Title: | Bayesian Hierarchical Multi-Subject Multiscale Analysis of Functional MRI (fMRI) Data |
Description: | Package BHMSMAfMRI performs Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of fMRI data as described in Sanyal & Ferreira (2012) <DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.08.041>, or other multiscale data, using wavelet-based prior that borrows strength across subjects and provides posterior smoothed images of the effect sizes and samples from the posterior distribution. |
Authors: | Nilotpal Sanyal [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 2.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-08 06:41:24 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
The BHMSMAfMRI package performs BHMSMA (Sanyal & Ferreira, 2012) of fMRI data, or other multiscale data, using wavelet based prior that borrows strength across subjects and provides posterior smoothed images of the effect sizes and samples from the posterior distribution. The package currently considers analysis of 2D slices/grids only.
Package: | BHMSMAfMRI |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.2 |
Date: | 2022-10-01 |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Import fMRI data using: readfmridata
The main analysis function, which provides subject-specific posterior estimates, is: BHMSMA
The main function sucessively calls the following functions: glmcoef
(get regression coefficients) waveletcoef
(get wavelet coefficients) hyperparamest
(estimate model hyperparameters) postmixprob
(estimate posterior mixture probabilities of wavelet coefficients) postwaveletcoef
(compute posterior estimates of wavelet coefficients) postglmcoef
(compute posterior estimates of regression coefficients)
For posterior group estimates of regression coefficients use: postgroupglmcoef
For posterior uncertainty estimates use: postsamples
Internal sample data: fmridata
Miscellaneous: substituteWaveletCoef
Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>, Marco Ferreira <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
Sanyal, Nilotpal, and Ferreira, Marco A.R. (2012). Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. Neuroimage, 63, 3, 1519-1531.
is the main function that performs BHMSMA (Sanyal & Ferreira, 2012) of fMRI data, or other multiscale data, using wavelet-based prior that borrows strength across subjects and provides posterior smooth estimates of the effect sizes. Specifically, BHMSMA
constructs a 2D regression coefficient map (e.g., corresponding to a single brain slice) of a given regressor and returns its posterior smoothed version based on multi-subject or single subject analyses.
BHMSMA(n, grid, data, designmat, k, analysis="multi", truecoef=NULL, wave.family="DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6, bc="periodic")
BHMSMA(n, grid, data, designmat, k, analysis="multi", truecoef=NULL, wave.family="DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6, bc="periodic")
n |
Number of subjects. |
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
data |
The data in the form of an array with dimension |
designmat |
The design matrix used to generate the data. The rows must correspond to |
k |
Index of the regressor chosen for analysis, consistently with |
analysis |
"MSA" or "SSA", depending on whether performing multi-subject analysis or single subject analysis. |
truecoef |
If available, the true GLM coefficients in the form of an array with dimension |
wave.family |
The family of wavelets to use - "DaubExPhase" or "DaubLeAsymm". Default is "DaubLeAsymm". |
filter.number |
The number of vanishing moments of the wavelet. Default is 6. |
bc |
The boundary condition to use - "periodic" or "symmetric". Default is "periodic". |
The wavelet computations are performed by using the R package wavethresh.
A list containing the following.
GLMCoefStandardized |
An array of dimension |
An array of dimension |
WaveletCoefficientMatrix |
A matrix of dimension |
hyperparam |
A vector containing the estimates of the six hyperparameters. |
hyperparamVar |
Estimated covariance matrix of the hyperparameters. |
posteriorMixProb |
A matrix of dimension |
PostMeanWaveletCoef |
A matrix of size |
GLMcoefposterior |
An array of dimension |
MSE of the posterior estimates of the GLM coefficients, if the true values of the GLM coefficients are available. |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
Sanyal, Nilotpal, and Ferreira, Marco A.R. (2012). Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. Neuroimage, 63, 3, 1519-1531.
, glmcoef
, waveletcoef
, hyperparamest
, postmixprob
, postwaveletcoef
, substituteWaveletCoef
, postglmcoef
, imwd
, imwr
# BHMSMA multi-subject analysis for simulated (fMRI) # data at 4 timepoints over an 8x8 grid (of a brain # slice) for 3 subjects set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 ntime <- 4 data <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime), dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime)) designmat <- cbind(c(1,1,1,1),c(1,0,1,0)) k <- 2 analysis <- "multi" BHMSMAmulti <- BHMSMA(n, grid, data, designmat, k, analysis) zlim = c(0,max(abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMCoefStandardized))) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) image( abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMCoefStandardized[1,,,k]), col=heat.colors(12),zlim=zlim,main="GLM coef map") image( abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMcoefposterior[1,,]), col=heat.colors(12),zlim=zlim,main="GLM coef posterior map") ## Not run: # BHMSMA multi-subject analysis for simulated (fMRI) # data at 100 timepoints over an 64x64 grid (of a # brain slice) for 15 subjects # (takes ~12s in a 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 processor) set.seed(1) n <- 15 grid <- 64 ntime <- 100 data <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime), dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime)) designmat <- cbind(rep(1,ntime),runif(ntime)) k <- 2 analysis <- "multi" system.time({BHMSMAmulti <- BHMSMA(n,grid,data, designmat,k,analysis)}) ## End(Not run)
# BHMSMA multi-subject analysis for simulated (fMRI) # data at 4 timepoints over an 8x8 grid (of a brain # slice) for 3 subjects set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 ntime <- 4 data <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime), dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime)) designmat <- cbind(c(1,1,1,1),c(1,0,1,0)) k <- 2 analysis <- "multi" BHMSMAmulti <- BHMSMA(n, grid, data, designmat, k, analysis) zlim = c(0,max(abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMCoefStandardized))) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) image( abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMCoefStandardized[1,,,k]), col=heat.colors(12),zlim=zlim,main="GLM coef map") image( abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMcoefposterior[1,,]), col=heat.colors(12),zlim=zlim,main="GLM coef posterior map") ## Not run: # BHMSMA multi-subject analysis for simulated (fMRI) # data at 100 timepoints over an 64x64 grid (of a # brain slice) for 15 subjects # (takes ~12s in a 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 processor) set.seed(1) n <- 15 grid <- 64 ntime <- 100 data <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime), dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime)) designmat <- cbind(rep(1,ntime),runif(ntime)) k <- 2 analysis <- "multi" system.time({BHMSMAmulti <- BHMSMA(n,grid,data, designmat,k,analysis)}) ## End(Not run)
A simulated fMRI data containing true regression coefficients images for three subjects and design matrix
A list containing the following.
=32. The image dimension is 32 by 32.
An array of dimension (3,32,32), containing the true regression coefficients for the 3 subjects.
A matrix with 9 columns and 2 rows. The first column is a column of ones.
This dataset contains only the true coefficients. The noisy fMRI data, which are generated by adding Gaussian random noise to these true coefficients, are included in the extdata directory within the package directory. The function readfmridata can be used to read those data files. The true coefficients and the noisy data both are generated using the R package neuRosim. The following specifications were used to generate the data: totaltime=18, onsets=seq(1,18,by=8), durations=1, TR=2, effectsize=1, hrf="double-gamma", regions=3, radius=c(1,1,1), form="sphere", fading=1, SNR=1.5, noise="white". The centers of the activation regions were chosen manually. For information regarding the specifications, see neuRosim help.
fits a GLM to the fMRI time-series of all voxels within a single 2D brain slice for each subject, and returns standardized GLM coefficients along with their standard error for the included regressors (it does not add any intercept by itself).
glmcoef(n, grid, data, designmat)
glmcoef(n, grid, data, designmat)
n |
Number of subjects. |
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or, one column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
data |
The data in the form of an array with dimension |
designmat |
The design matrix used to generate the data. An intercept column should be included unless not desired. |
A list containing the following.
GLMCoefStandardized |
An array of dimension |
An array of dimension |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
Friston, K.J., Holmes, A.P., Worsley, K.J., Poline, J., Frith, C.D., Frackowiak, R.S.J., 1994. Statistical parametric maps in functional imaging: a general linear approach. Hum. Brain Mapp. 2 (4), 189-210.
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 ntime <- 10 designmat <- cbind(rep(1,10),c(rep(c(1,0),5))) data <- array(dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime), rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime)) glm.fit <- glmcoef(n,grid,data,designmat) dim(glm.fit$GLMCoefStandardized) #[1] 3 8 8
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 ntime <- 10 designmat <- cbind(rep(1,10),c(rep(c(1,0),5))) data <- array(dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime), rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime)) glm.fit <- glmcoef(n,grid,data,designmat) dim(glm.fit$GLMCoefStandardized) #[1] 3 8 8
computes the MLEs (maximum likelihood estimates) of the hyperparameters of the BHMSMA model using an empirical Bayes approach for multi-subject or single subject analyses, and returns the hyperparameters estimates along with their covariance matrix estimate (see References).
hyperparamest(n, grid, waveletcoefmat, analysis)
hyperparamest(n, grid, waveletcoefmat, analysis)
n |
Number of subjects. |
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or, one column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
waveletcoefmat |
A matrix of dimension |
analysis |
"multi" or "single", depending on whether performing multi-subject analysis or single subject analysis. |
A list containing the following.
hyperparam |
A vector containing the estimates of the six hyperparameters of the BHMSMA model. |
hyperparamVar |
Estimated covariance matrix of the hyperparameters. |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
Sanyal, Nilotpal, and Ferreira, Marco A.R. (2012). Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. Neuroimage, 63, 3, 1519-1531.
, nlminb
, postmixprob
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 waveletcoefmat <- array(dim=c(n,grid^2-1), rnorm(n*(grid^2-1))) analysis <- "multi" hyperest <- hyperparamest(n,grid,waveletcoefmat,analysis) hyperest$hyperparam # [1] 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 28.37678
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 waveletcoefmat <- array(dim=c(n,grid^2-1), rnorm(n*(grid^2-1))) analysis <- "multi" hyperest <- hyperparamest(n,grid,waveletcoefmat,analysis) hyperest$hyperparam # [1] 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 28.37678
computes posterior mean (or median) of a 2D GLM coefficients map (e.g., corresponding to a single brain slice) of a regressor using the posterior mean (or median) of the corresponding wavelet coefficients in the inverse discrete wavelet transform for each subject based on multi-subject or single subject analyses (see References).
postglmcoef(n, grid, glmcoefstd, postmeanwaveletcoef, wave.family="DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6, bc="periodic")
postglmcoef(n, grid, glmcoefstd, postmeanwaveletcoef, wave.family="DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6, bc="periodic")
n |
Number of subjects. |
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or, one column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
glmcoefstd |
An array of dimension |
postmeanwaveletcoef |
A matrix of size |
wave.family |
The family of wavelets to use - "DaubExPhase" or "DaubLeAsymm". Default is "DaubLeAsymm". |
filter.number |
The number of vanishing moments of the wavelet. Default is 6. |
bc |
The boundary condition to use - "periodic" or "symmetric". Default is "periodic". |
The wavelet transformation and reconstruction are performed by using the functions imwd
and imwr
, respectively.
A list containing the following.
GLMcoefposterior |
An array of dimension |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
, postwaveletcoef
, substituteWaveletCoef
, imwr
, postgroupglmcoef
, postsamples
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 glmcoefstd <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid), dim=c(n,grid,grid)) postmeanwaveletcoef <- array(rnorm(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,(grid^2-1))) postmeanglmcoef <- postglmcoef(n,grid,glmcoefstd, postmeanwaveletcoef) dim(postmeanglmcoef$GLMcoefposterior) #[1] 3 8 8
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 glmcoefstd <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid), dim=c(n,grid,grid)) postmeanwaveletcoef <- array(rnorm(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,(grid^2-1))) postmeanglmcoef <- postglmcoef(n,grid,glmcoefstd, postmeanwaveletcoef) dim(postmeanglmcoef$GLMcoefposterior) #[1] 3 8 8
computes posterior group mean (or group median) of a 2D GLM coefficients map (e.g., corresponding to a single brain slice) of a regressor using the posterior means (or medians) of the corresponding wavelet coefficients from all subjects in the inverse discrete wavelet transform based on multi-subject or single subject analyses (see References).
postgroupglmcoef( n, grid, glmcoefstd, postmeanwaveletcoef, wave.family="DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6, bc="periodic" )
postgroupglmcoef( n, grid, glmcoefstd, postmeanwaveletcoef, wave.family="DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6, bc="periodic" )
n |
Number of subjects. |
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or, one column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
glmcoefstd |
An array of dimension |
postmeanwaveletcoef |
A matrix of size |
wave.family |
The family of wavelets to use - "DaubExPhase" or "DaubLeAsymm". Default is "DaubLeAsymm". |
filter.number |
The number of vanishing moments of the wavelet. Default is 6. |
bc |
The boundary condition to use - "periodic" or "symmetric". Default is "periodic". |
The wavelet transformation and reconstruction are performed by using the functions imwd
and imwr
, respectively.
A list containing the following.
groupcoef |
A matrix of dimension (grid, grid), containing the posterior group coefficients obtained by BHMSMA methodology. |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
Sanyal, Nilotpal, and Ferreira, Marco A.R. (2012). Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. Neuroimage, 63, 3, 1519-1531.
, glmcoef
, postglmcoef
, postwaveletcoef
, substituteWaveletCoef
, imwd
, imwr
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 glmcoefstd <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid), dim=c(n,grid,grid)) postmeanwaveletcoef <- array(rnorm(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,grid^2-1)) post.groupcoef <- postgroupglmcoef(n,grid,glmcoefstd, postmeanwaveletcoef) dim(post.groupcoef$groupcoef) #[1] 8 8
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 glmcoefstd <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid), dim=c(n,grid,grid)) postmeanwaveletcoef <- array(rnorm(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,grid^2-1)) post.groupcoef <- postgroupglmcoef(n,grid,glmcoefstd, postmeanwaveletcoef) dim(post.groupcoef$groupcoef) #[1] 8 8
computes the mixture probabilities (piklj.bar), which define the marginal posterior distribution of the wavelet coefficients of the BHMSMA model, using Newton Cotes algorithm for each subject based on multi-subject or single subject analyses, and returns the same (see References).
postmixprob(n, grid, waveletcoefmat, hyperparam, analysis)
postmixprob(n, grid, waveletcoefmat, hyperparam, analysis)
n |
Number of subjects. |
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or, one column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
waveletcoefmat |
A matrix of dimension |
hyperparam |
A vector containing the estimates of the six hyperparameters. |
analysis |
"MSA" or "SSA", depending on whether performing multi-subject analysis or single subject analysis. |
A list containing the following.
pkljbar |
A matrix of dimension |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
Sanyal, Nilotpal, and Ferreira, Marco A.R. (2012). Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. Neuroimage, 63, 3, 1519-1531.
, hyperparamest
, postwaveletcoef
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 waveletcoefmat <- matrix(nrow=n,ncol=grid^2-1) for(i in 1:n) waveletcoefmat[i,] <- rnorm(grid^2-1) hyperparam <- rep(.1,6) analysis <- "multi" pkljbar <- postmixprob(n,grid,waveletcoefmat,hyperparam, analysis) dim(pkljbar$pkljbar) #[1] 3 63
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 waveletcoefmat <- matrix(nrow=n,ncol=grid^2-1) for(i in 1:n) waveletcoefmat[i,] <- rnorm(grid^2-1) hyperparam <- rep(.1,6) analysis <- "multi" pkljbar <- postmixprob(n,grid,waveletcoefmat,hyperparam, analysis) dim(pkljbar$pkljbar) #[1] 3 63
generates samples from the posterior distribution of a 2D GLM coefficient map (e.g., corresponding to a single brain slice) of a regressor in the BHMSMA model for each subject based on multi-subject or single subject analyses (see References).
postsamples(nsample, n, grid, glmcoefstd, waveletcoefmat, hyperparam, pkljbar, analysis, wave.family="DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6, bc="periodic", seed)
postsamples(nsample, n, grid, glmcoefstd, waveletcoefmat, hyperparam, pkljbar, analysis, wave.family="DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6, bc="periodic", seed)
nsample |
Number of samples to be generated. |
n |
Number of subjects. |
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or, one column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
glmcoefstd |
An array of dimension |
waveletcoefmat |
A matrix of dimension |
hyperparam |
A vector containing the estimates of the six hyperparameters. |
pkljbar |
A matrix of dimension |
analysis |
"MSA" or "SSA", depending on whether performing multi-subject analysis or single subject analysis. |
wave.family |
The family of wavelets to use - "DaubExPhase" or "DaubLeAsymm". Default is "DaubLeAsymm". |
filter.number |
The number of vanishing moments of the wavelet. Default is 6. |
bc |
The boundary condition to use - "periodic" or "symmetric". Default is "periodic". |
seed |
Must be a positive integer. Provide to set random number generation seed for reproducibility. |
The wavelet computations are performed by using the R package wavethresh.
A list containing the following.
samples |
An array of dimension |
postdiscovery |
An array of dimension |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
Sanyal, Nilotpal, and Ferreira, Marco A.R. (2012). Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. Neuroimage, 63, 3, 1519-1531.
Morris, J.S. et al. (2011). Automated analysis of quantitative image data using isomorphic functional mixed models, with application to proteomic data. Ann. Appl. Stat. 5, 894-923.
, glmcoef
, waveletcoef
, hyperparamest
, postmixprob
, postwaveletcoef
, substituteWaveletCoef
, postglmcoef
, imwd
, imwr
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 nsample <- 5 glmcoefstd <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid), dim=c(n,grid,grid)) waveletcoefmat <- array(rnorm(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,(grid^2-1))) hyperparam <- rep(.2,6) pkljbar <- array(runif(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,(grid^2-1))) analysis <- "multi" postsample <- postsamples(nsample,n,grid,glmcoefstd, waveletcoefmat, hyperparam,pkljbar,analysis,seed=1) dim(postsample$samples) #[1] 3 8 8 5
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 nsample <- 5 glmcoefstd <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid), dim=c(n,grid,grid)) waveletcoefmat <- array(rnorm(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,(grid^2-1))) hyperparam <- rep(.2,6) pkljbar <- array(runif(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,(grid^2-1))) analysis <- "multi" postsample <- postsamples(nsample,n,grid,glmcoefstd, waveletcoefmat, hyperparam,pkljbar,analysis,seed=1) dim(postsample$samples) #[1] 3 8 8 5
computes posterior mean and posterior median of the wavelet coefficients of the BHMSMA model for each subject based on multi-subject or single subject analyses (see References).
postwaveletcoef(n, grid, waveletcoefmat, hyperparam, pkljbar, analysis)
postwaveletcoef(n, grid, waveletcoefmat, hyperparam, pkljbar, analysis)
n |
Number of subjects. |
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or, one column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
waveletcoefmat |
A matrix of dimension |
hyperparam |
A vector containing the estimates of the six hyperparameters. |
pkljbar |
A matrix of dimension |
analysis |
"MSA" or "SSA", depending on whether performing multi-subject analysis or single subject analysis. |
A list containing the following.
PostMeanWaveletCoef |
A matrix of size |
PostMedianWaveletCoef |
A matrix of size |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
Sanyal, Nilotpal, and Ferreira, Marco A.R. (2012). Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. Neuroimage, 63, 3, 1519-1531.
, hyperparamest
, postmixprob
, postglmcoef
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 nsample <- 5 waveletcoefmat <- array(rnorm(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,grid^2-1)) hyperparam <- rep(.2,6) pkljbar <- array(runif(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,grid^2-1)) analysis <- "multi" postwavecoef <- postwaveletcoef(n,grid,waveletcoefmat, hyperparam,pkljbar,analysis) dim(postwavecoef$PostMeanWaveletCoef) #[1] 3 63
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 nsample <- 5 waveletcoefmat <- array(rnorm(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,grid^2-1)) hyperparam <- rep(.2,6) pkljbar <- array(runif(n*(grid^2-1)), dim=c(n,grid^2-1)) analysis <- "multi" postwavecoef <- postwaveletcoef(n,grid,waveletcoefmat, hyperparam,pkljbar,analysis) dim(postwavecoef$PostMeanWaveletCoef) #[1] 3 63
reads and imports fMRI data from various fMRI image files (Analyze, NIFTI and AFNI) into a 4D array. It is just a convenient wrapper around the data importing functions provided by the oro.nifti package.
readfmridata( directory, format, prefix, nimages, dim.image, nii=TRUE )
readfmridata( directory, format, prefix, nimages, dim.image, nii=TRUE )
directory |
Location of the directory where the fMRI image files are stored. Insert within quotations (""). |
format |
The format of the data file. One of "Analyze" (.img/.hdr files), "Nifti" (.img/.hdr files or .nii files) or "Afni" (.HEAD/.BRIK files). |
prefix |
If format is "Analyze" or "Nifti", then the part of the fMRI image file name appearing before the image number. The image number is assumed to have four digit representation, that is, the lowest number is 0001 and the highest possible number is 9999. If format is "Afni", then the file name. Insert within quotations(""). |
nimages |
If format is "Analyze", number of images to be read beginning from the first image. If format is "Afni", not necessary. |
dim.image |
Size of the 3D fMRI image. A vector with three elements. |
nii |
Necessary only for "Nifti" format. nii=TRUE (default) indicates the image files are in .nii files . nii=FALSE indicates the image files are .img/.hdr files. |
The function uses package oro.nifti for reading from fMRI data files.
A list containing the following:
fmridata |
An array of dimension (dim.image, nimages), containing the image data for all images/time-points. |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
, readNIfTI
, readAFNI
# import simmulated fMRI data from image files provided within this package fpath <- system.file("extdata", package="BHMSMAfMRI") untar(paste0(fpath,"/fmridata.tar"), exdir=tempdir()) data <- array(dim=c(3,32,32,9)) for(subject in 1:3) { directory <- paste0(tempdir(),"/fmridata","/s0",subject,"/") a <- readfmridata(directory, format="Analyze", prefix=paste0("s0",subject,"_t"), nimages=9, dim.image=c(32,32,1)) data[subject,,,] <- a[,,1,] } dim(a)
# import simmulated fMRI data from image files provided within this package fpath <- system.file("extdata", package="BHMSMAfMRI") untar(paste0(fpath,"/fmridata.tar"), exdir=tempdir()) data <- array(dim=c(3,32,32,9)) for(subject in 1:3) { directory <- paste0(tempdir(),"/fmridata","/s0",subject,"/") a <- readfmridata(directory, format="Analyze", prefix=paste0("s0",subject,"_t"), nimages=9, dim.image=c(32,32,1)) data[subject,,,] <- a[,,1,] } dim(a)
substitutes the wavelet coefficients stored wavelet object generated through 2D wavelet transform with user-given values and returns the modified wavelet object.
substituteWaveletCoef(grid, waveletobj, values)
substituteWaveletCoef(grid, waveletobj, values)
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or, one column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
waveletobj |
A wavelet object of class |
values |
The values with which the wavelet coefficients are to be replaced. The order should be consistent with |
The maximum value of grid
for this package is 512.
A wavelet object of class imwd.object
with updated wavelet coefficients.
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 ntime <- 10 designmat <- cbind( rep(1,10), c(rep(c(1,0),5)) ) data <- array(dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime), rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime)) glm.fit <- glmcoef(n, grid, data, designmat) glmcoefstd <- glm.fit$GLMCoefStandardized[,,,1] dwt = wavethresh::imwd(glmcoefstd[1,,],type="wavelet", family="DaubLeAsymm",filter.number=6,bc="periodic") dwt values = rnorm(grid^2-1) dwtnew = substituteWaveletCoef(grid,dwt,values) dwtnew
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 ntime <- 10 designmat <- cbind( rep(1,10), c(rep(c(1,0),5)) ) data <- array(dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime), rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime)) glm.fit <- glmcoef(n, grid, data, designmat) glmcoefstd <- glm.fit$GLMCoefStandardized[,,,1] dwt = wavethresh::imwd(glmcoefstd[1,,],type="wavelet", family="DaubLeAsymm",filter.number=6,bc="periodic") dwt values = rnorm(grid^2-1) dwtnew = substituteWaveletCoef(grid,dwt,values) dwtnew
applies DWT to a 2D GLM coefficient map (e.g., corresponding to a single brain slice) of a regressor for each subject, and returns the wavelet coefficients at all resolution levels. This function wraps around the wavelet transformation function imwd
of the wavethresh package.
waveletcoef(n, grid, glmcoefstd, wave.family="DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6, bc="periodic")
waveletcoef(n, grid, glmcoefstd, wave.family="DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6, bc="periodic")
n |
Number of subjects. |
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or, one column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
glmcoefstd |
An array of dimension |
wave.family |
The family of wavelets to use - "DaubExPhase" or "DaubLeAsymm". Default is "DaubLeAsymm". |
filter.number |
The number of vanishing moments of the wavelet. Default is 6. |
bc |
The boundary condition to use - "periodic" or "symmetric". Default is "periodic". |
The wavelet decomposition is performed by using the function imwd
A list containing the following.
WaveletCoefficientMatrix |
A matrix of dimension |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <[email protected]>
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 ntime <- 10 designmat <- cbind( rep(1,10), c(rep(c(1,0),5)) ) data <- array(dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime), rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime)) glm.fit <- glmcoef(n,grid,data,designmat) glmcoefstd <- glm.fit$GLMCoefStandardized[,,,1] wavecoef <- waveletcoef(n,grid,glmcoefstd) dim(wavecoef$WaveletCoefficientMatrix) #[1] 3 63
set.seed(1) n <- 3 grid <- 8 ntime <- 10 designmat <- cbind( rep(1,10), c(rep(c(1,0),5)) ) data <- array(dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime), rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime)) glm.fit <- glmcoef(n,grid,data,designmat) glmcoefstd <- glm.fit$GLMCoefStandardized[,,,1] wavecoef <- waveletcoef(n,grid,glmcoefstd) dim(wavecoef$WaveletCoefficientMatrix) #[1] 3 63