Title: | Statistical Methods for Anthropometric Data |
Description: | Statistical methodologies especially developed to analyze anthropometric data. These methods are aimed at providing effective solutions to some commons problems related to Ergonomics and Anthropometry. They are based on clustering, the statistical concept of data depth, statistical shape analysis and archetypal analysis. Please see Vinue (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v077.i06>. |
Authors: | Guillermo Vinue, Irene Epifanio, Amelia Simo, M. Victoria Ibanez, Juan Domingo, Guillermo Ayala |
Maintainer: | Guillermo Vinue <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.19 |
Built: | 2025-02-28 07:37:52 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Statistical methodologies especially developed to analyze anthropometric data. These methods are aimed at providing effective solutions to some commons problems related to Ergonomics and Anthropometry. They are based on clustering, the statistical concept of data depth, statistical shape analysis and archetypal analysis. Please see Vinue (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v077.i06>.
Package: Anthropometry |
Type: Package |
Version: 1.19 |
Date: 2023-02-22 |
License: GPL (>=2) |
LazyLoad: yes |
LazyData: yes |
anthrCases: Helper generic function for obtaining the anthropometric cases.
Anthropometry-internalArchetypoids: Several internal functions to compute and represent archetypes and archetypoids.
Anthropometry-internalHipamAnthropom: Several internal functions used by both $HIPAM_MO$ and $HIPAM_IMO$ algorithms.
Anthropometry-internalPlotTree: Several internal functions used to build the HIPAM plot tree.
Anthropometry-internalTDDclust: Several internal functions to clustering based on the L1 data depth.
archetypesBoundary: Archetypal analysis in multivariate accommodation problem.
archetypoids: Finding archetypoids.
array3Dlandm: Helper function for the 3D landmarks.
bustSizesStandard: Helper function for defining the bust sizes.
CCbiclustAnthropo: Cheng and Church biclustering algorithm applied to anthropometric data.
cdfDissWomenPrototypes: CDF for the dissimilarities between women and computed medoids and standard prototypes.
checkBranchLocalIMO: Evaluation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_IMO$.
checkBranchLocalMO: Evaluation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_MO$.
computSizesTrimowa: Computation of the trimowa elements for a given number of sizes defined by the EN.
computSizesHipamAnthropom: Computation of the hipamAnthropom elements for a given number of sizes defined by the EN.
cube8landm: Cube of 8 landmarks.
cube34landm: Cube of 34 landmarks.
descrDissTrunks: Description of the dissimilarities between women's trunks.
figures8landm: Figures of 8 landmarks with labelled landmarks.
getBestPamsamIMO: Generation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_IMO$.
getBestPamsamMO: Generation of the candidate clustering partition in $HIPAM_MO$.
getDistMatrix: Dissimilarity matrix between individuals and prototypes.
HartiganShapes: Hartigan-Wong k-means for 3D shapes.
hipamAnthropom: HIPAM algorithm for anthropometric data.
landmarksSampleSpaSurv: Landmarks of the sampled women of the Spanish Survey.
LloydShapes: Lloyd k-means for 3D shapes.
nearestToArchetypes: Nearest individuals to archetypes.
optraShapes: Auxiliary optra subroutine of the Hartigan-Wong k-means for 3D shapes.
overlapBiclustersByRows: Overlapped biclusters by rows.
parallelep8landm: Parallelepiped of 8 landmarks.
parallelep34landm: Parallelepiped of 34 landmarks.
percentilsArchetypoid: Helper function for computing percentiles of a certain archetypoid.
plotPrototypes: Prototypes representation.
plotTreeHipamAnthropom: HIPAM dendogram.
plotTrimmOutl: Trimmed or outlier observations representation.
preprocessing: Data preprocessing before computing archetypal observations.
projShapes: Helper function for plotting the shapes.
qtranShapes: Auxiliary qtran subroutine of the Hartigan-Wong k-means for 3D shapes.
sampleSpanishSurvey: Sample database of the Spanish anthropometric survey.
screeArchetypal: Screeplot of archetypal individuals.
shapes3dShapes: 3D shapes plot.
skeletonsArchetypal: Skeleton plot of archetypal individuals.
stepArchetypesRawData: Archetype algorithm to raw data.
stepArchetypoids: Run the archetypoid algorithm several times.
TDDclust: Trimmed clustering based on L1 data depth.
trimmedLloydShapes: Trimmed Lloyd k-means for 3D shapes.
trimmedoid: Trimmed k-medoids algorithm.
trimmOutl: Helper generic function for obtaining the trimmed and outlier observations.
trimowa: Trimmed PAM with OWA operators.
USAFSurvey: USAF 1967 survey.
weightsMixtureUB: Calculation of the weights for the OWA operators.
xyplotPCArchetypes: PC scores for archetypes.
Guillermo Vinue <[email protected]>, Irene Epifanio, Amelia Simo, M. Victoria Ibanez, Juan Domingo, Guillermo Ayala
Vinue, G., (2017). Anthropometry: An R Package for Analysis of Anthropometric Data, Journal of Statistical Software 77(6), 1–39, doi:10.18637/jss.v077.i06.
Because the goal of the methodologies included in this package is always to estimate a number of anthropometric cases given a data set (both central (prototypes) and boundaries (archetypoids)), this auxiliary generic function allows the user to identify the cases computed by each method in an easy way.
anthrCases(resMethod, nsizes) ## S3 method for class 'trimowa' anthrCases(resMethod, nsizes) ## S3 method for class 'hipamAnthropom' anthrCases(resMethod, nsizes)
anthrCases(resMethod, nsizes) ## S3 method for class 'trimowa' anthrCases(resMethod, nsizes) ## S3 method for class 'hipamAnthropom' anthrCases(resMethod, nsizes)
resMethod |
This is the object which saves the results obtained by the methodologies and which contains the anthropometric cases to return. |
nsizes |
Number of bust sizes. This argument is needed for the "trimowa" and "hipamAnthropom" methodologies because they can compute the prototypes for any given number of bust sizes. |
A vector of class anthrCases
with the anthropometric cases.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
Vinue, G., Epifanio, I., and Alemany, S., (2015). Archetypoids: a new approach to define representative archetypal data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 87, 102–115.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
Vinue, G., and Ibanez, M. V., (2014). Data depth and Biclustering applied to anthropometric data. Exploring their utility in apparel design. Technical report.
, TDDclust
, hipamAnthropom
, LloydShapes
, HartiganShapes
, trimmedLloydShapes
, archetypoids
, stepArchetypoids
#kmeansProcrustes: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 10 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL)
#kmeansProcrustes: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 10 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL)
This function allows us to reproduce the results shown in section 2.2.2 and section 3.1 of Epifanio et al. (2013). In addition, from the results provided by this function, the other results shown in section 3.2 and section 3.3 of the same paper can be also reproduced (see section examples below).
data |
USAF 1967 database (see |
numArch |
Number of archetypes (archetypal observations). |
verbose |
Logical value. If TRUE, some details of the execution progress are shown (this is the same argument as that of the |
numRep |
For each archetype run |
Before using this function, the more extreme (100 - percAcomm
*100)% observations must be removed by means of the preprocessing
function. To that end, it is recommended that you use the Mahalanobis distance. In this case, the depth procedure has the disadvantage that the desired percentage of accommodation is not under control of the analyst and it may not exactly coincide with that one indicated.
A list with numArch
elements. Each element is a list of class attribute stepArchetypes
with numRep
We would like to note that, some time after publishing the paper Epifanio et al. (2013), we found out that the stepArchetypes
function standardizes the data by default (even when the data are already standardized) and this option is not always desired. In order to avoid this way of proceeding, we have created the stepArchetypesRawData
function, which is used within archetypesBoundary
instead of using stepArchetypes
. Therefore, the results provided by archetypesBoundary
allows us to reproduce the results of Epifanio et al. (2013) but they are now slightly different.
Irene Epifanio and Guillermo Vinue
Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757–765.
Eugster, M. J., and Leisch, F., (2009). From Spider-Man to Hero - Archetypal Analysis in R, Journal of Statistical Software 30, 1–23, doi:10.18637/jss.v030.i08.
Zehner, G. F., Meindl, R. S., and Hudson, J. A., (1993). A multivariate anthropometric method for crew station design: abridged. Tech. rep. Ohio: Human Engineering Division, Armstrong Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
, stepArchetypes
, stepArchetypesRawData
, USAFSurvey
, nearestToArchetypes
, preprocessing
#The following R code allows us to reproduce the results of the paper Epifanio et al. (2013). #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. #First,the USAF 1967 database is read and preprocessed (Zehner et al. (1993)). #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_inch <- USAFSurvey[1:25, variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #Procedure and results shown in section 2.2.2 and section 3.1: #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) res <- archetypesBoundary(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, 15, FALSE, 3) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. #Results shown in section 3.2 (figure 3): screeplot(res) #3 archetypes: a3 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[3]]) archetypes::parameters(a3) #7 archetypes: a7 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[7]]) archetypes::parameters(a7) #Plotting the percentiles of each archetype: #Figure 2 (b): barplot(a3,USAFSurvey_preproc$data, percentiles = TRUE, which = "beside") #Figure 2 (f): barplot(a7,USAFSurvey_preproc$data, percentiles = TRUE, which = "beside") #Results shown in section 3.3 related with PCA. pznueva <- prcomp(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, scale = TRUE, retx = TRUE) #Table 3: summary(pznueva) pznueva #PCA scores for 3 archetypes: p3 <- predict(pznueva,archetypes::parameters(a3)) #PCA scores for 7 archetypes: p7 <- predict(pznueva,archetypes::parameters(a7)) #Representing the scores: #Figure 4 (a): xyplotPCArchetypes(p3[,1:2], pznueva$x[,1:2], data.col = gray(0.7), atypes.col = 1, atypes.pch = 15) #Figure 4 (b): xyplotPCArchetypes(p7[,1:2], pznueva$x[,1:2], data.col = gray(0.7), atypes.col = 1, atypes.pch = 15) #Percentiles for 7 archetypes (table 5): Fn <- ecdf(USAFSurvey_preproc$data) round(Fn(archetypes::parameters(a7)) * 100) #Which are the nearest individuals to archetypes?: #Example for three archetypes: ras <- rbind(archetypes::parameters(a3),USAFSurvey_preproc$data) dras <- dist(ras,method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = TRUE, p = 2) mdras <- as.matrix(dras) diag(mdras) = 1e+11 numArch <- 3 sapply(seq(length=numArch),nearestToArchetypes,numArch,mdras) #In addition, we can turn the standardized values to the original variables. p <- archetypes::parameters(a7) m <- sapply(USAFSurvey_inch,mean) s <- sapply(USAFSurvey_inch,sd) d <- p for(i in 1 : 6){ d[,i] = p[,i] * s[i] + m[i] } #Table 7: t(d)
#The following R code allows us to reproduce the results of the paper Epifanio et al. (2013). #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. #First,the USAF 1967 database is read and preprocessed (Zehner et al. (1993)). #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_inch <- USAFSurvey[1:25, variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #Procedure and results shown in section 2.2.2 and section 3.1: #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) res <- archetypesBoundary(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, 15, FALSE, 3) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. #Results shown in section 3.2 (figure 3): screeplot(res) #3 archetypes: a3 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[3]]) archetypes::parameters(a3) #7 archetypes: a7 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[7]]) archetypes::parameters(a7) #Plotting the percentiles of each archetype: #Figure 2 (b): barplot(a3,USAFSurvey_preproc$data, percentiles = TRUE, which = "beside") #Figure 2 (f): barplot(a7,USAFSurvey_preproc$data, percentiles = TRUE, which = "beside") #Results shown in section 3.3 related with PCA. pznueva <- prcomp(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, scale = TRUE, retx = TRUE) #Table 3: summary(pznueva) pznueva #PCA scores for 3 archetypes: p3 <- predict(pznueva,archetypes::parameters(a3)) #PCA scores for 7 archetypes: p7 <- predict(pznueva,archetypes::parameters(a7)) #Representing the scores: #Figure 4 (a): xyplotPCArchetypes(p3[,1:2], pznueva$x[,1:2], data.col = gray(0.7), atypes.col = 1, atypes.pch = 15) #Figure 4 (b): xyplotPCArchetypes(p7[,1:2], pznueva$x[,1:2], data.col = gray(0.7), atypes.col = 1, atypes.pch = 15) #Percentiles for 7 archetypes (table 5): Fn <- ecdf(USAFSurvey_preproc$data) round(Fn(archetypes::parameters(a7)) * 100) #Which are the nearest individuals to archetypes?: #Example for three archetypes: ras <- rbind(archetypes::parameters(a3),USAFSurvey_preproc$data) dras <- dist(ras,method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = TRUE, p = 2) mdras <- as.matrix(dras) diag(mdras) = 1e+11 numArch <- 3 sapply(seq(length=numArch),nearestToArchetypes,numArch,mdras) #In addition, we can turn the standardized values to the original variables. p <- archetypes::parameters(a7) m <- sapply(USAFSurvey_inch,mean) s <- sapply(USAFSurvey_inch,sd) d <- p for(i in 1 : 6){ d[,i] = p[,i] * s[i] + m[i] } #Table 7: t(d)
Archetypoid algorithm. It is based on the PAM clustering algorithm. It is made up of two phases (a BUILD phase and a SWAP phase). In the BUILD phase, an initial set of archetypoids is determined. Unlike PAM, this collection is not derived in a stepwise format. Instead, it is suggested you choose the set made up of the nearest individuals returned by the archetypes
function of the archetypes R package (Eugster et al. (2009)). This set can be defined in three different ways, see next section arguments. The goal of the SWAP step is the same as that of the SWAP step of PAM, but changing the objective function. The initial vector of archetypoids is attempted to be improved. This is done by exchanging selected individuals for unselected individuals and by checking whether these replacements reduce the objective function of the archetypoid analysis problem.
All details are given in Vinue et al. (2015).
numArchoid |
Number of archetypoids (archetypal observations). |
data |
Data matrix. Each row corresponds to an observation and each column corresponds to an anthropometric variable. All variables are numeric. |
huge |
This is a penalization added to solve the convex least squares problems regarding the minimization problem to estimate archetypoids, see Eugster et al. (2009). Default value is 200. |
step |
Logical value. If TRUE, the archetypoid algorithm is executed repeatedly within |
init |
Initial vector of archetypoids for the BUILD phase of the archetypoid algorithm. It is computed within |
ArchObj |
The list object returned by the |
nearest |
Initial vector of archetypoids for the BUILD phase of the archetypoid algorithm. Required when |
sequ |
Logical value. It indicates whether a sequence of archetypoids (TRUE) or only a single number of them (FALSE) is computed. It is determined by the number of archetypes computed by means of |
aux |
If |
As mentioned, this algorithm is based on PAM. These types of algorithms aim to find good solutions in a short period of time, although not necessarily the best solution. Otherwise, the global minimum solution may always be obtained using as much time as it would be necessary, but this would be very inefficient computationally.
A list with the following elements:
cases: Anthropometric cases (final vector of numArchoid
rss: Residual sum of squares corresponding to the final vector of numArchoid
archet_ini: Vector of initial archetypoids (cand_ns, cand_alpha or cand_beta).
alphas: Alpha coefficients for the optimal vector of archetypoids.
It may be happen that archetypes
does not find results for numArchoid
archetypes. In this case, it is not possible to calculate the vector of nearest individuals and consequently, the vector of archetypoids. Therefore, this function will return an error message.
Irene Epifanio and Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Epifanio, I., and Alemany, S., (2015). Archetypoids: a new approach to define representative archetypal data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 87, 102–115.
Cutler, A., and Breiman, L., (1994). Archetypal Analysis, Technometrics 36, 338–347.
Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757–765.
Eugster, M. J., and Leisch, F., (2009). From Spider-Man to Hero - Archetypal Analysis in R, Journal of Statistical Software 30, 1–23, doi:10.18637/jss.v030.i08.
Eugster, M. J. A., (2012). Performance profiles based on archetypal athletes, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 12, 166–187.
, archetypes
, stepArchetypoids
#Note: For a sportive example, see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R #COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 5 ; numRep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = USAFSurvey_preproc$data, numArch = 1:numArch, numRep = numRep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. #screeplot(lass) numArchoid <- 3 #number of archetypoids. res_ns <- archetypoids(numArchoid, USAFSurvey_preproc$data, huge = 200, step = FALSE, ArchObj = lass, nearest = "cand_ns",sequ = TRUE)
#Note: For a sportive example, see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R #COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 5 ; numRep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = USAFSurvey_preproc$data, numArch = 1:numArch, numRep = numRep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. #screeplot(lass) numArchoid <- 3 #number of archetypoids. res_ns <- archetypoids(numArchoid, USAFSurvey_preproc$data, huge = 200, step = FALSE, ArchObj = lass, nearest = "cand_ns",sequ = TRUE)
This is a helper function for obtaining the array with the 3D landmarks of the sample objects
numLandm |
Number of landmarks that represent the 3D body of the individuals. |
numIndiv |
Number of individuals to analyze. |
matLandm |
Matrix with the |
Array with the 3D landmarks of the sample objects.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
, HartiganShapes
, trimmedLloydShapes
landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 landmarksNoNa_First50 <- landmarksNoNa[1:50, ] numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First50)[1] array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First50)
landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 landmarksNoNa_First50 <- landmarksNoNa[1:50, ] numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First50)[1] array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First50)
This is a helper function for defining the twelve bust sizes (from 74 cm to 131 cm) according to the sizes proposed in the European standard on sizing systems. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals.
bustSizesStandard(bustCirc_4, bustCirc_6)
bustSizesStandard(bustCirc_4, bustCirc_6)
bustCirc_4 |
Sequence of measurements from 74 to 102 in groups of four. |
bustCirc_6 |
Sequence of measurements from 107 to 131 in groups of six. |
A list with the following elements:
bustCirc: Vector of the twelve bust sizes.
nsizes: Number of bust sizes (twelve).
Guillermo Vinue
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. (2005).
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6))
bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6))
This function is the implementation in R of the algorithm that uses the Cheng and Church biclustering method (from now on, CC) to find size groups (biclusters) and disaccommodated individuals.
Designing lower body garments depends not only on the waist circumference (the principal dimension in this case), but also on other secondary control dimensions (for upper body garments the bust circumference is usually required only). Biclustering identifies groups of observations with a similar pattern in a subset of attributes instead of in the whole of them. Therefore, it seems to be more interesting to use a biclustering algorithm with a set of lower body variables.
In Vinue et al. (2014), the way of proceeding was as follows: first, all the body variables related to the lower body part included in the Spanish anthropometric survey were chosen (there were 36). Second, the data set was divided into twelve segments (classes) using waist circumference values according to the European standard. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. Finally, the CC algorithm was applied to each waist class.
CCbiclustAnthropo(data,waistVariable,waistCirc,lowerVar, nsizes,nBic,diffRanges,percDisac,dir)
CCbiclustAnthropo(data,waistVariable,waistCirc,lowerVar, nsizes,nBic,diffRanges,percDisac,dir)
data |
Data matrix. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a variable. All variables are numeric. |
waistVariable |
Vector containing the waist values of the individuals. |
waistCirc |
lowerVar |
Lower body dimensions. |
nsizes |
Number of waist sizes. |
nBic |
Maximum number of biclusters to be found in each waist size. |
diffRanges |
List with |
percDisac |
Proportion of no accommodated sample. |
dir |
Working directory where to save the results. |
Interesting results in terms of apparel design were found: an efficient partition into different biclusters was obtained. All individuals in the same bicluster can wear a garment designed for the particular body dimensions (waist and other variables) which were the most relevant for defining the group. Each group is represented by the median woman. Because the CC algorithm is nonexhaustive, i.e, some rows (and columns) do not belong to any bicluster, this property can be used to fix a proportion of no accommodated sample.
This approach was descriptive and exploratory. It is emphasized that this function cannot be used with sampleSpanishSurvey
, because this data file does not contain variables related to the lower body part in addition to waist and hip. However, this function is included in the package in the hope that it could be helpful or useful for other researchers.
A list with the following elements:
res: List with nsizes
elements. Each element contains the biclustering results for each waist segment.
dims: List with nsizes
elements. Each element contains the number of variables with a similar scale in each waist segment.
delta: List with nsizes
elements. Each element contains the delta parameter of the CC algorithm for each waist segment.
disac: List with nsizes
elements. Each element contains the number of women who not belong to any bicluster for each waist segment.
mat: List with nsizes
elements. Each element contains the matrix showing which rows belong to each bicluster for each waist segment. This matrix allow us to know whether there are rows that belong to more than one bicluster, that is to say, whether there are overlapping biclusters. This is very important in our application because each individual must be assigned to a single size. See the Note section.
tab_acc: List with nsizes
elements. Each element is a list with four elements. The first component indicates how many individuals belong to a single bicluster and how many do not belong to any bicluster. The second component refers to the number of biclusters found in each segment. The third one indicates the number of women that belong to each waist segment. The fourth one coincides with the disac element.
ColBics: List with nsizes
elements. Each element contains the variables that belong to each bicluster for each waist segment.
In order to know whether a row belongs to more than one bicluster, we count the number of 0s in each row of the mat matrix returned by this function (see the Value section).
In case of there are res@Number - 1 0s in each row of mat, then each row belongs to only one bicluster. The mat matrix indicates with an 1 the rows that make up of the bicluster 1, with a 2 those rows that make up of the bicluster 2 and so on. In addition, it indicates with a 0 the rows that do not belong to any bicluster. Therefore, in order to check overlapping, every row must have a number of 0s equal to the total number of biclusters minus one. This one will indicate that that row belongs to a single bicluster. Otherwise, every row must have a number of 0s equal to the total number of biclusters. In this case, that row does not belong to any bicluster.
For instance, if we find two biclusters, there should be one or two 0s in each row in case of no overlapping.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., and Ibanez, M. V., (2014), Data depth and Biclustering applied to anthropometric data. Exploring their utility in apparel design. Technical report.
Cheng, Y., and Church, G., (2000). Biclustering of expression data. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology 8, 93–103.
Kaiser, S., and Leisch, F., (2008). A Toolbox for Bicluster Analysis in R. Tech.rep., Department of Statistics (University of Munich).
Alemany, S., Gonzalez, J. C., Nacher, B., Soriano, C., Arnaiz, C., and Heras, H., (2010). Anthropometric survey of the Spanish female population aimed at the apparel industry. Proceedings of the 2010 Intl. Conference on 3D Body scanning Technologies, 307–315.
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 2: Primary and secondary dimensions. (2002).
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. (2005).
## Not run: #Note: package biclust needed. #This is an example of using this function with a certain database #made up of body dimensions related to the lower body part. data <- dataUser[(waist >= 58) & (waist < 115),] #dataUser is the user database. rownames(data) <- 1:dim(data)[1] waist <- data[,"WaistCircumference"] waist_4 <- seq(58, 86, 4) waist_6 <- seq(91, 115, 6) waistCirc <- c(waist_4,waist_6) nsizes <- length(waistCirc) #Position of the body variables in the database: lowerVars <- c(14, 17:25, 27, 28, 65:73, 75, 77:81, seq(100, 116, 2)) nBic <- c(2, 2, 4, rep(5, 7), 3, 3) diffRanges <- list(c(14,20), c(24,30), c(24,30), c(33,39), c(29,35), c(29,35), c(28,35), c(31,38), c(31,38), c(30,37), c(26,33), c(25,32)) percDisac <- 0.01 dir <- "/home/guillermo/" res_bicl_antropom <- CCbiclustAnthropo(data,waist,waistCirc,lowerVars, nsizes,nBic,diffRanges,percDisac,dir) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: #Note: package biclust needed. #This is an example of using this function with a certain database #made up of body dimensions related to the lower body part. data <- dataUser[(waist >= 58) & (waist < 115),] #dataUser is the user database. rownames(data) <- 1:dim(data)[1] waist <- data[,"WaistCircumference"] waist_4 <- seq(58, 86, 4) waist_6 <- seq(91, 115, 6) waistCirc <- c(waist_4,waist_6) nsizes <- length(waistCirc) #Position of the body variables in the database: lowerVars <- c(14, 17:25, 27, 28, 65:73, 75, 77:81, seq(100, 116, 2)) nBic <- c(2, 2, 4, rep(5, 7), 3, 3) diffRanges <- list(c(14,20), c(24,30), c(24,30), c(33,39), c(29,35), c(29,35), c(28,35), c(31,38), c(31,38), c(30,37), c(26,33), c(25,32)) percDisac <- 0.01 dir <- "/home/guillermo/" res_bicl_antropom <- CCbiclustAnthropo(data,waist,waistCirc,lowerVars, nsizes,nBic,diffRanges,percDisac,dir) ## End(Not run)
This function allows us to calculate the Cumulative Distribution Functions for the dissimilarities between all the women and the medoids obtained with the trimowa
algorithm and for the dissimilarities between all the women and the standard prototypes defined by the European standard. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. In both cases, the dissimilarities have been computed by using the dissimilarity function obtained with getDistMatrix
These types of plots can also be used to identify the expected range of the dissimilarities, that is to say, the values between the 10 and 90th percentiles.
This function was used to obtain the Fig. 11 of Ibanez et al. (2012).
min_med |
Vector with the dissimilarities between all the women and the prototypes (medoids) obtained with |
min_med_UNE |
Vector with the dissimilarities between all the women and the standard prototypes. |
main |
A title for the plot. |
xlab |
A title for the x axis. |
ylab |
A title for the y axis. |
leg |
A character vector to appear in the legend. |
cexLeg |
Character expansion for the legend. |
... |
Further graphical parameters. |
A device with the desired plot.
Guillermo Vinue
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. (2005).
, weightsMixtureUB
, trimowa
, getDistMatrix
#Loading the data to apply the trimowa algorithm: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey dim(dataTrimowa) #[1] 600 5 numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] bust <- dataTrimowa$bust chest <- dataTrimowa$chest bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness,numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) #numSizes <- bustSizes$nsizes - 1 numSizes <- 2 res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, FALSE) #Prototypes obtained with the trimowa algorithm: prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, numSizes) #length(unlist(prototypes)) is (numSizes - 1) * numClust meds <- dataTrimowa[unlist(prototypes),] regr <- lm(chest ~ bust) #Prototypes defined by the European standard: hip_UNE <- c(seq(84,112,4), seq(117,132,5)) ; hip <- rep(hip_UNE,3) waist_UNE <- c(seq(60,88,4), seq(94,112,6)) ; waist <- rep(waist_UNE,3) bust_UNE <- c(seq(76,104,4), seq(110,128,6)) ; bust <- rep(bust_UNE,3) chest_UNE <- predict(regr, list(bust=bust_UNE)) ; chest <- rep(chest_UNE,3) necktoground <- c(rep(130,12), rep(134,12),rep(138,12)) medsUNE <- data.frame(chest, necktoground, waist, hip, bust) dim(medsUNE) #[1] 36 5 dataAll <- rbind(dataTrimowa, meds, medsUNE) dim(dataAll) #[1] 642 5 bh <- (apply(as.matrix(log(dataAll)),2,range)[2,] - apply(as.matrix(log(dataAll)),2,range)[1,]) / ((numClust-1) * 8) bl <- -3 * bh ah <- c(28,20,30,25,23) al <- 3 * ah num.persons <- dim(dataAll)[1] dataAllm <- as.matrix(dataAll) dataAllt <- aperm(dataAllm, c(2,1)) dim(dataAllt) <- c(1,num.persons * numVar) rm(dataAllm) D <- getDistMatrix(dataAllt, num.persons, numVar, weightsTrimowa, bl, bh, al, ah, FALSE) sequen <- (dim(dataTrimowa)[1] + 1) : (dim(dataTrimowa)[1] + length(unlist(prototypes))) f <- function(i, D){ r <- min(D[i, sequen]) } min_med <- sapply(1:dim(dataTrimowa)[1], f, D) sequen1 <- (dim(dataTrimowa)[1] + length(unlist(prototypes)) + 1) : dim(D)[1] f1 <- function(i, D){ r <- min(D[i, 619:636]) } min_med_UNE <- sapply(1:dim(dataTrimowa)[1], f1, D) #CDF plot: main <- "Comparison between sizing methods" xlab <- "Dissimilarity" ylab <- "Cumulative distribution function" leg <- c("Dissimilarity between women and computed medoids", "Dissimilarity between women and standard prototypes") cdfDissWomenPrototypes(min_med, min_med_UNE, main, xlab, ylab, leg,cexLeg = 0.7)
#Loading the data to apply the trimowa algorithm: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey dim(dataTrimowa) #[1] 600 5 numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] bust <- dataTrimowa$bust chest <- dataTrimowa$chest bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness,numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) #numSizes <- bustSizes$nsizes - 1 numSizes <- 2 res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, FALSE) #Prototypes obtained with the trimowa algorithm: prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, numSizes) #length(unlist(prototypes)) is (numSizes - 1) * numClust meds <- dataTrimowa[unlist(prototypes),] regr <- lm(chest ~ bust) #Prototypes defined by the European standard: hip_UNE <- c(seq(84,112,4), seq(117,132,5)) ; hip <- rep(hip_UNE,3) waist_UNE <- c(seq(60,88,4), seq(94,112,6)) ; waist <- rep(waist_UNE,3) bust_UNE <- c(seq(76,104,4), seq(110,128,6)) ; bust <- rep(bust_UNE,3) chest_UNE <- predict(regr, list(bust=bust_UNE)) ; chest <- rep(chest_UNE,3) necktoground <- c(rep(130,12), rep(134,12),rep(138,12)) medsUNE <- data.frame(chest, necktoground, waist, hip, bust) dim(medsUNE) #[1] 36 5 dataAll <- rbind(dataTrimowa, meds, medsUNE) dim(dataAll) #[1] 642 5 bh <- (apply(as.matrix(log(dataAll)),2,range)[2,] - apply(as.matrix(log(dataAll)),2,range)[1,]) / ((numClust-1) * 8) bl <- -3 * bh ah <- c(28,20,30,25,23) al <- 3 * ah num.persons <- dim(dataAll)[1] dataAllm <- as.matrix(dataAll) dataAllt <- aperm(dataAllm, c(2,1)) dim(dataAllt) <- c(1,num.persons * numVar) rm(dataAllm) D <- getDistMatrix(dataAllt, num.persons, numVar, weightsTrimowa, bl, bh, al, ah, FALSE) sequen <- (dim(dataTrimowa)[1] + 1) : (dim(dataTrimowa)[1] + length(unlist(prototypes))) f <- function(i, D){ r <- min(D[i, sequen]) } min_med <- sapply(1:dim(dataTrimowa)[1], f, D) sequen1 <- (dim(dataTrimowa)[1] + length(unlist(prototypes)) + 1) : dim(D)[1] f1 <- function(i, D){ r <- min(D[i, 619:636]) } min_med_UNE <- sapply(1:dim(dataTrimowa)[1], f1, D) #CDF plot: main <- "Comparison between sizing methods" xlab <- "Dissimilarity" ylab <- "Cumulative distribution function" leg <- c("Dissimilarity between women and computed medoids", "Dissimilarity between women and standard prototypes") cdfDissWomenPrototypes(min_med, min_med_UNE, main, xlab, ylab, leg,cexLeg = 0.7)
In the HIPAM algorithm, each (parent) cluster P is investigated to see if it can be divided further into new (child) clusters, or stop (in this case, P would be a terminal node).
In this version of HIPAM, called $HIPAM_IMO$, there are three different stopping criteria: First, if $|P| leq 2$, then P is a terminal node. If not, the second stopping refers to the INCA (Index Number Clusters Atypical) criterion (Irigoien et al. (2008)): if $INCA_k leq 0.2$ for all k, then P is a terminal node. Finally, the third stopping criteria uses the Mean Split Silhouette. See Vinue et al. (2014) for more details.
The foundation and performance of the HIPAM algorithm is explained in hipamAnthropom
checkBranchLocalIMO(tree,data,i,maxsplit,asw.tol,local.const,orness,type,ah, verbose,...)
checkBranchLocalIMO(tree,data,i,maxsplit,asw.tol,local.const,orness,type,ah, verbose,...)
tree |
The clustering tree being defined. |
data |
Data to be clustered. |
i |
A specific cluster of the clustering partition in a certain level of the tree. |
maxsplit |
The maximum number of clusters that any cluster can be divided when searching for the best clustering. |
asw.tol |
If this value is given, a tolerance or penalty can be introduced (asw.tol > 0 or asw.tol < 0, respectively) in the branch splitting procedure. Default value (0) is maintained. See page 154 of Wit et al. (2004) for more details. |
local.const |
If this value is given (meaningful values are those between -1 and 1), a proposed partition is accepted only if the associated asw is greater than this constant. Default option for this argument is maintained, that is to say, this value is ignored. See page 154 of Wit et al. (2004) for more details. |
orness |
Quantity to measure the degree to which the aggregation is like a min or max operation. See |
type |
Option 'IMO' for using $HIPAM_IMO$. |
ah |
Constants that define the |
verbose |
Boolean variable (TRUE or FALSE) to indicate whether to report information on progress. |
... |
Other arguments that may be supplied. |
The new resulting classification tree.
This function belongs to the $HIPAM_IMO$ algorithm and it is not solely used. That is why there is no section of examples in this help page. See hipamAnthropom
This function was originally created by E. Wit et al., and it is available freely on https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html. We have adapted it to incorporate the second stopping criterion related to INCA.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2004). Statistics for Microarrays: Design, Analysis and Inference. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2006). Statistics for Microarrays: Inference, Design and Analysis. R package version 0.1. https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html.
Pollard, K. S., and van der Laan, M. J., (2002). A method to identify significant clusters in gene expression data. Vol. II of SCI2002 Proceedings, 318–325.
Irigoien, I., and Arenas, C., (2008). INCA: New statistic for estimating the number of clusters and identifying atypical units, Statistics in Medicine 27, 2948–2973.
Irigoien, I., Sierra, B., and Arenas, C., (2012). ICGE: an R package for detecting relevant clusters and atypical units in gene expression, BMC Bioinformatics 13 1–29.
In the HIPAM algorithm, each (parent) cluster P is investigated to see if it can be divided further into new (child) clusters, or stop (in this case, P would be a terminal node).
In this version of HIPAM, called $HIPAM_MO$, there are two different stopping criteria: First, if $|P| leq 2$, then P is a terminal node. If not, the second stopping criteria uses the Mean Split Silhouette. See Vinue et al. (2014) for more details.
The foundation and performance of the HIPAM algorithm is explained in hipamAnthropom
checkBranchLocalMO(tree,data,i,maxsplit,asw.tol,local.const,orness,type,ah, verbose,...)
checkBranchLocalMO(tree,data,i,maxsplit,asw.tol,local.const,orness,type,ah, verbose,...)
tree |
The clustering tree being defined. |
data |
Data to be clustered. |
i |
A specific cluster of the clustering partition in a certain level of the tree. |
maxsplit |
The maximum number of clusters that any cluster can be divided when searching for the best clustering. |
asw.tol |
If this value is given, a tolerance or penalty can be introduced (asw.tol > 0 or asw.tol < 0, respectively) in the branch splitting procedure. Default value (0) is maintained. See page 154 of Wit et al. (2004) for more details. |
local.const |
If this value is given (meaningful values are those between -1 and 1), a proposed partition is accepted only if the associated asw is greater than this constant. Default option for this argument is maintained, that is to say, this value is ignored. See page 154 of Wit et al. (2004) for more details. |
orness |
Quantity to measure the degree to which the aggregation is like a min or max operation. See |
type |
Option 'MO' for using $HIPAM_MO$. |
ah |
Constants that define the |
verbose |
Boolean variable (TRUE or FALSE) to indicate whether to report information on progress. |
... |
Other arguments that may be supplied. |
The new resulting classification tree.
This function belongs to the $HIPAM_MO$ algorithm and it is not solely used. That is why there is no section of examples in this help page. See hipamAnthropom
This function was originally created by E. Wit et al., and it is available freely on https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2004). Statistics for Microarrays: Design, Analysis and Inference. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2006). Statistics for Microarrays: Inference, Design and Analysis. R package version 0.1. https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html
Pollard, K. S., and van der Laan, M. J., (2002). A method to identify significant clusters in gene expression data. Vol. II of SCI2002 Proceedings, 318–325.
This is a helper function for computing the hipamAnthropom elements provided by the hipamAnthropom
algorithm for a number of bust sizes defined by the European Normative (EN). Therefore, the hipamAnthropom
is used inside this function.
computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHip, bust, bustMeasur, nsizes, maxsplit, orness, type, ah, verbose = FALSE)
computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHip, bust, bustMeasur, nsizes, maxsplit, orness, type, ah, verbose = FALSE)
dataHip |
Data frame. |
bust |
Bust column of the data frame. |
bustMeasur |
Sequence vector of bust measurements (bust sizes) provided by the |
nsizes |
Number of sizes defined by the European Normative to apply the |
maxsplit , orness , type , ah , verbose
Same arguments as those of the |
A list with the same elements as the hipamAnthropom
Guillermo Vinue
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. (2005).
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
, bustSizesStandard
dataHipam <- sampleSpanishSurvey bust <- dataHipam$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) type <- "IMO" maxsplit <- 5 ; orness <- 0.7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) numSizes <- 1 res_hipam <- computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHipam, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, maxsplit, orness, type, ah, FALSE)
dataHipam <- sampleSpanishSurvey bust <- dataHipam$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) type <- "IMO" maxsplit <- 5 ; orness <- 0.7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) numSizes <- 1 res_hipam <- computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHipam, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, maxsplit, orness, type, ah, FALSE)
This is a helper function for computing the trimowa elements provided by the trimowa
algorithm for a number of bust sizes defined by the European Normative (EN). Therefore, the trimowa
is used inside this function. The number of sizes
must be bigger than one. For a single size use directly trimowa
computSizesTrimowa(dataTrim, bust, bustMeasur, nsizes, w, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, verbose = FALSE)
computSizesTrimowa(dataTrim, bust, bustMeasur, nsizes, w, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, verbose = FALSE)
dataTrim |
Data frame. |
bust |
Bust column of the data frame. |
bustMeasur |
Sequence vector of bust measurements (bust sizes) provided by the |
nsizes |
Number of sizes defined by the European Normative to apply the |
w , numClust , alpha , niter , algSteps , ah , verbose
Same arguments as those of the |
A list with the same elements as the trimowa
Guillermo Vinue
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. (2005).
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] bust <- dataTrimowa$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness, numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) numSizes <- 2 res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, verbose = FALSE)
dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] bust <- dataTrimowa$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness, numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) numSizes <- 2 res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, verbose = FALSE)
This is a cube made up of 34 landmarks, used as controlled data in the simulation study carried out in the paper referred below.
An array with one matrix of 34 rows and 3 columns.
Software Rhinoceros.
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
This is a cube made up of 8 landmarks, used as controlled data in the simulation study carried out in the paper referred below.
An array with one matrix of 8 rows and 3 columns.
Software Rhinoceros.
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
Unlike archetypes, archetypoids can be computed when features are unavailable. Given a dissimilarity matrix, the classical multidimensional scaling (cMDS) can be applied to obtain a description of the dissimilarities.
In Vinue et al. (2015), the dissimilarity matrix represents the dissimilarities between women's trunks. After applying the cMDS, the database described here is obtained. Then, the archetypoid algorithm can be applied to this database, see section examples.
A matrix with 470 rows and 4 columns.
Anthropometric survey of the Spanish female population.
Vinue, G., Epifanio, I., and Alemany, S., (2015). Archetypoids: a new approach to define representative archetypal data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 87, 102–115.
Alemany, S., Gonzalez, J. C., Nacher, B., Soriano, C., Arnaiz, C., and Heras, H., (2010). Anthropometric survey of the Spanish female population aimed at the apparel industry. Proceedings of the 2010 Intl. Conference on 3D Body scanning Technologies, 307–315.
#Database: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. X <- descrDissTrunks[1:25,] X <- as.matrix(X) #Computation of archetypes and archetypoids: #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 5 ; nrep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = X, numArch = 1:numArch, numRep = nrep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. #screeplot(lass) numArchoid <- 3 res_archoids_ns <- archetypoids(numArchoid, X, huge = 200, step = FALSE, ArchObj = lass, nearest = "cand_ns", sequ = TRUE)
#Database: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. X <- descrDissTrunks[1:25,] X <- as.matrix(X) #Computation of archetypes and archetypoids: #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 5 ; nrep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = X, numArch = 1:numArch, numRep = nrep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. #screeplot(lass) numArchoid <- 3 res_archoids_ns <- archetypoids(numArchoid, X, huge = 200, step = FALSE, ArchObj = lass, nearest = "cand_ns", sequ = TRUE)
This function allows us to represent the two geometric figures (a cube and a parallelepiped) of 8 landmarks, with the landmark labels. Both appear in the paper Vinue et al. (2016), referred below.
figure |
A character vector, two values are admitted: if figure="cube", the cube is represented. If figure="paral", the parallelepiped is represented. |
data |
The data with the landmarks of the corresponding figure. |
A plot of the cube or the parallelepiped with the landmark labels.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
## Not run: figures8landm("cube", cube8landm) figures8landm("paral", parallelep8landm) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: figures8landm("cube", cube8landm) figures8landm("paral", parallelep8landm) ## End(Not run)
The HIPAM algorithm starts with one large cluster and, at each level, a given (parent) cluster is partitioned using PAM.
In this version of HIPAM, called $HIPAM_IMO$, the number k of (child) clusters is obtained by using the INCA (Index Number Clusters Atypical) criterion (Irigoien et al. (2008)) in the following way: at each node P, if there is k such that $INCA_k > 0.2$, then the k prior to the first largest slope decrease is selected. However, this procedure does not apply either to the top node or to the generation of the new partitions from which the Mean Split Silhouette is calculated. In these cases, even when all $INCA_k < 0.2$, k = 3 is fixed as the number of groups to divide and proceed. See Vinue et al. (2014) for more details.
The foundation and performance of the HIPAM algorithm is explained in hipamAnthropom
data |
Data to be clustered. |
maxsplit |
The maximum number of clusters that any cluster can be divided when searching for the best clustering. |
orness |
Quantity to measure the degree to which the aggregation is like a min or max operation. See |
type |
Option 'IMO' for using $HIPAM_IMO$. |
ah |
Constants that define the |
verbose |
Boolean variable (TRUE or FALSE) to indicate whether to report information on progress. |
... |
Other arguments that may be supplied. |
A list with the following elements:
medoids: The cluster medoids.
clustering: The clustering partition obtained.
asw: The asw of the clustering.
num.of.clusters: Number of clusters in the final clustering.
info: List that informs about the progress of the clustering algorithm.
profiles: List that contains the asw and sesw (stardard error of the silhouette widths) profiles at each stage of the search.
metric: Dissimilarity used (called 'McCulloch' because the dissimilarity function used is that explained in McCulloch et al. (1998)).
This function belongs to the $HIPAM_IMO$ algorithm and it is not solely used. That is why there is no section of examples in this help page. See hipamAnthropom
This function was originally created by E. Wit et al., and it is available freely on https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html. We have adapted it to incorporate the INCA criterion.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2004). Statistics for Microarrays: Design, Analysis and Inference. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2006). Statistics for Microarrays: Inference, Design and Analysis. R package version 0.1. https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html.
Pollard, K. S., and van der Laan, M. J., (2002). A method to identify significant clusters in gene expression data. Vol. II of SCI2002 Proceedings, 318–325.
Irigoien, I., and Arenas, C., (2008). INCA: New statistic for estimating the number of clusters and identifying atypical units, Statistics in Medicine 27, 2948–2973.
Irigoien, I., Sierra, B., and Arenas, C., (2012). ICGE: an R package for detecting relevant clusters and atypical units in gene expression, BMC Bioinformatics 13 1–29.
McCulloch, C., Paal, B., and Ashdown, S., (1998). An optimization approach to apparel sizing, Journal of the Operational Research Society 49, 492–499.
The HIPAM algorithm starts with one large cluster and, at each level, a given (parent) cluster is partitioned using PAM.
In this version of HIPAM, called $HIPAM_MO$, the number k of (child) clusters is obtained by maximizing the silhouette width (asw). See Vinue et al. (2014) for more details.
The foundation and performance of the HIPAM algorithm is explained in hipamAnthropom
data |
Data to be clustered. |
maxsplit |
The maximum number of clusters that any cluster can be divided when searching for the best clustering. |
orness |
Quantity to measure the degree to which the aggregation is like a min or max operation. See |
type |
Option 'MO' for using $HIPAM_MO$. |
ah |
Constants that define the |
verbose |
Boolean variable (TRUE or FALSE) to indicate whether to report information on progress. |
... |
Other arguments that may be supplied. |
A list with the following elements:
medoids: The cluster medoids.
clustering: The clustering partition obtained.
asw: The asw of the clustering.
num.of.clusters: Number of clusters in the final clustering.
info: List that informs about the progress of the clustering algorithm.
profiles: List that contains the asw and sesw (stardard error of the silhouette widths) profiles at each stage of the search.
metric: Dissimilarity used (called 'McCulloch' because the dissimilarity function used is that explained in McCulloch et al. (1998)).
This function belongs to the $HIPAM_MO$ algorithm and it is not solely used. That is why there is no section of examples in this help page. See hipamAnthropom
This function was originally created by E. Wit et al., and it is available freely on https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2004). Statistics for Microarrays: Design, Analysis and Inference. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2006). Statistics for Microarrays: Inference, Design and Analysis. R package version 0.1. https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html.
Pollard, K. S., and van der Laan, M. J., (2002). A method to identify significant clusters in gene expression data. Vol. II of SCI2002 Proceedings, 318–325.
McCulloch, C., Paal, B., and Ashdown, S., (1998). An optimization approach to apparel sizing, Journal of the Operational Research Society 49, 492–499.
In the definition of a sizing system, a distance function allows us to represent mathematically the idea of garment fit and it is a key element to quantify the misfit between an individual and the prototype.
This function computes the dissimilarity defined in McCulloch et al. (1998), which is used in trimowa
and hipamAnthropom
. For more details, see also Ibanez et al. (2012) and Vinue et al. (2014).
data |
Data vector. |
np |
Number of observations in the database. |
nv |
Number of variables in the database. |
w |
Weights for the OWA operator computed by means of |
bl , bh , al , ah
Constants required to specify the distance function. |
verbose |
Boolean variable (TRUE or FALSE) to indicate whether to report information on progress. |
At the computational level, it is asummed that all the bh
values are negative, all the bl
values are positive and all the al
and ah
slopes are positive (the sign of al
is changed within the function when computing the dissimilarities).
A symmetric np
x np
matrix of dissimilarities.
This function requires a C code called cast.c. In order to use getDistMatrix
outside the package, the dynamic-link library is called by means of the sentence dyn.load("cast.so")
(In Windows, it would be dyn.load("cast.dll")
Juan Domingo
McCulloch, C., Paal, B., and Ashdown, S., (1998). An optimization approach to apparel sizing, Journal of the Operational Research Society 49, 492–499.
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Leon, T., Zuccarello, P., Ayala, G., de Ves, E., and Domingo, J., (2007), Applying logistic regression to relevance feedback in image retrieval systems, Pattern Recognition 40, 2621–2632.
#Data loading: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey bust <- dataTrimowa$bust #First bust class: data <- dataTrimowa[(bust >= 74) & (bust < 78), ] numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] #Weights calculation: orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness,numVar) #Constants required to specify the distance function: numClust <- 3 bh <- (apply(as.matrix(log(data)),2,range)[2,] - apply(as.matrix(log(data)),2,range)[1,]) / ((numClust-1) * 8) bl <- -3 * bh ah <- c(23,28,20,25,25) al <- 3 * ah #Data processing. num.persons <- dim(data)[1] num.variables <- dim(data)[2] datam <- as.matrix(data) datat <- aperm(datam, c(2,1)) dim(datat) <- c(1,num.persons * num.variables) #Dissimilarity matrix: D <- getDistMatrix(datat, num.persons, numVar, weightsTrimowa, bl, bh, al, ah, FALSE)
#Data loading: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey bust <- dataTrimowa$bust #First bust class: data <- dataTrimowa[(bust >= 74) & (bust < 78), ] numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] #Weights calculation: orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness,numVar) #Constants required to specify the distance function: numClust <- 3 bh <- (apply(as.matrix(log(data)),2,range)[2,] - apply(as.matrix(log(data)),2,range)[1,]) / ((numClust-1) * 8) bl <- -3 * bh ah <- c(23,28,20,25,25) al <- 3 * ah #Data processing. num.persons <- dim(data)[1] num.variables <- dim(data)[2] datam <- as.matrix(data) datat <- aperm(datam, c(2,1)) dim(datat) <- c(1,num.persons * num.variables) #Dissimilarity matrix: D <- getDistMatrix(datat, num.persons, numVar, weightsTrimowa, bl, bh, al, ah, FALSE)
The basic foundation of k-means is that the sample mean is the value that minimizes the Euclidean distance from each point, to the centroid of the cluster to which it belongs. Two fundamental concepts of the statistical shape analysis are the Procrustes mean and the Procrustes distance. Therefore, by integrating the Procrustes mean and the Procrustes distance we can use k-means in the shape analysis context.
The k-means method has been proposed by several scientists in different forms. In computer science and pattern recognition the k-means algorithm is often termed the Lloyd algorithm (see Lloyd (1982)). However, in many texts, the term k-means algorithm is used for certain similar sequential clustering algorithms. Hartigan and Wong (1979) use the term k-means for an algorithm that searches for the locally optimal k-partition by moving points from one cluster to another.
This function allows us to use the Hartigan-Wong version of k-means adapted to deal with 3D shapes. Note that in the generic name of the k-means algorithm, k refers to the number of clusters to search for. To be more specific in the R code, k is referred to as numClust
, see next section arguments.
HartiganShapes(array3D,numClust,algSteps=10,niter=10, stopCr=0.0001,simul,initLl,initials,verbose)
HartiganShapes(array3D,numClust,algSteps=10,niter=10, stopCr=0.0001,simul,initLl,initials,verbose)
array3D |
Array with the 3D landmarks of the sample objects. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a dimension (x,y,z). |
numClust |
Number of clusters. |
algSteps |
Number of steps per initialization. Default value is 10. |
niter |
Number of random initializations (iterations). Default value is 10. |
stopCr |
Relative stopping criteria. Default value is 0.0001. |
simul |
Logical value. If TRUE, this function is used for a simulation study. |
initLl |
Logical value. If TRUE, see next argument |
initials |
If |
verbose |
A logical specifying whether to provide descriptive output about the running process. |
There have been several attempts to adapt the k-means algorithm in the context of the statistical shape analysis, each one adapting a different version of the k-means algorithm (Amaral et al. (2010), Georgescu (2009)). In Vinue, G. et al. (2014), it is demonstrated that the Lloyd k-means represents a noticeable reduction in the computation involved when the sample size increases, compared with the Hartigan-Wong k-means. We state that Hartigan-Wong should be used in the shape analysis context only for very small samples.
A list with the following elements:
ic1: Optimal clustering.
cases: Anthropometric cases (optimal centers).
vopt: Optimal objective function.
If a simulation study is carried out, the following elements are returned:
ic1: Optimal clustering.
cases: Anthropometric cases (optimal centers).
vopt: Optimal objective function.
compTime: Computational time.
AllRate: Allocation rate.
This function is based on the kmns.m file available from https://github.com/johannesgerer/jburkardt-m/tree/master/asa136
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
Hartigan, J. A., and Wong, M. A., (1979). A K-Means Clustering Algorithm, Applied Statistics, 100–108.
Lloyd, S. P., (1982). Least Squares Quantization in PCM, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28, 129–137.
Amaral, G. J. A., Dore, L. H., Lessa, R. P., and Stosic, B., (2010). k-Means Algorithm in Statistical Shape Analysis, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 39(5), 1016–1026.
Georgescu, V., (2009). Clustering of Fuzzy Shapes by Integrating Procrustean Metrics and Full Mean Shape Estimation into K-Means Algorithm. In IFSA-EUSFLAT Conference.
Dryden, I. L., and Mardia, K. V., (1998). Statistical Shape Analysis, Wiley, Chichester.
, trimmedLloydShapes
, landmarksSampleSpaSurv
, cube8landm
, parallelep8landm
, cube34landm
, parallelep34landm
, procGPA
, optraShapes
, qtranShapes
#CLUSTERING INDIVIDUALS ACCORDING TO THEIR SHAPE: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 20 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First20 <- landmarksNoNa[1:20, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First20)[1]) #[1] 20 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First20) #array3D <- array3D[1:10,,] #to reduce computational times. #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) numClust <- 3 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) #resHA <- HartiganShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE, c(), FALSE) initials <- list(c(15,10,1)) resHA <- HartiganShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, TRUE, initials, TRUE) if (!is.null(resHA)) { asig <- resHA$ic1 #table(asig) shows the clustering results. prototypes <- anthrCases(resHA) } #Note: For a simulation study, see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R
#CLUSTERING INDIVIDUALS ACCORDING TO THEIR SHAPE: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 20 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First20 <- landmarksNoNa[1:20, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First20)[1]) #[1] 20 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First20) #array3D <- array3D[1:10,,] #to reduce computational times. #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) numClust <- 3 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) #resHA <- HartiganShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE, c(), FALSE) initials <- list(c(15,10,1)) resHA <- HartiganShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, TRUE, initials, TRUE) if (!is.null(resHA)) { asig <- resHA$ic1 #table(asig) shows the clustering results. prototypes <- anthrCases(resHA) } #Note: For a simulation study, see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R
The HIerarchical Partitioning Around Medoids clustering method (HIPAM) was originally created to gene clustering (Wit et al. (2004)). The HIPAM algorithm is a divisive hierarchical clustering method based on the PAM algorithm.
This function is a HIPAM algorithm adapted to deal with anthropometric data. To that end, a different dissimilarity function is incorporated. This function is that explained in McCulloch et al. (1998) and it is implemented in getDistMatrix
. We call it $d_MO$. In addition, a different method to obtain a classification tree is also incorporated.
Two HIPAM algorithms are proposed. The first one, called $HIPAM_MO$, is a HIPAM that uses $d_MO$. The second one, $HIPAM_IMO$, is a HIPAM algorithm that uses $d_MO$ and the INCA (Index Number Clusters Atypical) statistic criterion (Irigoien et al. (2008)) to decide the number of child clusters and as a stopping rule.
See Vinue et al. (2014) for more details.
hipamAnthropom(data,asw.tol=0,maxsplit=5,local.const=NULL, orness=0.7,type,ah=c(23,28,20,25,25),verbose,...)
hipamAnthropom(data,asw.tol=0,maxsplit=5,local.const=NULL, orness=0.7,type,ah=c(23,28,20,25,25),verbose,...)
data |
Data frame. In our approach, this is each of the subframes originated after segmenting the whole anthropometric Spanish survey into twelve bust segments, according to the European standard on sizing systems. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a variable. All variables are numeric. |
asw.tol |
If this value is given, a tolerance or penalty can be introduced (asw.tol > 0 or asw.tol < 0, respectively) in the branch splitting procedure. Default value (0) is maintained. See page 154 of Wit et al. (2004) for more details. |
maxsplit |
The maximum number of clusters that any cluster can be divided into when searching for the best clustering. |
local.const |
If this value is given (meaningful values are those between -1 and 1), a proposed partition is accepted only if the associated asw is greater than this constant. Default option for this argument is maintained, that is to say, this value is ignored. See page 154 of Wit et al. (2004) for more details. |
orness |
Quantity to measure the degree to which the aggregation is like a min or max operation. See |
type |
Type of HIPAM algorithm to be used. The possible options are 'MO' (for $HIPAM_MO$) and 'IMO' (for $HIPAM_IMO$). |
ah |
Constants that define the |
verbose |
Boolean variable (TRUE or FALSE) to indicate whether to report information on progress. |
... |
Other arguments that may be supplied to the internal functions of the HIPAM algorithms. |
The $HIPAM_MO$ algorithm uses the getBestPamsamMO
and checkBranchLocalMO
functions, while the $HIPAM_IMO$ algorithm uses the getBestPamsamIMO
and checkBranchLocalIMO
For more details of HIPAM, see van der Laan et al. (2003), Wit et al. (2004) and the manual of the smida R package.
A list with the following elements:
clustering: Final clustering that corresponds to the last level of the tree.
asw: The asw of the final clustering.
n.levels: Number of levels in the tree.
cases: Anthropometric cases (medoids of all of the clusters in the tree).
active: Activity status of each cluster (FALSE for every cluster of the final partition).
development: Matrix that indicates the ancestors of the final clusters.
num.of.clusters: Number of clusters in the final clustering.
metric: Dissimilarity used (called 'McCulloch' because the dissimilarity function used is that explained in McCulloch et al. (1998)).
All the functions related to the HIPAM algorithm were originally created by E. Wit et al., and they are available freely on https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html. In order to develop the $HIPAM_MO$ and $HIPAM_IMO$ algorithms, we have used and adapted them.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2004). Statistics for Microarrays: Design, Analysis and Inference. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2006). Statistics for Microarrays: Inference, Design and Analysis. R package version 0.1. https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html.
van der Laan, M. J., and Pollard, K. S., (2003). A new algorithm for hybrid hierarchical clustering with visualization and the bootstrap, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 117, 275–303.
Pollard, K. S., and van der Laan, M. J., (2002). A method to identify significant clusters in gene expression data. Vol. II of SCI2002 Proceedings, 318–325.
Irigoien, I., and Arenas, C., (2008). INCA: New statistic for estimating the number of clusters and identifying atypical units, Statistics in Medicine 27, 2948–2973.
Irigoien, I., Sierra, B., and Arenas, C., (2012). ICGE: an R package for detecting relevant clusters and atypical units in gene expression, BMC Bioinformatics 13, 1–29.
McCulloch, C., Paal, B., and Ashdown, S., (1998). An optimization approach to apparel sizing, Journal of the Operational Research Society 49, 492–499.
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. (2005).
Alemany, S., Gonzalez, J. C., Nacher, B., Soriano, C., Arnaiz, C., and Heras, H., (2010). Anthropometric survey of the Spanish female population aimed at the apparel industry. Proceedings of the 2010 Intl. Conference on 3D Body scanning Technologies, 307–315.
, getBestPamsamIMO
, checkBranchLocalMO
, checkBranchLocalIMO
, plotTreeHipamAnthropom
#FOR THE SIZES DEFINED BY THE EUROPEAN NORMATIVE: dataHipam <- sampleSpanishSurvey bust <- dataHipam$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) type <- "IMO" maxsplit <- 5 ; orness <- 0.7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) numSizes <- 1 res_hipam <- computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHipam, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, maxsplit, orness, type, ah, FALSE) fitmodels <- anthrCases(res_hipam, numSizes) outliers <- trimmOutl(res_hipam, numSizes) #FOR ANY OTHER DEFINED SIZE: #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(1900) rand <- sample(1:600,20) dataComp <- sampleSpanishSurvey[rand, c(2, 3, 5)] numVar <- dim(dataComp)[2] type <- "IMO" maxsplit <- 5 ; orness <- 0.7 ah <- c(28, 25, 25) dataMat <- as.matrix(dataComp) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) res_hipam_One <- list() ; class(res_hipam_One) <- "hipamAnthropom" res_hipam_One[[1]] <- hipamAnthropom(dataMat, maxsplit = maxsplit, orness = orness, type = type, ah = ah, verbose = FALSE) #plotTreeHipamAnthropom(res_hipam_One, main="Proposed Hierarchical PAM Clustering \n") fitmodels_One <- anthrCases(res_hipam_One,1) outliers_One <- trimmOutl(res_hipam_One,1)
#FOR THE SIZES DEFINED BY THE EUROPEAN NORMATIVE: dataHipam <- sampleSpanishSurvey bust <- dataHipam$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) type <- "IMO" maxsplit <- 5 ; orness <- 0.7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) numSizes <- 1 res_hipam <- computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHipam, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, maxsplit, orness, type, ah, FALSE) fitmodels <- anthrCases(res_hipam, numSizes) outliers <- trimmOutl(res_hipam, numSizes) #FOR ANY OTHER DEFINED SIZE: #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(1900) rand <- sample(1:600,20) dataComp <- sampleSpanishSurvey[rand, c(2, 3, 5)] numVar <- dim(dataComp)[2] type <- "IMO" maxsplit <- 5 ; orness <- 0.7 ah <- c(28, 25, 25) dataMat <- as.matrix(dataComp) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) res_hipam_One <- list() ; class(res_hipam_One) <- "hipamAnthropom" res_hipam_One[[1]] <- hipamAnthropom(dataMat, maxsplit = maxsplit, orness = orness, type = type, ah = ah, verbose = FALSE) #plotTreeHipamAnthropom(res_hipam_One, main="Proposed Hierarchical PAM Clustering \n") fitmodels_One <- anthrCases(res_hipam_One,1) outliers_One <- trimmOutl(res_hipam_One,1)
The body shape of the women who belong to sampleSpanishSurvey
is represented by a set of anatomical correspondence points, called landmarks.
This database collects the set of landmarks of each woman.
The landmarks considered were placed in three different ways:
Automatic landmarks: automatically calculated with scanner program algorithms, based on geometrical features of the body.
Manual landmarks: points which are not reflected on the external body geometry; they were located through palpation by expert personnel and identified by a physical marker.
Digital landmarks: detected on the computer screen in the 3D scanned image. They are not robust on the automatic calculation but are easy to detect on the screen.
A data frame with 600 observations and 198 variables (66 landmarks times 3 dimensions).
Anthropometric survey of the Spanish female population.
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
Alemany, S., Gonzalez, J. C., Nacher, B., Soriano, C., Arnaiz, C., and Heras, H., (2010). Anthropometric survey of the Spanish female population aimed at the apparel industry. Proceedings of the 2010 Intl. Conference on 3D Body scanning Technologies, 307–315.
The basic foundation of k-means is that the sample mean is the value that minimizes the Euclidean distance from each point, to the centroid of the cluster to which it belongs. Two fundamental concepts of the statistical shape analysis are the Procrustes mean and the Procrustes distance. Therefore, by integrating the Procrustes mean and the Procrustes distance we can use k-means in the shape analysis context.
The k-means method has been proposed by several scientists in different forms. In computer science and pattern recognition the k-means algorithm is often termed the Lloyd algorithm (see Lloyd (1982)).
This function allows us to use the Lloyd version of k-means adapted to deal with 3D shapes. Note that in the generic name of the k-means algorithm, k refers to the number of clusters to search for. To be more specific in the R code, k is referred to as numClust
, see next section arguments.
array3D |
Array with the 3D landmarks of the sample objects. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a dimension (x,y,z). |
numClust |
Number of clusters. |
algSteps |
Number of steps of the algorithm per initialization. Default value is 10. |
niter |
Number of random initializations (iterations). Default value is 10. |
stopCr |
Relative stopping criteria. Default value is 0.0001. |
simul |
Logical value. If TRUE, this function is used for a simulation study. |
verbose |
A logical specifying whether to provide descriptive output about the running process. |
There have been several attempts to adapt the k-means algorithm in the context of the statistical shape analysis, each one adapting a different version of the k-means algorithm (Amaral et al. (2010), Georgescu (2009)). In Vinue et al. (2014), it is demonstrated that the Lloyd k-means represents a noticeable reduction in the computation involved when the sample size increases, compared with the Hartigan-Wong k-means. We state that Hartigan-Wong should be used in the shape analysis context only for very small samples.
A list with the following elements:
asig: Optimal clustering.
cases: Anthropometric cases (optimal centers).
vopt: Optimal objective function.
initials: Random initial values used in each iteration. These values are then used by HartiganShapes
If a simulation study is carried out, the following elements are returned:
asig: Optimal clustering.
cases: Anthropometric cases (optimal centers).
vopt: Optimal objective function.
compTime: Computational time.
AllRate: Allocation rate.
initials: Random initial values used in each iteration. These values are then used by HartiganShapes
Amelia Simo
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
Lloyd, S. P., (1982). Least Squares Quantization in PCM, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28, 129–137.
Dryden, I. L., and Mardia, K. V., (1998). Statistical Shape Analysis, Wiley, Chichester.
, trimmedLloydShapes
, landmarksSampleSpaSurv
, cube8landm
, parallelep8landm
, cube34landm
, parallelep34landm
, procGPA
, optraShapes
, qtranShapes
#CLUSTERING INDIVIDUALS ACCORDING TO THEIR SHAPE: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 10 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE) asig <- resLL$asig table(resLL$asig) prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL) #Note: For a simulation study, see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R
#CLUSTERING INDIVIDUALS ACCORDING TO THEIR SHAPE: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 10 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE) asig <- resLL$asig table(resLL$asig) prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL) #Note: For a simulation study, see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R
The nearest individual to each archetype can be obtained by simply computing the distance between the archetypes and the individuals and choosing the nearest. This is the procedure to obtain what is called the cand_ns vector, see Vinue et al. (2015). It is used within archetypoids
and stepArchetypoids
indivs |
Vector from 1 to |
numArch |
Number of archetypes computed. |
mdras |
Distance matrix between the archetypes and the individuals. |
A vector with the nearest individuals to archetypes.
Irene Epifanio
Vinue, G., Epifanio, I., and Alemany, S., (2015). Archetypoids: a new approach to define representative archetypal data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 87, 102–115.
Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757–765.
, stepArchetypoids
, archetypesBoundary
#COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) res <- archetypesBoundary(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, 5, FALSE, 3) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. numArch <- 3 a3 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[numArch]]) ras <- rbind(archetypes::parameters(a3), USAFSurvey_preproc$data) dras <- dist(ras, method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = TRUE, p = 2) mdras <- as.matrix(dras) diag(mdras) <- 1e+11 sapply(seq(length=numArch), nearestToArchetypes, numArch, mdras)
#COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) res <- archetypesBoundary(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, 5, FALSE, 3) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. numArch <- 3 a3 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[numArch]]) ras <- rbind(archetypes::parameters(a3), USAFSurvey_preproc$data) dras <- dist(ras, method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = TRUE, p = 2) mdras <- as.matrix(dras) diag(mdras) <- 1e+11 sapply(seq(length=numArch), nearestToArchetypes, numArch, mdras)
The Hartigan-Wong version of the k-means algorithm uses two auxiliary algorithms: the optimal transfer stage (optra) and the quick transfer stage (qtran).
This function is the optra subroutine adapted to the shape analysis context. It is used within HartiganShapes
. See Hartigan and Wong (1979) for details of the original k-means algorithm and Amaral et al. (2010) for details about its adaptation to shape analysis.
array3D |
Array with the 3D landmarks of the sample objects. |
n |
Number of sample objects. |
c |
Array of centroids. |
numClust |
Number of clusters. |
ic1 |
The cluster to each object belongs. |
ic2 |
This vector is used to remember the cluster which each object is most likely to be transferred to at each step. |
nc |
Number of objects in each cluster. |
an1 |
$an1(l) = nc(l) / (nc(l) - 1), l=1,...,numClust$. |
an2 |
$an2(l) = nc(l) / (nc(l) + 1), l=1,...,numClust$. |
ncp |
In the optimal transfer stage, ncp(l) stores the step at which cluster l is last updated, $l=1,...,numClust$. |
d |
Vector of distances from each object to every centroid. |
itran |
itran(l) = 1 if cluster l is updated in the quick-transfer stage (0 otherwise), $l=1,...,numClust$. |
live |
Vector that indicates whether a cluster is included in the live set or not. |
indx |
Number of steps since a transfer took place. |
A list with the following elements: c,ic1,ic2,nc,an1,an2,ncp,d,itran,live,indx, updated after the optimal transfer stage.
This function belongs to HartiganShapes
and it is not solely used. That is why there is no section of examples in this help page.
This function is based on the optra.m file available from https://github.com/johannesgerer/jburkardt-m/tree/master/asa136.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
Hartigan, J. A., and Wong, M. A., (1979). A K-Means Clustering Algorithm, Applied Statistics, 100–108.
Amaral, G. J. A., Dore, L. H., Lessa, R. P., and Stosic, B., (2010). k-Means Algorithm in Statistical Shape Analysis, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 39(5), 1016–1026.
Dryden, I. L., and Mardia, K. V., (1998). Statistical Shape Analysis, Wiley, Chichester.
This function allows us to check which rows belong to more than one bicluster. It is used within the CCbiclustAnthropo
Bic |
Bicluster number. |
resBicluster |
An object of class Biclust. |
In order to know how this function works, it is necessary to understand the following commands:
res.bicl@RowxNumber[,1] indicates the rows that belong to the bicluster 1, by assigning a TRUE value to the position of those rows inside the original matrix. By using table(res.bicl@RowxNumber[,1]), we obtain the number of rows belonging to bicluster 1.
1 * res.bicl@RowxNumber[,1] makes TRUES into 1s.
Bic * res.bicl@RowxNumber[,Bic] makes TRUES into the corresponding value of Bic.
In short, this function puts a 1 in those rows belonging to bicluster 1, a 2 in those ones of bicluster 2, and so on.
The fact that certain columns of the matrix returned by this function have a value different from 0 at the same row, will indicate that that row belong to both biclusters.
This function cannot be used with the data of the package. This function is included in the package in the hope that it could be helpful or useful for other researchers.
A matrix with as many rows as rows of the original matrix, and as many columns as obtained biclusters.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., and Ibanez, M. V., (2014), Data depth and Biclustering applied to anthropometric data. Exploring their utility in apparel design. Technical report.
Kaiser, S., and Leisch, F., (2008). A Toolbox for Bicluster Analysis in R. Tech.rep., Department of Statistics (University of Munich).
## Not run: #Note: package biclust needed. #This is an example of using this function with a certain database #made up of body dimensions related to the lower body part. data <- dataUser[(waist >= 58) & (waist < 115),] #dataUser is the user database. rownames(data) <- 1:dim(data)[1] waist <- data[,"WaistCircumference"] waist_4 <- seq(58, 86, 4) waist_6 <- seq(91, 115, 6) waistCirc <- c(waist_4,waist_6) nsizes <- length(waistCirc) #Position of the body variables in the database: lowerVars <- c(14, 17:25, 27, 28, 65:73, 75, 77:81, seq(100, 116, 2)) nBic <- c(2, 2, 4, rep(5, 7), 3, 3) diffRanges <- list(c(14,20), c(24,30), c(24,30), c(33,39), c(29,35), c(29,35), c(28,35), c(31,38), c(31,38), c(30,37), c(26,33), c(25,32)) percDisac <- 0.01 dir <- "/home/guillermo/" res_bicl_antropom <- CCbiclustAnthropo(data,waist,waistCirc,lowerVars, nsizes,nBic,diffRanges,percDisac,dir) #For a single size: size <- 5 res <- res_bicl_antropom[[1]][[size]] sapply(1 : res@Number, overlapBiclustersByRows, res) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: #Note: package biclust needed. #This is an example of using this function with a certain database #made up of body dimensions related to the lower body part. data <- dataUser[(waist >= 58) & (waist < 115),] #dataUser is the user database. rownames(data) <- 1:dim(data)[1] waist <- data[,"WaistCircumference"] waist_4 <- seq(58, 86, 4) waist_6 <- seq(91, 115, 6) waistCirc <- c(waist_4,waist_6) nsizes <- length(waistCirc) #Position of the body variables in the database: lowerVars <- c(14, 17:25, 27, 28, 65:73, 75, 77:81, seq(100, 116, 2)) nBic <- c(2, 2, 4, rep(5, 7), 3, 3) diffRanges <- list(c(14,20), c(24,30), c(24,30), c(33,39), c(29,35), c(29,35), c(28,35), c(31,38), c(31,38), c(30,37), c(26,33), c(25,32)) percDisac <- 0.01 dir <- "/home/guillermo/" res_bicl_antropom <- CCbiclustAnthropo(data,waist,waistCirc,lowerVars, nsizes,nBic,diffRanges,percDisac,dir) #For a single size: size <- 5 res <- res_bicl_antropom[[1]][[size]] sapply(1 : res@Number, overlapBiclustersByRows, res) ## End(Not run)
This is a parallelepiped made up of 34 landmarks, used as controlled data in the simulation study carried out in the paper referred below.
An array with one matrix of 34 rows and 3 columns.
Software Rhinoceros.
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
This is a parallelepiped made up of 8 landmarks, used as controlled data in the simulation study carried out in the paper referred below.
An array with one matrix of 8 rows and 3 columns.
Software Rhinoceros.
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
This helper function computes the percentiles of an archetypoid for a given variable. Once these percentile values have been calculated, they can be represented by means of a barplot.
column |
Numeric variable (column of a data frame). |
indiv |
A certain archetypoid. |
data |
Data frame that contains the columns and archetypoids to be analyzed. |
digits |
Argument of the |
Numerical vector with the percentile values of an archetypoid.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Epifanio, I., and Alemany, S., (2015). Archetypoids: a new approach to define representative archetypal data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 87, 102–115.
Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757–765.
#COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 5 ; numRep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = USAFSurvey_preproc$data, numArch = 1:numArch, numRep = numRep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. #screeplot(lass) #Three archetypoids: numArchoid <- 3 res_ns <- archetypoids(numArchoid, USAFSurvey_preproc$data, huge = 200, step = FALSE, ArchObj = lass, nearest = "cand_ns" , sequ = TRUE) percentilsArchetypoid(1, res_ns$archet[1], USAFSurvey_preproc$data, 0)
#COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 5 ; numRep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = USAFSurvey_preproc$data, numArch = 1:numArch, numRep = numRep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. #screeplot(lass) #Three archetypoids: numArchoid <- 3 res_ns <- archetypoids(numArchoid, USAFSurvey_preproc$data, huge = 200, step = FALSE, ArchObj = lass, nearest = "cand_ns" , sequ = TRUE) percentilsArchetypoid(1, res_ns$archet[1], USAFSurvey_preproc$data, 0)
This function represents the scatter plots of bust circumference against other selected variable (chest, hip, neck to ground or waist) jointly with the prototypes obtained for each bust class provided by either trimowa
or hipamAnthropom
. In addition, the prototypes defined by the European standard on sizing systems. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals can be also displayed.
plotPrototypes(data,prototypes,nsizes,bustVariable,variable,col,xlim,ylim, main,EN)
plotPrototypes(data,prototypes,nsizes,bustVariable,variable,col,xlim,ylim, main,EN)
data |
Data frame. It should contain the chest, neck to ground, waist, hip and bust measurements of the individuals. In order to be able to represent them, the name of the columns of the database must be 'chest', 'necktoground', 'waist', 'hip' and 'bust' respectively, see |
prototypes |
Prototypes (medoids) i.e., typical persons within the sample, obtained with |
nsizes |
Number of subsets (classes), into the database is segmented. In our approach, the whole anthropometric Spanish survey is segmented into twelve bust segments, according to the European standard on sizing systems. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. |
bustVariable |
Bust variable. |
variable |
Anthropometric variable to be plotted. It can be 'chest', 'necktoground', 'waist' and 'hip'. |
col |
A specification for the medoids color in each bust class. |
xlim |
Axis lenght of the x axis according to the range of the bust variable. |
ylim |
Axis lenght of the y axis according to the range of the selected variable among chest, hip, neck to ground and waist. |
main |
Main title of the plot. |
EN |
A logical value. If TRUE, the prototypes defined by the European standard for each variable are represented. See section Details for more details. |
Ir order to check the goodness of trimowa
, the sizes defined by the prototypes can be compared with those defined by the European standard to sizing system. This standard establishes 12 sizes according to the combinations of the bust, waist and hip measurements and does not fix neither chest nor height standard measurements. We can approximate the chest measurements through a linear regression analysis, taking the bust measurements detailed in the standard as independent variable. Besides, we take as neck to ground measurements for the standard sizing system, the values 132, 136 and 140 cm because those are the most repeated values and they are those which best cover our data set. See Ibanez et al. (2012) for a complete explanation.
A device with the desired plot.
As mentioned, this function is especially defined for the sizes established by the European standard on sizing systems. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. In order to use this function with other standard, this function must be adapted.
Guillermo Vinue
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. (2005).
, weightsMixtureUB
, trimowa
, getDistMatrix
, trimmedoid
, hipamAnthropom
#TRIMOWA ALGORITHM: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] bust <- dataTrimowa$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness, numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) numSizes <- 2 res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, numSizes) bustVariable <- "bust" xlim <- c(72, 132) color <- c("black", "red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "brown", "gray", "deeppink3", "orange", "springgreen4", "khaki3", "steelblue1") variable <- "chest" range(dataTrimowa[,variable]) #[1] 76.7755 135.8580 ylim <- c(70,140) title <- "Prototypes \n bust vs chest" plotPrototypes(dataTrimowa, prototypes, numSizes, bustVariable, variable, color, xlim, ylim, title, FALSE) plotPrototypes(dataTrimowa, prototypes, numSizes, bustVariable, variable, color, xlim, ylim, title, TRUE) #For other plots and an example for the hipam algorithm, #see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R
#TRIMOWA ALGORITHM: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] bust <- dataTrimowa$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness, numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) numSizes <- 2 res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, numSizes) bustVariable <- "bust" xlim <- c(72, 132) color <- c("black", "red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "brown", "gray", "deeppink3", "orange", "springgreen4", "khaki3", "steelblue1") variable <- "chest" range(dataTrimowa[,variable]) #[1] 76.7755 135.8580 ylim <- c(70,140) title <- "Prototypes \n bust vs chest" plotPrototypes(dataTrimowa, prototypes, numSizes, bustVariable, variable, color, xlim, ylim, title, FALSE) plotPrototypes(dataTrimowa, prototypes, numSizes, bustVariable, variable, color, xlim, ylim, title, TRUE) #For other plots and an example for the hipam algorithm, #see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R
This function represents a dendrogram for the clustering results provided by a HIPAM algorithm. It is a small modification of the original plot.tree
function of the smida R package, available from https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html.
x |
The HIPAM object to be plotted. |
main |
Title of the plot. |
... |
Other arguments that may be supplied. |
A device with the desired plot.
This function only represents the 'tree' option of the original plot.tree
function of smida, because we believe that this option displays better the clustering results provided by HIPAM than the option '2d'.
This function was originally created by E. Wit et al., and it is available freely on https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html. We have slightly modified.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2004). Statistics for Microarrays: Design, Analysis and Inference. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Wit, E., and McClure, J., (2006). Statistics for Microarrays: Inference, Design and Analysis. R package version 0.1. https://www.math.rug.nl/~ernst/book/smida.html.
dataHipam <- sampleSpanishSurvey bust <- dataHipam$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) type <- "IMO" maxsplit <- 5 ; orness <- 0.7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) numSizes <- 1 res_hipam <- computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHipam, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, maxsplit, orness, type, ah, FALSE) plotTreeHipamAnthropom(res_hipam[[1]], main=paste("Proposed Hierarchical PAM Clustering \n", "74-78"))
dataHipam <- sampleSpanishSurvey bust <- dataHipam$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) type <- "IMO" maxsplit <- 5 ; orness <- 0.7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) numSizes <- 1 res_hipam <- computSizesHipamAnthropom(dataHipam, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, maxsplit, orness, type, ah, FALSE) plotTreeHipamAnthropom(res_hipam[[1]], main=paste("Proposed Hierarchical PAM Clustering \n", "74-78"))
This function represents the scatter plots of bust circumference against other selected variable (chest,hip,neck to ground or waist) jointly with the trimmed individuals discarded in each bust class provided by trimowa
or with the outlier individuals provided by hipamAnthropom
data |
Data frame. It should contain the chest, neck to ground, waist, hip and bust measurements of the individuals. In order to be able to represent them, the name of the columns of the database must be 'chest', 'necktoground', 'waist', 'hip' and 'bust' respectively, see |
trimmOutl |
Trimmed women (if |
nsizes |
Number of subsets (classes), into the database is segmented. In our approach, the whole anthropometric Spanish survey is segmented into twelve bust segments, according to the European standard on sizing systems. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. |
bustVariable |
Bust variable. |
variable |
Anthropometric variable to be plotted. It can be 'chest', 'necktoground', 'waist' and 'hip'. |
col |
A specification for the trimmed or outlier women color in each bust class. |
xlim |
Axis lenght of the x axis according to the range of the bust variable. |
ylim |
Axis lenght of the y axis according to the range of the selected variable among chest, hip, neck to ground and waist. |
main |
Title of the plot. |
A device with the desired plot.
Guillermo Vinue
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
, hipamAnthropom
, trimowa
#TRIMOWA ALGORITHM: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] bust <- dataTrimowa$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness, numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) numSizes <- 2 res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, numSizes) trimmed <- trimmOutl(res_trimowa, numSizes) bustVariable <- "bust" xlim <- c(72, 132) color <- c("black", "red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "brown", "gray", "deeppink3", "orange", "springgreen4", "khaki3", "steelblue1") variable <- "chest" range(dataTrimowa[,variable]) #[1] 76.7755 135.8580 ylim <- c(70,140) main <- "Trimmed women \n bust vs chest" plotTrimmOutl(dataTrimowa, trimmed, numSizes, bustVariable, variable, color, xlim, ylim, main) #For other plots and an example for the hipam algorithm, #see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R
#TRIMOWA ALGORITHM: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] bust <- dataTrimowa$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness, numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) numSizes <- 2 res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, numSizes) trimmed <- trimmOutl(res_trimowa, numSizes) bustVariable <- "bust" xlim <- c(72, 132) color <- c("black", "red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "brown", "gray", "deeppink3", "orange", "springgreen4", "khaki3", "steelblue1") variable <- "chest" range(dataTrimowa[,variable]) #[1] 76.7755 135.8580 ylim <- c(70,140) main <- "Trimmed women \n bust vs chest" plotTrimmOutl(dataTrimowa, trimmed, numSizes, bustVariable, variable, color, xlim, ylim, main) #For other plots and an example for the hipam algorithm, #see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R
This function allows us to fix the accommodated data before computing archetypes and archetypoids. First, depending on the problem, it is possible to standardize the data or not. Second, it is possible to use the Mahalanobis distance or a depth procedure to select the accommodated subsample of data.
data |
Raw data. It must be a data frame. Each row corresponds to an observation and each column corresponds to an anthropometric variable. All variables are numeric. |
stand |
A logical value. If TRUE (FALSE) the data are (not) standardized. This option will depend on the problem. |
percAccomm |
Percentage of the population to accommodate (value between 0 and 1). When this percentage is equal to 1 all the individuals will be accommodated. |
mahal |
If percAccom is different from 1, then |
In somes cases, the depth procedure has the disadvantage that the desired percentage of accommodation is not under control of the analyst and it could not coincide exactly with percAccomm
A list with the following elements if percAccomm
is different from 1:
data: Database after preprocessing, with the 1-percAccomm
percentage of individuals removed.
indivYes: Individuals who belong to data
indivNo: Individuals discarded in the accommodation procedure.
A list with the following elements if percAccomm
is equals to 1:
data: Initial database with the same number of observations, which has been standarized depending on the value of stand
Irene Epifanio and Guillermo Vinue
Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757–765.
Genest, M., Masse, J.-C., and Plante, J.-F., (2012). depth: Depth functions tools for multivariate analysis. R package version 2.0-0.
#As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_inch <- USAFSurvey[1:25, variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_inch, TRUE, 0.95, FALSE)
#As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_inch <- USAFSurvey[1:25, variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_inch, TRUE, 0.95, FALSE)
Helper function for plotting the projections of the shapes. It displays the projection on the xy plane of the recorded points and mean shape for a given cluster. To that end, first it is needed to carry out a generalized Procrustes analysis in the cluster to obtain the full Procrustes rotated data.
clust |
Cluster for which represent its mean shape together with the recorded points. |
array3D |
Array with the 3D landmarks of the sample points. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a dimension (x,y,z). |
asig |
Clustering optimal results. |
prototypes |
Vector of optimal prototypes. |
Numerical vector with the percentile values of an archetypoid.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
, HartiganShapes
, trimmedLloydShapes
landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 15 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE) clust_kmeansProc <- resLL$asig prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL) projShapes(1, array3D, clust_kmeansProc, prototypes) #legend("topleft", c("Registrated data", "Mean shape"), pch = 1, col = 1:2, text.col = 1:2) #title("Procrustes registrated data for cluster 1 \n with its mean shape superimposed", # sub = "Plane xy")
landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 15 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE) clust_kmeansProc <- resLL$asig prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL) projShapes(1, array3D, clust_kmeansProc, prototypes) #legend("topleft", c("Registrated data", "Mean shape"), pch = 1, col = 1:2, text.col = 1:2) #title("Procrustes registrated data for cluster 1 \n with its mean shape superimposed", # sub = "Plane xy")
The Hartigan-Wong version of the k-means algorithm uses two auxiliary algorithms: the optimal transfer stage (optra) and the quick transfer stage (qtran).
This function is the qtran subroutine adapted to the shape analysis context. It is used within HartiganShapes
. See Hartigan and Wong (1979) for details of the original k-means algorithm and Amaral et al. (2010) for details about its adaptation to shape analysis.
array3D |
Array with the 3D landmarks of the sample objects. |
n |
Number of sample objects. |
c |
Array of centroids. |
ic1 |
The cluster to each object belongs. |
ic2 |
This vector is used to remember the cluster which each object is most likely to be transferred to at each step. |
nc |
Number of objects in each cluster. |
an1 |
$an1(l) = nc(l) / (nc(l) - 1), l=1,...,numClust$, where numClust is the number of clusters. |
an2 |
$an2(l) = nc(l) / (nc(l) + 1), l=1,...,numClust$. |
ncp |
In the optimal transfer stage, ncp(l) stores the step at which cluster l is last updated, $l=1,...,numClust$. |
d |
Vector of distances from each object to every centroid. |
itran |
itran(l) = 1 if cluster l is updated in the quick-transfer stage (0 otherwise), $l=1,...,k$. |
indx |
Number of steps since a transfer took place. |
A list with the following elements:: c,ic1,ic2,nc,an1,an2,ncp,d,itran,indx,icoun, updated after the optimal transfer stage. Note that icoun counts the steps where a re-allocation took place.
This function belongs to HartiganShapes
and it is not solely used. That is why there is no section of examples in this help page.
This function is based on the qtran.m file available from https://github.com/johannesgerer/jburkardt-m/tree/master/asa136.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
Hartigan, J. A., and Wong, M. A., (1979). A K-Means Clustering Algorithm, Applied Statistics, 100–108.
Amaral, G. J. A., Dore, L. H., Lessa, R. P., and Stosic, B., (2010). k-Means Algorithm in Statistical Shape Analysis, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 39(5), 1016–1026.
Dryden, I. L., and Mardia, K. V., (1998). Statistical Shape Analysis, Wiley, Chichester.
This a database for academic and training purposes. It is oriented to exemplify the use of trimowa
, hipamAnthropom
and TDDclust
It is made up of 600 women selected randomly from the Spanish anthropometric survey and five anthropometric variables: chest circumference, neck to ground length, waist circumference, hip circumference and bust circumference. These variables have been chosen following the recommendations of experts. In addition, they are commonly used in the literature about sizing system design and they appear in the European standard to sizing system.
A matrix with 600 rows and 5 columns. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a variable.
Anthropometric survey of the Spanish female population.
Alemany, S., Gonzalez, J. C., Nacher, B., Soriano, C., Arnaiz, C., and Heras, H., (2010). Anthropometric survey of the Spanish female population aimed at the apparel industry. Proceedings of the 2010 Intl. Conference on 3D Body scanning Technologies, 307–315.
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Vinue, G., Epifanio, I., and Alemany, S., (2015). Archetypoids: a new approach to define representative archetypal data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 87, 102–115.
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
Vinue, G., and Ibanez, M. V., (2014). Data depth and Biclustering applied to anthropometric data. Exploring their utility in apparel design. Technical report.
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 2: Primary and secondary dimensions. (2002).
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. (2005).
, hipamAnthropom
, TDDclust
This function allows us to represent in the same plot the screeplot of the archetypes and the both cand_ns, cand_alpha and cand_beta archetypoids.
screeArchetypal(numArch,rss_lass_def,rss_step_ns,rss_step_alpha,rss_step_beta, ylim,main,xlab,ylab,col=c("red","blue","green3"),axis2,seq,leg)
screeArchetypal(numArch,rss_lass_def,rss_step_ns,rss_step_alpha,rss_step_beta, ylim,main,xlab,ylab,col=c("red","blue","green3"),axis2,seq,leg)
numArch |
Number of archetypal observations (archetypes and archetypoids). |
rss_lass_def |
Vector of the residual sum of squares (rss) associated with each archetype from 1 to |
rss_step_ns |
Vector of the residual sum of squares (rss) associated with each cand_ns archetypoid from 1 to |
rss_step_alpha |
Vector of the residual sum of squares (rss) associated with each cand_alpha archetypoid from 1 to |
rss_step_beta |
Vector of the residual sum of squares (rss) associated with each cand_beta archetypoid from 1 to |
ylim |
The y limits of the plot. |
main |
Title of the plot. |
xlab |
A title for the x axis. |
ylab |
A title for the y axis. |
col |
Color vector for the screeplots of the archetypoids. Default is c("red","blue","green3"). |
axis2 |
A logical value. If TRUE, the y axis can be customized to have spaced tick-marks by means of the following argument |
seq |
Vector sequence with the values of the tick-marks to be drawn in the y axis. |
leg |
If TRUE, a legend is shown. |
A device with the desired plot.
Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Epifanio, I., and Alemany, S., (2015). Archetypoids: a new approach to define representative archetypal data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 87, 102–115.
Cutler, A., and Breiman, L., (1994). Archetypal Analysis, Technometrics 36, 338–347.
Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757–765.
Eugster, M. J., and Leisch, F., (2009). From Spider-Man to Hero - Archetypal Analysis in R, Journal of Statistical Software 30, 1–23, doi:10.18637/jss.v030.i08.
Eugster, M. J. A., (2012). Performance profiles based on archetypal athletes, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 12, 166–187.
, stepArchetypoids
## Not run: #COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #The following R code allows us to obtain a similar plot regarding Figure 5 #of the paper Vinue et al. (2015). USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 2 ; numRep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = USAFSurvey_preproc$data, numArch=1:numArch, numRep = numRep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. rss_lass <- matrix(0, nrow = numArch, ncol = numRep) for(i in 1:numArch){ for(j in 1:numRep){ rss_lass[i,j] <- lass[[i]][[j]]$rss } } (rss_lass_def <- apply(rss_lass, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)) #Run archetypoids algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: for(numArchoid in 1:numArch){ temp <- stepArchetypoids(numArchoid, nearest = "cand_ns", USAFSurvey_preproc$data, lass) filename <- paste("res_ns", numArchoid, sep = "") assign(filename,temp) save(list = c(filename), file = paste(filename, ".RData", sep = "")) } #Run archetypoids algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: for(numArchoid in 1:numArch){ temp <- stepArchetypoids(numArchoid, nearest = "cand_alpha", USAFSurvey_preproc$data, lass) filename <- paste("res_alpha", numArchoid, sep = "") assign(filename,temp) save(list = c(filename), file = paste(filename, ".RData", sep = "")) } #Run archetypoids algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: for(numArchoid in 1:numArch){ temp <- stepArchetypoids(numArchoid, nearest = "cand_beta", USAFSurvey_preproc$data, lass) filename <- paste("res_beta", numArchoid, sep = "") assign(filename,temp) save(list = c(filename), file = paste(filename, ".RData", sep = "")) } #Numerical and graphical results: #Cand_ns: for(i in 1:numArch){ load(paste("res_ns", i, ".RData", sep = "")) } rss_step <- c() for (i in 1:numArch){ rss_step[i] <- get(paste("res_ns", i, sep = ""))[[2]] } (rss_step_ns <- as.numeric(rss_step)) #Cand_alpha: for(i in 1:numArch){ load(paste("res_alpha", i, ".RData", sep = "")) } rss_step_which <- c() for (i in 1:numArch){ rss_step_which[i] <- get(paste("res_alpha", i, sep = ""))[[2]] } (rss_step_alpha <- as.numeric(rss_step_which)) #Cand_beta: for(i in 1:numArch){ load(paste("res_beta", i, ".RData", sep = "")) } rss_step_which <- c() for (i in 1:numArch){ rss_step_which[i] <- get(paste("res_beta", i, sep = ""))[[2]] } (rss_step_beta <- as.numeric(rss_step_which)) forYlim <- c(rss_lass_def, rss_step_ns, rss_step_alpha, rss_step_beta) range(forYlim) #[1] 0.06387125 0.27395811 #main <- "Aircraft pilots archetypes and archetypoids" xlab <- "Archetypes/Archetypoids" ylab <- "RSS" screeArchetypal(numArch, rss_lass_def, rss_step_ns, rss_step_alpha, rss_step_beta, c(0,0.5), main = "", xlab, ylab, col = c("red","blue","green3"), TRUE, seq(0,0.5,0.1), FALSE) #rm(res_ns1.RData) #rm(res_ns2.RData) #rm(res_alpha1.RData) #rm(res_alpha2.RData) #rm(res_beta1.RData) #rm(res_beta2.RData) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: #COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #The following R code allows us to obtain a similar plot regarding Figure 5 #of the paper Vinue et al. (2015). USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 2 ; numRep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = USAFSurvey_preproc$data, numArch=1:numArch, numRep = numRep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. rss_lass <- matrix(0, nrow = numArch, ncol = numRep) for(i in 1:numArch){ for(j in 1:numRep){ rss_lass[i,j] <- lass[[i]][[j]]$rss } } (rss_lass_def <- apply(rss_lass, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)) #Run archetypoids algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: for(numArchoid in 1:numArch){ temp <- stepArchetypoids(numArchoid, nearest = "cand_ns", USAFSurvey_preproc$data, lass) filename <- paste("res_ns", numArchoid, sep = "") assign(filename,temp) save(list = c(filename), file = paste(filename, ".RData", sep = "")) } #Run archetypoids algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: for(numArchoid in 1:numArch){ temp <- stepArchetypoids(numArchoid, nearest = "cand_alpha", USAFSurvey_preproc$data, lass) filename <- paste("res_alpha", numArchoid, sep = "") assign(filename,temp) save(list = c(filename), file = paste(filename, ".RData", sep = "")) } #Run archetypoids algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: for(numArchoid in 1:numArch){ temp <- stepArchetypoids(numArchoid, nearest = "cand_beta", USAFSurvey_preproc$data, lass) filename <- paste("res_beta", numArchoid, sep = "") assign(filename,temp) save(list = c(filename), file = paste(filename, ".RData", sep = "")) } #Numerical and graphical results: #Cand_ns: for(i in 1:numArch){ load(paste("res_ns", i, ".RData", sep = "")) } rss_step <- c() for (i in 1:numArch){ rss_step[i] <- get(paste("res_ns", i, sep = ""))[[2]] } (rss_step_ns <- as.numeric(rss_step)) #Cand_alpha: for(i in 1:numArch){ load(paste("res_alpha", i, ".RData", sep = "")) } rss_step_which <- c() for (i in 1:numArch){ rss_step_which[i] <- get(paste("res_alpha", i, sep = ""))[[2]] } (rss_step_alpha <- as.numeric(rss_step_which)) #Cand_beta: for(i in 1:numArch){ load(paste("res_beta", i, ".RData", sep = "")) } rss_step_which <- c() for (i in 1:numArch){ rss_step_which[i] <- get(paste("res_beta", i, sep = ""))[[2]] } (rss_step_beta <- as.numeric(rss_step_which)) forYlim <- c(rss_lass_def, rss_step_ns, rss_step_alpha, rss_step_beta) range(forYlim) #[1] 0.06387125 0.27395811 #main <- "Aircraft pilots archetypes and archetypoids" xlab <- "Archetypes/Archetypoids" ylab <- "RSS" screeArchetypal(numArch, rss_lass_def, rss_step_ns, rss_step_alpha, rss_step_beta, c(0,0.5), main = "", xlab, ylab, col = c("red","blue","green3"), TRUE, seq(0,0.5,0.1), FALSE) #rm(res_ns1.RData) #rm(res_ns2.RData) #rm(res_alpha1.RData) #rm(res_alpha2.RData) #rm(res_beta1.RData) #rm(res_beta2.RData) ## End(Not run)
This function is a slight modification of the original shapes3d
function of the shapes R package so that the resulting plot has customized title and axes. Specifically, the changing lines regarding the original function are those related to its argument axes3 when it is fixed to TRUE.
shapes3dShapes(x,loop=0,type="p",color=2,joinline=c(1:1), axes3=FALSE,rglopen=TRUE,main=main)
shapes3dShapes(x,loop=0,type="p",color=2,joinline=c(1:1), axes3=FALSE,rglopen=TRUE,main=main)
x |
See |
loop |
See |
type |
See |
color |
See |
joinline |
See |
axes3 |
See |
rglopen |
See |
main |
Allows us to give the plot a title if axes3=TRUE. |
A device with the desired plot.
Dryden, I. L., (2012). shapes package. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. Contributed package.
Dryden, I. L., and Mardia, K. V., (1998). Statistical Shape Analysis, Wiley, Chichester.
## Not run: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 10 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL) shapes3dShapes(prototypes[,,1], loop = 0, type = "p", color = 2, joinline = c(1:1), axes3 = TRUE, rglopen = TRUE, main = "Mean shape cluster 1") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 10 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) #shapes::plotshapes(array3D[,,1]) #calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7) numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL) shapes3dShapes(prototypes[,,1], loop = 0, type = "p", color = 2, joinline = c(1:1), axes3 = TRUE, rglopen = TRUE, main = "Mean shape cluster 1") ## End(Not run)
This function represents the skeleton plots of the archetypal observations (archetypes and archetypoids) of USAFSurvey
measuArch |
Vector with the measurements of each archetype. |
main |
The title of the plot. |
A device with the desired plot.
This function allows us to reproduce the archetypes of Figure 5 of Epifanio et al. (2013), see archetypesBoundary
Guillermo Vinue
Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757–765.
, USAFSurvey
#List with the measurements of each archetype (Table 7 of Epifanio et al (2013)): lista_arch <- list() lista_arch[[1]] <- c(34.18, 25.85, 18.65, 39.66, 35.05, 26.73) lista_arch[[2]] <- c(28.51, 21.23, 15.39, 33.57, 29.24, 21.26) lista_arch[[3]] <- c(35.34, 24.94, 18.79, 36.7, 32.28, 23.41) lista_arch[[4]] <- c(31.34, 22.27, 16.89, 38, 33.08, 25.8) lista_arch[[5]] <- c(32.33, 25.09, 17.84, 34.46, 29.58, 22.82) lista_arch[[6]] <- c(29.69, 24.18, 18.22, 38.07, 33.04, 24.56) lista_arch[[7]] <- c(29.24, 22.97, 14.99, 36.88, 32.28, 24.22) for(i in 1:length(lista_arch)){ titlePlot <- paste("Archetype", i, sep = " ") skeletonsArchetypal(lista_arch[[i]],titlePlot) } #Note: For an example for archetypoids, see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R
#List with the measurements of each archetype (Table 7 of Epifanio et al (2013)): lista_arch <- list() lista_arch[[1]] <- c(34.18, 25.85, 18.65, 39.66, 35.05, 26.73) lista_arch[[2]] <- c(28.51, 21.23, 15.39, 33.57, 29.24, 21.26) lista_arch[[3]] <- c(35.34, 24.94, 18.79, 36.7, 32.28, 23.41) lista_arch[[4]] <- c(31.34, 22.27, 16.89, 38, 33.08, 25.8) lista_arch[[5]] <- c(32.33, 25.09, 17.84, 34.46, 29.58, 22.82) lista_arch[[6]] <- c(29.69, 24.18, 18.22, 38.07, 33.04, 24.56) lista_arch[[7]] <- c(29.24, 22.97, 14.99, 36.88, 32.28, 24.22) for(i in 1:length(lista_arch)){ titlePlot <- paste("Archetype", i, sep = " ") skeletonsArchetypal(lista_arch[[i]],titlePlot) } #Note: For an example for archetypoids, see www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/more_examples.R
This is a slight modification of the original stepArchetypes
function of the archetypes R package to apply the archetype algorithm to raw data. The stepArchetypes
function standardizes the data by default and this option is not always desired.
data |
Data to obtain archetypes. |
numArch |
Number of archetypes to compute, from 1 to |
numRep |
For each |
verbose |
If TRUE, the progress during execution is shown. |
A list with numArch
elements. Each element is a list of class attribute stepArchetypes
with numRep
Guillermo Vinue based on the the original stepArchetypes
function of archetypes.
Eugster, M. J., and Leisch, F., (2009). From Spider-Man to Hero - Archetypal Analysis in R, Journal of Statistical Software 30, 1–23, doi:10.18637/jss.v030.i08.
Vinue, G., Epifanio, I., and Alemany, S., (2015). Archetypoids: a new approach to define representative archetypal data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 87, 102–115.
#COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 5 ; numRep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = USAFSurvey_preproc$data, numArch = 1:numArch, numRep = numRep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package.
#COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 5 ; numRep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = USAFSurvey_preproc$data, numArch = 1:numArch, numRep = numRep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package.
Execute the archetypoid algorithm repeatedly. It is inspired by the stepArchetypes
function of the archetypes R package.
numArchoid |
Number of archetypoids. |
nearest |
Initial vector of archetypoids for the BUILD phase of the archetypoid algorithm. This initial vector contain the nearest individuals to the archetypes returned by the |
data |
Data matrix. Each row corresponds to an observation and each column corresponds to an anthropometric variable. All variables are numeric. |
ArchObj |
The list object returned by the |
A list with the following elements:
cases: Anthropometric cases (final vector of numArchoid
rss: Residual sum of squares corresponding to the final vector of numArchoid
archet_ini: Vector of initial archetypoids (cand_ns, cand_alpha or cand_beta).
alphas: Alpha coefficients for the optimal vector of archetypoids.
It may be happen that archetypes
does not find results for k archetypes. In this case, it is not possible to calculate the vector of nearest individuals and consequently, the vector of archetypoids. Therefore, this function will return an error message.
Irene Epifanio and Guillermo Vinue
Vinue, G., Epifanio, I., and Alemany, S., (2015). Archetypoids: a new approach to define representative archetypal data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 87, 102–115.
Cutler, A., and Breiman, L., (1994). Archetypal Analysis, Technometrics 36, 338–347.
Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757–765.
Eugster, M. J., and Leisch, F., (2009). From Spider-Man to Hero - Archetypal Analysis in R, Journal of Statistical Software 30, 1–23, doi:10.18637/jss.v030.i08.
Eugster, M. J. A., (2012). Performance profiles based on archetypal athletes, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 12, 166–187.
, archetypes
, stepArchetypes
#COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 2 ; numRep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = USAFSurvey_preproc$data, numArch = 1:numArch, numRep = numRep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. #Run archetypoids algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #for(numArchoid in 1:numArch){ # temp <- stepArchetypoids(numArchoid,nearest="cand_ns",USAFSurvey_preproc$data,lass) # filename <- paste("res", numArchoid, sep="") # assign(filename,temp) # save(list=c(filename),file=paste(filename, ".RData", sep="")) #} temp <- stepArchetypoids(2,nearest="cand_ns",USAFSurvey_preproc$data,lass)
#COCKPIT DESIGN PROBLEM: #As a toy example, only the first 25 individuals are used. USAFSurvey_First25 <- USAFSurvey[1:25, ] #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_First25_inch <- USAFSurvey_First25[,variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_First25_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) #Run archetype algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #This is a toy example. In other situation, choose numArch=10 and numRep=20. numArch <- 2 ; numRep <- 2 lass <- stepArchetypesRawData(data = USAFSurvey_preproc$data, numArch = 1:numArch, numRep = numRep, verbose = FALSE) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. #Run archetypoids algorithm repeatedly from 1 to numArch archetypes: #for(numArchoid in 1:numArch){ # temp <- stepArchetypoids(numArchoid,nearest="cand_ns",USAFSurvey_preproc$data,lass) # filename <- paste("res", numArchoid, sep="") # assign(filename,temp) # save(list=c(filename),file=paste(filename, ".RData", sep="")) #} temp <- stepArchetypoids(2,nearest="cand_ns",USAFSurvey_preproc$data,lass)
This is the trimmed version of the clustering algorithm based on the L1 depth proposed by Rebecka Jornsten (2004). She segments all the observations in clusters, and assigns to each point z in the data space, the L1 depth value regarding its cluster. A trimmed procedure is incorporated to remove the more extreme individuals of each cluster (those one with the lowest depth values), in line with trimowa
data |
Data frame. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a variable. All variables must be numeric. |
numClust |
Number of clusters. |
lambda |
Tuning parameter that controls the influence the data depth has over the clustering, see Jornsten (2004). |
Th |
Threshold for observations to be relocated, usually set to 0. |
niter |
Number of random initializations (iterations). |
T0 |
Simulated annealing parameter. It is the current temperature in the simulated annealing procedure. |
simAnn |
Simulated annealing parameter. It is the decay rate, default 0.9. |
alpha |
Proportion of trimmed sample. |
data1 |
The same data frame as data, used to incorporate the trimmed observations into the rest of them for the next iteration. |
verbose |
A logical specifying whether to provide descriptive output about the running process. Default TRUE. |
A list with the following elements:
NN: Cluster assignment, NN[1,] is the final partition.
cases: Anthropometric cases (the multivariate median cluster representatives).
DD: Depth values of the observations (only if there are trimmed observations).
Cost: Final value of the optimal partition.
discarded: Discarded (trimmed) observations.
klBest: Iteration in which the optimal partition was found.
This function has been defined from the original functions developed by Rebecka Jornsten, which were available freely on http://www.stat.rutgers.edu/home/rebecka/DDcl/. However, the link to this page doesn't currently exist as a result of a website redesign.
Jornsten R., (2004). Clustering and classification based on the L1 data depth, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 90, 67–89
Vinue, G., and Ibanez, M. V., (2014). Data depth and Biclustering applied to anthropometric data. Exploring their utility in apparel design. Technical report.
#In the interests of simplicity of the computation involved, only 15 points are selected: dataTDDcl <- sampleSpanishSurvey[1 : 15, c(2, 3, 5)] dataTDDcl_aux <- sampleSpanishSurvey[1 : 15, c(2, 3, 5)] numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; lambda <- 0.5 ; niter <- 2 Th <- 0 ; T0 <- 0 ; simAnn <- 0.9 #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) res_TDDcl <- TDDclust(dataTDDcl, numClust, lambda, Th, niter, T0, simAnn, alpha, dataTDDcl_aux,FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(res_TDDcl) table(res_TDDcl$NN[1,]) res_TDDcl$Cost res_TDDcl$klBest trimmed <- trimmOutl(res_TDDcl)
#In the interests of simplicity of the computation involved, only 15 points are selected: dataTDDcl <- sampleSpanishSurvey[1 : 15, c(2, 3, 5)] dataTDDcl_aux <- sampleSpanishSurvey[1 : 15, c(2, 3, 5)] numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; lambda <- 0.5 ; niter <- 2 Th <- 0 ; T0 <- 0 ; simAnn <- 0.9 #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) res_TDDcl <- TDDclust(dataTDDcl, numClust, lambda, Th, niter, T0, simAnn, alpha, dataTDDcl_aux,FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(res_TDDcl) table(res_TDDcl$NN[1,]) res_TDDcl$Cost res_TDDcl$klBest trimmed <- trimmOutl(res_TDDcl)
The basic foundation of k-means is that the sample mean is the value that minimizes the Euclidean distance from each point, to the centroid of the cluster to which it belongs. Two fundamental concepts of the statistical shape analysis are the Procrustes mean and the Procrustes distance. Therefore, by integrating the Procrustes mean and the Procrustes distance we can use k-means in the shape analysis context.
The k-means method has been proposed by several scientists in different forms. In computer science and pattern recognition the k-means algorithm is often termed the Lloyd algorithm (see Lloyd (1982)).
This function is proposed to incorporate a modification to LloydShapes
in order to make the k-means algorithm robust. Robustness is a property very desirable in a lot of applications. As it is well known, the results of the k-means algorithm can be influenced by outliers and extreme data, or bridging points between clusters. Garcia-Escudero et al. (1999) propose a way of making k-means more robust, which combines the k-means idea with an impartial trimming procedure: a proportion alpha (between 0 and 1) of observations are trimmed (the trimmed observations are self-determined by the data). See also trimmedoid
Note that in the generic name of the k-means algorithm, k refers to the number of clusters to search for. To be more specific in the R code, k is referred to as numClust
, see next section arguments.
trimmedLloydShapes(array3D,n,alpha,numClust,algSteps=10,niter=10, stopCr=0.0001,verbose)
trimmedLloydShapes(array3D,n,alpha,numClust,algSteps=10,niter=10, stopCr=0.0001,verbose)
array3D |
Array with the 3D landmarks of the sample objects. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a dimension (x,y,z). |
n |
Number of individuals. |
alpha |
Proportion of trimmed sample. |
numClust |
Number of clusters. |
algSteps |
Number of steps per initialization. Default value is 10. |
niter |
Number of random initializations (iterations). Default value is 10. |
stopCr |
Relative stopping criteria. Default value is 0.0001. |
verbose |
A logical specifying whether to provide descriptive output about the running process. |
A list with the following elements:
asig: Optimal clustering.
cases: Anthropometric cases (optimal centers).
vopt: Optimal objective function.
trimmWomen: List to save the trimmed individual of each iteration.
trimmsIter: Vector with the number of iterations where the optimum was reached. The last number different from NA refers to the last iteration where the final optimum was reached.
bestNstep: Nstep of the iteration where the optimum has reached.
initials: Random initial values used in each iteration. These values can be used by HartiganShapes
discarded: Discarded (trimmed) observations.
We note that adding a trimmed procedure to the Lloyd algorithm is very direct and easy, while for the Hartigan-Wong algorithm, more modifications of the algorithm are needed, which makes the implementation of its trimmed version difficult.
Amelia Simo
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
Lloyd, S. P., (1982). Least Squares Quantization in PCM, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28, 129–137.
Dryden, I. L., and Mardia, K. V., (1998). Statistical Shape Analysis, Wiley, Chichester.
Garcia-Escudero, L. A., Gordaliza, A., and Matran, C., (2003). Trimming tools in exploratory data analysis, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 12(2), 434–449.
Garcia-Escudero, L. A., and Gordaliza, A., (1999). Robustness properties of k-means and trimmed k-means, Journal of the American Statistical Association 94(447), 956–969.
#CLUSTERING INDIVIDUALS ACCORDING TO THEIR SHAPE: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 10 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) numClust <- 2 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) res <- trimmedLloydShapes(array3D, numIndiv, alpha, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE) #Optimal partition and prototypes: clust <- res$asig table(clust) prototypes <- anthrCases(res) #Trimmed individuals: trimmed <- trimmOutl(res)
#CLUSTERING INDIVIDUALS ACCORDING TO THEIR SHAPE: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 10 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) numClust <- 2 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) res <- trimmedLloydShapes(array3D, numIndiv, alpha, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE) #Optimal partition and prototypes: clust <- res$asig table(clust) prototypes <- anthrCases(res) #Trimmed individuals: trimmed <- trimmOutl(res)
This is the trimmed k-medoids algorithm. It is used within trimowa
. It is analogous to k-medoids but a proportion alpha of observations is discarded by the own procedure (the trimmed observations are self-determined by the data). Furthermore, the trimmed k-medoids is analogous to trimmed k-means. An algorithm for computing trimmed k-means can be found in Garcia-Escudero et al. (2003). See Ibanez et al. (2012) for more details. Note that in the generic name of the k-medoids algorithm, k refers to the number of clusters to search for. To be more specific in the R code, k is referred to as numClust
, see next section arguments.
D |
Dissimilarity matrix. |
numClust |
Number of clusters. |
alpha |
Proportion of trimmed sample. |
niter |
Number of random initializations (iterations). |
algSteps |
Number of steps of the algorithm per initialization. Default value is 7. |
verbose |
A logical specifying whether to provide descriptive output about the running process. |
A list with the following elements:
vopt: The objective value.
copt: The trimmed medoids.
asig: The assignation of each observation (asig=0 indicates trimmed individuals).
ch: The goodness index.
Dmod: Modified data with the non-trimmed women.
qq: Vector with the non-trimmed points.
Irene Epifanio
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
Garcia-Escudero, L. A., Gordaliza, A., and Matran, C., (2003). Trimming tools in exploratory data analysis, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 12(2), 434–449.
Garcia-Escudero, L. A., and Gordaliza, A., (1999). Robustness properties of k-means and trimmed k-means, Journal of the American Statistical Association 94(447), 956–969.
, weightsMixtureUB
, getDistMatrix
, trimowa
, trimmedLloydShapes
#Data loading: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey bust <- dataTrimowa$bust #First bust class: data <- dataTrimowa[(bust >= 74) & (bust < 78), ] numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] #Weights calculation: orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness,numVar) #Constants required to specify the distance function: numClust <- 3 bh <- (apply(as.matrix(log(data)),2,range)[2,] - apply(as.matrix(log(data)),2,range)[1,]) / ((numClust-1) * 8) bl <- -3 * bh ah <- c(23,28,20,25,25) al <- 3 * ah #Data processing. num.persons <- dim(data)[1] num.variables <- dim(data)[2] datam <- as.matrix(data) datat <- aperm(datam, c(2,1)) dim(datat) <- c(1,num.persons * num.variables) #Dissimilarity matrix: D <- getDistMatrix(datat, num.persons, numVar, weightsTrimowa, bl, bh, al, ah, FALSE) res_trimm <- trimmedoid(D, numClust, 0.01, 6, 7, FALSE)
#Data loading: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey bust <- dataTrimowa$bust #First bust class: data <- dataTrimowa[(bust >= 74) & (bust < 78), ] numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] #Weights calculation: orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness,numVar) #Constants required to specify the distance function: numClust <- 3 bh <- (apply(as.matrix(log(data)),2,range)[2,] - apply(as.matrix(log(data)),2,range)[1,]) / ((numClust-1) * 8) bl <- -3 * bh ah <- c(23,28,20,25,25) al <- 3 * ah #Data processing. num.persons <- dim(data)[1] num.variables <- dim(data)[2] datam <- as.matrix(data) datat <- aperm(datam, c(2,1)) dim(datat) <- c(1,num.persons * num.variables) #Dissimilarity matrix: D <- getDistMatrix(datat, num.persons, numVar, weightsTrimowa, bl, bh, al, ah, FALSE) res_trimm <- trimmedoid(D, numClust, 0.01, 6, 7, FALSE)
The methodologies included in this package which are developed to the clothing design problem take into account that a clothing sizing system is intended to cover only what we could call standard population, leaving out those individuals who are extreme respect to a set of measurements. For "trimowa", "TDDclust and "kmeansProcrustes" (which refers to as trimmedLloydShapes
in this case) these individuals are called trimmed individuals. For the "hipamAnthropom" methodology these individuals are called outlier individuals.
This auxiliary generic function allows the user to identify the discarded individuals computed by each method in an easy way.
trimmOutl(resMethod, nsizes) ## S3 method for class 'trimowa' trimmOutl(resMethod, nsizes) ## S3 method for class 'hipamAnthropom' trimmOutl(resMethod, nsizes)
trimmOutl(resMethod, nsizes) ## S3 method for class 'trimowa' trimmOutl(resMethod, nsizes) ## S3 method for class 'hipamAnthropom' trimmOutl(resMethod, nsizes)
resMethod |
This is the object which saves the results obtained by the aforementioned methodologies and which contains the discarded individuals to return. |
nsizes |
Number of bust sizes. This argument is needed for the "trimowa" and "hipamAnthropom" methodologies because they can compute the prototypes for any given number of bust sizes. |
A vector of class trimmOutl
with the discarded observations.
Guillermo Vinue
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Vinue, G., Simo, A., and Alemany, S., (2016). The k-means algorithm for 3D shapes with an application to apparel design, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 10(1), 103–132.
Vinue, G., and Ibanez, M. V., (2014). Data depth and Biclustering applied to anthropometric data. Exploring their utility in apparel design. Technical report.
, TDDclust
, hipamAnthropom
, LloydShapes
, HartiganShapes
, trimmedLloydShapes
#CLUSTERING INDIVIDUALS ACCORDING TO THEIR SHAPE: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 10 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) numClust <- 2 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) res_kmeansProc <- trimmedLloydShapes(array3D, numIndiv, alpha, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE) trimmed <- trimmOutl(res_kmeansProc)
#CLUSTERING INDIVIDUALS ACCORDING TO THEIR SHAPE: landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv) dim(landmarksNoNa) #[1] 574 198 numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3 #[1] 66 #As a toy example, only the first 10 individuals are used. landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ] (numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1]) #[1] 10 array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10) numClust <- 2 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001 #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2013) res_kmeansProc <- trimmedLloydShapes(array3D, numIndiv, alpha, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE) trimmed <- trimmOutl(res_kmeansProc)
This is the methodology developed in Ibanez et al. (2012) to define an efficient apparel sizing system based on clustering techniques jointly with OWA operators. In our approach, we apply the trimmed k-medoids algorithm (trimmedoid
) to the first twelve bust classes according to the sizes defined in the European standard on sizing systems. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals.
data |
Data frame. In our approach, this is each of the subframes originated after segmenting the whole anthropometric Spanish survey into twelve bust segments, according to the European standard on sizing systems. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a variable. All variables are numeric. |
w |
The aggregation weights of the OWA operators. They are computed with the |
numClust |
Number of clusters. |
alpha |
Proportion of trimmed sample. |
niter |
Number of random initializations (iterations). |
algSteps |
Number of steps of the algorithm per initialization. Default value is 7. |
ah |
Constants that define the |
verbose |
A logical specifying whether to provide descriptive output about the running process. |
A list with the following elements:
cases: Anthropometric cases (medoids of the clusters). They are the prototypes obtained for each bust class.
numTrim: Number of trimmed individuals in each bust class.
numClass: Number of individuals in each bust class.
noTrim: Number of of non-trimmed individuals.
C1,C2,C3,C4: Required constant values to define the distance getDistMatrix
(C1 is bh, C2 is bl, C3 is ah and C4 is al).
asig: Vector of the clusters to which each individual belongs.
discarded: Discarded (trimmed) individuals.
Guillermo Vinue
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
European Committee for Standardization. Size designation of clothes. Part 3: Measurements and intervals. (2005).
, weightsMixtureUB
, getDistMatrix
, trimmedoid
#FOR THE SIZES DEFINED BY THE EUROPEAN NORMATIVE: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] bust <- dataTrimowa$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness, numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) numSizes <- 2 res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, numSizes) #FOR ANY OTHER DEFINED SIZE: #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(1900) rand <- sample(1:600,20) dataComp <- sampleSpanishSurvey[rand, c(2, 3, 5)] numVar <- dim(dataComp)[2] orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness, numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(28, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) res_trimowa <- trimowa(dataComp, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, verbose = FALSE) class(res_trimowa) <- "trimowa" prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, 1)
#FOR THE SIZES DEFINED BY THE EUROPEAN NORMATIVE: dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2] bust <- dataTrimowa$bust bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6)) orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness, numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) numSizes <- 2 res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, FALSE) prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, numSizes) #FOR ANY OTHER DEFINED SIZE: #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(1900) rand <- sample(1:600,20) dataComp <- sampleSpanishSurvey[rand, c(2, 3, 5)] numVar <- dim(dataComp)[2] orness <- 0.7 weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness, numVar) numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7 ah <- c(28, 25, 25) #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2014) res_trimowa <- trimowa(dataComp, weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps, ah, verbose = FALSE) class(res_trimowa) <- "trimowa" prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, 1)
This data set comes from the 1967 United States Air Force (USAF) survey. The 1967 USAF survey was conducted during the first three months of 1967 under the direction of the Anthropology Branch of the Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, located in Ohio. Subjects were measured at 17 Air Force bases across the United States of America. A total of 202 variables (including body dimensions and background variables) were taken on 2420 Air Force personnel between 21 and 50 years of age.
Please find in www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/data_information.zip some files that provide a detailed information about this database. Please note that in this documentation 24 variable names are excluded (Vars 9-11, 28, 76-95).
In Epifanio et al. (2013), the column numbers selected were c(48,40,39,33,32) and correspond to 'Thumb tip reach', 'Buttock-Knee length', 'Popliteal height sitting', 'Sitting height', 'Eye height sitting' and 'Shoulder height sitting'.
A matrix with 2420 rows and 202 columns. Each row corresponds to an observation, and each column corresponds to a variable.
1967 United States Air Force (USAF) survey.
Vinue, G., Epifanio, I., and Alemany, S., (2015). Archetypoids: a new approach to define representative archetypal data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 87, 102–115.
Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757–765.
This function calculates the weights of the OWA operators. They can be used to adjust the compromise between the style of garments and the general comfort sensation of wearers. This function is used both in trimowa
and hipamAnthropom
orness |
Quantity to measure the degree to which the aggregation is like a min or max operation. |
numVar |
Number of variables of the database. |
Vector with the weights.
Guillermo Ayala
Ibanez, M. V., Vinue, G., Alemany, S., Simo, A., Epifanio, I., Domingo, J., and Ayala, G., (2012). Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 10512–10520.
Vinue, G., Leon, T., Alemany, S., and Ayala, G., (2014). Looking for representative fit models for apparel sizing, Decision Support Systems 57, 22–33.
Leon, T., Zuccarello, P., Ayala, G., de Ves, E., and Domingo, J., (2007), Applying logistic regression to relevance feedback in image retrieval systems, Pattern Recognition 40, 2621–2632.
, getDistMatrix
, trimowa
, hipamAnthropom
numVar <- dim(sampleSpanishSurvey)[2] orness <- 0.7 w <- weightsMixtureUB(orness,numVar)
numVar <- dim(sampleSpanishSurvey)[2] orness <- 0.7 w <- weightsMixtureUB(orness,numVar)
This function is a small modification of the generic xyplot
function of the archetypes R package. It shows the scores for the principal components of all individuals jointly with the scores for the computed archetypes. This function is used to obtain the Figure 4 of the subsection 3.3 of Epifanio et al. (2013).
A device with the desired plot.
There are no usage and arguments sections in this help file because they are the same than those of the page 25 of the reference manual of archetypes.
Irene Epifanio
Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757–765.
, USAFSurvey
#First,the USAF 1967 database is read and preprocessed (Zehner et al. (1993)). #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_inch <- USAFSurvey[1:25, variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #Procedure and results shown in section 2.2.2 and section 3.1: #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) res <- archetypesBoundary(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, 15, FALSE, 3) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. a3 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[3]]) a7 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[7]]) pznueva <- prcomp(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, scale = TRUE, retx = TRUE) #PCA scores for 3 archetypes: p3 <- predict(pznueva,archetypes::parameters(a3)) #PCA scores for 7 archetypes: p7 <- predict(pznueva,archetypes::parameters(a7)) #Representing the scores: #Figure 4 (a): xyplotPCArchetypes(p3[,1:2], pznueva$x[,1:2], data.col = gray(0.7), atypes.col = 1, atypes.pch = 15) #Figure 4 (b): xyplotPCArchetypes(p7[,1:2], pznueva$x[,1:2], data.col = gray(0.7), atypes.col = 1, atypes.pch = 15)
#First,the USAF 1967 database is read and preprocessed (Zehner et al. (1993)). #Variable selection: variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36) #Changing to inches: USAFSurvey_inch <- USAFSurvey[1:25, variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54) #Data preprocessing: USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE) #Procedure and results shown in section 2.2.2 and section 3.1: #For reproducing results, seed for randomness: #suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) #set.seed(2010) res <- archetypesBoundary(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, 15, FALSE, 3) #To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the #archetypes package. a3 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[3]]) a7 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[7]]) pznueva <- prcomp(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, scale = TRUE, retx = TRUE) #PCA scores for 3 archetypes: p3 <- predict(pznueva,archetypes::parameters(a3)) #PCA scores for 7 archetypes: p7 <- predict(pznueva,archetypes::parameters(a7)) #Representing the scores: #Figure 4 (a): xyplotPCArchetypes(p3[,1:2], pznueva$x[,1:2], data.col = gray(0.7), atypes.col = 1, atypes.pch = 15) #Figure 4 (b): xyplotPCArchetypes(p7[,1:2], pznueva$x[,1:2], data.col = gray(0.7), atypes.col = 1, atypes.pch = 15)