Changes in version 2015-08-15 o Fixed fatal error with explanatory variables that are factors with more than two categories o Drop unused levels for factor explanatory variables o Added the optional slope.sample parameter to a3.base controlling the sample size for average slope estimation o Formatted slope values to remove gratuitous digits o Added citation to JSS A3 article o Fixed a few R CMD check issues Changes in version 2012-03-24 o Clarifications and documentation improvements o Improved formatting of LaTeX xtable output o Fixed fatal error with models containing only one independent variable o Improved handling of custom model.args o Fixed issue with sign display in output table for full models worse than the null model o Changed default data generator to handle constant terms using a normal distribution data generator instead of a resampling based one o Added dependency for R 2.15.0 or higher Changes in version 2012-02-06 o Added \donttest{} to some of the examples to reduce CMD CHECK computation time Changes in version 2012-02-01 o Initial Release