Package 'BRISC'

Title: Fast Inference for Large Spatial Datasets using BRISC
Description: Fits bootstrap with univariate spatial regression models using Bootstrap for Rapid Inference on Spatial Covariances (BRISC) for large datasets using nearest neighbor Gaussian processes detailed in Saha and Datta (2018) <doi:10.1002/sta4.184>.
Authors: Arkajyoti Saha [aut, cre], Abhirup Datta [aut], Jorge Nocedal [ctb], Naoaki Okazaki [ctb], Lukas M. Weber [ctb]
Maintainer: Arkajyoti Saha <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0.6
Built: 2025-03-02 06:48:28 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Function for performing bootstrap with BRISC


The function BRISC_bootstrap performs bootstrap to provide confidence intervals for parameters of univariate spatial regression models using outputs of BRISC_estimation. The details of the bootstrap method can be found in BRISC (Saha & Datta, 2018). The optimization is performed with C library of limited-memory BFGS libLBFGS: a library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS), (Naoaki Okazaki). For user convenience the soure codes of the package libLBFGS are provided in the package. Some code blocks are borrowed from the R package: spNNGP: Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes .


BRISC_bootstrap(BRISC_Out, n_boot = 100, h = 1, n_omp = 1,
                init = "Initial", verbose = TRUE,
                nugget_status = 1)



an object of class BRISC_Out, obtained as an output of


number of bootstrap samples. Default value is 100.


number of core to be used in parallel computing setup for bootstrap samples. If h = 1, there is no parallelization. Default value is 1.


number of threads to be used, value can be more than 1 if source code is compiled with OpenMP support. Default is 1.


keyword that specifies initialization scheme to be used. Supported keywords are: "Initial" and "Estimate" for initialization of parameter values for bootstrap samples with initial values used in BRISC_estimate and estimated values of parameters in BRISC_estimate respectively.


if TRUE, model specifications along with information regarding OpenMP support and progress of the algorithm is printed to the screen. Otherwise, nothing is printed to the screen. Default value is TRUE.


if nugget_status = 0, tau.sq is fixed to 0, if nugget_status = 1 tau.sq is estimated. Default value is 1.


A list comprising of the following:


estimates of spatial covariance parameters corresponding to bootstrap samples.


estimates of beta corresponding to bootstrap samples.


confidence intervals corresponding to the parameters.


time (in seconds) required to perform the bootstrapping after preprocessing data in R, reported using proc.time().


Arkajyoti Saha [email protected],
Abhirup Datta [email protected]


Saha, A., & Datta, A. (2018). BRISC: bootstrap for rapid inference on spatial covariances. Stat, e184, DOI: 10.1002/sta4.184.

Okazaki N. libLBFGS: a library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS), .

Andrew Finley, Abhirup Datta and Sudipto Banerjee (2017). spNNGP: Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes. R package version 0.1.1.


rmvn <- function(n, mu = 0, V = matrix(1)){
  p <- length(mu)
    stop("Dimension not right!")
  D <- chol(V)
  t(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p)%*%D + rep(mu,rep(n,p)))

n <- 300
coords <- cbind(runif(n,0,1), runif(n,0,1))

beta <- c(1,5)
x <- cbind(rnorm(n), rnorm(n))

sigma.sq = 1
phi = 5
tau.sq = 0.1

B <- as.matrix(beta)
D <- as.matrix(dist(coords))
R <- exp(-phi*D)
w <- rmvn(1, rep(0,n), sigma.sq*R)

y <- rnorm(n, x%*%B + w, sqrt(tau.sq))

estimation_result <- BRISC_estimation(coords, y, x)
bootstrap_result <- BRISC_bootstrap(estimation_result, n_boot = 10)

Function for simulating correlated data with BRISC


The function BRISC_correlation creates correlated data (known structure) using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes (NNGP). BRISC_correlation uses the sparse Cholesky representation of Vecchia’s likelihood developed in Datta et al., 2016. Some code blocks are borrowed from the R package: spNNGP: Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes .


BRISC_correlation(coords, sim, sigma.sq = 1, tau.sq = 0, phi = 1,
                  nu = 1.5, n.neighbors = NULL, n_omp = 1,
                  cov.model = "exponential",
                  search.type = "tree", stabilization = NULL,
                  verbose = TRUE, tol = 12)



an n×2n \times 2 matrix of the observation coordinates in R2R^2 (e.g., easting and northing).


an n×kn \times k matrix of the kk many n×1n \times 1 vectors from which the correlated data are calculated (see Details below).


value of sigma square. Default value is 1.


value of tau square. Default value is 0.1.


value of phi. Default value is 1.


value of nu, only required for matern covariance model. Default value is 1.5.


number of neighbors used in the NNGP. Default value is max(100,n1)max(100, n -1). We suggest a high value of n.neighbors for lower value of phi.


number of threads to be used, value can be more than 1 if source code is compiled with OpenMP support. Default is 1.


keyword that specifies the covariance function to be used in modelling the spatial dependence structure among the observations. Supported keywords are: "exponential", "matern", "spherical", and "gaussian" for exponential, Matern, spherical and Gaussian covariance function respectively. Default value is "exponential".


keyword that specifies type of nearest neighbor search algorithm to be used. Supported keywords are: "brute", "tree" and "cb".
"brute" and "tree" provide the same result, though "tree" should be faster. "cb" implements fast code book search described in Ra and Kim (1993) modified for NNGP. If locations do not have identical coordinate values on the axis used for the nearest neighbor determination, then "cb" and "brute" should produce identical neighbor sets. However, if there are identical coordinate values on the axis used for nearest neighbor determination, then "cb" and "brute" might produce different, but equally valid neighbor sets, e.g., if data are on a grid. Default value is "tree".


when we use a very smooth covarince model (lower values of phi for spherical and Gaussian covariance and low phi and high nu for Matern covarinace) in absence of a non-negligble nugget, the correlation process may fail due to computational instability. If stabilization = TRUE, performs stabilization by setting tau.sq = maxtau .sq,sigma.sq1e06max{\code{tau .sq}, \code{sigma.sq} * 1e-06}. Default value is TRUE for cov.model = "expoenential" and FALSE otherwise.


if TRUE, model specifications along with information regarding OpenMP support and progress of the algorithm is printed to the screen. Otherwise, nothing is printed to the screen. Default value is TRUE.


the input observation coordinates are rounded to this many places after the decimal. The default value is 12.


Denote gg be the input sim. Let Σ\Sigma be the precision matrix associated with the covariance model determined by the cov.modelcov.model and model parameters. Then BRISC_correlation calculates hh, where hh is given as follows:

S0.5h=gS ^{-0.5} h = g

where, S0.5S ^{-0.5} is a sparse approximation of the cholesky factor Σ0.5\Sigma ^{-0.5} of the precision matrix Σ1\Sigma ^{-1}, obtained from NNGP.


A list comprising of the following:


the matrix coords.


the used value of n.neighbors.


the used covariance model.


parameters of covarinace model; accounts for stabilization.

the matrix sim.

the output matrix hh in Details.


time (in seconds) required after preprocessing data in R,
reported using, proc.time().


Arkajyoti Saha [email protected],
Abhirup Datta [email protected]


Datta, A., S. Banerjee, A.O. Finley, and A.E. Gelfand. (2016) Hierarchical Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian process models for large geostatistical datasets. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111:800-812.

Andrew Finley, Abhirup Datta and Sudipto Banerjee (2017). spNNGP: Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes. R package version 0.1.1.


n <- 1000
coords <- cbind(runif(n,0,1), runif(n,0,1))

sigma.sq = 1
phi = 1

sim <- matrix(rnorm(3*n),n, 3)
correlation_result <- BRISC_correlation(coords, sigma.sq = sigma.sq,
                                        phi = phi, sim = sim)

Function for decorrelating data with BRISC


The function BRISC_decorrelation is used to decorrelate data (known structure) using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes (NNGP). BRISC_decorrelation uses the sparse Cholesky representation of Vecchia’s likelihood developed in Datta et al., 2016. Some code blocks are borrowed from the R package: spNNGP: Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes .


BRISC_decorrelation(coords, sim, sigma.sq = 1, tau.sq = 0,
                    phi = 1, nu = 1.5, n.neighbors = NULL,
                    n_omp = 1, cov.model = "exponential",
                    search.type = "tree",
                    stabilization = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
                    tol = 12)



an n×2n \times 2 matrix of the observation coordinates in R2R^2 (e.g., easting and northing).


an n×kn \times k matrix of the kk many n×1n \times 1 vectors from which the decorrelated data are calculated (see Details below).


value of sigma square. Default value is 1.


value of tau square. Default value is 0.1.


value of phi. Default value is 1.


value of nu, only required for Matern covariance model. Default value is 1.5.


number of neighbors used in the NNGP. Default value is max(100,n1)max(100, n -1). We suggest a high value of n.neighbors for lower value of phi.


number of threads to be used, value can be more than 1 if source code is compiled with OpenMP support. Default is 1.


keyword that specifies the covariance function to be used in modelling the spatial dependence structure among the observations. Supported keywords are: "exponential", "matern", "spherical", and "gaussian" for exponential, Matern, spherical and Gaussian covariance function respectively. Default value is "exponential".


keyword that specifies type of nearest neighbor search algorithm to be used. Supported keywords are: "brute", "tree" and "cb".
"brute" and "tree" provide the same result, though "tree" should be faster. "cb" implements fast code book search described in Ra and Kim (1993) modified for NNGP. If locations do not have identical coordinate values on the axis used for the nearest neighbor determination, then "cb" and "brute" should produce identical neighbor sets. However, if there are identical coordinate values on the axis used for nearest neighbor determination, then "cb" and "brute" might produce different, but equally valid neighbor sets, e.g., if data are on a grid. Default value is "tree".


when the correlated data are generated from a very smooth covarince model (lower values of phi for spherical and Gaussian covariance and low phi and high nu for Matern covarinace), the decorrelation process may fail due to computational instability. If stabilization = TRUE, performs stabilization by adding a white noise to the data with nugget tau.sq = sigma.sq * 1e-06. Default value is TRUE for cov.model = "expoenential" and FALSE otherwise.


if TRUE, model specifications along with information regarding OpenMP support and progress of the algorithm is printed to the screen. Otherwise, nothing is printed to the screen. Default value is TRUE.


the input observation coordinates are rounded to this many places after the decimal. The default value is 12.


Denote hh be the input sim. Let Σ\Sigma be the covariance matrix associated with the covariance model determined by the cov.modelcov.model and model parameters. Then BRISC_decorrelation calculates gg, where gg is given as follows:

S0.5h=gS ^{-0.5} h = g

where, S0.5S ^{-0.5} is a sparse approximation of the cholesky factor Σ0.5\Sigma ^{-0.5} of the precision matrix Σ1\Sigma ^{-1}, obtained from NNGP.


A list comprising of the following:


the matrix coords.


the used value of n.neighbors.


the used covariance model.


parameters of covarinace model; accounts for stabilization.

if stabilization = FALSE, return the matrix sim. If stabilization = TRUE, returns sim + used white noise in stabilization process.

the output matrix gg in Details.


time (in seconds) required after preprocessing data in R,
reported using, proc.time().


Arkajyoti Saha [email protected],
Abhirup Datta [email protected]


Datta, A., S. Banerjee, A.O. Finley, and A.E. Gelfand. (2016) Hierarchical Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian process models for large geostatistical datasets. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111:800-812.

Andrew Finley, Abhirup Datta and Sudipto Banerjee (2017). spNNGP: Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes. R package version 0.1.1.


rmvn <- function(n, mu = 0, V = matrix(1)){
  p <- length(mu)
    stop("Dimension not right!")
  D <- chol(V)
  t(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p)%*%D + rep(mu,rep(n,p)))

n <- 1000
coords <- cbind(runif(n,0,1), runif(n,0,1))

sigma.sq = 1
phi = 1

D <- as.matrix(dist(coords))
R <- exp(-phi*D)
sim <- rmvn(3, rep(0,n), sigma.sq*R)
decorrelation_result <- BRISC_decorrelation(coords, sim = sim)

Function for estimation with BRISC


The function BRISC_estimation fits univariate spatial regression models for large spatial data using Vecchia's approximate likelihood (Vecchia, 1988). BRISC_estimation uses the sparse Cholesky representation of Vecchia’s likelihood developed in Datta et al., 2016. The Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE) of the parameters are used later for calculating the confidence interval via the BRISC_bootstrap (BRISC, Saha & Datta, 2018).
We recommend using BRISC_estimation followed by BRISC_bootstrap to obtain the confidence intervals for the model parameters.

The optimization is performed with C library of limited-memory BFGS libLBFGS: a library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS), (Naoaki Okazaki). For user convenience the source codes of the package libLBFGS are provided in the package. The code for the coordinate ordering method, approximate Maximum Minimum Distance (Guinness, 2018) is available in and is adopted with minor modification. Some code blocks are borrowed from the R package: spNNGP: Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes .


BRISC_estimation(coords, y, x = NULL, sigma.sq = 1,
                 tau.sq = 0.1, phi = 1,
                 nu = 1.5, n.neighbors = 15,
                 n_omp = 1, order = "Sum_coords",
                 cov.model = "exponential",
                 search.type = "tree",
                 stabilization = NULL,
                 pred.stabilization = 1e-8,
                 verbose = TRUE, eps = 2e-05,
                 nugget_status = 1, ordering = NULL,
                 neighbor = NULL, tol = 12)



an n×2n \times 2 matrix of the observation coordinates in R2R^2 (e.g., easting and northing).


an nn length vector of response at the observed coordinates.


an n×pn \times p matrix of the covariates in the observation coordinates. Default value is n×1n \times 1 matrix of 11 to adjust for the mean(intercept).


starting value of sigma square. Default value is 1.


starting value of tau square. Default value is 0.1.


starting value of phi. Default value is 1.


starting value of nu, only required for matern covariance model. Default value is 1.5.


number of neighbors used in the NNGP. Default value is 15.


number of threads to be used, value can be more than 1 if source code is compiled with OpenMP support. Default is 1.


keyword that specifies the ordering scheme to be used in ordering the observations. Supported keywords are: "AMMD" and "Sum_coords" for approximate Maximum Minimum Distance and sum of coordinate based ordering, respectively. Default value is "Sum_coords". n>65n > 65 is required for "AMMD". Ignored, if "ordering" in not NULL.


keyword that specifies the covariance function to be used in modelling the spatial dependence structure among the observations. Supported keywords are: "exponential", "matern", "spherical", and "gaussian" for exponential, Matern, spherical and Gaussian covariance function respectively. Default value is "exponential".


keyword that specifies type of nearest neighbor search algorithm to be used. Supported keywords are: "brute", "tree" and "cb".
"brute" and "tree" provide the same result, though "tree" should be faster. "cb" implements fast code book search described in Ra and Kim (1993) modified for NNGP. If locations do not have identical coordinate values on the axis used for the nearest neighbor ordering (see order argument) then "cb" and "brute" should produce identical neighbor sets. However, if there are identical coordinate values on the axis used for nearest neighbor ordering, then "cb" and "brute" might produce different, but equally valid, neighbor sets, e.g., if data are on a grid. Default value is "tree". Ignored, if "neighbor" in not NULL.


when the spatial errors are generated from a very smooth covarince model (lower values of phi for spherical and Gaussian covariance and low phi and high nu for Matern covarinace), the estimation process may fail due to computational instability. If stabilization = TRUE, performs stabilization by adding a white noise to the reordered data with nugget tau.sq = sigma.sq * 1e-06. Estimation is performed on this new data with nugget_status = 1 (see nugget_status argument below). Default value is TRUE for cov.model = "expoenential" and FALSE otherwise.


if not NULL, will truncate the estimated tau square to pred.stabilization * estimated sigma square. This provides additional stability in
BRISC_prediction. Default value is 1e81e-8.


if TRUE, model specifications along with information regarding OpenMP support and progress of the algorithm is printed to the screen. Otherwise, nothing is printed to the screen. Default value is TRUE.


tolerance to be used in centred finite difference approximation of derivatives. Default value is 2e-05.


if nugget_status = 0, tau.sq is fixed to 0, if nugget_status = 1 tau.sq is estimated. Default value is 1.


if NULL, the observed locations will be ordered following the scheme in "order". If not NULL, the ordering step is bypassed and the input must denote the nn length integer vector of ordering of the input coordinates that is to be used as the ordering of the coordinates for determination of the set of nearest neighbors. Output from BRISC_order can be used here.


if NULL, neighbor set and corresponding information are created using the search type specified in "search.type". If not NULL, the step of searching the neighbors is bypassed and the input must be an output from BRISC_neighbor with identical input in "order", "ordering" and "search.type".


the input observation coordinates, response and the covariates are rounded to this many places after the decimal. The default value is 12.


An object of class BRISC_Out, which is a list comprising:


the vector of indices used to order data necessary for fitting the NNGP model.


the matrix coords[ord,].


If stabilization = FALSE, returns the vector y[ord].
If stabilization = TRUE, returns y[ord] + used white noise in stabilization process.


the matrix x[ord,,drop=FALSE].


the used value of n.neighbors.


the used covariance model.


value of used eps for approximate derivation. Default value is 2e-05.


initial values of the parameters of the covariance model;
accounts for stabilization.


estimate of beta.


estimate of parameters of covarinace model.


value of Vecchia’s approximate log likelihood with parameter estimates.


time (in seconds) required to perform the model fitting after ordering and preprocessing data in R, reported using proc.time().


object required for bootstrap and prediction.


Arkajyoti Saha [email protected],
Abhirup Datta [email protected]


Saha, A., & Datta, A. (2018). BRISC: bootstrap for rapid inference on spatial covariances. Stat, e184, DOI: 10.1002/sta4.184.

Datta, A., S. Banerjee, A.O. Finley, and A.E. Gelfand. (2016) Hierarchical Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian process models for large geostatistical datasets. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111:800-812.

Guinness, J. (2018) Permutation and Grouping Methods for Sharpening Gaussian Process Approximations, Technometrics, DOI: 10.1080/00401706.2018.1437476, .

Vecchia, A. V. (1988) Estimation and model identification for continuous spatial processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 297-312.

Okazaki N. libLBFGS: a library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS), .

Andrew Finley, Abhirup Datta and Sudipto Banerjee (2020). spNNGP: Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes. R package version 0.1.4.

Ra, S. W., & Kim, J. K. (1993). A fast mean-distance-ordered partial codebook search algorithm for image vector quantization. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 40(9), 576-579.


rmvn <- function(n, mu = 0, V = matrix(1)){
  p <- length(mu)
    stop("Dimension not right!")
  D <- chol(V)
  t(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p)%*%D + rep(mu,rep(n,p)))

n <- 1000
coords <- cbind(runif(n,0,1), runif(n,0,1))

beta <- c(1,5)
x <- cbind(rnorm(n), rnorm(n))

sigma.sq = 1
phi = 1
tau.sq = 0.1

B <- as.matrix(beta)
D <- as.matrix(dist(coords))
R <- exp(-phi*D)
w <- rmvn(1, rep(0,n), sigma.sq*R)

y <- rnorm(n, x%*%B + w, sqrt(tau.sq))

estimation_result <- BRISC_estimation(coords, y, x)
estimation_result$Theta ##Estimates of covariance model parameters.
estimation_result$Beta ##Estimates of Beta

Function for finding set of nearest neighbors for BRISC


The function BRISC_neighbor creates the set of nearest neighbors for a given set of coordinates, which can be used as an input for "neighbor" argument in BRISC_estimation. This is especially useful for avoiding often computationally intensive nearest neighbor finding scheme in case of multiple application of BRISC_estimation on a fixed set of coordinates.


BRISC_neighbor(coords, n.neighbors = 15, n_omp = 1,
               order = "Sum_coords", search.type = "tree",
               verbose = TRUE, ordering = NULL, tol = 12



an n×2n \times 2 matrix of the observation coordinates in R2R^2 (e.g., easting and northing).


number of neighbors used in the NNGP. Default value is 15.


number of threads to be used, value can be more than 1 if source code is compiled with OpenMP support. Default is 1.


keyword that specifies the ordering scheme to be used in ordering the observations. Supported keywords are: "AMMD" and "Sum_coords" for approximate Maximum Minimum Distance and sum of coordinate based ordering, respectively. Default value is "Sum_coords". n>65n > 65 is required for "AMMD". Ignored, if ordering in not NULL.


keyword that specifies type of nearest neighbor search algorithm to be used. Supported keywords are: "brute", "tree" and "cb".
"brute" and "tree" provide the same result, though "tree" should be faster. "cb" implements fast code book search described in Ra and Kim (1993) modified for NNGP. If locations do not have identical coordinate values on the axis used for the nearest neighbor ordering (see order argument) then "cb" and "brute" should produce identical neighbor sets. However, if there are identical coordinate values on the axis used for nearest neighbor ordering, then "cb" and "brute" might produce different, but equally valid, neighbor sets, e.g., if data are on a grid. Default value is "tree".


if TRUE, information regarding OpenMP support and progress of the algorithm is printed to the screen. Otherwise, nothing is printed to the screen. Default value is TRUE.


if not NULL, denotes the nn length integer vector of ordering of the input coordinates and is used as the ordering of the coordinates for determination of the set of nearest neighbors.


the input observation coordinates, response and the covariates are rounded to this many places after the decimal. The default value is 12.


A list containing information regarding nearest neighbors which can be used as an input for "neighbor" argument in BRISC_estimation.


Arkajyoti Saha [email protected],
Abhirup Datta [email protected]


Saha, A., & Datta, A. (2018). BRISC: bootstrap for rapid inference on spatial covariances. Stat, e184, DOI: 10.1002/sta4.184.

Datta, A., S. Banerjee, A.O. Finley, and A.E. Gelfand. (2016) Hierarchical Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian process models for large geostatistical datasets. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111:800-812.

Guinness, J. (2018) Permutation and Grouping Methods for Sharpening Gaussian Process Approximations, Technometrics, DOI: 10.1080/00401706.2018.1437476, .


n <- 1000
coords <- cbind(runif(n,0,1), runif(n,0,1))

neighbor_result <- BRISC_neighbor(coords)

Function for ordering coordinates with BRISC


The function BRISC_order outputs the ordering for a set of coordinates, which can be used as an input for "ordering" argument in BRISC_estimation. This is especially useful for avoiding often computationally intensive location ordering scheme in case of multiple application of BRISC_estimation on a fixed set of coordinates.


BRISC_order(coords, order = "Sum_coords", verbose = TRUE)



an n×2n \times 2 matrix of the observation coordinates in R2R^2 (e.g., easting and northing).


keyword that specifies the ordering scheme to be used in ordering the observations. Supported keywords are: "AMMD" and "Sum_coords" for approximate Maximum Minimum Distance and sum of coordinate based ordering, respectively. Default value is "Sum_coords". n>65n > 65 is required for "AMMD".


if TRUE, progress of the algorithm is printed to the screen. Otherwise, nothing is printed to the screen. Default value is TRUE.


An integer vector of ordering of the input coordinates which can be used as an input for "ordering" argument in BRISC_estimation.


Arkajyoti Saha [email protected],
Abhirup Datta [email protected]


Saha, A., & Datta, A. (2018). BRISC: bootstrap for rapid inference on spatial covariances. Stat, e184, DOI: 10.1002/sta4.184.

Datta, A., S. Banerjee, A.O. Finley, and A.E. Gelfand. (2016) Hierarchical Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian process models for large geostatistical datasets. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111:800-812.

Guinness, J. (2018) Permutation and Grouping Methods for Sharpening Gaussian Process Approximations, Technometrics, DOI: 10.1080/00401706.2018.1437476, .


n <- 1000
coords <- cbind(runif(n,0,1), runif(n,0,1))

ordering_result <- BRISC_order(coords)

Function for performing prediction with BRISC


The function BRISC_prediction performs fast prediction on a set of new locations with univariate spatial regression models using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes (NNGP) (Datta et al., 2016). BRISC_prediction uses the parameter estimates from BRISC_estimation for the prediction. Some code blocks are borrowed from the R package: spNNGP: Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes .


BRISC_prediction(BRISC_Out, coords.0, X.0 = NULL, n_omp = 1,
                 verbose = TRUE, tol = 12)



an object of class BRISC_Out, obtained as an output of


the spatial coordinates corresponding to prediction locations. Its structure should be same as that of coords in BRISC_estimation. Default value is a column of 11 to adjust for the mean (intercept).


the covariates for prediction locations. Its Structure should be identical (including intercept) with that of covariates provided for estimation purpose in BRISC_estimation.


number of threads to be used, value can be more than 1 if source code is compiled with OpenMP support. Default is 1.


if TRUE, model specifications along with information regarding OpenMP support and progress of the algorithm is printed to the screen. Otherwise, nothing is printed to the screen. Default value is TRUE.


the coordinates and the covariates corresponding to the prediction locations are rounded to this many places after the decimal. The default value is 12.


A list comprising of the following:


predicted response corresponding to X.0 and coords.0.

confidence intervals corresponding to the predictions.


time (in seconds) required to perform the prediction after preprocessing data in R, reported using proc.time().


Arkajyoti Saha [email protected],
Abhirup Datta [email protected]


Datta, A., S. Banerjee, A.O. Finley, and A.E. Gelfand. (2016) Hierarchical Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian process models for large geostatistical datasets. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111:800-812.

Andrew Finley, Abhirup Datta and Sudipto Banerjee (2017). spNNGP: Spatial Regression Models for Large Datasets using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes. R package version 0.1.1.


rmvn <- function(n, mu = 0, V = matrix(1)){
  p <- length(mu)
    stop("Dimension not right!")
  D <- chol(V)
  t(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p)%*%D + rep(mu,rep(n,p)))

n <- 500
coords <- cbind(runif(n,0,1), runif(n,0,1))

beta <- c(1,5)
x <- cbind(rnorm(n), rnorm(n))

sigma.sq = 1
phi = 1
tau.sq = 0.1

B <- as.matrix(beta)
D <- as.matrix(dist(coords))
R <- exp(-phi*D)
w <- rmvn(1, rep(0,n), sigma.sq*R)

y <- rnorm(n, x%*%B + w, sqrt(tau.sq))

estimation_result <- BRISC_estimation(coords[1:400,], y[1:400], x[1:400,])
prediction_result <- BRISC_prediction(estimation_result,
                                      coords[401:500,], x[401:500,])

Function to simulate data with BRISC


The function BRISC_simulation simulates correlated data (known structure) using Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Processes (NNGP). BRISC_simulation uses the sparse Cholesky representation of Vecchia’s likelihood developed in Datta et al., 2016. BRISC_simulation uses BRISC_correlation for this purpose.


BRISC_simulation(coords, sim_number = 1,
                 seeds =  NULL, sigma.sq = 1,
                 tau.sq = 0, phi = 1, nu = 1.5,
                 n.neighbors = NULL, n_omp = 1,
                 cov.model = "exponential",
                 search.type = "tree",
                 stabilization = NULL,
                 verbose = TRUE, tol = 12)



an n×2n \times 2 matrix of the observation coordinates in R2R^2 (e.g., easting and northing).


number of simulations. Default value is 1.


seeds which are used in generation of the initial independent data. Default value is NULL. If non-null, the number of seeds must be equal to sim_number.


value of sigma square. Default value is 1.


value of tau square. Default value is 0.1.


value of phi. Default value is 1.


starting value of nu, only required for matern covariance model. Default value is 1.5.


number of neighbors used in the NNGP. Default value is 15.


number of threads to be used, value can be more than 1 if source code is compiled with OpenMP support. Default is 1.


keyword that specifies the covariance function to be used in modelling the spatial dependence structure among the observations. Supported keywords are: "exponential", "matern", "spherical", and "gaussian" for exponential, Matern, spherical and Gaussian covariance function respectively. Default value is "exponential".


keyword that specifies type of nearest neighbor search algorithm to be used. Supported keywords are: "brute", "tree" and "cb".
"brute" and "tree" provide the same result, though "tree" should be faster. "cb" implements fast code book search described in Ra and Kim (1993) modified for NNGP. If locations do not have identical coordinate values on the axis used for the nearest neighbor ordering (see order argument) then "cb" and "brute" should produce identical neighbor sets. However, if there are identical coordinate values on the axis used for nearest neighbor ordering, then "cb" and "brute" might produce different, but equally valid, neighbor sets, e.g., if data are on a grid. Default value is "tree".


when we use a very smooth covarince model (lower values of phi for spherical and Gaussian covariance and low phi and high nu for Matern covarinace) in absence of a non-negligble nugget, the correlation process may fail due to computational instability. If stabilization = TRUE, performs stabilization by setting tau.sq = maxtau .sq,sigma.sq1e06max{\code{tau .sq}, \code{sigma.sq} * 1e-06}. Default value is TRUE for cov.model = "expoenential" and FALSE otherwise.


if TRUE, model specifications along with information regarding OpenMP support and progress of the algorithm is printed to the screen. Otherwise, nothing is printed to the screen. Default value is TRUE.


the input observation coordinates are rounded to this many places after the decimal. The default value is 12.


A list comprising of the following:


the matrix coords.


the used value of n.neighbors.


the used covariance model.


parameters of covarinace model; accounts for stabilization.

the n×simnumbern \times sim_number matrix of generated independent data. Here ithi^{th} column denotes the data corresponding to the ithi^{th} simulation.

the n×simnumbern \times sim_number matrix of generated correlated data. Here ithi^{th} column denotes the data corresponding to the ithi^{th} simulation.


time (in seconds) required after preprocessing data in R,
reported using, proc.time().


Arkajyoti Saha [email protected],
Abhirup Datta [email protected]


n <- 1000
coords <- cbind(runif(n,0,1), runif(n,0,1))

sigma.sq = 1
phi = 1

simulation_result <- BRISC_simulation(coords, sim_number = 3)

Function for plotting estimated Variogram and confidence region


The function plots estimated Variogram and associated confience region. uses the parameter estimates from BRISC_estimation and associated confidence interval from BRISC_bootstrap.

Usage, confidence_est,
                   plot.variogram = FALSE)



an object of class BRISC_Out, obtained as an output of


bootstrp sample of the Theta parameters, obtained from BRISC_bootstrap.


if TRUE, plots the variogram and the associated confidence region. Default is FALSE.


A list comprising of the following:


variogram and associated confidence region corresponding to lag ranging from 0 to 20, evaluated at 0.01 frequency.


plots the Variogram and associated confidence region with legends.


Arkajyoti Saha [email protected],
Abhirup Datta [email protected]


rmvn <- function(n, mu = 0, V = matrix(1)){
  p <- length(mu)
    stop("Dimension not right!")
  D <- chol(V)
  t(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p)%*%D + rep(mu,rep(n,p)))

n <- 300
coords <- cbind(runif(n,0,1), runif(n,0,1))

beta <- c(1,5)
x <- cbind(rnorm(n), rnorm(n))

sigma.sq = 1
phi = 5
tau.sq = 0.1

B <- as.matrix(beta)
D <- as.matrix(dist(coords))
R <- exp(-phi*D)
w <- rmvn(1, rep(0,n), sigma.sq*R)

y <- rnorm(n, x%*%B + w, sqrt(tau.sq))

estimation_result <- BRISC_estimation(coords, y, x)
bootstrap_result <- BRISC_bootstrap(estimation_result, n_boot = 10)
varg <-,
                           plot.variogram = TRUE)