUE. Default is TRUE.


further arguments passed to the internal functions.


The β\betaARMA model and the beta regression can be obtained as special cases of the β\betaARFIMA model.

  • β\betaARFIMA: the model from Pumi et al. (2019) is obtained by setting error.scale = 1 (predictive scale) and xregar = TRUE (so that the regressors are included in the AR part of the model). Variations of this model are obtained by changing error.scale, xregar and/or by using different links for y[t]y[t] (in the AR part of the model) and μ[t]\mu[t].

  • β\betaARMA: the model from Rocha and Cribari-Neto (2009, 2017) is obtained by setting coefs$d = 0 and d = FALSE and error.scale = 1 (predictive scale). Variations of this model are obtained by changing the error scale and/or by using a different link for y[t]y[t] in the AR part of the model.

  • beta regression: the model from Ferrari and Cribari-Neto (2004) is obtained by setting p = 0, q = 0 and coefs$d = 0 and d = FALSE. The error.scale is irrelevant. The second argument in linkg is irrelevant.

  • an i.i.d. sample from a Beta distribution with parameters shape1 and shape2 (compatible with the one from rbeta) is obtained by setting linkg = "linear", p = 0, q = 0, d = FALSE and, in the coefficient list, alpha = shape1/(shape1+shape2) and nu = shape1+shape2. (error.scale and xregar are irrelevant)

The function BARFIMA.sim generates a random sample from a β\betaARFIMA(p,d,q) model.

The function BARFIMA.extract allows the user to extract the components yty_t, μt\mu_t, ηt=g(μt)\eta_t = g(\mu_t), rtr_t, the log-likelihood, and the vectors and matrices used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix associated to a given set of parameters.

This function can be used by any user to create an objective function that can be passed to optimization algorithms not available in the BTSR Package.

The function fits a BARFIMA model to a given univariate time series. For now, available optimization algorithms are "L-BFGS-B" and "Nelder-Mead". Both methods accept bounds for the parameters. For "Nelder-Mead", bounds are set via parameter transformation.


The function BARFIMA.sim returns the simulated time series yt by default. If complete = TRUE, a list with the following components is returned instead:

  • model: string with the text "BARFIMA"

  • yt: the simulated time series

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g(μt)g(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • debug: the output from FORTRAN (if requested).

The function BARFIMA.extract returns a list with the following components.

  • model: string with the text "BARFIMA"

  • coefs: the coefficients of the model passed through the coefs argument

  • yt: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • sco: the score vector (if requested)

  • info: the information matrix (if requested)

  • Drho, T, E, h: additional matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix. (if requested)

  • the out-of-sample forecast (if requested)

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

The function returns a list with the following components. Each particular model can have additional components in this list.

  • model: string with the text "BARFIMA"

  • convergence: An integer code. 0 indicates successful completion. The error codes depend on the algorithm used.

  • message: A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or NULL.

  • counts: an integer giving the number of function evaluations.

  • control: a list of control parameters.

  • start: the starting values used by the algorithm.

  • coefficients: The best set of parameters found.

  • n: the sample size used for estimation.

  • series: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • fitted.values: the conditional mean, which corresponds to the in-sample forecast, also denoted fitted values

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error.scale: the scale for the error term.

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • residual: the observed minus the fitted values. The same as the error term if error.scale = 0.

  • forecast: the out-of-sample forecast (if requested).

  • xnew: the observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. Only inlcudes if xreg is not NULL and nnew > 0.

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • info.Matrix: the information matrix (if requested)

  • configs: a list with the configurations adopted to fit the model. This information is used by the prediction function.

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

  • call: a string with the description of the fitted model.


Ferrari, S.L.P. and Cribari-Neto, F. (2004). Beta regression for modelling rates and proportions. J. Appl. Stat. 31 (7), 799-815.

Pumi, G.; Valk, M.; Bisognin, C.; Bayer, F.M. and Prass, T.S. (2019). Beta autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (200), 196-212.

Rocha, A.V. and Cribari-Neto, F. (2009). Beta autoregressive moving average models. Test 18 (3), 529–545.

Rocha, A.V. and Cribari-Neto, F. (2017). Erratum to: Beta autoregressive moving average models. Test 26 (2), 451-459.

See Also




# Generating a Beta model were mut does not vary with time
# yt ~ Beta(a,b), a = mu*nu, b = (1-mu)*nu

y <- BARFIMA.sim(linkg = "linear", n = 1000, seed = 2021,
                 coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20))

 # Generating a Beta model were mut does not vary with time
 # yt ~ Beta(a,b), a = mu*nu, b = (1-mu)*nu

 m1 <- BARFIMA.sim(linkg = "linear",n = 100,
                   complete = TRUE, seed = 2021,
                   coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20))

 #  Extracting the conditional time series given yt and
 #  a set of parameters

 # Assuming that all coefficients are non-fixed
 e1 = BARFIMA.extract(yt = m1$yt, coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20),
                      link = "linear", llk = TRUE,
                      sco = TRUE, info = TRUE)

 # comparing the simulated and the extracted values
 cbind(head(m1$mut), head(e1$mut))

 # the log-likelihood, score vector and information matrix

# Generating a Beta model were mut does not vary with time
# yt ~ Beta(a,b), a = mu*nu, b = (1-mu)*nu

y <- BARFIMA.sim(linkg = "linear", n = 100, seed = 2021,
               coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20))

# fitting the model
f <- = y, report = TRUE,
                 start = list(alpha = 0.5, nu = 10),
                 linkg = "linear", d = FALSE)

Generic functions to simulate, extract components and fit BTSR models


These generic functions can be used to simulate, extract components and fit any model of the class btsr. All functions are wrappers for the corresponding function associated to the chosen model. See ‘The BTSR structure’ and ‘Common Arguments’.


btsr.sim(model, complete = FALSE, ...)

btsr.extract(model, ...), ...)



character; one of "BARFIMA", "GARFIMA", "KARFIMA", "BARC".


logical; if FALSE the function returns only the simulated time series yt, otherwise, additional time series are provided. Default is FALSE for all models.


further arguments passed to the functions, according to the model selected in the argument model. See ‘Common Arguments’


The function btsr.sim is used to generate random samples from BTSR models. See ‘The BTSR structure’.

The function btsr.extract allows the user to extract the components yty_t, μt\mu_t, ηt=g(μt)\eta_t = g(\mu_t), rtr_t, the log-likelihood, and the vectors and matrices used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix associated to a given set of parameters.

This function can be used by any user to create an objective function that can be passed to optimization functions not available in BTSR Package. At this point, there is no other use for which this function was intended.

The function fits a BTSR model to a given univariate time series. For now, available optimization algorithms are "L-BFGS-B" and "Nelder-Mead". Both methods accept bounds for the parameters. For "Nelder-Mead", bounds are set via parameter transformation.


The function btsr.sim returns the simulated time series yt by default. If complete = TRUE, a list with the following components is returned instead:

  • model: character; one of "BARFIMA", "GARFIMA", "KARFIMA", "BARC". (same as the input argument)

  • yt: the simulated time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g2(y_t)

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g(μt)g(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • debug: the output from FORTRAN (if requested).

The function btsr.extract returns a list with the following components. Each particular model can have additional components in this list.

  • model: character; one of "BARFIMA", "GARFIMA", "KARFIMA", "BARC". (same as the input argument)

  • coefs: the coefficients of the model passed through the coefs argument

  • yt: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • forecast: the out-of-sample forecast (if requested).

  • xnew: the observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. Only inlcudes if xreg is not NULL and nnew > 0.

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • sco: the score vector (if requested)

  • info: the information matrix (if requested)

  • Drho, T, E, h: additional matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix. (if requested)

  • the out-of-sample forecast (if requested)

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

The function returns a list with the following components. Each particular model can have additional components in this list.

  • model: character; one of "BARFIMA", "GARFIMA", "KARFIMA", "BARC". (same as the input argument)

  • convergence: An integer code. 0 indicates successful completion. The error codes depend on the algorithm used.

  • message: A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or NULL.

  • counts: an integer giving the number of function evaluations.

  • control: a list of control parameters.

  • start: the starting values used by the algorithm.

  • coefficients: The best set of parameters found.

  • n: the sample size used for estimation.

  • series: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • fitted.values: the conditional mean, which corresponds to the in-sample forecast, also denoted fitted values

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error.scale: the scale for the error term.

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • residuals: the observed minus the fitted values. The same as the error term if error.scale = 0.

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • info.Matrix: the information matrix (if requested)

  • configs: a list with the configurations adopted to fit the model. This information is used by the prediction function.

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

  • call: a string with the description of the fitted model.

The BTSR structure

The general structure of the deterministic part of a BTSR model is

g1(μt)=α+Xtβ+j=1pϕj[g2(ytj)IxregarXtjβ]+htg_1(\mu_t) = \alpha + X_t\beta + \sum_{j=1}^p \phi_j[g_2(y_{t-j}) - I_{xregar}X_{t-j}\beta] + h_t


  • IxregarI_{xregar} is 0, if xreg is not included in the AR part of the model and 1, otherwise

  • the term hth_t depends on the argument model:

    • for BARC models: ht=h(Tt1(u0))h_t = h(T^{t-1}(u_0))

    • otherwise: ht=k=1ckrtkh_t = \sum_{k = 1}^\infty c_k r_{t-k}

  • g1g_1 and g2g_2 are the links defined in linkg. Notice that g2g_2 is only used in the AR part of the model and, typically, g1=g2g_1 = g_2.

  • rtr_t depends on the error.scale adopted:

    • if error.scale = 0: rt=ytμtr_t = y_t - \mu_t (data scale)

    • if error.scale = 1: rt=g1(yt)g1(μt)r_t = g_1(y_t) - g_1(\mu_t) (predictive scale)

  • ckc_k are the coefficients of (1L)dθ(L)(1-L)^d\theta(L). In particular, if d=0d = 0, then ck=θkc_k = \theta_k, for k=1,,qk = 1, \dots, q.

Common Arguments

In what follows we describe some of the arguments that are commom to all BTSR models. For more details on extra arguments, see the corresponding function associated to the selected model.

Simulation Function

Common arguments passed through "..." in btsr.sim are:

  • n a strictly positive integer. The sample size of yt (after burn-in). Default for all models is 1.

  • burn a non-negative integer. length of "burn-in" period. Default for all models is 0.

  • xreg optionally, a vector or matrix of external regressors. For simulation purposes, the length of xreg must be n+burn. Default for all models is NULL

  • coefs a list with the coefficients of the model. Each model has its default. An empty list will result in an error. The arguments in this list are:

    • alpha optionally, A numeric value corresponding to the intercept. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero.

    • beta optionally, a vector of coefficients corresponding to the regressors in xreg. If xreg is provided but beta is missing in the coefs list, an error message is issued.

    • phi optionally, a vector of size pp, corresponding to the autoregressive coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where pp is the AR order.

    • nu the dispersion parameter. If missing, an error message is issued.

    • rho, y.lower, y.upper, theta, d, u0 model specif arguments. See the documentation corresponding to each model.

  • y.start optionally, a initial value for yt (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that g2(yt)=0g_2(y_t) = 0, for t<1t < 1.

  • xreg.start optionally, a vector of initial value for xreg (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that Xt=0X_t = 0, for t<1t < 1. If xregar = FALSE this argument is ignored.

  • xregar logical; indicates if xreg is to be included in the AR part of the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’. Default is TRUE.

  • error.scale the scale for the error term. See also ‘The BTSR structure’. Each model has its default.

  • inf the truncation point for infinite sums. Default is 1000. In practice, the Fortran subroutine uses inf=qinf = q, if d=0d = 0. BARC models do not have this argument.

  • linkg character or a two character vector indicating which links must be used in the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’. If only one value is provided, the same link is used for mutmu_t and for yty_t in the AR part of the model. Each model has its default.

  • seed optionally, an integer which gives the value of the fixed seed to be used by the random number generator. If missing, a random integer is chosen uniformly from 1,000 to 10,000.

  • rngtype optionally, an integer indicating which random number generator is to be used. Default is 2. The current options are:

    For more details on these algorithms see Random and references therein.

  • debug logical, if TRUE the output from FORTRAN is return (for debuggin purposes). Default is FALSE for all models.

Extracting Function

Common arguments passed through "..." in btsr.extract are:

  • yt a numeric vector with the observed time series. If missing, an error message is issued.

  • xreg optionally, a vector or matrix with the regressor's values. Default is NULL for all models.

  • nnew optionally, the number of out-of sample predicted values required. Default is 0 for all models.

  • xnew a vector or matrix, with nnew observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. If xreg = NULL, xnew is ignored.

  • p a non-negative integer. The order of AR polynomial. If missing, the value of p is calculated from length(coefs$phi) and length(fixed.values$phi).

  • q,r a non-negative integer. The order of the MA polynomial and the size of the vector of parameters for the map function (BARC only). If missing, the argument is calcualted based on length(coefs$theta) and length(fixed.values$theta).

  • coefs a list with the coefficients of the model. Each model has its default. Passing both, coefs and fixed.values empty will result in an error. The arguments in this list are

    • alpha a numeric value corresponding to the intercept. If missing, will be set as zero.

    • beta a vector of coefficients corresponding to the regressors in xreg. If xreg is provided but beta is missing in the coefs list, an error message is issued.

    • phi a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of AR coefficients.

    • nu the dispersion parameter. If missing, an error message is issued.

    • theta, d, u0 model specific arguments. See the documentation corresponding to each model.

  • lags optionally, a list with the lags that the values in coefs correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs. For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. An empty list indicates that either the argument fixed.lags is provided or all lags must be used.

  • fixed.values optionally, a list with the values of the coefficients that are fixed. By default, if a given vector (such as the vector of AR coefficients) has fixed values and the corresponding entry in this list is empty, the fixed values are set as zero. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs.

  • fixed.lags optionally, a list with the lags that the fixed values in fixed.values correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in fixed.values. ##' For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. If an empty list is provided and the model has fixed lags, the argument lags is used as reference.

  • y.start optionally, a initial value for yt (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that g2(yt)=0g_2(y_t) = 0, for t<1t < 1.

  • xreg.start optionally, a vector of initial value for xreg (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that Xt=0X_t = 0, for t<1t < 1. If xregar = FALSE this argument is ignored.

  • xregar logical; indicates if xreg is to be included in the AR part of the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’. Default is TRUE.

  • error.scale the scale for the error term. See also ‘The BTSR structure’. Each model has its default.

  • inf the truncation point for infinite sums. Default is 1. BARC models do not have this argument.

  • m a non-negative integer indicating the starting time for the sum of the partial log-likelihoods, that is =t=m+1nt\ell = \sum_{t = m+1}^n \ell_t. Default is 0.

  • linkg character or a two character vector indicating which links must be used in the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’. If only one value is provided, the same link is used for mutmu_t and for yty_t in the AR part of the model. Each model has its default.

  • llk logical, if TRUE the value of the log-likelihood function is returned. Default is TRUE for all models.

  • sco logical, if TRUE the score vector is returned. Default is FALSE for all models.

  • info logical, if TRUE the information matrix is returned. Default is FALSE for all models.

  • extra logical, if TRUE the matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix are returned. Default is FALSE for all models.

  • debug logical, if TRUE the output from FORTRAN is return (for debuggin purposes). Default is FALSE for all models.

Fitting Function

Common arguments passed through "..." in are the same as in btsr.extract plus the following:

  • d logical, if TRUE, the parameter d is included in the model either as fixed or non-fixed. If d = FALSE the value is fixed as 0. The default is TRUE for all models, except BARC that does not have this parameter.

  • start a list with the starting values for the non-fixed coefficients of the model. If an empty list is provided, the function coefs.start is used to obtain starting values for the parameters.

  • ignore.start logical, if starting values are not provided, the function uses the default values and ignore.start is ignored. In case starting values are provided and ignore.start = TRUE, those starting values are ignored and recalculated. The default is FALSE.

  • lower, upper optionally, list with the lower and upper bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters are unbounded. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.

  • control a list with configurations to be passed to the optimization subroutines. Missing arguments will receive default values. See fit.control.

  • report logical, if TRUE the summary from model estimation is printed and info is automatically set to TRUE. Default is TRUE.


Knuth, D. E. (2002). The Art of Computer Programming. Volume 2, third edition, ninth printing.

L'Ecuyer, P. (1999). Good parameters and implementations for combined multiple recursive random number generators. Operations Research, 47, 159-164. doi:10.1287/opre.47.1.159.

Matsumoto, M. and Nishimura, T. (1998). Mersenne Twister: A 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudo-random number generator, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 8, 3-30.

Wichmann, B. A. and Hill, I. D. (1982). Algorithm AS 183: An Efficient and Portable Pseudo-random Number Generator. Applied Statistics, 31, 188-190; Remarks: 34, 198 and 35, 89. doi:10.2307/2347988.

See Also


BARFIMA.extract, GARFIMA.extract, KARFIMA.extract, BARC.extract,,,


# Generating a Beta model were mut does not vary with time
# yt ~ Beta(a,b), a = mu*nu, b = (1-mu)*nu

y <- btsr.sim(model= "BARFIMA", linkg = "linear",
               n = 1000, seed = 2021,
               coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20))

 # Generating a Beta model were mut does not vary with time
 # yt ~ Beta(a,b), a = mu*nu, b = (1-mu)*nu

 m1 <- btsr.sim(model= "BARFIMA", linkg = "linear",
                n = 100, seed = 2021, complete = TRUE,
                coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20))

 #  Extracting the conditional time series given yt and
 #  a set of parameters

 # Assuming that all coefficients are non-fixed
 e1 = btsr.extract(model = "BARFIMA", yt = m1$yt,
                  coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20),
                  link = "linear", llk = TRUE,
                  sco = TRUE, info = TRUE)

 # Assuming that all coefficients are fixed
 e2 = btsr.extract(model = "BARFIMA", yt = m1$yt,
                  fixed.values = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20),
                  link = "linear", llk = TRUE,
                  sco = TRUE, info = TRUE)

 # Assuming at least one fixed coefficient and one non-fixed
 e3 = btsr.extract(model = "BARFIMA", yt = m1$yt,
                  fixed.values = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20),
                  link = "linear", llk = TRUE,
                  sco = TRUE, info = TRUE)
 e4 = btsr.extract(model = "BARFIMA", yt = m1$yt,
                  fixed.values = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20),
                  link = "linear", llk = TRUE,
                  sco = TRUE, info = TRUE)

 # comparing the simulated and the extracted values
 cbind(head(m1$mut), head(e1$mut), head(e2$mut), head(e3$mut), head(e4$mut))

 # comparing the log-likelihood values obtained (must be the all equal)
 c(e1$sll, e2$sll, e3$sll, e4$sll)

 # comparing the score vectors:
 # - e1 must have 2 values: dl/dmu and dl/dnu
 # - e2 must be empty
 # - e3 and e4 must have one value corresponding
 #    to the non-fixed coefficient

 # comparing the information matrices.
 # - e1 must be a 2x2 matrix
 # - e2 must be empty
 # - e3 and e4 must have one value corresponding
 #    to the non-fixed coefficient

# Generating a Beta model were mut does not vary with time
# yt ~ Beta(a,b), a = mu*nu, b = (1-mu)*nu

y <- btsr.sim(model= "BARFIMA", linkg = "linear",
               n = 100, seed = 2021,
               coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20))

# fitting the model
f <- = "BARFIMA", yt = y, report = TRUE,
             start = list(alpha = 0.5, nu = 10),
             linkg = "linear", d = FALSE)

Initial values for optimization


This function calculates initial values for the parameter vector, to pass to the optimization function.


coefs.start(model = "Generic", yt, linkg = c("linear", "linear"),
  xreg = NULL, p = 0, q = 0, d = TRUE, y.start = NULL,
  y.lower = -Inf, y.upper = Inf, lags = list(), fixed.values = list(),
  fixed.lags = list())



character; The model to be fitted to the data. One of "BARFIMA", "KARFIMA", "GARFIMA", "BARC". Default is "Generic" so that no specific structure is assumed.


a univariate time series. Missing values (NA's) are not allowed.


character; one of "linear", "logit", "log", "loglog", "cloglog". If only one name is provided, the same link will be used for the conditional mean, that is to define g(μ)g(\mu) and for the observed time series in the AR part of the model, that is, g(y[t])g(y[t]).


optional; a vector or matrix of external regressors, which must have the same number of rows as x.


an integer; the AR order. Default is zero.


an integer; for BARC models represents the dimension of the parameter associated to the map TT. For other models is the MA order. Default is zero.


logical; if FALSE, dd is fixed as zero. Default is TRUE.


optional; an initialization value for y[t]y[t], for t0t \le 0, to be used in the AR recursion. If not provided, the default assume y[t]=0y[t] = 0, when using a "linear" link for ytyt, and g(y[t])=0g(y[t]) = 0, otherwise.


lower limit for the distribution support. Default is -Inf.


upper limit for the distribution support. Default is Inf.


optional; a list with the components beta, phi and theta specifying which lags must be included in the model. An empty list or missing component indicates that, based on the values nreg, p e q), all lags must be includes in the model.


optional; a list with the fixed values for each component, if any. If fixed values are provided, either lags or fixed.lags must also be provided.


optional; a list with the components beta, phi and theta specifying which lags must be fixed. An empty list implies that fixed values will be set based on lags.


a list with starting values for the parameters of the selected model. Possible outputs are:


the intercept


the coefficients for the regressors


the AR coefficients


for BARC models, the map parameter. For any other model, the MA coefficients


the long memory parameter


the precison parameter


mu = 0.5
nu = 20

yt = rbeta(100, shape1 = mu*nu, shape2 = (1-mu)*nu)
coefs.start(model = "BARFIMA", yt = yt,
            linkg = "linear", d = FALSE,
            y.lower = 0, y.upper = 1)

yt = rgamma(100, shape = nu, rate = mu*nu)
coefs.start(model = "GARFIMA", yt = yt,
            linkg = "linear", d = FALSE,
            y.lower = 0, y.upper = Inf)

Default control list


Sets default values for constants used by the optimization functions in FORTRAN


fit.control(control = list())



a list with configurations to be passed to the optimization subroutines. Missing arguments will receive default values. See ‘Details’.


The control argument is a list that can supply any of the following components:


The optimization method. Current available options are "L-BFGS-B" and "Nelder-Mead". Default is "L-BFGS-B".


The maximum number of iterations. Defaults to 1000.


The frequency of reports if control$trace is positive. Defaults is -1 (no report).

  • For "L-BFGS-B" method:

    iprint<0 no output is generated;

    iprint=0 print only one line at the last iteration;

    0<iprint<99 print also f and |proj g| every iprint iterations;

    iprint=99 print details of every iteration except n-vectors;

    iprint=100 print also the changes of active set and final x;

    iprint>100 print details of every iteration including x and g;

  • For "Nelder-Mead" method:

    iprint<0 No printing

    iprint=0 Printing of parameter values and the function Value after initial evidence of convergence.

    iprint>0 As for iprint = 0 plus progress reports after every Iprint evaluations, plus printing for the initial simplex.


controls the convergence of the "L-BFGS-B" method. Convergence occurs when the reduction in the objective is within this factor of the machine tolerance. The iteration will stop when

(fkfk+1)/max{fk,fk+1,1}factrepsmch(f^k - f^{k+1})/max\{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1\} \le factr*epsmch

where epsmch is the machine precision, which is automatically generated by the code. Typical values for factr: 1.e+12 for low accuracy; 1.e+7 for moderate accuracy; 1.e+1 for extremely high accuracy. Default is 1e7, that is a tolerance of about 1e-8.


helps control the convergence of the "L-BFGS-B" method. It is a tolerance on the projected gradient in the current search direction. the iteration will stop when

max{projgi,i=1,...,n}pgtolmax\{|proj g_i |, i = 1, ..., n\} \le pgtol

where pgipg_i is the ith component of the projected gradient. Default is 1e-12.


The criterion applied to the standard deviation of the values of objective function at the points of the simplex, for "Nelder-Mead" method.


a list with all arguments in ‘Details’.



Functions to simulate, extract components and fit GARFIMA models


These functions can be used to simulate, extract components and fit any model of the class garfima. A model with class garfima is a special case of a model with class btsr . See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for more details on the general structure.

The γ\gammaARMA model, the gamma regression and a i.i.d. sample from a gamma distribution can be obtained as special cases. See ‘Details’.


GARFIMA.sim(n = 1, burn = 0, xreg = NULL, coefs = list(alpha = 0, beta
  = NULL, phi = NULL, theta = NULL, d = 0, nu = 20), y.start = NULL,
  xreg.start = NULL, xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 0, complete = FALSE,
  inf = 1000, linkg = c("log", "log"), seed = NULL, rngtype = 2,
  debug = FALSE)

GARFIMA.extract(yt, xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p, q,
  coefs = list(), lags = list(), fixed.values = list(),
  fixed.lags = list(), y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL,
  xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 0, inf = 1000, m = 0, linkg = c("log",
  "log"), llk = TRUE, sco = FALSE, info = FALSE, extra = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE), xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p = 0, d = TRUE,
  q = 0, m = 0, inf = 1000, start = list(), ignore.start = FALSE,
  lags = list(), fixed.values = list(), fixed.lags = list(),
  lower = list(nu = 0), upper = list(nu = Inf), linkg = c("log", "log"),
  sco = TRUE, info = FALSE, extra = FALSE, xregar = TRUE,
  y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL, error.scale = 0, control = list(),
  report = TRUE, debug = FALSE, ...)



a strictly positive integer. The sample size of yt (after burn-in). Default is 1.


a non-negative integer. The length of the "burn-in" period. Default is 0.


optionally, a vector or matrix of external regressors. For simulation purposes, the length of xreg must be n+burn. Default is NULL. For extraction or fitting purposes, the length of xreg must be the same as the length of the observed time series yty_t.


a list with the coefficients of the model. An empty list will result in an error. The arguments that can be passed through this list are:

  • alpha optionally, a numeric value corresponding to the intercept. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions.

  • beta optionally, a vector of coefficients corresponding to the regressors in xreg. If xreg is provided but beta is missing in the coefs list, an error message is issued.

  • phi optionally, for the simulation function this must be a vector of size pp, corresponding to the autoregressive coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where pp is the AR order. For the extraction and fitting functions, this is a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of autoregressive coefficients.

  • theta optionally, for the simulation function this must be a vector of size qq, corresponding to the moving average coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where qq is the MA order. For the extraction and fitting functions, this is a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of moving average coefficients.

  • d optionally, a numeric value corresponding to the long memory parameter. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero.

  • nu the dispersion parameter. If missing, an error message is issued.


optionally, an initial value for yt (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that g2(yt)=0g_2(y_t) = 0, for t<1t < 1.


optionally, a vector of initial value for xreg (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that Xt=0X_t = 0, for t<1t < 1. If xregar = FALSE this argument is ignored.


logical; indicates if xreg is to be included in the AR part of the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’. Default is TRUE.


the scale for the error term. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions. Default is 0.


logical; if FALSE the function returns only the simulated time series yt, otherwise, additional time series are provided. Default is FALSE


the truncation point for infinite sums. Default is 1,000. In practice, the Fortran subroutine uses inf=qinf = q, if d=0d = 0.


character or a two character vector indicating which links must be used in the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for details and link.btsr for valid links. If only one value is provided, the same link is used for mutmu_t and for yty_t in the AR part of the model. Default is c("log", "log"). For the linear link, the constant will be always 1.


optionally, an integer which gives the value of the fixed seed to be used by the random number generator. If missing, a random integer is chosen uniformly from 1,000 to 10,000.


optionally, an integer indicating which random number generator is to be used. Default is 2: the Mersenne Twister algorithm. See ‘Common Arguments’ in btsr.functions.


logical, if TRUE the output from FORTRAN is return (for debugging purposes). Default is FALSE for all models.


a numeric vector with the observed time series. If missing, an error message is issued.


optionally, the number of out-of sample predicted values required. Default is 0.


a vector or matrix, with nnew observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. If xreg = NULL, xnew is ignored.


a non-negative integer. The order of AR polynomial. If missing, the value of p is calculated from length(coefs$phi) and length(fixed.values$phi). For fitting, the default is 0.


a non-negative integer. The order of the MA polynomial. If missing, the value of q is calculated from length(coefs$theta) and length(fixed.values$theta). For fitting, the default is 0.


optionally, a list with the lags that the values in coefs correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs. For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. An empty list indicates that either the argument fixed.lags is provided or all lags must be used.


optionally, a list with the values of the coefficients that are fixed. By default, if a given vector (such as the vector of AR coefficients) has fixed values and the corresponding entry in this list is empty, the fixed values are set as zero. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs.


optionally, a list with the lags that the fixed values in fixed.values correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in fixed.values. ##' For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. If an empty list is provided and the model has fixed lags, the argument lags is used as reference.


a non-negative integer indicating the starting time for the sum of the partial log-likelihoods, that is =t=m+1nt\ell = \sum_{t = m+1}^n \ell_t. Default is 0.


logical, if TRUE the value of the log-likelihood function is returned. Default is TRUE.


logical, if TRUE the score vector is returned. Default is FALSE.


logical, if TRUE the information matrix is returned. Default is FALSE. For the fitting function, info is automatically set to TRUE when report = TRUE.


logical, if TRUE the matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix are returned. Default is FALSE.


logical, if TRUE, the parameter d is included in the model either as fixed or non-fixed. If d = FALSE the value is fixed as 0. The default is TRUE.


a list with the starting values for the non-fixed coefficients of the model. If an empty list is provided, the function coefs.start is used to obtain starting values for the parameters.


logical, if starting values are not provided, the function uses the default values and ignore.start is ignored. In case starting values are provided and ignore.start = TRUE, those starting values are ignored and recalculated. The default is FALSE.


optionally, list with the lower bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no lower bound except for nu, for which de default is 0. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


optionally, list with the upper bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no upper bound. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


a list with configurations to be passed to the optimization subroutines. Missing arguments will receive default values. See fit.control.


logical, if TRUE the summary from model estimation is printed and info is automatically set to TRUE. Default is TRUE.


further arguments passed to the internal functions.


The γ\gammaARMA model and the gamma regression can be obtained as special cases of the γ\gammaARFIMA model.

  • γ\gammaARFIMA: is obtained by default.

  • γ\gammaARMA: is obtained by setting d = 0.

  • gamma regression: is obtained by setting p = 0, q = 0 and d = FALSE. The error.scale is irrelevant. The second argument in linkg is irrelevant.

  • an i.i.d. sample from a Gamma distribution with parameters shape and scale (compatible with the one from rgamma) is obtained by setting linkg = "linear", p = 0, q = 0, coefs$d = 0, d = FALSE and, in the coefficient list, alpha = shape*scale and nu = shape. (error.scale and xregar are irrelevant)

The function GARFIMA.sim generates a random sample from a γ\gammaARFIMA(p,d,q) model.

The function GARFIMA.extract allows the user to extract the components yty_t, μt\mu_t, ηt=g(μt)\eta_t = g(\mu_t), rtr_t, the log-likelihood, and the vectors and matrices used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix associated to a given set of parameters.

This function can be used by any user to create an objective function that can be passed to optimization algorithms not available in the BTSR Package.

The function fits a GARFIMA model to a given univariate time series. For now, available optimization algorithms are "L-BFGS-B" and "Nelder-Mead". Both methods accept bounds for the parameters. For "Nelder-Mead", bounds are set via parameter transformation.


The function GARFIMA.sim returns the simulated time series yt by default. If complete = TRUE, a list with the following components is returned instead:

  • model: string with the text "GARFIMA"

  • yt: the simulated time series

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g(μt)g(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • debug: the output from FORTRAN (if requested).

The function GARFIMA.extract returns a list with the following components.

  • model: string with the text "GARFIMA"

  • coefs: the coefficients of the model passed through the coefs argument

  • yt: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • sco: the score vector (if requested)

  • info: the information matrix (if requested)

  • Drho, T, E, h: additional matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix. (if requested)

  • the out-of-sample forecast (if requested)

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

The function returns a list with the following components. Each particular model can have additional components in this list.

  • model: string with the text "GARFIMA"

  • convergence: An integer code. 0 indicates successful completion. The error codes depend on the algorithm used.

  • message: A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or NULL.

  • counts: an integer giving the number of function evaluations.

  • control: a list of control parameters.

  • start: the starting values used by the algorithm.

  • coefficients: The best set of parameters found.

  • n: the sample size used for estimation.

  • series: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • fitted.values: the conditional mean, which corresponds to the in-sample forecast, also denoted fitted values

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error.scale: the scale for the error term.

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • residual: the observed minus the fitted values. The same as the error term if error.scale = 0.

  • forecast: the out-of-sample forecast (if requested).

  • xnew: the observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. Only inlcudes if xreg is not NULL and nnew > 0.

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • info.Matrix: the information matrix (if requested)

  • configs: a list with the configurations adopted to fit the model. This information is used by the prediction function.

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

  • call: a string with the description of the fitted model.

See Also




# Generating a Gamma model were mut does not vary with time
# yt ~ Gamma(a,b), a = nu (shape), b = mu/nu (scale)

y <- GARFIMA.sim(linkg = "linear", n = 1000, seed = 2021,
                 coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20))

 # Generating a Gamma model were mut does not vary with time
 # yt ~ Gamma(a,b), a = nu (shape), b = mu/nu (scale)

 m1 <- GARFIMA.sim(linkg = "linear",n = 100,
                   complete = TRUE, seed = 2021,
                   coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20))

 #  Extracting the conditional time series given yt and
 #  a set of parameters

 # Assuming that all coefficients are non-fixed
 e1 = GARFIMA.extract(yt = m1$yt, coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20),
                      link = "linear", llk = TRUE,
                      sco = TRUE, info = TRUE)

 # comparing the simulated and the extracted values
 cbind(head(m1$mut), head(e1$mut))

 # the log-likelihood, score vector and information matrix

# Generating a Beta model were mut does not vary with time
# yt ~ Beta(a,b), a = mu*nu, b = (1-mu)*nu

y <- GARFIMA.sim(linkg = "linear", n = 100, seed = 2021,
               coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20))

# fitting the model
f <- = y, report = TRUE,
                 start = list(alpha = 0.5, nu = 10),
                 linkg = "linear", d = FALSE)

Functions to simulate, extract components and fit KARFIMA models


These functions can be used to simulate, extract components and fit any model of the class karfima. A model with class karfima is a special case of a model with class btsr . See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for more details on the general structure.

The KARMA model, the Kumaraswamy regression and a i.i.d. sample from a Kumaraswamy distribution can be obtained as special cases. See ‘Details’.


KARFIMA.sim(n = 1, burn = 0, xreg = NULL, rho = 0.5, y.lower = 0,
  y.upper = 1, coefs = list(alpha = 0, beta = NULL, phi = NULL, theta =
  NULL, d = 0, nu = 20), y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL,
  xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 1, complete = FALSE, inf = 1000,
  linkg = c("logit", "logit"), seed = NULL, rngtype = 2, debug = FALSE)

KARFIMA.extract(yt, xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p, q,
  rho = 0.5, y.lower = 0, y.upper = 1, coefs = list(), lags = list(),
  fixed.values = list(), fixed.lags = list(), y.start = NULL,
  xreg.start = NULL, xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 1, inf = 1000,
  m = 0, linkg = c("logit", "logit"), llk = TRUE, sco = FALSE,
  info = FALSE, extra = FALSE, debug = FALSE), xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p = 0, d = TRUE,
  q = 0, m = 0, inf = 1000, rho = 0.5, y.lower = 0, y.upper = 1,
  start = list(), ignore.start = FALSE, lags = list(),
  fixed.values = list(), fixed.lags = list(), lower = list(nu = 0),
  upper = list(nu = Inf), linkg = c("logit", "logit"), sco = FALSE,
  info = FALSE, extra = FALSE, xregar = TRUE, y.start = NULL,
  xreg.start = NULL, error.scale = 1, control = list(), report = TRUE,
  debug = FALSE, ...)



a strictly positive integer. The sample size of yt (after burn-in). Default is 1.


a non-negative integer. The length of the "burn-in" period. Default is 0.


optionally, a vector or matrix of external regressors. For simulation purposes, the length of xreg must be n+burn. Default is NULL. For extraction or fitting purposes, the length of xreg must be the same as the length of the observed time series yty_t.


a positive number, between 0 and 1, indicating the quantile to be modeled so that μt\mu_t is the conditional rhorho-quantile.


the lower limit for the density support. Default is 0.


the upper limit for the density support. Default is 1.


a list with the coefficients of the model. An empty list will result in an error. The arguments that can be passed through this list are:

  • alpha optionally, a numeric value corresponding to the intercept. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions.

  • beta optionally, a vector of coefficients corresponding to the regressors in xreg. If xreg is provided but beta is missing in the coefs list, an error message is issued.

  • phi optionally, for the simulation function this must be a vector of size pp, corresponding to the autoregressive coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where pp is the AR order. For the extraction and fitting functions, this is a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of autoregressive coefficients.

  • theta optionally, for the simulation function this must be a vector of size qq, corresponding to the moving average coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where qq is the MA order. For the extraction and fitting functions, this is a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of moving average coefficients.

  • d optionally, a numeric value corresponding to the long memory parameter. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero.

  • nu the dispersion parameter. If missing, an error message is issued.


optionally, an initial value for yt (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that g2(yt)=0g_2(y_t) = 0, for t<1t < 1.


optionally, a vector of initial value for xreg (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that Xt=0X_t = 0, for t<1t < 1. If xregar = FALSE this argument is ignored.


logical; indicates if xreg is to be included in the AR part of the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’. Default is TRUE.


the scale for the error term. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions. Default is 1.


logical; if FALSE the function returns only the simulated time series yt, otherwise, additional time series are provided. Default is FALSE


the truncation point for infinite sums. Default is 1,000. In practice, the Fortran subroutine uses inf=qinf = q, if d=0d = 0.


character or a two character vector indicating which links must be used in the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for details and link.btsr for valid links. If only one value is provided, the same link is used for mutmu_t and for yty_t in the AR part of the model. Default is c("logit", "logit"). For the linear link, the constant will be always 1.


optionally, an integer which gives the value of the fixed seed to be used by the random number generator. If missing, a random integer is chosen uniformly from 1,000 to 10,000.


optionally, an integer indicating which random number generator is to be used. Default is 2: the Mersenne Twister algorithm. See ‘Common Arguments’ in btsr.functions.


logical, if TRUE the output from FORTRAN is return (for debugging purposes). Default is FALSE for all models.


a numeric vector with the observed time series. If missing, an error message is issued.


optionally, the number of out-of sample predicted values required. Default is 0.


a vector or matrix, with nnew observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. If xreg = NULL, xnew is ignored.


a non-negative integer. The order of AR polynomial. If missing, the value of p is calculated from length(coefs$phi) and length(fixed.values$phi). For fitting, the default is 0.


a non-negative integer. The order of the MA polynomial. If missing, the value of q is calculated from length(coefs$theta) and length(fixed.values$theta). For fitting, the default is 0.


optionally, a list with the lags that the values in coefs correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs. For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. An empty list indicates that either the argument fixed.lags is provided or all lags must be used.


optionally, a list with the values of the coefficients that are fixed. By default, if a given vector (such as the vector of AR coefficients) has fixed values and the corresponding entry in this list is empty, the fixed values are set as zero. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs.


optionally, a list with the lags that the fixed values in fixed.values correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in fixed.values. ##' For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. If an empty list is provided and the model has fixed lags, the argument lags is used as reference.


a non-negative integer indicating the starting time for the sum of the partial log-likelihoods, that is =t=m+1nt\ell = \sum_{t = m+1}^n \ell_t. Default is 0.


logical, if TRUE the value of the log-likelihood function is returned. Default is TRUE.


logical, if TRUE the score vector is returned. Default is FALSE.


logical, if TRUE the information matrix is returned. Default is FALSE. For the fitting function, info is automatically set to TRUE when report = TRUE.


logical, if TRUE the matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix are returned. Default is FALSE.


logical, if TRUE, the parameter d is included in the model either as fixed or non-fixed. If d = FALSE the value is fixed as 0. The default is TRUE.


a list with the starting values for the non-fixed coefficients of the model. If an empty list is provided, the function coefs.start is used to obtain starting values for the parameters.


logical, if starting values are not provided, the function uses the default values and ignore.start is ignored. In case starting values are provided and ignore.start = TRUE, those starting values are ignored and recalculated. The default is FALSE.


optionally, list with the lower bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no lower bound except for nu, for which de default is 0. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


optionally, list with the upper bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no upper bound. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


a list with configurations to be passed to the optimization subroutines. Missing arguments will receive default values. See fit.control.


logical, if TRUE the summary from model estimation is printed and info is automatically set to TRUE. Default is TRUE.


further arguments passed to the internal functions.


The KARMA model and the Kumaraswamy regression can be obtained as special cases of the KARFIMA model.

  • KARFIMA: is obtained by default.

  • KARMA: is obtained by setting d = 0.

  • Kumaraswamy regression: is obtained by setting p = 0, q = 0 and d = FALSE. The error.scale is irrelevant. The second argument in linkg is irrelevant.

  • an i.i.d. sample from a Kumaraswamy distribution is obtained by setting linkg = "linear", p = 0, q = 0, coefs$d = 0, d = FALSE. (error.scale and xregar are irrelevant)

The function KARFIMA.sim generates a random sample from a KARFIMA(p,d,q) model.

The function KARFIMA.extract allows the user to extract the components yty_t, μt\mu_t, ηt=g(μt)\eta_t = g(\mu_t), rtr_t, the log-likelihood, and the vectors and matrices used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix associated to a given set of parameters.

This function can be used by any user to create an objective function that can be passed to optimization algorithms not available in the BTSR Package.

The function fits a KARFIMA model to a given univariate time series. For now, available optimization algorithms are "L-BFGS-B" and "Nelder-Mead". Both methods accept bounds for the parameters. For "Nelder-Mead", bounds are set via parameter transformation.


The function KARFIMA.sim returns the simulated time series yt by default. If complete = TRUE, a list with the following components is returned instead:

  • model: string with the text "KARFIMA"

  • yt: the simulated time series

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g(μt)g(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • debug: the output from FORTRAN (if requested).

The function KARFIMA.extract returns a list with the following components.

  • model: string with the text "KARFIMA"

  • coefs: the coefficients of the model passed through the coefs argument

  • yt: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • sco: the score vector (if requested)

  • info: the information matrix (if requested)

  • Drho, T, E, h: additional matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix. (if requested)

  • the out-of-sample forecast (if requested)

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

The function returns a list with the following components. Each particular model can have additional components in this list.

  • model: string with the text "KARFIMA"

  • convergence: An integer code. 0 indicates successful completion. The error codes depend on the algorithm used.

  • message: A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or NULL.

  • counts: an integer giving the number of function evaluations.

  • control: a list of control parameters.

  • start: the starting values used by the algorithm.

  • coefficients: The best set of parameters found.

  • n: the sample size used for estimation.

  • series: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • fitted.values: the conditional mean, which corresponds to the in-sample forecast, also denoted fitted values

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error.scale: the scale for the error term.

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • residual: the observed minus the fitted values. The same as the error term if error.scale = 0.

  • forecast: the out-of-sample forecast (if requested).

  • xnew: the observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. Only inlcudes if xreg is not NULL and nnew > 0.

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • info.Matrix: the information matrix (if requested)

  • configs: a list with the configurations adopted to fit the model. This information is used by the prediction function.

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

  • call: a string with the description of the fitted model.

See Also




# Generating a Kumaraswamy model were mut does not vary with time
# For linear link, alpha = mu
# Warning:
#      |log(1-rho)| >> |log(1 - mu^nu)|
# may cause numerical instability.

y <- KARFIMA.sim(linkg = "linear", n = 1000, seed = 2021,
                 coefs = list(alpha = 0.7, nu = 2))

 # Generating a Kumaraswamy model were mut does not vary with time
 # For linear link, alpha = mu
 # Warning:
 #      |log(1-rho)| >> |log(1 - mu^nu)|
 # may cause numerical instability.

 m1 <- KARFIMA.sim(linkg = "linear",n = 100,
                   complete = TRUE, seed = 2021,
                   coefs = list(alpha = 0.7, nu = 2))

 #  Extracting the conditional time series given yt and
 #  a set of parameters

 # Assuming that all coefficients are non-fixed
 e1 = KARFIMA.extract(yt = m1$yt, coefs = list(alpha = 0.7, nu = 2),
                      link = "linear", llk = TRUE,
                      sco = TRUE, info = TRUE)

 # comparing the simulated and the extracted values
 cbind(head(m1$mut), head(e1$mut))

 # the log-likelihood, score vector and information matrix

# Generating a Kumaraswamy model were mut does not vary with time
# For linear link, alpha = mu
# Warning:
#      |log(1-rho)| >> |log(1 - mu^nu)|
# may cause numerical instability.

y <- KARFIMA.sim(linkg = "logit", n = 100, seed = 2021,
               coefs = list(alpha = 0.7, nu = 2))

# fitting the model
f <- = y, report = TRUE,
                 start = list(alpha = 0.5, nu = 1),
                 linkg = "logit", d = FALSE)

Create a Link for BTSR models


Given the name of a link, this function returns a link function, an inverse link function, the derivative dη/dμd\eta / d\mu and the derivative dμ/dηd\mu / d\eta.





character; one of "linear", "logit", "log", "loglog", "cloglog". See ‘Details’.


The available links are:

linear: f(x)=axf(x) = ax, for aa real. The parameter is set using the argument ctt.ll, when invoking the functions created by link.btsr

logit: f(x)=log(x/(1x))f(x) = log(x/(1-x))

log: f(x)=log(x)f(x) = log(x)

loglog: f(x)=log(log(x))f(x) = log(-log(x))

cloglog: f(x)=log(log(1x))f(x) = log(-log(1-x))


An object of class "link-btsr", a list with components


Link function function(mu)


Inverse link function function(eta)


Derivative function(mu) dη/dμd\eta / d\mu


Derivative function(eta) dμ/dηd\mu / d\eta


a name to be used for the link


mylink <- BTSR::link.btsr("linear")
y = 0.8
a = 3.4
gy = a*y

mylink$linkfun(mu = y, ctt.ll = a); gy
mylink$linkinv(eta = gy, ctt.ll = a); y
mylink$diflink(mu = y, ctt.ll = a); a
mylink$mu.eta(eta = gy, ctt.ll = a); 1/a

Predict method for BTSR


Predicted values based on btsr object.


## S3 method for class 'btsr'
predict(object, newdata, nnew = 0, ...)



Object of class inheriting from "btsr"


A matrix with new values for the regressors. If omitted and "xreg" is present in the model, the fitted values are returned. If the model does not include regressors, the functions will use the value of nnew.


number of out-of-sample forecasts required. If newdata is provided, nnew is ignored.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


predict.btsr produces predicted values, obtained by evaluating the regression function in the frame newdata.

If newdata is omitted the predictions are based on the data used for the fit.

For now, prediction intervals are not provided.


A list with the following arguments


The original time series yt.


The original regressors (if any).


The in-sample forecast given by μt\mu_t.


In-sample values of g(μ[t])g(\mu[t]).


The error term (depends on the argument error.scale)


The (in-sample) residuals, that is, the observed minus the predicted values. Same as error when error.scale = 0


The predicted values for yt.


only for "BARC" models. The iterated map.


only for "BARC" models. The predicted values of the iterated map.


 # Generating a Beta model were mut does not vary with time
 # yt ~ Beta(a,b), a = mu*nu, b = (1-mu)*nu

y <- btsr.sim(model= "BARFIMA", linkg = "linear",
               n = 100, seed = 2021,
               coefs = list(alpha = 0.2, nu = 20))

# fitting the model
f <- = "BARFIMA", yt = y, report = TRUE,
             start = list(alpha = 0.5, nu = 10),
             linkg = "linear", d = FALSE)

pred = predict(f, nnew = 5)

Print Method of class BTSR


Print method for objects of class btsr.


## S3 method for class 'btsr'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)



object of class btsr.


minimal number of significant digits, see print.default.


further arguments to be passed to or from other methods. They are ignored in this function


Users are not encouraged to call these internal functions directly. Internal functions for package BTSR.


Invisibly returns its argument, x.

Summary Method of class BTSR


summary method for class "btsr".


## S3 method for class 'btsr'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.btsr'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
  signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)



object of class "btsr".


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


an object of class "summary.btsr", usually, a result of a call to summary.btsr.


minimal number of significant digits, see print.default.


logical. If TRUE, ‘significance stars’ are printed for each coefficient.


print.summary.btsr tries to be smart about formatting the coefficients, standard errors, etc. and additionally provides ‘significance stars’.


The function summary.btsr computes and returns a list of summary statistics of the fitted model given in object. Returns a list of class summary.btsr, which contains the following components:


the corresponding model.


the matched call.


the residuals of the model. Depends on the definition of error.scale. If error.scale= 1, residuals=g(y)g(μ)residuals = g(y) - g(\mu). If error.scale = 0, residuals=yμresiduals = y - \mu.


a k×4k \times 4 matrix with columns for the estimated coefficient, its standard error, z-statistic and corresponding (two-sided) p-value. Aliased coefficients are omitted.


named logical vector showing if the original coefficients are aliased.


the square root of the estimated variance of the random error

σ^2=1nkiri2,\hat\sigma^2 = \frac{1}{n-k}\sum_i{r_i^2},

where rir_i is the ii-th residual, residuals[i].


degrees of freedom, a 3-vector (k,nk,k)(k, n-k, k*), the first being the number of non-aliased coefficients, the last being the total number of coefficients.


a k×kk \times k matrix of (unscaled) covariances. The inverse ov the information matrix.


the sum of the log-likelihood values


the AIC value. AIC=2loglik+2kAIC = -2*loglik+2*k.


the BIC value. BIC=2loglik+log(n)kBIC = -2*loglik + log(n)*k.


the HQC value. HQC=2loglik+log(log(n))kHQC = -2*loglik + log(log(n))*k.

Functions to simulate, extract components and fit UWARFIMA models


These functions can be used to simulate, extract components and fit any model of the class uwarfima. A model with class uwarfima is a special case of a model with class btsr . See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for more details on the general structure.

The UWARMA model, the Unit-Weibull regression and a i.i.d. sample from a Unit-Weibull distribution can be obtained as special cases. See ‘Details’.


UWARFIMA.sim(n = 1, burn = 0, xreg = NULL, rho = 0.5,
  coefs = list(alpha = 0, beta = NULL, phi = NULL, theta = NULL, d = 0, nu =
  20), y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL, xregar = TRUE,
  error.scale = 1, complete = FALSE, inf = 1000, linkg = c("logit",
  "logit"), seed = NULL, rngtype = 2, debug = FALSE)

UWARFIMA.extract(yt, xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p, q,
  rho = 0.5, coefs = list(), lags = list(), fixed.values = list(),
  fixed.lags = list(), y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL,
  xregar = TRUE, error.scale = 1, inf = 1000, m = 0,
  linkg = c("logit", "logit"), llk = TRUE, sco = FALSE, info = FALSE,
  extra = FALSE, debug = FALSE), xreg = NULL, nnew = 0, xnew = NULL, p = 0, d = TRUE,
  q = 0, m = 0, inf = 1000, rho = 0.5, start = list(),
  ignore.start = FALSE, lags = list(), fixed.values = list(),
  fixed.lags = list(), lower = list(nu = 0), upper = list(nu = Inf),
  linkg = c("logit", "logit"), sco = FALSE, info = FALSE,
  extra = FALSE, xregar = TRUE, y.start = NULL, xreg.start = NULL,
  error.scale = 1, control = list(), report = TRUE, debug = FALSE, ...)



a strictly positive integer. The sample size of yt (after burn-in). Default is 1.


a non-negative integer. Length of the "burn-in" period. Default is 0.


optionally, a vector or matrix of external regressors. For simulation purposes, the length of xreg must be n+burn. Default is NULL. For extraction or fitting purposes, the length of xreg must be the same as the length of the observed time series yty_t.


a positive number, between 0 and 1, indicating the quantile to be modeled. In this case, μt\mu_t corresponds to the conditional rhorho-quantile of the distribution.


a list with the coefficients of the model. An empty list will result in an error. The arguments that can be passed through this list are:

  • alpha optionally, a numeric value corresponding to the intercept. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions.

  • beta optionally, a vector of coefficients corresponding to the regressors in xreg. If xreg is provided but beta is missing in the coefs list, an error message is issued.

  • phi optionally, for the simulation function this must be a vector of size pp, corresponding to the autoregressive coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where pp is the AR order. For the extraction and fitting functions, this is a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of autoregressive coefficients.

  • theta optionally, for the simulation function this must be a vector of size qq, corresponding to the moving average coefficients (including the ones that are zero), where qq is the MA order. For the extraction and fitting functions, this is a vector with the non-fixed values in the vector of moving average coefficients.

  • d optionally, a numeric value corresponding to the long memory parameter. If the argument is missing, it will be treated as zero.

  • nu is a shape parameter. If missing, an error message is issued.


optionally, an initial value for yt (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that g2(yt)=0g_2(y_t) = 0, for t<1t < 1.


optionally, a vector of initial value for xreg (to be used in the recursions). Default is NULL, in which case, the recursion assumes that Xt=0X_t = 0, for t<1t < 1. If xregar = FALSE this argument is ignored.


logical; indicates if xreg is to be included in the AR part of the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’. Default is TRUE.


the scale for the error term. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions. Default is 1.


logical; if FALSE the function returns only the simulated time series yt, otherwise, additional time series are provided (see below). Default is FALSE


the truncation point for infinite sums. Default is 1,000. In practice, the Fortran subroutine uses inf=qinf = q, if d=0d = 0.


character or a two character vector indicating which links must be used in the model. See ‘The BTSR structure’ in btsr.functions for details and link.btsr for valid links. If only one value is provided, the same link is used for mutmu_t and for yty_t in the AR part of the model. Default is c("logit", "logit"). For the linear link, the constant will be always 1.


optionally, an integer which gives the value of the fixed seed to be used by the random number generator. If missing, a random integer is chosen uniformly from 1,000 to 10,000.


optionally, an integer indicating which random number generator is to be used. Default is 2: the Mersenne Twister algorithm. See ‘Common Arguments’ in btsr.functions.


logical, if TRUE the output from FORTRAN is return (for debugging purposes). Default is FALSE for all models.


a numeric vector with the observed time series. If missing, an error message is issued.


optionally, the number of out-of sample predicted values required. Default is 0.


a vector or matrix, with nnew observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. If xreg = NULL, xnew is ignored.


a non-negative integer. The order of AR polynomial. If missing, the value of p is calculated from length(coefs$phi) and length(fixed.values$phi). For fitting, the default is 0.


a non-negative integer. The order of the MA polynomial. If missing, the value of q is calculated from length(coefs$theta) and length(fixed.values$theta). For fitting, the default is 0.


optionally, a list with the lags that the values in coefs correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs. For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. An empty list indicates that either the argument fixed.lags is provided or all lags must be used.


optionally, a list with the values of the coefficients that are fixed. By default, if a given vector (such as the vector of AR coefficients) has fixed values and the corresponding entry in this list is empty, the fixed values are set as zero. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in coefs.


optionally, a list with the lags that the fixed values in fixed.values correspond to. The names of the entries in this list must match the ones in fixed.values. ##' For one dimensional coefficients, the lag is obviously always 1 and can be suppressed. If an empty list is provided and the model has fixed lags, the argument lags is used as reference.


a non-negative integer indicating the starting time for the sum of the partial log-likelihoods, that is =t=m+1nt\ell = \sum_{t = m+1}^n \ell_t. Default is 0.


logical, if TRUE the value of the log-likelihood function is returned. Default is TRUE.


logical, if TRUE the score vector is returned. Default is FALSE.


logical, if TRUE the information matrix is returned. Default is FALSE. For the fitting function, info is automatically set to TRUE when report = TRUE.


logical, if TRUE the matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix are returned. Default is FALSE.


logical, if TRUE, the parameter d is included in the model either as fixed or non-fixed. If d = FALSE the value is fixed as 0. The default is TRUE.


a list with the starting values for the non-fixed coefficients of the model. If an empty list is provided, the function coefs.start is used to obtain starting values for the parameters.


logical, if starting values are not provided, the function uses the default values and ignore.start is ignored. In case starting values are provided and ignore.start = TRUE, those starting values are ignored and recalculated. The default is FALSE.


optionally, list with the lower bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no lower bound except for nu, for which de default is 0. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


optionally, list with the upper bounds for the parameters. The names of the entries in these lists must match the ones in start. The default is to assume that the parameters have no upper bound. Only the bounds for bounded parameters need to be specified.


a list with configurations to be passed to the optimization subroutines. Missing arguments will receive default values. See fit.control.


logical, if TRUE the summary from model estimation is printed and info is automatically set to TRUE. Default is TRUE.


further arguments passed to the internal functions.


The UWARMA model and the Unit-Weibull regression can be obtained as special cases of the UWARFIMA model.

  • UWARFIMA: is obtained by default.

  • UWARMA: is obtained by setting d = 0.

  • Unit-Weibull regression: is obtained by setting p = 0, q = 0 and d = FALSE. The error.scale is irrelevant. The second argument in linkg is irrelevant.

  • an i.i.d. sample from a Unit-Weibull distribution is obtained by setting linkg = "linear", p = 0, q = 0, coefs$d = 0, d = FALSE. (error.scale and xregar are irrelevant)

The function UWARFIMA.sim generates a random sample from a UWARFIMA(p,d,q) model.

The function UWARFIMA.extract allows the user to extract the components yty_t, μt\mu_t, ηt=g(μt)\eta_t = g(\mu_t), rtr_t, the log-likelihood, and the vectors and matrices used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix associated to a given set of parameters.

This function can be used by any user to create an objective function that can be passed to optimization algorithms not available in the BTSR Package.

The function fits a UWARFIMA model to a given univariate time series. For now, available optimization algorithms are "L-BFGS-B" and "Nelder-Mead". Both methods accept bounds for the parameters. For "Nelder-Mead", bounds are set via parameter transformation.


The function UWARFIMA.sim returns the simulated time series yt by default. If complete = TRUE, a list with the following components is returned instead:

  • model: string with the text "UWARFIMA"

  • yt: the simulated time series

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g(μt)g(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • debug: the output from FORTRAN (if requested).

The function UWARFIMA.extract returns a list with the following components.

  • model: string with the text "UWARFIMA"

  • coefs: the coefficients of the model passed through the coefs argument

  • yt: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • mut: the conditional mean

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • xreg: the regressors (if included in the model).

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • sco: the score vector (if requested)

  • info: the information matrix (if requested)

  • Drho, T, E, h: additional matrices and vectors used to calculate the score vector and the information matrix. (if requested)

  • the out-of-sample forecast (if requested)

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

The function returns a list with the following components. Each particular model can have additional components in this list.

  • model: string with the text "UWARFIMA"

  • convergence: An integer code. 0 indicates successful completion. The error codes depend on the algorithm used.

  • message: A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or NULL.

  • counts: an integer giving the number of function evaluations.

  • control: a list of control parameters.

  • start: the starting values used by the algorithm.

  • coefficients: The best set of parameters found.

  • n: the sample size used for estimation.

  • series: the observed time series

  • gyt: the transformed time series g2(yt)g_2(y_t)

  • fitted.values: the conditional mean, which corresponds to the in-sample forecast, also denoted fitted values

  • etat: the linear predictor g1(μt)g_1(\mu_t)

  • error.scale: the scale for the error term.

  • error: the error term rtr_t

  • residual: the observed minus the fitted values. The same as the error term if error.scale = 0.

  • forecast: the out-of-sample forecast (if requested).

  • xnew: the observations of the regressors observed/predicted values corresponding to the period of out-of-sample forecast. Only inlcudes if xreg is not NULL and nnew > 0.

  • sll: the sum of the conditional log-likelihood (if requested)

  • info.Matrix: the information matrix (if requested)

  • configs: a list with the configurations adopted to fit the model. This information is used by the prediction function.

  • out.Fortran: FORTRAN output (if requested)

  • call: a string with the description of the fitted model.

See Also




# Generating a Unit-Weibull  model were mut does not vary with time
# For linear link, alpha = mu

y <- UWARFIMA.sim(linkg = "linear", n = 1000, seed = 2021,
                 coefs = list(alpha = 0.7, nu = 2))

 # Generating a Unit-Weibull model were mut does not vary with time
 # For linear link, alpha = mu

 m1 <- UWARFIMA.sim(linkg = "linear",n = 100,
                   complete = TRUE, seed = 2021,
                   coefs = list(alpha = 0.7, nu = 2))

 #  Extracting the conditional time series given yt and
 #  a set of parameters

 # Assuming that all coefficients are non-fixed
 e1 = UWARFIMA.extract(yt = m1$yt, coefs = list(alpha = 0.7, nu = 2),
                      link = "linear", llk = TRUE,
                      sco = TRUE, info = TRUE)

 # comparing the simulated and the extracted values
 cbind(head(m1$mut), head(e1$mut))

 # the log-likelihood, score vector and information matrix

# Generating a Unit-Weibull model were mut does not vary with time
# For linear link, alpha = mu

y <- UWARFIMA.sim(linkg = "logit", n = 100, seed = 2021,
               coefs = list(alpha = 0.7, nu = 2))

# fitting the model
f <- = y, report = TRUE,
                 start = list(alpha = 0.5, nu = 1),
                 linkg = "logit", d = FALSE)