The BOJ package provides an R interface to Bank of Japan statistics, specifically the flat files available on the BOJ Time-Series Data portal.

Import data

To import data, first load the package:


Next, run the get_boj_datasets() function to obtain a list of available data sets:

datasets <- get_boj_datasets()
## # A tibble: 16 × 3
##    desc                                                              name  url  
##    <chr>                                                             <chr> <chr>
##  1 "Corporate Goods Price Index (CGPI)"                              cgpi… http…
##  2 "Producer Price Index using chain-weighted index formula"         cgpi… http…
##  3 "Services Producer Price Index (SPPI)"                            sppi… http…
##  4 "Wholesale Services Price Index, and Research and development Se… sppi… http…
##  5 "Flow of Funds"                                                   fof   http…
##  6 "Flow of Funds (with name of time-series, etc.)"                  fof2… http…
##  7 "TANKAN"                                                          co    http…
##  8 "TANKAN (Fixed Investment and Software Investment)(Compiled unde… cole… http…
##  9 "Balance of Payments "                                            bp_m… http…
## 10 "Regional Balance of Payments (quarterly)"                        regb… http…
## 11 "International Investment Position (Quarterly Data) & Gross Exte… qiip… http…
## 12 "International Investment Position (Calendar Year Data)"          iip_… http…
## 13 "BIS International Locational Banking Statistics in Japan (Claim… bis1… http…
## 14 "BIS International Locational Banking Statistics in Japan (Liabi… bis1… http…
## 15 "BIS International Consolidated Banking Statistics in Japan (Imm… bis2… http…
## 16 "BIS International Consolidated Banking Statistics in Japan (Ult… bis2… http…

The function returns a tibble data frame listing the available data sets. The column url can be used as input for the function get_boj() which downloads, parses and imports the corresponding data.

To import monthly-frequency data on Japan’s Services Producer Price Index, run:

sppi <- get_boj(datasets$url[(datasets$name == "sppi_m_en")])
## # A tibble: 29,241 × 5
##    code              desc                                  struc date  obs_value
##    <chr>             <chr>                                 <chr> <chr>     <dbl>
##  1 PRCS20_5200000000 Services Producer Price Index (2020 … [Bas… 2020…     101. 
##  2 PRCS20_5200000000 Services Producer Price Index (2020 … [Bas… 2020…     101. 
##  3 PRCS20_5200000000 Services Producer Price Index (2020 … [Bas… 2020…     101. 
##  4 PRCS20_5200000000 Services Producer Price Index (2020 … [Bas… 2020…      99.4
##  5 PRCS20_5200000000 Services Producer Price Index (2020 … [Bas… 2020…      98.8
##  6 PRCS20_5200000000 Services Producer Price Index (2020 … [Bas… 2020…      99.3
##  7 PRCS20_5200000000 Services Producer Price Index (2020 … [Bas… 2020…      99.7
##  8 PRCS20_5200000000 Services Producer Price Index (2020 … [Bas… 2020…      99.7
##  9 PRCS20_5200000000 Services Producer Price Index (2020 … [Bas… 2020…      99.9
## 10 PRCS20_5200000000 Services Producer Price Index (2020 … [Bas… 2020…     100. 
## # ℹ 29,231 more rows

To plot the data using ggplot2, run the following:


sppi_plot <- subset(sppi, code %in% c("PRCS15_5200000000", "PRCS15_5200010001",
                                      "PRCS15_5200010002", "PRCS15_5200010003",
                                      "PRCS15_5200010004", "PRCS15_5200010005",
                                      "PRCS15_5200010006", "PRCS15_5200010007"))
sppi_plot <- mutate(sppi_plot, date = as.Date(as.yearmon(date, format = "%Y%m")))
sppi_plot <- mutate(sppi_plot, struc = gsub("^Major group/ ", "", struc))
sppi_plot <- subset(sppi_plot, !

ggplot(sppi_plot, aes(x = date, y = obs_value)) +
  geom_line(aes(colour = struc)) +
  labs(x = "Date", y = "Services Producer Price Index (2015 base)") +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank())

Note that BOJ data sets come with a number of different time formats. The zoo package (e.g. as.yearmon()) should be able to parse most formats.


This package is in no way officially related to or endorsed by the Bank of Japan. It was inspired by the BIS R package. Please don’t abuse the BOJ’s servers with unnecessary calls.