Title: | Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling |
Description: | Package for Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging in linear models and generalized linear models using stochastic or deterministic sampling without replacement from posterior distributions. Prior distributions on coefficients are from Zellner's g-prior or mixtures of g-priors corresponding to the Zellner-Siow Cauchy Priors or the mixture of g-priors from Liang et al (2008) <DOI:10.1198/016214507000001337> for linear models or mixtures of g-priors from Li and Clyde (2019) <DOI:10.1080/01621459.2018.1469992> in generalized linear models. Other model selection criteria include AIC, BIC and Empirical Bayes estimates of g. Sampling probabilities may be updated based on the sampled models using sampling w/out replacement or an efficient MCMC algorithm which samples models using a tree structure of the model space as an efficient hash table. See Clyde, Ghosh and Littman (2010) <DOI:10.1198/jcgs.2010.09049> for details on the sampling algorithms. Uniform priors over all models or beta-binomial prior distributions on model size are allowed, and for large p truncated priors on the model space may be used to enforce sampling models that are full rank. The user may force variables to always be included in addition to imposing constraints that higher order interactions are included only if their parents are included in the model. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Division of Mathematical Sciences grant 1106891. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. |
Authors: | Merlise Clyde [aut, cre, cph] (ORCID=0000-0002-3595-1872), Michael Littman [ctb], Joyee Ghosh [ctb], Yingbo Li [ctb], Betsy Bersson [ctb], Don van de Bergh [ctb], Quanli Wang [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Merlise Clyde <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 1.7.5 |
Built: | 2025-02-26 07:01:16 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Implementation of Bayesian Model Averaging in linear models using stochastic or deterministic sampling without replacement from posterior distributions. Prior distributions on coefficients are of the form of Zellner's g-prior or mixtures of g-priors. Options include the Zellner-Siow Cauchy Priors, the Liang et al hyper-g priors, Local and Global Empirical Bayes estimates of g, and other default model selection criteria such as AIC and BIC. Sampling probabilities may be updated based on the sampled models.
Merlise Clyde,
Maintainer: Merlise Clyde <[email protected]>
Clyde, M. Ghosh, J. and Littman, M. (2010) Bayesian Adaptive
Sampling for Variable Selection and Model Averaging. Journal of
Computational Graphics and Statistics. 20:80-101
Clyde, M. and George, E. I. (2004) Model uncertainty. Statist. Sci., 19,
Clyde, M. (1999) Bayesian Model Averaging and Model Search Strategies (with discussion). In Bayesian Statistics 6. J.M. Bernardo, A.P. Dawid, J.O. Berger, and A.F.M. Smith eds. Oxford University Press, pages 157-185.
Li, Y. and Clyde, M. (2018) Mixtures of g-priors in Generalized Linear Models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113:524, 1828-1845 doi:10.1080/01621459.2018.1469992
Liang, F., Paulo, R., Molina, G., Clyde, M. and Berger, J.O. (2008) Mixtures
of g-priors for Bayesian Variable Selection. Journal of the American
Statistical Association. 103:410-423.
Other bas methods:
data("Hald") hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, alpha=13, prior="g-prior") # more complete demos demo(BAS.hald) ## Not run: demo(BAS.USCrime) ## End(Not run)
data("Hald") hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, alpha=13, prior="g-prior") # more complete demos demo(BAS.hald) ## Not run: demo(BAS.USCrime) ## End(Not run)
Sample with or without replacement from a posterior distribution on GLMs
bas.glm( formula, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data, weights, subset, contrasts = NULL, offset, na.action = "na.omit", n.models = NULL, betaprior = CCH(alpha = 0.5, beta = as.numeric(nrow(data)), s = 0), modelprior = beta.binomial(1, 1), initprobs = "Uniform", include.always = ~1, method = "MCMC", update = NULL, bestmodel = NULL, prob.rw = 0.5, MCMC.iterations = NULL, thin = 1, control = glm.control(), laplace = FALSE, renormalize = FALSE, force.heredity = FALSE, bigmem = FALSE )
bas.glm( formula, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data, weights, subset, contrasts = NULL, offset, na.action = "na.omit", n.models = NULL, betaprior = CCH(alpha = 0.5, beta = as.numeric(nrow(data)), s = 0), modelprior = beta.binomial(1, 1), initprobs = "Uniform", include.always = ~1, method = "MCMC", update = NULL, bestmodel = NULL, prob.rw = 0.5, MCMC.iterations = NULL, thin = 1, control = glm.control(), laplace = FALSE, renormalize = FALSE, force.heredity = FALSE, bigmem = FALSE )
formula |
generalized linear model formula for the full model with all predictors, Y ~ X. All code assumes that an intercept will be included in each model. |
family |
a description of the error distribution and link function for exponential family; currently only 'binomial()' with the logistic link and 'poisson()' and 'Gamma()'with the log link are available. |
data |
data frame |
weights |
optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process. May be missing in which case weights are 1. |
subset |
subset of data used in fitting |
contrasts |
an optional list. See the contrasts.arg of 'model.matrix.default()'. |
offset |
a priori known component to be included in the linear predictor; by default 0. |
na.action |
a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. The default is "na.omit". |
n.models |
number of unique models to keep. If NULL, BAS will attempt to enumerate unless p > 35 or method="MCMC". For any of methods using MCMC algorithms that sample with replacement, sampling will stop when the number of iterations exceeds the min of 'n.models' or 'MCMC.iterations' and on exit 'n.models' is updated to reflect the unique number of models that have been sampled. |
betaprior |
Prior on coefficients for model coefficients (except
intercept). Options include
modelprior |
Family of prior distribution on the models. Choices
include |
initprobs |
vector of length p with the initial inclusion probabilities
used for sampling without replacement (the intercept will be included with
probability one and does not need to be added here) or a character string
giving the method used to construct the sampling probabilities if "Uniform"
each predictor variable is equally likely to be sampled (equivalent to
random sampling without replacement). If "eplogp", use the
include.always |
A formula with terms that should always be included in the model with probability one. By default this is '~ 1' meaning that the intercept is always included. This will also override any of the values in 'initprobs' above by setting them to 1. |
method |
A character variable indicating which sampling method to use: method="BAS" uses Bayesian Adaptive Sampling (without replacement) using the sampling probabilities given in initprobs and updates using the marginal inclusion probabilities to direct the search/sample; method="MCMC" combines a random walk Metropolis Hastings (as in MC3 of Raftery et al 1997) with a random swap of a variable included with a variable that is currently excluded (see Clyde, Ghosh, and Littman (2010) for details); method="MCMC+BAS" runs an initial MCMC as above to calculate marginal inclusion probabilities and then samples without replacement as in BAS; method = "deterministic" runs an deterministic sampling using the initial probabilities (no updating); this is recommended for fast enumeration or if a model of independence is a good approximation to the joint posterior distribution of the model indicators. For BAS, the sampling probabilities can be updated as more models are sampled. (see 'update' below). We recommend "MCMC+BAS" or "MCMC" for high dimensional problems. |
update |
number of iterations between potential updates of the sampling probabilities in the "BAS" method. If NULL do not update, otherwise the algorithm will update using the marginal inclusion probabilities as they change while sampling takes place. For large model spaces, updating is recommended. If the model space will be enumerated, leave at the default. |
bestmodel |
optional binary vector representing a model to initialize the sampling. If NULL sampling starts with the null model |
prob.rw |
For any of the MCMC methods, probability of using the random-walk proposal; otherwise use a random "flip" move to propose a new model. |
MCMC.iterations |
Number of models to sample when using any of the MCMC options; should be greater than 'n.models'. By default 10*n.models. |
thin |
oFr "MCMC", thin the MCMC chain every "thin" iterations; default is no thinning. For large p, thinning can be used to significantly reduce memory requirements as models and associated summaries are saved only every thin iterations. For thin = p, the model and associated output are recorded every p iterations,similar to the Gibbs sampler in SSVS. |
control |
a list of parameters that control convergence in the fitting
process. See the documentation for |
laplace |
logical variable for whether to use a Laplace approximate for integration with respect to g to obtain the marginal likelihood. If FALSE the Cephes library is used which may be inaccurate for large n or large values of the Wald Chisquared statistic. |
renormalize |
logical variable for whether posterior probabilities should be based on renormalizing marginal likelihoods times prior probabilities or use Monte Carlo frequencies. Applies only to MCMC sampling. |
force.heredity |
Logical variable to force all levels of a factor to be included together and to include higher order interactions only if lower order terms are included. Currently only supported with ‘method=’MCMC'' and ‘method=’BAS'' (experimental) on non-Solaris platforms. Default is FALSE. |
bigmem |
Logical variable to indicate that there is access to large amounts of memory (physical or virtual) for enumeration with large model spaces, e.g. > 2^25. |
BAS provides several search algorithms to find high probability models for
use in Bayesian Model Averaging or Bayesian model selection. For p less than
20-25, BAS can enumerate all models depending on memory availability, for
larger p, BAS samples without replacement using random or deterministic
sampling. The Bayesian Adaptive Sampling algorithm of Clyde, Ghosh, Littman
(2010) samples models without replacement using the initial sampling
probabilities, and will optionally update the sampling probabilities every
"update" models using the estimated marginal inclusion probabilities. BAS
uses different methods to obtain the initprobs
, which may impact the
results in high-dimensional problems. The deterministic sampler provides a
list of the top models in order of an approximation of independence using
the provided initprobs
. This may be effective after running the
other algorithms to identify high probability models and works well if the
correlations of variables are small to modest. The priors on coefficients
are mixtures of g-priors that provide approximations to the power prior.
returns an object of class basglm
An object of class basglm
is a list containing at least the following
postprobs |
the posterior probabilities of the models selected |
priorprobs |
the prior probabilities of the models selected |
logmarg |
values of the log of the marginal likelihood for the models |
n.vars |
total number of independent variables in the full model, including the intercept |
size |
the number of independent variables in each of the models, includes the intercept |
which |
a list of lists with one list per model with variables that are included in the model |
probne0 |
the posterior probability that each variable is non-zero |
mle |
list of lists with one list per model giving the GLM estimate of each (nonzero) coefficient for each model. |
mle.se |
list of lists with one list per model giving the GLM standard error of each coefficient for each model |
deviance |
the GLM deviance for each model |
modelprior |
the prior distribution on models that created the BMA object |
Q |
the Q statistic for each model used in the marginal likelihood approximation |
Y |
response |
X |
matrix of predictors |
family |
family object from the original call |
betaprior |
family object for prior on coefficients, including hyperparameters |
modelprior |
family object for prior on the models |
include.always |
indices of variables that are forced into the model |
Merlise Clyde ([email protected]), Quanli Wang and Yingbo Li
Li, Y. and Clyde, M. (2018) Mixtures of g-priors in Generalized
Linear Models.
Journal of the American Statistical Association. 113:1828-1845
Clyde, M. Ghosh, J. and Littman, M. (2010) Bayesian Adaptive Sampling for
Variable Selection and Model Averaging. Journal of Computational Graphics
and Statistics. 20:80-101
Raftery, A.E, Madigan, D. and Hoeting, J.A. (1997) Bayesian Model Averaging
for Linear Regression Models. Journal of the American Statistical
library(MASS) data(Pima.tr) # enumeration with default method="BAS" pima.cch = bas.glm(type ~ ., data=Pima.tr, n.models= 2^7, method="BAS", betaprior=CCH(a=1, b=532/2, s=0), family=binomial(), modelprior=beta.binomial(1,1)) summary(pima.cch) image(pima.cch) # Note MCMC.iterations are set to 2500 for illustration purposes due to time # limitations for running examples on CRAN servers. # Please check convergence diagnostics and run longer in practice pima.robust = bas.glm(type ~ ., data=Pima.tr, n.models= 2^7, method="MCMC", MCMC.iterations=2500, betaprior=robust(), family=binomial(), modelprior=beta.binomial(1,1)) pima.BIC = bas.glm(type ~ ., data=Pima.tr, n.models= 2^7, method="BAS+MCMC", MCMC.iterations=2500, betaprior=bic.prior(), family=binomial(), modelprior=uniform()) # Poisson example if(requireNamespace("glmbb", quietly=TRUE)) { data(crabs, package='glmbb') #short run for illustration crabs.bas = bas.glm(satell ~ color*spine*width + weight, data=crabs, family=poisson(), betaprior=EB.local(), modelprior=uniform(), method='MCMC', n.models=2^10, MCMC.iterations=2500, prob.rw=.95) # Gamma example if(requireNamespace("faraway", quietly=TRUE)) { data(wafer, package='faraway') wafer_bas = bas.glm(resist~ ., data=wafer, include.always = ~ ., betaprior = bic.prior() , family = Gamma(link = "log")) } }
library(MASS) data(Pima.tr) # enumeration with default method="BAS" pima.cch = bas.glm(type ~ ., data=Pima.tr, n.models= 2^7, method="BAS", betaprior=CCH(a=1, b=532/2, s=0), family=binomial(), modelprior=beta.binomial(1,1)) summary(pima.cch) image(pima.cch) # Note MCMC.iterations are set to 2500 for illustration purposes due to time # limitations for running examples on CRAN servers. # Please check convergence diagnostics and run longer in practice pima.robust = bas.glm(type ~ ., data=Pima.tr, n.models= 2^7, method="MCMC", MCMC.iterations=2500, betaprior=robust(), family=binomial(), modelprior=beta.binomial(1,1)) pima.BIC = bas.glm(type ~ ., data=Pima.tr, n.models= 2^7, method="BAS+MCMC", MCMC.iterations=2500, betaprior=bic.prior(), family=binomial(), modelprior=uniform()) # Poisson example if(requireNamespace("glmbb", quietly=TRUE)) { data(crabs, package='glmbb') #short run for illustration crabs.bas = bas.glm(satell ~ color*spine*width + weight, data=crabs, family=poisson(), betaprior=EB.local(), modelprior=uniform(), method='MCMC', n.models=2^10, MCMC.iterations=2500, prob.rw=.95) # Gamma example if(requireNamespace("faraway", quietly=TRUE)) { data(wafer, package='faraway') wafer_bas = bas.glm(resist~ ., data=wafer, include.always = ~ ., betaprior = bic.prior() , family = Gamma(link = "log")) } }
Sample without replacement from a posterior distribution on models
bas.lm( formula, data, subset, weights, contrasts = NULL, na.action = "na.omit", n.models = NULL, prior = "ZS-null", alpha = NULL, modelprior = beta.binomial(1, 1), initprobs = "Uniform", include.always = ~1, method = "BAS", update = NULL, bestmodel = NULL, prob.local = 0, prob.rw = 0.5, burnin.iterations = NULL, MCMC.iterations = NULL, lambda = NULL, delta = 0.025, thin = 1, renormalize = FALSE, importance.sampling = FALSE, force.heredity = FALSE, pivot = TRUE, tol = 1e-07, bigmem = FALSE )
bas.lm( formula, data, subset, weights, contrasts = NULL, na.action = "na.omit", n.models = NULL, prior = "ZS-null", alpha = NULL, modelprior = beta.binomial(1, 1), initprobs = "Uniform", include.always = ~1, method = "BAS", update = NULL, bestmodel = NULL, prob.local = 0, prob.rw = 0.5, burnin.iterations = NULL, MCMC.iterations = NULL, lambda = NULL, delta = 0.025, thin = 1, renormalize = FALSE, importance.sampling = FALSE, force.heredity = FALSE, pivot = TRUE, tol = 1e-07, bigmem = FALSE )
formula |
linear model formula for the full model with all predictors, Y ~ X. All code assumes that an intercept will be included in each model and that the X's will be centered. |
data |
a data frame. Factors will be converted to numerical vectors based on the using 'model.matrix'. |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. |
weights |
an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting
process. Should be NULL or a numeric vector. If non-NULL, Bayes estimates
are obtained assuming that |
contrasts |
an optional list. See the contrasts.arg of 'model.matrix.default()'. |
na.action |
a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. The default is "na.omit". |
n.models |
number of models to sample either without replacement (method="BAS" or "MCMC+BAS") or with replacement (method="MCMC"). If NULL, BAS with method="BAS" will try to enumerate all 2^p models. If enumeration is not possible (memory or time) then a value should be supplied which controls the number of sampled models using 'n.models'. With method="MCMC", sampling will stop once the min(n.models, MCMC.iterations) occurs so MCMC.iterations be significantly larger than n.models in order to explore the model space. On exit for method= "MCMC" this is the number of unique models that have been sampled with counts stored in the output as "freq". |
prior |
prior distribution for regression coefficients. Choices include
alpha |
optional hyperparameter in g-prior or hyper g-prior. For Zellner's g-prior, alpha = g, for the Liang et al hyper-g or hyper-g-n method, recommended choice is alpha are between (2 < alpha < 4), with alpha = 3 the default. For the Zellner-Siow prior alpha = 1 by default, but can be used to modify the rate parameter in the gamma prior on g,
so that
. If alpha = NULL, then the following defaults are used currently:
Note that Porwal & Raftery (2022) recommend alpha = sqrt(n) for the g-prior based on extensive range of simulations and examples for comparing BMA. This will become the default in the future. |
modelprior |
A function for a family of prior distribution on the models. Choices
include |
initprobs |
Vector of length p or a character string specifying which
method is used to create the vector. This is used to order variables for
sampling all methods for potentially more efficient storage while sampling
and provides the initial inclusion probabilities used for sampling without
replacement with method="BAS". Options for the character string giving the
method are: "Uniform" or "uniform" where each predictor variable is equally
likely to be sampled (equivalent to random sampling without replacement);
"eplogp" uses the |
include.always |
A formula with terms that should always be included in the model with probability one. By default this is '~ 1' meaning that the intercept is always included. This will also override any of the values in 'initprobs' above by setting them to 1. |
method |
A character variable indicating which sampling method to use:
update |
number of iterations between potential updates of the sampling probabilities for method "BAS" or "MCMC+BAS". If NULL do not update, otherwise the algorithm will update using the marginal inclusion probabilities as they change while sampling takes place. For large model spaces, updating is recommended. If the model space will be enumerated, leave at the default. |
bestmodel |
optional binary vector representing a model to initialize the sampling. If NULL sampling starts with the null model |
prob.local |
A future option to allow sampling of models "near" the median probability model. Not used at this time. |
prob.rw |
For any of the MCMC methods, probability of using the random-walk Metropolis proposal; otherwise use a random "flip" move to propose swap a variable that is excluded with a variable in the model. |
burnin.iterations |
Number of burnin iterations for the MCMC sampler; the default is n.models*10 if not set by the user. |
MCMC.iterations |
Number of iterations for the MCMC sampler; the default is n.models*10 if not set by the user. |
lambda |
Parameter in the AMCMC algorithm to insure positive definite covariance of gammas for adaptive conditional probabilities prior based on prior degrees of freedom pseudo in Inverse-Wishart. Default is set to p + 2. |
delta |
truncation parameter to prevent sampling probabilities to degenerate to 0 or 1 prior to enumeration for sampling without replacement. |
thin |
For "MCMC" or "MCMC+BAS", thin the MCMC chain every "thin" iterations; default is no thinning. For large p, thinning can be used to significantly reduce memory requirements as models and associated summaries are saved only every thin iterations. For thin = p, the model and associated output are recorded every p iterations, similar to the Gibbs sampler in SSVS. |
renormalize |
For MCMC sampling, should posterior probabilities be
based on renormalizing the marginal likelihoods times prior probabilities
(TRUE) or frequencies from MCMC. The latter are unbiased in long runs,
while the former may have less variability. May be compared via the
diagnostic plot function |
importance.sampling |
whether to use importance sampling or an independent Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with sampling method="AMCMC" (see above). |
force.heredity |
Logical variable to force all levels of a factor to be included together and to include higher order interactions only if lower order terms are included. Currently supported with ‘method=’MCMC'' and experimentally with ‘method=’BAS'' on non-Solaris platforms. This is not compatible currently for enforcing hierachical constraints with orthogonal polynomials, poly(x, degree = 3). Without hereditary constraints the number of possible models with all possible interactions is 2^2^k where k is the number of factors with more than 2 levels. With hereditary constraints the number of models is much less, but computing this for k can be quite expensive for large k. For the model y ~ x1*x2*x3*x4*x5*x6) there are 7828353 models, which is more than 2^22. With n.models given, this will limit the number of models to the min(n.models, # models under the heredity constraints) Default is FALSE currently. |
pivot |
Logical variable to allow pivoting of columns when obtaining the OLS estimates of a model so that models that are not full rank can be fit. Defaults to TRUE. Currently coefficients that are not estimable are set to zero. Use caution with interpreting BMA estimates of parameters. |
tol |
1e-7 as |
bigmem |
Logical variable to indicate that there is access to large amounts of memory (physical or virtual) for enumeration with large model spaces, e.g. > 2^25. default; used in determining rank of X^TX in cholesky decomposition with pivoting. |
BAS provides several algorithms to sample from posterior distributions
of models for
use in Bayesian Model Averaging or Bayesian variable selection. For p less than
20-25, BAS can enumerate all models depending on memory availability. As BAS saves all
models, MLEs, standard errors, log marginal likelihoods, prior and posterior and probabilities
memory requirements grow linearly with M*p where M is the number of models
and p is the number of predictors. For example, enumeration with p=21 with 2,097,152 takes just under
2 Gigabytes on a 64 bit machine to store all summaries that would be needed for model averaging.
(A future version will likely include an option to not store all summaries if
users do not plan on using model averaging or model selection on Best Predictive models.)
For larger p, BAS samples without replacement using random or deterministic
sampling. The Bayesian Adaptive Sampling algorithm of Clyde, Ghosh, Littman
(2010) samples models without replacement using the initial sampling
probabilities, and will optionally update the sampling probabilities every
"update" models using the estimated marginal inclusion probabilities. BAS
uses different methods to obtain the initprobs
, which may impact the
results in high-dimensional problems. The deterministic sampler provides a
list of the top models in order of an approximation of independence using
the provided initprobs
. This may be effective after running the
other algorithms to identify high probability models and works well if the
correlations of variables are small to modest.
We recommend "MCMC" for
problems where enumeration is not feasible (memory or time constrained)
or even modest p if the number of
models sampled is not close to the number of possible models and/or there are significant
correlations among the predictors as the bias in estimates of inclusion
probabilities from "BAS" or "MCMC+BAS" may be large relative to the reduced
variability from using the normalized model probabilities as shown in Clyde and Ghosh, 2012.
Diagnostic plots with MCMC can be used to assess convergence.
For large problems we recommend thinning with MCMC to reduce memory requirements.
The priors on coefficients
include Zellner's g-prior, the Hyper-g prior (Liang et al 2008, the
Zellner-Siow Cauchy prior, Empirical Bayes (local and global) g-priors. AIC
and BIC are also included, while a range of priors on the model space are available.
returns an object of class bas
An object of class BAS
is a list containing at least the following
postprob |
the posterior probabilities of the models selected |
priorprobs |
the prior probabilities of the models selected |
namesx |
the names of the variables |
R2 |
R2 values for the models |
logmarg |
values of the log of the marginal likelihood for the models. This is equivalent to the log Bayes Factor for comparing each model to a base model with intercept only. |
n.vars |
total number of independent variables in the full model, including the intercept |
size |
the number of independent variables in each of the models, includes the intercept |
rank |
the rank of the design matrix; if 'pivot = FALSE', this is the same as size as no checking of rank is conducted. |
which |
a list of lists with one list per model with variables that are included in the model |
probne0 |
the posterior probability that each variable is non-zero computed using the renormalized marginal likelihoods of sampled models. This may be biased if the number of sampled models is much smaller than the total number of models. Unbiased estimates may be obtained using method "MCMC". |
mle |
list of lists with one list per model giving the MLE (OLS) estimate of each (nonzero) coefficient for each model. NOTE: The intercept is the mean of Y as each column of X has been centered by subtracting its mean. |
mle.se |
list of lists with one list per model giving the MLE (OLS) standard error of each coefficient for each model |
prior |
the name of the prior that created the BMA object |
alpha |
value of hyperparameter in coefficient prior used to create the BMA object. |
modelprior |
the prior distribution on models that created the BMA object |
Y |
response |
X |
matrix of predictors |
mean.x |
vector of means for each column of X (used in
include.always |
indices of variables that are forced into the model |
The function summary.bas
, is used to print a summary of the
results. The function plot.bas
is used to plot posterior
distributions for the coefficients and image.bas
provides an
image of the distribution over models. Posterior summaries of coefficients
can be extracted using coefficients.bas
. Fitted values and
predictions can be obtained using the S3 functions fitted.bas
and predict.bas
. BAS objects may be updated to use a
different prior (without rerunning the sampler) using the function
. For MCMC sampling diagnostics
can be used
to assess whether the MCMC has run long enough so that the posterior probabilities
are stable. For more details see the associated demos and vignette.
Merlise Clyde ([email protected]) and Michael Littman
Clyde, M. Ghosh, J. and Littman, M. (2010) Bayesian Adaptive
Sampling for Variable Selection and Model Averaging. Journal of
Computational Graphics and Statistics. 20:80-101
Clyde, M. and Ghosh. J. (2012) Finite population estimators in stochastic search variable selection. Biometrika, 99 (4), 981-988. doi:10.1093/biomet/ass040
Clyde, M. and George, E. I. (2004) Model Uncertainty. Statist. Sci., 19,
Clyde, M. (1999) Bayesian Model Averaging and Model Search Strategies (with discussion). In Bayesian Statistics 6. J.M. Bernardo, A.P. Dawid, J.O. Berger, and A.F.M. Smith eds. Oxford University Press, pages 157-185.
Hoeting, J. A., Madigan, D., Raftery, A. E. and Volinsky, C. T. (1999)
Bayesian model averaging: a tutorial (with discussion). Statist. Sci., 14,
Liang, F., Paulo, R., Molina, G., Clyde, M. and Berger, J.O. (2008) Mixtures
of g-priors for Bayesian Variable Selection. Journal of the American
Statistical Association. 103:410-423.
Porwal, A. and Raftery, A. E. (2022) Comparing methods for statistical inference with model uncertainty PNAS 119 (16) e2120737119 doi:10.1073/pnas.2120737119
Zellner, A. (1986) On assessing prior distributions and Bayesian regression analysis with g-prior distributions. In Bayesian Inference and Decision Techniques: Essays in Honor of Bruno de Finetti, pp. 233-243. North-Holland/Elsevier.
Zellner, A. and Siow, A. (1980) Posterior odds ratios for selected regression hypotheses. In Bayesian Statistics: Proceedings of the First International Meeting held in Valencia (Spain), pp. 585-603.
Rouder, J. N., Speckman, P. L., Sun, D., Morey, R. D., and Iverson, G. (2009). Bayesian t-tests for accepting and rejecting the null hypothesis. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16, 225-237
Rouder, J. N., Morey, R. D., Speckman, P. L., Province, J. M., (2012) Default Bayes Factors for ANOVA Designs. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 56. p. 356-374.
, coefficients.bas
, predict.bas
, fitted.bas
, image.bas
, eplogprob
Other bas methods:
library(MASS) data(UScrime) # pivot=FALSE is faster, but should only be used in full rank case # default is pivot = TRUE crime.bic <- bas.lm(log(y) ~ log(M) + So + log(Ed) + log(Po1) + log(Po2) + log(LF) + log(M.F) + log(Pop) + log(NW) + log(U1) + log(U2) + log(GDP) + log(Ineq) + log(Prob) + log(Time), data = UScrime, n.models = 2^15, prior = "BIC", modelprior = beta.binomial(1, 1), initprobs = "eplogp", pivot = FALSE ) # use MCMC rather than enumeration crime.mcmc <- bas.lm(log(y) ~ log(M) + So + log(Ed) + log(Po1) + log(Po2) + log(LF) + log(M.F) + log(Pop) + log(NW) + log(U1) + log(U2) + log(GDP) + log(Ineq) + log(Prob) + log(Time), data = UScrime, method = "MCMC", MCMC.iterations = 20000, prior = "BIC", modelprior = beta.binomial(1, 1), initprobs = "eplogp", pivot = FALSE ) summary(crime.bic) plot(crime.bic) image(crime.bic, subset = -1) # example with two-way interactions and hierarchical constraints data(ToothGrowth) ToothGrowth$dose <- factor(ToothGrowth$dose) levels(ToothGrowth$dose) <- c("Low", "Medium", "High") TG.bas <- bas.lm(len ~ supp * dose, data = ToothGrowth, modelprior = uniform(), method = "BAS", force.heredity = TRUE ) summary(TG.bas) image(TG.bas) # don't run the following due to time limits on CRAN ## Not run: # exmple with non-full rank case loc <- system.file("testdata", package = "BAS") d <- read.csv(paste(loc, "JASP-testdata.csv", sep = "/")) fullModelFormula <- as.formula("contNormal ~ contGamma * contExpon + contGamma * contcor1 + contExpon * contcor1") # should trigger a warning (default is to use pivoting, so use pivot=FALSE # only for full rank case) out = bas.lm(fullModelFormula, data = d, alpha = 0.125316, prior = "JZS", weights = facFifty, force.heredity = FALSE, pivot = FALSE) # use pivot = TRUE to fit non-full rank case (default) # This is slower but safer out = bas.lm(fullModelFormula, data = d, alpha = 0.125316, prior = "JZS", weights = facFifty, force.heredity = FALSE, pivot = TRUE) ## End(Not run) # more complete demo's demo(BAS.hald) ## Not run: demo(BAS.USCrime) ## End(Not run)
library(MASS) data(UScrime) # pivot=FALSE is faster, but should only be used in full rank case # default is pivot = TRUE crime.bic <- bas.lm(log(y) ~ log(M) + So + log(Ed) + log(Po1) + log(Po2) + log(LF) + log(M.F) + log(Pop) + log(NW) + log(U1) + log(U2) + log(GDP) + log(Ineq) + log(Prob) + log(Time), data = UScrime, n.models = 2^15, prior = "BIC", modelprior = beta.binomial(1, 1), initprobs = "eplogp", pivot = FALSE ) # use MCMC rather than enumeration crime.mcmc <- bas.lm(log(y) ~ log(M) + So + log(Ed) + log(Po1) + log(Po2) + log(LF) + log(M.F) + log(Pop) + log(NW) + log(U1) + log(U2) + log(GDP) + log(Ineq) + log(Prob) + log(Time), data = UScrime, method = "MCMC", MCMC.iterations = 20000, prior = "BIC", modelprior = beta.binomial(1, 1), initprobs = "eplogp", pivot = FALSE ) summary(crime.bic) plot(crime.bic) image(crime.bic, subset = -1) # example with two-way interactions and hierarchical constraints data(ToothGrowth) ToothGrowth$dose <- factor(ToothGrowth$dose) levels(ToothGrowth$dose) <- c("Low", "Medium", "High") TG.bas <- bas.lm(len ~ supp * dose, data = ToothGrowth, modelprior = uniform(), method = "BAS", force.heredity = TRUE ) summary(TG.bas) image(TG.bas) # don't run the following due to time limits on CRAN ## Not run: # exmple with non-full rank case loc <- system.file("testdata", package = "BAS") d <- read.csv(paste(loc, "JASP-testdata.csv", sep = "/")) fullModelFormula <- as.formula("contNormal ~ contGamma * contExpon + contGamma * contcor1 + contExpon * contcor1") # should trigger a warning (default is to use pivoting, so use pivot=FALSE # only for full rank case) out = bas.lm(fullModelFormula, data = d, alpha = 0.125316, prior = "JZS", weights = facFifty, force.heredity = FALSE, pivot = FALSE) # use pivot = TRUE to fit non-full rank case (default) # This is slower but safer out = bas.lm(fullModelFormula, data = d, alpha = 0.125316, prior = "JZS", weights = facFifty, force.heredity = FALSE, pivot = TRUE) ## End(Not run) # more complete demo's demo(BAS.hald) ## Not run: demo(BAS.USCrime) ## End(Not run)
Calculate the posterior probability that the absolute value of error exceeds more than k standard deviations P(|epsilon_j| > k sigma | data) under the model Y = X B + epsilon, with epsilon ~ N(0, sigma^2 I) based on the paper by Chaloner & Brant Biometrika (1988). Either k or the prior probability of there being no outliers must be provided. This only uses the reference prior p(B, sigma) = 1; other priors and model averaging to come.
Bayes.outlier(lmobj, k, prior.prob)
Bayes.outlier(lmobj, k, prior.prob)
lmobj |
An object of class 'lm' |
k |
number of standard deviations used in calculating probability of an individual case being an outlier, P(|error| > k sigma | data) |
prior.prob |
The prior probability of there being no outliers in the sample of size n |
Returns a list of three items:
e |
residuals |
hat |
leverage values |
prob.outlier |
posterior probabilities of a point being an outlier |
prior.prob |
prior probability of a point being an outlier |
Chaloner & Brant (1988) A Bayesian Approach to Outlier Detection and Residual Analysis Biometrika (1988) 75, 651-659
data("stackloss") stack.lm <- lm(stack.loss ~ ., data = stackloss) stack.outliers <- Bayes.outlier(stack.lm, k = 3) plot(stack.outliers$prob.outlier, type = "h", ylab = "Posterior Probability") # adjust for sample size for calculating prior prob that a # a case is an outlier stack.outliers <- Bayes.outlier(stack.lm, prior.prob = 0.95) # cases where posterior probability exceeds prior probability which(stack.outliers$prob.outlier > stack.outliers$prior.prob)
data("stackloss") stack.lm <- lm(stack.loss ~ ., data = stackloss) stack.outliers <- Bayes.outlier(stack.lm, k = 3) plot(stack.outliers$prob.outlier, type = "h", ylab = "Posterior Probability") # adjust for sample size for calculating prior prob that a # a case is an outlier stack.outliers <- Bayes.outlier(stack.lm, prior.prob = 0.95) # cases where posterior probability exceeds prior probability which(stack.outliers$prob.outlier > stack.outliers$prior.prob)
A version of glm.fit rewritten in C; also returns marginal likelihoods for Bayesian model comparison
bayesglm.fit( x, y, weights = rep(1, nobs), start = NULL, etastart = NULL, mustart = NULL, offset = rep(0, nobs), family = binomial(), coefprior = bic.prior(nobs), control = glm.control(), intercept = TRUE )
bayesglm.fit( x, y, weights = rep(1, nobs), start = NULL, etastart = NULL, mustart = NULL, offset = rep(0, nobs), family = binomial(), coefprior = bic.prior(nobs), control = glm.control(), intercept = TRUE )
x |
design matrix |
y |
response |
weights |
optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process. Should be NULL or a numeric vector. |
start |
starting value for coefficients in the linear predictor |
etastart |
starting values for the linear predictor |
mustart |
starting values for the vectors of means |
offset |
a priori known component to be included in the linear predictor |
family |
a description of the error distribution and link function for exponential family; currently only binomial(), poisson(), and Gamma() with canonical links are implemented. |
coefprior |
function specifying prior distribution on coefficients with
optional hyperparameters leading to marginal likelihood calculations;
options include |
control |
a list of parameters that control convergence in the fitting
process. See the documentation for |
intercept |
should an intercept be included in the null model? |
C version of glm-fit. For different prior choices returns, marginal likelihood of model using a Laplace approximation.
coefficients |
MLEs |
se |
Standard errors of coefficients based on the sqrt of the diagonal of the inverse information matrix |
mu |
fitted mean |
rank |
numeric rank of the fitted linear model |
deviance |
minus twice the log likelihood evaluated at the MLEs |
g |
value of g in g-priors |
shrinkage |
shrinkage factor for coefficients in linear predictor |
RegSS |
quadratic form beta'I(beta)beta used in shrinkage |
logmarglik |
the log marginal or integrated log likelihood (up to a constant) |
Merlise Clyde translated the glm.fit
from R base into
C using the .Call interface
data(Pima.tr, package="MASS") Y <- as.numeric(Pima.tr$type) - 1 X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(Pima.tr[,1:7])) out <- bayesglm.fit(X, Y, family=binomial(),coefprior=bic.prior(n=length(Y))) out$coef out$se # using built in function glm(type ~ ., family=binomial(), data=Pima.tr)
data(Pima.tr, package="MASS") Y <- as.numeric(Pima.tr$type) - 1 X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(Pima.tr[,1:7])) out <- bayesglm.fit(X, Y, family=binomial(),coefprior=bic.prior(n=length(Y))) out$coef out$se # using built in function glm(type ~ ., family=binomial(), data=Pima.tr)
Creates an object representing the prior distribution on models for BAS.
Bernoulli(probs = 0.5)
Bernoulli(probs = 0.5)
probs |
a scalar or vector of prior inclusion probabilities. If a scalar, the values is replicated for all variables ans a 1 is added for the intercept. BAS checks to see if the length is equal to the dimension of the parameter vector for the full model and adds a 1 to include the intercept. |
The independent Bernoulli prior distribution is a commonly used prior in BMA, with the Uniform distribution a special case with probs=.5. If all indicator variables have a independent Bernoulli distributions with common probability probs, the distribution on model size binomial(p, probs) distribution.
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyperparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other priors modelpriors:
Independent Bernoulli prior on models that with constraints for model hierarchy induced by interactions
Bernoulli.heredity(pi = 0.5, parents)
Bernoulli.heredity(pi = 0.5, parents)
pi |
Bernoulli probability that term is included |
parents |
matrix of terms and parents with indicators of which terms are parents for each term |
Not implemented yet for use with bas.lm or bas.glm
Other priors modelpriors:
Creates an object representing the prior distribution on models for BAS.
beta.binomial(alpha = 1, beta = 1)
beta.binomial(alpha = 1, beta = 1)
alpha |
parameter in the beta prior distribution |
beta |
parameter in the beta prior distribution |
The beta-binomial distribution on model size is obtained by assigning each variable inclusion indicator independent Bernoulli distributions with probability w, and then giving w a beta(alpha,beta) distribution. Marginalizing over w leads to the distribution on model size having the beta-binomial distribution. The default hyperparameters lead to a uniform distribution over model size.
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyperparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other priors modelpriors:
beta.binomial(1, 10) #' @family priors modelpriors
beta.binomial(1, 10) #' @family priors modelpriors
Creates an object representing the Beta-Prime prior that is mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS.
beta.prime(n = NULL)
beta.prime(n = NULL)
n |
the sample size; if NULL, the value derived from the data in the call to 'bas.glm' will be used. |
Creates a structure used for bas.glm
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other beta priors:
beta.prime(n = 100)
beta.prime(n = 100)
Lists estimates of the percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing and various body circumference measurements for 252 men. Accurate measurement of body fat is inconvenient/costly and it is desirable to have easy methods of estimating body fat that are not inconvenient/costly.
A data frame with 252 observations on the following 15 variables.
a numeric vector for the density determined from underwater weighing
percent body fat from Siri's (1956) equation
age of individual in years
weight of the individual in pounds
height of individual in inches
neck circumference in centimeters (cm)
chest circumference (cm)
abdomen circumference (cm)
hip circumference (cm)
thigh circumference (cm)
knee circumference (cm)
ankle circumference (cm)
bicep (extended) circumference (cm)
forearm circumference (cm)
wrist circumference (cm)
A variety of popular health books suggest that the readers assess their health, at least in part, by estimating their percentage of body fat. In Bailey (1994), for instance, the reader can estimate body fat from tables using their age and various skin-fold measurements obtained by using a caliper. Other texts give predictive equations for body fat using body circumference measurements (e.g. abdominal circumference) and/or skin-fold measurements. See, for instance, Behnke and Wilmore (1974), pp. 66-67; Wilmore (1976), p. 247; or Katch and McArdle (1977), pp. 120-132).#
Percentage of body fat for an individual can be estimated once body density has been determined. Folks (e.g. Siri (1956)) assume that the body consists of two components - lean body tissue and fat tissue. Letting
D = Body Density (gm/cm^3) A = proportion of lean body tissue B = proportion of fat tissue (A+B=1) a = density of lean body tissue (gm/cm^3) b = density of fat tissue (gm/cm^3)
we have D = 1/[(A/a) + (B/b)] and solving for B we find B = (1/D)*[ab/(a-b)] - [b/(a-b)].
Using the estimates a=1.10 gm/cm^3 and b=0.90 gm/cm^3 (see Katch and McArdle (1977), p. 111 or Wilmore (1976), p. 123) we come up with "Siri's equation":
Percentage of Body Fat (i.e. 100*B) = 495/D - 450.#
Volume, and hence body density, can be accurately measured a variety of ways. The technique of underwater weighing "computes body volume as the difference between body weight measured in air and weight measured during water submersion. In other words, body volume is equal to the loss of weight in water with the appropriate temperature correction for the water's density" (Katch and McArdle (1977), p. 113). Using this technique,
Body Density = WA/[(WA-WW)/c.f. - LV]
where WA = Weight in air (kg) WW = Weight in water (kg) c.f. = Water correction factor (=1 at 39.2 deg F as one-gram of water occupies exactly one cm^3 at this temperature, =.997 at 76-78 deg F) LV = Residual Lung Volume (liters)
(Katch and McArdle (1977), p. 115). Other methods of determining body volume are given in Behnke and Wilmore (1974), p. 22 ff.
Measurement standards are apparently those listed in Behnke and Wilmore (1974), pp. 45-48 where, for instance, the abdomen circumference is measured "laterally, at the level of the iliac crests, and anteriorly, at the umbilicus".)
These data are used to produce the predictive equations for lean body weight given in the abstract "Generalized body composition prediction equation for men using simple measurement techniques", K.W. Penrose, A.G. Nelson, A.G. Fisher, FACSM, Human Performance Research Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 as listed in _Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise_, vol. 17, no. 2, April 1985, p. 189. (The predictive equations were obtained from the first 143 of the 252 cases that are listed below). The data were generously supplied by Dr. A. Garth Fisher who gave permission to freely distribute the data and use for non-commercial purposes.
Bailey, Covert (1994). Smart Exercise: Burning Fat, Getting Fit, Houghton-Mifflin Co., Boston, pp. 179-186.
Behnke, A.R. and Wilmore, J.H. (1974). Evaluation and Regulation of Body Build and Composition, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Siri, W.E. (1956), "Gross composition of the body", in Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, vol. IV, edited by J.H. Lawrence and C.A. Tobias, Academic Press, Inc., New York.
Katch, Frank and McArdle, William (1977). Nutrition, Weight Control, and Exercise, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston.
Wilmore, Jack (1976). Athletic Training and Physical Fitness: Physiological Principles of the Conditioning Process, Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston.
data(bodyfat) bodyfat.bas = bas.lm(Bodyfat ~ Abdomen, data=bodyfat, prior="ZS-null") summary(bodyfat.bas) plot(Bodyfat ~ Abdomen, data=bodyfat, xlab="abdomen circumference (cm)") betas = coef(bodyfat.bas)$postmean # current version has that intercept is ybar betas[1] = betas[1] - betas[2]*bodyfat.bas$mean.x abline(betas) abline(coef(lm(Bodyfat ~ Abdomen, data=bodyfat)), col=2, lty=2)
data(bodyfat) bodyfat.bas = bas.lm(Bodyfat ~ Abdomen, data=bodyfat, prior="ZS-null") summary(bodyfat.bas) plot(Bodyfat ~ Abdomen, data=bodyfat, xlab="abdomen circumference (cm)") betas = coef(bodyfat.bas)$postmean # current version has that intercept is ybar betas[1] = betas[1] - betas[2]*bodyfat.bas$mean.x abline(betas) abline(coef(lm(Bodyfat ~ Abdomen, data=bodyfat)), col=2, lty=2)
Creates an object representing the CCH mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS .
CCH(alpha, beta, s = 0)
CCH(alpha, beta, s = 0)
alpha |
a scalar > 0, recommended alpha=.5 (betaprime) or 1 for CCH. The hyper.g(alpha) is equivalent to CCH(alpha -2, 2, 0). Liang et al recommended values in the range 2 < alpha_h <= 4 |
beta |
a scalar > 0. The value is not updated by the data; beta should be a function of n for consistency under the null model. The hyper-g corresponds to b = 2 |
s |
a scalar, recommended s=0 |
Creates a structure used for bas.glm
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyperparameters.
Merlise A Clyde
Other beta priors:
CCH(alpha = .5, beta = 100, s = 0)
CCH(alpha = .5, beta = 100, s = 0)
Climate Data
Scientists are interested in the Earth's temperature change since the last
glacial maximum, about 20,000 years ago. The first study to estimate the
temperature change was published in 1980, and estimated a change of -1.5 degrees
C, +/- 1.2 degrees C in tropical sea surface temperatures.
The negative value means that the Earth was colder then than now.
Since 1980 there have been many other studies.
is a dataset with 63 measurements on 5 variables:
the response variables, which is the change in temperature in degrees Celsius;
a standard deviation for the calculated deltaT;
a number 1-8 reflecting which type of measurement system was used to derive
deltaT. Some proxies can be used over land, others over water.
The proxies are coded as
1 "Mg/Ca"
2 "alkenone"
3 "Faunal"
4 "Sr/Ca"
5 "del 180"
6 "Ice Core"
7 "Pollen"
8 "Noble Gas"
, an indicator of whether it was a terrestrial or marine study (T/M), which is coded as 0 for Terrestrial, 1 for Marine;
the latitude where the data were collected.
Data provided originally by Michael Lavine
Extract conditional posterior means and standard deviations, marginal posterior means and standard deviations, posterior probabilities, and marginal inclusions probabilities under Bayesian Model Averaging from an object of class 'bas'
## S3 method for class 'bas' coef(object, n.models, estimator = "BMA", ...) ## S3 method for class 'coef.bas' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
## S3 method for class 'bas' coef(object, n.models, estimator = "BMA", ...) ## S3 method for class 'coef.bas' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
object |
object of class 'bas' created by BAS |
n.models |
Number of top models to report in the printed summary, for coef the default is to use all models. To extract summaries for the Highest Probability Model, use n.models=1 or estimator="HPM". |
estimator |
return summaries for a selected model, rather than using BMA. Options are 'HPM' (highest posterior probability model) ,'MPM' (median probability model), and 'BMA' |
... |
other optional arguments |
x |
object of class 'coef.bas' to print |
digits |
number of significant digits to print |
Calculates posterior means and (approximate) standard deviations of the regression coefficients under Bayesian Model averaging using g-priors and mixtures of g-priors. Print returns overall summaries. For fully Bayesian methods that place a prior on g, the posterior standard deviations do not take into account full uncertainty regarding g. Will be updated in future releases.
returns an object of class coef.bas with the
conditionalmeans |
a matrix with conditional posterior means for each model |
conditionalsd |
standard deviations for each model |
postmean |
marginal posterior means of each regression coefficient using BMA |
postsd |
marginal posterior standard deviations using BMA |
postne0 |
vector of posterior inclusion probabilities, marginal probability that a coefficient is non-zero |
With highly correlated variables, marginal summaries may not be
representative of the joint distribution. Use plot.coef.bas
view distributions. The value reported for the intercept is
under the centered parameterization. Under the Gaussian error
model it will be centered at the sample mean of Y.
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Liang, F., Paulo, R., Molina, G., Clyde, M. and Berger, J.O.
(2005) Mixtures of g-priors for Bayesian Variable Selection. Journal of the
American Statistical Association. 103:410-423.
Other bas methods:
data("Hald") hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, n.models=2^4, alpha=13, prior="ZS-null", initprobs="Uniform", update=10) coef.hald.gprior = coefficients(hald.gprior) coef.hald.gprior plot(coef.hald.gprior) confint(coef.hald.gprior) #Estimation under Median Probability Model coef.hald.gprior = coefficients(hald.gprior, estimator="MPM") coef.hald.gprior plot(coef.hald.gprior) plot(confint(coef.hald.gprior)) coef.hald.gprior = coefficients(hald.gprior, estimator="HPM") coef.hald.gprior plot(coef.hald.gprior) confint(coef.hald.gprior) # To add estimation under Best Predictive Model
data("Hald") hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, n.models=2^4, alpha=13, prior="ZS-null", initprobs="Uniform", update=10) coef.hald.gprior = coefficients(hald.gprior) coef.hald.gprior plot(coef.hald.gprior) confint(coef.hald.gprior) #Estimation under Median Probability Model coef.hald.gprior = coefficients(hald.gprior, estimator="MPM") coef.hald.gprior plot(coef.hald.gprior) plot(confint(coef.hald.gprior)) coef.hald.gprior = coefficients(hald.gprior, estimator="HPM") coef.hald.gprior plot(coef.hald.gprior) confint(coef.hald.gprior) # To add estimation under Best Predictive Model
Uses Monte Carlo simulations using posterior means and standard deviations of coefficients to generate draws from the posterior distributions and returns highest posterior density (HPD) credible intervals. If the number of models equals one, then use the t distribution to find intervals. These currently condition on the estimate of $g$. than the description above ~~
## S3 method for class 'coef.bas' confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, nsim = 10000, ...)
## S3 method for class 'coef.bas' confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, nsim = 10000, ...)
object |
a coef.bas object |
parm |
a specification of which parameters are to be given credible intervals, either a vector of numbers or a vector of names. If missing, all parameters are considered. |
level |
the probability coverage required |
nsim |
number of Monte Carlo draws from the posterior distribution. Used when number of models is greater than 1. |
... |
other arguments to passed; none currently |
A matrix (or vector) with columns giving lower and upper HPD credible limits for each parameter. These will be labeled as 1-level)/2 and 1 - (1-level)/2 in percent (by default 2.5 and 97.5).
For mixture of g-priors these are approximate. This uses Monte Carlo sampling so results may be subject to Monte Carlo variation and larger values of nsim may be needed to reduce variability.
Merlise A Clyde
Other CI methods:
Other bas methods:
data("Hald") hald_gprior <- bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, alpha=13, prior="g-prior") coef_hald <- coef(hald_gprior) confint(coef_hald) confint(coef_hald, approx=FALSE, nsim=5000) # extract just the coefficient of X4 confint(coef_hald, parm="X4")
data("Hald") hald_gprior <- bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, alpha=13, prior="g-prior") coef_hald <- coef(hald_gprior) confint(coef_hald) confint(coef_hald, approx=FALSE, nsim=5000) # extract just the coefficient of X4 confint(coef_hald, parm="X4")
Compute credible intervals for in-sample or out of sample prediction or for the regression function
## S3 method for class 'pred.bas' confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, nsim = 10000, ...)
## S3 method for class 'pred.bas' confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, nsim = 10000, ...)
object |
an object created by |
parm |
character variable, "mean" or "pred". If missing parm='pred'. |
level |
the nominal level of the (point-wise) credible interval |
nsim |
number of Monte Carlo simulations for sampling methods with BMA |
... |
optional arguments to pass on to next function call; none at this time. |
This constructs approximate 95 percent Highest Posterior Density intervals for 'pred.bas' objects. If the estimator is based on model selection, the intervals use a Student t distribution using the estimate of g. If the estimator is based on BMA, then nsim draws from the mixture of Student t distributions are obtained with the HPD interval obtained from the Monte Carlo draws.
a matrix with lower and upper level * 100 percent credible intervals for either the mean of the regression function or predicted values.
Merlise A Clyde
Other bas methods:
Other CI methods:
data("Hald") hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, alpha=13, prior="g-prior") hald.pred = predict(hald.gprior, estimator="BPM", predict=FALSE, se.fit=TRUE) confint(hald.pred, parm="mean") confint(hald.pred) #default hald.pred = predict(hald.gprior, estimator="BMA", predict=FALSE, se.fit=TRUE) confint(hald.pred)
data("Hald") hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, alpha=13, prior="g-prior") hald.pred = predict(hald.gprior, estimator="BPM", predict=FALSE, se.fit=TRUE) confint(hald.pred, parm="mean") confint(hald.pred) #default hald.pred = predict(hald.gprior, estimator="BMA", predict=FALSE, se.fit=TRUE) confint(hald.pred)
Compute average prediction error from out of sample predictions
cv.summary.bas(pred, ytrue, score = "squared-error")
cv.summary.bas(pred, ytrue, score = "squared-error")
pred |
fitted or predicted value from the output from
ytrue |
vector of left out response values |
score |
function used to summarize error rate. Either "squared-error", or "miss-class" |
For squared error, the average prediction error for the Bayesian estimator error = sqrt(sum(ytrue - yhat)^2/npred) while for binary data the misclassification rate is more appropriate.
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
## Not run: library(foreign) cognitive <- read.dta("https://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/arm/examples/child.iq/kidiq.dta") cognitive$mom_work <- as.numeric(cognitive$mom_work > 1) cognitive$mom_hs <- as.numeric(cognitive$mom_hs > 0) colnames(cognitive) <- c("kid_score", "hs", "iq", "work", "age") set.seed(42) n <- nrow(cognitive) test <- sample(1:n, size = round(.20 * n), replace = FALSE) testdata <- cognitive[test, ] traindata <- cognitive[-test, ] cog_train <- bas.lm(kid_score ~ ., prior = "BIC", modelprior = uniform(), data = traindata) yhat <- predict(cog_train, newdata = testdata, estimator = "BMA", se = F) cv.summary.bas(yhat$fit, testdata$kid_score) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(foreign) cognitive <- read.dta("https://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/arm/examples/child.iq/kidiq.dta") cognitive$mom_work <- as.numeric(cognitive$mom_work > 1) cognitive$mom_hs <- as.numeric(cognitive$mom_hs > 0) colnames(cognitive) <- c("kid_score", "hs", "iq", "work", "age") set.seed(42) n <- nrow(cognitive) test <- sample(1:n, size = round(.20 * n), replace = FALSE) testdata <- cognitive[test, ] traindata <- cognitive[-test, ] cog_train <- bas.lm(kid_score ~ ., prior = "BIC", modelprior = uniform(), data = traindata) yhat <- predict(cog_train, newdata = testdata, estimator = "BMA", se = F) cv.summary.bas(yhat$fit, testdata$kid_score) ## End(Not run)
Function to help assess convergence of MCMC sampling for bas objects.
diagnostics(obj, type = c("pip", "model"), ...)
diagnostics(obj, type = c("pip", "model"), ...)
obj |
an object created by bas.lm or bas.glm |
type |
type of diagnostic plot. If "pip" the marginal inclusion probabilities are used, while if "model", plot posterior model probabilities |
... |
additional graphics parameters to be passed to plot |
BAS calculates posterior model probabilities in two ways when method="MCMC". The first is using the relative Monte Carlo frequencies of sampled models. The second is to renormalize the marginal likelihood times prior probabilities over the sampled models. If the Markov chain has converged, these two quantities should be the same and fall on a 1-1 line. If not, running longer may be required. If the chain has not converged, the Monte Carlo frequencies may have less bias, although may exhibit more variability on repeated runs.
a plot with of the marginal inclusion probabilities (pip) estimated by MCMC and renormalized marginal likelihoods times prior probabilities or model probabilities.
Merlise Clyde ([email protected])
Other bas methods:
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[, -2] <- log(UScrime[, -2]) crime.ZS <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data = UScrime, prior = "ZS-null", modelprior = uniform(), method = "MCMC", MCMC.iter = 1000 ) # short run for the example diagnostics(crime.ZS)
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[, -2] <- log(UScrime[, -2]) crime.ZS <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data = UScrime, prior = "ZS-null", modelprior = uniform(), method = "MCMC", MCMC.iter = 1000 ) # short run for the example diagnostics(crime.ZS)
Finds the global Empirical Bayes estimates of g in Zellner's g-prior and model probabilities
EB.global(object, tol = 0.1, g.0 = NULL, max.iterations = 100)
EB.global(object, tol = 0.1, g.0 = NULL, max.iterations = 100)
object |
A 'bas' object created by |
tol |
tolerance for estimating g |
g.0 |
initial value for g |
max.iterations |
Maximum number of iterations for the EM algorithm |
Uses the EM algorithm in Liang et al to estimate the type II MLE of g in Zellner's g prior
An object of class 'bas' using Zellner's g prior with an estimate of g based on all models
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Liang, F., Paulo, R., Molina, G., Clyde, M. and Berger, J.O.
(2008) Mixtures of g-priors for Bayesian Variable Selection. Journal of the
American Statistical Association. 103:410-423.
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[,-2] = log(UScrime[,-2]) # EB local uses a different g within each model crime.EBL = bas.lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime, n.models=2^15, prior="EB-local", initprobs= "eplogp") # use a common (global) estimate of g crime.EBG = EB.global(crime.EBL)
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[,-2] = log(UScrime[,-2]) # EB local uses a different g within each model crime.EBL = bas.lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime, n.models=2^15, prior="EB-local", initprobs= "eplogp") # use a common (global) estimate of g crime.EBG = EB.global(crime.EBL)
Creates an object representing the EB prior for BAS GLM.
Creates a structure used for bas.glm
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other beta priors:
calculates approximate marginal posterior inclusion
probabilities from p-values computed from a linear model using a lower bound
approximation to Bayes factors. Used to obtain initial inclusion
probabilities for sampling using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling bas.lm
eplogprob(lm.obj, thresh = 0.5, max = 0.99, int = TRUE)
eplogprob(lm.obj, thresh = 0.5, max = 0.99, int = TRUE)
lm.obj |
a linear model object |
thresh |
the value of the inclusion probability when if the p-value > 1/exp(1), where the lower bound approximation is not valid. |
max |
maximum value of the inclusion probability; used for the
int |
If the Intercept is included in the linear model, set the marginal inclusion probability corresponding to the intercept to 1 |
Sellke, Bayarri and Berger (2001) provide a simple calibration of p-values
BF(p) = -e p log(p)
which provide a lower bound to a Bayes factor for comparing H0: beta = 0 versus H1: beta not equal to 0, when the p-value p is less than 1/e. Using equal prior odds on the hypotheses H0 and H1, the approximate marginal posterior inclusion probability
p(beta != 0 | data ) = 1/(1 + BF(p))
When p > 1/e, we set the marginal inclusion probability to 0.5 or the value
given by thresh
returns a vector of marginal posterior inclusion
probabilities for each of the variables in the linear model. If int = TRUE,
then the inclusion probability for the intercept is set to 1. If the model
is not full rank, variables that are linearly dependent base on the QR
factorization will have NA for their p-values. In bas.lm, where the
probabilities are used for sampling, the inclusion probability is set to 0.
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Sellke, Thomas, Bayarri, M. J., and Berger, James O. (2001), “Calibration of p-values for testing precise null hypotheses”, The American Statistician, 55, 62-71.
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[,-2] = log(UScrime[,-2]) eplogprob(lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime))
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[,-2] = log(UScrime[,-2]) eplogprob(lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime))
calculates approximate marginal posterior inclusion
probabilities from p-values computed from a series of simple linear
regression models using a lower bound approximation to Bayes factors. Used
to order variables and if appropriate obtain initial inclusion probabilities
for sampling using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling bas.lm
eplogprob.marg(Y, X, thresh = 0.5, max = 0.99, int = TRUE)
eplogprob.marg(Y, X, thresh = 0.5, max = 0.99, int = TRUE)
Y |
response variable |
X |
design matrix with a column of ones for the intercept |
thresh |
the value of the inclusion probability when if the p-value > 1/exp(1), where the lower bound approximation is not valid. |
max |
maximum value of the inclusion probability; used for the
int |
If the Intercept is included in the linear model, set the marginal inclusion probability corresponding to the intercept to 1 |
Sellke, Bayarri and Berger (2001) provide a simple calibration of p-values
BF(p) = -e p log(p)
which provide a lower bound to a Bayes factor for comparing H0: beta = 0 versus H1: beta not equal to 0, when the p-value p is less than 1/e. Using equal prior odds on the hypotheses H0 and H1, the approximate marginal posterior inclusion probability
p(beta != 0 | data ) = 1/(1 + BF(p))
When p > 1/e, we set the marginal inclusion probability to 0.5 or the value
given by thresh
. For the eplogprob.marg the marginal p-values are
obtained using statistics from the p simple linear regressions
P(F > (n-2) R2/(1 - R2)) where F ~ F(1, n-2) where R2 is the square of the correlation coefficient between y and X_j.
returns a vector of marginal posterior
inclusion probabilities for each of the variables in the linear model. If
int = TRUE, then the inclusion probability for the intercept is set to 1.
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Sellke, Thomas, Bayarri, M. J., and Berger, James O. (2001), “Calibration of p-values for testing precise null hypotheses”, The American Statistician, 55, 62-71.
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[,-2] = log(UScrime[,-2]) eplogprob(lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime))
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[,-2] = log(UScrime[,-2]) eplogprob(lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime))
Calculate fitted values for a BAS BMA object
## S3 method for class 'bas' fitted( object, type = "link", estimator = "BMA", top = NULL, na.action = na.pass, ... )
## S3 method for class 'bas' fitted( object, type = "link", estimator = "BMA", top = NULL, na.action = na.pass, ... )
object |
An object of class 'bas' as created by |
type |
type equals "response" or "link" in the case of GLMs (default is 'link') |
estimator |
estimator type of fitted value to return. Default is to use
BMA with all models. Options include |
top |
optional argument specifying that the 'top' models will be used in constructing the BMA prediction, if NULL all models will be used. If top=1, then this is equivalent to 'HPM' |
na.action |
function determining what should be done with missing values in newdata. The default is to predict NA. |
... |
optional arguments, not used currently |
Calculates fitted values at observed design matrix using either the highest probability model, 'HPM', the posterior mean (under BMA) 'BMA', the median probability model 'MPM' or the best predictive model 'BPM". The median probability model is defined by including variable where the marginal inclusion probability is greater than or equal to 1/2. For type="BMA", the weighted average may be based on using a subset of the highest probability models if an optional argument is given for top. By default BMA uses all sampled models, which may take a while to compute if the number of variables or number of models is large. The "BPM" is found be computing the squared distance of the vector of fitted values for a model and the fitted values under BMA and returns the model with the smallest distance. In the presence of multicollinearity this may be quite different from the MPM, with extreme collinearity may drop relevant predictors.
A vector of length n of fitted values.
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Barbieri, M. and Berger, J.O. (2004) Optimal predictive model
selection. Annals of Statistics. 32, 870-897.
Clyde, M. Ghosh, J. and Littman, M. (2010) Bayesian Adaptive Sampling for
Variable Selection and Model Averaging. Journal of Computational Graphics
and Statistics. 20:80-101
Other bas methods:
Other predict methods:
data(Hald) hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, prior="ZS-null", initprobs="Uniform") plot(Hald$Y, fitted(hald.gprior, estimator="HPM")) plot(Hald$Y, fitted(hald.gprior, estimator="BMA", top=3)) plot(Hald$Y, fitted(hald.gprior, estimator="MPM")) plot(Hald$Y, fitted(hald.gprior, estimator="BPM"))
data(Hald) hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, prior="ZS-null", initprobs="Uniform") plot(Hald$Y, fitted(hald.gprior, estimator="HPM")) plot(Hald$Y, fitted(hald.gprior, estimator="BMA", top=3)) plot(Hald$Y, fitted(hald.gprior, estimator="MPM")) plot(Hald$Y, fitted(hald.gprior, estimator="BPM"))
This function takes the output of a bas object and allows higher order interactions to be included only if their parent lower order interactions terms are in the model, by assigning zero prior probability, and hence posterior probability, to models that do not include their respective parents.
force.heredity.bas(object, prior.prob = 0.5)
force.heredity.bas(object, prior.prob = 0.5)
object |
a bas linear model or generalized linear model object |
prior.prob |
prior probability that a term is included conditional on parents being included |
a bas object with updated models, coefficients and summaries obtained removing all models with zero prior and posterior probabilities.
Currently prior probabilities are computed using conditional Bernoulli distributions, i.e. P(gamma_j = 1 | Parents(gamma_j) = 1) = prior.prob. This is not very efficient for models with a large number of levels. Future updates will force this at the time of sampling.
Merlise A Clyde
Other bas methods:
data("chickwts") bas.chk <- bas.lm(weight ~ feed, data = chickwts) # summary(bas.chk) # 2^5 = 32 models bas.chk.int <- force.heredity.bas(bas.chk) # summary(bas.chk.int) # two models now data(Hald) bas.hald <- bas.lm(Y ~ .^2, data = Hald) bas.hald.int <- force.heredity.bas(bas.hald) image(bas.hald.int) image(bas.hald.int) # two-way interactions data(ToothGrowth) ToothGrowth$dose <- factor(ToothGrowth$dose) levels(ToothGrowth$dose) <- c("Low", "Medium", "High") TG.bas <- bas.lm(len ~ supp * dose, data = ToothGrowth, modelprior = uniform()) TG.bas.int <- force.heredity.bas(TG.bas) image(TG.bas.int)
data("chickwts") bas.chk <- bas.lm(weight ~ feed, data = chickwts) # summary(bas.chk) # 2^5 = 32 models bas.chk.int <- force.heredity.bas(bas.chk) # summary(bas.chk.int) # two models now data(Hald) bas.hald <- bas.lm(Y ~ .^2, data = Hald) bas.hald.int <- force.heredity.bas(bas.hald) image(bas.hald.int) image(bas.hald.int) # two-way interactions data(ToothGrowth) ToothGrowth$dose <- factor(ToothGrowth$dose) levels(ToothGrowth$dose) <- c("Low", "Medium", "High") TG.bas <- bas.lm(len ~ supp * dose, data = ToothGrowth, modelprior = uniform()) TG.bas.int <- force.heredity.bas(TG.bas) image(TG.bas.int)
Creates an object representing the g-prior distribution on coefficients for BAS.
g |
a scalar used in the covariance of Zellner's g-prior, Cov(beta) = sigma^2 g (X'X)^-1 |
Creates a structure used for BAS.
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other beta priors:
The Hald data have been used in many books and papers to illustrate variable selection. The data relate to an engineering application that was concerned with the effect of the composition of cement on heat evolved during hardening. The response variable Y is the heat evolved in a cement mix. The four explanatory variables are ingredients of the mix, X1: tricalcium aluminate, X2: tricalcium silicate, X3: tetracalcium alumino ferrite, X4: dicalcium silicate. An important feature of these data is that the variables X1 and X3 are highly correlated, as well as the variables X2 and X4. Thus we should expect any subset of (X1,X2,X3,X4) that includes one variable from highly correlated pair to do as any subset that also includes the other member.
is a dataframe with 13 observations and 5 variables
Y: Heat evolved per gram of cement (in calories) X1: Amount of tricalcium aluminate X2: Amount of tricalcium silicate X3: Amount of tetracalcium alumino ferrite X4: Amount of dicalcium silicate
Wood, H., Steinour, H.H., and Starke, H.R. (1932). "Effect of Composition of Portland cement on Heat Evolved During Hardening", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 24, 1207-1214.
Creates an object representing the hyper-g mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS.
hyper.g(alpha = 3)
hyper.g(alpha = 3)
alpha |
a scalar > 0. The hyper.g(alpha) is equivalent to CCH(alpha -2, 2, 0). Liang et al recommended values in the range 2 < alpha_h <= 3 |
Creates a structure used for bas.glm
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other beta priors:
hyper.g(alpha = 3)
hyper.g(alpha = 3)
Creates an object representing the hyper-g/n mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS. This is a special case of the tCCH prior
hyper.g.n(alpha = 3, n = NULL)
hyper.g.n(alpha = 3, n = NULL)
alpha |
a scalar > 0, recommended 2 < alpha <= 3 |
n |
The sample size; if NULL, the value derived from the data in the call to 'bas.glm' will be used. |
Creates a structure used for bas.glm
. This is a special case
of the tCCH
, where hyper.g.n(alpha=3, n)
is equivalent
to tCCH(alpha=1, beta=2, s=0, r=1.5, v = 1, theta=1/n)
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
, robust
, hyper.g
Other beta priors:
n <- 500 hyper.g.n(alpha = 3, n = n)
n <- 500 hyper.g.n(alpha = 3, n = n)
Compute the Confluent Hypergeometric function: 1F1(a,b,c,t) = Gamma(b)/(Gamma(b-a)Gamma(a)) Int_0^1 t^(a-1) (1 - t)^(b-a-1) exp(c t) dt
hypergeometric1F1(a, b, c, laplace = FALSE, log = TRUE)
hypergeometric1F1(a, b, c, laplace = FALSE, log = TRUE)
a |
arbitrary |
b |
Must be greater 0 |
c |
arbitrary |
laplace |
The default is to use the Cephes library; for large a or s this may return an NA, Inf or negative values,, in which case you should use the Laplace approximation. |
log |
if TRUE, return log(1F1) |
Merlise Clyde ([email protected])
Cephes library hyp1f1.c
Other special functions:
hypergeometric1F1(11.14756, 0.5, 0.00175097)
hypergeometric1F1(11.14756, 0.5, 0.00175097)
Compute the Gaussian Hypergeometric2F1 function: 2F1(a,b,c,z) = Gamma(b-c) Int_0^1 t^(b-1) (1 - t)^(c -b -1) (1 - t z)^(-a) dt
hypergeometric2F1(a, b, c, z, method = "Cephes", log = TRUE)
hypergeometric2F1(a, b, c, z, method = "Cephes", log = TRUE)
a |
arbitrary |
b |
Must be greater 0 |
c |
Must be greater than b if |z| < 1, and c > b + a if z = 1 |
z |
|z| <= 1 |
method |
The default is to use the Cephes library routine. This sometimes is unstable for large a or z near one returning Inf or negative values. In this case, try method="Laplace", which use a Laplace approximation for tau = exp(t/(1-t)). |
log |
if TRUE, return log(2F1) |
The default is to use the routine hyp2f1.c from the Cephes library. If that return a negative value or Inf, one should try method="Laplace" which is based on the Laplace approximation as described in Liang et al JASA 2008. This is used in the hyper-g prior to calculate marginal likelihoods.
if log=T returns the log of the 2F1 function; otherwise the 2F1 function.
Merlise Clyde ([email protected])
Cephes library hyp2f1.c
Liang, F., Paulo, R., Molina, G., Clyde, M. and Berger, J.O. (2005) Mixtures
of g-priors for Bayesian Variable Selection. Journal of the American
Statistical Association. 103:410-423.
Other special functions:
hypergeometric2F1(12, 1, 2, .65)
hypergeometric2F1(12, 1, 2, .65)
Creates an object representing the prior distribution on coefficients for BAS.
penalty |
a scalar used in the penalized loglikelihood of the form penalty*dimension |
The log marginal likelihood is approximated as -2*(deviance + penalty*dimension). Allows alternatives to AIC (penalty = 2) and BIC (penalty = log(n)). For BIC, the argument may be missing, in which case the sample size is determined from the call to 'bas.glm' and used to determine the penalty.
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other beta priors:
IC.prior(2) aic.prior() bic.prior(100)
IC.prior(2) aic.prior() bic.prior(100)
Creates an image of the models selected using bas
## S3 method for class 'bas' image( x, top.models = 20, intensity = TRUE, prob = TRUE, log = TRUE, rotate = TRUE, color = "rainbow", subset = NULL, drop.always.included = FALSE, offset = 0.75, digits = 3, vlas = 2, plas = 0, rlas = 0, ... )
## S3 method for class 'bas' image( x, top.models = 20, intensity = TRUE, prob = TRUE, log = TRUE, rotate = TRUE, color = "rainbow", subset = NULL, drop.always.included = FALSE, offset = 0.75, digits = 3, vlas = 2, plas = 0, rlas = 0, ... )
x |
A BMA object of type 'bas' created by BAS |
top.models |
Number of the top ranked models to plot |
intensity |
Logical variable, when TRUE image intensity is proportional to the probability or log(probability) of the model, when FALSE, intensity is binary indicating just presence (light) or absence (dark) of a variable. |
prob |
Logical variable for whether the area in the image for each model should be proportional to the posterior probability (or log probability) of the model (TRUE) or with equal area (FALSE). |
log |
Logical variable indicating whether the intensities should be based on log posterior odds (TRUE) or posterior probabilities (FALSE). The log of the posterior odds is for comparing the each model to the worst model in the top.models. |
rotate |
Should the image of models be rotated so that models are on the y-axis and variables are on the x-axis (TRUE) |
color |
The color scheme for image intensities. The value "rainbow" uses the rainbow palette. The value "blackandwhite" produces a black and white image (greyscale image) |
subset |
indices of variables to include/exclude in plot |
drop.always.included |
logical variable to drop variables that are always forced into the model. FALSE by default. |
offset |
numeric value to add to intensity |
digits |
number of digits in posterior probabilities to keep |
vlas |
las parameter for placing variable names; see par |
plas |
las parameter for posterior probability axis |
rlas |
las parameter for model ranks |
... |
Other parameters to be passed to the |
Creates an image of the model space sampled using bas
. If a
subset of the top models are plotted, then probabilities are renormalized
over the subset.
Suggestion to allow area of models be proportional to posterior probability due to Thomas Lumley
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Clyde, M. (1999) Bayesian Model Averaging and Model Search Strategies (with discussion). In Bayesian Statistics 6. J.M. Bernardo, A.P. Dawid, J.O. Berger, and A.F.M. Smith eds. Oxford University Press, pages 157-185.
Other bas methods:
Other bas plots:
require(graphics) data("Hald") hald.ZSprior <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data = Hald, prior = "ZS-null") image(hald.ZSprior, drop.always.included = TRUE) # drop the intercept
require(graphics) data("Hald") hald.ZSprior <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data = Hald, prior = "ZS-null") image(hald.ZSprior, drop.always.included = TRUE) # drop the intercept
Creates an object representing the intrinsic prior on g, a special case of the tCCH mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS.
intrinsic(n = NULL)
intrinsic(n = NULL)
n |
the sample size; if NULL, the value derived from the data in the call to 'bas.glm' will be used. |
Creates a structure used for bas.glm
returns an object of class "prior", with the family "intrinsic" of class "TCCH" and hyperparameters alpha = 1, beta = 1, s = 0, r = 1, n = n for the tCCH prior where theta in the tCCH prior is determined by the model size and sample size.
Merlise A Clyde
Womack, A., Novelo,L.L., Casella, G. (2014). "Inference From Intrinsic Bayes' Procedures Under Model Selection and Uncertainty". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 109:1040-1053. doi:10.1080/01621459.2014.880348
, robust
, hyper.g
Other beta priors:
n <- 500 tCCH(alpha = 1, beta = 2, s = 0, r = 1.5, v = 1, theta = 1 / n)
n <- 500 tCCH(alpha = 1, beta = 2, s = 0, r = 1.5, v = 1, theta = 1 / n)
Creates an object representing the Jeffrey's Prior on g mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS. This is equivalent to a limiting version of the CCH(a, 2, 0) with a = 0 or they hyper-g(a = 2) and is an improper prior. As $g$ does not appear in the Null Model, Bayes Factors and model probabilities are not well-defined because of arbitrary normalizing constants, and for this reason the null model is excluded and the same constants are used across other models.
Creates a structure used for bas.glm
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other beta priors:
Models, coefficients, and standard errors in objects of class 'bas' are represented as a list of lists to reduce storage by omitting the zero entries. These functions coerce the list object to a matrix and fill in the zeros to facilitate other computations.
list2matrix.bas(x, what, which.models = NULL)
list2matrix.bas(x, what, which.models = NULL)
x |
a 'bas' object |
what |
name of bas list to coerce |
which.models |
a vector of indices use to extract a subset |
list2matrix.bas(x, which)
is equivalent to
, however, the latter uses sapply rather than a
and which.matrix
both coerce
into a matrix.
a matrix representation of x$what
, with number of rows equal
to the length of which.models or total number of models and number of
columns x$n.vars
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Other as.matrix methods:
data(Hald) hald.bic <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="BIC", initprobs= "eplogp") coef <- list2matrix.bas(hald.bic, "mle") # extract all coefficients se <- list2matrix.bas(hald.bic, "mle.se") models <- list2matrix.which(hald.bic) #matrix of model indicators models <- which.matrix(hald.bic$which, hald.bic$n.vars) #matrix of model indicators
data(Hald) hald.bic <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="BIC", initprobs= "eplogp") coef <- list2matrix.bas(hald.bic, "mle") # extract all coefficients se <- list2matrix.bas(hald.bic, "mle.se") models <- list2matrix.which(hald.bic) #matrix of model indicators models <- which.matrix(hald.bic$which, hald.bic$n.vars) #matrix of model indicators
Models, coefficients, and standard errors in objects of class 'bas' are represented as a list of lists to reduce storage by omitting the zero entries. These functions coerce the list object to a matrix and fill in the zeros to facilitate other computations.
list2matrix.which(x, which.models = NULL)
list2matrix.which(x, which.models = NULL)
x |
a 'bas' object |
which.models |
a vector of indices use to extract a subset |
list2matrix.bas(x, which)
is equivalent to
, however, the latter uses sapply rather than a
and which.matrix
both coerce
into a matrix.
a matrix representation of x$what
, with number of rows equal
to the length of which.models or total number of models and number of
columns x$n.vars
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Other as.matrix methods:
data(Hald) Hald.bic <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="BIC", initprobs="eplogp") coef <- list2matrix.bas(Hald.bic, "mle") # extract all ols coefficients se <- list2matrix.bas(Hald.bic, "mle.se") models <- list2matrix.which(Hald.bic) #matrix of model indicators models <- which.matrix(Hald.bic$which, Hald.bic$n.vars) #matrix of model indicators
data(Hald) Hald.bic <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="BIC", initprobs="eplogp") coef <- list2matrix.bas(Hald.bic, "mle") # extract all ols coefficients se <- list2matrix.bas(Hald.bic, "mle.se") models <- list2matrix.which(Hald.bic) #matrix of model indicators models <- which.matrix(Hald.bic$which, Hald.bic$n.vars) #matrix of model indicators
Compute the Confluent Hypergeometric function of two variables, also know as a Horn hypergeometric function or Humbert's hypergeometric used in Gordy (1998) with integral representation:
phi1(a, b, c, x, y, log = FALSE)
phi1(a, b, c, x, y, log = FALSE)
a |
a > 0 |
b |
arbitrary |
c |
c > 0 |
x |
x > 0 |
y |
y > 0 |
log |
logical indicating whether to return phi1 on the log scale |
phi_1(a,b,c,x,y) = [(Gamma(c)/Gamma(a) Gamma(a-c))] Int_0^1 t^(a-1) (1 - t)^(c-a-1) (1 - yt)^(-b) exp(x t) dt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humbert_series Note that Gordy's arguments for x and y are reversed in the reference above.
The original 'phi1' function in 'BAS' was based on 'C' code provided by Gordy. This function returns NA's when x is greater than 'log(.Machine$double.xmax)/2'. A more stable method for calculating the ‘phi1' function using R’s 'integrate' was suggested by Daniel Heemann and is now an option whenever $x$ is too large. For calculating Bayes factors that use the 'phi1' function we recommend using the 'log=TRUE' option to compute log Bayes factors.
Merlise Clyde ([email protected])
Daniel Heemann ([email protected])
Gordy 1998
Other special functions:
# special cases # phi1(a, b, c, x=0, y) is the same as 2F1(b, a; c, y) phi1(1, 2, 1.5, 0, 1 / 100, log=FALSE) hypergeometric2F1(2, 1, 1.5, 1 / 100, log = FALSE) # phi1(a,0,c,x,y) is the same as 1F1(a,c,x) phi1(1, 0, 1.5, 3, 1 / 100) hypergeometric1F1(1, 1.5, 3, log = FALSE) # use direct integration phi1(1, 2, 1.5, 1000, 0, log=TRUE)
# special cases # phi1(a, b, c, x=0, y) is the same as 2F1(b, a; c, y) phi1(1, 2, 1.5, 0, 1 / 100, log=FALSE) hypergeometric2F1(2, 1, 1.5, 1 / 100, log = FALSE) # phi1(a,0,c,x,y) is the same as 1F1(a,c,x) phi1(1, 0, 1.5, 3, 1 / 100) hypergeometric1F1(1, 1.5, 3, log = FALSE) # use direct integration phi1(1, 2, 1.5, 1000, 0, log=TRUE)
Four plots (selectable by 'which') are currently available: a plot of residuals against fitted values, Cumulative Model Probabilities, log marginal likelihoods versus model dimension, and marginal inclusion probabilities.
## S3 method for class 'bas' plot( x, which = c(1:4), caption = c("Residuals vs Fitted", "Model Probabilities", "Model Complexity", "Inclusion Probabilities"), panel = if (add.smooth) panel.smooth else points, sub.caption = NULL, main = "", ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), col.in = 2, col.ex = 1, col.pch = 1, cex.lab = 1, ..., id.n = 3, labels.id = NULL, cex.id = 0.75, add.smooth = getOption("add.smooth"), label.pos = c(4, 2), subset = NULL, drop.always.included = FALSE )
## S3 method for class 'bas' plot( x, which = c(1:4), caption = c("Residuals vs Fitted", "Model Probabilities", "Model Complexity", "Inclusion Probabilities"), panel = if (add.smooth) panel.smooth else points, sub.caption = NULL, main = "", ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), col.in = 2, col.ex = 1, col.pch = 1, cex.lab = 1, ..., id.n = 3, labels.id = NULL, cex.id = 0.75, add.smooth = getOption("add.smooth"), label.pos = c(4, 2), subset = NULL, drop.always.included = FALSE )
x |
which |
if a subset of the plots is required, specify a subset of the numbers '1:4' |
caption |
captions to appear above the plots |
panel |
panel function. The useful alternative to 'points', 'panel.smooth' can be chosen by 'add.smooth = TRUE' |
sub.caption |
common title-above figures if there are multiple; used as
'sub' (s.'title') otherwise. If 'NULL', as by default, a possible shortened
version of |
main |
title to each plot-in addition to the above 'caption' |
ask |
logical; if 'TRUE', the user is asked before each plot, see 'par(ask=.)' |
col.in |
color for the included variables |
col.ex |
color for the excluded variables |
col.pch |
color for points in panels 1-3 |
cex.lab |
graphics parameter to control size of variable names |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions |
id.n |
number of points to be labeled in each plot, starting with the most extreme |
labels.id |
vector of labels, from which the labels for extreme points will be chosen. 'NULL' uses observation numbers |
cex.id |
magnification of point labels. |
add.smooth |
logical indicating if a smoother should be added to most plots; see also 'panel' above |
label.pos |
positioning of labels, for the left half and right half of the graph respectively, for plots 1-4 |
subset |
indices of variables to include/exclude in plot of marginal posterior inclusion probabilities (NULL). |
drop.always.included |
logical variable to drop marginal posterior inclusion probabilities for variables that are always forced into the model. FALSE by default. |
This provides a panel of 4 plots: the first is a plot of the residuals versus fitted values under BMA. The second is a plot of the cumulative marginal likelihoods of models; if the model space cannot be enumerated then this provides some indication of whether the probabilities are leveling off. The third is a plot of log marginal likelihood versus model dimension and the fourth plot show the posterior marginal inclusion probabilities.
Merlise Clyde, based on plot.lm by John Maindonald and Martin Maechler
and image.bas
Other bas plots:
data(Hald) hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, prior="g-prior", alpha=13, modelprior=beta.binomial(1,1), initprobs="eplogp") plot(hald.gprior)
data(Hald) hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, prior="g-prior", alpha=13, modelprior=beta.binomial(1,1), initprobs="eplogp") plot(hald.gprior)
Displays plots of the posterior distributions of the coefficients generated by Bayesian model averaging over linear regression.
## S3 method for class 'coef.bas' plot(x, e = 1e-04, subset = 1:x$n.vars, ask = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'coef.bas' plot(x, e = 1e-04, subset = 1:x$n.vars, ask = TRUE, ...)
x |
object of class coef.bas |
e |
optional numeric value specifying the range over which the distributions are to be graphed. |
subset |
optional numerical vector specifying which variables to graph (including the intercept) |
ask |
Prompt for next plot |
... |
other parameters to be passed to |
Produces plots of the posterior distributions of the coefficients under model averaging. The posterior probability that the coefficient is zero is represented by a solid line at zero, with height equal to the probability. The nonzero part of the distribution is scaled so that the maximum height is equal to the probability that the coefficient is nonzero.
The parameter e
specifies the range over which the distributions are
to be graphed by specifying the tail probabilities that dictate the range to
plot over.
For mixtures of g-priors, uncertainty in g is not incorporated at this time, thus results are approximate
based on function plot.bic
by Ian Painter in package BMA;
adapted for 'bas' class by Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Hoeting, J.A., Raftery, A.E. and Madigan, D. (1996). A method for simultaneous variable selection and outlier identification in linear regression. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 22, 251-270.
Other bas plots:
## Not run: library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[,-2] <- log(UScrime[,-2]) crime_bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime, n.models=2^15, prior="BIC") plot(coefficients(crime_bic), ask=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[,-2] <- log(UScrime[,-2]) crime_bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime, n.models=2^15, prior="BIC") plot(coefficients(crime_bic), ask=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Function takes the the output of functions that return credible intervals from BAS objects, and creates a plot of the posterior mean with segments representing the credible interval. of what the function does. ~~
## S3 method for class 'confint.bas' plot(x, horizontal = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'confint.bas' plot(x, horizontal = FALSE, ...)
x |
the output from |
horizontal |
orientation of the plot |
... |
optional graphical arguments to pass on to plot |
This function takes the HPD intervals or credible intervals created by
or confint.pred.bas
from BAS
objects, and creates a plot of the posterior mean with segments representing
the credible interval. BAS tries to return HPD intervals, and under model
averaging these may not be symmetric.
the description above ~~
A plot of the credible intervals.
Merlise A Clyde
, confint.pred.bas
, predict.bas
, link{bas.lm}
Other bas methods:
Other CI methods:
data(Hald) hald.ZS = bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="ZS-null", modelprior=uniform()) hald.coef = confint(coef(hald.ZS), parm=2:5) plot(hald.coef) plot(hald.coef, horizontal=TRUE) plot(confint(predict(hald.ZS, se.fit=TRUE), parm="mean"))
data(Hald) hald.ZS = bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="ZS-null", modelprior=uniform()) hald.coef = confint(coef(hald.ZS), parm=2:5) plot(hald.coef) plot(hald.coef, horizontal=TRUE) plot(confint(predict(hald.ZS, se.fit=TRUE), parm="mean"))
Predictions under model averaging or other estimators from a BMA object of class inheriting from 'bas'.
## S3 method for class 'bas' predict( object, newdata, se.fit = FALSE, type = "link", top = NULL, estimator = "BMA", na.action = na.pass, ... )
## S3 method for class 'bas' predict( object, newdata, se.fit = FALSE, type = "link", top = NULL, estimator = "BMA", na.action = na.pass, ... )
object |
An object of class BAS, created by |
newdata |
dataframe for predictions. If missing, then use the dataframe used for fitting for obtaining fitted and predicted values. |
se.fit |
indicator for whether to compute se of fitted and predicted values |
type |
Type of predictions required. "link" which is on the scale of the linear predictor is the only option currently for linear models, which for the normal model is equivalent to type='response'. |
top |
a scalar integer M. If supplied, subset the top M models, based on posterior probabilities for model predictions and BMA. |
estimator |
estimator used for predictions. Currently supported
options include: |
na.action |
function determining what should be done with missing values in newdata. The default is to predict NA. |
... |
optional extra arguments |
Use BMA and/or model selection to form predictions using the top highest probability models.
a list of
fit |
fitted values based on the selected estimator |
Ybma |
predictions using BMA, the same as fit for non-BMA methods for compatibility; will be deprecated |
Ypred |
matrix of predictions under each model for BMA |
se.fit |
se of fitted values; in the case of BMA this will be a matrix |
se.pred |
se for predicted values; in the case of BMA this will be a matrix |
se.bma.fit |
vector of posterior sd under BMA for posterior mean of the regression function. This will be NULL if estimator is not 'BMA' |
se.bma.pred |
vector of posterior sd under BMA for posterior predictive values. this will be NULL if estimator is not 'BMA' |
best |
index of top models included |
bestmodels |
subset of bestmodels used for fitting or prediction |
best.vars |
names of variables in the top model; NULL if estimator='BMA' |
df |
scalar or vector of degrees of freedom for models |
estimator |
estimator upon which 'fit' is based. |
Merlise Clyde
, fitted.bas
, variable.names.pred.bas
Other predict methods:
Other bas methods:
data("Hald") hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, alpha=13, prior="g-prior") predict(hald.gprior, newdata=Hald, estimator="BPM", se.fit=TRUE) # same as fitted fitted(hald.gprior,estimator="BPM") # default is BMA and estimation of mean vector hald.bma = predict(hald.gprior, top=5, se.fit=TRUE) confint(hald.bma) hald.bpm = predict(hald.gprior, newdata=Hald[1,], se.fit=TRUE, estimator="BPM") confint(hald.bpm) # extract variables variable.names(hald.bpm) hald.hpm = predict(hald.gprior, newdata=Hald[1,], se.fit=TRUE, estimator="HPM") confint(hald.hpm) variable.names(hald.hpm) hald.mpm = predict(hald.gprior, newdata=Hald[1,], se.fit=TRUE, estimator="MPM") confint(hald.mpm) variable.names(hald.mpm)
data("Hald") hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, alpha=13, prior="g-prior") predict(hald.gprior, newdata=Hald, estimator="BPM", se.fit=TRUE) # same as fitted fitted(hald.gprior,estimator="BPM") # default is BMA and estimation of mean vector hald.bma = predict(hald.gprior, top=5, se.fit=TRUE) confint(hald.bma) hald.bpm = predict(hald.gprior, newdata=Hald[1,], se.fit=TRUE, estimator="BPM") confint(hald.bpm) # extract variables variable.names(hald.bpm) hald.hpm = predict(hald.gprior, newdata=Hald[1,], se.fit=TRUE, estimator="HPM") confint(hald.hpm) variable.names(hald.hpm) hald.mpm = predict(hald.gprior, newdata=Hald[1,], se.fit=TRUE, estimator="MPM") confint(hald.mpm) variable.names(hald.mpm)
Predictions under model averaging from a BMA (BAS) object for GLMs under different loss functions.
## S3 method for class 'basglm' predict( object, newdata, se.fit = FALSE, type = c("response", "link"), top = NULL, estimator = "BMA", na.action = na.pass, ... )
## S3 method for class 'basglm' predict( object, newdata, se.fit = FALSE, type = c("response", "link"), top = NULL, estimator = "BMA", na.action = na.pass, ... )
object |
An object of class "basglm", created by |
newdata |
dataframe, new matrix or vector of data for predictions. May include a column for the intercept or just the predictor variables. If a dataframe, the variables are extracted using model.matrix using the call that created 'object'. May be missing in which case the data used for fitting will be used for prediction. |
se.fit |
indicator for whether to compute se of fitted and predicted values |
type |
Type of predictions required. The default is "response" is on the scale of the response variable, with the alternative being on the linear predictor scale, ‘type =’link''. Thus for a default binomial model ‘type = ’response'' gives the predicted probabilities, while with ''link'', the estimates are of log-odds (probabilities on logit scale). |
top |
A scalar integer M. If supplied, calculate results using the subset of the top M models based on posterior probabilities. |
estimator |
estimator used for predictions. Currently supported
options include: |
na.action |
function determining what should be done with missing values in newdata. The default is to predict NA. |
... |
optional extra arguments |
This function first calls the predict method for class bas (linear models) to form predictions on the linear predictor scale for 'BMA', 'HPM', 'MPM' etc. If the estimator is 'BMA' and ‘type=’response'' then the inverse link is applied to fitted values for type equal ''link'' and model averaging takes place in the 'response' scale. Thus applying the inverse link to BMA estimate with ‘type = ’link'' is not equal to the fitted values for ‘type = ’response'' under BMA due to the nonlinear transformation under the inverse link.
a list of
fit |
predictions using BMA or other estimators |
Ypred |
matrix of predictions under model(s) |
postprobs |
renormalized probabilities of the top models |
best |
index of top models included |
Merlise Clyde
, predict.bas
Other predict methods:
Other bas methods:
data(Pima.tr, package="MASS") data(Pima.te, package="MASS") Pima.bas = bas.glm(type ~ ., data=Pima.tr, n.models= 2^7, method="BAS", betaprior=CCH(a=1, b=nrow(Pima.tr)/2, s=0), family=binomial(), modelprior=uniform()) pred = predict(Pima.bas, newdata=Pima.te, top=1) # Highest Probability model cv.summary.bas(pred$fit, Pima.te$type, score="miss-class")
data(Pima.tr, package="MASS") data(Pima.te, package="MASS") Pima.bas = bas.glm(type ~ ., data=Pima.tr, n.models= 2^7, method="BAS", betaprior=CCH(a=1, b=nrow(Pima.tr)/2, s=0), family=binomial(), modelprior=uniform()) pred = predict(Pima.bas, newdata=Pima.te, top=1) # Highest Probability model cv.summary.bas(pred$fit, Pima.te$type, score="miss-class")
and print
methods for Bayesian model averaging objects
created by bas
Bayesian Adaptive Sampling
## S3 method for class 'bas' print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)
## S3 method for class 'bas' print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)
x |
object of class 'bas' |
digits |
optional number specifying the number of digits to display |
... |
other parameters to be passed to |
The print methods display a view similar to print.lm
. The summary
methods display a view specific to Bayesian model averaging giving the top 5
highest probability models represented by their inclusion indicators.
Summaries of the models include the Bayes Factor (BF) of each model to the
model with the largest marginal likelihood, the posterior probability of the
models, R2, dim (which includes the intercept) and the log of the marginal
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[, -2] <- log(UScrime[, -2]) crime.bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data = UScrime, n.models = 2^15, prior = "BIC", initprobs = "eplogp") print(crime.bic) summary(crime.bic)
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[, -2] <- log(UScrime[, -2]) crime.bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data = UScrime, n.models = 2^15, prior = "BIC", initprobs = "eplogp") print(crime.bic) summary(crime.bic)
This data sets includes several predictors of protein activity from an experiment run at Glaxo.
is a dataframe with 96 observations and 8 predictor
variables of protein activity:
[,1] | buf | factor | Buffer |
[,2] | pH | numeric | |
[,3] | NaCl | numeric | |
[,4] | con | numeric | protein concentration |
[,5] | ra | factor | reducing agent |
[,6] | det | factor | detergent |
[,7] | MgCl2 | numeric | |
[,8] | temp | numeric | (temperature) |
[,9] | prot.act1 | numeric | |
[,10] | prot.act2 | numeric | |
[,11] | prot.act3 | numeric | |
[,12] | prot.act4 | numeric | protein activity |
Clyde, M. A. and Parmigiani, G. (1998), Protein Construct Storage: Bayesian Variable Selection and Prediction with Mixtures, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 8, 431-443
Creates an object representing the robust prior of Bayarri et al (2012) that is mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS.
robust(n = NULL)
robust(n = NULL)
n |
the sample size. |
Creates a prior structure used for bas.glm
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other beta priors:
and print
methods for Bayesian model averaging objects
created by bas
Bayesian Adaptive Sampling
## S3 method for class 'bas' summary(object, n.models = 5, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bas' summary(object, n.models = 5, ...)
object |
object of class 'bas' |
n.models |
optional number specifying the number of best models to display in summary |
... |
other parameters to be passed to |
The print methods display a view similar to print.lm
. The summary
methods display a view specific to Bayesian model averaging giving the top 5
highest probability models represented by their inclusion indicators.
Summaries of the models include the Bayes Factor (BF) of each model to the
model with the largest marginal likelihood, the posterior probability of the
models, R2, dim (which includes the intercept) and the log of the marginal
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Other bas methods:
data(UScrime, package = "MASS") UScrime[, -2] <- log(UScrime[, -2]) crime.bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data = UScrime, n.models = 2^15, prior = "BIC", initprobs = "eplogp") print(crime.bic) summary(crime.bic)
data(UScrime, package = "MASS") UScrime[, -2] <- log(UScrime[, -2]) crime.bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data = UScrime, n.models = 2^15, prior = "BIC", initprobs = "eplogp") print(crime.bic) summary(crime.bic)
Creates an object representing the tCCH mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS.
tCCH(alpha = 1, beta = 2, s = 0, r = 3/2, v = 1, theta = 1)
tCCH(alpha = 1, beta = 2, s = 0, r = 3/2, v = 1, theta = 1)
alpha |
a scalar > 0, recommended alpha=.5 (betaprime) or 1. |
beta |
a scalar > 0. The value is not updated by the data; beta should be a function of n for consistency under the null model. |
s |
a scalar, recommended s=0 a priori |
r |
r arbitrary; in the hyper-g-n prior sets r = (alpha + 2) |
v |
0 < v |
theta |
theta > 1 |
Creates a structure used for bas.glm
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
, robust
, hyper.g
Other beta priors:
n <- 500 tCCH(alpha = 1, beta = 2, s = 0, r = 1.5, v = 1, theta = 1 / n)
n <- 500 tCCH(alpha = 1, beta = 2, s = 0, r = 1.5, v = 1, theta = 1 / n)
Creates an object representing the prior distribution on coefficients for BAS that corresponds to the test-based Bayes Factors.
g |
a scalar used in the covariance of Zellner's g-prior, Cov(beta) = sigma^2 g (X'X)^- |
Creates a prior object structure used for BAS in 'bas.glm'.
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other beta priors:
testBF.prior(100) library(MASS) data(Pima.tr) # use g = n bas.glm(type ~ ., data = Pima.tr, family = binomial(), betaprior = testBF.prior(nrow(Pima.tr)), modelprior = uniform(), method = "BAS" )
testBF.prior(100) library(MASS) data(Pima.tr) # use g = n bas.glm(type ~ ., data = Pima.tr, family = binomial(), betaprior = testBF.prior(nrow(Pima.tr)), modelprior = uniform(), method = "BAS" )
Creates an object representing the Truncated Gamma (tCCH) mixture of g-priors on coefficients for BAS, where u = 1/(1+g) has a Gamma distribution supported on (0, 1].
TG(alpha = 2)
TG(alpha = 2)
alpha |
a scalar > 0, recommended alpha=.5 (betaprime) or 1. alpha=2 corresponds to the uniform prior on the shrinkage factor. |
Creates a structure used for bas.glm
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyerparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other beta priors:
TG(alpha = 2) CCH(alpha = 2, beta = 100, s = 0)
TG(alpha = 2) CCH(alpha = 2, beta = 100, s = 0)
Creates an object representing the prior distribution on models for BAS using a truncated Beta-Binomial Distribution on the Model Size
tr.beta.binomial(alpha = 1, beta = 1, trunc)
tr.beta.binomial(alpha = 1, beta = 1, trunc)
alpha |
parameter in the beta prior distribution |
beta |
parameter in the beta prior distribution |
trunc |
parameter that determines truncation in the distribution i.e. P(M; alpha, beta, trunc) = 0 if M > trunc. |
The beta-binomial distribution on model size is obtained by assigning each variable inclusion indicator independent Bernoulli distributions with probability w, and then giving w a beta(alpha,beta) distribution. Marginalizing over w leads to the number of included predictors having a beta-binomial distribution. The default hyperparameters lead to a uniform distribution over model size. The Truncated version assigns zero probability to all models of size > trunc.
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyperparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other priors modelpriors:
tr.beta.binomial(1, 10, 5) library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[, -2] <- log(UScrime[, -2]) crime.bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data = UScrime, n.models = 2^15, prior = "BIC", modelprior = tr.beta.binomial(1, 1, 8), initprobs = "eplogp" )
tr.beta.binomial(1, 10, 5) library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[, -2] <- log(UScrime[, -2]) crime.bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data = UScrime, n.models = 2^15, prior = "BIC", modelprior = tr.beta.binomial(1, 1, 8), initprobs = "eplogp" )
Creates an object representing the prior distribution on models for BAS using a truncated Poisson Distribution on the Model Size
tr.poisson(lambda, trunc)
tr.poisson(lambda, trunc)
lambda |
parameter in the Poisson distribution representing expected model size with infinite predictors |
trunc |
parameter that determines truncation in the distribution i.e. P(M; lambda, trunc) = 0 if M > trunc |
The Poisson prior distribution on model size is obtained by assigning each variable inclusion indicator independent Bernoulli distributions with probability w, and then taking a limit as p goes to infinity and w goes to zero, such that p*w converges to lambda. The Truncated version assigns zero probability to all models of size M > trunc.
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyperparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other priors modelpriors:
tr.poisson(10, 50)
tr.poisson(10, 50)
Creates an object representing the prior distribution on models for BAS using a truncated Distribution on the Model Size where the probability of gamma = p^-kappa |gamma| where gamma is the vector of model indicators
tr.power.prior(kappa = 2, trunc)
tr.power.prior(kappa = 2, trunc)
kappa |
parameter in the prior distribution that controls sparsity |
trunc |
parameter that determines truncation in the distribution i.e. P(gamma; alpha, beta, trunc) = 0 if |gamma| > trunc. |
The beta-binomial distribution on model size is obtained by assigning each variable inclusion indicator independent Bernoulli distributions with probability w, and then giving w a beta(alpha,beta) distribution. Marginalizing over w leads to the number of included predictors having a beta-binomial distribution. The default hyperparameters lead to a uniform distribution over model size. The Truncated version assigns zero probability to all models of size > trunc.
returns an object of class "prior", with the family and hyperparameters.
Merlise Clyde
Other priors modelpriors:
tr.power.prior(2, 8) library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[, -2] <- log(UScrime[, -2]) crime.bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data = UScrime, n.models = 2^15, prior = "BIC", modelprior = tr.power.prior(2, 8), initprobs = "eplogp" )
tr.power.prior(2, 8) library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[, -2] <- log(UScrime[, -2]) crime.bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data = UScrime, n.models = 2^15, prior = "BIC", modelprior = tr.power.prior(2, 8), initprobs = "eplogp" )
Compute the Truncated Confluent Hypergeometric function from Li and Clyde (2018) which is the normalizing constant in the tcch density of Gordy (1998) with integral representation:
trCCH(a, b, r, s, v, k, log = FALSE)
trCCH(a, b, r, s, v, k, log = FALSE)
a |
a > 0 |
b |
b > 0 |
r |
r >= 0 |
s |
arbitrary |
v |
0 < v |
k |
arbitrary |
log |
logical indicating whether to return values on the log scale; useful for Bayes Factor calculations |
tr.cch(a,b,r,s,v,k) = Int_0^1/v u^(a-1) (1 - vu)^(b -1) (k + (1 - k)vu)^(-r) exp(-s u) du
This uses a more stable method for calculating the normalizing constant using R's 'integrate' function rather than the version in Gordy 1998. For calculating Bayes factors that use the 'trCCH' function we recommend using the 'log=TRUE' option to compute log Bayes factors.
Merlise Clyde ([email protected])
Gordy 1998 Li & Clyde 2018
Other special functions:
# special cases # trCCH(a, b, r, s=0, v = 1, k) is the same as # 2F1(a, r, a + b, 1 - 1/k)*beta(a, b)/k^r k = 10; a = 1.5; b = 2; r = 2; trCCH(a, b, r, s=0, v = 1, k=k) *k^r/beta(a,b) hypergeometric2F1(a, r, a + b, 1 - 1/k, log = FALSE) # trCCH(a,b,0,s,1,1) is the same as # beta(a, b) 1F1(a, a + b, -s, log=FALSE) s = 3; r = 0; v = 1; k = 1 beta(a, b)*hypergeometric1F1(a, a+b, -s, log = FALSE) trCCH(a, b, r, s, v, k) # Equivalence with the Phi1 function a = 1.5; b = 3; k = 1.25; s = 400; r = 2; v = 1; phi1(a, r, a + b, -s, 1 - 1/k, log=FALSE)*(k^-r)*gamma(a)*gamma(b)/gamma(a+b) trCCH(a,b,r,s,v,k)
# special cases # trCCH(a, b, r, s=0, v = 1, k) is the same as # 2F1(a, r, a + b, 1 - 1/k)*beta(a, b)/k^r k = 10; a = 1.5; b = 2; r = 2; trCCH(a, b, r, s=0, v = 1, k=k) *k^r/beta(a,b) hypergeometric2F1(a, r, a + b, 1 - 1/k, log = FALSE) # trCCH(a,b,0,s,1,1) is the same as # beta(a, b) 1F1(a, a + b, -s, log=FALSE) s = 3; r = 0; v = 1; k = 1 beta(a, b)*hypergeometric1F1(a, a+b, -s, log = FALSE) trCCH(a, b, r, s, v, k) # Equivalence with the Phi1 function a = 1.5; b = 3; k = 1.25; s = 400; r = 2; v = 1; phi1(a, r, a + b, -s, 1 - 1/k, log=FALSE)*(k^-r)*gamma(a)*gamma(b)/gamma(a+b) trCCH(a,b,r,s,v,k)
Creates an object representing the prior distribution on models for BAS.
The Uniform prior distribution is a commonly used prior in BMA, and is a special case of the independent Bernoulli prior with probs=.5. The implied prior distribution on model size is binomial(p, .5).
returns an object of class "prior", with the family name Uniform.
Merlise Clyde
Other priors modelpriors:
Update a BMA object using a new prior distribution on the coefficients.
## S3 method for class 'bas' update(object, newprior, alpha = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bas' update(object, newprior, alpha = NULL, ...)
object |
BMA object to update |
newprior |
Update posterior model probabilities, probne0, shrinkage,
logmarg, etc, using prior based on newprior. See |
alpha |
optional new value of hyperparameter in prior for method |
... |
optional arguments |
Recomputes the marginal likelihoods for the new methods for models already sampled in current object.
A new object of class BMA
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Clyde, M. Ghosh, J. and Littman, M. (2010) Bayesian Adaptive
Sampling for Variable Selection and Model Averaging. Journal of
Computational Graphics and Statistics. 20:80-101
for available methods and choices of alpha
Other bas methods:
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[,-2] <- log(UScrime[,-2]) crime.bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime, n.models=2^10, prior="BIC",initprobs= "eplogp") crime.ebg <- update(crime.bic, newprior="EB-global") crime.zs <- update(crime.bic, newprior="ZS-null")
library(MASS) data(UScrime) UScrime[,-2] <- log(UScrime[,-2]) crime.bic <- bas.lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime, n.models=2^10, prior="BIC",initprobs= "eplogp") crime.ebg <- update(crime.bic, newprior="EB-global") crime.zs <- update(crime.bic, newprior="ZS-null")
S3 method for class 'pred.bas'. Simple utility
function to extract the variable names. Used to print names
for the selected models using estimators for 'HPM', 'MPM' or 'BPM".
for the selected model created by predict
for BAS
## S3 method for class 'pred.bas' variable.names(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'pred.bas' variable.names(object, ...)
object |
a BAS object created by |
... |
other arguments to pass on |
a character vector with the names of the variables included in the selected model; in the case of 'BMA' this will be all variables
Other predict methods:
Other bas methods:
data(Hald) hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, prior="ZS-null", modelprior=uniform()) hald.bpm = predict(hald.gprior, newdata=Hald[1,], se.fit=TRUE, estimator="BPM") variable.names(hald.bpm)
data(Hald) hald.gprior = bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, prior="ZS-null", modelprior=uniform()) hald.bpm = predict(hald.gprior, newdata=Hald[1,], se.fit=TRUE, estimator="BPM") variable.names(hald.bpm)
This function coerces the list object of models to a matrix and fill in the zeros to facilitate other computations.
which.matrix(which, n.vars)
which.matrix(which, n.vars)
which |
a 'bas' model object |
n.vars |
the total number of predictors, |
into a matrix.
a matrix representation of x$which
, with number of rows equal
to the length of which.models or total number of models and number of
columns x$n.vars
Merlise Clyde [email protected]
Other as.matrix methods:
data(Hald) Hald.bic <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="BIC", initprobs="eplogp") # matrix of model indicators models <- which.matrix(Hald.bic$which, Hald.bic$n.vars)
data(Hald) Hald.bic <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data=Hald, prior="BIC", initprobs="eplogp") # matrix of model indicators models <- which.matrix(Hald.bic$which, Hald.bic$n.vars)